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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • How long will it take to see the results of changes made on my pages based on the On-Page Report Card recommendations? On-Page Report Card

    | sansonj

  • I have to be doing something wrong. I have been trying to get homes for sale in Casa Grande AZ, and Casa Grande Real Estate to rank well in google. However, I am dropping in rank. What am I doing wrong

    | sansonj

  • We are building comment pages for an article site that live on a separate URL from the article (I know this is not ideal, but it is necessary). Each comments page will have a summary of the article at the top. Would I be safe using the first page of comments as the canonical URL for all subsequent comment pages? Or could I get away with using the actual article page as the canonical URL for all comment pages?

    | BostonWright

  • Hi I have a blog in relation to my webshop. On the blog I have two banners linking directly to the webshop on every page (site-wide links). Should I make the banner links nofollow? Thanks, Rasmus

    | secubi

  • Trying to locate a site that has this as part of the search criteria

    | hooopdream

  • Hello, My site's URL (web address) is: Above is the Our Website URL. We are in the process of Upgrading Our Website and for that we are adding all Details of each and every products. One of the thing that we are planning to do is to get Manufacturer's product PDF files on our Website which the manufacturer already have on their website. So our Question is that Since the manufacturer has the file on their website and we want to add the same on our website, Will be there any Duplication issue? If yes, then please provide us with a Solution by which we can add the same on our website. Thanks & Regards.

    | CommercePundit

  • Hi, I just signed up for Seomoz, but I would like your opinions, please. 🙂 I have a gaming blog for around 3 years. I have a lot of original content, reviews, etc. In these 3 years, however, I have never reached more than 1500 unique visitors a day. Can Seomoz helps me and makes my site goes better? 🙂 Thanks!

    | Andarilho

  • On my site I redirect users when on a mobile device to be redirected to my mobile version of my site. In the last couple weeks I added that redirect in my htaccess file. I just realized today that I am doing a 301 redirect. In the last few weeks my ranking have gotten lower. I am starting to think that because of the redirect my mobile site is not as optimized as my regular site and therefor is effecting my rankings. My question is how can I redirect my users to my mobile site but not use a 301 AND how do I get google to use my main site content for ranking on the mobile side. I want to go back to getting my search rankings on the mobile side using my main sites content. Can I simply remove the 301 on the redirect? Hope that makes sense.

    | cbielich

  • Hello, I'd like to know what happens when you use canonical to the same page itself, like: Page "" rel canonical="" Does that impact in something? Bad or good? See ya!

    | seomasterbrasil

  • Is there a way of having videos show up in google instant preview? Right now all I am getting is a blank space

    | casper434

  • Is it true that the shorter the Title tag is the more powerful the keywords in it are?
    I know that the main keywords have to be at the beginning of the title but, having more words in your Title could dilute the effectiveness of your main keywords? Ex: Dallas limo service | Private car by SelectLimousine. Could  the fact that I have a second part of my title  affect the first part by diluting its value? I would like to rank first for Dallas car service but also for Dallas car service and Dallas limousine service. Is this good practice?

    | echo1

  • I noticed that many of SEOmoz' own pages, those that aren't XML, start off with a simple , without all the other stuff that's on top of nearly all other sites. Is there a reason behind this? Does it have to do with HTML5 instead of 4.1? Should this be done as a general rule, or is it situational?

    | BobLongman

  • We installed a WP blog on a website and the below result is just an example. All of them lead to the same content. What's the best way to resolve it?

    | Sangeeta

  • On the seomoz on page report i get a cannibalize error. This is due to a link being full path. When i change the link to relative path then there is no Cannibalize  error. Should i change the internal links of the site to relative path? I would appreciate your help.

    | pickaweb

  • I am curious to know what advantages/disadvantages there are to placing content in pop-up windows ( lightbox, etc.). My understanding is that the content can be heavily optimized, but if a user lands on the page where the content is, how will they find it if it is hidden within a pop-up? I guess it is more a of a user experience issue rather than an SEO issue? or not? Hopefully that makes sense. Gary

    | Apptixweb

  • Many websites like have little content on the homepage, but instead a ton of graphics. I've been told before to watch out for pages/posts less than 200 words, but 95% of websites have "main pages" that are graphically driven and have very very few words. So, if Panda is cracking down on thin content, how does Panda define "thin" with regards to major pages of a site? Thanks!

    | terran

  • Hey Guys We are working on a new site and in order to implement some of the new functions we need to restructure our url's , Will redirect everything correctly but I was looking for advice on the structure we need the word product / category subfolder for speed but would there be any benefit making them shorter ? what would you guys advise ? Category Current **New ** Product Current New

    | elbeno

  • Hello, How do I configure these reports to check my landing pages, rather than just my home page? Thanks, Bilal

    | PLP

  • Search engines measure the reading level of your page. But how does it affect ranking? Should I be aiming more for a low or high Flesch–Kincaid grade level?

    | stevenw

  • If you have some pages that contain plain text URLs (not anchored links) that used to be good URLs, but are now bad, either because the website shut down or because it has been acquired by someone else and is now parked (or worse) - are those URLs enough to cause quality problems? For example: This information was brought to you by Waymaker These aren't the only ones. And yes, I know I should fix them, but there are probably 10,000 pages like it. I will fix them, but its not something I can do in a few minutes. (this one is easy to fix programmatically, but others are a lot more complex) So my question is: do you have actual experience that these are bad enough to cause ranking problems (making them low quality)

    | loopyal

  • Hello, I'm having a little bit of a conundrum, and I'm hoping someone will be able to help! We have an ecommerce site, and were trying to figure out what is the most SEO friendly way to handle product titles.  With our ecommerce software, it currently sets the Product title as the H1 tag (which could be changed if needed).  In addition, the product title is what is used as anchor text for any built in links that the ecommerce software builds from the category pages, etc (just like any other ecommerce site).  Here's where I'm stuck.  I'm trying to determine if it makes sense to use the specific keyword we are aiming for as the product title, or to put variations of the title that would be more descriptive.  Here is an example: We have a Wizard of Oz Dorothy Deluxe Girls Shoes.  According to all accounts, the best keyword to attack for this would be "dorothy shoes".  However, it loses the more accurate description of "Wizard of Oz Dorothy Deluxe Girl Shoes".  But, my thinking is that the H1 tag and anchor text would make more sense to use the term "Dorothy Shoes". The title tag could go something like this: "Wizard of Oz Dorothy Deluxe Girls Shoes | Dorothy Shoes" In a situation like this, what do you think would be the "best" way to handle the title tag, product name, H1 tag, and anchor text?  I'm sure there will be many different opinions, so I would like to hear what you think is best - and why.

    | clickshipcommerce

  • I'm seeing a lot about how SSL sites can negatively affect SEO from the analytics perspective, but if duplicate content issues are addressed and load times are OK, what else is there to worry about? Any advice is much appreciated. Thank you!

    | PerfectPitchConcepts

  • This article was published on on March 19th. It did not receive much traffic, so it was re-posted on Co.Design today (March 27th) where it has received significantly more traffic. My question is if google will dock us for reprinting/reusing content on another site (even if it is a sister site within the same company). If they do frown on that, is there a proper way to attribute the content to the source material/site (

    | DanAsadorian

  • I am currently trying to plan how to optimize my site based on keywords. I read and I understand site architecture and usability , but I am still somewhat confused about how to target each keyword per page or when Let me give you an example. We build databases for SME's using 3 different technologies. One of them is MS Access. Based on PPC campaigns and keyword research some of the possible keywords might be ms access programmer ms access consultants access database experts According to the link provided, should these be separate pages? I feel if they were, our site nativigation would be cluttered and clients would not be benefiting from them at all. It might even lead to some redundant data which I believe is bad right? My feeling is to make one page and target one keyword, but I'm not sure. For example, see one of our top ranking competitors Please, look at the footer? Is that actually how I should structure my links? I hope the answer is NO! Then again, if I do just have one page targeting one keyword, what do I do about the others? Do I just try to use blog posts/articles addressing those keywords? Do I not target them at all? Thanks for any advice, please keep in mind I am just getting started. My approach is to create a plan to outline everything before I put a lot of time into it.

    | emcacace

  • I have a huge rel canonical issue showing up on my website, and I'm not sure that I fully understand why. To my knowledge, this is something that comes about when alternate urls are used to link to the same page. However, this is not a technique that I've used with my website, yet it's still raising a flag on just about every page. Can anyone enlighten me on what's causing this? Thanks

    | JayAdams32

  • I intend using Bold tags to add emphasis but I don't want to
    actually show bold words
    so have amended by css. are the B tags enough to help with SEO or will my amended
    CSS damage the effect? Many thanks,Sinead

    | YGF

  • Hi all, As I'm doing an analysis on our site and our main competitor (both sites are quite big, with active forums), who is much larger than we are, I have found out that : Our site has the strongest domain authority: 34, competitor: 33. Competitor beats us on 6 out of 8 areas in the sub categories for the "domain authority" category We beat our competitor in 8 out of 8 sub categories for the category "sub domain metrics" Now, as the title for this question suggests, I would like to hear what your thoughts is on this. Remember that our competitor is way bigger than us - how can they do so bad on the sub domain metrics, compared to us (and everybody else, I guess)? What are your thoughts on this? Please be aware that the domain shown to the left in the screen shot is our competitor. Thanks a lot - all comments are very much appreciated! yUbrX.png

    | MPO

  • Hi, I'm developing a wordpress site and currently confused over home page optimization. I'm planning to use excerpts of posts on home page so that users can glance over all recent posts and at same time avoid content duplication. But I'm not sure how to optimize the home page for couple of targeted keywords . How can i make sure that there is enough content, proper H1, title tag etc on home page for target keywords even by using excerpts of different posts on home page with Read more links to complete posts? Should i use some sticky post on home page to take care of all onpage requirements for required keywords or  there are some other better ways to do it? Regards, shaz

    | shaz_lhr

  • Hi How come I get different results on page one of Google with the same query from my colleague who sits next to me? We are both logged out of Google and it’s on thanks in advance Daniel

    | ds8

  • Little bit of an odd question this, but how would one go about getting Google to not index certain content on a page? I'm developing an online store for a client and for a few of the products they will be stocking they will be using the manufacturers specs and descriptions. These descriptions and specs, therefore, will not be unique as they will be also used by a number of other websites. The title tag, onpage h1 etc will be fine for the seo of the actual pages (with backlinks, of course) so the impact of google not counting the description should be slight. I'm sure this can be done but for the life of me I cannot remember how. Thanks Carl

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • Hi I logged in the other day to find that over night I received 8347 notices saying certain pages are being kept out of the search engine indexes by meta-robots. I have not changed my robots.txt in years and I certainly didn't block Google from visiting those pages. Is this a fault on Roger Mozbot behalf? Or is there a bot preventing 8000+ pages being indexed? Is there a way to find out what meta-robot is doing this and where? And how I can get rid of it? I usually rank between #3 and #5 for the term 'sex toys' on, but I now rank #7 to #9 so it would seem some of my pages/content is being blocked. My website is THIS IS AN ADULT TOYS SITE. There is no porn videos or anything like that on it, but just in case you don't wish to look at sex toys or are around kids I thought I would mention it. Blake

    | wayne1

  • I've got a few pages (click here to see the fist on with the others as side bar links). They are all thumbnail pages of different products. The tiles are pretty different but the page content is virtually the same for all of them as is the meta description tag. I'm getting error's on the SEOmoz crawl for those pages. I know the meta tag shouldn't be a problem in SEO but is the content of the page going to cause me issues? Are the error messages from SEOmoz a result of the page content or the meta description? The pages are very similar but they are different enough that I want to separate them onto different pages. There would be too many links on that single page as well if all the thumbs where on the same page. Should I just ignore the error messages?

    | JAARON

  • I am sort of mystified at this . I have a homepage and it is for all intents and purposes optimized for the search term Charlotte electrician . If you type in Charlotte electrician I have no organic listing for this page . It does receive an A on the tool on this Site for the term target Charlotte electrician . Here is the URL now the strange thing is that for the search term electrician Charlotte the tool on SEO Moz gives me an F grade **as I would expect  but I am the number one organic listing under electrician Charlotte . This is truly confusing to me it may have something to do with links but I don't see how at all . Thanks I've been studying search engine optimization and web development for about five years and appreciate any suggestion . this is a Joomla! site and I am running a lot of components and plug-ins . One combines CSS files and JavaScript files to minimizing HTTP requests . This particular component Seems to interfere with other scripts And is simply not compatible with certain other plug-ins . Perhaps it is the source or well I'm not sure thanks . ** tom.jpg 9sAhAAEAwMDAwMEAwMEBgQDBAYHBQQEBQcIBgYHBgYICggJCQkJCAoKDAwMDAwKDAwNDQwMEREREREUFBQUFBQUFBQUAQQFBQgHCA8KCg8UDg4OFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQU

    | SEOJunkie67

  • Hello We are working on a site that sells motorcycle parts. The site sells some parts that fit several different motorbikes e.g. a motorcycle cover that fits many bikes. We know that when a customer searches they usually search for "BIKE MAKE & MODEL Cover" e.g. "Yamaha R1 Cover". It would be silly to simply list every bike the cover fits in one advert as the list would be far too long so my question is would it be acceptable to create a separate product page for each fitment e.g. "Yamaha R1 Cover", "Yamaha R6 Cover", "Kawasaki ZX9 Cover". I realize it is duplicate content and yes I suppose it will affect Google search results so would we be in line for a penalty? There could be hundreds of pages. We do not want the site to be removed from the index but we do feel that this is a sensible way of doing it as it would help the sites customers no end. Thanks

    | simplesimonseo

  • My client has an ecommerce site with over 1,000 products. We have a ton of duplicates because of how their ecommerce system handles product pages. Each time a new product is added, there is a default product page created (/product/12345-product-name.aspx). Each time that product is added to a specific product category, another, separate URL is created (/product/office-chairs/12345-product-name.aspx). The site has over 1,000 duplicates (at least one for each product) because of how the ecommerce system structures URLs. We are unable to have unique content on /products/12345-product-name.aspx and /product/office-chairs/12345-product-name.aspx because both pages pull from the same database. Their webteam informed me that they can't implement canonical tags on individual pages, they must be dynamically added to the site all at once. Thus forcing me to choose all of the default product pages as primary URLs. Both types of URLs are getting indexed and the product URLs that were added to the categories are SEO friendly so I'm leary to eliminate one or the other with a canonical tag or a no index. Suggestions?

    | DynoSaur

  • In our Magento store, products are arranged into categories, subcategories and so on. We typically have 3 or 4 layers of category depth. This makes it nice and easy for customers to find stuff, but it means that the end categories have massive long urls. I'd like to keep our category tree structure in place from a navigation point of view, but I feel the url structure is pushing some important stuff to the back of the shop as it were. We have something like 200 categories in total. So, assuming every individual category has an a unique name, I'd like to rewrite the urls so that:
    stays as
    becomes and so on....
    I'll need some custom magento URL rewrite  work done, but that's another story. The real question is whether you guys feel this is worthwhile? Are there any other stores with a deep categorised navigation structure, but a flat url structure? thanks, James

    | DWJames

  • Hi all, I am trying to optimize our landing pages in order to getting new visitors to make an action instead of leaving. But in order to so, I need to be able to identify when a user comes from a Google search and when a user does not. Can anyone help me? The site is written in PHP. Best regards, Rasmus

    | rasmusbang

  • On one of my wordpress sites, I have just checked it out in Google Webmaster tools and under duplicate titles it is showing spam titles which I did not add? Lamisil Buy - Buy Online on two pages of the site However these two pages are no longer online?  So I have 2 quick questions please 1.) How did they add a title to these 2 pages 2.) Why is it still showing in WMT when these pages are no longer live? Also under duplicate titles it is showing pages that dont exist? i.e. ?yonidza=orde and some of which such as weddings.html are pages from the old site structure that no longer exist - how can I reduce these errors down?

    | ocelot

  • Wordpress Category pagination causes duplicate page title errors (ie. when there are so many posts in the category, it paginates them), is this a problem?  Your tool is reporting it as a problem...  but ProPhoto (my Wordpress provider say it is not a problem). Here are the 2 URL's with the same page title:

    | LisaGill

  • Hello Moz Community! I'm really struggling trying to decide on an improved site architecture. I run an online proofreading & editing website.  This leaves us targeting many different niche keywords. For example: blog editing/proofreading, essay editing/proofreading, book editing/proofreading, resume... you get the point.  I feel like editing & proofreading are similar enough to target on the same page(s). However, the issue is that I'm also having to deal with what I'm calling derivative keywords. For example, when I try to optimize for 'essay editing/proofreading', I also have to think about: paper editing, paper editor, paper correction, edit my paper, etc. I would have no problem optimizing the page for 'essay editing' in the title, H1, etc. and then targeting these words as secondary keywords within the body text, etc., however, I keep thinking 'a large slice of a small pie is better than a small slice of a big one.' You see, the keyword 'essay correction' has only about one-third the monthly searches as 'essay editing', but it is 50% less competitive.  The same is loosely true for the rest of the 'derivative' keywords. I'd have no problem building specific pages for these derivative keyword groups, however, I'm very concerned how this would effect my site from a user experience perspective.  I don't want to have a master "services" page with links to book editing, resume editing, essay editing, etc. and then also show paper editing, essay correction, etc.  To me, this would be confusing... "What's the difference between essay editing and paper editing?". Any guidance is much appreciated.  This has got my head spinning! Thanks!

    | TBiz

  • I am trying to find a pop up software which will allow me to use: -different sizes -different pop ups on different pages -sync with mailchimp and/or google docs (via api) I am tried popup domination, besides their horrific support (or lack their-of) , they dont have the features i  need. When doing a search for pop-up companies, all i see are hokey spammy looking sites. Does anyone have any experience with a quality and robust company with good support?

    | StreetwiseReports

  • Hi, I created a website on After I launched it then ran a scan through SEO it says I have duplicate page content and page title. The 2 pages it is reading are technically the same page. and . I am unsure how to get rid of on of these as it keeps saying this is an error in the SEO scan. Could someone please advise me of what to do from here. Thanks!

    | bcarp88

  • Hi there! I'm new to Seomoz and am really pleased with the service so far. I've been doing some On-page optimizations and am gradually getting most of my pages to an A grade, but I wondered what the next steps would be? For example I have been looking at the search term "the shins fans". I have an A grade for my page ( but it lists on the 2nd page of SERPS for the term (in the UK at least). Can anyone recommend any tips for taking my page to the 1st page of SERPS? This site seems to do well: I am aware of the importance of link-building, but I'm specifically looking for tips on optimizing the page itself. Many Thanks, Alex

    | AlexParish

  • We run a site, which is a directory type one, where visitors can look for local businesses per city as well (at some point similar to the 'Yelp concept'). Now, we use as the homepage, and the, where city1 is the capital of our country, is 301 redirected to the homepage, so this is your default setting. When you choose e.g city2, your url changes to, and the city value is stored in a cookie. Then, when you leave the session, and return to the site later on, you will see the homepage url, but with your previous choice of city (in case you let cookies be stored). My concern is, that the meta title always contains the chosen city name, so when you return to the website, and you previously used city2, you will now see the homepage url (which normally belongs to city1), but with the meta title of city2 or with any other previously chosen city. Does this mean a problem, and should I always use the correct url, which would be, or this could not cause a problem for me? If it does, would you mind sharing me the exact problems as well? Thanks,

    | Dilbak

  • Right now, we have about 160 or so links on the home page.  It's been recommended that we keep it to under 100, though that's not as big of a deal as it once was. Is it helpful to make a bunch of those links "nofollow" in order to preserve link juice?  Is it going to make a difference, or be at all helpful?  I assume it won't be harmful, especially as a bunch of them are to the same page but on different sections of the page. Would live your advice and thoughts!  Thanks!

    | DeliaAssociates

  • I've come across a case where I'm asking myself what the best direction would be to go and while there is no right direction I would like to here some feedback from others. I'm working with some great content pages all about wine.  As you probably know the difference between a 07 wine and a 95 is vastly different and up to this point I'm using the full year in the url much like this: What I'm worried about is my use of the year in the URL.  I feel it's very important for it to be used in the page title and on page but I'm concerned that it might be setting me back with my use of it in the url.  My concern is that search engines might be interpretting it as a datestamp rather than as a informational piece of data describing the asset. Looking at my competitors, my content is one of the only sites using the year and in most searches for various wines my content is in the second half of the SERPs. If you were creating this content would you use the year?  If you were working with current content would you drop the year across all of the site and implement to necessary redirects? Just to be clear this is a client related project so my use of "my site|my content" refers to the client's content.

    | DotCar

  • When targeting a keyword phrase that contains an apostrophe (in the correct spelling), is it better to use the non-apostrophe version if it has higher search volume.

    | ProjectLabs

  • I get the following message when I try to start a new campaign. "We have detected that the domain and the domain both respond to web requests and do not redirect" In the q&a I found answers to this problem and tried to fix it. No success yet. This is what I have in my old ht.access file: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}    ^$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}  !^/STICHTING_SHEWULA/ RewriteRule (.*)    /STICHTING_SHEWULA/$1 [last] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}    ^$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}  !^/STICHTING_SHEWULA/ RewriteRule (.*)    /STICHTING_SHEWULA/$1 [last] I changed it to ( got it from the answers 😞 RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
    RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L] This gave me a 500 internal error in the server header checker tool. Does anybody know how I can fix this? The website is in a folder in the root of my other website Could this give me a problem? Thanks. Thomas

    | thomasfasting

  • I have created some websites for my company Dor-2-Dor and there is a main website where all of the information across the board is on ( but I also have area specific sites which are for our franchisees who run certain areas around the country ( or The problem is that the content that is on a lot of the pages is the same on all of them for instance our faq's page, special offers etc. What is the best way to get these pages to rank well and not have the duplicate content issues and be ranked down by search engines? Any help will be greatly received.

    | D2DWeb

  • My SEOmoz report showed many posts with "too many links." I can easily go back into wordpress and delete self serving links. But is there a downside to this if these posts are already ranked well on google search for the desired key words? Or will deleting the excess self serving links improve ranking

    | wianno168

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