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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi from quaint & folksy Wetherby Town UK... Ok so Geo tagging is easy to apply but whats the big benefit? & can any moz guest show me a site that has Geo Tagging and what visible benefits it holds. I mean does a flashing compass or something appear in the serps? Any insights welcome 🙂 p.s No theory answers just some examples woukd be good...

    | Nightwing

  • I want to know that, why SEOmoz have defined DoFollow & NoFollow attributes on same internal text links? Please, find out attachment to know more. Left bar have On-Page / Site Optimization link with dofollow attribute but, right section have nofollow. So, why should they have apply on DoFollow or NoFollow attribute on same text links? 6806571615_138b8765fd_b.jpg

    | CommercePundit

  • Ok, I had the tool examine a page and while I got an A, it did say this..... Avoid Keyword Self-Cannibalization Easy fix <dl> <dt>Cannibalizing link</dt> <dd>"Kitchen Storage Racks", "Home Storage Racks", "Garage Storage Racks", "Wine Storage Racks", "Bicycle Storage Racks", and "wine storage racks"Explanation</dd> <dd>It's a best practice in SEO to target each keyword with a single page on your site (sometimes two if you've already achieved high rankings and are seeking a second, indented listing). To prevent engines from potentially seeing a signal that this page is not the intended ranking target and creating additional competition for your page, we suggest staying away from linking internally to another page with the target keyword(s) as the exact anchor text. Note that using modified versions is sometimes fine (for example, if this page targeted the word 'elephants', using 'baby elephants' in anchor text would be just fine).</dd> <dt>Recommendation</dt> <dd>Unless there is intent to rank multiple pages for the target keyword, it may be wise to modify the anchor text of this link so it is not an exact match.</dd> </dl> The keyword that was optimized was "storage racks". In the explanation it says that baby elephants is fine if elephants is your keyword so why isn't wine storage racks or kitchen storage racks ok what is the difference? why is mine cannibalizing but baby elephants is not? This may be very simplistic to you all but I'm learning as i go, thank you in advance

    | stacksofracks

  • HI, Lets say my website is and my targeted keyword is abc for index page. Internal pages, like, The targeted keyword for apple.htm is fresh apples, buy apples, and for banana.htm, fresh banana, buy banana. How to define these keywords in the campaign. Please suggest. Thanks.

    | younus

  • Hey Guys, Search Engine Roundtable has published a short post about this a few days ago, quoting senior member at WebmasterWorld forums who said: "The way I see it, on-page text today is for the "relevance" part of the total algorithm. The whole algorithm is, in broad strokes, "relevance + connectedness + quality". After you've clearly stated the relevance of the page, then the rest of your ranking power comes from elsewhere. I've added on-page bold tags with no effect. I've added or changed h1 elements with no effect. Not too long ago, those might well have done something, but that's not the game anymore. And moving from a table layout to a CSS-P layout today might get you nowhere, too. It all depends how deeply complicated the table layout was, I think." Is it true? Is on-page SEO really dead? What do you think?

    | ShivaS

  • How is that I am getting a duplicate title error at this url?  How would I even fix that?

    | eidna22

  • We have an e-commerce website. We would like to feature content from our blog on the site's homepage (both on same domain). The content we want to feature is latest posts titles (say 5) plus the few first lines from each post. We want search engines to be able to read this content. Is there a SEO friendly way to achieve this? Thanks in advance.

    | gerardoH

  • The program is showing pages with www. as a differant page from a page with out the www. first, this is showing up as duplicate pages when they are the same page, how do I filter this?

    | masterplumbertom

  • Performed on-page SEO for this new site that went live a couple of weeks ago - no link building or anything of that nature yet. I'm starting to see the site rank on Bing for some keyword phrases but it doesn't rank for the business name "Maven Management" on any major search engine. SEOMoz gives my on page optimization an A for the business name for the home page. Am I just being impatient? I didn't really put much effort into ranking for the business name because that generally seems to happen without any issue. There are other companies online with the same name. Any insight is appreciated.

    | DenverKelly

  • DMOZ - Can Anybody every Can get in the DMOZ Directory?

    | AppleCapitalGroup

  • Hi Mozzers I have a client that recently launched a q&a and he has the answers hidden by registering  for free you can see the answers. It's a free community. Now the question comes: Google will not get the entire page only the question content which I think is bad. What option would solve the issue. Have thought about making the answers hidden through css... so if you're a guest the answers are display:none . But it has to be a better option than dirty things like this 🙂

    | mosaicpro

  • I am looking for a transcription software the can transcribe a podcast. Does anybody know of a software that can do this?

    | AppleCapitalGroup

  • My site is built with Joomla, and I have one main menu that links all articles (app. 120) in one language from the start page. The site has a language selection menu with translations available in 4 other languages, and for each language, there are another 80 articles linked from the main page. The SEOMOZ crawling report now say that I have too many links from the main page. I always thought it was a good thing for SEO to have articles linked from the main page - do I need to restructure my site and start building multi-level menu structures, where I would have a main menu on the start page and the next level menu would only be shown after a user clicks on a main menu item?

    | CatfishTPA

  • I am pretty sure hyphens are looked at as spaces no matter what programming language you are using for text purposes.  The On-page Report Card is not counting them as spaces in the page title, therefore, we're not getting the grade for having the keyword in the page title because it's divided by hyphens. Is this a fix that needs to be implemented into the SEOmoz app or should I not have hyphens in the title or does it really not matter? Up for discussion!  Thanks!

    | cyberlicious

  • Hi Mozzers, Very quick question. Google WM tools interface has updated and I want to confirm I'm looking at the correct figure. If I look up 'Your site on the web' / 'search queries' / then the 'pages' - this is correct indexation figure yes? This differs from the 'site:' command but that's always the case. Can anyone confirm, Thanks

    | Bush_JSM

  • I have an on-page ranking report of 'A' for my search term 'titleist pro v1' on the following page:,i.html How is it then that I am not even found in the top 50 results? Many thanks in advance!

    | yowossup

  • We get very little traffic from Yahoo Search and it seems only 15%-20% of our pages are indexed by Yahoo and Bing although we do submit sitemaps to both of them. Do you have some tips or resources (articles, blogs, books) you could recommend for Yahoo Search optimization?

    | AEM13

  • Term: Dudu Osun My site is currently ranking 5 and 6 - is typically top 3. I've seen a Facebook page jump up in first before and then disappear. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks, Mark

    | DenverKelly

  • Trying to figure out what is causing a site to show up under a former name in Google. The name of the client is Fortenberry Legal.  They changed from Fortenberry Law Group over a year ago. I can't find any code on the site that uses the old name.  For some reason, it still shows up as "Fortenberry Law Group" in Google. When I search for "Fortenberry Law Group," that shows up in Google with a full set of site links.  When I search under the new name (Fortenberry Legal), that also shows up in Google but without the site links. Any thought on what could be causing this?

    | Falconberg

  • Would it have a negative effect on SEO to have a link from the home page to this page... rather than to this page I'm hoping that made some sense. If not I'll try to clarify. Thanks, Mark

    | DenverKelly

  • Hi long title i know! We are moving on to magento and have chosen to allocate a specific colour to each category using corresponding tabbed navigation for user experience.All products within each of the coloured tabs then inherit the repective colour, giving the products a category identiy within the store. This layout has had a positive feedback from our "testers" As a lot of our products are seasonal and can be represented in different categories there is a significant amount of duplicate content. ATM i see our options as being: Alter the site structure so that the category is not shown in the url, therefore eliminating our duplicate products. The downside of this is that the colour co-ordination of the categories would not work at product level as its the category path that assigns the colour. create canonical links for every duplicate, can this be damaging? keep the duplicates and do nothing let google decide the most important version of a product. any guidance would be appreciated!

    | LadyApollo

  • we have dozens old outdated manual pages that still need to be up, but have terrible code issues (they're exported from word) and no image tagging, etc. there are new pages in place, so should i rel=canonical to the new pages? will this transfer any link juice to the newer, more seo-friendly ones?

    | DerekM88

  • Hi, I see a lot of sites with a year copyright statment in the footer like Copyright 2011 - or Copyright 2002 - 2012 - since new year a lot of sites (founded before 2011) still have 2011 instead of 2012 in the footer. Do you think the date gives any signals to google? Should someone update the date or remove it completely? I would tend to remove it completely since the page date for google is submitted in the HTTP header. But maybe the info could be of any use for the user. Any best practices?

    | Autoschieber

  • Our analytics are showing that our homepage takes, on average, ~14 seconds to load. All of the content on the page loads fairly quickly, while it takes a few seconds to load the social media stuff (which is mostly asynchronous javascript that is running in the background). The question is this: Does Her-Magesty-Google take into account the amount of time it takes to load everything, including the social media stuff from asynchronous javascript? Or does Google see that the content loads fairly quickly and doesn't ding me for the js that is running in the background?

    | ibfx

  • I'm a newbee here so I appologize in advance for asking a question that might already be aswered ( i looked I promise). The question is this, I've been fiddling with the title tags and came upon the need to make a decision about separating our blog brand to be more specific to it's content. We're a moving company, our primary website talks about services and is branded with our name (%page_name% | 2 Brothers Moving & Delivery Portland Oregon), our blog is a work in progress "Moving Guide" (%post_title% | Portland Moving Guide). Should I stick with the standard brand name on the blog or call it something keyword specific like above? As a side question what do you all think about my titles in the first place? In case you'd like to take a look:

    | r1200gsa

  • If you have developed a server-side A / B split testing tool. How do you avoid that Google will think you are doing cloaking. When a user enters he gets either version 1 or version 2 back from the server on the same url. If the user does not accept session cookies he will always get version 1.

    | Stener

  • I have been trying to push my  foundation website in organic search results for competitive keywords , i have been not been so consistent in raking our website in top search results of Google. can some one recommend the guidelines and activities which can really push my websites to Google first page. More Info:  about our foundation We are the worlds largest school meal run ngo in the world feeding over 1.3 million school children in India  Wesite url

    | AkshayaPatra

  • I have seen countless SEO "experts" suggest internal links are great to help the search engines find your content.  I wonder if that is true any more.  It seems like a sitemap would do a better job. I think tags may even hurt the content I want to Google to know as most important. I'm using Simple Tags on all of my WP sites. If it "sees" a word in the article that is also a tag it adds a link for that tag to a listing of all the articles with that tag. It only does this once per tag though. Going on the experts advice, I thought this was a good idea.  But now, I'm thinking these tags reduce the value of links to my eBook or other content i want to feature. Which doesn't get tagged much since I don't promote it all that often on my site within content.  I make it nearly impossible to miss it on the site though. 🙂 What I do see the tags doing is helping users find the content. So I do see it improving the bounce rate and giving uses an assist in finding more content about what they are looking for. I have tags marked as noindex follow. But I'm really considering now removing the links. I hate plugins anyway. 🙂  Seems I'm always finding another must have plugin though. Now I'm thinking I'd be better off to just add links manually into the content that I really want to feature.  All these automatic links I'm generating can't be good. Thanks for your thoughts on this.

    | RustyF

  • Hi I would like to hear if someone could help me decide whether or not it is important regarding SEO that the menu name is the same as the keyword we want to rank for. The site is a static site and one of our most important keywords. To give an example. Our menu name is "cars" and we want to rank for "cheap rental cars".

    | KennethK

  • Hi, I have a new client set-up in SEOmoz and the crawl completed this morning... I am picking up 20 x '400' errors, but the pages listed in the crawl report load fine... any ideas? example - clothing

    | Switch_Digital

  • I'm working with a client whose product titles are things like "InternetSecurity" and for branding purposes has thus far required any reference to the products be concatenated in this fashion (on page, links, URL, title tags). It seems to me that would greatly reduce their SEO relevance. Any thoughts? Thanks, Mark

    | DenverKelly

  • Hi there! We at Outitude, recently launched an outdoor activities marketplace and to make it easy for users to compare activities we show a list of available activities in each activity view. The problem is that though the content is different, the first half is practically identical. Example:
    Sailing for a full day: and sailing for half a day: both URL's are different, their content is different but most of it is not (first half of the page), so that the user can compare the activity it is currently seing with others. Questions: How can we show the activities list without it ruining the page rank? Do you advise the use of "", "" surrounding the duplicated content aka activities lists? Thanks in advance.

    | alexmc

  • We were looking to write reviews in house for some of our top products. We feel as though we know the products very well, and are willing to give accurate, honest reviews to our customers to help them choose the best products for them.  We would also be very happy if any SEO benefits came from this. My question is, does anyone have experience doing this and if so, is there a magic number to write that would make Google take notice to these changes? Thanks in advance for any help!

    | ClaytonKendall

  • Hi all, Our UX designers are working on a new page design, and the breadcrumb position looks somewhat strange - it's almost in the middle of the page. The new page looks like this (the breadcrumb is below the head banner), but it's a showcase page that contains about 150 items. Each of them has a small thumbnail, title, category and short description. They've decided to use the head banner's place and have there all items, grouped in categories that visitors can browse. The breadcrumb menu is at 900 pixels from the top of the page In other words, you have the major part of this page content in front of the breadcrumb menu. Are there any SEO implications in such case? Should we use breadcrumbs on this page if they're not at the top? Thanks,

    | lgrozeva

  • We're looking at a cleanup of our site and making our navigation menu simpler and more visual. The problem is there's a massive fear that we will incur some sort of SEO hit at a time when we can ill afford one. The bulk of the changes are around some tertiary pages that have some SEO value but are not primary targets or traffic sources. The pages with content aren't moving URLs or changing, nor is the core content of the site, just the template. The new template, I feel, is easier to navigate and easier to spider (menus are flyout divs with images). So are there any tips or tricks to changing the layout of your site without hurting SEO? Anything we need to avoid?

    | Highland

  • Yahoo Directory! Is it worth Paying $299 for? Is this going to help you be better indexed. Will it help your site over all beside having one link?

    | AppleCapitalGroup

  • I'm thinking of signing up to a couple of affiliate programs related to my industry. Will adding affiliate links at the bottom of articles for example negatively affect my seo? I intend to have lots of useful content on my site and not just affililate links.

    | SamCUK

  • We are trying to restructure our onpage SEO and want to make sure we have our URLs correct.  The problem is we did the URLs incorrectly in the first place and the ones we currently have are several years olds. We have some URLs such as: and which are not ideal but user experience aside does it make sense for us to change the URLs and use 301 redirects to the new ones or is the damage done to our natural rankings simply not worth making the change? I have read different articles saying different things, some say that URL structure has little weight (if any weight at all) on rankings while other people seem to say it is quite important. In addition we have heard that changing the URLs with a 301 redirect will cause a large drop in ranking which will take months to recover from and contrarily that 301s are now considered "ok" by Google and we shouldn't see too much change at all in our rankings. Any advice would be much appreciated.

    | RobertChapman

  • I am relatively new at this and see a variety of people that seem to disagree on if you should block google from indexing category and tag pages through robot.txt or no-follow because of google viewing it as duplicate content. I tryst this communities answers over the web at large obviosly, so what do you all think? Thanks, Steven

    | sfmatthews

  • It seems, some of my pages are being hit by over optimisation penalties. Now to figure out how to tone it down. The website is for downloading widgets. It's got many great ranks. The pages are dynamic and so titles, h1 are done via variables. At present the title + H1 are 100% match for the keyword. In addition breadcrumbs home > widgets > big widgets > big blue widgets. All of which being pretty much 100% match for target keyword. Also, in a gallery, say you're viewing "big blue widgets" there are tabs that link to "small blue widgets" and "medium blue widgets". Again using 100% match anchor text. None of this was done really for SEO. More for usability. But it appears it's recently negatively effecting SEO. After having a couple of pages, that were ranked number 1, now way at the back of the top 1,000, with un-targeted pages ranking in their place, though to a lesser rank. I am going to mix up the tag so that it doesn't match the <title>. I am going to remove the 100% match anchors in the tabs and make them just "small", "medium" and "large". <br /><br />I don't really want to touch the breadcrumbs, because Google uses those in the results and they make perfect logical sense how they're setup. <br /><br />What other changes would you suggest, to help prevent these pages being filtered? <br /><br />Thanks a lot 🙂 </p></title>

    | seo-wanna-bs

  • Hi. I have an e-commerce site that sells a list of products. The list is divided into categories and then those categories for the various pages on the site. An example of a page title. would be given root/products.php?c=40   another page would be given root/products.php?c=41 Is there a way to structure the site with SEO in mind?

    | curtisgibbsiii

  • Hi there, Over the last few years, I've seen people structuring their site so that their main content is all housed in a folder named after the site's primary keywords. For example, if I had some content about home insurance, normally naming conventions state that I might put the content at a URL such as: However, some sites, may change this structure to include their main keyword again in the URL string: The folder 'insurance' would normally hold the site's Sitemap to increase internal linking strategy too. I'd be really interested to hear whether anyone has seen any serious benefits from re-structuring their site in this way? What are your thoughts on this? Thanks,

    | theshortstack

  • For some of our site we use Wordpress, which we really like working with. The question I have is for the categories and authors pages (and similiar pages), i.e. the one looking: Should you or should you not use follow, noindex for meta-robots? We have a lot of categories/tags/authors which generates a lot of pages. I'm a bit worried that google won't like this and leaning towards adding the follow, noindex. But the more I read about it, the more I see people disagree. What does the community of Seomoz think?

    | Lobtec

  • Hello guys. I have a small question about an on-page optimization for images. What I have: good title tag / good url structure good content (NOT keyword shuffled, its real content, for real people) images / gallery uploaded to folder named same as article name. For example: Great tips for bloggers [article name], great-tips-for-bloggers [folder name]. So my question is: Will Google harm me for this "too good" paths to images, article related image filenames, with mask like [gtips-img01], and if all images have titles / alt tags? Thank you guys.

    | infoo13

  • I started trying out seomoz' facilities as a way to give myself a checklist of things to do-and-don't while learning SEO. Faced with a ton of new and interesting information, I started optimizing my home page and writing some content that can tell a story to people in my business. So I started using on-page analysis tools. But the campaign opening screen is telling me to wait for reports approx. two weeks. There are some reports ( not so good ones, a lot to improve ) but not the one I need most: the on-page analysis one. I set up two campaigns and I have the same problem for both. Am I doing something wrong ? Can I change my pages to make this work ?

    | wiebe

  • I am new to SEO and trying to rank for keyword 'corporate entertainment' and my site is currently at 26. However google is showing the homepage  in SERPS as opposed to my optomised page Any ideas why it is choosing so show the home page as the most relevant result?

    | SamCUK

  • Hi all I have a number of duplicate content issues arising from a recent crawl diagnostics report. Would using a robots meta tag (like below) on the pages I don't necessarily mind not being indexed be an effective way to solve the problem? Thanks for any / all replies

    | joeprice

  • New to SEO and SEOmoz. I tried searching for this first and I'm sure it's on here but I could not find it. I have a site that markets fishing charters in a few dozen cities. Up to now I was relying on PPC and using each city page as a landing page of sorts. Each citiy page is very similar (there are only so many ways to write about a type of fish or fishing). What would be the recommended way for optimizing this, keeping in mind the duplicate information we provide on each page seems to be important to people. Site is Thanks!

    | NoahC

  • Hi Our new site is still in beta mode, and I just wanted to check from an SEO perspective that on search results and on the pagination at the bottom of the page, is there anything we need to do so its compatible with the search engines and not have duplicate content issues etc I have implemented search friendly URL's, but I would welcome any other issues or suggestions you have that will help improve the sites SEO performance The URL of a search results page is

    | ocelot

  • Does anyone have a source for Meta Tag Writing?

    | primus7

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