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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi again 🙂 I ask for ur input again my friends I finally decided to go for the shorter .COM domain, and I put my domain online. Since it will be an online games site, every post will be in fact a new game. And of course, every game, will be in fact a post. I put my home page as "latest posts" this way, all my posts are shown in home page, and posts being for me games, all my games appear on my home page. So my home page always has the latest games and is always fresh. The theme I use has the option to ad some "static content" at the end of the posts, on home page, for SEO. I my home page I have also about 300 words of "article" content, that never changes, and is for seo, since my post content, is in fact java script, and other html codes ( flash games). So my home pages is that article plus excerpts of latest post. But the problem is, that I cannot control the seo, on page this way, and I cannot control my keywords very well, or the density of them, since the home page isnt a page. Now the question is, to let my Home page as it is, or change it and set it up as a page. I can put games on pages to, that is not a big problem. What is best, for the future of the site, google ranking, and seo, in ur opinion. I ad that I recived "A" Grade on moz for Page Seo Grade! Thank You!

    | Catinas97

  • Hi About 2 Months ago I submitted a Disavow File using the Disavow Tool I have collected more links and I am ready to upload a 2nd File, However should I download the previous file in Webmaster Tools (Disavow Tool) and add these new links to that File or if I just upload and override the existing file with this file containing new links only will that be ok. What I dont want to do is do something that removes all the previous findings from the list so that google cannot see them anymore. I guess what I am trying to say is does Google just refer to the live file I am updating / overriding or once I have submitted a file weather i remove it or not will google still have a record of it and be referring to it ? Thanks Adam

    | AMG100

  • I have two URLs one with a tracking coded and one without. and**#.U6ghgLEz64I ** My question is will this be considered as two separate URLs, will Google consider this as two pages with duplicate content.  Any recommendations would be much appreciated.

    | TowerMarketing

  • In terms of on page optimization for Key words,  should I be trying to optimise the page for all the keywords in my adwords campaign, which is approximately 200… or just the words that generate the most click throughs,   etc

    | Hardley111

  • I would like to know your thoughts on optimising a page for a keyword phrase that is not how you would normally write it. When someone searches they tend to use the (no pun intended) key words relating to their query rather than natural language. Using these keywords leads to copy that doesn't read well but not doing so gets you a poor mark on On-page graders like Moz. My clients target an international market but are region specific so, for example, I might want to optimise for 'safari lodge zambia' or variations of that. Alternatively it might be optimising for a specific tour so the keyword might include a region highlight and the 'safari' or 'tour' qualifier which again can sometimes be problematic. In the title, I would normally use the name of the tour | company name but that may not match an exact likely keyword search and in the main copy/description it would be unnatural to incorporate the keyword phrase.

    | intergise

  • Hi, the title pretty much explains everything. Just send me a message with an email adress and we'll get in contact! regards, Walter

    | Walterman

  • We currently have a site which uses https and want to change to normal http only (for reasons unrelated to SEO). We were planning to do this with a change in our server configuration (we use Nginx, and can automatically redirect https to http). Our site has been around for approx 1 year, so there are links floating around in the Internet which will still be using https. These will be automatically redirected to http. What will be the impact on our SEO? I understand that our webmaster tools account may need to change...

    | michaelcho

  • Hi, For ex: - My site is and Its paginated URLs for are in the format of :, and vice versa also i have used pagination tags rel=next and rel=prev. My concern is all the paginated URLs are getting indexed so is their any disadvantage if these URLs are getting indexed as somewhere i have read that link juice may get distributed in case of pagination. isn't it good to use Noindex, Follow so that we can make the Google to understand that paginated page are not so much important and that should not be ranked.

    | vivekrathore

  • I have just read this great post from moz blog: But I haven't found nothing about updating post date. If I edit an old great post (now ranked 2nd after several months in 1st serp position) does it be better if I also update the date of the post in the wordpress post edit page? Thank you very much and sorry for my poor english. Bye, Dario.

    | Italianseolover

  • Hi Guys. One of my pages ranks quite well for "mid year diaries 14-15" on Google.  The problem is it's a really specific product page (A4, Hardback, day-to-a-page diary I think). It would be much better for the user to land on our mid-year diaries category, not really deep into the site.  Why is Google prioritizing this product page over our general 'mid year diaries' category? Especially when the category would relate to the search more accurately? I work for TOAD diaries and I think our page rank is 10 for this search. Eagerly awaiting some insight 🙂 Thanks in advance everyone! Isaac.

    | isaac663

  • I have searched for one, but really cannot find one that fits my needs. I am looking at making an on site grader / service that will check pages and point out SEO problems. One that I have found that I like is but they do not have an api. I do not want to reinvent the wheel if I do not have to. Also, the api does not have to be free, or it does not even have to be an api, it can be a self hosted application too.

    | LesleyPaone

  • Had an interesting question from a client. The client has a page that is optimized for a specific term. The goal of the page is to push users to sign-up for a trial. The trial registration (conversion) page is hosted by a third-party. Will pushing users to the conversion page cannibalize the SEO authority of the  landing page. My reflexive answer is to say no, but now am not so sure.

    | infoblue

  • Hi Today I entered through the Moz Page Grader and found that the Home Page is Ranked B. I noticed that an Area we could improve on is the amount of times we are using our main keyword "Fancy Dress" on the home page. Please can you take a look at and scroll to the bottom of the page were the tabs are containing losts of content. I am thinking about removing all of thoose Tabs. Our Competitors dont have any content as such on the home page and are ranking higher than Party Domain for "fancy dress" What do you think ? remove all the tabs to be like the others that rank better? Or cut the text right down ? Thanks Adam

    | AMG100

  • Hi, One of my client's websites is not showing its Meta descriptions in search results. I've looked at the html and have noticed that they are using ' rather than " around the description tag (see below) <meta name="<a class="attribute-value">description</a>" content='<a class="attribute-value">Student Accommodation in Portsmouth or Southampton - Fully Furnished Studios, Close to the Universities. All Inclusive Rent with WiFi. Going Fast, Book Now!</a>' /> Is this likely to be the problem, or am I missing something very obvious? The website is Many thanks, Ben

    | bendyman

  • Hi Guys Have been reading up a bit on methods for boosting Domain Authority and am generally finding that the best way is by producing unique and relevant content through blogs and other kinds of articles. Having multiple clients in an agency means that there is limited time for this and I need something else to assist in boosting Domain Authority. I perform a fair bit of backlinking through online directories, however I am also finding that most blog comment sections have implemented 'no follow' codes to reduce spam content. There are plenty of free online directories, and many with high Domain Authorities, however they can take up to months for the listings to be approved. I am performing other activities to boost keyword rankings in Google for our clients but need some help with getting their Domain Authority up. Does anyone know of an efficient method for boosting Domain Authority for an agency with many clients where blog writing for each may not be a viable option? Would be great to hear anyone's ideas!

    | JuiceBoxOM

  • We have been adding our company (Townscript) name in all the page titles. For example, in an event page of Lucknow Conclave: the page title is Lucknow Conclave | Alexis Society | Townscript I read somewhere that it's not necessary to put your company's name in the title tag. Is it right? Please help!

    | sanchitmalik

  • On hover my links are with additional Parameters while links that are indexed are without additional parameters does it impact in a negative way. For ex: i have a site and Its internal pages that are linked to the site are in pattern of and these are the pages which are interlinked through out the site. When any user click the link they will land to the similar pages with additional parameter even on mouse hover any one can see the same link. while we have used Canonical, so pages that are getting indexed are But my concern is: - To showing two different link as when Google crawler follow the site they will get the links with additional parameter while in its index its a URL without additional parameter so is there problem that we can encounter or is there any negative impact on ranking?

    | vivekrathore

  • Hi everyone, I have a question regarding my subdomain. My website is japracool[dot]com and it was under coriate[dot]com (in my hosting service). I still can access my website trough japracool[dot]coriate[dot]com. My question, should I redirect it to japracool[dot]com? Thanks before.

    | Japracool

  • Hey, In webmaster tools i have 520 domains linking to my site and i disavowed some today, when i was done it said "you successfully uploaded a disavow links file with 75 URLs and 0 domains". First question, did i do this right? Second question if a site is linking to me on multiple pages on their site do i have to disavow each link or just the domain is enough. When i download the all links to my site it was around 5,000 from the 520 domains. I appreciate the help.

    | benjaminmarcinc

  • When searching for the brand name "SteriPEN", the #3 listing on the SERP is for one of SteriPEN's "Adventurer Opti" product at, On the SERP for this search, the REI listing for Adventurer Opti product displays showing the product as 1-star based on a product review from 2010. What we don't understand is the fact that the product history has a 3.7 to 4.2 rating on most websites. Why would a product with so many reviews and established history have 1 review that drives the 1-star rating from such a prominent retailer? Makes no sense. Any suggestions as to whom we might be able to contact for help with this is greatly appreciated. edit?usp=sharing

    | ReachMaineAgency

  • I have seen much more use of "Page Title" of fact hardly any of "Browser Title" except by some folks who are using a very old CMS. We need to go with one at my workplace to avoid confusion. My vote is Page Title.  Thoughts? Thanks, Tim

    | Jen_Floyd

  • See: Thrilled that Google is pulling our content over wikipedia (in this instance). Wondering how we can assure more success like this. Mike Corso

    | Mike_c

  • Hi! I need to add a splashpage to my wordpress site. I use "window.location" javascript on the homepage to redirect on the splashpage (controlled by cookie to redirect only for the first access). Can this technique affect the SEO on homepage? Thanks in advance!

    | StudioCiteroni

  • Hiya I have two queries is about a jewellery shop running on wordpress and woocommerce. 1. I am a little indecisive on how to index the product categories without creating duplicate pages which will get me into trouble. For example: All earrings are listed on the category page: We also have product attribute pages which lists all the subcategories for the earrings: I have the category URL and the product attribute URLs set to be indexed on my sitemaps. Will this get me into trouble creating duplicate content with the main category page? Should I only have  the main category indexed and "no-index, follow" all the product attribute pages? 2. I am also thinking about incorporating these product attribute URLS into my menu so when people hover over earrings they get shown the types of earrings they can buy. However, I have the woocommerce faceted navigation working on the category pages. So if someone is visiting the page The user can click on the left hand side, and select "drops". The URL they will get though is one which is not indexed: Can I link to those product attribute pages without the risk of getting accused of creating duplicate content? Thank you for your help. Carolina

    | bongoheads

  • Hi We recently worked on optimising one of our product pages, we created a new meta description, new unique content and a ensured it was optimised for our keyword. Despite all of this its ranking is still significantly lower than competitors eventhough the page authority is as good as theirs. I have just noticed that Moz crawl diagnostics is showing it up as having no meta description - but it does! when you check the source you see:http-equiv="description" content="Buy the robust and reliable Canon imageRUNNER 2525 from Copyfaxes. Learn more about the Canon 2525 before you buy." /> The page is: I would appreciate any ideas.

    | copyfaxes1

  • We have been wondering this for a while now. When we build our sitemaps, or when the yoast plugin does in WP we are often left with and in our sitemaps. Surely it isn't healthy to have both in the sitemap. Which one should we take out? Thanks

    | EveronSEO

  • A couple of months ago, I did something that has caused me great angst.  My website unique visitors was on a steady growth path for about 3 years. I swapped out my SEO plugin, from all-in-one, to Yoast.   I then removed all of my meta tags.   My site has about 2000 unique posts.  After doing that my unique visitors has been on a steady decline of me loosing traffic at a rate of 5 to 10% of my visits. Any thoughts on the best remediation plan I should use.  I put back in the meta tags, but wasn't sure of the SEO plugin switch caused the issue.

    | copykatrecipes

  • Hi I have recently signed up to Moz Pro and the first crawl report on my wordpress site has brought up some duplicate content issues. I don't know what to do with this data! The original page : and the duplicate content page : If anyone can point me to  a  resource or explain what I need to do thanks! David.

    | WallerD

  • I have a website ( that does tech news and reviews and is based out of the Middle East. I would love to learn more about SEO and do the best job but I just don't have the time. I was thus wondering is there is anyone available that can spend about an hour on my site every day optimising content. I don't know if posting such as offer is allowed or not either but if it is, and if you are interested, then please get back to me on how much it would cost.

    | tbreak

  • Do you think putting blog posts on the root poses a disadvantage? Root: Folder:

    | eyeflow

  • I am having a hard time understanding how my 3 different product pages are being shown up as Duplicate Content in s crawl. Some of my 21 different pages are being shown as duplicate content. Here are 3 of those: 1. 2. 3. Can someone help me with this. Thanks in advance 🙂

    | sidjain4you

  • I have a client who gets a good portion of their sales (~40%) from Google Product Feeds, and for those they want each (Product X Quantity) to have it’s own SKU, as they often get 3 listings in a given Google shopping query, i.e. 2,4,8 units of a given product. However, we are worried about this creating duplicate content on the search side. Do you know if we could rel=canonical on the site without messing with their google shopping results? The crux of the issue is that they want the products to appear distinct for the product feed, and unified for the web so as not to dilute. Thoughts?


  • Hello Mozzers! We have a client going through a website revamp. The client is The Michelangelo Hotel, and they are part of Star Hotels. Star Hotels plans to create a section on their site for The Michelangelo, as opposed to maintaining a stand alone site. They will then take the domain, and point it to the corresponding pages on the Star site. The guest will key in, and will see the same content that can be found on The problem we have is this: Essentially the same content will be indexed twice, once on and once on This would seem to cause a duplicate content issue. What are your thoughts? Edit: I apologize, because I was not nearly clear enough here. The Star Hotels site will have 5 pages dedicated to The Michelangelo Hotel. The content will sit solely on that server as those 5 pages. Those 5 pages will each be indexed as 2 URLs. <-> <-> And so on. Thanks!

    | FrankSweeney

  • First of all:
    I am excited about using all the MOZ tools!   I just got back my webcrawl and have found
    a lot of issues that I am working on. I am a Vacation Rental Property Manager with 150 properties, all different. 90% of my pages have the same keywords and descriptions and a lot of same page titles
    too.  I can change all of these by adding a few fields in my database and then
    populating the meta information dynamically. For Example: <title>Big Bear Cabins | Big Bear Cabin Rentals - Chateau Alta Vista Cabin</title>
    Chateau Alta Vista, Big Bear Cabins, Big Bear Cabin Rentals
    Chateau ALta vista is a Big Bear Cabin with four bedrooms, three
    bathrooms, it is Big Bear Luxury Property. If you notice the Title, keyword are dynamically populated from the database using the
    property name of Chateau Alta Vista.  The description is an extra field in the database that I just implemented that I can customize per property. I have a few questions, but here is more information:  I also have 5 or 6 related pages
    to each property.   Pages Like general information, photos, calendars, book
    Question 1):  Is the best way of doing my titles, keywords and descriptions.  Any concerns or recommendations.  I have read, do not even use keywords anymore. Question 2) I have other pages that show maybe 8 or 10 photos.  So is it ok to do the following; Title <photos of="" big="" bear="" cabin="" chateu="" alta="" vista<="" title="">Meta Keywords <photos of="" big="" bear="" cabins="" chateu="" alta="" vista="">Meta Description <check out="" photos="" of="" big="" bear="" cabin="" rentals,="" chateua="" <br="">Alta Vista, etc Currently, I have some archaic page naming with database driven url parameters such as</check></photos></photos> and at worse $1,127.10&checkoutdate=07/13/2014&beds=4&firstnight=07/11/2014&nights=2 I do not have he ability to to full url encoding such as but I can do http:/ Question is what do I do... If I do change the page names I will lose the history of property_detail_V.aspx which only has a Page Authority of 21,  but if I change the page name and dynamic navigation of my website will I not lose all my authorities,  if so, is it worth doing it? My highest keyword ranking is 30 which is terrible. Nick

    | nickcargill

  • Hi We have done some testing where we have changed our URL to a new name and 301 redirected the old to the new. It has now been decided to go back to the old url again but is there an seo risk to this? Will all the inbound links that as redirected in the first change be lost or?

    | AndersDK

  • Hello, My site is I have Total Indexed 195 while I have 87 URLs submitted and only 79 URLs Indexed. What is the difference and is there a problem? Thanks ahead of time, 

    | littlecolby

  • This is driving me mad, I have a site that for some reason google and moz pick up the landing page as a duplicate. They see "mysite/" and "mysite/index.html" as two different pages and giving me warnings for duplication. I have no 301 included at this time and I am using foundation as the base. This is occurring both on a localhost test bed and live....... anyone got an idea how to correct.

    | AndyBirtles

  • I got hit pretty badly by Panda 4.0 (1/3 of my traffic lost), and I'm fairly certain it was because Google had potentially indexed over 20 million pages from a site filtering piece of software and got done for duplicate content. I have since fixed that using URL Parameters and that 20 million is down to 2.7 million now and I have submitted a clean site map, so now I wait. I have just done a site relaunch and am trying to determine if there are any other issues. I run an online store, and I have a mega menu with well over 300 links in it - makes the user experience really quick and easy to jump exactly where you want - and then I have about 30 links in the footer. I know there's a 'no more than 100 links on a page' guideline for Moz, but does anyone know if Google is smart enough to see the same header / footer navigation structure on every page of a site and know it's navigation and not water down the rest of the links, or do I need to re-think and simplify my navigation? It's one of those things that's there for a user experience and now I'm worried that I'm being penalised. The site is www dot shopnaturally dot com dot au

    | sparrowdog

  • Hello mates, Our site is an e-comerce site has been hit hard by the latest Panda on the last weekend as many other sites such as Retailmenot etc. We were working hard from one year til now:1. Rewrite all the pages with pour content (less than 100 words), and non-original content.2. The pages where was impossible rewrite the content were 410 gone.3. About the link profile, we were removing all the unnatural links by contacting thewebmaster and finally updating a DISAVOW file at monthly basis.All these tasks were performed and we see some improvements close to the original traffic before 2012Now from the last weekend our traffic down again, so we need to know if we can do anythingor there are something hidden from our eyes.Thank youClaudio

    | SharewarePros

  • I work with a company that has 2 brands. Both brands have separate sites (currently on a WP multisite install). We want each brand to have its own blog, but for ease of content creation have ONE wp install to create the blog content and depending on what category is clicked (Brand 1 and/or Brand 2), it will publish to that sites blog. 2 questions: 1. Is one WP install for blog syndication for 2 separate sites advisable (as client is requesting)? Or should we just bite the bullet and have each site have it's separate posting through it's own WP install? 2. Sometimes one blog post will be published to BOTH blogs (i.e. category Brand 1 and Brand 2 clicked OR if we use two separate wp installs for each site, publish to both blogs). Is using a rel=canonical for the original post (we need to decide which brand takes precedence) sufficient to overcome duplicate content problem? Thanks in advance! Stephan

    | stephanwb

  • I run a vBulletin website and vBulletin isnt very SEO friendly.  I do fairly well in Google for most of my keywords, but forums dont necessarily build strong page authority etc.  My site deals with fishing reports across the state of VA and drives 15-18k sessions a month and close to 100,000 page views a month based on Google Analytics. I want to start targeting new keywords and I am concerned about vBulletin inability to be SEO friendly.  Many of my new keywords arent dynamic like fishing reports that are added by members daily.  These are more like campgrounds, marinas etc. My thought is to install a Wordpress blog and build out this content so I can efficiently deal with on page SEO.   the vBulletin software is installed in the root so I would install wordpress in something like mydomain/lake123/ Is the right thing to do, and will google see multiple sitemaps (one for vbulletin and another for wordpress) and index appropriately?  Am I missing something major here? Thanks ~ Brian

    | FCBCO

  • Hello, I’m working on a client’s E-commerce website. This website is not live yet. Before the site goes live, I am curious to know what the best practices of On-site SEO are. Please let me know from which factor should I start analyze? Thanks.

    | TopLeagueTechnologies

  • Hello, Is there any way to do authorship for articles with more than one author listed? If so, how?

    | BobGW

  • We have old product data that is being updated (approx 30k sku's).  Most of the old pages have been indexed and drive the majority of our online sales.  But, the updated products have different titles, H1's, etc and have been re-formatted for the better in terms of usability. So, should we redirect thousands of pages to the new pages?  Will Google be ok with that?...or should we reformat the current url's with the new data?  And, if we reformat current url's with new data...the fear is that the on-page elements that the pages are being pick up for will get wiped out, (be it the H1 in some cases or the title or alt tag for another, etc) because it's simply too much to retain them during the import. Please share

    | nisvision

  • How can I remove a page indexed by google?

    | tourtravel

  • Hi Guys Two issues to sort out.. So we have a website that lists products and has many pages for: a) The list pages - that lists all the products for that area.
    b) The detailed pages - that when click into from the list page, will list the specific product in full. On the list page, we perhaps have half the description written down, when clicked into you see the full description.
    If you search in google for a phrase on the detailed page, you will see results for that specific page including 'multiple' list pages where it is on. For example, lets say we are promoting 'trees' which are situated in Manhatten. And we are also promoting trees in Brooklyn, there is a crossover. So a tree listed in Manhatten will also be listen in brooklyn as its close by (not from America so don't laugh if I have areas muddled)
    We then have quite a few pages with the same content as a result. I read a post a while back from the mighty Cutts who said not to worry about the duplicate unless its spammy, but what is good for one person, is spammy to another.. Does anyone have any ideas as to if this is a genuine problem and how you would solve? Also, we know we have alot of thin content on the site, but we dont know how to identify it. It's a large site so needs something automated (I think).. Thanks in advance Nick

    | nick-name123

  • Also on my brand query it doesn't shows sitelinks. What may be the reason?

    | vivekrathore

  • I am trying to understand how to best optimise a url for a page to rank high for specific keywords. Example: a top keyword search is "rental properties in new york". Question is does this keyword need to appear as this exact phrase in the url or should it be broken up into different directories for a better structure e.g.: OR Which will help the page rank higher (given all other things on the page are exactly the same)? Thanks!

    | MH19

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