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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • What will be the impact in Google if I have two links in the same page pointing to different pages, but with the same label.

    | kjerstibakke

  • How do i block and many more like this from getting spider showing up as duplicate in moz Regards Tai

    | Taiger

  • I'm testing a client site for speed and I'm getting different results when I test www and non www. What's causing this from the same site? Non www scored 37/100 for mobile, very concerning www scored 54/100 for mobile, still problems but not as severe Can anyone shed any light on this please?

    | Marketing_Optimist

  • Hi everyone! Kind of a weird question here but I'll ask and see if anyone else has seen this: In Google Search Console when I do a fetch and render request for a specific site, the fetch and blocked resources all look A-OK. However, in the render, there's a large grey box (background of navigation) that covers up a significant amount of what is on the page. Attaching a screenshot. You can see the text start peeking out below (had to trim for confidentiality reasons). But behind that block of grey IS text. And text that apparently in the fetch part Googlebot does see and can crawl. My question: is this an issue? Should I be concerned about this visual look? Or no? Never have experienced an issue like that. I will say - trying to make a play at a featured snippet and can't seem to have Google display this page's information, despite it being the first result and the query showing a featured snippet of a result #4. I know that it isn't guaranteed for the #1 result but wonder if this has anything to do with why it isn't showing one. VmIqgFB.png

    | ChristianMKG

  • Hi, I am wondering if anyone can send me in the right direction on a system suggestion. We have currently grown out amount of content pieces on our website and our manual checking if the links in the content pieces are still 200 status is becoming extremely time consuming. Does anyone have a recommendation of a system that will crawl your pages and check both the internal and external links within the content for a status code (404,200,etc)? Preferably something server side so it can just run on a schedule but really anything would be fine. I have tried things like Screaming frog, etc and it just doesn't seem to be the right tool.

    | GoAbroadKP

  • Hey Mozzers, Nice quick and simple one for you. Which of these 2 options is better for SEO and userbility and why The top one stops stops any funky problems with magento making 2 paths to the same product but the second option feels more natural and helpful to the user. I feel both a valid but I would like some opinions please

    | ATP

  • If I recall we used to be able to change our title attributes tag dynamically based on the search query but not sure if it's possible now or if it makes sense to do so. Thoughts? Rosemary

    | RosemaryB

  • Hello, Its probably the most common and annoying questions, but I'm pulling my hair out a bit (not helped by not really knowing what I'm doing). I'm trying to optimise this collection page for the main keyword 'antique door handles' secondary keyword 'antique door knobs'. Mid February I changed the URL, title and description and it started to move up the rankings, I then tidied up the descriptions, titles, ALT tags for all the products in that collection and it moved up to #13 quite quickly. However over the last 10 days it dropped down page 2 and today it's down to page 3. Whats more frustrating is 90% of those ranked in front of me don't actually sell antique door handles. When I tidied up the products in that collection I was increasing using the term 'antique door handles'. Any suggestions would be really, really welcome, have I overdone 'antique door handles' in the product descriptions. Thanks in advance, Paul.

    | archdecor

  • Hello SEO MOZers! We have one one main ecommerce site and I have just discovered we have an EMD sitting on a, for one of our premium product ranges, and it actually outranks our main website. It appears on page one. My question is how do I handle the EMD? I don't want to start building authority to this site, as we are currently developing the main brand site, however I can't ignore that it is ranking. There is relatively little content. There are links on the page (it's only one page) that go through to the product section on the main site. But should I 301 redirect it? What would be your advise? I want to capitalise on any traffic we could benefit from, and ultimately I want the main site to rank better for this product's keywords. Any help would much appreciated.

    | CarlaAction

  • We manage a huge daily news website in my small country - keeping this a bit mysterious in case competitors are reading 🙂 Our URL structure is In this hyperreactive news world, title of articles change frequently (may be ten times a day for the main stories). The question we debate is : should we reflect the modification of the title in the URL or not ? Example : "Trump says he wants to ban search engines" would have URL Later in the day the title becomes "Trump denies he suggested banning search engines". Should the URL be modified to (option A) or not (option B) ? In Google News it makes no difference because of the sitemap, but in Google organic things are different. At present (option B in place), Google apparently doesn't see that the article has been updated, and shows the initial timestamp which is visually (and presumably SEOwise) not good : our new news looks like old news. Modifiying the URL would solve that issue, but could, may be, create another one : the new URL, being considered a new article, would lose, the acquired weight of the previous one in terms of referrals, social trafic and so on. Or not ? What do you think is the best option ? Thanks for your expertise, Yves

    | yves67890

  • Hi Moz Community, I've recently become a Moz Pro user and I very impressed with the insights that it has to offer. However, I have been using the on-page grader to evaluate this page and it suggests that I am using the keyword "kiln dried logs" too many times and not to use more than 15 times. I have a slight dilemma because my product titles all contain this keyword and I wanted to get somebody's take on where the "15 repetitions" comes from and if it is better for me to strip this keyword out of my product titles to fall within the guidelines? Should I optimize just my main category page for this keyword at the expense of potentially losing traffic for my product pages? Any input would be much appreciated.

    | RicharCampbell

  • How long does it currently take a page to percolate up as far as it is likely to in SERPs?  We posted and had Google index a blog post a few weeks back that isn't yet on the radar.  I'm surprised at that given the competition on that keyword and the fact that Moz gives us an A for on-page optimization.  Our site has another page ranking at 23 for the keyword, but it isn't nearly as optimized for it as the new one. Thanks for your help.

    | Ntara-Integrated-Marketing

  • We are a bridal store and are able to use different information in the URL, Page title and item name. In item name we give the product a name for us to identify ie. Alex Lace Dress in Black/Nude, Ivory/Nude, Red/Red In Page Title we use the suppliers name and product code as well as the item name ie.  Jadore j8075 Alex Lace Dress Online Australia URL  = alex-lace-dress/ Are we using the correct format ? What could we do to improve them?

    | CostumeD

  • My website was recently moved to the Shopify platform.  We chose to use the http domain, because we didn't want to change too much, too quickly by moving to https.  Only our shopping cart is using https protocol.  We noticed however, that https versions of our non-cart pages were being indexed, so we created canonical tags to point the https version of a page to the http version.  What's got me puzzled though, is when I use open site explorer to look at domain/page authority values, I get different scores for the http vs. https version.  And the https version is always better.  Example: DA = 21 and DA = 27.  Can somebody please help me make sense of this?  Thanks,

    | Aquatell

  • Our current mobile site does not show the banners we use on the desktop site. Can anyone tell us how we can change the mobile site to show these banners.

    | CostumeD

  • Hi there,
    my question is as follows: How does Google handle link flow if two links in a given page point to the same URL? (do they flow link individually or not?) This seems to be a newbie question, but actually it seems that there is little evidence and even also little consensus in the SEO community about this detail. Answers should include source Information about the current state of art at Google is preferable The question is not about anchor text, general best practises for linking, "PageRank is dead" etc. We do know that the "historical" PageRank was implemented (a long time ago) without special handling for multiple links, as e.g. last stated by Matt Cutts in this video: On the other hand, many people from the SEO community say that only the first link counts. But so far I could not find any data to back this up, which is quite surprising.

    | doctecs

  • I am looking for a domain with a good PA/DA but I cant find a list of relevant domains that are decent. Does anyone know any website that can be used to make the search a bit easier?

    | trobs2468

  • We are moving from Bigcommerce to Woocommerce on WP. On Bigcommerce, due to some bizarre reasoning the previous developer had 3 separate URLS for the same product in different sizes - S, M and L. Now we plan to have one product page where the sizes can be selected and 301 redirect the 3 urls to the new one. Is this advisable? Or should we just have 3 separate pages. OR should we have one of the sizes pages as the new page and then redirect the other 2 to this one? I ask this because the site has a LOT of ranking power and we do not want to jeopardise that.

    | MashBonigala

  • Hello, I have a problem with the deeplinking between my website ( and my app (nobelapp). When I search the app from the mobile, on Google, it sends me to the play store, even if the app is instaled. Can someone explain what I need to do on the website, and what i need to do on the mobile app so the deeplinking will work, in an easier way the Google documentation? I have on the homepage this rel alternate but still doesn't work. | android-app://com.nobelglobe.nobelapp/http/" /> | Thanks, Florin

    | Silviu

  • Hi! Our site help our customers search our inventory of cars for used parts. The way the titles of product pages are structured is: Car Parts – Make Model Year – Brand Name. So for instance this page have the title "Car Parts Alfa Romeo 156 1997 – Meteco SA" (I have translated Greek words to English) So as you can imagine we end up with a bunch of duplicate titles pages. I’m trying to diversify the titles but the problem is that there aren’t many product identifiers other than body configuration, car color, fuel, engine capacity and engine code. But only color and year of production is partly unique as most Alfa Romeo 156 are 4 door saloons, with 1600cc petrol engine. The only thing that is unique for every product page is the page ID. So should I use it in the page title? Its the only unique identificator but on ther other hand it has no use for our customers. Or is there any other way of having unique titles that I am missing? Please note that in our industry on-page optimization is crucial since there is no social sharing and much link building (who wants to share an old car that is being sold for parts?) Thank you

    | Johnlock1

  • Hello guys, I am in need of some helpful tips to improve my page authority for this site . I have page authority 0, and I don't know why... Thanks.

    | iulianafun

  • So for the last month or so I have been going through fixing SEO content issues on our site. One of the biggest issues has been duplicate content with WHMCS. Some have been easy and other have been a nightmare trying to fix. Some of the duplicate content has been the login page when a page requires a login. For example knowledge base article that are only viewable by clients etc. Easily fixed for me as I dont really need them locked down like that. However pages like affiliate.php and pwreset.php that are only linked off of a page. I am unsure how to take care of these types. Here are some pages that are being listed as duplicate: Should this type of stuff be a 301 redirect to cart.php or would that break something.  I am guessing that everything should point back to cart.php. These are the ones that are really weird to me. These are showing as duplicate content but pwreset is only a link of the KB category. It shows up as duplicate many times as does affilliate.php: Any help is overly welcome.

    | blueray

  • Hi, I've been thinking of placing our brand name in the front of our title tag for brand recognition purposes. While doing research I came across a few sites that seem to have their brand name on every title tag, regardless of whether of not their title tag was too long and getting cut off by Google. Ex: Personalized Cutting Broads & Humidors...-Etsy The title tag for the example above was for a store in Etsy that sells personalized cutting broads, which was what i searched for. Normally a title tag that is too long gets cut off by Google and your brand name no longer shows if you've positioned it at the end of your title tag. Is there a way to get your brand name to show up at the end of every title tag even if your title is long and gets cut off by Google? Obviously, I could just place the brand name at the front of my title tag, but if I wanted something like my example above is that possible? Thanks You

    | znotes

  • I think I already know the answer to this, but I'd love a second opinion. If you add German meta data to some web pages will it help those pages turn up in search results in Germany?I'm assuming not. It's an English, USA based site, doing well here for English searches - and I don't want to mess that up. A German site is being planned, but this client is hoping the English site could be found in the meantime. ~Caro

    | Caro-O

  • Often I will see the wrong page, something less relevant to a particular search, appear higher on the SERP than a more relevant page. Why does this happen and how can it be remedied? I found this Moz article, has anything been written on this topic more recently. Thanks!

    | NicheSocial

  • Hi, I found some explanations on seomoz about permanently links, but I'm not sure, if I understood right, what to do. Our website has been created with a wrong structure and I have to change the URL of a couple of pages. E. G.  should be changed to to allow search identify it as a german page. What to do? Should I delete all content from the old page and insert the redirect to the knew one? The code as follows has to be inserted in the head section? Thank you for your help Brgds georg

    | itmlage

  • Hello, I have questions regarding content length and links within descriptions.  With our ecommerce site, we have thousands of products, each with a unique description. In the product description, I have links to the parent category and grandparent category (if it has one) in the main product text which is generally about 175 words. Then I have a last paragraph that's about 75 words that includes links to our main homepage and our main product catalogue page. Is the content length long enough? I used to use text that was 500 words, and shortening it I still rank when launching new products, so I don't think an increase in text length will have any additional benefit. I do see conflicting information when I do searches, with some people recommending a minimum of 300 words and some saying to try and go a 1000 for category pages. In regards to the links, I noticed a competitor has stopped following this format, so I'm unsure if I should keep going too. Is it too many links to have each of the products link back to the main catalogue and homepage? Is it good to have links with anchor text to the categories a product is in? There are breadcrumbs on the page with these links already. There are already have heaps of links on our pages (footer, and a right sidebar with image links to relevant categories), so my pages do get flagged for too many links. Thanks!

    | JustinBSLW

  • I have been looking into SEO for a few weeks now trying to perfect a homepage. Going through various sources on MOZ, and other examples out there on the internet, I keep seeing that you should have your keyword in the URL of the page. The homepage is the page most people want to rank the highest in google searches, however, you cannot put the keyword in the URL as most home page URLs are simply /. Should I actually make the home like this: I would imagine this would not be the normal for many users and would seem like it's not the home page.

    | Matthew_smart

  • Hello, Ihave a website and also on the same domain a blog with a lot of posts. Is it possible in each blogpost put 2 innerlinks 1. innerlink to other blogpost with keyword or combination 2. hard link like "Design Sauna" and link to the landingspage of the webshop ? Is this the right way ? thanks 🙂 Regards, Marcel

    | Bossie72

  • Hi, I am experience a weird issue. Google webmaster tools suggested me some HTML improvements a few weeks ago. The suggestions were about duplicate Title Tags and Short Meta Descriptions. I changed the Title Tags and Meta Descriptions. But after 3 Google Updates, webmaster still shows the same suggestion. Please advise Thanks

    | Kashif-Amin

  • So the website is displaying correctly in mobile devices and online tools.  However, when using Google Page Speed Insights mobile or fetch as mobile in Search Console the page always loads as if it has moved 50% of the screen to the right - so whitespace on the left then 50% of the page in on the right side. I've been ignoring this.  The site loads fine in devices and i've put it down to a glitch in Google, but at the same time it's been bugging me.  Has anyone else seen this and should I ignore?

    | MickEdwards

  • I submitted a sitemap to on Search Console - but noticed that there are duplicate URLs, is that a problem for Google?

    | Luciana_BAH

  • I noticed this about a week ago and can't find any info on it. Basically below some ORGANIC results, when searching on mobile, I'm seeing the option to instantly call the company.  (this is a link to my Google Drive where I saved my mobile screenshot.) Anyone know how to achieve it or where it's pulling that data from  My original though was schema or it's basis is from a Google+ Brand page.  I didn't see any specific markup on the site when I went via desktop so not 100% sure even where to start. Cheers Darin. 1oDV30g

    | DarinPirkey

  • Hi All, I've been doing a bit of research for a customer and whilst I was looking through the google results pages I came across this interesting rich snippet for a Wikipedia page (see screen shot attached). Its returned some extra information i.e Owner, Water Source, Number of Stills and Capacity. Is this just Google playing around or is this something I've missed and you can markup additional information for your rich snippet? Thanks in advance Jon 4TmGvJh.png

    | Jon-S

  • Quick question: When choosing the most important keyword set that I would like to rank for, would I be better off optimizing my homepage, or a sub page for this keyword. My thinking goes as follows: The homepage (IE naturally has more backlinks and thus a better Google Page Rank. However, there are certain things I could do to a subpage (IE ) that I wouldn't want to do to the homepage, which might be more "optimal" overall. Option C, I suppose, would be to optimize both the homepage, and a single sub-page, which is seeming like a pretty good solution, but I have been told that having multiple pages optimized for the same keywords might "confuse" search engines. Would love any insight on this!

    | Jacob_A

  • Hi, we are not a big company and as well as creating our own blogs, a company for a while now has provided us each month with blog posts. But hey also provide other companies in the UK with the same content. Each month we create 2 or 3 of our own generated blog posts relating to the services we provide. Also we receive on average 10 blog posts (pulled in to the site through a word press add in and an rss feed from the company) to the site. The content is about specific topics which people will be searching for and they are really well optimized pages. Our own blog posts are looked at more often 80% to 20% but we do have a great link from a national site with a DA of 97 linking to one of their blog posts. But I wondered if google penalizes us because there will be other companies across the UK with the exact same content as us? Or whether these blog posts will help us because it is great content, even though other companies will probably have the same posts on their site? Nobody in our area uses this content as we have an agreement with the company which provides it. Many Thanks

    | danieldunn10

  • It seems as though we are being flagged for duplicate page titles when really they are slightly different. Is it better to remove the "dart board" or "dart board backboard" from all the product titles? We were doing this for optimal SEO - to rank for the search of "dart board" - but is it really hurting us? for example, our product titles are: Obama dart board backboard, Texas dart board backboard, Oklahoma dart board backboard, etc. Yet they are being flagged as duplicate titles.

    | DartsDecor

  • Hi, we refreshed our website a few weeks ago, with a new design. The structure has changed and pages do have new URLs. But the content, meta titles, etc have stayed the same and I have put 301 redirects in for all of the new pages (using the redirection plugin in word press). I have found that pages which ranked in the top 3 in the past are now nowhere. The page authority also shows as 1 for all of the pages. Is there something we should do to get the rankings and page authority back? Many Thanks

    | danieldunn10

  • One of this client's top keyword is "oak beams". They already rank well in the UK for other related terms like "reclaimed oak beams" at /reclaimed-oak-beams/ and "air dried oak beams" at /air-dried-oak-beams/ We have created a page at /oak-beams/ but this page ranks nowhere? Instead the reclaimed oak beams or air dried oak beams page ranks for the term "oak beams". Any ideas why Google is swapping between those pages and not choosing the /oak-beams/ page? A few notes are that the /oak-beams/ page is newest page on the site and yes I know there are no links pointing to it but there are no links pointing to the other pages either?

    | Marketing_Today

  • Hi, Can someone help me with reducing the amount of internal links on our site please? Thanks Charlie

    | The-Present-Finder

  • I am getting this recommendation from page grader. I recently added Yoast to my site.  Can you confirm that I really have multiple title tags because my seo guy says it is fine and it is just a problem with the crawl. I think I see it on line 18 and line 125 am I correct?

    | lehcherry

  • I recently had my site redone (about a year ago).  Since then google has not been using my meta descriptions much and more so using the descriptions within my site.  Is there a reason for this?  An example would be

    | RobDalton

  • Hello. I am about to publish some landing pages that target different industries that we are trying to market to. X for Accountants
    X for Financial Advisors
    X for Fitness Trainers
    X for X While a good portion of the content is unique on each page "the benefits of using X for accountants" some of the content on the page is duplicate which explains more about how our software works (the features), this will be the same content on every page. Is this considered duplicate content? What should I be aware of in term of Google rankings and penalties? Thanks,

    | smithandco

  • Im working on the best title Design based for the products, Pls suggest This is my title for product page I suggested ACDelco 40-count Super Alkaline AA Batteries: Buy ACDelco 40-count Super Alkaline AA Batteries online at Best Prices: and in the page im using ACDelco 40-count Super Alkaline AA Batteries Definitely title crossing more than 60 characters, I have seen many ecommerce site, they never bothered about title character lenght.. Im confused!!! and Is there any best way of title design to include Buy, Online, best price are the frequent keywords with product name. Pls suggest

    | Rahim119

  • Howdy Moz! So our agency has been around for long enough to have a few sites we've built that have our credit in their footer resulting in a site wide link. Mostly just our name. We've heard that Google does not particularly like site wide links, should we go through and remove some of these old links?

    | wearehappymedia

  • Any recommendations for hosting companies in the UK to host a large-ish Magento site? Also is it worthwhile going after someone who specialises in Magento hosting or not? Don't really want to go down a dedicated server root due to cost. Hints, tips and advice much appreciated Thank you in advance

    | seoman10

  • I don't seem to be able to find out much information on this one. Safari often shows a suggested website as you start typing a query into the browser. I've uploaded a screenshot to help show what I mean. safari-suggested-site.png

    | edwardlewis

  • Hey Mozzers, I am optimising a chaotic section of the site including many similar products. Writing unique content etc. The titles and urls were all over the place so my first job was to tidy them up so I could make some sense of the situation, especially as sometimes they didn't even match! I should point out were on Magento, so product name = Both the Heading and Title of the page, the meta title can be set separately. When i refer to title I mean both <title>and <h1></strong><br /><br />Before they existed as such<br />URL:<br />TItle:   PC-1234 200 x 0.5g x 0.3 RS-232 Balance<br /><br />This format was (Product Code, Capacities, Resolutions, Accuracy, Product Title)<br /><br />The issue was all 60 products in a page followed this format. Navigating through the page was a nightmare and was just a jumble of numbers and highly confusing even to me who learnt what they all mean, especially when you had 8 products from the same range you got presented with<br /><br />APC-1234 200 x 0.5g x 0.3 RS-232 Balance<br />APC-1235 500 x 1g x 0.3 RS-232 Balance<br />APC-1236 1000 x 2g x 0.3 RS-232 Balance<br />APC-1238 5000 x 10g x 0.3 RS-232 Balance<br />APC-1239 10000 x 15g x 0.3 RS-232 Balance<br />APC-1210 20000 x 25g x 0.3 RS-232 Balance<br />APC-1211 50000 x 50g x 0.3 RS-232 Balance</p> <p>I changed them to something more user friendly.<br /><br />URL:<br />Title: 200g Precision Balance<br /><br />This has seen the following benefits<br />- URL is now clear and means something to the user<br />- Product titles are easy to navigate and the page is more pleasing to the eye<br />- The jumble of numbers in the title are now all labelled and shown below each product listing in bullet point so the user can see the basic spec of a product without having to decipher any titles<br /><br />Upon reflection I has a couple of concerns I was hoping you could discuss, I am wondering if I have made the titles too simple.<br />1) I have no product code in the title<br />We have our own products manufactured and sell existing brands with their own product codes. Some of these can be lengthy. Adding them makes them hard to the eye and the page looked cramped.<br /><br />The codes are listed beneath each product title on category pages and on a list on the actual product page, but no where in the titles. <br /><br />2)None of our products have a brand listed in the title<br />None of the products on the site had brand names in anything but the images when i started and as such it snuck under my radar. But should i pre-fix all titles with a brand name?<br /><br />Should </p> <p>URL:<br />Title: 200g Precision Balance</p> <p>become</p> <p>URL:<br />Title: BRAND1 200g Precision Balance<br /><br />My instinct tells me to change things to include brands as its useful to the customer and should have an SEO benefit, but to leave out product codes as they are accessible to the customer where they are now and dont make things messy and unreadable.<br /><br />As always, thanks for the input!</p></title>

    | ATP

  • Hi guys, I'm just off to a start with trying to work out some SEO, and so far I seem to be making things worse! Would love to get your insight. I've had a page for quite some time. From what I've learned so far, it seems that the page has had some good things going for it already. Just to get things rolling, my goal was to optimize my site for just one keyword phrase. The phrase included a location "Brooklyn", so I jumped into things and got a Moz local account. Then I went through the page and made some tweaks that brought my keywords into more of the H1 tags, URLs etc. Finally, I went into Google Webmaster tools and looked through some of the options and submitted an XML sitemap. When I started things off, I could regularly find my site on page 8 Google when searching for this phrase. Now when I search Google, I can't find it on the first 20 pages. I understand that it can take months for optimization to kick in, and I certainly wasn't looking for overnight results. However, seeing that my ranking has gone down is certainly frustrating. My theories on why this may have happened are that either 1) Something in my changes was detected as being "spammy" by Google, and they've penalized me for this, or 2) Maybe there's some means by which these changes are being "processed" by the search engine, and I just need to have more patience. I'd love to hear if it looks like I've done something wrong, or if it's really just more a matter of patience. The site that I'm working on is, and the keywords set is "brooklyn wedding photographer" Thanks for any insight!

    | Jacob_A

  • Hello, I have a question about optimizing the SEO on my pages through image titles and descriptions. There are a few times on my website that I use the same image on multiple pages. I am under the impression that giving it a title such as "social-media-marketing-agency-graphic.jpg" will help the SEO for the phrase "social media marketing agency" on that page. My question was, if I want to use the same image on multiple pages, am I better off uploading an entirely new image with a new title to make it more relevant to the new page? Or will this not make large enough of a difference? Or is there an easier solution? Please let me know your thoughts on how to best optimize the pages

    | brightsocial

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