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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • I have a page on a site that is targeted for "mens hair cut" and I have received a F for the grade. The content on the page uses "men's" throughout the content. (proper punctuation) When I re-graded the page with "men's hair cut" the page received a B grade. My question is, does mens v.s men's make a different for on-page SEO? Should my targeted keywords include "men's" rather than "mens"?

    | Kdruckenbrod

  • Does anyone have any quantifiable evidence regarding text that is collapsed - when clicked the section expands and presents the text, against just having the text on view in the page. That is, instead of having a FAQ with question followed by answer, there is a question which you click to expose/expand the answer. Could the collapsed text be potentially detrimental to ranking?

    | MickEdwards

  • I have an event website and for every day the event occurs the event has a page. For example: The Oktoberfest in Germany the event takes 16 days. My site would have 16 (almost)identical pages about the Oktoberfest(same text, adres, photos, contact info). The only difference between the pages is the date mentioned on the page. I use rich snippets. How does google treat my pages and what is the best practice.

    | dragonflo

  • Hi everyone, Good CTR and bounce rate seem to affect rankings positively, but what about domain authority? Is that something built entirely on links and semantics, or does CTR play a factor too? Consider a homepage ranking for its brand name. Switching off any brand PPC will increase the natural listing's CTR. Would that have a positive SEO impact on the homepage/domain?

    | tprg

  • Google is now showing menus on select searches.  Any idea how they are getting this information? I would like to make sure my clients get visibility this way.

    | Ron_McCabe

  • I have two pages that have essentially the same content, same page title etc. however one is the mobile version of the other. Is it appropriate to use the rel canonical tag with these two pages? So the pages are: If  rel canonical is not appropriate what, if anything should I do?

    | cbarron

  • My on-page SEO efforts are focused on generating higher visibility in Google's SERPs for my site:  My primary keyword phrase is "winter garden divorce lawyer" I have noticed that my home page ranks higher in Yahoo (5) and Bing (2) for my primary keyword, and Google does display my site in the 7-pack local results but does not rank my home page organically.  It actually ranks my business's Facebook page on page 3 of the SERPs.  Yahoo includes me in the local listings in position least today it does! I am happy that Google includes me in the local results, and I am curious why it does not rank my home page organically at all. Yahoo's rankings seem to be accurately tracking my keyword phrases and the appropriate pages, and it has me ranking really well for many of my keyword phrases. I am not quite sure why Yahoo and Bing see my relevant pages and seem to be ranking me appropriately, but Google is not.  I recently (within last week) cleaned up my backlink profile per a great suggestion I received here.  Is that the likely culprit? Any thoughts?  Thank you in advance.

    | ajgrossman

  • First of all, the URL is In January, this online store switched from Homestead to Big Commerce. Since the store updated, we decided now is the time to update our product descriptions, URL's, title tags and meta descriptions. (For the first time, we had the ability to customize our URL's.) Product Description: I went through 2,500 products and updated the product description. I added an H1 & H2 to each description, and included pertinent information such as part numbers. Each product also received a new page title, meta description (which is usually the first line of the product description, don't know if this is bad or not) and a new URL, (which did redirect). Once I would complete a section, I would submit a new sitemap to Webmaster Tools. After a month and nothing happening, I started using SEOMoz which helped me rebuild some of my more important pages, such as the home page and main category pages such as: I fetched these pages in Webmaster Tools after completion. However, it's been several weeks since and I'm still on page 4 or 5 in the SERPs. Just a little history on the store; this store has been in operation for more than 6 years. Previously, we ranked on page one for 75%+ of our products. My belief is because our URL's had history, probably more so than our competitors. I'm not sure what I should do. Business is super slow and we can't afford to wait much longer.

    | pearldesign

  • I have two examples of contact pages coming up over designated landing pages Keyword: Nickel Alloys for Keyword: Artificial Grass for Is there anyway I can stop this happening?

    | icansee

  • Hi, I am creating a new website for a client. Is it best to include the keywords from the most common search in the domain name, they would like: but should I be recommending: Does it make much difference to search rankings if the keyword is in the domain name? Thanks v much

    | danieldunn10

  • Hi Moz analytics suggestion to help ranking is to have a keyword or phrase in the url so I advised a client to do this they changed one of their pages urls, this page previously had a page authority of 26 since the change its gone down to 1.
    I advised them that they must do a 301 from the old page but they took a few weeks to do this, would this of affected it why is it not showing up yet its been 3 weeks now, since the 301 and 5 weeks since the url change.

    | genkee

  • What are the best actions I can take to get our brand to show up on google with expanded site link?  Is there a schema markup for this?

    | Syed_Raza

  • I have a question about duplicate content. (auto generated text).
    Will google consider page 1 and page 2 as duplicate content? Page 1. You will find all the Amazon coupon codes and Amazon discount codes currently available listed below, if Amazon doesn't currently have any coupons available you may want to check for Amazon deals or find related coupon codes or promotional codes for similar online stores selling the same products as amazon.
    We always have the latest coupon codes for Amazon which are updated daily, so if you can't find any Amazon coupons here then you won't find them anywhere else.
    Shop online today at Amazon, and take advantage of the coupon codes that Amazon currently has on offer, these coupon codes, offer codes, and promo codes for Amazon may never be available again. Page 2. You will find all the Target coupon codes and Target discount codes currently available listed below, if Target doesn't currently have any coupons available you may want to check for Target deals or find related coupon codes or promotional codes for similar online stores selling the same products as Target.
    We always have the latest coupon codes for Target which are updated daily, so if you can't find any Target coupons here then you won't find them anywhere else.
    Shop online today at Target, and take advantage of the coupon codes that Target currently has on offer, these coupon codes, offer codes, and promo codes for Target may never be available again.

    | affigroup

  • We are developing a site that will have several languages. There will be several thousand pages,  the default language will be English.  Several sections of the site will not be translated at first, so the main content will be in English but navigation/boilerplate will be translated. We have hreflang alternate tags set up for each individual page pointing to each of the other languages, eg in the English version we have: etc In the spanish version, we would point to the french version and the english version etc. My question is, is this sufficient to avoid a duplicate content penalty for google for the untranslated pages? I am aware that from a user perspective, having untranslated content is bad, but in this case it is unavoidable at first.

    | jorgeapartime

  • Hi Everyone, Looks like this is one for the pros. I haven't a clue personally. If anyone has had experience with this it'd be great. Anyway, I have a problem with the way my FAQ page was built. Each individual question is showing up as a page. The same issue is appearing for the CTA sections on my homepage and I'm wondering if maybe that is diluting my "juice" as they say. To be honest I’m not sure if this is something Google would much care about. But Moz is telling me its bad. So I want to fix it. Just hoping you’ve seen this before and have a suggestion that’s proven.

    | NationalPardon

  • Hi there, Several of our websites have a common problem - our main target keyword for the homepage is also the name of a product category we have within the website. There are seemingly two solutions to this problem, both of which not ideal: Do not target the keyword with the homepage. However, the homepage has the most authority and is our best shot at getting ranked for the main keyword. Reword and "de-optimise" the category page, so it doesn't target the keyword. This doesn't work well from UX point of view as the category needs to describe what it is and enable visitors to navigate to it. Anybody else gone through a similar conundrum? How did you end up going about it? Thanks Julian

    | tprg

  • Hi, I'm fairly new to SEO and as a rule so far I have been making every page title around 70 characters in length, after analysing the a website that I'm currently working on in the MOZ tool it say's that the page title element is to long. Does anyone know if I should carry on writing titles 70 characters in length or if I should go down to 50, I have been using this tool ( as a guide if you know of any others then that would be great and any advice will be greatly appreciated. Regards Chris

    | chrissmithps

  • We have a client who is looking to expand to other countries, particularly South America. What is my best route forward for SEO on a multi national site?

    | CreativeCow

  • I've asked my web team to add a section to our home page to showcase our latest news and content (articles, blog entries (same domain), white papers, case studies, etc.) I think it will be a good user experience and also provide an opportunity to keep a fairly stagnant home page updated with fresh content. My web team wants to add the section to our footer, which is site-wide. I'm sure this isn't a bad user experience, but will it cause problems or eliminate any SEO value (if any) for this regularly updating content?

    | mbrusyo

  • hi i know title length displayed is now based on pixels rather than character but still thought safe to have titles up to 70 characters long before they are truncated i see that on the new G serps designed pages titles that were showing in full on old design (without truncation) are now being truncated.  As in same title shows fine (displays in full) on old design serps but truncated on new designed page Anyone else notice this ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hello, I checked my site and it looks like everything is setup correctly for canonical url but I keep getting the message that it's not. Am I doing something wrong? SORRY I FIGURED IT OUT! THANK YOU! HOW DO I DELETE THIS?

    | seohlp44

  • I have experienced a big drop in my organic trafic to my site. But an increase in my cpc...? Does google punish my site for PLA to get higher revenue?

    | Egmont

  • We have a single consumer product that we sell through traditional retailers and our website. We have used an ecommerce provider for our website since it's inception 6 years ago. The problem I am facing is website structure. Our domain points to our ecommerce store, and therefore all content pages are created through the ecommerce platform. However, we can't really do a whole lot in terms of structuring URL's or sub domains. Basically, any content created is given an automatically created URL, and can only be fit in a pre-determined category. There is no way to use sub categories. Are we better off for use and site structure to host the ecommerce portion of the site in a subdomain, such as, and then manually creating all of our content and other pages? I look at as sort of template for that. They too only have a few products, so a full ecommerce design isn't really necessary. Are we better off for SEO and ease of use to handle that separately from our overall website structure? Thanks for any help.

    | Rybicki

  • Was wondering what's better for SEO. We have a platform where consumers can read and write reviews. But the question is: is it better to give one page per company with all the reviews on it? Or should we have different pages for the specific company? Example: Itunes has a company page with all reviews on the page, but not the whole review. You have to click further to view the whole review (new page), at the moment this the current situation. What if we place the whole reviews on the company page, so you don't have specific pages for the reviews? Hopefully can someone help us out. Contact me if it's not clear or you want more extended information. Kind regards

    | MozzieJr

  • I have been de-indexing duplicate content on my website which has almost 40 pages contain duplicate content from other websites. later on the website ranking drop down. so should i re index them or just wait ?

    | MohammadSabbagh

  • In my local marketplace, I have competitors who have the following: unoptimized title tags and description tags (really long using keyword stuffing), stuffing keywords into the Meta keywords tag, lacking keywords in the body copy, using spammy footers or sections of text with a lot of local cities listed where no physical business is located, unattractive design (in my humble opinion), lower page authority, lower domain authority, lower number of back links and are organically outranking my site that I have tried to optimize using the MOZ tools, Market Samurai, other tools, and other great advice provided by people much more knowledgeable than myself about SEO. I don't understand how these sites that lack SEO continue to rank in the #1 or #2 spots in Google for my main keyword phrase + location, while my site is either not in the top 50 or in the top 40s range. How is it that sites with little to no optimization, no blogs, and very few backlinks, continue to rank quite well? These are not all new sites.  Domain ages range from 1 to 10 years.  What I am seeing appears to go against the grain of SEO recommendations. Any general thoughts?

    | ajgrossman

  • Background Google stopped displaying stars next to the website "" in the SERPs, eg: Google used to display the stars there is no technical problem, since I can see the stars in the Rich Snippet Testing Tool: Why did Google stop showing the stars? What can I do? I already filled in a form at

    | Sved

  • I am fairly new to SEO so bare with me. I created two campaigns within Moz, one tracking the sudomain and another tracking just the root domain When I look at the keyword rankings I get different results from Google, Bing and Yahoo. For instance, the root domain shows rankings in Bing and Yahoo, but "Not in top 50" for Google. For my subdomain, it is reversed. I see rankings for Google, but "not in top 50' for Bing and Yahoo. What can I do to solve this issue? I am using canonical tags, but it is a domain redirect issue? Thanks in advance

    | BouldersInn

  • I love Yoast's WP plugin, but is there one of comparable quality that analyzes for more than one KW at a time?

    | SSFCU

  • Moz on page grader - Text content is very important for modern SEO. In order to optimize your chances of ranking higher for the targeted keyword(s), we recommend using the targeted keyword(s) at least 4 times. Recommendation: Add at least 4 instances of the targeted keyword(s) to the document text of this page. Is there any preferred word count for the web page/blog? for example it is not good to add keyword 4 time in 200 words content. and We need to add exact keyword 4 times in the content?

    | marknorman

  • We recently installed Facebook comments into our blog and now we lost all of our old comments. Does this have any affect on SEO? Will this hurt our rankings? Thanks!


  • I am wedding & sports photographer in San Antonio.  I've been busy with photographing sports (lots of them) & totally neglected SEO work for nearly 2 years.  I know it's a broad question but what is the best way to get back on track?  Should I create a strong landing page with keyword wedding photographer? Should i make separate websites - one for weddings, one for sports?  Is PPC good way to jump start?  Do I have website structure problems etc? If anyone can comment, that would be great.  I am willing to hire SEO experts so if anyone knows anybody, please let me know My website is Thank you in advance

    | soobumim

  • My website is dropping like a stone for the keyword 'refrigerated transport'. Even though the page gets a grade A, can anyone help?

    | CreativeCow

  • We have two websites that are very similar. One is and the other is a I've noticed some of our page titles are displaying differently in SERPs even though the title tags are formatted the same:e.g. The title: "PC Games | at Mighty Ape Australia" shows as: "PC Games | at Mighty Ape Australia -"It's showing with extra text "-". Whereas the NZ result for the title "PC Games | at Mighty Ape NZ" is fine i.e. displays as: "PC Games | at Mighty Ape NZ"Does anyone who why this might be happening?P.S. It's odd that in the Australian results the site links don't show up even though the sites are structured the same.

    | kevinliao

  • I wanted to know ones thoughts on reducing duplication by creating a static page with a few dynamic fields. Has anyone done this? If 75% of a page is static and 25% is dynamic, is that a good ratio? It's an idea I am thinking about to combat duplication issues affecting ecommerce pages. Some ecommerce sites generate a new page for a small change like size, but the content is the same. What if you could create a single static page and depending on the size chosen, only those fields connected to the size are dynamic? Everything else remains the same. For caching purposes, you always submit a cached page with default values. Wouldn't this work? Isn't this a solution for duplicate ecommerce pages? It would also help in ranking, rather than multiple external links across duplicate ecommerce pages, it would just be to a single page.

    | Bio-RadAbs

  • Hi all, As the title says, I am redeveloping a website for a client who sells car parts. The market is saturated with competition and 9 times out of 10, appears within the top 5 SERPS when searching for the same things that my clients' website sells. Now I know it will be very difficult to compete with the likes of these sites but given time (plenty of time) you never know so I have dissected Euro Car Parts website for many hours to look at their internal link structure and so my question is related to this area. My site only sells car parts for 4 car manufacturers. The left hand "shop" navigation menu will list the categories in which the shop sells products for e.g: Air Filters
    Break Pads
    Suspension etc. When you view one of those pages, there will be a form to allow the user to filter down to their particular make/model of car etc. Now when I search for "Air Filters" in Google, the results come back as nearly 40 million. If I prefix that search term with a car manufacturer name i.e. "Audi Air Filters" the number drops down to 8 million - quite a difference!
    So my thinking was to do the following but I wanted to see if you guys think I am barking up the wrong tree or if this is a good approach: Create pages for my 4 car manufacturers for each "shop category" listing all the products I have in those categories for the manufacturer along with well written unique, relevant content, ie:- Audi Air Filters
    Audi Break Pads
    Audi Coilovers
    Audi Suspension ... this would allow me to target the slightly long-tailed version of "Air Filters" as I now have a page for "Audi Air Filters". This would then mean when users click the "Air Filters" link from my left hand category menu, I would need to ensure that those pages were not indexed by the search engines as they would essentially be showing the same subset of products but with the title of the page being "Air Filters". I hope I have explained myself enough for you to understand my question. Ultimately I want to know if my approach is a typical one when knowing that even attempting to target "air filters" with a new website is going to be a lost cause - I need to try and get some of the lower hanging fruit. Thank you for reading.

    | yousayjump

  • Do drop down menus in Wordpress pass internal PR?

    | KrisWho

  • should I be using the town or city in url with my keyword or keyphrase? So lets say I'm trying to rank for butchers in home town should i put the town in the url as well so is that bad? Or would it be best to just put

    | genkee

  • Does anyone know what is the best way or plugin to use to easily get title tags inserted for a Joomla website? Thanks!

    | Gavo

  • I have a client who recieved this advice from his marketing consultant: "If there are multiple h1 tags on a page, this can confuse Google and it may have a negative impact on the keyword rankings. If you could ask your web developer to go in and remove the h1 tags on the header images that would be helpful. This way it will be easier for Google to index your site and will help your keyword rankings." How will it effect SEO to have multiple h1 tags on a page?

    | GRIP-SEO

  • is it good practice to rewrite our product descriptions every few months? Thanks

    | onwardsandupwards

  • Hello, In webmasters' tools I get a message saying I have 505 pages html improvements that are possible because 505 of my titles are used on two pages. Actually, webmasters' tools is tripping since the doubles they find are: and Anyways, I have indexation problems and I was wondering if this could be the case and how to solve that. Thanks for your help;

    | EndeR-

  • I have sometimes pages ranking very well on Google but in comparison with Bing and Yahoo they are not listed within the Top50 SERP's What are the ranking factors for Bing and Yahoo? Although Bing and Yahoo play a minor role it would be fine also to rank well with these engines. Thanks for any tips!

    | inlinear

  • Hi I have a small private blog on wine which, on Monday of this last week, took an overnight tumble and lost all its first page rankings for wine terms. The blog used to be housed at blogspot but in October I moved to self hosted wordpress. The original site was: and this now has a redirect to I paid for a professional to port the site from blogger to wordpress and to set up a 301 redirect. Firstly, is there anything wrong with the move? Could I have lost my rankings for this reason? Secondly, I haven't added a new blog post in nearly 3 months, would this cause such a drop? Thirdly, I have noticed that the hosting (I host with the same man who ported the site from blogger) has been poor and the website has been down a couple of times on the rare occasions I checked it recently. I'm looking for some help, although this is not a money making site, its only a hobby that I add to when I have time, but it is a shame to have written 200 articles and now to face this slap from Google. There are no messages in WMT and I do not actively seek links so nothing dodgy there. Any ideas? When I asked the guy who is hosting it he told me that this week there has been a big SEO update but I haven't heard of it?

    | xoffie

  • This is more a follow-up to Rand's recent Whiteboard "Handling User-Generated & Manufacturer-Required Duplicate Content Across Large Numbers of URLs." I posed my question in the comments, but unsure it will get picked up. My situation isn't exactly the same, but it's similar: Our site isn't an e-commerce site and doesn't have user reviews yet, but we do have maybe 8 pages across 2 product categories featuring very similar product features with duplicate verbiage. However, we don't want to re-write it because we want to make it easy for users to compare apples-to-apples to easily see which features are actually different. We also have to run disclaimers at the bottom of each page.\ ​Would i-framing the product descriptions and disclaimers be beneficial in this scenario, with the addition of good content?​ It would still be nice to have some crawlable content on those pages, so the i-framing makes me nervous unless we compensate with at least some above-the-fold, useful content that could be indexed. Thanks, Sarah

    | sbs219

  • I have a page that ranks well (#4) for a good keyword. However, the url has the keyword in it but is misspelled. I would like to change the url to have the correct spelling but do not want to lose the ranking that I have. What is the best and safest way to proceed?

    | bhsiao

  • Hi, So as I search the wonderful land of the internet, I see this Genesis framework brought up quite a bit. I have researched it for a few weeks, but it seems like it uses hooks instead of shortcodes. So I am curious if anyone has used it? And if so what your thoughts are about it? I am a COMPLETE newbie here, so hooks look scary. I am sure with time they will seem like second nature. They claim it has airtight security. So if you have used this framework, how is this any different than an updated stock wordpress site? I understand that vulnerabilities may be in plugins and such, but if it is really airtight, that seems great. Any thoughts are appreciated as I just want the best user experience. So many people use this framework, yet my site gets if I'm lucky 1000 views each month. It is a basic site to let people know we exist. So its not like I have a popular blog with 50,000 pageviews each month. But... going into the future, I want a pleasant and consistent user experience. Maybe a wordpress theme is all you need. Maybe a framework is more for developers. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. Chris

    | asbchris

  • Hi, Does anybody know what can I do with those “duplicate content pages”? 1/ home page shows 4 different urls with different parameters. Should I use meta-robots tag to eliminate it? Or block it in robots.txt? 2/ Also, there are dozens of duplicates created by the “gallery system”. Like this: All showing for the same url. There are multiple pages for each location. Some people told me that it's irrelevant for rankings anyway. I suggested getting rid of flash website alltogether and getting a smooth wordpress installation, but it's not an option. Can you please help me with it? Best Regards, JJ

    | jjtech

  • Hi so I have a very easy question I think. I am too new to seo stuff to know better, but which speed test site is the best? I have a construction website. My issue is I am getting mixed results. Pingdom is showing <dl> <dt>Load time</dt> <dd>1.18s</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Requests</dt> <dd>22</dd> </dl> <dl class="last"> <dt>Perf. grade</dt> <dd>94/100</dd> <dd>Gt metrix is showing 98/87 with a 2.13 load time.</dd> <dd>And it varies from when I do it.</dd> <dd>So which do I go off of?</dd> <dd>With pingdom, I feel pretty good.</dd> <dd>With gtmetrix I feel like maybe I could improve.</dd> <dd>I ask because I have been looking into a cdn, but because its like learning a foreign language to me, I do not want to go there unless I have too.</dd> <dd>Thank you for any advice on which speed test to view as most accurate</dd> <dd>Chris</dd> </dl>

    | asbchris

  • We us a number of different parameters in a number of our URLs to track how the user has navigated to the page. So for example we will have a page to show that the user has navigated to the page from the banner as opposed to to show that the user has navigated to the page from the footer. Do search engines treat these pages as the same page or different pages? Thanks

    | cbarron

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