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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • I'm stumped:

    | catbur

  • When adding the rel=canonical tag to a landing page inside a folder, should the tag read: or With or without the index.php? TY KJr

    | KevnJr

  • Hi Mozers! I have a Shopify store (of which there are many advantages) however one big SEO disadvantage, is that my URL structures contravene all Moz advice on dynamic URL structure and whats more I am reminded about this every week when I have a Moz site crawl and I have a batch of URL's that are longe than the 75 characters. A Shopify URL will run www.domain According to advice a it should be www.domain - Don't even get started on sub-collections! I sell portfolio books, album etc and keepsake memory boxes (so long keywords) AND, I have a long(ish) business name. So, For user experience and keyword length, do I just ignore trying to achieve a dynamic URL under 75 characters? When I have asked Shopify, the say their URL's are an integral part of the "Ruby on Rails" system, so nothing can be done Or can it ??? I can't be the only Moz member with this issue can I ??

    | nick_HandCo

  • Hello, Just a quick, question! I was wanting to know if multiple page indexing (site overhaul) could cause a drop in organic traffic ranking or be penalized by Google for submitting multiple pages at one time. Thanks

    | InternetRep

  • I will be restructuring a large website for an OEM. They provide products & services for multiple industries, and the product/service offering is identical across all industries. I was looking at the site structure and ran a crawl test, and learned they have a LOT of duplicate content out there because of the way they set up their website. They have a page in the navigation for “solution”, aka what industry you are in. Once that is selected, you are taken to a landing page, and from there, given many options to explore products, read blogs, learn about the business, and contact them. The main navigation is removed. The URL structure is set up with folders, so no matter what you select after you go to your industry, the URL will be “”. The product offerings, blogs available, and contact us pages do not vary by industry, so the content that can be found on “” is identical to the content found on “” and so-on and so-forth. This is a large site with a fair amount of traffic because it’s a pretty substantial OEM. Most of their content, however, is competing with itself because most of the pages on their website have duplicate content. I won’t begin my work until I can dive in to their GA and have more in-depth conversations with them about what kind of activity they’re tracking and why they set up the website this way. However, I don’t know how strategic they were in this set up and I don’t think they were aware that they had duplicate content. My first thought would be to work towards consolidating the way their site is set up, so we don’t spread the link-equity of “product-1” content, and direct all industries to one page, and track conversion paths a different way. However, I’ve never dealt with a site structure of this magnitude and don’t want to risk messing up their domain authority, missing redirect or URL mapping opportunities, or ruin the fact that their site is still performing well, even though multiple pages have the same content (most of which have high page authority and search visibility). I was curious if anyone has dealt with this before and if they have any recommendations for tackling something like this?

    | cassy_rich

  • Can any of you shine a light as to when updating content on a website had any effect on its 'general' placement in the search engines? I appreciate that for an online newspaper, it must be important, but has anyone noticed from theirs or a client's site that by not uploading i.e. product descriptions or articles in general, that their site has taken a hit?

    | SDavis11

  • Hi all, I wanted to ask what have you all done to your article section that has  made a difference to the site's SEO performance? What's the criteria for deciding which articles top cut or 301 redirect to the main page For example: 1. you have a slightly irrelevant article to your website topic, low conversions, but a lot of quality links to page, but no primary keywords in article title. 2. You have a slightly irrelevant article to your website, low conversion, but a lot of quality links AND you have your site's primary keywords in article title 3. You have a relevant topic to the site, but low engagement and low conversions Thanks for all your help!

    | SDavis11

  • Are there any free tools that will crawl a full website and report back on any broken tags? My site recently added several thousand previously archived posts, many of which contain old tags that no longer exist. ScreamingFrog's crawl is too limited to reach most of these posts, and I haven't been able to find another free tool to get the job done. If there's no free tool, does anyone know of an affordable paid alternative?

    | WebElaine

  • Dear MOZ'ers,
    i hope you can help me with the following issue: As a fashion e-commerce site we have a category structure by gender: , brand, product-category and colour. We sell over 250 brands in 50 categories. Off course, we don't sell products in every category for all brands but, in general, we sell 3 or 4 product categories for a brand. Next to this, we also have unique content for brand-product-gender (in fact this is the most common in our site-structure, since fashion is really a gender-based product.) We are planning to leave the site category as it is. we rank well for specific products like 'blue mens sneakers' My question is about copy, or more specific: to keep content-refreshment manageble. At the moment we have a small text at the top of the page and long form content on the bottom (very low below the fold, near the footer, only shown when the product-lister is) Because of seasonality in fashion, category text are regularly updated. As you can imagine, this is quit some work and pretty expensive. So now my question is: on which page level should you advice to have long form content, or distinctive content at all?
    On the one hand I'm really sceptical about the value of the text at the bottom, on the other hand I am afraid that, should I decide to remove content from lower hierarchy pages, I might give the wrong signal to search engines: making my site from content rich content modest.

    | Marketing-Omoda

  • We have a category on our website for PVC rolls to buy as standard 50m rolls (this includes 15 products in the category). We're also releasing PVC rolls to buy per metre (10m roll/25m roll etc...), again with 15 products, which we are adding as a separate category as it makes more sense for our customers and removes the risk of having too many options. Would using the same description be bad practice for SEO? The product is exactly the same just available in different roll sizes, but we definitely do not want to combine categories as it doesn't work for our customers. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated, thanks.

    | RayflexGroup

  • Hi all, Can you help me figure this one out? I'm currently creating content for my website and I very badly want to know which page will rank higher in Google, my main article that has some keywords that are and links to my sub-article, or my sub-article which is optimized for those keywords? I will demonstrate with an example since I'm not sure my question is clear: If I have an article that talks about different kinds of candy and it links to a sub-article that will elaborate on specific candies like a mint candy ,which page will rank for mint candies. Until today I believed that if my sub-article which is linked from my main-article will rank for mint candies since it gets the support from my main article.Lately when experimenting this I found my thoughts to be wrong. Can anyone help me with this one?Any insights? Thanks, Leebi

    | Leebi

  • I have read in other discussions that having all questions on an FAQ page is the way to go and then if the question has an answer worthy of its own page, you should abbreviate the answer and link to the page with more content. My question is when using some templates in WP, they have a little + button you can click and it reveal the answer to the question. Does this hurt SEO versus having all text visible and then using headers/subheaders? An example of the + button

    | OrlandSEO

  • I'm re-writing my meta descriptions. I'm wondering if I should include the My Company, LLC. in the description or just My Company. Taking out the entity would save about 4 characters.

    | IcarusSEO

  • Is it best practice to separate H1 and H2 tags with P tag or other content, or is it ok to have H1 and H2 adjacent without content in between?

    | Avid-Design

  • Hi, I'm wondering what is the best tag to use on your logo. We're currently using h1 and i want to scrap that ASAP.

    | Alex.harvey.Cortex

  • Hi all This is a good one. I work for a webdev company who has clients in the transport industry. Part of our work on their sites involves pulling in transport-related offers from a feed. This includes both text and images, which our site template turns into viewable pages. The problem is that Moz has flagged that these images don't come with alt text, and there are _hundreds and hundreds of them. _I can't add alt text to them all, there just isn't the time or resources. Besides, the list is updated frequently, and new images are pulled in. So... what do? Would it be prudent to noindex them all by default setting? I'm stuck! Many thanks,

    | tomcowles

  • I saw many websites theses days remove stop words from the URL, How important is to remove stop words from the URL?

    | varunrupal

  • My company's Ecommerce site has a sale category that is currently out performing some of our normal categories in the SERPs for "[blank] for sale" keywords. For example the sale category landing page is ranking for the keyword "vegetable seeds for sale" rather than the vegetable seed category. Has anyone ever dealt with a similar situation to this? or does anyone have general advice for optimizing (or weakening) sale pages?

    | Scoleman

  • Our website's images are not indexed. Will anyone help me? How will all images in my website be indexed? This is my website address:

    | jacky_risham

  • Describe tu pregunta en detalle. ¡Cuanta más información proporciones, mejor! Ayuda a dar contexto a una gran respuesta. in Moz I did the analysis of my web and it tells me that I have a redirect in chain: The redirect chains often occur when several redirecting rules are accumulated, like redirecting a 'www' to a URL other than www or a page not secure to a secure page / https: Look for any recurring string that can be rewritten as a single rule. Take special care with chains 301/302 in any combination, since 302 in the mix could affect the ability of 301 to pass the value of the link. I thank you for your help in solving

    | Miguelperez

  • A few months ago, we have incorporated our custom search in our website . We hadn't been paying a lot of attention to our webmaster analytics, to find out a few months later than the Google Index had grown from 2K- 3K pages to one million because it was crawling all combinations of search filters. We have now followed the right instructions to add noindex meta tags and blocked most search result pages from the robot.txt. We allow indexing of some main categories by setting new seo-friendly url structures. A few weeks have passed and the index size has only reduced to 700K. How long does it take before it removes most of the duplicated search result pages from the index? Is it still crawling those pages but has not fully decided to remove most of them? How bad is this for SEO?

    | cplastiras84

  • Hello Should I use 'Click here' as an inbound link for my cornerstone content? Example: For a full selection of our Facebook Event Attendee packages, please click here. OR Example: Please click the following link for a selection of our Facebook Event Attendee packages. This is my product page to help you better understand the context: LikeChimp

    | xdunningx

  • I am doing SEO on our eCommerce website and read that I should include keywords in the URL The original URL is:
    Title page: Wedding gift Dubai - Anniversary gift Dubai - Personalized Wedding Glass
    Meta Data:
    Wedding gift Dubai - Anniversary gift Dubai - Personalized Wedding Glass
    It is great for a wedding gift and anniversary gift for friends and family members. If I will include the keyword to the url it will be like this is this the correct way to include keywords in the URL? Thanks

    | abdulw

  • We want to have more website links to appear in SERP. How to do that?

    | WalterHalicki

  • Hi moz community We're currently experiencing a lot of our pages ranking for the wrong keyword in the SERPS. Take "womens ski wear" for example, the page rainking via Google links to When we have an optimized page here that imo is more suitable and has the correct H1, meta tile etc. So I'm at a loss to see why google see the jackets page more relevant? Any help on this much appreciated


  • Hello I am updating an old e-commerce website of mine and many keywords are in bold - shall I remove the bold tag or keep them there? This is for SEO.

    | xdunningx

  • Hi....lets say i sell widgets and on my site i have redWidgets, blueWidgets and greenWidgets. Each of these widget page's has a meta description tag that seems to help click through. I now have a different site that would like to do a right up about each widget and will dedicate a independent page to each widget. Can i safely provide them with the original meta descriptions (from my original site) for each widget i have on my site to then use on these "right up" pages (as they seem to work well and are informative of the subject matter). I am not sure if this is a seo issue or not. I would think not but would appreciate any input. thank you

    | nomad-202323

  • Am I doing this correctly? We have 3 websites and shoot a lot of instructional videos on how to use our products.  I build a webpage for the video and put it on all three websites, using rel="canonical" on 2 of the videos pages, pointing to the single most important page, is this the right method? TY
    KJr PS: I also do this for press releases.

    | KevnJr

  • We recently went through a server upgrade, including SSL, Encryption, Browser Caching and Image Compression. Most articles I've read, state there will be a slight decrease in traffic shortly after launching before an increase from the normal volume. However, we launched over 3 weeks ago and our traffic has dropped consistently since. Question1: What would be an average length of time after implementing this type of update to rebound from the drop? Question 2: I follow Moz to the letter and have scores of 97 and 99 ,from the optimize a page section, for most of our product pages targeted keywords. What recommendations do you, my friends in the Moz Community, suggest we do next? TY in advance, you input is very valuable to me. KJr 7NSVm

    | KevnJr

  • Currently I'm working on SEO of one website I want to change url (permalink) structure of entire website which has more than 5000 pages. Currently website have structure of Which I want to change it to Likewise I want to change entire website permalink url structure to make site architecture more SEO friendly. Which means I'am going to add only categories & subcategories before actual link. Kindly guide with following questions which I need to move forward with this step. How much is it worth to change URL structure? Checklist or factors I need to consider while making this decision? Is it a good practice to change URL's of entire website at once or Should I change it in Parts? How much time it takes google to rank those urls again? Which are the best practices to do so?

    | Mocomi

  • I'm just curious if I need these product tags and if they impact in any way at all SEO? - whether that be positively or negatively. on1iRin

    | xdunningx

  • Hello! I've checked my website via Moz and received "thin content" issue: "Your page is considered to have "thin content" if it has less than 50 words" But I definitely know that we have 5 text blocks with unique content, each block consist of more than 50 words. Do you have any ideas what may cause this issue? Thanks in advance, Yana

    | yanamazault

  • Hello I have tried searching for an answer on this but I can't get a clear answer due to the results when searching for URL title. I have just launched our second Shopify site for one of our brands. My first site launched in 2014 but when I launched I didn't pay much heed to SEO for page titles, URLs, etc so have retrospectively fixed this over time. For my Shopify site just launching I want to get it as right as possible from the start (learning from mistakes). My question is regarding URLs and what my approach should be for better SEO. So, I have a page with a Title of Newton Leather Wallets, Purses, Card Holders & Glasses Cases and the URL is It was my understanding that I should try and make the URL reflect the Page Title more accurately. The problem is that this takes the character count to 77. On other pages it can be in the 80s. Will the above link be better for SEO than say just I am just wary of the URL's being too long as my Moz Site Crawl is returning a lot of URLs that are too long. Thanks in Advance.

    | lukegj

  • Why would competitor sweetwater appear in meta? For example, Google: ext:pdf rebate You will see this result: PDF]Nord Stage 2 EX $500 Rebate Form - Sweetwater <cite class="_Rm"></cite>Your page is not mobile-friendly.May 31, 2017 - REBATE DETAILS: To receive your $500 rebate, send your completed form with a copy of your invoice or receipt and UPC codes to either the.

    | seo2017

  • Hello Has anyone used LiquidWeb? I'm fed up of HostGator and need to migrate! Thank you

    | xdunningx

  • Hi Moz Community, This is my first post and I just want to introduce myself and say hello! I need to know (who in your opinion) is the best CDN provider? I use the platform WordPress and currently host with HostGator if this helps. Thank you

    | xdunningx

  • I got caught up in a disaster of a website that consumed 3/4 of a year, all the while our SEO was put on the backburner with only occasional "massaging" to keep it going. Now our traffic has dropped almost 25% along with our incoming calls. Our rankings have remained steadily good- medium but definitely not bad during this period. My question: Who else has had this experience and how long did it take to rebound? TY

    | KevnJr

  • I am trying to figure out why my title tags comes up different between desktop and mobile search results. Desktop returns my title tag as written, but on mobile I get something completely different. It's related to the site, but not anything I can read, as coded in the site (i.e. not the title tags, meta, or anywhere else). Has anyone else experienced this? My title tag is 64 characters - I know it's a little bit over, but would that cause such a weird issue as a completely different title in the search results?

    | tallyhodesign

  • Two Day  After Starting Moz Pro campaign i experienced Sudden Huge Traffic Drop and Drops in my site..Please I need your help

    | zizutz

  • Hi, What do you all think about using nofollow on internal links? On pages that arent so important and use dofollow on important pages maybe for example from the sites menu.

    | Rob-

  • We are currently working on a redesign of our site and I'm working on our mega menus. In the middle of this we had an agency evaluate our current/old site for improvements. (yes the timing is strange) One of the things they recommended is updating our link text in our mega menu. See image: old mega menu.  The links are to pages for installation guides in our installation section. They recommended adding Installation to every link. To me this looks spammy. And using the same word in the menu and therefor every page seems spammy. The question is do we need to do this on the new site? In my opinion no. We have the links under a section for installation. Is that enough or should we use installation in every menu item? 6JcZwiU krbzxqx

    | BbeS

  • if a blog that is performing well on the first page at an average position of 4 for an informative term. The blog contains a lot of outbound links, adding nofollow tag to all of them affect the current ranking? There are few other same cases. Here is the link - The was a lot of other optimization done on the page but the ranking did not improve at all. Is the issue with my domain authority or is it due to higher backlink to other competitive domains.

    | Web-Engage

  • I work as a marketing director for a small law firm.  I had some basic SEO experience prior to joining the firm but I'm still building my knowledge base.  I'm working to take over where the previous web developer left off and improve the site. The previous firm had developed pages for the law firm featuring yearly car crash statistics, statistics for bike crashes, etc. These pages get a good amount of hits but people quickly jump off the pages, and most are not even located in a region where they could potentially become a client. I feel like they added the pages to show the client that there was an increase in search traffic. However, 100% of the traffic bounces quickly after viewing the statistics pages. Does a page that has a decent amount of hits, but doesn't lead to conversions and has a nearly 100% bounce rate worth keeping around? My thought is, I would like to remove these pages that do not actually attract potential clients and reduce the overall bounce rate of the site. I don't want to take actions to remove the page without throwing this question out to more experienced people.

    | Champlain_Valley_Law

  • I have a client that is ranking in the top 10 for several keywords on their homepage. Their site has no purposeful SEO in it, there is barely any text on the homepage at all and none of the text are the keywords it is ranking for.

    | woodchuckarts

  • Hi, i want to ask a question. Does this kind of internal links will affect the SEO post quality? Please open the attachment (image) KskOg3U

    | joshuaong

  • Hello, We have a wordpress blog attached to our magento website located at Moz was coming back showing we had multiple page versions on show (http and https) So i updated the htaccess file to what is below. This has fixed most of the errors, however the homepage is being a little tricky. Moz is now saying that the page is redirecting and redirecting again   to   to BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /blog/</ifmodule> RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
    RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /blog/index.php [L] END WordPress Within wordpress settings the urls are set up as follows Wordpress Address URL: Site Address URL: i tried to add a trailing / to these but it gets automatically removed. So i am assuming that wordpress is serving up **RewriteBase /blog/  **is re-directing it to / then my https rewrite is re-directing it again I am not sure where exactly to fix this, could anybody advise? Many thanks,

    | ATP

  • Hello I am new here. When I search my brand name "amazingbeautyhair" in google it shows like this,I have meta description,why it shows like this?how to fix please? sdWx6

    | yitong

  • Hi Gurus, I understand that it is a good practice is to use 50-60 characters for the a page title length. Google appends my brand name to the end of each title (15 characters including spaces) it index. Do I need to count what google adds as part of the maximum recommended length? i.e.  
    is the maximum 50-60 characters + the 15 characters brand name Google adds to the end of the title or 50-60 including the addition? Many thanks!

    | SunnyMay

  • Hey guys, Sorry for posting this again but the last thread got a bit too wayword. I'll sum it up better here. We're producing a WordPress theme every 3-6 months. Each is differently niched (eg: ecommerce, restaurant, magazine, etc...) Which option is better for our products going forward (even the ones we've yet to method will get future projects more "trust juice" from google): A: create a subfolder for each theme eg: & **This is currently what we're doing.**B: have them all under eg: & Thanks for the help!

    | andy.bigbangthemes

  • A real estate agent client has had a website for years, which he optimized to position himself as a national real estate expert (to get more TV and media exposure). Now he wants to be found for a more local real estate term, such as Westchester ny real estate. Should he add a page to his site that's focused on Westchester real estate, or would Google view that as spammy? Should he update older blog posts with relevant, useful content about Westchester? Any best practices and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    | JimMartinSF

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