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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • Hey guys, everyone know that to get better PR you need quality one way links.. my question is should I put nofollow to the links to the websites on my portfolio? since those website have the link to my page? ideas?

    | onyx808

  • Hello, We have 3 web directories, and I wonder if it is legal for search engines to ask people who want to be in the directory to link to a particular website in order to be in our directory. I mean, it is free adding the url in the directory but if they lwant to be in the directory they have to ink to a website we have decided.
    Is this correct, or is punishable? Thanks!


  • Hey guys, 1- In the On-Page Report the "Appropriate Use of Rel Canonical" is not checked and it says <dl> <dt>Canonical URL ""</dt> <dt>We check to make sure that IF you use canonical URL tags, it points to the right page. If the canonical tag points to a different URL, engines will not count this page as the reference resource and thus, it won't have an opportunity to rank.</dt> <dt>the domain points to the right page... Im not understading why its checked off..??? could it be because the canonical url has the ".com/" instead of just ".com" ???</dt> <dt>2- it also shows that the Total Keyword Usage for this Page = 33 , is this good or bad? too little or too much?</dt> <dt>3- Also when building backlinks should I include the ".com/" or ".com" ??</dt> <dt>Thank you in advance! </dt> </dl>

    | onyx808

  • I am just starting with the SEO and I have a client in the travel industry whose website is not ranked well on the search engines. After doing the seo audit we see that the website's on-page optimization (meta titles, meta description, meta keywords and h1, h2, etc tags) is bad. At the same time there are very few incoming links into the website. These are the key 2 issues we found. In order to proceed most effectively, what do you think would be more effective to focus on first? Doing the on-site optimization or focusing more on the link building? Do the search engines, in particular, google - weight more either of these parameters? thanks so much for all your advice! all the best egle

    | queenz

  • We are in the process of completely rebuilding our web presence.  We went ahead and started a blog using Hubspot while we are redesigning everything and writing all new content.  The new site will be live in early August.  The question is when do we start making a big push with Linkbuilding?  I am currently trying to promote the Blog but I'm wondering about linkbuilding for the rest of the site?  Do we wait until the new site is live or do we start doing it now?  The new site will be completely different from the old site?

    | emcadoo

  • Let's say you have 40 websites which share the same IP and you place links to them on a bunch of sites (directories, blogs), albeit on different pages on these sites. Will search engines (google) see that they use the same IP and start having the links not-pass link juice based on that same IP?

    | qlkasdjfw

  • I have a domain with several great links to it and I decided to change it to a new domain. I did a 301 redirect to the new domain. My question: Let's say is linking to the old domain that is being redirected. Do I want to get a new link from youtube to the new domain as well, or is that pointless since there is already one to the old domain? Thanks,

    | DavidCurrier

  • I am being told by one SEO company that article spinning is the best way to achieve best rank on google. They use software that modifies articles and then submit them into lots of blogs and directories. I am worried that this is not a good long term strategy vs manually writing articles and put them into directiries

    | bfurman

  • Hi, I have been using OSE and have a compiled list of backlinks to my competitor's sites. The next step would be to go through and qualify all of these links for a link opportunities for my client's site. To save me a lot of time, I require a tool that will search all of these pages (say 1000) for specific keywords in tags or body content. A search query might be - site:(URL list) intitle:directory site:(URL list) "add site" etc Any ideas would be great. Thanks.

    | DigitalLeaf

  • I operate an Airport Parking Agency or Secure Car Parking. Any ideas on keywords would be greeeeeeeat 😉

    | ginag

  • Hey all I am looking at a new SEO campaign and am just starting to have a look at the competition and their links. This is a client in the website design industry who operates in a given city in the UK. Taking a quick look, the competition seems well established and there is plenty of companies ranking on the first page for all of the key terms. When I start to dig a little deeper though it gets a little more interesting and this maybe relatively unique to this industry but I think it also applies to spam links and any company that supplies white label website based services. Basically, the competition have lots of links. I have reviewed the top 10 competing sites across various terms and there is no shortage of links and lots of anchor text variations. Here is the stats from open site explorer for the one site that commonly comes up again and again. Page Level 61 - Page Authority 6.78 - mozRank 6.13 - mozTrust 30,144 - Total Links 30,064 - External Followed Links 33 - Internal Followed Links 325 - Linking Root Domains Domain Level 53 - Domain Authority 5.13 - Domain mozRank 5.10 - Domain mozTrust 47,969 - Total Links 44,788 - External Followed Links So, this gives us lots of nice metrics and the new deep analysis tool in keyword research easily allows us to get some more data on what exactly is driving the ranking of this site and the others who all rank in a similar way. Link Quality This is where it gets a bit more interesting and this applies to all the sites in the first ten results for the various keywords we are interested in (general keywords for the homepage at this stage). The links are primarily domain wide and in the footer. They are things like: website designed by x
    web design by x
    website design
    website design in <area name="">
    <area name=""> website design
    (you get the picture) Quality vs Quantity So, whilst the competitors have lots of links, from a reasonable number of sites, they are pretty much all site wide footer links. This is fairly clear when we look at total links 30,000 from only 300 sites. My thinking here is that the quality of these links is not that great: poorly positioned on the page domain wide narrow anchor text and in some cases no 'click to visit' type links Content These sites are pretty much all dull as hell. Service pages, clients, jobs done, maybe a case study but really, nothing I would really class as interesting (hence only links from their clients sites hey). So, my question is Has anyone built a campaign with quality vs quantity? Do you have any tips, experience or feedback? Our strategy will be built around great content, promotion of that content and much more (not explored that) but at the foundation it will be a content and promotion strategy. Really, if I break it down, I am looking at the above as 300 links, from the footers of various sites. If we were to get 300 links from quality sources and then bulk it out with some similar footer style links from the clients clients (they are not 100% keen on this so we may not go that route yet) then... these established big boys really should not be too difficult to topple in my mind given enough time, content and effort. What are your thoughts people? Anyone conducted a quality vs quantity campaign like this? Any feedback? Cheers
    Marcus P.S. SEOMoz - is there any chance that a link trust or quality metric could be built into the tools at some point in the future as sheer volume, is not always the best indicator and as times goes on I would imagine that to be even more true.

    | Marcus_Miller

  • I really don't need an answer to this, but thought it would be an interesting topic to discuss. I have found that since joining SEOMoz, I have been getting some great information on advanced SEO tactics.  I'm learning how to analyze competitor's backlinks, create and promote linkbait, craft a convincing link request email and so much more.  But I've also found that I am in a state of paralysis by analysis!  I'm not doing anything! So...this week I'll be putting into action a piece of linkbait that I've been working on for a while...and then promoting it.  It's time for action!

    | MarieHaynes

  • Very recently linkedin changed the way they link. The links in the profile are no longer "nofollow" the new links are like this: <a href="[/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Estramark%2Enl%2F&urlhash=dWm-](view-source:" target="_blank" title="New window will open" name="overviewsite"> ( Question: What impact does this redirect have for the linkvalue of a link from linkedin. ( it is better than nofollow but what is the impact of this redirect? what actually happens and is the value? URL for the profile i mentioned it on.

    | Stramark

  • Hi, I am looking for a good link building agency or freelance to execute a link building strategy for the next months. The content is in Spanish. Could anyone recommend me a good agency or a good link builder for Spanish content? Thank you very much! Jorge

    | jorgediaz

  • If anyone here is familiar with local SEO, you may have noticed that there are different local results for: "city + Keyword" and just the "keyword". When building links will you end up targeting both with a geo modifier in the link, or is it beneficial to build links without the geo modifer for the keyword?

    | dignan99

  • Hi, I was recently approached by LinkWorth about their services. I've never used them or services like theirs before. Does anyone have recent experience with them? I haven't thoroughly reviewed their services yet but I'm curious. I'd love to hear from you if you've worked with them. Thank you! LHC

    | lhc67

  • I just want to check anchor text of all the links for a specific URL within a website

    | merkal2005

  • I am new to link exchange do you think that by managing a link directory and start trying same subject industry good sties link exchange one way links is good idea ? do this still works ? I am seeing many competitors of me even do link exchange to non-subject industry site while i am sure that that shall not be worthy... But do you think that it worth to do link exchance with same industry sites ?

    | anand2010

  • So we know that links from highly ranked websites, pages with high DA, PR etc, matter.  What about the traffic on these links?  Do Google and others look at the traffic on the links and factor that into the algorithm?  What do people think about this? Just wondering about this as don’t see it talked about much….Thanks

    | inhouseninja

  • I work with a couple of clients in the finance and debt area.  I've been doing loads of work examining the link profiles of the commercial sites at the top of the rankings and 70% of the links I am seeing are low value directories and sites obviously built for links with multiple outgoing links to completely unrelated sources!  When I examine the other links their isn't enough value in them to outweigh what looks to me like very obvious and spammy low quality link building. Why can't Google see what I'm seeing - it's so obvious?  I know there are multiple factors at play but links like these should offer no value or get a site penalised (isn't that what Google tell us) but these sites still seem to be ranking because of them rather than despite them!

    | SearchEngineRescue

  • Hello, I am terribly confused by Google Webmaster Tools. I am looking at my inbound links, to see which content on the site is strongest. However, the results from GWT under Links to your site, and the results from doing a link: search in Google yield very different results! For example, in GWT, this page on our site apparently 2237 links from 29 different domains. But when I search, I get just three results, two of which are from our site. What is the cause of the disparity between the two results, or is it just my (lack of) understanding of what I am seeing in the Links to your site report in GWT? Any help clearing this up gratefully received! Many thanks, Sophy

    | sophycolbert

  • I came across a nice discovery of about 20 old domain names that each have many root domains and a bit of DA. I want to know the best way to utilize them without any type of penalty. Currently, (as of an hour ago) I am 301 redirecting all of them to the most relative pages on a single domain. Will i get the majority of the link juice from the domains? I'm excited to see what will happen here. Thanks in advance, Daniel

    | seoninja20

  • For a company with a limited budget, is it worth spending money on paid for directories which a high authority to boost your page rank? Thanks

    | f1plustraining

  • I'm not just interested in sites to target, but also how to manage anchor text when you are targeting phrases that include a keyword + a geo modifier. Thanks!

    | medtouch

  • We are starting an article submission project for our company and had a very basic question. Will submitting the same article to different sites create any potential issues? If the article gets published on various sites, will this be considered duplicate content?

    | irincon

  • I ran a report on a URL that needed external links updated several weeks ago.  I contacted the webmasters at each site with the outdated external link notifying them of the updated URL.   I want to check how many have been updated, so I reran the report.  Unfortunately, there are some that I know were updated still showing up on the report with the outdated URL.  Any suggestions to get a gauge on how many have been updated?

    | ydop

  • I have a new customer that wants to build a comprehensive website to provide dental health information.  However, he's a busy dentist and can't develop all the content himself.  He particularly  likes what ( or is doing to provide content from other sources. At first I thought this could be a good thing and that we could setup some Google Alerts that would alert us to new content related to specific topic areas and then post excerpts and links to the original source of the content. But now I'm concerned that we'll get penalized for this. Can you give me some advice on how to go about getting new/fresh content on a new website that doesn't require someone to write it all themselves? Thank you!

    | ChristiMcGinley

  • We currently have a domain that has a small amount of inbound links:!links We decided to switch over to a different domain name, which currently has 0 inbound links. What we were wondering is which would be better: link to the new domain from the old domain in a prominent location on all pages. or forward the old domain to the new domain? does forwarding a domain pass linkjuice?

    | adriandg

  • Hi Any suggestion where to source a list of free directories for a property / real estate company which gives reasonable linkback juice Thanks Peter

    | peterds

  • Hi Seo Moz Team, I'm looking for some tips to optimize my site. The site is from mid 2009 and I'm targeting a bunch of keywords around a specific topic. One mainkeyword is a two phrase, let's say "keyword one". Since the beginning I built a lot of keyword anchor links with exact "keyword one" to my homepage. The key was climbing week to week until I reached number two on google. This place I could hold for round about 4 month. Until then it was going down to number 18 to number 14. The keyword "keyword one" was used most of all and it is the far most used key in the bunch of the other keywords. My first question is: I don't know what to do. I started building some brand links in order to mix the anchortext up. Should I built some new links to "keyword one" until I'm in the tops again although I have so much of them already? Could it be, that I have a keyword penalty one year now? In the meantime I worked with other keywords, deeplinks with total different keys and brand links. Smaller keys are ranking good and are very stable on positions 1-3. But especially this key is a little bid tricky. Other sites in the serps have roundabout 5-10 links regarding "keyword one" and they are ranking better than my site with 30-40 exakt anchor. My other idea was, that some links with anchor "keyword one" could be devalued. In this case it should be ok to build some new with exact anchor? The second keyword, lets say "key word two" is a three word combination. I have 60 good and editorial links on this special page and mixed up since I was optimizing for this key. Url mentions, exact anchor, variations and so on. With this key I'm on number 3. Number two is a very week site with no exact anchor backlink but a three word "keyword Domain". Regarding to this, my second question: There is no other site on my project, that is stronger than this three key combination page, but I can't reach to number 1-2 in google. The incoming links are very good regarding to all the other sites in the serps. Should I have patience? Building more and more links? I'm afraid that it is unnatural this way. For your information: There is one site in the serps from 2004. Everything this site does is to build lnks with "keyword one" and two other keywords. No variations, no brand. I think 85% of the time. This guy is ranking on positions 2-3 with this combinations since 3 years now, but smaller keys are week and foundable in comparison. Thanks in advance!

    | Whipeout77

  • I am working with some customers on SEO and wonder what to do about directories when they have an online store only. They do not want to list their home address (if they did would this be a good idea?). I know the big push now is for local directories so I'm wondering if anyone has tips for other types of directories to get into that aren't spammy. Or tips for doing SEO for sites that are online only? I know Rand talked a lot about the importance of being "real" with an about us page, contact us, etc. on his Future of Link Building Webinar and I'm wondering how to best make that work in this situation when they can't show themselves as real by being in local directories.

    | hwade

  • After reading a recent blog post on guest blogging and ways to build relationships for link building purposes, I began to wonder about something. It is my understanding that one way backlinks are superior to reciprocal linkage, but reciprocal is better than no link at all. So is it still worthwhile to do reciprocal guest blogging, and will the value of the links be worth it when completed? Or should we just be of the opinion that: One Way Link > Reciprocal > No link

    | dignan99

  • Hi, A client has hundreds of distributors around the world. As part of our link building campaign, we want to send an email to them asking them to link back to the company with an SEO-friendly link. However, we also have a distributors page with a link to each distributor. Is it worth spending time on getting distributor links or will Google view these as reciprocal links and devalue them? Thanks, Josh

    | joshfialkoff-77863

  • So far in 2011 we have seen some minor and some quite major updates to the Google Algorithm. So what does this mean for future link building in 2011, what type of links do people think are going to continue to work? Are directory and  article submissions totally dead? I personally believe that this year a big area of link building that is going to be crucial is Guest Blog Post, finding high quality relevant websites and getting a guest post done on them. This is personally what I am really going to target this year.

    | rfksolutionsltd

  • I am working on trying to get backlinks. We are currently redirecting a few Domains to our current domain name. One of the Domains that is redirecting is the main Domain, we will be advertising in the near future. Can I send backlinks to the redirected URL or does it only carry link juice if it is to the main Domain?

    | hfranz

  • Hi Guys, I recently posted a question on the Google Webmasters Forum and didn't get a satisfactory feedback so I thought I will put this to the SEO gurus on here. Perhaps one of you guys might good buddies with Matt and might be able to ask him directly. I actually posted on Matt's blog but he hasn't got back to me. Basically we did a URL restructure for client and set up 301 redirects and saw a huge drop in rankings over time. The 301 redirects seem to work fine and have been tested by many many people. We suspected that google might be ignoring the 301 redirects or devaluing them and so I reviewed the server log to see what is happening when the googlebot crawls the site and it showed that on many occasions the googlebot did not reload the page after hitting a 301 redirect. Sure.. you might say it probably queues it or Google might just be checking that the 301 redirect is still in place but why check so often (with a few hours to a day on the same URL) it even skips a 301 redirect on the robots.txt file i.e. from to  from non-www to www version. I don't think it is easy to dismiss the skipping of the robots.txt file - this 301 redirect should be loaded immediately to use the instructions the gooblebot requires to crawl the page. Any help will be appreciated. I can sent the server log to anyone personally but I am reluctant to post it on here. Regards, Zan

    | FRL

  • I'm currently focusing on link building for one of the websites I work on. In reviewing past customers, I see quite a few that do not have a blog, but do have social media pages like Facebook, for their business. I'm wondering if it's worth the effort to get them to "mention" the website with a link and brief comment from their Facebook page. Thanks for any/all input.

    | Technical_Contact

  • I wanna a opinion a seo review for this website,, the content is in Romanian ... i cant get to the 1st page, idk why... i tryed evryting

    | Alexsmenaru

  • My site is aimed primarily at the UK, 90% of the traffic is from the UK and most of my links are from other UK based and UK targetted websites. The content is actually fairly international (apart from certain terms like Plasterboard instead of Drywall, etc). My question is: Should I concentrate on gathering links from the UK, or should I widen my search and try to get links from US and European websites? Are there any particular advantages or disadvantages to keeping links "local"?

    | Jingo01

  • can someone give me their take on this site and the packages? Thank you I am looking to get links to this url

    | vijayvasu

  • Checking at I can see that: has has DA 26, linking root domains 1, total links 22 has DA 26, linking root domains 31, total links 89 The 22 links to the non-www domain come from the same site, which I would be able to convince to change to the www domain. Is it worth doing it? Will it add up to better DA? Thanks J PS: with only 32 root domains I think I have to do some serious link building...

    | TIBA

  • Hi there! I have tried my best to get quality back links to my site but I feel like I have hit a wall. I have searched my competition to see what links they are getting and have been successful with some. Some websites just don't respond. Are there any valuable resources I am missing? Or ideas? My biggest concern is ranking well for the search term "vet las vegas" and "las vegas veterinarians". So far I have managed to get to the second page on Google. Thanks in advance for your help!

    | PMC-312087

  • Hi Mozzers! I'm really interested to get some opinions on whether a guest post on a blog that is far outside your niche could be a risky tactic. For example if your blog is about a technology product and you get a guest post published on an Elvis blog, will this appear manipulative or similar to a purchased link? Suppose your guest post is about Elvis, but at the end of the article is a link to a technology product with the anchor text "customized PC adapters". Won't that look manipulative to a search engine algorithm?

    | SparkplugDigital

  • I'm currently starting to optimize about 30 area specific pages for a property maintenance company and was wondering, what's the best way to link build multiple pages at once? Should I link build for all of the 30 the pages at once, or maybe focus on 5 individual pages - get them ranking well, then focus on the next 5 and so on?

    | guy_andrews

  • I've been exploring setting up pages on these type of sites. When searching for key words I've discovered the following... If a sites DA id let's say 83, the root domain you create is also an 83 (not 100% but most I've looked at) The PA starts at 1, but there seem to be a lot of these blog sites that rank for my key word searches even though the PA is a 1. So... I was wondering the value of attempting the get the PA of mine greater than one with back links.  The blog page will link to the corresponding page on my main site. Is it worth the time, or PA in this case is not really much of a ranking factor in creating link juice? What I'm asking is that will a page on let's say (whatever) get more link juice to the page i link it to if the PA was 25 and not 1?

    | joemas99

  • I know a site that has a DA51 but the mozrank is like 5.95   I thought the same components made up those rankings? Can someone explain the difference?

    | joemas99

  • Suppose you have a resource page of the Top 50 Awesome Sites in your niche. Since there are about 50 outbound links, then I would think there will be less Page Rank being passed to internal pages from internal links on the resource page. Since you are getting less PR passed to internal pages, are there other ways the inbound links can be beneficial, such as increasing the diversity of links of your domain? Sites like SEO Optimise seem to create a lot of Top 30 Resources lists and I have read that they think it is a strong tactic.

    | SparkplugDigital

  • Trying to see DA vs. mozrank and why things don't match the definitions given by seomoz. I'm comparing my site w/ I have more root sites linking to me and more links. I can see that the mozrank for me is 4.96 which is higher. But their mozrank is higher. How are they more popular based on how the domains, rather than the pages link to each other. That is real confusing? Please help me understand what this means, and yes i know that right now they have better quality links, but that's not what the definition says. I'm I not understanding the definition? mozRank of the page mozRank shows how popular a page is on the web. The more links to a page, the more popular it becomes. Links from important pages increase your popularity, and your mozRank, even more. 4.64 out of 10 4.64 Links to the page The total number of links to this page, counting links from and links that don’t increase the mozRank. 606 links 2 Root domains linking to the page The number of different websites with links to this page. When compared to the number of links to this page, it can reveal how the links might be distributed across the web. 279 domains 5 mozRank of the subdomain Domain mozRank is a link popularity score based on how the domains, rather than just pages, link to each other. It is an indicator of a how popular is among domains 5.12 out of 10 5.12

    | joemas99

  • I am wondering if someone can please advise on link acquisition. I have the opportunity to acquire a few good backlinks that will bring both traffic and some potential link juice. All things aside, if we are strictly comparing Page Authority with Google PageRank which will provide the most benefit to my SERP ranking? 1. Google PageRank 4 and Page Authority of 25 or 2. Google PageRank 2 and Page Authority of 35 We are strictly talking about SERPs!

    | initialeffort

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