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Category: Image & Video Optimization

Explore how to optimize your website's images and videos for search.

  • I run a law firm with multiple practice areas (bankruptcy, probate, estate planning, personal injury).  I have a google places page with those categories listed.  I recently spoke with an seo company (that cold called me...) that told me that it was "black hat" to try to optimize a local campaign for more than one of those practice areas.  That doesn't seem right to me.  Any thoughts?

    | richardslaw

  • I'm a link builder, so some of this stuff on-page stuff is out of my comfort zone. I've got a client who I'm doing a video sitemap for, as well as Schema integration. One of the requirements on the video sitemap is video location. They're hosting all of their videos privately at Vimeo, and embedding them on their website. Is there a URL that Vimeo has for engines, because the primary URL on Vimeo is blocked because of their permissions (private). Any suggestions on a work-around on this? Again, I'm a link builder and out of my comfort zone, so I apologize for the dumb question 🙂

    | TommySwanson52

  • I was wondering if there is a comprehensive list somewhere of places I should enter in my business information.  I have done the usual google places, city search, yahoo, and many others.  i have just been cruising for places to enter my information, and I am sure I have missed some.

    | ayetti

  • Hey Mozzers, We have a vacation rental site where every property has its own video of the property. (i.e. YouTube embedded video) So, with more than 1000 homes, how do you make a video xml map? Or, should we have an xml map with 1000 links on it? Can't wait to see your insights!

    | Discountvc

  • We need some feedback on the best place to upload videos. Should we be uploading our videos everywhere (YouTube, Metacafe, Vimeo, etc.)? Note: Currently we are using a 3rd party video video hosting solution called Treepodia. Previously we used Wistia. Both host our videos, and submit a Video Sitemap through Webmaster tools. When one of these videos shows up in search results and somebody clicks on it, they are directed back to our website. Are we competing against ourselves if we upload videos to other networks like Youtube, etc. if we are already submitting a Video Sitemap through a 3rd party? I've noticed we rank higher in Google Videos search for our Youtube videos vs. our 3rd party hosted videos. Also, how do Youtube video views tie into this situation... we used to embed videos via Youtube embed code. Now we seem to be missing out on the extra views we were getting by doing so. Ultimate question: host videos through a 3rd party and submit a video sitemap OR host videos on Youtube and embed on our website?

    | tennisexpress

  • I got a great question from a franchise owner today regarding Google Places for his business. His businesses are all in malls. With Google Places there is an emphasis on using consistency and full contact details, as we well know. The issue is his locations are in a mall and don't have a physical address to receive mail or verify their address. Is there a way to leverage Google Places in this kind of situation, or do you just use the general mall address?

    | SarahGoliger

  • We are setting up landing pages on our site that will cater to specific cities, in an effort to be more relevant to the users in those cities and also capture more localized traffic. These regional pages will each have a unique paragraph at the top, but below that is a sentence or two about each product line that would be difficult to rewrite with quality more than 10 - 15 times. Would the paragraph at the top of the page be enough unique content (about 4-5 sentences)? Obviously the duplicate content wouldn't be to my advantage, but is it really necessary to rewrite the other sentences about the product lines? What's the most efficient method to complete this project in a whitehat fashion?

    | InetAll

  • Hi, I spotted a new Google Personal Results link in Google today. It doesnt seem to be giving me results from people within my circles, more related to the industry i'm in. Screen grabs here: Anyone know much about where these results are pulled from? Or what the relationship is?

    | seoteam-126291

  • For a franchise network, what's the best method for posting the same video that is tagged with different phone numbers and address per each location on YouTube?  Will this get removed as duplicate content eventually?  Or if I use the geo-tagging feature, will this help?

    | BasementSystems76

  • Hey. I have a few hundred pages with videos on them. I want to have rich snippets with the thumbnail and such in the search results. Should I focus my time on Schema or building out a solid sitemap? Your feedback is appreciated! Tommy Swanson

    | TommySwanson52

  • i am looking for some softwear to give me analytics on videos

    | Westernoriental

  • Hello, people. I have a questions regarding on Video Optimization using microformat. As you all know, Google, Yahoo and Bing now support Schema. I want to use microdata or micro format to add explanation for my video. I am wondering now... that Schema has "VideoObject" micro data. Also Google support "facebook share" for video. Which one should I use for my video? Can anyone tell me difference between above two? HELP PEOPLE~! PLEASE!

    | Artience

  • My competitors are spamming in google places, how do I report them? following are a few examples of how they are spamming: Some of them are not local businesses, they somehow managed to get a number and some random address. Some of them have keywords as company names, their exact company name doesn't have any keywords. Some of them have multiple places pages with keywords as company names. how does one deal with it?

    | virtualhandshake

  • Hi Miriam (and all Local SEO mozers), I read a couple of your answers where you advice people in different situations not to consider a virtual office when creating their Google Places listing and I would like to know if you would apply the same advice in my case. This is the scenario: I have a client who's in the limousine service in Orlando, he just bought the URL and registered the business with the City using a "virtual office" in Orlando. This virtual office provides him a physical address, local area phone number, 411 listing, a listing for the businesses in that building and an office to have his meetings. This is the part where it gets confusing when I read your answers and I will give you an example. You said here:
     _The requirements in order to qualify for a Google Place Page are that you have: __1. A legal business name__2. A local area code phone number__3. A physical street address (not a P.O. box or virtual office) to which customers either come to do business with you or from which your employees depart in order to serve customers at their locations (think chimney sweep, landscaper, etc.)_Number 3 says "A physical street address (not a P.O. box or virtual office) to which customers either come to do business with you".
    My client is going to rent one of those virtual offices, which does have a physical address, on as-needed basis. This office actually does exist. Why would Google have anything against it?
    One of the reasons why he chose that location is because he is running the business from home and he does not want the clients to see it.
    Another reason is the image he wants to create for his company by having a different address where he can hold meetings and such. The phone number will be either a local land-line or a local cell phone number, in any case, it will be a _local area code phone number. _
    So this is where we stand: he dispatches the cars from home (he does not have a garage, the cars stay with the drivers 24 hours) but he meets his clients and business partners at the other address. There is nothing fake about it, he does have a legal business name, a local area code number and a real place where customers come to do business with. Which address should I use for his Google Places listing?

    | echo1

  • Say a business runs out of a home (so, technically, the address of the business has a land line). But the business owner works outdoors all day long and so really runs his business off his cell phone. Is it OK in Google Places to list the mobile phone as the primary contant number, and list the home phone as a secondary number? Or will Google penalize the business's ranking in local search results for using a cell number as the main number?

    | keethgee

  • What are the best ways to help influence your products rankings in Google Shopping SERPS?  Aside from the obvious factors (ie Product Title, Description, brand, etc), what are the key factors in optimizing your products?

    | MichaelWeisbaum

  • What is the best way to find local resources to gain reviews and citations from to help with strengthening  your position in Google Places?

    | echo1

  • Hey everybody, I finally started shooting some screen capture videos and it is actually fun!  Right now, I am uploading to Youtube and soon, Vimeo.  Next, I embed them on a post and share it around a few social sites, Tweet it, and share it on my Facebook Page. I know there are more effective ways and sites for doing this.  What tips can you Mozzers share? Thanks, Jared

    | JaredBroker

  • Hi, working on a website of a retailer who has about 100 shops accross the country and every shop has a page on the corporate website. Some questions about content on these pages: is it ok to add links to the brands they sell in those shops on every business-page? It's a link to the product listing they sell of that brand I wrote a generic text about the business where I can replace city, street it's located, ... Is it ok to use that kind of text on the local business pages? anybody some ideas I can write about on those loca business pages?

    | nvs.nim

  • Hi, I was talking to a web consultant today that teaches SEO, he said that an image is ok as an h1 tag as long as it has an alt tag. This is something new to me and something that I've always tried to avoid. Does this now work? Thanks

    | brightonseorob

  • Hey there! A few weeks ago I made some changes to my client's "google places page". I am facing two issues there which I could not resolve on my own, they are: After I made changes and updated the page I could not see any activity on the analytics section whereas before I updated the page there was some metrics visible. The client had already claimed his places page before he came to me and entered some information. He just stuffed some keywords in the description section. I made necessary changes to the description based on the best practices for places page and according to Google's guideline for creating a great listing.The problem is the category did not update on the places page that show up in SERPs(it ranks top for four major keywords with geo indicators). However, the changes I made does appear when on the lower left side when I login into my places page. I don't see any link that will let me edit "description". Am I confusing some other section with category? I have tried to be as lucid as possible. I will appreciate any help. Thanks for your time. epMp kPWpf

    | virtualhandshake

  • Hi, I'm preparing a bulk upload for Google Places and have a question about the url of every individual place. The website is structured this was:
    ... But you can reach every individual entrepreneur like this as well:
    ...these URL's redirect to the pages listed above and they use the e-mail address [email protected] Should I use  or in the bulk upload? I think it's best using because the other url is a redirect. What do you guys think??

    | nvs.nim

  • I am using whitespark and brightlocal to run citation checks for my clients. I was curious if there was a good tool to compare competitor citations + other local metrics easily without paying per report.

    | waqid

  • Hello, I've attached an outline of the content of our infographic. I would like help making it pretty and organized into an infographic. This is my first one and it has to be good. This is the first of a group of 3 since there is so much to put in them. our site: nlpca(dot)com The content is from here: (a friend of ours' definition) The term "What is NLP?" is the top linked-to content term in our industry. Any other infographics you can show me to get an idea of how to do this would be great. I've watched the recent mozinar many times so I'm partially good to go. I'll be using Illustrator. Thank you! for-seomoz-v2-small-1-5-12.gif

    | BobGW

  • Hi, we are in the process of creating a video about a topic that is highly relevant for our customers. Once it is completed we want to offer the video to our customers so that they can embed it into their own websites for free. What is the best way to do this and still receive maximum SEO juice? If we use a a video service like youtube or vimeo, then the link will go to vimeo or youtube and not our site. One thing we are thinking about is asking our customers to link to our site in return for embedding the video, but if there is an automatic solution then this would be a lot better. Any tips will be highly appreciated! If you have anyother  tips regarding video content then the same of course! Many thanks! Daan

    | daan.loening

  • SEO moz lists my site as listing 2nd for raleigh bail bonds but when I search I am getting different results even with a cleared cache. Just wondering what factors contribute to this and what I need to be doing more of to get my site to rank for Raleigh Bail Bonds in raleigh, nc. Thanks,

    | MaddDogg

  • I am having a problem with local search for my business. I submitted the same NAP (Name, Address, Phone) info to Google Places as I have submitted via LocalEZE and Universal Business Listing. Here is the issue. The local number that is being used does not have any way to track calls, meaning the phone company (xo communications) does not give us the number of incoming calls. To add call tracking to the local numbers through our PBX system is very expensive, $2000 per store. Also to transfer this local number to a call tracking company (like callsource or whoiscalling) is a lot of trouble and not an option either. I need to track the call count somehow so I have two options left. 1) Get a new local number (that is also a tracking number through a phone tracking company) and then submit this to Google Places, LocalEZE and Universal Business Listing. The issue with this is that all of our citations will be re-set with a new local number, basically we'd have to do local SEO all over again. 2) Use the main 800 number in Google Places, this can be tracked. However, then our local number is on all of the NAP citations and Google Places will be the only web property with an 800 number. What are your thoughts?

    | qlkasdjfw

  • We have submitted allot of citations over the last 60 days for a client. A very prominent business in their city. Pretty good SEO rankings considering we just started doing SEO a couple months ago. Over the last several weeks we have fixed all listings and removed duplicates. Site is optimized properly and etc.. After how many weeks should I see a change in places rankings? Right now they are not moving up at all.

    | waqid

  • I have a client who has 10 locations throughout Colorado. Each has it's own claimed Google Places profile. I know that Google is encouraging a unqiue page on your site for each individual office location, and then aligning each location's page with it's Google Places profile. Could this create a duplicate content or thin content issue though? Each location's page on the site would have essentially the same or similar content -- just with a unique address and phone number. They're a law firm, so the company information is the same across all locations, other than the address and phone number. We could re-write the content so it's not completely the same, but for 10 locations that gets a little crazy, and still doesn't create truly unique/original content. If we get too creative with the content on each page, it would be counterproductive because these are landing pages so i want them to have the firm's major selling points to help convert. Also, the firm is ranking very well in organic and blended/local search for Colorado terms and all individual locations EXCEPT Denver, the biggest and most important market by far. Trying to move from page 3 to page 1 in Denver is important enough to warrant making the necessary changes. I just don't want to damage all the progress we've already made. I look forward to your feedback! Thanks!

    | djreich

  • Hi how are you? I work with a big hostel network in South America. When i look for 'hostel (city)', some results from Google Places appear. The profile in Google Places is in english, but i searched it from Is it possible to have Google Places' profile in several languages? Thanks! Best wishes, Ariel

    | arielbortz

  • I have noticed for some pages of the site I am working on that I see the video that is posted on that page ranking a lot higher than the page itself or the page does not rank at all, just the video. I'm curious to know if these two can technically be competing for rankings and if Google sees that the page does not need to rank because it chooses to put the related video into the SERPs. Also, has anyone seen any differences in the way videos rank based on where it's hosted (youtube, wistia, etc)? I would think this is common sense not to but still unsure, is it bad practice to keep videos hosted on multiple sites (currently I am adding videos on a new host, but have not deleted the old ones on Youtube yet)?

    | Hakkasan

  • I often work with people who are in service industries who do not have a business address (dog sitters, pilates teachers, personal trainers, house cleaners).  They often work by going into someone's home to provide the service. However in some of these industries independent contractors compete with businesses who have a brick and mortar location.  This presents an SEO challenge when a serp features a 7-pack of local business. When I search "masseuse" I get a 7-pack after a Wikipedia result, and a merriam-webster result.  So being in the 7-pack is essential for any real traffic for the term. One solution to this problem is to have the contractors use their home address for their Google places listing, Yelp, etc.  Is this a good idea? I'm a little worried about this technique because these independent contractors don't actually bring clients into their homes.  Also it would be misleading if someone was searching for a place to go to get a massage instead of having someone come to their home. But the presence of 7pack in a serp really puts these people at an unfair advantage. Would you use a home address?  Do you have any other suggestions as to how to level the playing field in these cases?

    | JesseCWalker

  • A client's description in their Google Places result is incorrect. It looks as though it may have been cached several months ago with incorrect data. Note: By description I am referring to the text that appears directly under the URL and directly above the "places page" link on a results page, not the local listing "description". Any suggestions as to how this can be fixed? All the information on their local page is correct. The website's meta-description is correct. The organic results listing has the correct description. Any tips would be awesome. Thanks,

    | OptioPublishing

  • Local SERPS continue to confuse me.  I feel like I can tell what's going on but I'm never right.  How do these two listings rank for "best bar" in the local Chicago SERPS?  It's the same if you search for "best bar in chicago".,Chicago,+IL&cid=17128325649974296516 or,Chicago,+IL&cid=455944883716881589&ei=aQPqTo7mN4mIgwe4oc3fCA&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=placepage-link&resnum=5&ved=0CFgQ4gkwBA This has had me stumped for months.  I've analyzed everything and there aren't any good indicators as to how this was done.  The former doesn't even have a website.  The latter example has some category keyword stuffing, which I don't get why they're account hasn't been suspended because of it.  It also has a very small and not very powerful link profile. Any insights would be much appreciated!

    | MichaelWeisbaum

  • Hello, How do I identify free local citations to target for bobweikel(dot)com I want to rank first for several local results such as nlp boise life coach boise personal coach boise and related terms. Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • All, I'm working on a duplicate Google places listing issue. One of the listings is accurate, verified and has been reviewed by quite a few customers. However, we have a problem with an old address that still shows up in Google maps and seems to be the cause of poor performance for the accurate listing.  The old address listing was deleted but may not have been removed using best practices based on what I've been able to read here at SEO Moz. The old address listing has been flagged by Google with a notation: “this place is permanently closed.” My question is what happens next? Do listings that have been flagged as permanently closed eventually drop out of the search results Or do I need to take additional action? It appears that once a listing has been flagged as permanently close you can no longer report a problem so that route seems to be unavailable.

    | JSOC

  • Hi We have a client who has several car dealership fracnhises located located across two suburbs - so we are creating a places listing for each (with a separate address and phone number).  My questions is should each location also have a separate URL (the dealership only has one website covering all locations).  The Google guidelines state that you must; Website & Phone: Provide a phone number that connects to your individual business location as directly as possible, and provide one website that represents your individual business location. Use a local phone number instead of a call centre number whenever possible. Do not provide phone numbers or URLs that redirect or “refer” users to landing pages or phone numbers other than those of the actual business. Really appreciate any feedback!

    | E2E

  • Hello Team, I've video website as: . Website has 3550 index. But no result as video. I've 750 video in my website. And also I created a videositemap as: I added it to my Google Webmaster Tools account. What can I do for video indexing? Regards,

    | medikalekran

  • How do you get links from a photo pointing to a third party site. I’ve seen a number on other Places accounts but I can't figure out how to do it.  They had a picture/logo and the url underneath it (instead of it saying 'from the owner' underneath it), when you clicked the photo it took you to the website instead of just a page with only that photo on it. Please see image as an example. I've highlighted the image links below. Thanks in advance for your help 🙂 i0HxK.jpg

    | HICRM

  • This question is regarding having a Google Places snippet consisting of your business location and opening hours appearing in Google SERP when the business name is searched for. One of our competitors who has a location within their name e.g. 'Widgets of Oxford' have a Google Places snippet appear on the RHS of the search results (where Google Ads usually go) when searched for. We are trying to replicate this for our business but cannot seem to find any information relating to doing this apart from that this only appears for them as they have a location in their name. This is because we see a similar snippet when we search for our business name in the format "OurBusinessName in OurLocation). Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

    | jannkuzel

  • I have a client with page 1 rankings for several keywords. He wants to make some updates to his website. He is offering a new service and wants to show before and after photos of the procedure. He is an OB/GYN, so the before/after pictures are very explicit and have full nudity. How will this affect his rankings? Is there something that I can do to tell Google and other SE's that these photos are medical and not pornographic? Should I host them on another domain? Just looking for thoughts and insight. Thank you in advance!

    | itrogers

  • I have not tested this yet and but I cant find anything useful on it searching online. My theory is that if you host a video on one of your own webpages and have the embed code of that video right under it then isnt everyone that grabs that embed code and sticks it on their site/blog giving you a backlink? When you click on an embed YouTube video it takes you straight to YT so surely someone embeds one of your videos that is hosted on your site it must give you a backlink? If this is the case then what would the ancor text be if any? and how would you change it? What's the value of this think over a pure text link from the same page? If this the above is correct then surely video is an incredible link building tool? The challenge still lies with making cost effective, quality video content but if you can get the hang of that then your on to a winner right? YouTube may get millions of hits and 'be the second biggest search engine' but having own branded, self hosted, killer-link-bait videos on your site must be the way forward? Adding a video site map will help tell Google the video is there and it should get indexed in video searches. Also if it gets visibility in universal search you get visitors coming straight to you site....

    | grahammilton1

  • We have a client, for whom we built a Magento website, where he is selling eSmoking products like eCigars, etc . Now, he wants us to do the SEO of his website. Im not sure, if the general practise is fine for him,  because of the nicotine laws by the fda, yahoo and google will not do it. Let me know, how I should proceed.

    | qubesys

  • We will open a new office at a new location and I would like to add it to our Google places. How do I do this?  Per Google guidelines: "Do not create more than one listing for each business location, either in a single account or multiple accounts."  - Website & Phone: Provide a phone number that connects to your individual business location as directly as possible, and provide one website that represents your individual business location_._ Do I have to another contact page on my website for that location too? I will end up having to business listing with the same name but different locations. I want people to know that we have 2 separate offices because they serve different clients. I want to show up in Google places for the second location as well. Any thoughts?

    | echo1

  • I have flagged the reviews as not useful from multiple IPs.  I have attempted reporting the review as well.  Google does nothing.  It's very obvious that the review(s) are fake.  Often all the other reviews of the person's profile are for different cities and all 5 stars for businesses that they are most likely doing SEO work for.  Are (blackhat) SEOs using bad reviews as a technique to keep the competition out in your business/market? What did you do about it?

    | adriandg

  • Hi! As the Google Hotel Finder was also launched in Europe some days ago I was wondering if there is already some best practices for optimizing the entries. I guess that most of the information is directly integrated from the respective Google Places Page... Any insights or views on this topic?

    | adwordize

  • Hi Is there a checker where it will show what local citation sites a Google Places listing has? My listing has been claimed on the likes of Yelp, Qype etc but I doubt if the others above me have as they have not even claimed their places account The reason being is that it can only be the local citations that is causing the following listing - or if there is anything else I would be interested to learn what it is?,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1280&bih=828&wrapid=tlif132205140339110&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=chartered+accountants+swansea&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=chartered+accountants&hnear=0x486e45555a4e97b1:0x3d77128e2fe7cb74,Swansea,+Neath+Port+Talbot&cid=7535215611406218142&ei=T-fMTvTbC4zA8QOpwLz6Dw&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=placepage-link&resnum=2&ved=0CEIQ4gkwAQ to appear above on a search for chartered accountants swansea

    | idv

  • For a first time, new website. I have a Barber shop in Hartford named "Dixie Cutters" with two domains, and Obviously the latter domain has two main keywords, barber and location...Hartford. So it would be better to use that and use a 301 redirect for to redirect to Many online directories including SE listings on Google Places, BIng and Yahoo have already been set up withe domain "" and the email address [email protected]. If I choose to make the primary domain with 301 redirecting to it....does this mean that I should then change the directory listings and more specifically, the SE business listings so that they have the primary domain listed ( with an email address [email protected]? Or can I leave all of this alone and keep as stated above without any SEO local consequences. I know consistency is a big issue with NAP. I also know it's recommended to use an email address with your domain name in the SE business listings. If a 301 is in place, can I use in my listings?

    | MozMan2

  • How do you set up Google Places account for mobile businesses where the drivers get calls from their homes and service customers in their respective cities? The problem is, the drivers don't want to list their home address as their business address, yet they still represent a service for a particular city. Any ideas?

    | ocsearch

  • We are considering using Wistia to host our “new” video content on our website. Currently we use YouTube and find many people watch our technical videos (Eg. Fitting videos have10k + views, which is very high for our niche industry) We currently have “the same” YouTube videos embedded on several different blog posts on our website, as the video is still relevant to what the post talks about Question: Since Wistia updates our video Robot.Txt file, would multiple embeds of the “same video” be seen as content duplication on google & “be harmful” as a result? Thanks

    | Ray_UK

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