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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi There! Taking on a  small project up updating and adding in Schema to a clients site; a previous developer half put in data vocabulary. In my planning I was wondering if their would be a best schema type for category page of products - or a collection of products? Any ideas and experience? Thanks!

    | paul-bold

  • We have a blog written in Oct 2012 that accounts for 30-40% of our traffic (174K pageviews per year/80% bounce rate). We are considering updating the content but are concerned that it will fall off the search engine's map if the content is updated to include information that is not exactly the same, but relevant. The URL would be the same and the original blog content would be shortened with a link to the full blog. The new content would include other FDA products under investigation. Here is the blog:

    | jgodwin

  • I m facing the issue with robot.txt file on my blog. Two weeks ago i done some development work on my blog. I just added few pages in robot file. Now my complete site seems to be blocked. I have checked and update the file and still having issue. The search result shows that "A description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txt – learn more." Any suggestion to over come with this issue

    | Mustansar

  • Hi,
    This is a general question, so sorry in advance if inappropriate. Once I was told, in large scale EC / Forum Site,
    the following number should be around 1,
    and if it is below 1, it is a good sign ... Google Indexed Page Number / Monthly ( 30days ) Click Number I was told this is just a general idea, and real world situation varies, then
    if you don't have any standard, this could be a start. (not dogmatic rules, just reference) Does this sounds about right? or do you have any other formula? I was tasked to do the site wide SEO, and diagnose the general state of SEO-wellness/fitness.. 
    and right now, the number is 1.5, so I am about to report we can do more to get more SERP presence or something... If you guys point me relevant blog article / Q&A forum, I would really appreciate. Thanks!

    | HypermediaSystems

  • I am currently reviewing my strategy when it comes to categories and tags on my site.  Having been no-indexed for some time, and having many tags with just one entry I am thinking that this is not optimal for SEO purposes. This is what I am planning: Categories - Change these to Index, but only after adding a hundred words or so by way of introduction (see this example -  With the categories I am thinking of highlighting key articles as well to improve link juice distribution to older articles that are important. Tags - About half my tags have only 1 entry, with a few more just having 2 entries.  I am thinking of deleting all tags with just one entry, and trying to merge those with just two or 3 entries where it makes sense to do so.  I will keep these as no-index, but I think this will mean more optimal distribution of link juice within the site. I would appreciate your thoughts \ suggestions on the best practices here.

    | TheWebMastercom

  • Hello. I'm finding that by adding the Ultra SEO app in Shopify, I now have duplicates of the Title tags and Meta Descriptions. It looks like it's pulling title tags from the Shop info, the product or page titles as well as the Title tag I add in Ultra SEO. The website is The duplicate meta descriptions are from the text I entered in the meta description field in Ultra SEO. I entered the canonical url code shopify specifies to help with duplicate content, but what about duplicate title and meta description tags on the same page?

    | mymochamoney

  • Here is part of a URL that takes the local number 1 spot for "implant dentist glasgow" [website] /implant-dentistry-glasgow-scotland/implant-dentistry-glasgow-scotland.html The first  /implant-dentistry-glasgow-scotland/ directory or page is protected and presumably just exists for ranking reasons. I am tempted to copy that URL on a client's implant page to compete for the keyword (I believe I have better content). Given that it works well for the other site, can you think of any reason that would that be a bad idea? Thanks very much.

    | neilmac

  • As we have service oriented website, so what all links we need to add in our footer section?

    | Obbserv

  • Hi Guys, My latest crawl shows this: "44% of site pages served 302 redirects during the last crawl" When I click this  to investigate the issue I see: URL:
    https://www..... And under Redirect URL:
    http://www.... I've recently read an article from Yoast that this is a https:// to http:// redirect (ofcourse 😉 ).
    but why is this an issue that needs to be solved and how do I solved it? Thanks again for your help and thoughts. Joost

    | jeeyer

  • I was wondering if others had the same problem I have. It appears Google loves that home page too much and I'm having a difficult time getting it to rank the page I really want. And that happens if a keyword I want to rank for only appears on the home page one time with a keyword density of .1%. Take for example. The home page ranks on the first page for "bulk vanilla beans" and not or And I'll add another one that I recently took on. This is a personal injury attorney in a large city so there is a ton of competition who have been doing SEO for a very long time. (Fortunately he also does business and civil litigation law to keep the business going). Last month, according to webmaster tools, he got a couple of clicks (hey, it's something!) on "personal injury attorney [his city]" on page 2 in the SERPS, but it was his home page. **In this case I don't mind people landing on the home page, but does the fact that another page that is much better optimized for those keywords indicate a penalty on that page? And is his rank lower because the better page is not ranking and Google has to find the next best thing in the home page? ** Has anyone else experienced that and what have you done to get Google to not go home? P.S. The law site is a huge challenge because of the competition. Any help you pros out there can offer to get this underdog out of hiding will be much appreciated. We're starting a smart, strategic content marketing plan now that I'm very excited about.

    | katandmouse

  • We currently have beta sites on sub-domains of our own domain. We have had issues where people forget to change the Robots.txt and these non-relevant beta sites get indexed by search engines (nightmare). We are going to move all of these beta sites to a new domain that we disallow all in the root of the domain. If we put fully configured Robots.txt on these sub-domains (that are ready to go live and open for crawling by the search engines) is there a way for the Robots.txt in the root domain to override the Robots.txt in these sub-domains? Apologies if this is unclear. I know we can handle this relatively easy by changing the Robots.txt in the sub-domain on going live but due to a few instances where people have forgotten I want to reduce the chance of human error! Cheers, Dave.

    | davelane.verve

  • Hi, A client has given us the site  for optimization. He wants to optimize only the spanish part ( the link is on the top right ).  By clicking on the link Espanol, the url opened is - He wants seo for this website for spanish  keywords. The keywords are - Traducción
    traducir español inglés
    traducción My question is how do we go about this ? Shall we purchase a software that translates spanish to english ? Thanks

    | seoug_2005

  • We work with a client of ours with organic search initiatives. The problem is: the industry (e.g. the core of the business) is sagging. It has been for a couple of years. And they're finally feeling these sagging losses. Google Trends support this and shows it quite nicely. It pretty much mirrors organic search referrals as well. The industry (e.g. the core phrase that the company and its competitors have historically hit very hard) as well as Google Trends for the client (middle of the pack) and their two big competitors are attached. Wondering if anyone else has had this type of circumstance with their clients and some of their go to tactics that helped them stop the skid (and even make it start going up). Thanks SpztkvF.png LPHGo76.png

    | ChristianMKG

  • I have a page that is tuned for this query:  1886 ten dollar bill and I am happy with my placement. The same page performs poorly if someone types: 1886 $10 dollar bill Is there anything I can do short of having another page tuned for the $ rather than 10?

    | Banknotes

  • Is there anything simple i can install to reduce the Use of cookie-free domains, i have tried  to used fooman extension but had major conflicts with other extensions? Kind regards

    | Mikaai

  • Hi i just recently made a crawl test but before doing that i made sure that i have no more duplicates on my site i am using joomla and as of now i only have 11 links on my site but when my crawl test is done i saw duplicate url of my homepage the duplicate url has a trailing backslash so basically i have all the 11 links + 1 duplicate URL can you guys give advise how i can remove the duplicate i dont even know which one to retain. THANKS A LOT, cris

    | crisbasma

  • we are creating a site structure for a travel website. the site homepage has a top navigation bar with 8 top level links and a total link count of 33 links in this (within menus). There are also 10 footer and ad-hoc links As this top navigation bar is a site-wide navigation, when entering s specific "travel destination" page, the "travel destination" page has its own contextual links and reference links, making the total inks on the destination page approx 107. do you think its ok to make all links in the top navigation bar no follow on all pages except the homepage? how would you approach this to create less links to maintain effective link-juice flow to required pages

    | Direct_Ram

  • I have looked everywhere how reduce http requests on magento. couldn't find it, everyone talks about best practices but not actual answers how to implement this.

    | Mikaai

  • Hi Guys, I'm new to Moz and really liking it so far!
    I run a eCommerce site on Wordpress + WooCommerce and ofcourse use Yoast for SEO optimalisation I've got a question about my first Crawl report which showed over 600 issues! 😐 I've read that this is something that happens more often ( Most of them are categorized under:
    1. Duplicate Page Titles or;
    2. Duplicate Page Content. Duplicate Page Titles:
    These are almost only: product category pages and product tags. Is this problem beeing solved by giving them the right SEO SERP? I see that a lot of categories don't have a proper SEO SERP set up in yoast! Do I need to add this to clear this issue, or do I need to change the actual Title? And how about the Product tags? Another point (bit more off-topic) I've read here:  that it's advised to noindex/follow Categories and Tags but isn't that a wierd idea to do for a eCommerce site?! Duplicate Page Content:
    Same goes here almost only Product Categories and product tags that are displayed as duplicate Page content! When I check the results I can click on a blue button for example "+ 17 duplicates" and that shows me (in this case 17 URLS) but they are not related to the fist in any way so not sure where to start here? Thanks for taking the time to help out!

    | jeeyer

  • I have a website that just doesn't rank well against what at first glance appears to be a lower quality competitor site. So far - I, and "no one" else can work out why they sit above me in search. I have to concede and respect that they must be doing something right, but what? I just can't get to the bottom of it, and I've been trying for two years!.... Sometimes we can't see the wood for the trees and right now that seems to be me. I genuinely just want to know what I'm missing. Two sites: and Key words: bristol pest control or pest control bristol

    | simonberenyi

  • How to reduced dns requests on magneto website, really stuck, read many documents but no where near resolving the issues.

    | Mikaai

  • Hi All, I have a website In it's Google webmaster search queries i have more than 90 Queries, but not a single query is related with this site. All queries are from different site or subject, they have no any relation with my site. Can any one please tell me how to correct this... Site is related with African foods, recipes, spices and all that. But showing search queries are: [canada goose]( goose) [canada goose outlet deutschland]( goose outlet deutschland) [polizei shop düsseldorf]( shop düsseldorf) [canada goose deutschland]( goose deutschland) [canada goose weste]( goose weste) [canada goose kaufen]( goose kaufen) [canada goose hamburg]( goose hamburg) [canada goose größentabelle]( goose größentabelle)

    | 1akal

  • Hi,
    I received a mail from Google to "Fix mobile usability issues found on  http://miguel-proenç ". I've changed to a responsive design and all site pages are now mobile-friendly. However, on webmaster tools the usability issues still appear. Does anybody have a solution to this ? Thanks

    | MProenca

  • I just signed up for Moz recently, and have noticed that in my crawl errors, I have hundreds of issues with my title tag being too long. My business is selling prints for landscape/travel/nature photography, and I've built these pages dynamically to where the title tag for pages selling individual photos has the title of the photo for sale followed by a hyphen and then the brand name. The same goes for gallery pages "Gallery Name | Brand Name". Would it be worth it to shorten the title tags by removing the brand name from these pages? Or will that actually harm more than help? Thanks in advance!

    | shannmg1

  • I'm getting an html validation error on relative links "Bad value // for attribute itemtype on element div: The string // is not an absolute URL." This is my code for https site: <code class="input">e itemtype="//"><a itemprop="url" class="navbar-brand" …<="" code=""></a></code>

    | RoxBrock

  • Hello, I want any tool which seach css and javascript of whole ecommerce cite? Please suggest. Thanks! Dev

    | devdan

  • Hi everyone! I am having a hard time finding information about weather to/how to apply internal seo linking to mobile versions of sites. We decided to go with dynamic serving with user agent detection. Our desktop site has a quite heavy seo-internal-cross-linking. As I understand, for mobile we should simplify and focus on usability, so get rid of unnecessary links. But I have a doubt about weather removing this part of the web structure can hurt our SEO. Do Google mobile bots look at and rank mobile versions of pages from scratch or do they use what they know about the site and the site's structure from its desktop version?

    | ofertia

  • I'm working with a new client with a site built on Shopify. Most of their products appear in four collections. This is creating a duplicate content challenge for us. Can anyone suggest specific code to add to resolve this problem. I'm also interested in other ideas solutions, such as "don't use collections" if that's the best approach. I appreciate your insights. Thank you!

    | quiltedkoala

  • If you don't have any problems with Text/HTML ratio. Which one do you prefer for better results? With reasons of possible, thanks.

    | Eslam-yosef

  • What to do if you have hundreds of thousands of a particular product. Comic Books for example. Is it ok to have the words Comic Book in the title and H1 tag as long as it is qualified? For example, if I have the following as both the Title tag and the H1 tag. Comic Book  - Spider Man Versus Wolverine Comic Book - Silver Surfer Goes Home to Visit Mom. Comic Book - Superman Gets a New Kitten Comic Book  - Wonder Woman is More Wonderful Than You Know As of now, I have been doing it this way, but only in the title tag.  However, Google has been using my H1 tag as my title, so in the search results, I am only getting: "Superman Gets a New Kitten" And I am afraid that that is leaving out important info for searchers, especially qualifying that the product is a Comic Book and if someone is searching for a Comic Book, I need that to return. But I don't want any 'more' trouble from the Panda.   Again, this will be hundreds of thousands of products. Thanks for your help! Craig

    | TheCraig

  • I am having problem with my product pages not ranking as high as I would expect them to be. (or see attachement) This is an example. The fact that competitor C is on position 4 stupifies me. At what areas should I be looking? z3aTwUG.png

    | Entertainment

  • I have been working through the dead links on my page and recreating the page with new content for those pages that it still makes sense to have on the site. But I have a few that were just changes of the title, spelling mistakes or other ways of saying the same thing In other words I created a page called "areas of the UK we cover" but decided to change it to "areas covered" However, I must have created links to this page and now it is a dead link with a page authority of 19 I think it would be spammy to have two pages, one called "areas covered" and the other called "areas of the UK we cover. It's not a disallow in Robots.txt because the page does not exist Please note I do not have access to the header to add code for a 301 redirect. I'm still using but not for new sites. I also have a page called singing telegrams london, that I changed from singagrams london. These are two words for the same thing but they are two very different keywords would it be ok to recreate this page and create content for singagrams london. Help is much appreciated

    | singingtelegramsuk

  • I would like to know what your opinion would be regarding the business name displayed in the meta description. Would you write your business name as: Business Name or BusinessName™ (no space with Trademark) I used MOZ example from here (Meta Descriptions Best Practice) and inserted the different business names. Welcome to Business Name in San Diego, California - the nation's largest urban cultural park. Home of 15 major museums, renowned performing arts venues... Welcome to businessname™ in San Diego, California - the nation's largest urban cultural park. Home of 15 major museums, renowned performing arts venues... I'm not sure which would be best for Google and other search engines. Thanks for your help.

    | Kdruckenbrod

  • With google removing the metag author functionality how do you think metatag author will be used if at all. will functionality change? will it have any use? and should resources being used to implement it? Secondly, will bing utilize it in some way  much like they use keywords as a negative signal.

    | mycarpetking

  • The import/export tool Magento has is really disappointing, especially when it comes to uploading images. Creating products manually is very time consuming. Could anyone recommend a method to upload products through a feed, is there any plugins etc?

    | Jseddon92

  • My website in "On Page Grade" received an A.Anyway, I only have 1 thing to optimize:_"Use Keywords in your URL__Using your targeted keywords in the URL string adds relevancy to your page for search engine rankings, assists potential visitors identify the topic of your page from the URL, and provides SEO value when used as the anchor text of referring links."_My website is ranking in top10 for a super high competitive keyword and all my others competitors have the keyword on their domain, but not for my URL.Since I can't change my domain for fixing this suggestion, I would like to know what do you think about doing a 301 redirect from / to the index of my website would be the /keyword.I don't know if this can make a damage to my SERP for the big change ir it would be a great choice.

    | estebanseo

  • Hi im not sure what the best course of action is my client has one site but it has 2 TLD the and the .com they wanted all redirected to the .com but the is ranking in the serps postion 2 and the .com is ranking in local, but is way back in the serps. So i have a bit of a dilemma, by the way it is a local business based in the uk. what should i do?

    | juun

  • Greetings all, I'm starting to build a mobile version of our website to be ready for April 21st. Question is: is it absolutely necessary to have a mobile domain name or can I just direct users to same domain/folder? in other words: vs - does this even matter? As always, thank you!

    | md3

  • is it recommended to have the page title labeled as H1? or better to have page title and separate H1 ? thank you

    | gergi

  • Hi! We're rethinking our website and we have some doubts on how it would affect our positioning. Our main keyword right now is "casas de madera". Positioning by this keyword we have three different "main" pages: Our home ( 2)SEO landing page ( 3)A blog section ( We thought at first about changing our home main keyword, but this option has been ruled out since is the keyword that gives us the most visits and changing it would result on a rebrandindg strategy we are not sure we want to pursue. We're thinking about a canonical from the landing page (2) to our Home (1) and making it disappear from our website. Regarding our blog we've thought about removing the blog section. We've thought about a 301 from every post to a new category or just deleting the category "casas de madera" from our site and telling google not to index the section (3) but continue indexing the posts we already have published under this category. Would any of these harm our positioning? And, if so, is ther any other steps you wolud recomend us taking? In this same topic, we're about to create a SEM Landing page for this same keyword. This page will be very visual and with little text. We are not sure if we should have a canonical pointing from it to our home or just not indexing the new SEM landing page. What would you recommend? Thanks

    | Canexel

  • What is the best way to create unique meta tags for pages like

    | Obbserv

  • I have two sites owned by one client, he wants to merge them into one keeping one website, but which one? I've been using the Moz Pro to look at the stats for both sites; page authority, inbound links etc, but they're both fairly close in results. The client wants to know what would be the best course to take with these two sites, what site should he keep and which should he merge? Any advice?

    | barrowr

  • I am getting Duplicate Meta tag error(under HTML improvement) for these kinds of pages What is the best way to resolve such type of error?

    | Obbserv

  • Hey Y'all, I had a question about over-optimization. So if I'm targeting "Social Security Lawyer Allen, TX" on the home page, then "SSDI Lawyer Allen, TX," on another page, could that be hurting my efforts on Google? Should I remove all of the efforts targeted toward Allen, TX on the other page, or should I maybe target like a different city?

    | Charles_Murdock

  • Hi everybody, My Website is ranking well for several keywords and long-tail keywords. However, all these visits are going directly to some .PDF guides that exist on our products and information on industry sectors the company is based around. I feel the PDF's are bad simply because they dont offer easy interaction with the rest of the website. I am considering making each PDF into a webpage but am not 100% sure of the pro's and cons of doing so. I will still need to the PDF's accessible for user to download but don't want my new webpages to get tagged as duplicate content. Is it possible to,
    1 - change the PDF's so they send any link authority to the new webpage
    2 - make google aware that I want the webpage not the PDF to be the "ranking" page What is the likely hood of destroying my rank for these keywords on the PDF by making these changes and then not being able to rank the webpage for the same keywords? It would be pointless if I just lost all the traffic lol.

    | ATP

  • Hi everyone! I'm wondering about naming my product photo file names for an E-Commerce site. Let's say I say have product named Abe Lincoln in the **Print **category for sale with 4 images, relatively similar but from different views for example.Could I name them as follows? 1) abe-lincoln-print.jpg 2) abe-lincoln-print-side-view.jpg 3) abe-lincoln-print-close-up.jpg 4) abe-lincoln-print-font-view.jpg Or is that too many keywords for the page? Should I be worried about keyword stuffing? Plus once I add in title and alt tags and descriptions this could also increase the keyword count for "abe lincoln print"?

    | TheFlyingSweetPotato

  • Hello all What is your evaluation in regards to a number of links (different anchors) targeting the same destination URL from within one and the same menu (on the same website)? Keeping it brief: Think of a top menu drop down entry, that needs to feature the alphabet (each letter has it's own sub-entries). However, the actual letter itself is not represented by a page (it has no URL either). So far so good. However, when testing the menu on a mobile device, the letter entries are still treated, as if they were non-existent pages - thus throwing a 404 when clicked. In order to avoid people getting a 404 when clicking on any letter, it would be ideal, if they were directed to any main page (the same destination URL though). However, that would mean 26 times the same destination URL from within that menu. Is this approach potentially bad for SEO, hence there would be numerous duplicate destination URLs in place? Please mind, I am not inquiring for help on how to arrange the actual menu. I am concerned about the impact, identical destination URLs could have on the on-page SEO. Many thanks in advance for your help and input!

    | Hermski

  • Hi guys. Recently I got an email from Webmaster-tools saying our site is poorly optimised for mobile devices, and that it’s going to heavily affect rankings from April 21st.  I’m worried to say the least.  We literary cannot afford a hit on traffic at the moment 😞 We rank well for niche terms like ‘customised diary’ and ‘personalised diary’. So question... Because we rank well for these very specific searches will we still take a hit on rankings after the update?  Won’t our high relevancy for those search terms be enough to keep us high in the results? Also, do you know if this change is specific to the users device?  E.g) Someone on a mobile device will get mobile-friendly results, whilst users on a laptop will get different results altogether? I'm just trying to get a sense of how much this update will effect us.  Any isights, suggestion, or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.  Our site. Thanks in advance.  This community is invaluable to us 🙂 Isaac - TOAD Diaries.

    | isaac663

  • Website: Although I have no indexed my search pages by adding /catalogsearch in robots.txt, still we are getting same error again and again Here's a list of sample URLs with potential problems. Please help

    | Obbserv

  • We pushed this Word Press site live about a month ago Since then we've been adding regular content, blog posts 3 times a week with social posts on facebook, twitter, G+ and LinkedIn.  We also submitted via Moz Local about 3 weeks ago.  Yext about two weeks ago and have been adding about 5 listings to small local directories a week. Webmaster tools shows that the site map is valid and the pages of the site are getting indexed and it shows links from 7 sites, mostly directories. I'm just not seeing the site ranking for anything.  We're getting zero organic traffic. I though we did a good job not over optimizing the pages.  I'm just stymied trying to figure out what's wrong.  Usually we push a site live and see at least some low rankings after just a couple of weeks. Can anyone see anything that looks bad or where we've gone wrong?

    | DonaldS

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