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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Please clarify: In the page optimization tool, seomoz recommends using the canonical url tag on the unique page itself. Is it the same canonical url tag used when want juice to go to the original page? Although the canonical URL tag is generally thought of as a way to solve duplicate content problems, it can be extremely wise to use it on every (unique) page of a site to help prevent any query strings, session IDs, scraped versions, licensing deals or future developments to potentially create a secondary version and pull link juice or other metrics away from the original. We believe the canonical URL tag is a best practice to help prevent future problems, even if nothing is specifically duplicate/problematic today. Please give example.

    | AllIsWell

  • Hi all. I have been testing different ways of writing the text on the homepage of the website www document-management-solutions because we are ranking very low for the keyword Document Management Software. I've recently learnt about pages being 'cached' and wanted to just clarify something. The last time the page was cached was on 26th March. I have made changed to the homepage since then and wanted to see how it has affected our ranking. Will I not be able to know if it has had a positive/negative effect until the next time our page is cached? Thanks

    | janc

  • Hello, I have a website about SEO and webdesign. I want to ask will mentioning these two keywords in many of my articles have any benefit for particular landing pages that I have. F.e.: I have two pages: They are optimized and have Grade A in SEOMOZ's onpage tool for their two keywords. So my question is: Will broad use of my keywords SEO and webdesign in the text, title or alt not only on my two landing pages but also in other articles of my website also help these two pages to rank higher for their keyword. I see in Webmaster Tools ( there is an option to see the content keywords in your website. May be that shows that the content in my website is more relevant to particular topic and that also can influence the ranking of my two landing pages.

    | HrishikeshKarov

  • Hi there! I've decided to use four criteria (keywords) for my website. The "problem" is that I have to use the same keyword (criteria) in two different pages. Is there a problem If I do this? On the other side, there are two sections of the web that (I assume) must have title and description tag as well as a keyword/criteria (Contact and Registration)....any advice?¿should they have a ttile and a description?¿Should they have a keyword associated? Thanks in advance for the answer.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • I would like to find out which pages have been crawled by seomoz on my site

    | seoworx123

  • We've got a new client who has about 300 pages on their website that are the same except the cities that are being targeted. Thus far the website has not been affected by penguin or panda updates, and the client wants to keep the pages because they are bringing in a lot of traffic for those cities. We are concerned about duplicate content penalties; do you think we should get rid of these pages or keep them?

    | waqid

  • Hi folks, I work for a company that has German Clients.
    I wanted to know if I should use Unified Modeling Language for the tittles and meta descriptions? What is better, for example ü or ü Best regards,Elvis

    | cvissi

  • Our site has some affiliates, and the affiliate id is the suffix following with the url "?xxxxxx". I can see Google Analytics regards and as the different page, but in fact they are exactly the same, the version is the visit from our affiliate site. And yesterday I start up my Moz Pro membership, and in the crawl issues I see SEOMoz thinks and are duplicate content. Is this really an issue? Will the search engine thinks these two pages are duplicate content?? Thanks you guys My first question here, not too dumb I hope. -----------------Update---------------------- I should explain how our affiliates work. We are an eBook related software company, and anyone can apply an affiliate account on the transaction platform "RegNow" even without our permission because we have opened the affiliate door. When a visitor come to our order page from an affiliate site, the url will add the affiliate ID suffix "?xxxxxx", and it's combined in cookies. After the deal is done, the affiliate gets his commission. So no matter how I customize the url with URL Builder, there must be the suffix "?xxxxxx". It's the ID of our affiliate, or they will get nothing. So the key point is, will the suffix "?331457" makes Google think and are different pages and duplicate content?

    | JonnyGreenwood

  • I have an issue of duplicate content errors and duplicate page titles which is penalising my site. This has arisen because a number of URLs are suffixed by date(s) and have been spidered . In principle I do not want any url with a suffixed date to be spidered. Eg:- Only this URL should be spidered:- I have over 10,000 of these duplicates and firstly wish to remove them on block from Google ( not one by one ) and secondly wish to amend my robots.txt file so the URL's are not spidered.  I do not know the format for either. Can anyone help please.

    | carbisbayhols

  • When I type our as a query into Google, I only see one of our pages on the homepage, and it's in 4th position. It seems though, that all pages of the site are indexed by google when I type in the query "". There was an issue at the site launch, where the robots.txt file was left active for around two weeks. Would this have been responsible for the fact that another domain ranks #1 when we type in our own domain? It has been around a couple of months now since the site was launched. Thanks in advance.

    | featherseo

  • hi, some pages of my website showing keywords attached in google as part of page title, but the title doesn't have that keyword in it.  So basically when you search for "keyword (1)" , page ranks for the keyword with this title <address>Keyword (1) + keyword (2)</address> <address>but the keyword (2) is not part of the title, but shows there in google's index.</address> <address> </address> <address>keyword (2) is </address> <address>can anyone help us understand why this is happening ?</address> <address>I 'd appreciate any help.</address> <address> </address> <address>thanks </address> <address>nick</address>

    | orion68

  • How long does it take for Google to recognize SEO changes that I have made to my website?

    | AubbiefromAubenRealty

  • Meaning heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc) are a critical part of good on-page optimisation. Fair enough. It helps humans and bots make sense of a page's content. 3 questions regarding implementation of heading tags: Should heading tags appear in sequence in the HTML code. I.e. H1 first, then H2 lower down, etc.? Can the page contain more than one H1 tag? Can the page contain multiple H2, H3, H4 tags?

    | AndreVanKets

  • Part of a site I am working on, features many different bags in all thicknesses colors and sizes. I'm getting an error when some pages have different content like different thicknesses. The only differences between the pages are a single digit - but in trash bags that makes it a whole different product! I can't do a canonical because it's not the same. For example: and Any ideas?

    | EcomLkwd

  • Hello SEOmozzers, A colleague of mine started up a site here: Sadly only the homepage is indexed in Google. It's a wordpress install. Robots.txt seems fine, all pages are on index and follow. Can't see why only the home is indexed in Google. Do you know whats going wrong? Please tell me. Tank you.

    | B.Great

  • Apologies if this question has been asked a million times, but I can't find it. I have 35 pages, yet only 5 of them have generated On Page Optimization Reports. I know I can create them manually, but wondered if I've done something incorrectly? Iain.

    | iainmoran

  • Hello, I want to ask a question related to that - Should we put keywords in the home page title if we wish to position another landing page better for particular keywords? I have read in one website about SEO that it's good the main keywords of your website to be positioned in homepage title also. f.e. Let's say we have website about web-design and our company is named Company Ltd. The title of the home page is "Company Ltd.  - Web design, SEO, etc" We have also another inner page named "Web design | Company Ltd.". So should we leave the first page name only "Company Ltd." and the landing page's name "Web design | Company Ltd." . I don't know if they both have the same keyword in their title they won't compete with each other.

    | HrishikeshKarov

  • Hi, Here is our main sitemap We have submitted all category wise sitemap having Image Tags : For eg -  Ac Category contains iamge tag - image:imageimage:locimage:captionimage:title</image:title></image:caption></image:loc></image:image> All our 142 category pages includes these format. Still the sitemap report on 4-Apr-2013 says: Sitemaps content Web pages:
    Submitted    14,569
    Indexed        11,219 Images:
    Submitted    21,442    
    Indexed        11,762 You can see major difference in submitted v/s indexed. I have looked into Jay Simpson  question - to find this answer but didn't get Perfect & clear answer. I need urgent answer to fix this issue..... K0NDuw5s.jpg

    | CommercePundit

  • SEOMOZ is showing quite a lot of URL Errors like this: All these URL´s use the parameter "?frontend=". In webmaster tools we told google not to index this parameter. Unfortunately at the moment we cannot set this parameter as "NOINDEX". We also dont want to use a robots.txt file. How to get rid of the URLS in Seomoz?

    | drgoodcat

  • Hello, First thing first, I am not moving my website to new domain neither changing my hosting. I just want to change internal page URLs to make them user and search engine friendly, URLs of categories and URLs of category filers. What I am talking about is massive 301 redirection. There are some pages which have backlinks and I have no doubt about using 301-permanant redirection for those pages. But as far as the category filter pages are concerned there are no backlinks for those pages, but yes they do have some authority. My website is 2months old. Now I want to know that Does massive redirection effects the website authority? Or avoid using permanent redirection for all pages instead use only for those pages which have back-links and avoid using for category filter pages.

    | MozAddict

  • A new SEO client we have taken on seem to be hitting most of the points right on with their site and SEO. However one thing that is bugging me is that their category pages i.e. "Footwear" which title tag includes the brands they stock. Is almost always coming up above (if they are ever even found) the product individual pages. Anyone seen this sort of things happening? Very frustrating.

    | iboxsecurityltd

  • I want to register .PW domain which has recently got live to register. I am in doubt should it is good for SEO or not.

    | semmediapvtltd

  • Hi all- I'm a bit confused and hope someone may have an idea. In the last few days, traffic to our site has taken a big hit, so much so that I even got an email from webmaster tools that the home page was receiving significantly less traffic. I can't find anything particular that we changed that should have this much of an effect, but then again, I have been shortsighted in the past  🙂 The site is and if anyone has any thoughts, I would appreciate it. Thanks Ken

    | CandymanKen

  • I made a lot of changes with Wordpress SEO by Yoast before I signed up with SEOmoz. But SEOmoz doesn't seem to see those changes. I am still being told I have multiple meta descriptions. I don't know why but SEOmoz is seeing the default meta description and not the one I wrote using the Yoast plugin. How can I get SEOmoz to see those changes? Edit: Google has not updated all the changes I made with Wordpress SEO.

    | dealblogger

  • I've installed the all category seo plugin for Wordpress and all works fine except the page title I input doesn't show. Anyone else had that problem?

    | SamCUK

  • I've installed the GD Star Rating plugin on my site for example this page: (this links to an adult site) and have tested it with the rich snippet testing tool and the results show the stars as I want them. However in search results google is not displaying the stars? Has anyone come across this before? When I check webmaster tools structured data it is finding 1 type on 15 pages. I have two types, star ratings and google authorship so it appears google is not picking up on the star ratings in webmaster tools but it works on the rich snippet testing tool? Very confusing! Any help much appreciated!

    | SamCUK

  • I have a website fully coded in PHP and I am doing a re-design over to an HTML site. I searched through the Q&A and there were some conflicting answers. Some said you will need to 301 all the pages. Others said to use the .htaccess to parse all the files as html. What is the correct way I should go about this? Thanks in advance!

    | reliabox

  • Has anyone had this problem - no data in the links section of GWT? I haven't set a preferred domain, so I don't understand what's up.

    | HeatherBakerTopLine

  • Are there grade levels such as A+, A, A-?

    | lbohen

  • Hello All, I am working on client website and currently they are targeting One Keywords for multi pages. As I have search with Allintitle: Search query and Google display around 37 pages of website which carry same keyword in "Title Tags". I have told to client to change the "Title Tags" but they want that keyword for all relevant pages. So I want to know is that harm in Search Engine Ranking? Note: They have not done the link building activities for multi pages with same Keyword, they are using only in "Title Tags" only

    | jemindesai

  • Is there any problem up-dating changes on our web site say 2 or 3 time in one day or sould it be 2-3 times a month. Thanks Trish

    | waynecoll

  • Started to fix the SEO issues on a customers website. When I run a "On-Page Report Card" It says that the title of the webpage: Is "visbymäklarna - Ditt förstahandsval på gotland." But if I check in the source code of the webbrowser the title should be:
    name="title" content="Vi är mäklarna på Gotland som sätter människan i första rummet" /> (Actually this is with special encoding for the swedish characters. The title in coded text is: "Vi är mäklarna på Gotland som sätter människan i första rummet") Anyway the title of the webpage source code and the title of what SEOmoz reports is different. Why is that?

    | maklarlabbet

  • im an f grade for one of my urls but im ranked number 1 for the keyword im chasing, this doesnt make sense??

    | swimby

  • Hello, As I have the Pro Account in SEOMOZ . I have created the campaign for my website and I have seen the warring for on page analysis for Too Many On-Page Links. As per my knowledge in past it's matter that you can put maximum 100 links per page but now is it still matter or harm if pages has Too Many On-Page Links? And if yest then please let me know the best method to reduce my On-Page Links with out doing any major changes in website

    | jemindesai

  • Hello Good People. I know that this is another duplicate post about duplicate content (boring) but i am going crazy with this.. SeoMoz crawl and other tools tells me that i have a duplicate content between site root and index.html. The site is i am going crazy with this... the server is IIS so cannot use htaccess please help... thanks

    | Makumbala

  • I was just wondering how SEOMOZ manage to have same pagerank on all pages? Even on profile pages.

    | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • This may have been answered before but I have 2 questions. When I placed a business in Google Places, the "generic" ranking fell off the map. I now just have the 1 line Google places reference and that is all I can find. How can I get around that and get my 4 line description to show again? Do I have to delete my Places account? Before the Google Places account was built, the company was moving up the SERP ranks, now he is on pg 1 for Places but the other SERP positions have disappeared. This is true for all the keywords we are targeting. If there is not a Places reference he shows on Pg 3-5 (given the website is 4 weeks old, I think this is not bad). For the same client, he that services many of the surrounding communities. How do I get Google to recognize the various towns he services during a search? He places well for his "home" town but not at all for the other towns. if it helps any, the website is Thanks for the help. Scott

    | scott518

  • We have too many meta tags and want to get rid of all the outdated ones. However, we don't want to eliminate valuable meta tags by mistake. So, before we say goodbye to the URL meta tag, we want to make sure we understand the pros and cons, if any. By the way, we are not referring to canonical URL tags, just URL as in:

    | GRIP-SEO

  • Anyone has any idea how to block an entire product category, including all the products in that category using the robots.txt file? I'm using woocommerce in wordpress and i'd like to prevent bots from crawling every single one of products urls for now. The confusing part right now is that i have several different url structures linking to every single one of my products for example,, etc etc. I'm not really sure how i'd type it into the robots.txt file, or where to place the file. any help would be appreciated thanks

    | bricerhodes

  • Hi fellow SEO mozzers, I am getting 'duplicate content' errors when our site is crawled, mainly down to our WordPress blog and how we have handled tags. Currently, they are being crawled and as such are regarded as duplicate pages. I have read several different articles on how to handle tags. Some suggest noindex the tag URL's. Others suggest to optimize them and allow them to be indexed since Google has confirmed they won't penalize a WordPress site for having archive pages that publish and point to the same content. It will select the best link to represent the cluster of links. Over the past few months, nearly 4% of our WordPress traffic have been referred by tag pages listed in search engines. Initially I was going to noindex the tag pages, but going on the above info I wonder should I leave them as they are? Or is the issue that having duplicate content will lead to inefficient crawling? Any views/opinions on how best to handle this?

    | efink

  • Hello, I own the site  I putted rel="tag" in categories and product links , its correct? There are a lot of categories and products , I wont get penalized right? Just making sure to know if Im doing it right , thank you for help me 🙂

    | matiw

  • From my knowledge only way an HTML link is nofollow is using rel="nofollow". I was wondering if you have a link , is there anything you can put OTHER than rel="nofollow" within the <a></a>tags that make a link nofollow?

    | William.Lau

  • My main site has htaccess rewrite condition to force www. I just added a blog on sub domain and have it Is this setup correctly or should it be or does it make a difference? A colleague just pointed that out and said it should be non www for blog or any sub domains. Thanks for any clarification.

    | anthonytjm

  • Hey guys! I have a bit of a of my sites got hit by Panda 😞 The content itself contains about 10 links, however since the site is a process directory, at the bottom of the page you will find that the visitor can also browse process directory by name or page and then beneath this there are 80 links :s My concern is that if i remove this I will lose internal link juice! HELP! What approach should I take? I was thinking of either reducing the number of links OR hiding it by using Java ORRRR removing the links entirely. Advice anyone? This is a page as an example: All pages are like this!

    | OrangeGuys

  • Useless metric? Good as an indicator, but not of any real value? Best way to judge how well content is optimised? I've heard all kinds of opinions, what's yours? Thanks!

    | underscorelive

  • Making the assumption that all "controllable" factors are done correctly, and your DA and PA are competitive, is there a good rule of thumb on how long I should give a keyword before I try for a different keyword if I'm unable to break the first page on the Google's SERP?

    | ChadEdwardJ

  • Hi, couple of easy questions for you guys... Im a web designer and my #1 keyword is web design huddersfield. I own the domain, and i will have a page titled web design. Now do i target the web design page or the index page as i don't want keyword cannibalization, but is it better for my index page to be the landing page? #2 Considering that is my domain should i set the title to: web design huddersfield    or just web design? please help.

    | klsdnflksdnvl

  • I get significantly different report cards for the same keywords with and without uppercase letters on the same URL. The only difference between the two sets of keywords is the first letters of every keywords, e.g.: "Air freight" - results in an "F"
    "air freigth" - results in an "A" Should I stick to lowercase keywords only - and won't the search engines ignore the case anyway?

    | DigiTeamatDSV

  • Hi, Lets say you have a 1000 pages, is it ok to generate a template meta description and flip the keywords depending on the page? For example: Red Shoes page: Buy Red Shoes at amazing prices. We have a large range of Red Shoe sizes available. Blue Shoes page: Buy Blue Shoes at amazing prices. We have a large range of Blue Shoe sizes available. Thoughts?

    | Bondara

  • Hello guys 1 - I have a question about the best structure for URLs from the point of view of SEO: Is it OK to use the URL as Or is better this 2 - When part of my keyword is already in my "category", for example: I leave it as it is, or in the following way: NOTE: Do not take into account that this URL would be different from other URLs in this category

    | seomasterbrasil

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