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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • I work for a local SEO company who are continually adding content to the home page of clients websites. While i do agree that it is a good idea to add content to the home page and to link to inner pages, the home page of several clients exceeds 6,000 or more words. Every month, an article based on a brand or category (which already has its own page which is optimised with an article) is added to the home page with links to inner pages. I have stressed that it is not a good idea to have so much content on the home page, and even more so that it shouldn't target all the same keywords. I have pointed out that many of the brand and category pages do not rank well for their keywords, whereas in most cases it is the home page which is ranking instead, which i have suggested this is because the home page is too well optimised for those keywords. What are your opinions on this? Are you for or against continually adding content (which already has its own designated page) to the home page of an Ecommerce website? I should also add that this content is within a drop down div box at the footer on some sites and just above the footer on other sites. The category and brand pages also have drop down divs with an article just below the header.

    | Kinsel

  • In GWMT i see google found 41 duplicate content in my wordpress blog. I am using Yoast SEO plugin to avoid those type of duplicates but still the problem was stick.. You can check the screenshot here - Please help..

    | mamuti

  • How Can i count the number of pages on my portal?

    | dhruwal

  • A few weeks ago I added an image to the top of each page and somehow (I've only just noticed) the image was inside an h1 tag. Presumably this would be the first element google would crawl  and would it consider the image the h1 possibly confusing google about the pages content? My actual h1 further down the page would then possible be disregarded by google? The pages I am talking about have dropped in google and I wonder if this could have been the issue?

    | SamCUK

  • I want my blog's category pages to have the ability to be indexed and rank, therefore I don't want to noindex these pages. My strategy is to create original snippets for each post on these pages but I don't know what Wordpress plugin or configuration I can use to create original snippet content on the Homepage and Category pages that will not show up within the blog post text itself. Any suggestions?

    | mj775

  • I am reviewing my On Page scores and I'm not getting a perfect score bk of this notice: No More Than One Canonical URL Tag Moderate fix <dl> <dt>Number of Canonical tags</dt> <dd>2</dd> <dt>Explanation</dt> <dd>The canonical URL tag is meant to be employed only a single time on an individual URL (much like the title element or meta description). To ensure the search engines properly parse the canonical source, employ only a single version of this tag.</dd> <dt>Recommendation</dt> <dd>Remove all but a single canonical URL tag</dd> <dd>HOW do I fix that?</dd> <dd>I am using Platinum seo plugin which I have checked "Use canonical urls" and the page in question is</dd> <dd></dd> </dl>

    | ccare723

  • I'm working on creating pages to target local SEO. I've created pages for example 'wedding band london' with useful content and optimised them with title tags, alt tags etc and will continue to do so for major cities and queries where there are significant search volume. However, I also want to pickup longtail local search queries such as 'wedding band camden' etc... Will adding a list of towns somewhere on the page for each city or county help drive traffic to the site from such queries? Is so what's the best way to structure the page?

    | SamCUK

  • Hit from google images seem to be distroting my results. I sell airport taxis so want rid of any hots that came through google images as there no buying intent Aanlytics shows (when i click in) Traffic Sources > Search Engine Optimisation > Quires 250 clicks All of which came from quires related to generic taxi terms which I do (unfortunately) rank for in search. I imagine these generated because I have a taxi cab image in page one of google images. So when people search for a picture of a taxi they click mine. However in SEO MOZ the traffic data tab shows: google  = 219 clicks = 3 clicks This should be the other way round shouldn't it?

    | smashseo

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm seeing some changes in Google when using certain commands I've used for ages. I'm trying to spot cananical issues by using this search intitle:"keyword" This used to list all pages in the index on a certain site with the keyword in the title. Now I'm getting weird results and sometimes results from other sites - not the one specified in the site: command. Anyone else seeing this? Thanks B

    | Bush_JSM

  • I'm about to launch my site but I have a question regarding content and silo structure. If I don't have enough content to fill 4 subpages, could it be better to have only a content-keyword-rich landing page for a silo instead of multiple pages with poor content?   Thank you!

    | mediodigital

  • Hi, I;m wondering if it really does aid SEO or even hinder it now to have lists of top selling products as links on the base of each page.  This was recommended to us sometime ago by a consultant so we did it but is it outdated?  I'm concerned it may penalise our pages now by creating too many links? opinions appreciated. and scroll down to see what I mean

    | GourmetDirect

  • Hello, we have many dublicate meta titles and descriptions. But it shouldn't be. dublicate examples: Mainly all dublicates are for capital letters. but we have in such urls canonical tag with lower case urls. So why google detects as dublicates? Need your advise urgent. Thanks

    | bele

  • We ran a SEO crawl and on our report it flag up duplicate pages titles, we investigate further and found that these were page titles from the same product line that had more than one page, e.g 1-50 (products) 51-100 (products) with a next button to move to the following 50 products. These where flagged as duplicate page titles ".../range-1/page-1" and ".../range-1/page-2"  These titles are obviously being read as duplicates but because they are the same range we do not know what the best course of action is.  We want to know how detrimental these page titles will be to our SEO if at all. If anyone could shed some light on this issue it would be a massive help. Thanks

    | SimonDixon

  • If I want to rank well on one keyword would it be better to optimize multiple pages on the website for the keyword or should I only optimize one page for that keyword?

    | CustomOnlineMarketing

  • Hi, Our site has a 301 redirect to https and I'm getting two different grades for my pages depending upon whether I type: (gets an A grade) or (gets a C grade) Is there a setting I need to use to make sure my campaign knows our site is at https? Thank you 🙂

    | GroundSix

  • Helllo Mozzers, Just wondering if SEOmoz's on-page optimisation checker is upto date with google recent updates? If not... what do you suggest?

    | Prestige-SEO

  • Is it  the best way to use jquery sliders on the top of your page to still get all your text above the fold and score in search engines? for example: is much better to score high ranks in search engines than ?? Thanks!

    | HMK-NL

  • Is a good way of submitting to all search engines?

    | Kflo

  • I work for a business that operates several sites that were developed a very long time ago. We've been making many different changes over the past 12-18 months to improve these sites in several different ways. One area that we've never discussed or attempted is general site structure. Its pretty obvious that when the business was started they had never heard of information architecture or usability design. To make matters worse, the internal linking strategy appears to have been link everything to everything. Well after being told that it couldn't be done - I'm getting our team to say we must focus on this, if for no other reason that to help consumers figure out how to navigate through our site. Today we essentially have a series of category / information pages. In some cases, we hang more detailed topical content related to a category /informational page in a hub and spoke manner.  Although remember what I said about linking everything to everything. In reality there are a series of subtopics that should been designed for every category / informational area. Instead, what happened is in some cases the subtopic is integrated into the hub or category page, in other situations is hung off the page as a spoke page and in others the subtopic isn't even covered. The plan is to standardize - each category will have 'n' subtopics (~10-12, we're still working this out). From a navigational standpoint users will be able to easily navigate both across categories as well as subtopics within a category as well as between categories within adjacent/similar subtopics. This is essentially a grid if that makes sense. The question is this - we have some keywords that do well in SEO and many many more that do not and the trend has not been our friend. We're considering keeping the URLs of the pages associated with strong keywords the same within the nav structure, even though this might mean the URL for a spoke page will be inconsistent with the spoke page name from a different category. I don't see any real danger for pages that either are not associated with any ranking keywords or only very weak keywords. Maybe I'm wrong. What things should we consider in this change? We believe that this standardization should help consumers find the information they are looking for in a much more efficient manner, so page views/visit should go up. Additionally, this prepares us for category and subtopic comparison pages and other added functionality being added in a logical manner. We also think that as we add depth about a subtopic, it will be easier for us to acquire links to our site because the subtopics within a category will appeal to different websites. This is by no means a small project. We have hundreds and hundreds of pages. Do folks think this is a worthwhile endeavor? We've spent a lot of time cleaning up H1 tags, structure of our pages, anchor tags, page load order and speed, image caching, etc. Site structure, URL length and internal link structure are essentially what is left. Once these are done we intend to really get going on better and more organized content on our site. Thoughts?

    | Allstar

  • My site is indexed by google, and there hasn't really been much of a problem with my content, but now I am noticing that none of our images are coming up in the images searches of google. I mean none. I have even typed in the alt text of the image verbatim and nothing shows up. I use wordpress if this helps anyone. Any advice would be awesome, Thanks a lot.

    | Caseman

  • My site titles have 3 features in them.  Just 1 varies and I am getting duplicate title errors.  I'm thinking of moving the different feature from the 2nd position to the start of the title.  Doese anyone think this would help?  Any other suggestions for a simple fix? Thank You Handcrafter The titles look like this: Green Measuring Cups|Pewter Post|By JohnMiller Green Measuring Cups|Cherry Post|By JohnMiller Green Measuring Cups|Pewter Strip|By JohnMiller

    | stephenfishman

  • Hi, I am researching SEO plug ins for Wordpress - WordpressSEO by Yoast and All-In-One SEO Pack - and I have a question about implementation: In general, what is the impact these plug ins have on blogs with a large archives? Will they make any changes to old posts that may break incoming links or require me to go back and make edits to each of the old posts? Also, the main thing I want to do is allow for custom total tags. Is there another way to get this functionality? Or should I stick with a plug in because of all the other SEO benefits? Thanks

    | AmyLB

  • For one of my clients, the people coding the site added the meta description content to the HTTP-EQUIV tag as part of the "name" attribute. Curious if anyone has seen this practice before?!  I notified them that the description meta tag was not coded properly -- the search engines do not interpret the "name" attribute and the text that is in it. Anyway,  It looks like: **<meta http-equiv="<a class="attribute-value">Content-Type</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value">text/html; charset=utf-8</a>" name="... <a class="attribute-value">and services. ... .</a>" />**

    | alankoen123

  • Hello Everyone, We have just launched our new ecommerce site for flooring in the UK. I have run through the first crawl and there are 549 instances of rel=canonical including the homepage? Is this a major issue in any way, i have never had to tackle it before and i would appreciate any advice that could be offered on the subject. Many Thanks Andrew

    | DFD2012

  • Does the positioning of the text on a webpage matter for search engines? Do you need to place the text at the upperside of a webpage or is at the bottom also a good option?

    | HMK-NL

  • Creating Domain Authority and choosing URL's: A: What is better if you want to get higher Domain Authority? Choose or when other sites link to it? B: And for Page Authority? Choose or Thanks!

    | HMK-NL

  • I have an e-commerce website and have recently started using SEO moz. is the site. I have over 2000 pages that i am receiving the Rel Canonical notice for, which is essentially everyone of my pages.  I'm a little bit confused as to what this means, good or bad... I also have over 1800 pages with to many links.  I think this is being caused by the fact that my drop down menus' are quite extensive and begin counted on every page.  Any tips on how to make those menu's links not count?  So that i can reduce the total number of links per page? Thanks

    | Jonathan_Murrell

  • Dear all, I was removing tons of old pages from my directory (about 400 pages), I was setingup a 404 custom page, all is fine, so when I go to an existing page I get a 404 and redirected to my 404 page. The problem is Google Webmaster tools list all these pages as 404, and never clean my list (1 year til now), so I assume something is wrong. Question what is the best way or natural to remove old pages from one directory? Note: previously I tryed add on these pages the NOINDEX/NOFOLLOW meta tag and I got from google Soft-404. Thank you

    | SharewarePros

  • Hi Are plural and singular versions of keywords if used in same page element such as a title tag considered as a keyword repeat ? How naughty are keyword repeats in title tags ?  I personally think that so long as the page content justifies their existence in title then should be fine. I ask because i hear talk that one should avoid kw repeats in title tags, but surely in cases like the below example its ok ? If i were to give this page: This title tag:  UK Leisure Centre Guide | Leisure Centres Surely thats ok ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hey guys, I'm doing some on page SEO for a few clients and I've always wondered about this question. I have read tons of articles on the perfect <title>tag, but they don't often mention this.</p> <p>So my titles, like most others follow this format:</p> <p>Keyword 1 | Keyword 2 - Company</p> <p>So say for example I am trying to rank for 'life insurance' and 'life insurance quote' for 'axa sunlife'.</p> <p>It's my assumption that the title should be:</p> <p>Life Insurance Quote - Axa Sunlife</p> <p>rather than:</p> <p>Life Insurance | Life Insurance Quote - Axa Sunlife</p> <p>Am I right in thinking that putting it twice has no added value, and could in fact have an adverse effect?</p> <p>Thanks,</p> <p>Lewis.</p> <p> </p></title>

    | SEOMyGod

  • I am in the process of reducing the number of internal links from the homepage with the assumption that the more links I have the more "juice" goes to internal pages I have two options since many  of the links are costumer service related 1. create one link that leads to a costumer service page and place all the links their. 2. get all those links on the main page as nofollow links. what are your opinions

    | ciznerguy

  • In previous we had issues with capital letters in page urls. So we made a 301 redirection to lower case page url. But I read there that it's not good idea to use 301 redirection, better solution for that canonical tag. So we placed canonical url tak to lower case page url... So after week, in google webmaster tools I see around 60k os dublicate pages. Why google don't see canonical tag? Thank you

    | bele

  • Hi All of sudden, my category links are not working. Any tips on figuring out what's causing this? Looks like permalink problem with newer wordpress version. I turned off all the plugins see if this cause any problems.  Still not being able to find any option. Here's my site Thanks in advance

    | BistosAmerica

  • Hello, we have 10 websites in same niche, and plan to build one strong site by making a 301 redirect from all sites to one. We think to do redirect each site to subfolder like this: And in root domain place unique content updated daily. Is this would work? Or this is bad idea? Looking to hear from a qualified technicians advice. Thanks in advance!

    | bele

  • hello, what is the maximum rate of similarity between two pages to avoid duplicate content? We often talk (in France) at a rate of 70% Thanks for your answers Denis

    | android_lyon

  • I have a client who uses a template to build their websites (no problem with that) when I ran the site through w3c validator it threw up a number of errors, most of which where minor eg missing close tags and I suggested they fix them before I start their off site SEO campaigns. When I spoke to their web designer about the issues I was told that some of the errors where "just how its done"  So if that's the case, but the validator still registers the error, do the SE spiders ignore them and move on, or does it penalize the site in some way?

    | pab1

  • Would it be ok  to create a small FAQ section on the particular page I am working on using long tail keywords, all which have low competition, high search volume? I see a few competitors ranking this way, but it does not flow, its very obvious they are stuffing. Thanks!

    | TP_Marketing

  • I didn't see this topic specifically addressed here: what's the current thinking on using content aggregation for SEO purposes? I'll use as an example. lets you set up a domain that pulls in content from a variety of services (Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, RSS, etc.). There's also a limited ability to publish unique content as well. So let's say that we've got set up, and most of the content is being drawn in from other services. So there's blog posts from, videos from YouTube, a photo gallery from Flickr, etc. How would Google look at this scenario? Is simply scraped content from the other (more authoritative) sources? Is the aggregated content perceived to "belong" to or not? And most importantly, if you're aggregating a lot of content related to Topic X, will this content aggregation help rank for Topic X? Looking forward to the community's thoughts. Thanks!


  • Simple question i think. Ive started adding alt tags to images using the slice tool in photoshop. This takes up a menu were the last part of is alt tag: This way to add alt tags does work right? I used SEO-browser afterwards and couldnt see the tag. There are maybe other better ways to see if your tags are in there ? Dan L.

    | danlae

  • Hi, I have a site called but the site has a very poor showing on Google for the search term 'emv cards' and this does not make sense to me.  It has position #6 on Bing but is not in Google's top 50. Any assistance would be appreciated. regards, George.

    | sirgeorge

  • It is showing Internal Followed Links and Total Internal Links as 1 in OpenSiteExplorer Tool Not able to understand and identify the problem and fix it. But when i check in google webmasters tool, it is showing lots of internal links. Does it differ those internal links and your trace of internal links

    | expresscasket

  • I'm fairly new to SEO and I have been reading a lot on here and the SEOmoz guides over the last few days, finding it very interesting. I am wondering about page keywords, I read that the engines no longer use them.  In this thread they say they still use them because of directories. So I was wondering, because directories are always smaller scale than search engines would keywords that are normally high competition have more clout in them? If so then using them could be misleading to competition if they think they are the actual keywords?  or might this contradict between your actual chosen keywords in the directories backlink anchor text or something?

    | Zoolander

  • Hi guys, Do any of you know about responsive web design? In short it's a method that ensures that your website adopts to the resolution on the users screen. The point is that you don't have to make a site for each format, it's all there in your overall design. So, to the question: Does, to your knowledge, an integration of responsive web design harm your SEO? I tried to search for "responsive we design + SEO" but I really didn't get any useful information. Thanks a lot - all comments are very much appreciated.

    | MPO

  • Hi eveyone Just got my first diagnostics report and i got 220 duplicate page titles and 217 duplicate content pages. I know why this has happened it is because i did play about a bit and did originally have:- Then i change the page path to:- Then i change the page path to:- So now when i get crawled i have 3x duplicate page titles, descriptions and page content. Even when i have put 301 redirects to my preferred domain path. Which is hurting my seo, right? How do i stop theold domains from giving me these bad reports? The site is on Joomla Thanks guys Oujipickle

    | oujipickle

  • Ok my situation is:  We have built a new site for a client and they would like to keep both sites working.  Should I just attempt to optimize both sites to rank well in their area? Or should I be suggesting a 301 redirect from the old domain to the new? Other options? Thanks in advance

    | IntermarkGroup

  • Can PDFs on your website be picked up in search engines? There's a ton of info online that says it can and can't be picked up.

    | JennH

  • I've recently launched a well-optimized website with good-content category landing pages and then I've added a blog to the website (as supporting content to the landing pages, the only links pointing to the blog are from the category landing pages) What happened is that Google is now using the Blog pages as the site - sitelinks and also as the landing pages for most keywords I only have inbound links to the reg. landing pages and none to the blog, how do I get Google to change that? I know I can demote sitelink URL's in webmaster tools, but would that help me with getting the right sitelinks, it sure wont help much with the landing pages Thanks

    | Plorex

  • Hello, I am sure that this question has been asked many times, but I am still not sure what to do about the following: Our site's URL structure has changed a few times in the past few months. Recenty, we have changed our URLs to become more SEO friendly. However, Google has indexed the old URLs as well. To give an example: The following page in our website shows the following URLs in Google Webmaster Tools: Confúcio e Seus Ensinamentos /artigo/68_38/2/as_religioes_iv_confucio_e_seus_ensinamentos//aula/14_6132/vestibular/confucio_e_seus_ensinamentos//aula/1_14_6132/vestibular/confucio_e_seus_ensinamentos//aula/_14_6132/Vestibular/confucio_e_seus_ensinamentos//aula/ensino/confucio_e_seus_ensinamentos/ The correct URL is the last one. What should I do about the other ones? Almost all the pages in our website have this problem. We have redirected the old URLs to the new ones, but is there anything else we should do? We were asking Google to remove them, but Google has informed us that it has reached the limit. Please advise us on waht we should do. We have removed the old sitemap with the old URLs. What else must we do? Thank you very much.

    | Tev

  • My site is built with WordPress. I want to add our business location in the contact page using Google Map. What is the best way to do this? There is many plugins out there for Word Press do I need to use one ? Hopw about Webmaster tools, does it need to be submit somewhere in there? When it is done properly, will Google show our store location with a map in Goolgle search results? I saw some store result showing the map & business hours, How to do this? Thank you for your help. BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • I've been with seomoz for a couple of months now. I've been working hard trying to rank for the key word "kayak fishing" on my site My onpage report for my home page is an A, my moztrust rank is higher than my competitors. I don't have the most links but I don't have the fewest either. Why am I ranking so horribly. Last I checked I wasn't on the first 50 pages for Google search. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    | mr_w

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