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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • <dl> <dt>Cannibalizing link</dt> <dd>Several links...
    </dd> <dt>Explanation</dt> <dd>It's a best practice in SEO to target each keyword with a single page on your site (sometimes two if you've already achieved high rankings and are seeking a second, indented listing). To prevent engines from potentially seeing a signal that this page is not the intended ranking target and creating additional competition for your page, we suggest staying away from linking internally to another page with the target keyword(s) as the exact anchor text. Note that using modified versions is sometimes fine (for example, if this page targeted the word 'elephants', using 'baby elephants' in anchor text would be just fine).</dd> <dt>Recommendation</dt> <dd>Unless there is intent to rank multiple pages for the target keyword, it may be wise to modify the anchor text of this link so it is not an exact match.</dd> <dd>How do I fix this?
    </dd> </dl>

    | 678648631264

  • Is there a way to remove old URL's that are still being used for my keywords for my on page optimization? They are giving me grades of F since they no longer exist and if I change the URL to the current one, the grade becomes an A, but they are still showing after the new crawl.

    | Dirty

  • How great of an impact will the optimization of product pages have an impact on a sub level domains?

    | Martin_Harris

  • As the question title suggests, is it harmful (on Google) for a site to use the same meta description sitewide? On every single page. If not, is there any particular benefit to crafting a unique meta description for every page besides CTR on google searches. What do you think? Thanks in advance!

    | danielpett

  • Some links are in the main navigation (it has a secondary and tertiary level) and some links are repeated in the left navigation. Every page has over 100 links if crawled. From a practical standpoint, would you (a) delete the 3rd-level links (or at least argue for that) or (b) rel='nofollow' them? From a usability standpoint, this setup works as they are almost one click from everything. From a crawl standpoint, I see some pages missed in google (the sitemap has over 200 links). Looking for the best on-page current SEO advice to set these guys on the road to success.

    | digimech

  • I just got Seomoz Pro (it's awesome!), and when I did a campaign for my website I discovered that I have a big issue with duplicate page content (as well as titles). The Crawl Diagnostics Summary told me I have 196 Crawl Errors Found (I had a total of 362 pages crawled on my site), and as much as 160 of these was duplicate page content. Which to me sounds like a big problem, correct me if I'm wrong (I'm very new to SEO). So our website is an ecommerce that sells greeting cards. The unique part about our platform is that we offer the customer to make a customization of the cards.
    Let me walk you through each step a customer takes so you fully understand: They find a card they like and visit the product page of that card (just like on any ecommerce store.) They then decide they want to buy it. There is no "Add to cart" button, they will instead click on a "customize the card" button. 3) This takes them to a step by step process of customizing the card. They change the name on the front of the greeting card so it says for example: "Happy Birthday Katy!". And then adds a personal text on the inside of the card. They then add an delivery address and when it should be delivered. After that they proceed to checkout and it's all done. This is my website (it's in Swedish): - it will take you to a product page so that you can click the green button and see what I mean with the customization pages. Hopefully it helps even though it's in Swedish. My issue starts at the customization part of the site (the bolded step above), as I can see the permalinks in the diagnostics I got.
    This step-by-step process looks exactly the same with every card in the store. Same call-to-action headline, same descriptive text etc. The only difference is a JPEG-file with the unique greeting card design. So, what is your take on this? Let me know if I was unclear about something. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.

    | danielpett

  • So let us assume I am selling an item on my website and it comes in a large array of varieties.  Let us also assume that this item is commonly referred to by two different names.  (i.e. Cover & Case, Car & Automobile, Notepad & Notebook) Both of these names that are used, in regards to this product, have, for the sake of argument here, the exact same search volume. I want to make sure that I rank for both terms.  In my Title Tags I am currently thinking about the following methodology to help that cause. "GE Motors Super Fast and Awesome Car / Automobile" "Ghostwriter Kids Notebook / Notepad" "Super Soft Pillow Cover / Case" Notice I have the space in between the words and the / but my question is if this is necessary or not?  What is Google's policy on how they view that / ? Can I do this and still have Google see it as two different words? "GE Motors Super Fast and Awesome Car/Automobile" "Ghostwriter Kids Notebook/Notepad" "Super Soft Pillow Cover/Case" Apologies if this is a fairly basic question but cannot seem to find this information.

    | DRSearchEngOpt

  • I started working here recently, they said the footer links were to help with navigation of their most popular products.  I am curious after reading  if having these footer links could hurt the ranking of those key words after the penguin update.  I am looking more into the analytics, and have not seen a negative impact yet.

    | DoRM

  • We have collected a lot of reviews and we want to use them on our Categories pages. We are going to be updating the top 6 reviews per categories every 4 days. There will be another page to see all of the reviews. Is there any advantage to have the reviews static for 1 or 2 weeks vs. having unique new ones pulled from the data base every time the page is refreshed? We know there is an advantage if we keep them on the page forever with long tail; however, we have created a new page with all of the reviews they can go to.

    | DoRM

  • After reading this article it talks about how only one link per page counts if they are going to the same page.  This is what i had learned in the past; however, my understanding was if it was a in the main navigation as a child or grandchild or in the side navigation and then in the main body text, the link in the main body would count/ be held higher than the other options.

    | DoRM

  • We have collected a lot of reviews and we want to use them on our Categories pages.  We are going to be updating the top 6 reviews per categories every 4 days. There will be another page to see all of the reviews.  Is there any advantage to have the reviews static for 1 or 2 weeks vs. having unique new ones pulled from the data base every time the page is refreshed?  We know there is an advantage if we keep them on the page forever with long tail; however, we have created a new page with all of the reviews they can go to.

    | DoRM

  • Hi All, Still working on my title tag usage for local SEO, and I was hoping for some more feedback. My question is this: In Local SEO titles, I'm using location + keyword combinations, unique on each page. However, since each page has a specific title for the client, I figure I should be placing that at the front. My thought here was that this helps with the overall usability to the reader of the website. Ex. Contact Us page for Pizza shop Contact Us | Springfield IN Gourmet Pizza | Moe's Italian Pizza Anyone have thoughts on this one? Thank you!

    | kbaltzell

  • We have some good content on our site, particularly relating to UK employment law. One section on unfair dismissal is split into 9 pages - there is a fair amount of legal detail. The question is whether we should combine it all into one "mother of all unfair dismissal" page just to satisfy the Google monster or keep in as it is. Some of the individual pages rank on page 1 already. If we change the architecture are 301 redirects the best way to handle the changing urls? The other more important issue is whether it is easier to read it all on one page or split it. Keeping G happy may not actually keep our users happy. As the content is quite dense we want to ensure we don't overload people. Any thoughts appreciated.

    | dexm10

  • Hey all, I got a question: is it Ok to use an Iframe for example to list some Vacation Houses in my Travel Website? This is an Affiliate kind of Program Iframe Link. I did write unique Content about 400 Words and put this Text below the Affiliate Iframe, is this good or not?

    | myrtus19

  • Hi, Could anyone please advise me on how long would he take to get my website ranked in the top 3 results on first page on google. It's an university's website and close to no university's in Malaysia are doing SEO

    | navinan

  • Hi, I am about to launch a home decorating ideas website. I am stuck to determining the ideal URL structure, and the options are: Category: Post: Are these any good? What your best suggestion? Thanks in advance for your inputs. Al

    | adepalma

  • set up a new campaign seomoz crawled the site and did about 1500 pages the last crawl it now only lists 1 page I can see anyway to see why, the site has not changed so why has the number of pages dropped?

    | spiralsites

  • Hi Folks, I would like to have your opinion on the best ways/approaches we need to take if we want to rank the same keywords in different GEOs. To consider, I have a set of 100+ keywords which I would like to rank up in different GEOs, for example 6 different countries and some of these are not English, say france and UAE. What would be the best approach to deal in this case on a logical basis? Any suggestions?

    | RanjeetP

  • I have a new SEO client; his website has never been optimized. There are 70 domain names involved with this one website. Each domain name points to an exact replica of the main page, other than the fact that a small content box has different info in it, and sometimes the header graphic is different. So, 70 webpages that are 5% different from each other and 5% different from the main page. How badly is this issue affecting this website's ability to rank well, and what is the best way to solve this?

    | netsites

  • As I begin developing my website's content, does it matter how long or short the actual text found in the is? I heard someone say before "a minimum of 250 words", but is that true? If so, what is the maximum length I should use?

    | wlw2009

  • Hi Can a E-commerce site have a Google Authorship, and if yes i have learned google requires a face for Google Authorship, as they are applying Facial recognition with the authorship. If So, how can an e-commerce website have an individual's face. ?

    | usef4u

  • Hello! suppose I want to start a website about, let's say spray adhesives. My aim is to rank on the first page for the keyword "spray adhesive". I don't care about my ranking on more specific keywords like "Tesa spray adhesive" or "3M spray adhesive". My ranking for more general keywords like "glue" is unimportant, too. So I thought about creating a single-page website, that writes about spray adhesives, the pros & cons of every manufacturer, and shows the best discounts for spray adhesives. Each section can be accessed through a top-navigation, that links via anchors to the individual sections. The page will be updated every day On the other hand, i could create a blog and write an article for every specific spray adhesive. So I would have a home page that lists the latest articles for every product, with titles like "3M spray adhesive CreativeMount", "3M spray adhesive SprayMount", "Tesa Spray adhesive" ... I will write one article every day What do you think would be the better strategy? Is there a risk to create competing articles for the keyword "spray adhesive" and thus rank lower if I go with the blog strategy? On the other hand, does google rate singe-page websites lower, because google thinks those websites are less valuable than websites with many pages for the same topic? Thank you ver much for you help in advance!

    | MGMT

  • Hi guys, I saw a blog post recently where the author added a list of "incoming search queries" to the bottom of his post, obviously to improve the post's ranking for those terms. On one hand, I suppose it it does help users find that post. On the other, it seems lazy and somewhat dodgy, but I haven't found any opinions on it elsewhere and have not seen this practice in my experience. What're your thoughts? Outright search engine manipulation? Cheers, Carlo SCWYt

    | mtgconsulting

  • We trying to find out if there is anything to make it so google does not keep returning errors cuase of our ajax urls.  Is there any other option besides creating it all in a HTML format for google to read? Any tips or help would be great!

    | DoRM

  • We just did a build to our site and our server erros went up to over 9,500.  After looking into it, it seems like google is crawling the ajax urls and coming back with the errors.  Here is one example If you know of any good articles on this please send them my way.

    | DoRM

  • Hi Everyone! A bit of a greenhorn SEO here, and I'm trying to learn a bit more about some of the best practices in local SEO. I'm wondering if anyone can help me with the following scenario: Business: Dental Care & Surgery Location: Springfield IN Name: Springfield Dental Care Experts (example) Website: 18 content pages, pages dedicated to each service Since there are 18 pages to work with, there are plenty of places for us to mix-up the title tags. However, I am still unclear as to what the best way would be to do this. I understand that the Geo-modifiers should go at the front, and that the brand name is considered optional. Would tags such as this make sense? Springfield IN Dentist | Springfield Dental Care Experts Nearby town Mountainview IN Dental Care | Springfield Dental Care Experts Last question: The website has pages for each of the services offered by the dentist, ex: Dental Cleanings, Consultations, Fillings, Surgery, etc. Should each of the pages be included in the title tag? Springfield IN Dentist | Springfield Dental Care Experts - Dental Surgery My concern is that buy adding this, the title tag would be too long. Thank you for taking the time to read and respond!

    | kbaltzell

  • Hi i have a got a 404 page for example : can i use canonical tag on this page so that when the search engine hits the page 13123 it will say Will this be right method ?

    | usef4u

  • Hi My site is maily about growing fruit and vegetables and was badly hit after the September Panda update. Each page is about one type of fruit or vegetable and discusses how to grow that particular plant.  Each page targets two keyword phrases, "growing abc" and "how to grow abc" so e.g. "Growing garlic: a guide on how to grow garlic" would be the page title and then the two phrases used a couple of times on each page. However the plant, in the above example "garlic" can appear upto 30 or 40 times per page, also the phrases "how to grow" and "growing" will appear on just about every page, would these facts be hurting my overall site rankings? Many Thanks Simon

    | spes123

  • My Seomoz account tells me i've got a Grade F for my on-page optimalisation. The report said there's no single "on page keyword" usage at the whole page. Can somebody tell me what went wrong? If you take a look at my website:, you'll see that i've used the keyword "prive chauffeur huren" everywere. In the URL, the H1 etc. (See image)
    So i don't get it?! Thanks in advance! [](<a href=)" target="_blank">a> visWA visWA

    | OceanDrivers

  • Hello lads, I need to creat a XML sitemap for a website so I can add to Google Webmaster and Bing Webmaster. What do you guys recommend? Tks in advance! PP

    | PedroM

  • Hello! I try to add as much fresh content to my site weekly, I do also have a blog that I update 3 times per week.  Will google crawl frequently if I am updating info on my wordpress hosted blog when my blog name is and the sites name is Will they treat them as separate domains? Thank you!!

    | TP_Marketing

  • Are sliders bad for SEO. I have a slider that uses HTML elements. The text in the slider is in the source code; however, the words are surround by unreadable code. Give me an example of good SEO friendly sliders for wordpress. Who uses what and why?

    | JML1179

  • Hi I have a website which we targetted in australia and ranked it on top. Now we are launching another version of website in UK so we  uploaded same site with same content in same language to .uk domain. 1- Will google consider it as a duplicate content as sites are same only domain is different 2- How to do onpage for such site? Thanks

    | expertvillagemedia

  • The website and page in question is   I sell non-slip camera straps and FYI for key word(s) camera strap(s) we were for a number of years on page 1 or 2.   Google sold our registered trade-name _UP_strap® all over the web including Amazon.  And of course we were hijacked for the keyword.   Be that as it may According to SEOMOZ there are many errors on our homepage. I am having the host look at a number of SEOMOZ's report findings. Two critical findings that are making me nuts because I do not have the tech chops to understand why are: 1) Accessible to Engines <dl> <dt>Explanation</dt> <dd>Pages that can't be crawled or indexed have no opportunity to rank in the results. Before tweaking keyword targeting or leveraging other optimization techniques, it's essential to make sure this page is accessible.</dd> </dl> 2)  Appropriate Use of Rel Canonical <dl> <dt>Explanation</dt> <dd>If the canonical tag is pointing to a different URL, engines will not count this page as the reference resource and thus, it won't have an opportunity to rank. Make sure you're targeting the right page (if this isn't it, you can reset the target above) and then change the canonical tag to reference that URL</dd> <dd>So here is the code:</dd> <dd>```
    <html xmlns="<a class="attribute-value"></a>"> <head> <title>DSLR-Camera-Straps Award Winning Non~Slip Shoulder Strapstitle> <meta name="<a class="attribute-value">description</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value">An Amazing Camera Strap that will NOT slip off your shoulder! Neck straps are bad for your neck & camera slings are bulky. Easy 60 day money back return policy.</a>" /> <meta http-equiv="<a class="attribute-value">Content-type</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value">text/html;charset=UTF-8</a>" /> <base href="" /> <link type="<a class="attribute-value">text/css</a>" rel="<a class="attribute-value">stylesheet</a>" href="css/00000002/cssui.css" media="" /> <link rel="<a class="attribute-value">canonical</a>" href="" /> </dl>

    | Asteg

  • To rank in for key phrase like "seo optimization for web" which do you thing is better: To make most of the backlinks with anchor text "seo optimization for web" to point to a link that is a category with many seo articles or to point to a single page from this category?

    | vladokan

  • Does google and other search engines considers the class and id names as part of text content. Will it be included in the keyword density and treated as a content. For Example: <a <span="">href</a><a <span="">="" title="xyz" class="topmargin_rightside_middlenavigation_home"></a> Will google considers the words "topmargin rightside middlenavigation home" as part of the text. Also If i am supposed to use this class as many times on a page, will the keyword density affects.

    | Sulekha

  • Hello, I have an online store specialized in offers and discounts ( with an indexation problem. The products are not updated correctly. I think the problem is that when I publish a new offer, it doesn´t appear on the top of my page´s SERP. I would appreciate any suggestions. Best regwards.

    | ofuente

  • Hello! Just wondering what opinions others have on Meta Keywords? Ive read in the past here on Seomoz that they are irrelevant now to search engines. I do see some of our Large competitors still using them. When I use the SEO page tool to check out pages for optimization it recommends that we remove them? This is something that I have been doing for a few months now but am second guessing myself now. Should I continue to leave them out of current page structure? Thank You!!!!

    | TP_Marketing

  • To avoid dupe content, we are moving away from a model where we have 30,000 pages, each with a separate URL that looks like /prices/<product-name>/<city><state>,  often with dupe content because the product overlaps from city to city, and it's hard to keep 30,000 pages unique, where sometimes the only distinction is the price & the city/state.</state></city></product-name> We are moving to a model with around 300 unique pages, where some of the info that used to be in the url will move to the page itself (headers, etc.) to cut down on  dupe content on those unique 300 pages. My question is this. If we have 300 unique-content pages with unique URL's, and we then put some dynamic info (year, city, state) into the page itself, will Google index this dynamic content? The question behind this one is, how do we continue to rank for searches for that product in the city-state being searched without having that info in the URL? Any best practices we should know about?

    | editabletext

  • I just started working here the other week and one of the big issue is that a lot of the product pages are not getting index in google.  We have an xml.gz site map they submitted a long time ago.  My guess is it might be something with not enough content on the pages?   Here are a few example of pages that are not getting index in google. There are 100's that are not indexed just trying to figure out what we need to do! We are working on new content to them all  but we have over 5000 products so it will take a long time.  We also have the reviews on the pages and are looking at starting a Q&A on page to help get more unique content.

    | DoRM

  • We have been working hard producing good content for our sites and now we need to know what are the most current best practices regarding placing and organizing content.  We do the usual social media blast with Twitter, FB, G+ with each blog post.  But it seems there is more that can and should be done.  What about authorship and schema tags?

    | devonkrusich

  • I have a volusion website, and I cannot have a subdirectory, it must be a subdomain. Is there anything I can do to optimize this subdomain to make it more search engine friendly?

    | SKMEIS

  • does having more products in a category than other websites help with ranking that page with a particular keyword like iphone cases. We have thousands of products and wondered if it would help these all being on the website.

    | Casefun

  • scenario: I have a product page with some text about the product and 12-15 different images af the product: details, colours, different views... how should I name an alt tag them correctly, been them actually really similar? Is it keyword stuffing to use the same name containing a relevant keywords?

    | DavideM

  • We have 187 crawl 404 errors. All urls on web make a 404 error that this[.....]l/ all errors added to the url, the url domain I put an example
    [..] I don't know where can i find to solve errors Anyone can help me? Thanks

    | promonet

  • So I thought I had Title tags cracked... Unique to each page Priority phrases at the start Under 70 characters inc spaces No spamming of keyword phrase Brand at the end But do people believe that this structure is bad? <keyword 1="" phrase="">| <keyword 2="" phrase="">|<brand></brand></keyword></keyword> and that Title tags should now be structure more like full sentences? And does using the same keyword phrase on several pages dilute or cannibalize results? Thanks

    | ToonyWoony

  • Paginated Pages, page 2,3,4 etc.... they aren't supposed to have a PageRank, right?  If they are only linked to from themselves, only the original page, Page 1, is supposed to be showing PageRank? I'm trying to double check that I am handling this right.  I'm not using canonical, or noindex or any of that... just using rel next and prev, which I thought would be fine. Thoughts?

    | MadeLoud

  • If 30 websites IFRAM my website, is there any SEO advantage for me? Does google register time on site, metrics on how far in to my site the user goes? I have a real estate site with listings (homes for sale). Agents want to use my listing feed on their sites via an iframe. The clients would be scrolling through my listings through an iframe. SEO advantages for me? Disadvantages for the real estate agent using my listings?

    | JML1179

  • My question is whether search engines will crawl the page before or after scripts run on the page. I have a H1 that will be replaced with a canvas by jquery script. Will search engines see the H1 or the canvas?

    | lojdqvist

  • Hello, For the h1 tag on my landing page, I currently have 'Welcome to Edison Ford'. I was thinking of adding the keyword I'm targeting (property maintenance bristol) to the h1 tag which would look like this 'Welcome to Edison Ford Property Maintenance Bristol' Would it be a good idea to wrap the property maintenance bristol part in a span tag and add 'display: none;' to  the styling? Thanks in advance.

    | PeterAllen91

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