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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Suppose I create a cornerstone page with the targeted keyword "Dog Collars".  I write a dozen articles on various dog collars and point a link from each article to my cornerstone page.  Should the anchor text  for the links from each of those articles to the cornerstone page be "Dog Collars" or should they vary, but still be relevant to "Dog Collars" for best SEO?  Should half of them be "Dog Collars" and the other half various?  Also, if I have 12 articles and all of the anchor text is already "Dog Collars", should I go back and change them so that they all don't say the same thing? If hope my question makes sense ... thanks in advance.  I will give thumbs up for helpful responses and suggestions 😉

    | Humanovation

  • It looks as if a quick improvement to the (inherited) site that I manage would be to add meta description tags to all our pages.  But I don't see a user-friendly way to modify the html headers from within Drupal. I'm debating whether to interpose CSS code between Drupal and the final html content, but I'd face a steep learning curve on CSS. Can you suggest a more excellent approach? Thanks!

    | marcellu

  • I've recently changed my links from example.html to just example, however, moz shows that its been duplicated. Is this effects my ranking? if yes, how i can fix it please?

    | aptustelecom

  • hey all, i get 404 error only for png and bmp files, like this link: any idea?

    | Xmanic

  • This came back in my on page grade for this url. Avoid Multiple Page Title Elements Web pages are meant to have a single title, and for both accessibility and search engine optimization reasons, we strongly recommend following this practice. Recommendation: Remove all but a single page title element. I can't see it, can you?

    | Towelsrus

  • I want to keep our site up to date and fresh with content. How often should I update categories and products pages with content? What angel should I take with categories (new products/services etc.) Thanks Craig

    | Towelsrus

  • To what extent is duplicate content an issue? We have a support forum with some duplicate content because users ask the same questions. The Moz reports we receive highlights our duplicate content and page title for our support forum as a "big" issue. I'm unsure to what extent it harms our SEO, and making the support section non-crawable would impair our level of support. It would be nice to know for sure if we should be concerned about this, and if yes, how can we do it differently? Thanks, I appreciate you help. -Allan

    | Todoist

  • Hi Friends, In my blog I used to write unique content in between 300 to 450 words and add the related tags up to 15. When I research about adding tags in the blog I come across this video from “Matt Cutts” says Is it worth spending time on creating tags and categories? Key Points from Matt Cutts Video are given below: No Need Tags - In general, Google figure out what your post is about, so don't worry too much about it. So my question is do I need to remove all tags from my blog or can I reduce the tag count to 5 alone? Currently I am using 15 tags to each post, is there any dis-advantage by adding tags like this? Let me know your suggestions? Thanks

    | zco_seo

  • I am getting 400 errors for all my pages that have a phone number with a link to Skype etc on click, is this a genuine issue or am I ok?  How do I resolve this?  Any bright ideas, here is an example of the issue - There are pages of these and I am not sure what to do? Many Thanks James Grimsey

    | jamesgrimsey

  • Hi, We have around 40 products which we can produce plenty of in-depth and detailed "how to"-type pieces of content for. Our current plan is to produce a "How to make" style post for each as a long blog post, then link that to the product page. There's probably half a dozen or more of these kind of blog posts that we could do for each product. The reason why we planned on doing it like this is that it would give us plenty of extra pages (blog posts) on their own URL which can be indexed and rank for long tail keywords, but also that we can mention these posts in our newsletter. It'd give people a new page full of specific content that they can read instead of us having to say "Hey! We've updated our product page for X!", which seems a little pointless. Most of the products we sell don't get very many searches themselves; Most get a couple dozen and the odd few get 100-300 each, while one gets more than 2,000 per month. The products don't get many searches as it's a relatively unknown niche when it comes to details, but searches for the "categories" these products are in are very well known (Some broad terms that cover the niche get more than 30,000+ searches a month in the UK and 100,000+ world wide) [Exact].
    Regarding the one product with more than 2,000 searches; This keyword is both the name of  the product and also a name for the category page. Many of our competitors have just one of these products, whereas we're one of the first to have more than 6 variations of this product, thus the category page is acting like our other product pages and the information you would usually find on our product pages, is on the category page for just this product. I'm still leaning towards creating each piece of content as it's own blog post which links to the product pages, while the product pages link to the relevant blog posts, but i'm starting to think that it may be be better to put all the content on the product pages themselves). The only problem with this is that it cuts out on more than 200 very indepth and long blog posts (which due to the amount of content, videos and potentially dozens of high resolution images may slow down the loading of the product pages). From what I can see, here are the pros and cons: Pro (For blog posts):
    1. More than 200 blog posts (potentially 1000+ words each with dozens of photos and potentially a video)..
    2. More pages to crawl, index and rank..
    3. More pages to post on social media..
    4. Able to comment about the posts in the newsletter - Sounds more unique than "We've just updated this product page"..
    5. Commenting is available on blog posts, whereas it is not on product pages..
    6. So much information could slow down the loading of product pages significantly..
    7. Some products are very similar (ie, the same product but "better quality" - Difficult to explain without giving the niche away, which i'd prefer not to do ATM) and this would mean the same content isn't on multiple pages.
    8. By my understanding, this would be better for Google Authorship/Publishership.. Con (Against blog posts. For extended product pages):
    1. Customers have all information in one place and don't have to click on a "Related Blog posts" tab..
    2. More content means better ability to rank for product related keywords (All but a few receive very few searches per month, but the niche is exploding at an amazing rate at the moment)..
    3. Very little chance of a blog post out-ranking the related product page for keywords.. I've run out of ideas for the 'Con' side of things, but that's why I'd like opinions from someone here if possible. I'd really appreciate any and all input, Thanks! [EDIT]:
    I should add that there will be a small "How to make" style section on product pages anyway, which covers the most common step by step instructions. In the content we planned for blog posts, we'd explore the regular method in greater detail and several other methods in good detail. Our products can be "made" in several different ways which each result in a unique end result (some people may prefer it one way than another, so we want to cover every possible method), effectively meaning that there's an almost unlimited amount of content we could write.
    In fact, you could probably think of the blog posts as more of "an ultimate guide to X" instead of simply "How to X"...

    | azu25

  • Wondering if anyone can help when selling similar products with very similar meta description and product descriptions in general. Have around 500 products - a lot of products have around 10-20 products which are very similar only different is sizes and a maybe a few lines of text if that. Is this a problem in search engines? How does other ecommerce stores selling similar products solve this problem...

    | royRR

  • Have a ecommerce site using woocommerce. Most product titles contain the information needed for the product. I have shorten the title as much as possible but; Most of the titles are about 18-19 characters over 70 characters the recommended max. I have removed all possible characters from the title but I could remove the site name - this would get it down by about 18 characters - meaning most titles would then be just under the 70 characters recommended. Would removing the site name from the title of all the products be a bigger problem than good?

    | royRR

  • Has anyone tried switching on the Photon for Wordpress CDN/image caching feature? If so, did you experience any problems and have you noticed any improvements?

    | pugh

  • Hi I am new to SEO and at the moment looking at warnings from the crawl diagnostics report. When I have looked at the content from the urls given I cant see anything obvious that relates to duplicate content. Whats the best way to find out the problem please?

    | Pauline08

  • Hi, I have maybe 20 categories (new) that I really like to have the same Meta description for all of them. The category names call out the use of their respective products. but, all of these categories are related to a much bigger global initiative. I don't have enough space in the title to discuss the individual terms as well as the broader project, so I would like the META to say something like "Products related to <this thing="" my="" customers="" care="" about="">from</this> However, I am extremely paranoid about adding 20-25 meta descriptions that are identical, because Google. Am I overthinking this and being paranoid about Panguin and Penda?

    | reallygoodstuff

  • Hi, I am looking to add pagination on product pages (they have lots of reviews on the page). I am considering using rel="next/prev, to connect the series of review pages to the main product page. I unfortunately don't have a view-all page for these reviews or the option to get one - the reviews refresh on the same product page (by clicking whatever number page of reviews). This means each page has the exact same description content and everything else, but with different reviews. In this case is rel=next a good option? The format currently would be: On link rel="next" href="" On link rel="prev" href=", link rel="next" href=" etc. Would this be a good format for product page reviews? I see rel=nextprev commonly used on ecommerce category/list pages but not really on the paginated reviews on product pages, so I thought I would see if anyone has advice on how best to solve this. I'm also wondering if it would be best to not combine this with a canonical tag on all the different review pages pointing to the product page, seeing as the reviews are actually different (despite the rest of the content being identical). I am hoping to pick up longer tail traffic from this, I figure by connecting the pages and not using canonicals that this way I could get more traffic from the phrases used in the reviews. By leaving out the canonicals, is it possible a user searching for phrases that might be deeper in the series, to land on, say, ?review-p4? Any thoughts if this would drive more traffic? Thanks!.

    | pikka

  • Hi, my site is a directory for restaurants seen on TV.  The two most popular shows, Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives and Man v. Food often are searched for by a number of different variations.  Diners DriveIns Dives, Diners, Drive Ins Dives, Man v Food, man versus food, etc. Should my site consistently use a single variation (the official one) or intentionally use multiple variations to cover various keywords?  I'm pretty sure the answer is a single variation but figured it was worth asking.

    | tvfoodmaps

  • What is the best page to use for targeting your hard to rank keywords? The keyword phrases in question here are "Acrylic Tank Manufacturing", "Custom Aquariums", & "Acrylic Aquariums" As of right now we have created 3 separate pages for each one of these keyword phrases. for "Custom Aquariums" for "Acrylic Aquariums" for "Acrylic Tank Manufacturing" Or are we better of using the home page for the our main hard to rank for terms. Generally speaking I would think more people will link to our home page.

    | SeaQuatic

  • Hi, Im using thesis Wordpress theme, and their default option is  "Add canonical <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym>s to your site" im just wandering if i should keep that  box checked and apply canonical <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym>s to all of my pages? Thank You

    | Vmezoz

  • I'm using as my development hosting. Each website that i'm developing get's a temporary URL like this:
    ... Now i'd like to set that ALL these subdomains can not be indexed in Google. Now I manually have to do this for each subdomain's site, and when I go online I have to change the robots.txt again. So I would like to make things a bit easier for me. Is this possible?

    | conversal

  • I'm working on a ecommerce site that allows product search results pages to be sorted a variety of ways (best selling, newest, by price). Each of these search filters creates a new url i.e. /all/best/1 and /all/best/2; /all/new/1 and /all/new/2; etc. These search results pages have been indexed and the site is receiving enough organic traffic from these pages that I don't want to add noindex,follow to them. I am planning on implementing rel=prev,rel=next for each filter, but I'm concerned about duplicate content considering I can't create unique meta data for each page. Should I canonical all pages to the first search results page without filters applied? Or any other ideas on how I should proceed?

    | ang

  • I have text in the right column of my responsive layout which will show up below the the principal content on small devices. To do this I use visibility classes for DIVs. So I have a DIV with with a unique style text that is visible only on large screen sizes. I copied the same text into another div which shows only up only on small devices while the other div will be hidden in this moment. Technically I have the same text twice on my page. So this might be duplicate content detected as SPAM? I'm concerned because hidden text on page via expand-collapsable textblocks will be read by bots and in my case they will detect it twice?Does anybody have experiences on this issue?bestHolger

    | inlinear

  • Hi!  We have a lot of our search results pages that have been indexed and outrank our product pages and in some instance the actual product pages barely show up at all. Here is an example query that includes our brand name: So, we have loads of actual product pages, video pages, etc that should be showing up here, but are not and this is just one example. Unfortunately, there are a LOT of these Search Results pages out there and utlimately we would love to de-index them altogether, but it's going to have to be carefully done. So, was wondering if anyone would want to check out one of our product pages and give any feedback as to what we could change to possibly improve rank or to make them more search friendly or hopefully to help them rise above these indexed search results pages? Here is an example product page: Thanks!! Craig

    | TheCraig

  • What is the best way to pass rank to a follow-up article?  For example, we write an article "Product A Rumors" that ends up ranking #1.  When Product A is released, we write an article called "Product A Review".  What is the best way to pass rank from the first pre-release article to the second  post-release article?  We don't want to do a simple 301 redirect as we want readers to be able to go back to the first article to see the progression of the Product A life-cycle. Also, should we go back and edit the old article to add a link to the new?  Should we add a link in the new article to the old? Thanks in advance 😉

    | Humanovation

  • I have a blog and the homepage has the 5 most recent posts. I ran a report card on my homepage for my main keyword. One of the problems is that the keyword only appears 1 time. I don't want to put it in the signature of every post because I found that causing problems with self-cannibalizing. I checked my competitor and they got a check mark for this but I looked at their homepage and I found the keyword NOWHERE! So where is my competitor hiding the keywords and how can I get the keywords on the homepage when the content is constantly changing? Thanks in advance!

    | 2bloggers

  • In this video matt cutts says: about 15 "once we re-run our data (every few weeks) if we determine your site is of higher quality you would pop back out of being affected" Panda has effected thousands of sites and a lot of smart people have been working on the problem for about 2 years since the first panda was launched, but I can only find 1 site that has "popped back" to their original rankings. e.g. Apart from I can't find any sites (of reasonable size) / case studies of sites that have solved the panda problem, and were definitely hit by panda. Which doesn't feel right, some people have deleted a ton of pages, redesigned their site, improved their content, etc with no success. Therefore is it a pointless exercise? Therefore, is it better to simply give up and start a new site?

    | julianhearn

  • Last week we changed our URLs to be only HTTPS (they were a mixture of both for a couple of weeks). We did this by adding a 301 redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. However, the On Page Optimization is now showing the same URL/Keyword twice for a few of our pages. One has a grade A, one has a grade B. The grade B complains about "Rel Canonical" not matching, but the other doesn't. This is pretty confusing - should it not have crawled the pages and noticed the 301 redirects and combined the entries or removed the HTTP ones?

    | RitchieF1980

  • I have parent categories and subcategories. Will it be harder for the subcategories to rank well because they have a parent category? The URL is longer, for one. I am just wondering if I should not have parent categories. I have one category page doing really well and I am trying to boost the others (most of which are subcategories) and this is a concern for me. Thanks! Edit: I also have a category that has 2 parent categories. I want it automatically in those 2 categories and one of its own. By itself it is very important keyword. Is this ok or should I have it be a parent category?

    | 2bloggers

  • Hi All, I have a new client site, a static site with navigation across the top, and down the left side. Two of the menus from the top navigation are replicated in the navigation structure on the left hand side. They have the exact same url structure, they are in fact the same exact page, listed on the site in two areas. My question is - is this a case of duplicate content, or, as they urls are the exact same, will they be seen as a single page? A canonical tag on one would be replicated on the other by the CMS - so do I leave it, or try to get them to re-structure removing one of the links? (I doubt they will do this as its a brand new site they just has developed). Many thanks!

    | Webrevolve

  • So, we have a situation where there is one particular keyword we want to rank for. We have been up and down over the years, at our best probably position 4-5, and now at 20ish. Thats for our home page of course, which the majority of our linking is probably pointing at. We also have a sub page which is optimised for that particular service. The term is "web design brisbane".
    So as you can imagine, Web Design is in itself a service and we offer others. Should we optimise our home page for it and remove the sub page?
    Keep the sub page because its one our services and optimise both?
    Do some kind of canonical thing?
    Change our interlinking? All our competitors home pages seem to be the ones that rank, and it feels and looks better in results if its the home page, but if switching up to our sub page is better im all ears. Also if our sub page is somehow hurting or leaking SEO from the home page, id like to know as well. Would prefer to not have to provide a link, due to competition but if someone wants to know we can always PM.

    | MauriceKintek

  • A little confused about this. Reason I ask is that using my actual title for my title tag sometimes isn't the best for getting ranked, so the title and title tag are sometimes not the same.

    | seo_f2012

  • What is your opinion regarding hreflang? We have a site and franchised other English sites, like company., etc  - and we share one database. Our other English sites don't want to have to change on-page content by the rough 30% for Google and wanted to know if including the hreflang would mean they would not have to change any content anymore - only the metatags? I don't think that's possible on TLDs, and we can't have our .com content being duplicated.

    | GraphicMail

  • Hi Everyone, I have a few category pages within a category for my eCommerce store and I've recently started writing a short description for each. However a lot of these paragraphs can be replicated for the same category. For  instance '1 Inch thickness' I'll show all the information, and it'll be very similar to '2 inch thickness' but obviously one is 1 inch and one is 2 inch so I would only be changing one keyword and that is the thickness. I feel that this is helping customers because it has all the information in each category e.g. how to filter your choices. But it might be duplicate content. What would you recommend?

    | EcomLkwd

  • Hi, and many thanks in advance for any assistance. According to our GWMT we currently have over a thousand duplicated title tags and meta descriptions. These stem from tabs that we have located beneath the body copy, which when you click on them display offers or itineraries (we're a travel company). So the URLs change to having "?st=Offer" or "?st=Itinerary" at the end, and are considered to be duplicating the original page's title and meta des. Sometimes the original page is also paginated, and shows the same duplication errors. What would be the best way to ensure we're not duplicating anything? Also, we have a tumblr blog, where there's single page displaying all the blog content, but also links to each blog on a separate individual page. We would like to keep the individual pages as we can optimise to target specific keywords, but want to avoid any duplication issues again. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    | LV7

  • I am owner of small opencart online store. I installed Today my new crawl report is awful. The number of errors is up by 520 (30 before), up with 1000 (120 before), notices up with 8000 (1000 before). I noticed that the problem is with search. There is a lot duplicate content in search only. What to do ?

    | ankali

  • Are they smart enough to tell it is not a mug shot and then not show it? Has anyone ever seen a logo as a snippet? What are some of the factors to with whether they show them or not?

    | Adsau

  • I deleted a bunch of category pages (renamed mostly actually and thought they'd be auto redirected like my blog posts are but they weren't) so I used a plugin that reroutes any 404 page to the homepage. Is that the best thing to do in this situation? Google Webmasters says there are about 84 404-errors and this should get rid of those right? Is there anything SEO BAD about doing it this way?

    | dealblogger

  • In my last report I have a lot of duplicate content. Duplicate pages are:Сваров�%бижубижузо�%8 And a lot of more, starting with -- Any ideas? Maybe I should do something in robots.txt, but please tell me the exact code. Best Regards, Emil

    | famozni

  • Hello, My client is a "cheap calls" site which is offering calls to around 300 countries in the world. The pages for each country are almost the same, as they are mostly terms and conditions of making a call and explanation of the process how to do it. The copy is quite long (more than 850 words) and the country name is repeated about 26 times in the text. The country name and the phone number is the main difference between the pages, which makes them almost the same. I have recommended to add testimonials to each country and towns within the country, but I am afraid it will not dilute the similarity between the pages enough for Google to stop seeing them as duplicated. Also the client do not exactly rush to publish the testimonials for every country. The rankings are not too bad and all seems fine, but in the long term I know we need to do something. I am not sure if the client would agree to shorten up the copy, as they believe in old style seo with keyword stuffing and bolded keywords but I would like to overcome that problem with exchanging the most of the copy with an image. I would write a new copy for each page making it unique (around 2-3 paragraphs) and the rest would be an image stating exactly the same thing as the copy now to provide the same amount of info to the user. Theoretically it should help to resolve this problem, but would like to check if anyone has done something like that and if it worked/may work. Are they any other implications?

    | ThinkingJuice

  • I recently revamped all my category pages to make them Google friendly. I did a lot of keyword research and ended up deleting categories and renaming categories. Now Google Webmasters is showing a ton of 404 errors. How can I get rid of them? Do I have to remove the URL one by one with Google Webmasters? Is it something that won't hurt my rankings and will go away in time?

    | dealblogger

  • Hi, Our site was put together in Dreamweaver and I'm not great at using html so I use Contribute to modify the info on our site. There are some limitations using Contribute so I'm wondering what other people use. Thanks for your input!

    | karlseidel

  • When I do a search for my businesses website ( it returns a listing which is great but the title tag includes Hull Colour Pages which is our old brand name - we changed to 2 years ago yet Hull Colour Pages is still pulling through on the title tag. I have checked the source and it's as follows: <title>Plumbers in Hull - Reviews -</title> I have attached a photo which shows the issue - Is Google indexing it from old history that is no longer visible or am I missing something? Cva3001

    | colourpages

  • So after looking at the set up of the blog ive found this. Content shown on can also be found on the other 3 urls. The permalink structure is set up as /%category%/%postname%/ which I want to change to just %postname% Obviously i want to make things as seo friendly as possible so any suggestions to do this right without losing any indexed pages etc. I have limited access to make changes to plugins etc aswell as these need to be done through the development company who manage our site. Cheers Robert

    | Trespass

  • Just curious if anyone else has tried this. I have pages with words that link to definitions. I have A LOT of them on a page and I am starting the process of trying to either do pagination (which I cant stand) or even cooler infinite scrolling where the page loads more words as the user scrolls. Good Bad for SEO?

    | cbielich

  • I am making some big changes to my site based on Moz's advice. How can I get google to see all of them? I submitted them to Google Webmasters. Is that the best thing to do? How long until Google updates all my pages?

    | dealblogger

  • Hi Since rel=publisher code should be added to the head tags of a website surely this means that would then show up on every main page of a site but i'm looking at a few sites using the rich snippet testing tool and its only showing for home page - how come ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I've seen some organisations implementing keyword phrases per URL with forward slashes in-between the keywords. Would this still work for broad AND exact match keywords when the search engine references the URL? Here's an example with the keyword being "scuola di lingue tedesco". Thanks in advance.

    | featherseo

  • I finally decided to drop my website after it kept losing traffic even though I spent hundreds of hours and lots of $$$ trying to recover from both Panda and Penguin. I should've started a new website a lot earlier. So here's my new website, let me know if it's worthy of Big G: Thank you in advance for your constructive comments!

    | sbrault74

  • I am working on a music related site. We are building a feature in our system to allow people to write information about songs on their playlist. So when a song is currently being played a user can read some cool facts or information about the song. ( screenshot). Some playlists have over 100 songs and could be completely random in genre and artist. I am wondering if some of these playlists have over 5,000 words of content if that is going to hurt us? We will be very strict about making sure its non spammy and good content. Also for the titles of the content is it bad to have over 100 h3 tags on one page? Just want to make sure we are on the right track. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    | mikecrib1

  • If you are answering common questions about your industry, should you create a separate page or place it on a existing page that is related. On one hand it may be seen as thin content on those pages. On the other hand it may be a poor user experience if someone lands on your page and has to scroll down to find the answer.

    | ProjectLabs

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