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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi community! We have just run a page grader for the keyword 'LED Bulbs' on and it comes up that we are keyword stuffing! However, a brief look at the source for the homepage and there's only 6 times that LED Bulbs pops up. We do have the non plural version of the word 'LED Bulb' on the page 27 times.. do we think that would contribute to the keyword stuffing? Thanks!!

    | TrueluxGroup

  • Hey, when I googled one of our products i came up with this strange result, see attachment. I searched for: kurs praktische psychologie on google germany. These words also come up in the meta description of this page:** Praktische Psychologie** Fernkurs mit professioneller Betreuung. Testen Sie den praxisorientierten Kurs über die Grundlagen der Psychologie 4 Wochen kostenlos. and in the body: _Sie glauben der Mensch lässt sich trotz all seiner Facetten durchschauen, wenn man sich nur Mühe gibt ihn zu verstehen? Da liegen Sie vollkommen richtig! Der Kurs "Praktische Psychologie" vermittelt Ihnen hierfür alle Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten, sodass Sie schon bald das Mysterium Mensch ergründen. _ Why is Google still showing this description which i obviously don't want to be shown, and why does it state _spring naar (jump to) Kursgeburh _and how can i avoid this? yd1DStW

    | NHA_DistanceLearning

  • I'm trying to optimize my site, but I have lightboxes and I don't know if they are visible to the search engines. If they aren't, could you suggest something that I could do? THANK YOU so much!!!!! My site is

    | bosleypalmer

  • When employing an SEO company what should I be looking for? When I go to a companies website I look for how many keywords they have ranked on Semrush. Most of the companies that I have looked at do not rank very many. Saying most I am talking about 10-12 companies. There was one company that had a lot more than anyone else but their reviews were awful. Then I look at their clients websites to see how many keywords they have ranked and this is where I am baffled. Quite a lot of them especially retail sites with lots of products have very few keywords ranked and my belief is that the more related keywords that you have ranked the better you will do. I also look at how the thier organic traffic is doing over a number of months. what surprises me most is that companies are advertising clients websites where it looks like traffic is climbing and then all of a sudden there is a big drop. Am I missing something in order to find a company that will do what we are paying them for? Thank you in advance.

    | Palmbourne

  • Hope someone can help with a question I've got about sorting out some duplicate content issues. To simplify the question, imagine there is a website which has a page In addition to the domain, there is also a different web address,, which points to is the web address that is advertised in marketing material etc. So what is the best way then to tell Google etc. that is the preferred URL for the page which sits at The advice I've read about the canonical tag, for example, doesn't cover this exact scenario so although it can support cross-domain information, I'm not sure if that's the best route to follow. Thanks!

    | Nobody1575505894822

  • Hello, So most of my pages are well optimized what to do next?

    | TemaB

  • We are working on many subpages for our services. We have original content for each page however there are few text which we need to always duplicate like: Contact sales window, why to choose us window, supported files etc. What's the best way to do this so it's not consider as duplicated text. Should we redirected it or add it as a picture and always change name of the picture? Thank you Lukas

    | Lukas-ST

  • I made several changes on client's website on different pages, changed titles, add content on few pages, moved blog from subdomain to sub directory. Everything is crawled but there is one page on the website (not part of the blog) that isn't getting crawled in Google and picking up changes. The last crawl of the website is 2 days back whereas that page was last crawled on 30th sep. I just wanted to know the possible reasons and has anyone encountered this before?

    | MoosaHemani

  • I'm working with a manufacturer whose product copy is used by many many many retailers online. This copy is typically exactly the same or very similar to their own brand website. We're ok with that as most of the time our brand website is seen as the source of the information. Retailers, however, aren't so ok. Understandably they want unique product description content but we can't supply that for every retailer. So I want to acknowledge that whilst unique product copy is important there are other factors that they should consider such as site usability, the frequency and recency or ratings/reviews, etc. I've skimmed through google and reviewed the message boards and can see a number of posts touching on this topic but I wonder if anyone can recommend good sources or care to share their insights? Thanks in advance

    | willheadlondon

  • Hi, We're in the process of redesigning for a client. The client has recently expressed concern that their rankings may drop off after the change. Here are some facts about the site: As you can see, the current homepage is _very _keyword heavy. They have a DA of 26 and are ranking #1 for 'florida villas', higher than their more authoritative competitors. They are also ranking #1 in the mobile search results, despite not being mobile-friendly. Their link profile is pretty average and the anchor texts are pretty keyword-rich 'florida villas' appears 30 times with a 4.41% keyword density 'florida' appears 66 times with a 3.31% density The client has admitted keyword stuffing years ago and hasn't changed anything because it worked and still is working. In the site redesign, we've cut out a lot of the spammy, keyword-rich content and he's worried he'll suffer because of this. Any ideas what to do here? It seems clear that the site is breaching Google's guidelines, but, for whatever reason, isn't being picked up by Google. Cheers, Lewis N.B. The client is just paying us for a redesign, not SEO.

    | PeaSoupDigital

  • The Yoast plugin is installed on the website. It generates the following meta property tag when I enter a new title-tag in the plugin: Next to that I have my standard title-tag. <title>dummy</title> Is this meta property tag able to replace the title-tag? Thanks!

    | WeAreDigital_BE

  • We have a software in our website where customers can ask questions and it will send questions to people who already bought it to get answers. The answers are there in each item page. So each item page has item description , reviews, and Q&A sections. We get lot of questions and answers and software is great but we don't know if it really is helping us for the huge price we are paying them. In an SEO perspective will it help due to content or will it dilute main keywords due to the Q&A content? Thanks RB

    | rbai

  • Hi there!
    We run a website about a region in Italy, the Langhe area, where we write about wine and food, local culture, and we give touristic informations. The website also sports a nice events calendar: in 4 years we (and our users) loaded more than 5700 events. Now, we're starting to have some troubles managing this database. The database related to events is huge both in file size and number of rows. There are a lot of images that eat up disk space, and also it's becoming difficult to manage all the data in our backend. Also, a lot of users are entering the website by landing on outdated events. I was wondering if it could be a good idea to delete events older than 6 months: the idea was to keep only the most important and yearly recurring events (which we can update each year with fresh information), and trash everything else. This of course means that 404 errors will increase, and also that our content will gettin thinner, but at the same time we'll have a more manageable database, and the content will be more relevant and "clean". What do you think? thank you 🙂 Best

    | Enrico_Cassinelli

  • Hi Guy's, On a Wordpress website we have a SEO Ultimate plugin running. Every day i get lot's of 404 errors of products that doesn't exist anymore (but are indexed, site: .... ). In the beginning we had lot's of testproduct that are not coming back in the shop. So i was wondering if there is a way to automaticly redirect product when there are out of stock, or not comming back anymore... So my 404's can be fixed. Thanks!

    | Happy-SEO

  • Hi Everyone, I have the following website I am trying to SEO As usual, the client decided to SEO the website after it was made by a developer that is not specialized in SEO. I am having the following issue. Google is not picking up the title I defined for the homepage. I have changed it multiple times and Google continues to take the title that was defined when the website was launched which was about 6 months ago. I also tried to verify if the title is being defined by some other website and so far I do not find any evidence that supports this. This is the title seen in the SERP (GOOGLE) as of 6 months ago - Forcor S.A: Repuestos Ford - Concesionario Oficial de Ford This is the one that is programmed via Yoast - <title>Repuestos Ford - Concesionario Oficial de Ford - Forcor S.A</title> The funny thing is that Google is picking up the correct Meta Description. Any suggestions on how to get Google to pick up the programmed title??? Another interesting fact is that Yahoo is picking up the correct title as you can see here

    | Carla_Dawson

  • What are some things I should know before implementing a process whereby (public) user account data is used to generate a meta-description? I can't find much information in the existing forums. Are rich snippets a better option in 2015?

    | CallumClothierfairs

  • is it best to have in the H1 tag 1. just our website address 2. combination of website address followed by short keywords about our website

    | CostumeD

  • I don't want few of the pages of website to get indexed by Google, thus I have implemented meta robots noindex code on those specific pages. Due to some complications I am not able to remove meta robots index from header of every page Now, on specific pages I have both codes 'index & noindex' implemented. Question is: Will Google crawl/index pages which have noindex code along with index code? Thanks!

    | Exa

  • This is yet another question between moz vs google WebMaster Tools. In WMT it only shows 5 pages with a total of 18 duplicate titles. But moz is showing 298. It appears the duplicates are canonical links for the most part. What is the discrepancy?

    | jamavan

  • we are trying to clean up our site and believe we have bad back links can any one tell me how to work out which ones to disavow

    | CostumeD

  • Our site is all on the https protocol so every time I use the on-page grader it tells me the link is unavailable. What can we do? When I use the http protocol (which is 301 redirected to the https) it still gives me the same message.

    | whiskeyfl

  • We have a conflict of information between our web developers and our SEO company. We are an on-line retail company hence we have a fair number of different categories. Our site is set up with the rel=next and rel=prev tags. Our SEO company have asked us to implement canonical links on our category pages and leave the rel=next and rel=prev tags as they are. Our web developers are saying by doing this we are asking Google to ignore all of our products on all of the pages except page 1 which would mean Google would not index a lot of our products. I have looked at a few articles but I am struggling to understand which way to go. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    | Palmbourne

  • Is it ok to use hash(#) in URL as right now it is showing 404 error while checking broken links using check my link chrome extension. E.g. If not, Please suggest how to resolve this issue

    | Obbserv

  • Hi All, We have pages which are created few weeks before hand for Movie reviews in those pages we add value with adding the Movie cast and crew info and what ever info possible before the movie releases. The the movie releases we watch the movies and write reviews which is 500+ words. Now the issue is the pages are indexed a week before... How can i have these review pages scanned immediately when i have the complete review as the review content is not indexed for 3 to 5 days and the first day or 2 is when its important for the reviews to be seen in Google. Regards

    | AlexisWithers

  • Hi, I am working with a client (in the property niche) who has 200+ links on each page of their site mainly due to an extensive navigation menu. They have good domain authority (although some competitors have a lot better) and some excellent links from some fantastic domains but the keywords just aren’t moving. (Sidenote: most links point to the home page with some going to property detail pages not location pages which is where I’d like people to be landing). I am reviewing the site structure and other technical aspects and have some questions regarding how the navigation is structured. Firstly is 200+ links an ok number to have? Everything I read points to 100 being a magic number to aim for. Secondly, the site navigation menu contains a list of locations. The first tier being country, the second tier drops down to list the regions within that country, then a third tier drop down appears to list the towns and cities in those regions. So from any page in the site you can drill down to town/city locations. (Sidenote: I have run Hotjar on the site which shows most people are using the search facility not the navigation menu to search) Is this style of navigation ok or does it dilute the link authority/pagerank/juice being past to each page? Would a better option be to have the first and second tier in the drop down then the third level town navigation to appear in the sidebar at page level in the appropriate sections? What effect would such a change have on rankings?

    | caravan

  • Hi guys, I have seen two versions of meta descriptions and meta titles for one URL (this is happening on a few of my pages). Initially, I thought Google is pulling the information from my page content. However, it is not the case. I have realized the information showing on SERPs are very old description (years ago information). Just a bit background information, we had a new website launched in April this year. The issue stated since the new website launch. Anyone experienced similar situation?

    | pengiuns-al

  • I'm talking about this article: Take this sample: HOME --> Shirts --> Plain shirt --> shirt#1 Product page: noindex, follow all links except 1 from breadcrumbs to nearest category (plain shirts). SubCategory page (plain shirts): noindex, follow all links except 1 link from breadcrumbs to nearest category (shirts) and all products belonging to current subcategory. Category page (shirts): noindex, follow all links except 1 link from breadcrumbs to front page ( and links to own subcategories. Front page: noindex, follow all links except 12 links to main categories (shirts, pants etc.) Is it correct? If I noindex some parts of website, will it be harmful?

    | SilverStar1

  • Hi, I've added my app to search console, and there are reported 480 content mismatch pages. How can I solve this problem?

    | Silviu

  • Afternoon! An SEO client of ours has copied a load of landing/category page content from other sites. Lots of emails have been sent back and forth asking them to remove it, but they are adamant to keep it up there until we have time to amend it. We have explained to them: The Google penalty risks The copyright risks The short and long-term implications for their brand new business/website The money they are spending on our SEO package could be completely wasted if they're caught I think the above is pretty black and white, but the director of this company will not budge. Does anyone have any different approaches? The director said he's happy for us to amend the content but, in the meantime, the plagiarised content will not be removed. Cheers, Lewis

    | PeaSoupDigital

  • I have a couple of pages that are thin content. One is essentially a page with the icons of our customers and a link out to their website. The other is a summary portfolio page that has some images of some of the client work we have done with links to internal pages that have more details about each client situation, approach, etc. These deeper pages are just fine. What is the recommendation for handling these thin content pages?  We could add content, but then it wouldn't really help the user very much.

    | ExploreConsulting

  • Ok, I'm looking to clean up my domain with irrelevant Anchor text linking to specific URL's. Whether, it's my root domain or a particular product URL. I'm finding a wide variety of terms (anchor text) pointing to my homepage, category and finally my product pages. Example, the Anchor text "Paragon Print Systems" is pointing to my homepage "" does this hurt my homepage enough to either have the link/anchor text removed from linking to my homepage? thanks much!, Warren

    | Warren.W

  • We are trying to reduce the number of links per page, so for the low-value footer links we are considering coding them as javascript links. We realize Google can read java, but the goal is to reduce level of importance assigned to those internal links. Would this be a valid approach? So the question is would converting low-value footer links to js like below help reduce the number of links per page in google's eyes even though we're reasonably sure they can read javascript. <a <span="" class="html-tag">href</a><a <span="" class="html-tag">="</a><a class="html-attribute-value html-external-link" target="_blank">javascript:void(0);</a>" data-footer-link="/about/about">About Us

    | Jay-T

  • My question is I have a search page on our website , you can search by date, number of people staying and so on, I am just wondering should block this in the robots.txt ? Because we have pretty URL'S already for searching by county and searching by towns.  I cannot see any benefit of having  e.g "search/search.php?sp_dateFrom=16%2F12%2F2015&sp_dateTo=23%2F12%2F2015&sec_drop%5B%5D=727&spesh_town_id=764&q=&occupants=5&bedrooms=3&submit=SEARCH#search"   indexed.  Would I be correct in doing this ?

    | McCaldin

  • Hey Everyone, Working with a client who currently has category pages that contain its respective product's description (or about 30 words from it) in each of their product blocks on that category page. We are currently playing with the idea of switching it down to just being the product title and image. We think this will be much more aesthetically pleasing, but aren't sure if it will effect our SEO either negatively or positively. A couple of things to note: The category pages have a description (many of them still need work, but they are unique). The product's description inside the product block is duplicate content of the first 30 or so words on the product page. If you have 30 products on the page, you end up with a page that contains about 900 words + the unique description at the top of the page. Will dropping those 900 words hurt our SEO?

    | frankandmaven

  • I have a webpage that I have 6 separate images showing step by step instructions of how to use our product with a sentence describing instruction inside image. I took screenshots of the instructions from the products App and uploaded them to webpage because they provide a great visual. I want to make sure I optimize correctly, can I use the same keywords for all the image names?


  • Our homepage never had trailing slash and we always pointed internal and external links to homepage URL with no trailing slash. Our canonical also has no trailing slash. Recently our SEO agency is asking us to change it to trailing slash. Is it required as part of best SEO practices?

    | rbai

  • Hi I wondered if there's a tool to analyse duplicate content - within your own site or on external sites, but that you can upload the URL's you want to check in bulk? I used Copyscape a while ago, but don't remember this having a bulk feature? Thank you!

    | BeckyKey

  • Hey moz, Im currently converting my site to mobile as its an older template based on tables it will make a lot of CSS redundant. I cant delete as i go incase a page uses it im unaware of so need to clean it up when its done. Is there a tool that crawls my entire website and highlights the unused CSS in the files? Ive found a few paying tools that claim to do so but am reluctant to just spend money on something without a recommendation. Cheers!

    | ATP

  • Hi, Which back link has more value; 1. Backlink from High DA and low PA. 2. Backlink from High PA and Low DA Thanks

    | Kashif-Amin

  • Hi, I have a product page on my site as below. This page was accessible in both ways as below. 1. 2. This was causing duplicate title issue. So i permanently redirected one to other. But after more than a month and after many crawls, webmaster tools html improvement still shows duplicate title issue. My question is that do permanent redirect solve duplicate content issue or something i am missing here?

    | Kashif-Amin

  • We are redesigning our website in order to give it a more modern visual look.  For the most part all the content will remain the same.  Our old site is hosted on .asp so all of our current URLs look something like this: We plan on using 301 redirects in order to update every URL and remove the .asp.  Since we are going to be doing 301 redirects for every existing URL anyways, does it matter from an SEO and ranking standpoint, if we also change the content and structure of the URL? For example, would we see a ranking impact if we were to change the above example URL to Obviously we want to try to retain as much link juice and ranking factors as possible during this redesign. Another issue we are seeing is with the image file names of our existing website images.  We are moving to a new CMS platform (WordPress) that automatically saves images using a folder path similar to this: wp-uploads/2015-08/food.  Will that change affect our SEO or ranking at all? When Google crawls an image does it care about the full path? Any insight would be much appreciated! 🙂

    | BlueLinkERP

  • Hello! I have a client who has been in business for a long time, but was very late to the game online. As a result, the branded domain for his business (for explanation purposes I'll call it "Houston Tan"*) was already taken when he decided he needed a website, however it was not being used. He approached the company that owned "" and they refused to sell it to him. Not only that, they turned around and opened a company and developed the website using his trademarked company name as one word instead of two, "HoustonTan." It was brought to court and the judge determined that since they created a new name by combining the two words, there was nothing that he could do. Still having to create a website for his company, he chose the domain "" Not sure who was advising him on that one. So now he has a domain name with only a partial match to his company name. As you would imagine, when you search Houston Tan, is number 1, 2 & 3, and is #4. My question is, do you think it is even possible for his company to overtake the top spot of Google? Or have you ever come across a situation like this and if so what worked for you? FYI: Even though it says Houston, the company is a global company in over 500 cities (with one 800 number unfortunately), so local SEO strategies wouldn't necessarily apply. *Names are made up to protect both parties 🙂

    | American.Made

  • Hi I work on SEO for an ecommerce site and wanted to find out how important it is to optimise all images with alt tags. We have alt tags in place, however have not optimised descriptions for the following example images: Front of cupboard Back of cupboard Side of cupboard etc Is this dangerous for SEO if these images all have the same alt tag? We have thousands of products so it would be a huge job to update these, but if it's crucial for SEO we can work through our priorities. Thank you!

    | BeckyKey

  • I have tried many things such as rel-canonical, duplicate url redirect modules, but still im looking at over 70 duplicate page titles. Most of this is because the same title is used across all the pages and im not sure if this is possible to change. (ex:,

    | nathanielleee

  • Hi everybody! I have to optimize an ecommerce where somebody has previously done the SEO optimization, although the URLs have numbers before the product's name They have told me that these numbers are useful to find the products, so I think it shouldn't be really bad if I don't redirect them to "clear" ones. For example: /colesterol-sobrepeso/2217-hc-grass-capsulas-duras-15-capsulas.html > /colesterol-sobrepeso/hc-grass-capsulas-duras-15-capsulas.html Am I right? After all, they contain the keywords and the subfolders are also ok. Or it would be better if I redirect the whole site? Thanks!

    | Estherpuntu

  • Hi, Please help me redirect the following pages in htaccess. to ** ** I want to redirect atleast 50 pages like this. Please help Thanks

    | Kashif-Amin

  • Should I use the word "blog" in my sub folder as in : or should I use Is there a difference for when my site is crawled. I understand that a blog works a little differently. Can someone explain the basics?

    | graemesanderson

  • Hi, I am loading 3 CSS files here: PageSpeed is telling me I "should fix" the delivery of these CSS Files (see image). I read , but can't figure out which is my case. The CSS are big, but even if I split them in several, all CSS files are still showing up as render-blocking. I moved them to the header/footer, but the message is still appearing. Do you know what might be the problem and how to solve it? Thank you, Screen_Shot_2015_09_10_at_4_44_23_PM.png

    | viatrading1

  • One of our category pages is keyword stuffed. But we are not able to change the image alt text. It is automatically generated as the title of each product. We would be able to get the keywords down if that was not the case, but now there is 30 alt image keywords along with 25 other elements of the keyword. I can only change 2 image alt texts. What can I do here?

    | Mike.Bean

  • Hi everyone I've got a situation that I haven't seen in quite this way before. I would like some advice on whether I should be rel=canonicalzing of noindexing/following a range of pages on a clients website. I've just started working on a website that creates individual URLs for tabs within each page which has resulted in several URLs being created for each listing: Example URLs: hotel-downtown-calgary hotel-downtown-calgary/gallery?tab hotel-downtown-calgary?tab hotel-downtown-calgary/map?tab hotel-downtown-calgary/facilities?tab hotel-downtown-calgary/reviews?tab hotel-downtown-calgary/in-the-area?tab Google has indexed over 1500 pages with the "?tab" parameter (there are 4380 page indexed for the site in total), and also seems to be indexing some of these pages without the "?tab" parameter i.e. ("hotel-downtown-calgary/reviews" instead of "hotel-downtown-calgary/reviews?tab") so the amount of potential duplication could be more. These tabbed pages are getting minimal traffic from organic search, so I've got no issues with taking them out of the index - the question is how. There are the issues I see: Each tab has the same title as the other tabs for each location, so lots of title duplication. Each individual tab doesn't have much content (although the content each tab has is unique). I would usually expect the tabs to be distinguished by the parameters only, not have unique URLs - if that was the case we wouldn't have a duplication issue. So the question is: rel=canonical or noindex/follow? I can see benefits of both. Looking forward to your thoughts!

    | Digitator

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