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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hello, I have two things that I'm a little concerned. Ranking report is not working because all these keywords were on google first page but the report is showing the calendar sign Crawl results, I just went from 5000 warnings and errors to 4 in two weeks. It seems a little crazy

    | angelowei

  • At our ecommerce site adwords ads generally perform a lot better when the product price is included in the ad title. Does anyone here have any experience and data on CTR with including product prices in title tags of product / category pages?

    | ese

  • Hi Guys, Just have a small problem with a htaccess 301 redirect. I would like to 301: & to The site is exactly the same with the same directory structure so i would also like all the subpages to work. Eg: & to Many thanks


  • Hello! I am creating "metro landing pages" for an organization that has a 10-18 locations per metro city. The landing page houses brief information about the organization as a whole and then it has the locations listed with links to their respective pages. My question is how to optimize these titles. My sample city is Atlanta, GA. This metro page includes 18 locations from the Atlanta area. Marietta, Sandy Springs, Decatur, etc... My question is what is the best Meta Title to use for a Metro Page like this? Would it be best to say Day Care in Metro Atlanta | ABC Childcare Company | Child Care Atlanta Area or is their a better way to optimize a large Metro landing page? I really appreciate any suggestions! Thanks!!!

    | TracSoft

  • I'm wondering if there is a duplication issue with having a singular AND plural version of a keyword in the Title Tag. For example: Wood Desk - Wood Desks| Furniture Store Would this help or hurt my ranking for this URL? I can’t find a concrete answer for this under Moz’s “Title Tag SEO Best Practices Page.” Thanks for your help!

    | jampaper

  • Hi there I have an issue which, despite searching hard, I simply cannot find the right solution for. We have an index page that used to rank pretty well for a main industry keyword. However following a revamp of the site last year the kw slipped and no longer brings in decent traffic levels. The problem seems to be  that the old static site had a sprinkling of variable anchor text links that brought value to the home page. Instead of the main anchor being "home" we would revert to "main keyword" and variations across the site sometimes in t he content but mainly on the nav bars. However the new CMS design structure restricts us considerably with anchor distribution and so instead we opted for the site logo on the masthead to have an ALT tag for "main keyword" but so as not to game google too much we added .."home" to the tag. Probably pointless but we figured it could do no harm. This ALT text is site wide Problem now is that we have lost the spread of internal nav bar anchors and variety etc. We have slipped in the serps for "main keyword" and I cant help thinking we are not maximising the anchors as we should. So what Im coming to is this.... How can we tell if Google is picking up the ALT tage anchor as the main anchor to rank the site at the expense of all internal text anchors. Despite retaining lots of embedded anchors - according to the Moz metrics these are not being picked up because OSE suggests the ALT tag anchor is taking precedence. The serps probably support this view as well. Should we: a) Vary the masthead ALT if there is no way of avoiding this being the most important link / anchor on the page b) Remove the ALT anchor and instead opt for content links high on the page (we do have nav bar links saying "Home" site wide as well which may overrid the embedded links?) c) Leave the ALT alone and still push for content anchors as described in b) What is the best way to handle this..? Best wishes and thanks Morch

    | Morch

  • Hi I have implemented most of the suggestions, which are offered threw SEOMOZ on our web site But rankings are not improving. Could anyone help please? Thanks Tomaz

    | tomaz77

  • Hello, Can you give me some examples of how many words you use for product pages? I know it's going to vary and that quality is more important than number of words, but what's been optimal for you and why?

    | BobGW

  • Last month I realized that one of my freelancers had been feeding my website with copied / spun content and sadly, there's lots of it. And of course it got my website to be hit hard by the last Panda update. Now that I've identified the content, what the best thing to do? Should I delete it permanently and get 404 errors or should I set the pages' robot meta tag to "nofollow"?

    | sbrault74

  • In December our website was the victim of a devastating pharma hack.  Google Webmaster Tools never reported malware on our website, but our keywords within Webmaster Tools were all changed to keywords related to mens and ladies watches. Our Google organic search rank and resulting traffic has been dramatically impacted. Since realizing we were hacked, we rebuilt our website from the ground up with a clean and updated installation of Joomla CMS (from 1.5 to 2.5) and changed to a more secure server.  As of December 21st, 2012, our website has been clean of the phama hack. We wrote Google and told them what happened.  They replied with a "no manual spam actions were found" message. Unfortunately, Google Webmaster Tools still reflects all of the hacked keywords for mens and ladies watches. We are watching our Google Webmaster Tools everyday waiting for Google to remove the hacked keywords.  It's been a little over a month and still only about 5 of the first 100 keywords have anything to do with our website. What do you recommend we do to expedite the removal of these inappropriate keywords in Google WMT?

    | TCM-SEO

  • After validating the CSS on my site the error "Parse Error title=" was shown with no explanation. What is this?

    | casper434

  • Hi everyone, I am a SEOMOZ newbie and I have been learning about SEO for a while now whilst working on my site - - I already understood the importance of anchor text but was amazed to learn how google only count the anchor text used in the first link ( My questions are - does this rule still apply? and if so do the menus really count as the first link? If I went on this approach, this would make my menus too long for e.g. on my 'Auto Locksmith' page, my targetted keywords are 'Auto Locksmith' but also the town keywords need to be included. I really thought I had this covered on the home page by making sure the anchor text and alt text were keyword relevant to the link, but looks like Ive been missing out on an opportunity. Our business is slightly complicated in that the 25 mile radius we cover includes 4 different regions - therefore I feel like I always have to get these keywords in as well to make sure we get traffic from our area. Thanks for any advice you can give!

    | LockCity

  • I am working for a social networking site called Yookos. Much our content is user-generated. How can i add keywords onto the site to make sure our site appears in the SERPS? Also what techniques can i use to make our social site rank highly? Do the other SEO techniques apply here?

    | seoworx123

  • This is the best architecture I found to help my visitors find there furnace filter size. Does it hurt my SEO? Index page has, 210 links and most other pages has, 190 links. Thank you, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • I'm currently facing the following challenge: Newspaper industry: the content and title of some (featured) articles change a couple of times during a normal day. The CMS is setup so each article can be found by only using it's specific id (eg. domain.tld/123). A normal article looks like this: domain.tld/some-path/sub-path/i-am-the-topic,123 Now the article gets changed and with it the topic. It looks like this now: domain.tld/some-path/sub-path/i-am-the-new-topic,123 I can not tell the writers that they can not change the article as they wish any more. I could implement canonicals pointing to the short url (domain.tld/123). I could try to change the URL's to something like domain.tld/some-path/sub-path/123. Then we would lose keywords in URL (which afaik is not that important as a ranking factor; rather as a CTR factor). If anyone has experiences sharing them would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jan

    | jmueller

  • Does this tool also guard against an instance of over-optimization or keyword-spamming?

    | webfeatus

  • Whoa! In one week, I had a clients site drop from number 4 to outside of the top 50 in rankings. So confused! Also, the site is now showing up in the local results section (which it wasnt before). Does Google drop your site if your site appears in local results? Did the local result replace the ranking?

    | RickyShockley

  • We are having some really good results with our SEO strategies for local search and long tail searches for our clients on Google; however, Bing is a completely different story in a couple of cases. What is Bing looking for that Google is not? We have even noticed that something may rank well in Bing then not show up at all in Google? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    | Strategexe

  • Hello, There are so many different meta tags which you can implement to the header of your website and I'm wanting to get people's opinions on which you feel are worth putting in and which are completely pointless? For example: Author Copyright Language Content-Type Content-Language Distribution Abstract Keywords Description Classification Canonical Expires Revisit-after Rating I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions. Kind Regards, Shaun Swales Twitter: Https://

    | ShaunSwales

  • I am interested to know the best way to go about about Google authorship on blog articles written for a client. For example is it a bad idea for an SEO content writer to publish articles under their own identity, what are the potential footprint downsides to this?

    | Clicksjim

  • My website is e-commerce and used to rank for all industry related keywords like buy widgets, cheap widgets, online widgets in top10. And suddenly my website was hacked and to resolve this hacking issue i have re-write all my dynamic urls into static pages after that new pages are indexed and ranking well. But after few months i have notice few changes in keywords ranking going down. But suddenly after Google Algo (EMD/Panda) update on Sept 27 i lost all my positions. And then according to Google guidelines i have worked on over optimization and low quality pages. I have removed all tones of low quality pages from SERP and simultaneously worked on url re-write. But i have notice small percent of changes in keyword positions like when Google Algo (EMD/Panda) is rolled out i lost my keyword positions from 1st page to 200 page and after working on over optimization and low quality pages the keywords are came back to 100 pages. Recently i have notice that my web pages ranking for irrelevant keywords. For example, let's say i used to rank for home page for these keywords; buy widgets, cheap widgets, online widgets but now am ranking for different inner pages say (guide pages). Can any one suggest me whats wrong..

    | BipSum

  • Hello The site is 1st in google for the keyword "wooden Signs". All seo indicators are poor except keyword in url; wich, i thought, was not a + for google anymore. Could someone help me to understand here? Thank you Emmanuel

    | manu45

  • Is it unwise to link internally to a page more than once on the homepage. I am reading that it is considered spammy. I am also reading that it passes PR twice to the internal page instead of just once... Which is it? Is there a way to stop passing PR to the "contact us" page. I watched an older video that Matt Cutts suggested a nofollow. Now I read that this strategy is a no no? Which is it? Thanks! 🙂

    | JML1179

  • A SEOmoz crawl report on 1/20/2013 says we have 530 duplicate page titles most of which are pages like this these two: These pages are the result of allowing visitors to post their opinions and ratings about specific audio books. Google Webmaster Tools reports we have 16 duplicate page titles none of which are a review page. Why is SEOmoz reporting duplicate page titles? Should SEOmoz be reporting these pages as having duplicate page titles? Why isn't Google Webmaster Tools reporting the review pages as having duplicate titles?

    | lbohen

  • HI all, I am faced with a crawl errors issue of a huge site (>1MiO pages) for which I am doing On-page Audit. 404 Erorrs: >80'000 Soft 404 Errors: 300 500 Errors: 1600 All of the above reported in GWT. Many of the error links are simply not present on the pages "linked from". I investigated a sample of pages (and their source) looking for the error links footprints and yet nothing. What would be the right way to address this issue from SEO perspective, anyway? Clearly. I am not able to investigate the reasons since I am seeing what is generated as HTML and NOT seeing what's behind. So my question is: Generally, what is the appropriate way of handling this? Telling the client that he has to investigate that (I gave my best to at least report the errors) Engaging my firm further and get a developer from my side to investigate? Thanks in advance!!

    | spiderz

  • I recently read the blog post by Steve Webb about performing a SEO Audit ( In the article he mentions that it's important to have outlinks to high-quality websites. So my questions is if this is an essential element of onsite SEO?

    | Nick_Johansson

  • And DON'T SAY AMAZON!!!! I'm looking for beautiful examples of sites that are content rich without distracting customers from converting.

    | GManSEO

  • SEOmoz crowl diagnostic reports duplicates (title, content) issue on this addres: page already has canonical tag - is this a bug of crowler, or smth wrong on page?

    | SITS

  • My site has lots of long tail opportunity and so intention is to produce as much content as possible to target these keywords effectively. However, over the last 6 months I have come across numerous sources suggesting that Google can/does look down on a site having too many content pages. Is there any truth in this?  Thanks.

    | Clicksjim

  • Hey guys! I was looking at adding the H1 tag lower on the page than the H2 tag because I want the top bit to be a call to action. Is this proper practice?

    | Web3Marketing87

  • How much weight do search engines give the URL? We're a medical call center provider and medicalcallcenter is part of our URL. Does that help us much? Thanks!!

    | THMCC

  • Hi there, I want to ask why should a website first have Onpage optimization and after that Offpage optimization or Link building/earning? I have read that this is better, even obligatory in many articles but I am not sure for the reason and benefits of that. Can at least social media optimization start at the same time or at the middle of the Onpage optimization?

    | vladokan

  • Hello everyone!, I consider myself a rookie... so... please, excuse me if this is super basic or dumb!. I'm working on a ecommerce web (family business!)... and i've got this doubt. Say you've got architected your site this way...: I'm mainly interested in getting the category webpages to rank high. The problem i've got is... what to put in the CATEGORY webpage!. Suppose you sale office furniture... and the category is 'chairs'...  if you add content there, it won't be useful. What do you suggest me to add there?. ====== NOTE: My 'categories' webpage is split vertically, so you've got an image gallery on the left, and the product description on the right. So all of my product pages look a bit alike... and the 'category' itself has a placeholder on the right. I suspect that's why i'm not getting good rankings! THANKS in advance.

    | jleandroperez

  • I'm having problem with on page of dating website If you go to the location link in the website you will see the profile of same persons are showcasing in Country,state & city which will lead to duplication.if i use canonical tag in the country page then I think google will crawl only country page & will leave state & city pages.But I need that google should crawl all the 3 pages without any duplication's.Please help me out with this problem please check the link below.There are many other problems also in this website.

    | varun1800

  • I just dropped from #2 for my main keyword to #5 and am not sure why. My companies Ranking Metrics compared to top 5 Page Authority:#2, MozRank:#1, MozTrust:#1, MT/MR:#1, Total Links: #1, Internal Links:#1, External Links: #1, Followed Links:#1, No Follow Links: #1, Linking Root Domains:#1, OnPageAnalysis Grade: "A", Broad Keyword usage: Yes, Broad keyword in document:

    | Boodreaux

  • I'm going through my site with the "One-Page report card for some PPC landing pages. If I have this canonical tag on my page : I get a Fail in the "Critical Factors Section here: Appropriate Use of Rel Canonical but a Pass in the Optional Factors here: Canonical URL Tag Usage If I take the canonical link out, the opposite happens, what am I missing? Is the format wrong? Thanks Michael

    | mjrinvent

  • Two questions regarding the META KEYWORDS tag: Does Google actually penalize you for using the KEYWORD META tag, or does it just ignore it? On a related matter, I've noticed that when I use the On-Page Optimization Tool, it indicates that my header includes the KEYWORD tag, although I've taken great pains to remove keywords from pages that had been optimized by a previous SEO. I'm using Magento - Could it be a legacy issue? Would that make a difference?

    | RScime25

  • Hey there fellow mozers, Need some advice, one of my clients asked us about the best way to distribute their content:  number of restaurants per page, links and footer in their Landing pages. Here are 2 examples of what I mean: Thanks a lot!

    | Comunicare

  • Hi folks, I was asked to write a short top 10 SEO list for editors. My search returned outdated results and SEO is changing fast these days… So, here is my little survey: What are the best settings for these most important things: Title tag: How many characters / words? Best keyword positions? Best tricks? Meta description: How many characters / words? Best keyword positions? Best tricks? Meta keywords: Use them? How many? H1 tag: How many characters / words? Best keyword positions? Best tricks? H2-H6 tags: How many characters? Best keyword positions? Best tricks? Image alternative text: How many characters / words? Best tricks? Text length: Minimum, maximum? What’s better:  1 long article or split an article in several pages? How much links within an article? Min? Max? Usage of keywords within links? Your favorite SEO tip? I would love to hear your thoughts 🙂 Best wishes,

    | GeorgFranz

  • Hi all, Ran my website through the SEOMOZ campaigns and the crawl diagnostics give me a duplicate error for these urls so the url with the "/" is a duplicate of the one without the "/" Can someone point me out to a solution to solve this ? regards, Frederik

    | frdrik123

  • I just  joined a company as an in house seo. When I looked at their rankings I noticed a downward trend. How can I reverse that? I'm currently working on their onsite optimization, but is there anything more that I can do? edit

    | EcomLkwd

  • I dont know if anyone has any experience with the jetpack plugin, but personally I prefer yoast. My point is someones site I am looking at has both Yoast SEO plugin and also Jetpack for wordpress, should I just remove the jetpack as it seems to be a very heavy loading plugin.

    | propertyhunter

  • Hi, I hope you can help, I have been asked to look at a friends site that is simply shocking, but somehow ranks for its main target keywords, mainly because they are easy. But going through the site he has like 350 links on his menus that are all follow so I need to change them to nofollow, but should anything else normally be marked such as no index etc on a menu link. Also upon doing a Moz scan there are something like 250 missing meta descriptions from old blog posts. When I looked closer they had been using the blog section for posting relevant news headlines, but thats it, So he has 250 useless, low quality blog posts. My question is, what should I really do with them, ie delete, redirect, canonical etc. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks Paul

    | propertyhunter

  • Hey Gang, We've built a niche specific, manually edited legal community that is full of unique content. (While it's ultimately a directory, and that is often viewed as a bad word in these times, ours is a curated source that doesn't allow anyone and everyone to join.) We feel comfortable that it passes the sniff test post-panda/penguin, etc., and its doing rather well to date. The question we have is do we really need to create unique biographies for each of our legal members? Some of our competitors simply use the same bio information that the lawyer has on their own website and copies that to their site. The competitors I'm talking about are LARGE, well-respected, extremely successful folks, like FindLaw. Here's an example: Lawyer's website bio FindLaw website bio Both rank, etc., and the FindLaw code doesn't place any restrictions on their content regarding the bio., and it's an obvious exact match. I get that duplicate content is primarily a concern among one's own URL and the pages across a specific domain, using rel-canonical, etc., but what about two different domains that need to supply factual information that can't be altered? Is it anything we should worry ourselves with? Any tags we should insert in our code with regard to the bios? Thanks!!! Wayne

    | Wayne76

  • Hi, I have a question regarding iframed content. I would like to get my non cms content which is served via an iframe solution (from the same domain) behind a anonymous or personal login indexed by search engines. How can we make this work? I've looked at the following solutions:!topic/webmasters/l9n8oGLQRkUBut I would like the content to be crawlable deeper than the just one page (if this is possible using the iframe solution).We could also setup different new pages in our CMS with the same content...Any suggestions?Thanks!Arnout

    | hellemans

  • Could you please help me understand what is wrong with this site: It simply isn't ranking after about 3 years and I am not so sure what I can do to improve it.

    | nicolebd

  • Hello all, I am new in this community. I have been for a while on Page 1 on Google with the keyword "Wooden Signs" with my website Since the Google update (April 24th i think)I completely disappeared  from Google. I have not been able to come back since. Any help would you highly appreciated. Thank you!

    | manu45

  • I have a real estate agent property website. What should I do with the sold property page. Should I remove the page entirely since the page has no more use for user. Currently the page is still exist, but only with word "This property is currently not available/sold"

    | odihost1

  • Hello, I would like to use the mouse roll over with text on the over state. My question is how to make it SEO friendly? 2 different ALT ? How is the text on the over state going to be read by the searh engines? Appreciate  your help! Emmanuel

    | manu45

  • I have a company that is going to be moving away from a name they have had for 40 years, into a name they have had for the past 10. They are becoming a bigger brand in Canada and want to move away from the west coast name. is becoming obsolete. will be taking over for both sites. Both of the websites are identically built by a previous web company. The current root domain metrics are shown in the image provided. What do you Mozzers feel would be the best way to phase out the old site without losing the little bit of domain authority has gained? west coast machinery is also well know to its customers, so getting the branded search traffic to the shearforce site is also a priority. I am fairly certain this can be handled easily in the about page where it explains the relationship between the two companies. As a side note I have not performed any SEO work on either site as of yet. So please do not judge me based on this site! Thanks for your insights, Randy edit edit

    | PixelgemsCreative

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