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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Currently we have a news website aimed at several countries. We want to filter the content of some url (home, category pages, ...) using the country of origin of the visitor. For example in the home we've heard of global character, and a column with news of the country of origin of the visitor. This may affect the position or cause a Google penalty? thank you very much

    | promonet

  • I keep reading contradicting information, so I figured I'll ask here. What's the best practice for slash '/' at the end of a URL? Should it be or (no trailing slash)? The options: 1. Accept both equally 2. Accept 1 and redirect the other with 301 3. Accept 1 and treat the other as a wrong URL returning 404 Which would be the best for SEO? Thank you.

    | corwin

  • Hi Everyone, Encountered this NOHTMLINDEX tag within the section of a website and I am not really sure how it affects the performance of the website and its use. This meta robots tag has been used on numerous pages like the home page, content pages and forum threads. Is it good to keep it there or should it be removed and why? Thanks in advance! Steve

    | sjcbayona-41218

  • I know that this question has been asked in the past, and that is better for seo purposes than We want to setup a custom blog on our site, using Wordpress. Our designers/host are telling us that buy using can causes issues b/c Wordpress is open source, and our site could be hacked? Is there anything we should do about this? Any suggestions? Any Advice appreciated!!! Thanks!

    | TP_Marketing

  • I just create a site  It has been about a week since this site has been launched.  The site currently resides at 12th position on google.  With Semoz it has a Site Grade Of "A" .  When should I start making changes to the site like adding a content as an example to increase my ranking. I am trying to get this site on the first page with google.  Please help!!

    | Greenpeak

  • and wondering what is wrong in terms of on page SEO (basically just want some feedback on tips/changes to make)  I'm assuming that the title shouldn't be just the img file name..any suggestions for what it should be?

    | callmeed

  • Hi there. I've got an urgent question I hope someone can help me with. I've made a website ( with a few content pages. I don't get a lot of traffic. All my pages are scrawled and I don't see any errors. However, when I copy an entire paragraph and Google it, it does not show up in the search results. This makes me believe that the pages are not scrawled correctly. Only when I search for the exact paragraph by putting it between "", the website shows up on the results page. What can be the reason for this? Thanks for your help..It's much appreciated.

    | csrinpractice

  • I had seomoz crawl my site.  I only have 2 pages.  The site url is

    | Greenpeak

  • Hi, I have about 600 posts and most of them are not really optimized (some of them are flash photo gallery). Should I do no index them? They are just too many to optimize them. My website is Thank you

    | BistosAmerica

  • Hi, Ok, I logged in this morning to see my full crawl of over 250 pages.  I must admit I was expecting an email to inform me and to perhaps outline what my next steps should be. During the last 7 days I have fixed most of the pages that had errors and also added more keywords, just like what was suggested when I first signed up. So, is there a suggested plan of action I should now take to help increase the rankings, perhaps I'm missing this from the email or something? Thanks!

    | Pulsar

  • 2 pages on my website have disappeared and have a status http of no data what did i do wrong and how can i put it right? jo

    | linksjo

  • Hello, I have got a problem concerning Tag-URLs in Magento (the URLs mentioned are just fictitious 😞 At the moment, they look something like this: (1) ... so these URLs are not search engine friendly at all. Using a Magento extension you could transform them in speaking URLs: (2) What would you do if you sold, say, digital cameras and your online shop ranked high for the keyword "digital camera" with URL No. 1 (not search engine friendly). Would you transform (1) in (2) and 301 all non speaking URLs? But would you keep the high ranking for "digital camera" when 301 to URL No. (2). But, what I'm most concerned of is : There is actually a landing page (category page) for the keyword "digital camera" : Shouldn't the last URL rank high for "digital camera"? (instead of the tag URLs). But given the situation above, does it make sense now to 301 the tag URL to the category page? I would perhaps lose my good ranking, wouldn't I? Thanks a lot for your help! Martin

    | SmartyMarty81

  • If I'm trying to optimize for a specific keyword, should I bold all of the keywords that appear in the content of the page or just one or two? or none at all?


  • I've searched around for a maximum number of characters to use when writing alt tags, but not seeing anything more than "don't keyword stuff." Is there a recommended number of characters?

    | KimCalvert

  • Hi Guys, I've just read an ecommerce article that suggests it's a good idea to have a different page for each colour that the product comes in. However surely this will mean duplicate content? What are your thoughts? Have you put this tactic into motion and how did it go? Thanks, Dan

    | Sparkstone

  • In the diagnostic I have several errors in Duplicate Page Content and Title. The thing is that the errors is on the same page but with "different" names. One is called another is called and the same third one is called How do I go about changing all three sites, I have changed the /index.html one but dont know how to catch the other once. Is it possible, if it is I would like to know how?

    | mato

  • Hello, If I update the existing content i.e.I added some content to the already existing indexed content in a post,how will it effect SEO wise? Venkee

    | Venkee

  • We have 2 English language bookselling websites targeted for USA and UK audience with some content variations but 60%-70% of the content on site remains the same. The site is hosted in USA. One is hosted on (for United Kingdom) and one is on United States) The precautions that we have already taken to save it from being marked duplicates are: used rel=alternate element for all product detail pages currency in both the sites are different that is GBP and USD Geotarget settings done for USA and UK respectively through webmaster tools Launched backlink campaign to gain from local sites and directory respectively have tried to differentiate the product by using different product specific terms like Publishing Year: vis a vis published in: Author Vis a vis Written by Format vis a vis binding type Add to cart vis a vis add to basket and so on What remains the same: 1. Product detail pageTitle 2. Product detail page Meta Description 3. Product Name- That is Title of the book which cannot be changed anyways 4. About the product text –The memo or “About the Book” that comes along with the book and is same across each booksellers site. This is impossible to be differentiated as the database have more than 3 Million books which is older (2 Yrs) of the two  has traffic around 2500-3000 daily visits while the which is 5 months old has 150-200 daily visitors. Both sites have around 4 Million pages. Need suggestions what are we doing wrong and what extra can be done to boost organic traffic?

    | CyrilWilson

  • Can anyone share which is the good plugin of wordpress for header tags?

    | surajrathore

  • I usually use Description, title and keywords tag. I keep seeing these meta name = "classification" or "distribution" and also link rel =stylesheet" and "pingback" etc. Please tell me how important this is for SEO. It would be great to be pointed to the right page. Also, is there a wordpress pluggin to just fill in and have these be populated on the front end? Thank You

    | waspmobile

  • I have several sites copying the content from my pages.  I filed numerous complaints with Google and checked under the DMCA dashboard and it's showing my requests are approved; however, still several days later the infringing pages still remain. I'm a bit confused by this as I thought Google was supposed to remove the page.  I guess I'm not understand why it was "approved" when I don't see changes. Am I supposed to contact the site's owner to get the pages down now?  I don't want to show duplicate content to my site. Please help!

    | tutugirl

  • There are several sections getting flagged for duplication on one of our sites: Each of the above are showing as having duplicates of the other sections. Indeed, these pages are exactly the same (it's just an SMS confirmation page you enter your code in), however, they all have canonical links back to the section (without the query string), i.e. section-1, section-2 and section-3 respectively. These three sections have unique content and aren't flagged up for duplications themselves, so my questions are: Are the pages with the query strings the duplicates, and if so why are the canonical links being ignored? or Are the canonical pages without the query strings the duplicates, and if so why don't they appear as URLs in their own right in the duplicate content report? I am guessing it's the former, but I can't figure out why it would ignore the canonical links. Any ideas? Thanks

    | Safelincs

  • For instance has 5 ‘verycool articles’ under /cooltopic/ , On there are 100 ‘verycool articles’ Who will rank above the other for the term ‘cooltopic’ in the SERPS? Is it with 5 ‘verycool articles’ or with 100 ‘verycool articles’. Or does the quantity of (theme related) articles in subfolders not matter? And what if has more quality external links from the ‘awesome community’. Would this change a lot in the rankings? Or what if both domains have 0 external links, but has 95 more internal links (from the articles) to /cooltopic/ than with only 5 articles.

    | PrizeWize

  • I have a client that recently read an article that advised him to break up his website into various URL's that targeted specific products. It was supposed to be a solution to gain footing in an already competitive industry. So rather than with various pages targeting his products, he'd end up having multiple smaller sites: Etc. The article stated that by structuring your website this way, you were more likely to gain ranking in Google by targeting these niche markets. I wanted to know if this article was based on any facts. Are there any benefits to creating a new website that targets a specific niche market versus as a section of pages on a main website? I then began looking into structuring each of these product areas into subdomains, but the data out there is not definitive as to how subdomains are viewed by Google and other search engines - more specifically how subdomains benefit (or not!) the primary domain. So, in general, when a business targets many products and services that cover a wide range - what is the best way to structure the delivery of this info: multiple domains, single domain with folders/categories, or subdomains?  If single domain with folders/categories are not an option, how do subdomains stack up? Thanks in advance for your help/suggestions!

    | dgalassi

  • Hey there. I am building a site and am confused by the whole H1 tag thing in  WordPress, perhaps someone could clarify please? When I generate a new page or post I of course enter the page or 'post title' which generates following HTML  code class="title">Used Containers So I was thinking, ok great now I have a H1 tag! Great...But no, according to the Yoast plugin (which uses a company called Linkdex for it's on page analysis) I don't have my keyword 'Used Containers' in any of my headings. I then experimented by adding another H1 heading of 'Used Containers' in my WordPress page copy area and saw that it shows up written in my page source as Used Containers (so without the class="title"> bit in my first H1). Could anyone be kind enough to explain: The difference between the two and any known impact on SEO. What is the proper way of optimizing H1 tags in WordPress? Thanks so much!

    | Wallander

  • Hi, I just redesign my site. Any opinions, suggestions will be appreciated. My site is Thank you

    | nyanainc

  • I'm not looking for a precise number, obviously. I'm more interested in a general range. More text means more long-tail and synonym opportunities, but of course you don't want too much copy above the fold, pushing your products down. Maybe you can get away with a short paragraph or two at the top of the page. You can always put more copy below the products, but in a recent SEOmoz e-commerce webinar, the presenter seemed to think that was silly and unnecessary. He even suggested that the algo might intentionally ignore text below products, since it's clearly not intended to be read. What do you think?

    | CMC-SD

  • My editorial team won't budge with their headlines which are excruciatingly vague ... But I have managed to convince them to let me optimize the title tags and the URLs. Is this sub-optimal or are there some benefits to having a title tag that varies from the page headline or what our dev team calls the "reader friendly" title? For example... Their headline: Increase Your Retirement by 20% with This Safe, Simple Strategy My title tag: Compound Returns: How to Increase Your Retirement 20% Thanks for the help, E

    | essdee

  • Hi, Can somebody tell me what is the best solution for optimizing review pages of product for e-commerce site? For now situation is this: When somebody write review for product, url-s automatically generate for review page. Review page has same page title, meta description (which is the product description) as product page and link with anchor (excact product name) point back to orginal product. The problem is that I often see in SERP that actually review pages rank better than original product pages. Regards, Nenad

    | Uniline

  • I have a social networking website built on a SocialEngine platform. All of the pages (except the home page) are password protected for members only. My web designer wants the home page to be primarily graphics - not text. It looks nice, but with no substantial copy on the page, can I still get the page to rank well with just meta title, description and keywords (even when those keywords aren't actually on the page?) What's the best way to handle this? Kim

    | KimCalvert

  • Hey Guys I'm working on the implementation of Rich Text Snippets , I have basically 3 types of page Product Page Category Page Homepage On the product page I'm going to implement the product scheme which seem relatively straight forward , I'm struggling a bit understand what can be implement on the homepage & category page if anything For the Homepage I was planning to use the organisation scheme using the object thing my question is can you use the image tag to try and get google to display our brand logo ? just like the author & recipe etc.. we sell branded goods so on each ideally for branded page we provide  brand description and brand logo can you use any snippets or is it best to focus on just the products ? Ben

    | elbeno

  • Had a client today who contacted me regarding having no sitemap on his webshop (with about 2000 products). He told me that his design company, who had made his webshop, adviced him against putting up a site since it would be giving google to much information at once, hence making it stop visiting his webshop as much? Well my first through was -okay this must be some kind of joke.
    But with seo, there are always something, now and then, that still surprises you, So are there anyone else here, who could share some info on this?

    | zarkas

  • Hi, I'm just curious what the majority think of what's the best way to start a blog on your website for SEO benefits. Is it better to have it under a sub domain or a directory? Or does it even matter?

    | truckguy77

  • We are creating a new homepage and the product are at different stages of development for different OS's. The value prop/messaging/some target keywords will be different for the various OS's for that reason. Question is, for SEO reasons, is it better to separate them into different pages or use 1 page and flip different content in based on the user agent?

    | JoeLin

  • I have website which has a tag cloud at the footer. This tag cloud or tag box has about 40 links pointing to different words(tags) pages. I believe that the tags are hardly ever clicked on by visitors, since its at the footer. If the tag cloud is removed would this decrease the number of on-site links? According crawl diagnostics summary I have 195 pages with too many links. Would removing it help? And what kind changes can I expect if they removed (seo wise)?

    | utesters

  • Some people believe that having a link for each keyword and a page of content for each keyword (300+ words) can help ranking for those keywords. However, the old approach of having "restaurant New York", "restaurant Buffalo", "restaurant Newark" approach has become seen as a terrible SEO practice. I don't know whether this was because it's spammy or because people usually combined it with thin content that was 95% duplicate. Which brings us to; Why does such a major company have the following on the site (see the footer); Aberdeen Takeaway Birmingham Takeaway Brighton Takeaway Bristol Takeaway Cambridge Takeaway Canterbury Takeaway Cardiff Takeaway Coventry Takeaway Edinburgh Takeaway Glasgow Takeaway Leeds Takeaway Leicester Takeaway Liverpool Takeaway London Takeaway Manchester Takeaway Newcastle Takeaway Nottingham Takeaway Sheffield Takeaway Southampton Takeaway York Takeaway Indian Takeaway Chinese Takeaway Thai Takeaway Italian Takeaway Cantonese Takeaway Pizza Delivery Sushi Takeaway Kebab Takeaway Fish and Chips Sandwiches Do they know something I don't? [unnecessary links removed by staff]

    | JamesFx

  • Hi SEO pros, I am working on a website competing on the keyword "USA maps" and would appreciate your advice and comments on the issue below. The site has one major page for USA maps and like 5-6 smaller pages under different categories, e.g. US travel maps (under Travel Maps category), US travel guides (under Travel Guides), US atlases (under Atlases), etc. The smaller pages do not rank in search results and are not optimized well for any keyword. Here are my questions: #1. Do you think that if I add rel=canonical to the main USA maps page from all small pages that will help get higher ranking of the main page? #2 Or should I better try to optimize these small pages for the keywords they target (e.g. "US travel maps") and try to send link juice to the main page from text link within the content? Thank you,

    | ParisChildress

  • I was checking W3C Markup Validation and in report it was shown that  that pages (not post or any other URL's just PAGES) at are 301 redirected. e.g. original URL "" which is redirected to "" I know that its not that serious issue, but still want to know why only pages are being redirected and how can we avoid it.

    | NumeroUnoWebSolutions

  • I was telling my friend via facebook to go on my website, I told him to search 'nightlife forum' in google. To which, I believed it was 11th, top of second page. On his computer, its currently ranking at 1st place is it possible to have a difference of 10 places? even though he lives in the same city as me. Would be good to see what it ranks on your computers too google "nightlife forum" look for (don't get confused with the .COM one out there) Cheers Guys

    | Lukescotty

  • I thought they were, but I don't work for a full-fledged SEO agency. I'm a copywriter at a marketing firm so my SEO efforts are generally limited to inserting keywords into on-page content, page titles, and URLs. However, one of our clients works with an SEO agency. Whenever we add a new page to the client's website, they ask the SEO agency for keyword recommendations, which are then passed along to us to implement. The recommendations always include meta tags, so I guess I was wrong about them being useless? Can anyone tell me the purpose of meta tags? Thanks!

    | matt-14567

  • My client's got 14 physical locations around the country but has a webpage for each "service area" they operate in. They have a Croydon location. But a separate page for London, Croydon, Essex, Luton, Stevenage and many other places (areas near Croydon) that the Croydon location serves. Each of these pages is a near duplicate of the Croydon page with the word Croydon swapped for the area. I'm told this was a SEO tactic circa 2001. Obviously this is an issue. So the question - should I 301 redirect each of the links to the Croydon page? Or (what I believe to be the best answer) set a rel=canonical tag on the duplicate pages). Creating "real and meaningful content" on each page isn't quite an option, sorry!

    | JamesFx

  • I'm working on an e-commerce website, and I want to recommend to the client rich snippets, however only the main menu pages are the ones that have an actual static landing page, the rest are dynamic content pulled from a database. How can I implement rich snippets in this situation? or is it only applicable to static pages? Also when I optimized the title tags and meta description tags, the dynamic content is pulling these tags from the main categories, so Seomoz indicates there is a bunch of duplicate meta description tags and title tags. Any tips for this?

    | nrv

  • I have fixed an error but its still showing in red as error. Im totally new to SeoMoz and to SEO in general so im not sure how this tool works. Did I fix it correctly or not if its still showing? It was a broken link and now it links up to another page. Do I just have to wait? My website only has 8 pages and on the dashboard it says crawled 8 pages but it takes up to a week for a full crawl? Im really confused. Thank you in advanced!

    | Pixeltistic

  • Hi all, Most e-commerce websites use the same product description as the manufacturers. We know duplicate content is a huge negative for SEO. We are thinking about de-duplicating ours but our website is so big - it has tens of thousands of products. To de-duplicate it would require a ton of resources. Do you think it's worth it to go ahead de-duplicate our website? Do you have a website where de-duplication was done and did you see any positive result? (if so, did you see a certain percentage increase?) Thank you in advance

    | truckguy77

  • Hi, I'm ranking for 'bodybuilding schema' with two separate pages (see attachment). Is this a problem? I heard that's it's better to only have one page ranking per keyword. If so, how do I prevent this? Thanks! Jasper MhcOI

    | Japking

  • Hi, I'm working on building explination videos to had to our site. The video will be publish on a new YouTube channel I will create and the YouTube file ad to web site. How and Where to use keyword on YouTube to rank well? Is there some tips I should know to bring traffic to site using YouTube? Can anybody give some tips? Thank you, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • Hi, My SEOMOZ report states that I'm using two H1's on most of my pages, for example on this page: I only see one though. Anyone who could clarify this? Thanks! Jasper

    | Japking

  • Our site has a number of, shall we say, unoptimized URLs. I would like to change the URLs to be more relevant; if a page is about red widgets, the URL should be, right? I'm getting resistance on this, however, based on the belief that you lose something significant when you 301 an old URL to a new one. Now, I know that if you have a long chain of redirects, the spiders will stop following at some point, and that is a huge problem. That wouldn't apply if there's only one step in the chain, however. I've also heard that you lose some link juice in a 301, but I'm unsure how serious that problem actually is. Is it small enough that we'd win out in the long run with better-optimized URLs?

    | CMC-SD

  • Good day, I have a domain  I am trying to resolve the Crawl Diagnostic errors on it.   I have several  Duplicate Page Content errors. Example 1: (The domain happynewyou is not mine, some Comments from them have been placed on my site.    Ecoshop.php is a page on my site). URL: Duplicate Page Content: Referrer:   None. Example 2: URL: Duplicate Page Content: Referrer: Example 3:  is a different problem, but still a Dup Page Error. URL: Duplicate Page Content: Referrer: water.php is a page on my main domain.  The www version and the non-www version, if this a problem and something I need to overcome? So please can you advise what I need to do to get rid of this strange external domain name + index.php (as per examples 1 + 2), and explain what I'm doing wrong with Ex 3. Thank you!

    | drkevinhogan

  • Hiya guys Everyone has been really good to me on here, just wanted a bit of advice with the keywords on my forum. my website is a nightlife forum for the UK, each city has its own section. Each section has a eg: _What's on in Birmingham? Club Nights, Upcoming Events, Promotions _ as the  Title category, Should I drop the Club Nights, Upcoming Events, Promotions and put that in the description of the forum. So it'll just be What's on in Birmingham? with a description Find Club night information, Upcoming events and pr............. eg Just wondering if it was to stop searches been made, like, Club nights in Birmingham etc. from being targeted. Your thoughts please guys Thanks for reading Lukescotty

    | Lukescotty

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