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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hey Mozzers! We are currently running a Google Shopping Ad campaign and one of the suggestions we had gotten from Google was to add product markups. I hired a developer to add the product markup to the product page templates (Magento, if it matters) and I just need help to double check his work before I approve and pay the final invoice. I've attached a screenshot of the page source with the item markups. I've also dropped the page source into Structured Data Testing Tool to see if there were any warnings. No warnings or errors. So it seems as if everything looks good, but I just wonder if it's a similar approach to SEO where the product markups could be better optimized. Thanks for the expert eyes on this! ruKjc

    | localwork

  • Is there any reason to have /en on your website if your website is only in English? Or is it worth having in case you are preparing to translate into other languages? And is there any advantage to being: over Thanks

    | CosiCrawley

  • I need someone who can handle website/WordPress issues as they come up.For example, my site has gone down 4 times tonight, and my host can't figure it out. They also keep recommending that I optimize my site, but I don't know how. I need a go-to web person for this sort of thing. Any recommendations?

    | cbrant777

  • Hi I have recently launched a new site and I was hoping for destination sitelinks to appear under my site as they do for my competitors' sites. I have submitted a sitemap but is there anything else I can do to expedite this process or guarantee the sitelinks appearing? Thanks

    | CosiCrawley

  • Hello everyone, When someone visits my websites article like , it give to 404 page error. But when someone , it shows the article. The word "lol" can be changed to anything. I would like that to be redirected to the main article. Example: Someone visits, they should be redirected to Is it possible to do so? If yes, please tell me how. Note: I'm using WordPress Thank you

    | hakhan201

  • Hi, I know this topic has been covered in the past but I haven't been able to find the answers to this specific thing. So let's say on a website, all the product pages contain partial duplicate content - i.e. this could be delivery options or returning policy etc. Would this be classed as duplicate content? Or is this something that you would not get concerned about if it's let's say 5-10% of the content on the page? Or if you think this is something you'd take into consideration, how would you fix it? Thank you!

    | MH-UK

  • Hello, Are strong tags still beneficial in 2016? A few co-workers feel they look spammy on our site and that they are no longer really used by the search engines. However, we can't find any real significant info for no longer implementing them or saying they're outdated. Thanks!

    | STP_SEO

  • Hello, I heard RSS Feed helps in ranking. However, I am not sure if I should enable RSS Feed or not. Whenever I publish an article on my site , I see that many other websites have leeched my Feed and get's the same article I written published with a nofollow backlink to my website article. The worst part is that my article doesn't appear in Google search, but the website which copied my article gets ranked in Google. Although the article gets index on google (checked by using Although some articles show up after 24 hours by ranking higher from the sites which copied my article. Any idea what should I do? Thank you

    | hakhan201

  • So, we now know that Google are changing the Title and Meta Desc length limits to 70 and 200 respectively. Does this mean we all need to jump to immediate attention and modify all our current pages OR, do we wait?

    | dynamyt100

  • I have a situation and would love some options. We have a site where we sell a product and lets cal it dog collars.  The home page will not rank for its main term. Renetly the site was redesigned and the Url structure was re-optimized so that it was not so complex. However, we have 500 products and a dozen categories which all include dog collars as keyword. The products are all dog collar singular or collars plural in the url. So lets say ".com/red-dog-collar" and ".com/blue-dog-collar" then ".com/large-dog-collar" and the categoreies like "classic-dog-collars" and etc. So its very hard to not put the word dog collar into every single product because thats what it is. Whats hapening is that the menu is linking to each of these categories and the home page is linking to a dozen or more products which all include the word dog collar or dog collars in the URL. The actual text/content is a good ration. But the source code as stated above shows the main term 150 times. Not exact, but phrase match for those adwords gurus out there. Thus the page does not rank for its terms and instead google is choosing another internal pages which is relevant. Atleast i think thats why the page does not rank for its term, which it once ranked very high against some major competitors. How on earth do i fix this without removing products and tags and all these links from the home page? Or should i not worry about this and find another reason why this page is not ranking for the term it should be ranking for. The backlink profile is not over optmized by the way. Either is internal anchor text links. Thank you

    | waqid

  • When I do a google search for a specific article on our blog the search results only return the blog homepage with the article title shown in the meta description, but never the actual article page. I've tried to refine my search by using site: and quotation marks around the article title (e.g "article title") but still only get the homepage. Our blog is showing up so I assume it's not an indexing issue, but not sure how to get the article pages to show on serps. Any ideas? Thanks!

    | STP_SEO

  • I'm running a news blog and I'm using I would like to know if I should add microformats on the article page too or just use the schema? If I add both, will it effect my sites SEO/ranking? Thank you

    | hakhan201

  • I got a few old websites and I would like to add a do-follow backlink on all pages linking to a new website. Is this SEO safe to do so?

    | hakhan201

  • Hi Everyone I've tried searching elsewhere in these forums for an answer to this but not having much luck - hope I'm not duplicating content! I get this message in Moz: "We have detected that the domain redirects to We do not recommend tracking a redirect URL. Would you like to track for this campaign instead?" Is this a set-up issue on my side? I'm not sure what this means? Thank you!

    | NappyValleyNet

  • HI there, I submitted my site to Search Console over a month ago and it is showing 0 pages as being indexed under the index status report. I know this isn't right as I can see that in google alone by typing in ( there are 113 pages indexed. Any idea why this might be? Thanks

    | CosiCrawley

  • Hi Guys, As voice search seems to be getting more popular, I would like to start accounting for these searches. I've tried looking for low impressions/long tail searches in the Search Console but feel like I am just guessing which queries are search. Does anybody have any clever way of finding these searches or could you list an example of how/if you search using voice? Thanks!

    | Xtend-Life

  • 1.    Make the master domain rather than 2.    Ensure each http URL is 301 redirected to its https counterpart via htaccess rather than in plesk 3.    301 redirect each URL to its counterpart via htaccess. I can provide a list of pages to redirect as there are a number of duplicate pages that will need removing. It probably makes sense to implement these other changes at the same time: Remove all of the canonical tags currently on the site. Leverage browser caching by following Google’s page speed recommendations - Losslessly compress all of the website’s images. Combine and minify the website’s JavaScript

    | Simon_VO

  • Hi. I verified my site both www. and non www. with google search console a while back and yet for neither domain am I seeing any data at all under Search Appearance and under index status (under google index) it is saying 0 pages indexed even though I can see in google search there are over 116. Any idea why this might be? Thanks

    | CosiCrawley

  • I have a website that has duplicate pages, and I want to fix them. I told my web guy and his response was: "we do not see any issues on our end. It is not hurting any ranking in the 3 major searches. We have no duplicate pages" Here's the site  Here's the home page again Here's what MOZ say: Please see attached image. I'm not sure what to tell him, as i'm not a web person, but MOZ is telling me we have issues on the site and I feel like they should be fixed?? 7QWkVU0 tYCjV

    | MissThumann

  • I have a client who has 750 agents. They want to provide them all with a website on a subdomain ( The sites will all contain basically the same info, however, this info can be customized on each site by each rep. Most of these reps sell pretty much the same thing, so the customization wont be very dramatic. So the question is, how can we build this replicated website system and deliver SEO value to each site?

    | gotchamobi

  • Hello Moz, we are using Joomla to build websites. In Joomla you can put content in modules. What we would like to know if would search engines index content in modules, as it does with content attached to menu links? Thanks Ian

    | Substance-create

  • Hi there! I am trying to figure out what the ideal number of my queries per copy (400 words) would be. My queries are: lg dryer repair (volume search: 851-1k)
    lg washer repair (volume search: 851-1k)
    lg appliance repair (volume search: 851-1k)
    lg repair service (volume search: 501-850)
    lg washing machine repair (volume search: 501-850)
    lg dishwasher repair (volume search: 201-500)
    lg appliance repair (volume search: 851-1k) How many times do you think I might use each of those quires? Is there any algorithm to figure that out? I would appreciate very much any thought you could share with me.

    | kirupa

  • If your title tag is over 55 characters, is it generally OK or good practice to abbreviate your brand name (at the end of the title tag) for the sake of the other keywords in the tag?

    | AliMac26

  • Hi! I just got ranking results for the past week, and I am a little bit confused about what I saw. Two weeks ago, I optimized one of my website's page for the keyword "viking appliance repair in Los Angeles" (was #43 before), and one week later I found it on the second page of Google (ranked #21). I continued working on other pages thinking that all I need to do for  "viking appliance repair in Los Angeles" to get it ranked even higher is to gain high quality inbound links. But for some reason updated ranking results I got today show this keyword fell down and now ranked #51. Could you please tell me why that might happened? What affected this keyword performance while I didn't do anything with it in between that much?

    | kirupa

  • HI there, Is there much point conducting an SEO site audit on a site that has not yet launched and is protected behind a login? Presumably none of the usual SEO tools (Moz, Screaming Frog etc) can crawl this site becuase it is all locked behind a login. Would it be better to launch it and then do a site audit? Thanks

    | CosiCrawley

  • Any SEO thoughts on using rel="nofollow" when inserting a link to a phone number? To make a phone number click to call we use  (555) 555-1234 Wondering if search engines are trying to follow that link or if this is standard and not to worry. Any thoughts on if I should add rel="nofollow" to these or does it not matter? Thanks!

    | Lions-Pro

  • Why is the above URL not ranking?

    | Worship_Digital

  • When checking our weekly ranking update this morning I noticed that several products where down 2-3 pages (or even dropped from the first 50) from last week. Looking through these products, they share one common trait: these pages are for products that are no longer available or are temporarily out of stock (and have been for the last few weeks). I understand Google is looking at bounce rates, but do they also looks at our website (or Schema markup) to see if the product is in stock or not? We also use Google Shopping to they should have a pretty good understanding of our stock levels and the general availability of our products. If it's just a question of bounce rates, we could switch to pre-orders for our products (we don't take any order for out-of-stock products at the moment) or we could offer the more expensive versions with a discount. If Google is looking at inventory status, we could disable this to keep ranking high and increase our search presence. Any drawbacks on this? Just getting back in the SEO-game after a focus on the business processes so I could use some help here. We seen great improvements where we've stepped up and created great product descriptions, but it is really disheartening seeing products get dropped so easily.

    | HDPHNS

  • I recently restructured my webpage URL's (about 300 ~ 75% of my total website) to make the URL paths more SEO friendly. Within a few hours of restructuring the pages, I did a 301 redirect to my old URL's and pointed them to the new pages. I have seen ~ 50% drop in organic traffic. I started the restructuring exercise 14 days ago and finished it a few hours back. I have 3 questions: How long will it take for me to recover my old traffic. Will I recover most of it or some of it? Due to a glitch in the specified path, some old URL's were wrongly redirected (this happened with 9 pages to be exact). I will explain exactly what happened:  ----  redirected to ---- **/superseonow was 301 redirected to /seonow. After 3 days I realize that /superseonow1 was actually /supernow1. The same thing happened to 9 pages - /superseonow2, /superseonow3 ..... ** I have removed all the wrong redirects. When I tried to enter the correct (old) paths now and 301 redirect them to the new paths, the page was not found using the old paths. Should I redirect the old paths to the New ones even now? 3. Finally, in how much time after you change the page structure should you use the 301 redirect. Since I had two different teams working on this job, there could have been up to a 24 hour gap between the redirection.

    | rajatsharma

  • I have been noticing odd results with the domain authority stat for one of my clients' wesbites. Whilst they have considerbaly improved for keyword rankings for granite worktops bristol and granite kitchen worktops bristol, I have noticed that the domain authority of the site has recently dropped from 12-6. Is there any particularly why this has seen such a big drop and what can be done to turn this back around? Best wishes, Richard O'Brien

    | obbass

  • I'm working on a site where there is a top level menu with a dropdown off a couple of the main headings and subsequent dropdown from one or two of those dropdowns.  Usual stuff. The main problem we are having is the ranking of one of the main menu pages, some of which is historical stuff we have cleaned up and waiting for Penguin. My question is whether the following is a prudent step.  The main menu option/page and keyword is something like "Green Widgets" but this activates a dropdown where there is a link to 'Types of Green Widget', then again there is a dropdown with several pages to different types of Green widget.  The two menu items "Green Widgets" and "Types of Green Widgets" both link to the "Green Widget" page. As the "Types of Green Widgets" link is sitewide and not really in the right flavour for the "Green Widget" page would it be prudent to remove the link element of that menu item or set it to /#

    | MickEdwards

  • Hello, When i scan with SEMrush it shows all such pages do not have ALT Tags What should the ALT be for them and how can i control as we have 1000's of Youtube videos displayed on various parts of our website Thank you

    | ktrinkqao12

  • My company is in the process of converting from a .net site to a wordpress site using Woocommerce. We are #1 in Google SEO ranking and have spent a lot of time getting to this point. My currents URL is / of the way wordpress works - I'm going to have /product/ in the URL in the new siteThew new URL will be/ I be worried about this ?thanks in advance

    | ThomasErb

  • Hello. I've bein working  hard Seo in the last months, i started testing Moz Pro, found many issues with my website which i fixed. Today was the big day i was going to be crawled again. But to my surprise my Moz Authority went down by two point. Did I do something wrong? I also had page rank 1 now i have cero. I going backwards. Please any help would be apreciated, regards.


  • We're optimizing a franchise's website for local SEO, where each franchise location has its own page on the main corporate site. We've identified a lot of keywords which are relevant for each location. But I'm wondering if we need to include the location as part of the keyword we're optimizing for. For example, picture "best yoga studio" as a keyword that is relevant, and the franchise has locations in San Francisco and San Mateo. Do we need to optimize for "best yoga studio san francisco" on the San Francisco subpage and "best yoga studio san mateo" on the San Mateo subpage? Or do we optimize for "best yoga studio" and is Google smart enough to return the San Francisco page for San Francisco searchers and San Mateo for San Mateo searchers, without our additional on-page optimization? I should mention that the franchise sub-page is being submitted via Moz Local and will have all the Google business listing, consistent citations, etc. Thanks in advance, --eric

    | EricOliver

  • Hello Everyone, We have been looking into our placements recently and see that one of our blog posts shows on page #5 for a popular keyword phrase with a lot of search volume. Lets say the keyword is "couples fitness ideas" We show on page 5 for a post /couples-fitness-ideas-19-tips-and-expert-advice/ We want to try and get on the first page for that phrase and wanted to know if it is better if we did one of the following: 1. Create a new page with over 100 ideas with a few more thousands of words. with a new url (thinking /couples-fitness-ideas) 2. Create a new page with a new url (thinking /couples-fitness-ideas) with the same content as the currently ranking post. We would want to do this for more freedom with layout and design of the page rather than our current blog post template. Add more content, let's say 100 more ideas. Then forward the old URL to the new one with a 301 redirect. 3. Add more content to the existing post without changing the layout and change the URL. Look forward to your thoughts

    | MobileCause

  • My website is not indexing due to someone's complaint in Google that was registered in 2013. The complaint says I am using copyrighted images of someone else on my website but those images were immediately removed by me. I just came to know about this complaint and lodged my problem in Lumen database. Already 14 days has passed but still my page is not indexed. Can anyone please help me?

    | varun1800

  • Hi Everyone, Quick question. If there is breaking news on something and a major outlet of that publishes the content and then republishes the breaking news (new H1 and possible new title tag) will that affect them in organic and/or Google news listings? I know that speed is a major factor in publishing breaking news but, if the URL doesn't change upon republishing, will Google still rank the article as high if the H1 or title tag changes?

    | mattdinbrooklyn

  • If we will not show our existing content(Available for desktop views) on product listing page in Mobile responsive site, will it make any difference/impact from seo point of view? Mostly people don't read content in product listing pages and we place content mostly for seo point of view. So intentionaly we don't want to show our content in mobile view bcz it may distract users. As per my knowledge google using same ranking algorithm for both desktop and mobile. So I want to know  will it make any impact from ranking and other seo factors?

    | kathiravan

  • Hi there, I'm the owner of this site and I have a newbie question We have a large number of vintage clothing items, and for SEO purposes I would like to rank for keywords "vintage insert designer name".  I've been titling all our items with the phrase "vintage insert designer skirt/dress/pants etc" - but I've noticed that when we google these phrases - an example being "vintage moschino" we don't rank for them at all, despite the fact that each individual page gets a decent "page optimisation score" for that particular keyword. Many people have suggested to me that the reason this is so is because we're using the keyword too much on our site, but I can't get my head around how to fix this.  What would be the best way to restructure our product descriptions so that we can fix this? Thanks in advance

    | clare_f

  • Hi everyone, I’m trying to get "air-conditioner-repair.html" to rank higher for the keyword "air conditioner los angeles". I am wondering whether or not I should change URL to "air-conditioner-los-angeles-repair.html" to get better results? Will be thankful very much for any advise you can offer!

    | kirupa

  • The focus keyword is "moringa powder". The product title and default H1 tag is "moringa ultimate original powder". The url also has "moringa ultimate original powder". Yoast is saying the keyword does not appear in the url or any subheadings. So should I change the product title and url to Original Ultimate moringa powder or is having them separated ok? Thanks

    | Jeremy-Marion

  • We are developing a website for a school that has 19 campuses divided into 8 districts. Ideally, we would like to have one search page that dynamically populates when people search WHILE on the site.  The question is what happens when someone does an organic search, will the search engine populate with the schools in that district.  For instance, if i search on Google "Austin Schools", will the Austin district-that does not have a unique URL- show up in a Google search?  What the generated page looks like is on this link If yes, any special type of coding we need to add to the backend?

    | jgodwin

  • From MOZ on-page grader... "Recommendation: Edit your page to use your targeted keywords no more than 15 times." But if I use a keyword 50 times and the keyword density is only 2 percent, is that ok? What is more important, the raw number used or the density?

    | Jeremy-Marion

  • Hi all, My company is in the fashion/jewelry industry and we regularly create short content describing the latest trends in jewelry. We do not include any sort of date reference on the content, which means that a searcher who gets to our site has no way of knowing if this is a trend from 2008 or 2016. Does anyone have any experience with the best way to handle this? I want to remain relevant for our customers. It seems like a big disservice to our customers to show them a "trend" which trended 5 years ago. Is there a benefit to keeping this content around or would it be better to cycle it off the site after 6 months or so? Thanks for any advice or experience you have! R.

    | FireMountainGems

  • We currently use Bigcommerce, can anyone recommend a good platform for a bridal fashion store. We use a lot of pictures and banners. Also looking for a platform that allows for good SEO We are looking for an updated look particularly with a responsive format for mobile phones and ipads.

    | CostumeD

  • Hi all! Im diving into the App Store Optimization (ASO).
    So, one of my coleagues told me that traditional linkbuilding works in order to get better ranks in the app store, I am specifically saying about the Google Play Store. (not apple store). Well, any thoughts in linkbuilding? Does it realy work? any study case, blog post or experience in this subjet? Thanks!

    | Gaston Riera

  • Hi I know that targeting more than one keyword per page in a website leads to keyword cannibalization. But for example, if I am into a "CRM" business, I write blogs on CRM every day with various topics like: 1. How can a CRM help your small business? 2. Steps to follow in buying a CRM. 3. How to does CRM help in your customer relationship. It means that I am concentrating the keyword "CRM" in multiple blogs. What should I do in this case? Thanks in advance.

    | sandeep.clickdesk

  • I have a schema review for an attorney website. The schema shows up in the SERPs for all the inner pages of the sites but never for the homepage. Is there a reason for that?

    | Armen-SEO

  • We have hundreds of pages of restaurant reviews (each is 100% original content) on our site (for example, here is a list of many of the content pages: The PA of almost every page is 1 (ouch). Doing even the most long-tail Google search doesn't bring up one of those pages (even if I include our company name in the search string). I'm certain we have lots of room to improve SEO, but not even seeing the pages come up for even the most long-tail search has me concerned... Our site used to be on Wordpress many months ago and many of these pages ranked fine..ever since switching away from Wordpress, we've not made any SEO progress. Am wondering if something major is "broken" with our site SEO...

    | r21

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