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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi MOZ community! Could you please help me with the issue? I have implemented Organization Schema on the website. But according to the structure I can not markup data once. So now I have 2 Items for a Organization schema on a page. The questions are: 1. Does Google consider both of them? 2. Is that OK to have a few Items for one type of schema on the page? Thank you

    | juicefromtheraw1

  • I remember hearing a few years ago that it was a good practice to link back to a site that was linking to you. My company's site was referenced and linked to in a news article. The news company has an above average domain authority, which is pretty good for my company's backlink profile. Is it still or was ever a "best practice" to link back to this website/domain? I feel like linking back was a best practice, but when I try to search this, all I get back is backlinking 101 and backlinking articles. Nothing really answering my question straight forward. Thanks for any help.

    | aua

  • I've been researching this topic endlessly and thought I had arrived at a solution but Screaming Frog indicates my solution was not successful. Problem: I used tags to filter my collections pages. The result, I discovered, was the creation of dozens and dozens, maybe hundreds, of additional collection URLs for each possible permutation of tag filters. I would like to make the collection page URL, with no tag filters, the canonical. Proposed Solution:  I found the following code described somewhere as the solution: {% if template contains 'collection' and current_tags %} {% else %} {% endif %} However, I crawled my site with Screaming Frog and found that the canonical link element is still listed as the URL with the tags included.  The crawler does recognizes the "noindex" instruction.  Any ideas on what the best move is here?

    | vgusvg

  • Hi there, We have access to a third party site that has high domain authority and we want to know if anyone has a case study demonstrating what happens when you 301-redirect a high DA site to another high DA site. In particular, we are wondering what kind of lift the site saw from the additional link equity?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hi, We will have pages on the website that will display different page copy and images for different user personas. The main content (copy, headings, images) will be supplied dynamically and I'm not sure how Google will index the B and C variations of these pages. As far as I know, the page URL won't change and won't have parameters. Google will crawl and index the page content that comes from JavaScript but I don't know which version of the page copy the search robot will index. If we set user agent filters and serve the default page copy to search robots, we might risk having a cloak penalty because users get different content than search robots. Is it better to have URL parameters for version B and C of the content? For example: /page for the default content /page?id=2 for the B version /page?id=3 for the C version The dynamic content comes from the server side, so not all pages copy variations are in the default HTML. I hope my questions make sense. I couldn't find recommendations for this kind of SEO issue.

    | Gyorgy.B

  • I manage an e-commerce website which asks a new user for his/her city by throwing up a pop-up. Please check yourself by visiting Will this pop-up have any effect on the seo?

    | Furseo

  • I manage a site and this past month have noticed some pretty significant drops in rankings for some of our main keywords. I'm trying to understand why and what I can do to correct it. We did do some 301 redirects a little over a month ago so I've been wondering if that has anything to do with it as Google indexes the new URLs. One thing I did notice in Moz is that it is showing that Google is indexing the new URLs but associating them with the wrong keywords in the wrong location. The company services three locations and each location has a service page on the site. But Moz is showing that in Atlanta, the indexed URL is the Nashville one, etc. Is there any way to affect that? Another thing to note is that organic search traffic is actually up so it doesn't appear to be affecting them which I find a bit strange. Just looking for any insight as to things I should be looking into to explain the sudden drops. Thanks!

    | maghanlinchpinsales

  • We built a new website for a client. When I do '' in Google it shows some of the real, recently submitted pages. But it also shows many pages of spam url results, like this '' - all of which then go to the sites 404 page. They have page titles and meta descriptions in Chinese or Japanese too. Some of the urls are of real pages, and link to the correct page, despite having the same Chinese page titles and descriptions in the SERPS. When I went to remove all the spammy urls in Search Console (it only allowed me to temporarily hide them), a whole load of new ones popped up in the SERPS after a day or two. The site files itself are all fine, with no errors in the server logs. All the usual stuff...robots.txt, sitemap etc seems ok and the proper pages have all been requested for indexing and are slowly appearing.  The spammy ones continue though. What is going on and how can I fix it?

    | Digital-Murph

  • Hi! A client of mine has a global presence and we are therefore tracking serp rankings for multiple Google domains;,, for example. One page is ranking quite well in (position 11 right now) while at the same time ranking extremely bad in both and (position 100+). How can that be?? I did do some optimization (for example Title and Desc) before the rankings in .com and went really bad (they were higher before (pos 30-40)). But it is the same page Google indexes...but the results are very different. How can this be? What can be done? Thanks!

    | JHultqvist

  • Hi Mozers, my question is, if there is a web based email that goes to subscribers, then if they click on a link it lands on a Wordpress page with very similar content, will Google penalize us for duplicate content? If so is the best workaround to make the email no index no follow? Thanks!

    | CalamityJane77

  • I know that best practice is to keep your domain short, but is there an actual suggested character ballpark when coming up with one? Any thoughts are appreciated.

    | AliMac26

  • Hi guys, due to some changes to our category pages our paginated urls will change so they will look like this: ...category/bagger/2?q=Bagger&startDate=26.06.2017&endDate=27.06.2017 You see they include a query parameter as well as a start and end date which will change daily. All URLs with pagination are on noindex/follow. I am worrying that the products which are linked from the category pages will not get crawled well when the URLs on which they are linked from change on a daily basis. Do you have some experience with this? Are there other things we need to worry about with these pagination URLs? cheers

    | JKMarketing

  • Hi Guys Got a warning on a crawl today "Your page is redirecting to a page that is redirecting to a page that is redirecting to a page... and so on." In GWMT it is set to www. and also back-end in my server. I also have an SSL deployed and in my htaccess the rule is added to ensure all pages got to SSL. Any of you guys have advice regarding the best route to go or should I "IGNORE" this warning as all other aspects are clocking 95%+? Thanks in advance Daren

    | Daren-WebSupportLab

  • We are experiencing unknown server issues (we think) which are causing Soft 404/500 errors at unpredictable times on 2 websites. When we check on the pages, they’re fine but still show errors in Moz/Search Console. What are some measures we can take to protect from this or figure out what is causing this? Example URL for Soft 404 Error: Example URL for 500 Error: Example URL for Soft 404 Error: Example URL for 500 Error:

    | StaffingRobot

  • A new clients site is blocked by a lot of Firewalls. And I can't work out why, the content is family friendly they sell nursery equipment. I've run it through the Google checker and there is no malicious software found on the site. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to get this site unblocked? The url is

    | Marketing_Optimist

  • Hi all, Quick question.  I'm trying to update my sitemap via Google Search Console using a sitemap.xml file that I've created with ScreamingFrog.  However, when trying to submit it, it seems that Google only allows sitemaps that are located at a path within your domain (i.e. as opposed to being able to directly upload a sitemap.xml file.Is there any way that I can easily upload my sitemap.xml file?  Or is there any easy way that I can upload the file to a path on my domain so I can upload via the URL?Any insight would be much appreciated!Best,Sung

    | hdeg

  • Hi Experts, I am implementing J-son Schema via tagmanager. For my blog category page i have many blog post listed so now I have to use blog posting at category page via tag manager so can anyone guide me how to implement? Hope you are getting my question. Like my blog site  - a) b) blog category - d) Blog Post - my-favourite-dress. My query is at this page - many blog post listed. So I have to implement for all post "@type": "BlogPosting" via tagmanager so how to do that? Without tag manager I know how to implement via loop but via tag manger dont know? Thanks!

    | Johny12345

  • Hello All, Which are the latest icons' dimensions for IOS, Andorid and windows home screens? Can you please guide me and way form implementing it? Thanks!

    | Johny12345

  • Hi My client has 2 websites that after moving them to SSL the number of links to your site in the search console increased in 10s of thousands. What can be the reasons?

    | digital1974

  • I've linked to some screenshots so that it what I'm talking about makes more sense. Sometimes, when I perform a search, I see an article with the correct article title listed as the page title in the SERPs. Other times, I see the wrong page title – it's a generic somethin' or other done by my client's web design company with a bunch of keywords thrown in. The latter (not the correct article title) also appears at the top of the browser tab for every article on my client's site. I know this is bad, but what can be done about it? This would never happen if my client used Wordpress or some easily modifiable CMS, but they're using a proprietary one maintained by the group that designed the website. open?id=0BxB_dYL1ylGgVVF1dHlwdXp2dFU open?id=0BxB_dYL1ylGgdWJjdlJoRlRIR00

    | Greenery

  • We are in the process of buying some intellectual property, and it's websites are very dated and only have around 5 external links each.  What's the best course of action? Do we close down the sites; then redirect the urls to our current website, or do we leave the sites up, but redirect people to our new site. Reference: current website: Old sites that come with the intellectual property:  plus Thanks, Dan Costigan

    | dcostigan

  • Good Afternoon We currently have our individual product information pages set-up with a link through to a separate review page optimised for the term "Product A Reviews" I was reading about structured data and if I read correctly, the reviews should sit with the marked up product data so I was wondering whether to merge them back into one page. We have many reviews so the review pages are paginated in blocks of 25 My options are: Leave as it is, product info page and separate review page Merge the review content back in to the main page and have the pagination work on that page Include the first 25 reviews on the product info page then when user clicks through to page 2, 3 etc they're taken to the separated review page. In that way the product page would regularly get new content and we can still have a page specifically targeted for reviews. From the users point of view, they probably aren't even aware they're being taken to a separate reviews page so with that in mind as I'm typing this maybe they should be one page again

    | Ham1979

  • The site in question was hacked years ago. All the security scans come up clean but the seo crawlers like semrush and ahrefs still show it as an indexed page. I can even click through on it and it takes me to the homepage with no 301. Where is the page and how to deindex it? domain/com/?spam There are multiple instances of this.

    | Miamirealestatetrendsguy

  • Hi, 6 months ago my customer purchased their US supplier and moved the supplier's website to their e-commerce platform. When moving to the new platform they copied the descriptions of the products from their site to the supplier's site so now both sites have the same content in the product pages. Since then they have experienced decrease in traffic in about 80%. They didn't implement canonical tag or hreflang. My customer's domain format is and the supplier's domain is The last one is targeting the US and when someone from outside of the US wants to purchase a product they get a message that they need to move to the first website, the Both sites are in English. The old site version of, before the shit to the new platform, contained different product descriptions, and BTW, the old website version is still live and indexed under a subdomain of My question is what's the best thing to do in this case so that the rankings will be back to higher positions and they'll get back their traffic. Thanks!

    | digital1974

  • Hi, I purchased an old domain with a lot of links that I'm redirecting to my site. I want all of their links to redirect to the same page on my site so I can approach this two different ways: Entire site
    1.) RedirectMatch 301 ^(.*)$ or Page by page
    2). Redirect 301 /retiredpage.html Is there a better option I should go with in regards to SEO effectiveness? Thanks in advance!

    | ninel_P

  • Hello Moz Team Actually for my ecommerce site at product page for one product i have many images and what my developer did for 1st image is on Img src format but other images load on after click for that they have used data-src= image path, data-big= image path so Google Only Understand Image in img src=image path and not data-src= image path? If yes that means only img src = image path will index in google and not other images?2) So in images sitemap xml I have to submit only images scr = images path images only?3) Currently in my images sitemap xml all images are there either img src, data-src etc so what will google do here? He will ignore data-src images or he will try to search on website ? Will he confuse or use by bandwidth or crawl rate? Can you pls guide me? Thanks!

    | Johny12345

  • Hey Moz, So we are trying to figure out weather it is the same if we have Hreflang for "US-ES" vs "US-PR", IF we do "US-PR" for Puerto Rico for its own links we then have to create 3 parts to our site, PR Spanish PR English US Spanish We looked at Apple as an example and they had a "Latin America" for their Hreflang and labeled everything has either "es-419" is that the same concept as having just "us-es" for Puerto Rico? ( see attached screenshot ) We are trying to figure out what would be more effective and weather or not "US-ES" search results will appear for Puerto Rico also. PZVwg16

    | uBreakiFix

  • We launched a new site and Google Search Console is showing 39 pages have been indexed.  When I perform a search I see over 100 pages that appear to be indexed.   Which is correct and why is there a discrepancy? Also, Search Console Page Index count started at 39 pages on 5/21 and has not increased even though we have hundreds of pages to index.  But I do see more results each week from My site is

    | pdowling

  • My SEO ranking has been suffering over the last year despite all my efforts. Do you think my website builder/host could negatively effect my SEO? I'm using something called jigsy. They seem really good in the sense that they are very responsive to requests for help, but I have found them to be limiting at times. 
    I cant:
    -edit H1 and H2 tags on individual pages...the same ones are plastered throughout the site as part of a "theme"
    -Do any link cannonicalization, which Moz Pro is marking me with 282 critical issues for.
    -and I've had numerous times I've had to search out HTML code to paste into my page because they're missing something. ...I may have just answered my question myself, but I'm wondering how much of a problem all of this might be for my SEO? I was looking at switching to something like squarespace recently but it looks like Jigsy has thought of that and doesn't have any way for me to transfer my site to another service..... ugh!

    | joebordersmft

  • I have a problem with all video pages on
    I can not understand why google do not index all the video pages?
    I never blocked them with the robots.txt file, there are no noindex/nofollow tags on the pages. The only video page that I found in search results is the main video category page:  and 1 video page out of 150 videos: I hope someone can point me to the right way

    | TadiBrothers

  • Hello, I'm no Wordpress developer so need a little help please. I have manually created a video sitemap. It needs to be uploaded to the website. Where should the .xml file be uploaded onto Wordpress?  Which directory? Is it Ok to add the code to a notepad file and upload? I'm trying to avoid the plugin route if possible. Thanks

    | AL123al

  • I've been working on figuring out if my site host (jigsy) is hindering my seo. The site editor doesn't allow me to assign individual h1 tags for each page, it just blankets one across the whole site as part of a this normal?...would it be better to have individual h1s? that a thing? Or should I work on making a better one since all my pages should technically be related to counseling/therapy? Site:

    | joebordersmft

  • Hello, HTML validator brings "Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point" for all my meta tags. Yet, as I understand, it is essential to keep meta-description for SEO, for example. I read a couple of articles on how to fix that and one of them suggests considering  HTML5 custom data attribute instead of name: Do you think I should try   to validate my page? And     instead of ? I will appreciate your advise very much!

    | kirupa

  • Hello! I'm new here. My moz Pro account is flagging my website for having 282 duplicate pages, which it is saying are critical issues. I looked at this and it seems like the problem is that many of my pages are being indexed like: and and I think this is an issue with link cannonicalization...right? I contacted my website builder/host a while ago and they said they don't have a way to to link this a huge problem?...Is there some way to do it that I'm missing? Should i get a new website builder/host? 😛 for reference, this is what my builder/host said when I asked them about it: "Good question, at the moment we don't offer it, I will add it to our feature request list, as I think it would be a good idea. In a traditional hosting environment this would be using a htaccess file, since we are in ruby on rails environment we would need come up with a custom solution."

    | joebordersmft

  • When checking my domain I receive higher page authority for www vs non-www. I am considering moving to the www url and applying the necessary redirections but wanted to quickly check if this is worth it. The root page authority : PA 40 : PA 35 By redirecting would I just be transferring over negative signals to the www domain, thus voiding the point for doing any redirect at all?

    | MAGNUMCreative

  • I'm having trouble getting to index for their german pages. The english pages are being indexed but not the german. Any ideas? Chris

    | ninel_P

  • Hi all! A client of mine owns several top level domains which are not in use, let's call them,, and so on. The current website is
    When checking the technical status of the unused domains I realized that all but one are forwarded (via DNS) to and only one has a 301 redirect. Should I redirect all of them by means of 301 or let them stay forwarded? Very few of the domains have any other sites linking to them. Any thoughts would be really appreciated! Jesper

    | JHultqvist

  • I set my user agent in my Chrome browser to Googlebot and I disable javascript within my Chrome settings, but then what?

    | MagnitudeSEO

  • My client used to own a successful domain. They sold the business, the domain was not used by the purchaser. My client bought back the business and redirects the original STRONG domain to their new domain. How can I find out current page rank, traffic, etc of the original domain? Mik

    | mcorso

  • We're moving one of our services from the current website to a different domain. That domain will be dedicated just to that service. Currently, we have one page for that service on our current website. It already has been crawled and ranks well for certain keywords. But, we would want to eventually delete that page. Can I set 301 redirection for that page to another domain? At what point should I remove the page from the existing website's back-end?

    | infoAnalytica

  • Hi team, I noticed that when I request a desktop rendering in GWT using fetch and render, pages render as the mobile version. Screenshot attached. It's related to the VHS units in our CSS (as far as I'm aware). Does anyone know what the implications of this may be? Does it mean googlebot can only see the mobile version of our website? Any help is appreciated. Jake jgScJ

    | Jacobsheehan

  • In particular, I have a PA and DA score of 1 across all pages on the site - is this the cause?

    | Ronanmartin

  • Hi all, I discovered that a site I'm working on has some pages from their old site that are stil live and getting traffic. I would like to add redirects for them to the .htaccess file. Unfortunately, I have zero experience writing or editing .htaccess files. Here is the existing .htaccess file: BEGIN WPSuperCache END WPSuperCache BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPress And here are a few sample lines that I need to add: Redirect 301 /files/John-Doe.html /staff/
    Redirect 301 /files/Jane-Smith.html /staff/
    Redirect 301 /files/contact.html /contact/ So my question is, should I place those lines immediately after Rewrite engine on, or just before the closing IfModule tag or...? There is no consistent pattern that would allow for a single rule or two. Oh, and I will backup the current .htaccess file first! Many thanks for any help anyone can offer.

    | rich.owings

  • Hi, I was wondering how should I implement a sitemap for my multilingual site. Currently we have two languanges separated by subdirectories in our site /en (english) and /fr (french) however based on the the articles that I have read there are no clear explanation on the implementation of the sitemap with different languanges. Here are the cases I think is possible for the implementation: Case 1: One sitemap with all the en and fr pages together with hreflang attribution for each pages Case 2: One sitemap with only en pages with hreflang attribution for both languages (en and fr) Case 3: Separate sitemap for en and fr pages with hreflang attribution for both languanges and connect both through sitemapindex creation. If any of my proposed cases are not possible please let me know the best approach in creating a multilingual sitemap for my site. Appreciate your thoughts regarding this. Thank you!

    | ReneAnton

  • Hi everyone, We control several client sites at my company. The developers accidentally had a no index robot implemented in the site code when we did the HTTPS upgrade without knowing it (yes it's true). Ten days later we noticed traffic was falling. After a couple days we found the no index tags and removed them and resumbitted the sitemaps. The sites started ranking for their own keywords again within a day or two. The organic traffic is still down considerably and other keywords they are not ranking for in the same spot as they were before or at all. If I look in Google Search console, it says we submitted for example 4,000 URLs and only 160 have been indexed. I feel like maybe Google is taking a long time to re-index to remainder of the sites?? Has anyone has this issue?? We're starting to get very concerned so any input would be appreciate. I read an article on here from 2011 about a company that did the same and they were ranking for their keywords within a week. It's been 8 days since our fix.

    | AliMac26

  • Hello, Recently We have a taken a project " " and are responsible for the Digital Marketing for the website. FYI, we have been following the best On-Page SEO practices ever since we took the project: Performing Keyword Research, Finalizing the Keywords,Using those in the Page-Title, Meta-Descriptions, Heading Tags and of course in the Content as per MOZ suggestions & SEO standards. But, we are unable to rank in first page; which is a serious matter of concern for us. We have also checked whether the Domain / URL has been blacklisted, but it's not (Not even by Google). We are therefore unable to figure out what is going wrong even after following so many best practices to get the keywords a good ranking (1st & 2nd page of SERPs). Therefore I would like to request you to provide your expert opinions in this regard by checking what is it that we are not getting right. The website url is As this is a high-priority issue for us & the client is a prestigious one of course, please help. Looking forward to hearing from you at the earliest. Thanks & Regards,

    | Harini.M

  • We have built a lot of sites and there a few sites we no longer manage or want any association with.  When I have looked at webmasters I can see 20 to 200+ odd links back to our site. The page however at source has no reference to our website. I have searched the code but there isn't anything.  Is it safe to disavow these or just leave them?

    | Cocoonfxmedia

  • I was looking into my website backlinks and noticed that a link Huffington Post post has only one page authority while the other post has high page authority like 30 or 40. Please suggest what can be the issue. Thanks!

    | 1MS

  • Hey all, We have two different websites, one is a Chinese version of the site with a different URL ( The language is all Chinese however, I've noticed there's nohreflang tag on the html. Is this an issue? Presumably, if they type in our Chinese website URL then it should be fine, but if they just search our company name, will the lack of hreflang cause issues? Cheers, Rhys

    | SwanseaMedicine

  • hi, i have a website with some pages index in google on first page. i want to change the domain name but also want to keep the old domain.  How can i transfer the index pages SEO power to new domains pages? So the new domain page can appear instead of old domain.   301 redirect will permanently redirect the user to new domain but i want to keep the old domain running for users only, not for Search engines. any idea. please share. thanks.

    | green.h

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