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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • The below url is showing up as "not crawled" on, but when you google the title tag "Joel Roberts, Our Family Doctors - Doctor in Clearwater, FL" it is showing up in the Google index. Can you explain why this is happening? Thank you

    | nicole.healthline

  • I have a client whose blog has hundreds if not thousands of entries.  My question is does it help his site if each unique blog entry becomes indexed on Google?  Can we do this dynamically?  And role does the canonical tag play in blog entries if at all? Thanks, Chris

    | coxen00

  • hi i am using joomla sef404 and i have 7000 not found pages in my webmaster google tool page. the trouble is i got rid of a lot of pages and also components so now i am left with loads of not found pages. what i want to try and do is to create 301 redirects so that i do not lose page rank. can anyone please let me know how to do this step by step please

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Is anyone from SEOmoz planning on writing anything about the Semantic Web and Schema and how they see it impacting SEO?

    | EricVallee34

  • Does it hurt to use alt and title attributes inside an anchor tag?  Example: view my website article

    | donationtown

  • Hi Guys, I'd like to get an SEO point of view on Redirecting Level 1 Pages (ie: main pages) to Level 3. I'm not a web-developer but lately I'm noticing a lot of main nav bar tabs redirected to child pages. When I go to click on what I assume is my main Motorcycle Level One Page the url looks something like this. Essentially there is no content in the first 2 levels, how will this affect my SEO efforts? Also, is there any point adding in title and description tags for these 2 levels seems as there is no content? SEO advise would be appreciated, thank you.

    | GlenBOB

  • Hello, Years ago, our company started out as a Yahoo store.  We've since moved onto another website with its own shopping cart but since the Yahoo store is almost 10 years old, there's a lot of history there and it still exists with the occasional order. We currently use it for reputation management purposes with links to our real ecommerce site but we're thinking of just redirecting the Yahoo store to our ecommerce site.  Is there any SEO benefit in doing this? We were also kind of penalized by Panda.  Would this help us out at all (the descriptions on both sites could be considered duplicate content).

    | airnwater

  • Hi, Does anyone have any evidence or case studies that Verisign Trust seal actually raises trust metrics? I know there are the obvious benefits such as better CTR and Conversion (which could in turn raise trust metrics). But i am looking for actual sighted examples of Verisign increasing trust signals to search engines discrediting the correlation between search metrics improving. I modified this as i think people are getting confused between SSL products and the specific Versign product i am talking about Verisign Trust Seal seen here. This has nothing to do with security for transactions it is more geared towards all around safer user experience including Malware scans and enhanced "stand out" in SERPS. It is not just a Domain validation but an organizational or Branding authentication check" With that being said, the question still stands Does anyone have any case studies or direct examples of trust being elevated in metrics for the specific product mentioned above. Thanks.

    | Jinx14678

  • Hi I have been asked to carry out a site audit for a potential client. The site has that many issues I don't where to start in explaining them however, there is one question we are debating and would like to get a second opinion on it. The site I am auditing used to have a homepage rank 7. The site has currently had a redesign (new template with new URLs) and now the root domain 301 redirects to a sub folder two levels deep (not ideal I know!). This happened about a month ago and we are still getting N/A for toolbar page rank. The question is, does Google page rank transfer quicker than normal due to the redirects? or do we still have to wait on the next Google Page Rank update? Thanks in advance Gavelect

    | Equatorites

  • Dear Mozers, Recently I added a new language to one of my sites in a new folder ( but for some reasons many links got broken or were simply sending to a  wrong page. This caused a bad indexing and it also showed a lot of duplicate content. I know how to fix it but my question is this: Is it better to remove the second language folder, fix it and then put it back up after a few months or just fix it now as it is and wait for G to come back and index the new links?

    | Silviu

  • On this page  - /design-templates/invitation-cards-come-celebrate-708.aspx  the image file location in the source code is src="/design-templates/come-celebrate-708.jpg". But in a browser > right click > save the image, the image file name/location is different "" Does it consider cloaking and does this impact to SEO in any ways? Thanks Tom

    | tomchu

  • In case of a doorway page penalty, are both the doorway page and the external domain affected?

    | nicole.healthline

  • We have an e-commerce store with around 4000 product pages. Although our domain authority is not very high (we launched our site in February and now have around 30 RD's) we did rank on lots of long tail terms, and generated around 8000 organic visits / month. Two weeks ago we added another 2000 products to our existing catalogue of 2000 products, and since then our organic traffic dropped significantly (more than 50%). My guess is that link juice has been distributed to too many pages, causing rankings to drop on overall. I'm thinking about noindexing 50% of the product pages (the ones not receiving any organic traffic). However, I am not sure if this will lead to more link juice for the remaining 50% of the product pages, or not. So my question is: if I noindex,follow page A, will 100% of the linkjuice go to page B INSTEAD of page A, or will just a part of the link juice flow to page B (after flowing through page A first)? Hope my question is clear 🙂 P.s. We have a Dutch store, so the traffic drop is not a Panda issue 🙂

    | DeptAgency

  • We are looking at implementing a "mega drop-down" as our main menu on our website. Will that be good or bad for SEO? My company is a big tour operator so our website contains a lot of pages describing all our destinations, hotels etc. We have noticed that our visitors have some trouble to navigate to all this pages since it requires a lot of clicks to reach a specific page. In order to make this easier we have looked at this popular mega drop-down thing that we all love. But what about Google? Will Google love or hate us for doing this? An example showing what I mean by mega drop-down:

    | Googleankan

  • If i get links from websites with different language than english - has the same sort of field (business type) ... will that pass juice or not? Is it worth linking or not?

    | mosaicpro

  • Hi, I'm thinking of examples like the wii u - when it was announced all wii u sites were new. what ways could one get an edge quickly when competing against other sites without a great deal of authority on this 'new' keyword? obvious ones are social bookmarking, what else could easily be used to quickly (<24hrs) at least help a bit in non competitive kws?

    | dmn02

  • Here is some background: The site in question has approximately 10,000 pages and Google Webmaster shows that 10,000 urls(pages were submitted) 2)  Only 5,500 pages appear in the Google index 3)  Webmaster shows that approximately 200 pages could not be crawled for various reasons 4)  SEOMOZ shows about 1,000 pages that have long URL's or Page Titles (which we are correcting) 5)  No other errors are being reported in either Webmaster or SEO MOZ 6)  This is a new site launched six weeks ago.  Within two weeks of launching, Google had indexed all 10,000 pages and showed 9,800 in the index but over the last few weeks, the number of pages in the index kept dropping until it reached 5,500 where it has been stable for two weeks. Any ideas of what the issue might be?  Also, is there a way to download all of the pages that are being included in that index as this might help troubleshoot?

    | Mont

  • Hi Mozzers, I have found an e-commerce SAS solution (USA based) that hosts its platform in the Cloud. Unfortunately my domain is a ,com but I wish to rank & sell within the UK. I realise I can select the UK parameters within GWT, but I am led to believe that this isnt hugely effective. Other than choosing another eCommerce platform, could anyone please assist me in identifying a solution? Thank you in advance.

    | eppleston

  • My most recent crawl returned a number of 'missing meta description' errors, and when I checked individual URLs, it turned out they were Wordpress Archived pages - for individual months and days (e.g. http:// .../2011/01). What's the best way to go about adding descriptions to these pages, if at all? Or should I have these pages not be indexed? I am using the All in One SEO plugin, so maybe there is an easy fix through this plugin, or it may be the cause of these errors? Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance! **EDIT After looking it up further, I have decided to use noindex for Archives, which should solve my problem right? Or is there a benefit to having those archived pages?

    | NetPicks

  • Hi guys, This is my last attempt to work out what is up with this site before it goes to the big Flipper in the sky (and even then I doubt it will make much more than £1!) This site was a successful site, then one day Google decided it didnt like it, and I have not had much joy with it for nearly a year now. I must admit I tried to forget about it for a while, but it has always been a thorn in my side due to the fact it used to be a nice little earner. I have SEOmoz crawled it and I cant find any issues that would cause such a severe penalty, I removed many of the affiliate links, clocked the rest of the affiliate links and tried numurous other ideas, but now, as a last ditch attempt I am looking for some help! I tried to avoid the typical thin affiliate site by adding relevant content, but I have seen sites with much poorer design and content rank higher than this one. Any ideas welcome! Thanks in advance My site

    | mozUser1469236629285

  • Why does this website not appear ranked on google what so ever? bit clueless, thanks for any responses! Ewan

    | ewanstevenson

  • A couple weeks ago I updated the title tags and URLs of some of my site's top landing pages, but the new versions aren't indexed in Google. Webmaster tools says that my site has been crawled since updated. I'm using a pretty old version of Joomla for a CMS, and had to fight with the plugins a little bit to make it all work (sh404SEF for the URLs and sh404SEF Custom Tag Module for the title tags). For example,'s indexed title is still: Radius Security Solutions | Home But should be: CCTV System Design - IP Industrial Surveillance | Radius Security Other pages besides the home page have the old title tags as well as old URLs. Any ideas how I can fix this? Thanks a lot in advance! Jeff

    | jaysan

  • Hello, What is the best practice for links appearing on every page of your site pointing to shopping cart, login, registration, etc. pages?  Basically what is the best format for links in your site template that point to pages you do not need to rank or possibly even be indexed? no-follow, iframe, regular? Thanks.


  • Was looking at a site's webmaster tools where there are a few hundred 404s for a site. God only knows where all those urls came from or what they once were or what. Two questions; How bad is all this for the site's overall ranking? Should I just make sure they go nowhere and 301 them all to the homepage or some other possibly relevant page? Anything bad that could happen with 301ing all this away? Also, the site has no sitemap submitted to Google. Any tips on that? Thanks!

    | 94501

  • Found a .gov link to my website The url it links to is which does eventually redirect to kars4kids. Will search engines see this as a link?

    | Morris77

  • Hello, I have set my WP blog to a page so new posts go to that page making it the blog. On a SEOmoz campaign crawl, it says there are too many links on one page, so does this mean that as I am posting my blog posts to this page, the search engines are seeing the page as one page with links instead of the blog posts? I worry that if I continue to add more posts (which obviously I want to) the links will increase more and more, meaning that they will be discounted due to too many links. What can I do to rectify this? Many thanks in advance

    | mozUser1469236629285

  • Hey Guys and girls, i have a question, i want to disallow all robots from accessing a certain root link: Get rid of bots User-agent: * Disallow: /index.php?_a=login&redir=/index.php?_a=tellafriend%26productId=* Will this make the bots not to access any web link that has the prefix you see before the asterisk? And at least google and roger will get away by reading "user-agent: *"? I know this isn't the standard proceedure but if it works for google and seomoz bot we are good.

    | iFix

  • I have an online shop - run using Magento. I have recently upgraded to version 1.4, and I installed a extension called Lightspeed, a caching module which makes tremendous improvements to Magento's performance. Unfortunately, a confoguration problem, meant that I had to disable the module, because it was generating errors relating to the session, if you entered the site from any page other than the home page. The site is now working as expected. I have Magento's error notification set to email - I've not received emails for errors generated by visitors. However over a 72 hour period, I received a deluge of error emails, which where being caused by Googlebot. It was generating an erro in a file called lightspeed.php Here is an example: URL: IP Address: Time: 2011-06-11 17:02:26 GMT Error: Cannot send headers; headers already sent in /home/jack/, line 444 So several things of note: I deleted lightspeed.php from the server, before any of these error messages began to arrive. lightspeed.php was never exposed in the URL, at anytime. It was referred to in a mod_rewrite rule in .htaccess, which I also commented out. If you clicked on the URL in the error message, it loaded in the browser as expected, with no error messages. It appears that Google has cached a version of the page which briefly existed whilst Lightspeed was enabled. But I though that Google cached generated HTML. Since when does cache a server-side PHP file ???? I've just used the Fetch as Googlebot facility on Webmaster Tools for the URL in the above error message, and it returns the page as expected. No errors. I've had to errors at all in the last 48 hours, so I'm hoping it's just sorted itself out. However I'm concerned about any Google related implications. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Ben

    | atticus7

  • My newly parked domain name, (our main website had to switch primary domains) is not redirecting properly and is causing our blog to be duplicate content. My 301 redirects work for everything else, but our parked domain /blog directory is not redirecting. I can type in both urls and then the blog appears on both sites. Not good. If I delete my blog .htaccess file, then it redirects fine. However, then our blog links are broken. So it has to do something with our .htaccess files. I do have a .htaccess file for our website, saying redirect everything to correct location, so i think this is interfering, but I cannot pinpoint it. this is the .htaccess file for the blog. BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /blog/
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /blog/index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPress main sites .htaccess (i am trying to pinpoint the issue here) Options +Includes
    AddType text/html .htm .html
    AddHandler server-parsed .htm .html
    Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)? [NC,OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC] RewriteRule (.*) http://www.newdomain/$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /([^?]*)? RewriteRule (.*) /$1? [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^.*/index.php RewriteRule ^(.*)index.php$$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^.*/index.htm RewriteRule ^(.*)index.htm$ http://www.newdomain/$1 [R=301,L] RedirectMatch 301 /index.php/(.*) /$1 Is there something obvious here, that does not look right?

    | hfranz

  • I stumbled across this blog post: and also this one : which talks about no-follow links from your Youtube Channel Page. We've setup a Youtube channel, and have begun updating it regularly, however the link appears to be a redirect-type link -presumably this means no link juice is passed? The code of the link on our Youtube channel: The second blog mentions building PA on your Youtube channel by commenting on other videos which then links back to your channel page - if that juice can't go to your site, then I assume the technique is of limited use? Apart from boosting your Youtube Channel's rankings of course, which I guess can't hurt.

    | seanmccauley

  • I have had several new clients come to me after Panda and Panda 2.  Lots of audits.  The client who had the worst problems, and has since corrected the worst issues based on my audit just bounced back in an epic way, and while it could be a short-term thing, I don't believe that's the case - it's just too big of a jump back - full recovery. I'm curious to find out if anyone sees a similar recovery on your sites. FYI the biggest problems (most of which have been resolved now) include: Content organization - it was a mess of a site Extreme over-use of ads on the page and in the content Topical focus - there was so much going on across every page of the site that confused Google Major site speed issues 5ewacr

    | AlanBleiweiss

  • Hello! I'm new to SEO as my question would imply.  Can someone show me the difference between a page title and a page element? Thank you!

    | atrenary

  • I have a site, called SiteB that has 200 pages of new, unique content. I made a table of contents (TOC) page on SiteB that points to about 50 pages of SiteB content. I would like to get SiteB's TOC page crawled and indexed by Google, as well as all the pages it points to. I submitted the TOC to Pingler 24 hours ago and from the logs I see the Googlebot visited the TOC page but it did not crawl any of the 50 pages that are linked to from the TOC. I do not have a robots.txt file on SiteB. There are no robot meta tags (nofollow, noindex). There are no 'rel=nofollow' attributes on the links. Why would Google crawl the TOC (when I Pinglered it) but not crawl any of the links on that page? One other fact, and I don't know if this matters, but SiteB lives on a subdomain and the URLs contain numbers, like this: Yes, I know that the number part is suboptimal from an SEO point of view. I'm working on that, too. But first wanted to figure out why Google isn't crawling the TOC. The site is new and so hasn't been penalized by Google. Thanks for any ideas...

    | scanlin

  • We have a number of web sites.  We recently acquired an excellent domain name, it happened to be owned by one of our competitors. Our competitor has a lot of web sites, each domain having a basic 5 page unoptimized site with one of those pages little more than a link farm. They have over three hundred domains with all but lets say 10 of them consisting of basic 5 page sites with a link "directory" on one of those pages. - the directory page is the same on every single site/domain. One of the links from that directory is going to our newly acquired domain and newly optimized web site. Being new to this, should this pose any kind of concern for us? Thanks in advance!

    | PlasticCards

  • I am befuddled as to why our destination URL in SERPs keeps changing oak furniture was nicely returning then I changed something yesterday I did 2 things. published a link to that on facebook as part of a competition. redirected dynamic pages to the static URL for oak furniture.. Now for oak furniture the SERPs in GG UK is returning our home page as the most relevant landing page.. Any Idea why? I'm leaning to an onpage issue than posting on FB.. Thoughts?

    | robertrRSwalters

  • Does it matter if i use to www or no www for SERPS on google? Obviously the redirection would be set up for either in the htaccess file.

    | apwade

  • Hi, I’m writing you because we have noticed in Google Analytics account, a huge fall in the SEO traffic of mywebsite, starting suddenly in one precise day. The difference between this day and the previous one is: -46,36% . Traffic has fallen in all parts of the site in the same way. Some details: -       we did not make any relevant change to the website -       we haven’t been banned by Google (or we don’t have any message about it in GWT) -       the number of the landing pages remains approximately the same -       the number of indexed keywords falls from 9.000 to 4.000. -       around 2 weeks ago we found out around 120 pages with 404 error, but the error now is solved and the pages are currently working we open the content to Google about 4 months but still we have not published our Site Map. I know that the 404 error could could affect the indexation, but do you have any other idea, apart of this, of what could have happened? Thanks!

    | bodaclick

  • Hi there, a client of mine is asking me if Google would penalize to redirect from all the http urls to https (they want to change the security protocol). I assume it is going to work as a classic 301, right? so they might lose some authority in they way, but I am not 100% sure. Can anyone confirm this? does anyone has a similar experience? thanks a lot!

    | elisainteractive

  • Hi SEO gurus   🙂 Anyone has input on what's better? vs vs etc I think the subdir (/xyz) will concentrate authority on the same subdomain so should be better? However sometimes it is tidier on the server to maintain online stores or blogs in a separate strucutre so subdomains work better in that sense. I just want to make sure that doesn't affect SEO? Cheers!

    | hectorpn

  • Is it really necessary to add a meta description to your categories and admin pages? I don't even have that option with my Genesis platform. When i received my first crawl test, those are the things that stick out as errors...

    | brentmitchell

  • I have backlinks coming into my homepage, which has both a www. URL and one that's merely Which is the preferred URL for best optimization for search engines and how do I find this out?

    | NetPicks

  • Hi Everyone, The following was automatically generated at Should I get rid of the index.php url from my sitemap?  If so, how do I go about redirecting it in my htaccess ? <url><loc></loc></url>
    <url><loc></loc></url> thank you in advance, Martin

    | RogersSEO

  • Hello Everyone, Background: I recently decided to change the preferred domain settings in WM Tools from the non www version of my site to the www version. I did this because there is a redirect from the non www to the www and I've built all of my internal links with the www. Everything I read on SEO Moz seemed to indicate that this was a good move. Traffic has been down/volatile but I think it's attributable mostly to a recent site change/redesign. Having said that the preferred domain change did seem to drop traffic an additional notch. I made the move two weeks ago. Here is the question: When I google my site, the home page shows up as the site title without the custom title tags I've written. The page that displays in the SERP is still the non www version of the site. a search shows an internal page first but doesn't return the home page as a result. All other pages pop up indexed with the www version of the page. a (notice lack of www) search DOES SHOW my home page and my custom title tags but with a non www version of the page. All other pages pop up indexed with the www version of the page. Any one have thoughts on this? Is this a classic example of waiting on Google to catch up with the changes to my tiny little site?

    | JSOC

  • I have read the FAQs and checked for similar issues: YES / NO
    My site's URL (web address)
    Description (including timeline of any changes made): We were hit with the Doorway Pages penalty on 5/26/11. We have a team of copywriters, and a fast-working dev dept., so we were able to correct what we thought the problem was, "targeting one-keyword per page" and thin content. (according to Google) Plan of action: To consolidate "like" keywords/content onto pages that were getting the most traffic and 404d the pages with the thin content and that were targeting singular keywords per page. We submitted a board approved reconsideration request on 6/8/11 and received the 2nd message (below) on 6/16/11. ***NOTE:The site was originally designed by the OLD marketing team who was let go, and we are the NEW team trying to clean up their mess. We are now resorting to going through Google's general guidelines page. Help would be appreciated. Below is the message we received back. Dear site owner or webmaster of, We received a request from a site owner to reconsider for compliance with Google's Webmaster Guidelines. We've reviewed your site and we believe that some or all of your pages still violate our quality guidelines. In order to preserve the quality of our search engine, pages from may not appear or may not rank as highly in Google's search results, or may otherwise be considered to be less trustworthy than sites which follow the quality guidelines. If you wish to be reconsidered again, please correct or remove all pages that are outside our quality guidelines. When such changes have been made, please visit and resubmit your site for reconsideration. If you have additional questions about how to resolve this issue, please see our Webmaster Help Forum for support. Sincerely, Google Search Quality Team Any help is welcome. Thanks

    | LVH

  • Hey guys, I was just wondering what the whole markup means for people that run search engines (i.e. for a niche, certain products) or price comparison engines in general. The intend behind was to help the engines better understand the pages content. Well, I guess such services don't necessarily want Google to understand that they're just another search engine (and thus might get thrown out of the index for polluting it with search result pages). I see two possible scenarios: either not implement them or implement them in a way that makes the site not look like an aggregator, i.e. by only marking up certain products with unique text. Any thoughts? Does the SEOmoz team has any advice on that? Best,

    | derderko

  • I am sure everyone around here is aware of Instant Pages that Google introduced at Inside Search Event. How does it affect Analytics? Since the page is pre-loading, does that get recorded as a visitor? If the user doesn’t click on the link, will that impact the bounce rate?

    | IM_Learner

  • Hi everyone, The host I use is OK, but looking for something lightning fast for a new project. Any know which hosts are the fastest and best for SEO?

    | PeterM22

  • Hi, all. I'm working in an unfamiliar area here, so I hope someone can tell me if I'm out in left field. I am building a sub-domain called, so that I can upload a client's still-under-construction site while working on it. When completed, it'll go up on his server, replacing his old site. Obviously, I want to ensure that it doesn't get indexed while it's on my test platform. A friend suggested that I password it with htaccess and htpasswd, since we can never be certain the SEs will obey site directives. My question is, what do you think would be the best (and hopefully, simplest) way to accomplish this? I'm no code-monkey, so "simple" is a big plus! Doc By the way, the platform will be Wordpress CMS.

    | Doc_Sheldon

  • My client has a website that ranks 1st on  ex: widget for The domain also has a section   that ranks lower in the SERP The question is... are there any on-page elements or tactics to improve that specific page without affecting the overall home page performance?

    | mosaicpro

  • Hello, I have a website and working more than 1 year ago,I worked hard last year and paid alot to make guys write articles from my website to other forums so my keywords rank high and got good visitors, then I get in much care in SEO and found SEOMoz with is very nice,when I downloaded the tool bar it was a shock to find my website is almost zero although the big effort I had, I can do more but I need to guide what I exactly need to improve my website,I almost read alot of the beginner PDF and got good information to work with and can hire people to help too. I did a real big work sharing my subjects and i can see them in top#5 google but for other sites and now i found I am still zero 😞 adding my links inside also didnt help or counted. attached the statistics of the website and the competitors site to let me know which important things to take care to jump over. would be very thankful for detailed help, Best Regards 1_01308477251.png 1_01308477465.png

    | nesr_2020

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