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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Opencart allows the use of product tags (please note, these are NOT meta tags) which I believe are used for when customers want to search for a product using the search function. So one of my tags could be ''star wars socks'', and when a customer types this into the search it brings up every product containing the tag for socks. This is all good and well, however, these tags appear on the product page itself, right below the Manufacturer/Brand, and above the price (they created pages but I have canonical links in them so that is a non-issue). Will Google look kindly on this or could it be considered as keyword stuffing? Or will Google know they're for search and ignore them? I just need to know whether or not removing them entirely will be a good or bad idea.

    | moon-boots

  • I have a client who's thinking of placing their blog on a separate domain because the plug-ins and various other functionality is becoming bulky and slowing things down for the main site. There will be a 'Blog' link on the company's website navigation, just as there is now, that will take people to the blog. As an SEO person, this seems like a bad idea, even if we set up 301s from all the old posts to all the new ones. In my research I came across these two points: All backlinks to blog posts contribute directly to a website’s OVERALL SEO strength because those backlinks are pointing to your main domain.  Removing them may reduce overall link juice to the site. Simply having fewer content pages on the site will cause entire site to rank lower because Google loves content-rich authority sites. Does anyone know this to be true for sure? Thanks,

    | Caro-O

  • Hi All! We're thinking of setting up a CDN to host our images with a CNAME on a subdomain of our site. In terms of SEO, I was wondering if any of you knew of a pretty complete technical guide for setting it all up. Including whether or not we need to create an image sitemap, and setting it up in GWT. Thanks in advance! Vince

    | jbrisebois

  • I am still fairly green on in depth SEO, however I have a good grasp on making a site SEO friendly, as my skills are more down to website construction than technical SEO, however, I am working on a site at the moment which just continues to lose rankings and is slipping further and further. Keywords are dropping week on week in rankings Search visibility is also dropping week on week On site sales have fallen massively in the last quarter We have made huge improvements on the following; Moved the site to a faster stand alone cloud vps server - taken page rank scores from 54 to 87%. Added caching (WP Rocket) & CDN support. Improved URL structure (Woocommerce) removed /product and or /product-category from URLS to give more accurate & relevant structures. Added canonical URLs to all product categories (We use Yoast Premium) Amended on page structures to include correct H tags. Improved Facebook activity with a huge increase in engagements These are just some of the improvements we have made, yet we're still seeing huge drops in traffic and rankings. One insight I have noted which may be a big pointer, is we have 56 backlinks.... which I know is not good and we are about to address this. I suspect this is the reason for the poor performance, but should I be looking at anything else? Is there anything else we should be looking at? As I said, I'm no SEO specialist, but I don't think there's been any Penguin penalty, but my expertise is not sufficient enough to dig deeper. Can anyone offer any constructive advice at this stage? I'm thinking things to look at that could be hurting us that isn't immediately obvious? The site is Thanks in advance Bob

    | SushiUK

  • Hello there, A little while ago I installed WordPress on the server I use with Bluehost to try out a theme. My business domain name is also the primary account on this server. WordPress was causing some serious issues on the server so I uninstalled it, and now I have over 200 "500 response code" errors according to WebMaster tools. I've included a screenshot of some of them. Could anyone advise me on what to do about this? Thanks so much! MYbW6

    | lulu71

  • Just started a site audit and trying to determine the number of pages on a client site and whether there are more pages being indexed than actually exist. I've used four tools and got four very different answers... Google Search Console: 237 indexed pages Google search using site command: 468 results MOZ site crawl: 1013 unique URLs Screaming Frog: 183 page titles, 187 URIs (note this is a free licence, but should cut off at 500) Can anyone shed any light on why they differ so much? And where lies the truth?

    | muzzmoz

  • Hi,I have a website that has an .htaccess file that strips .php and forces a closing brace /. The site is now over 6 months old and still has a very low ranking with MOZ also rating the site as DA/PA = 1 which seems to indicate some sort of issue with the website.  Can anyone offer any suggestions as to why this site is ranking poorly as much of the onpage SEO has been completed to a level of 90%+ for specific keyterms so I'm probably either looking at routing of the framework of so other technical SEO issues possibly? Any help much apreciated... <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c=""><ifmodule mod_negotiation.c="">Options -MultiViews</ifmodule> RewriteEngine On # Redirect Trailing Slashes...
        # RewriteRule ^(.)/$ /$1 [L,R=301]
         RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /+[^.]+$
         RewriteRule ^(.+[^/])$ %{REQUEST_URI}/ [R=301,L]
        # Redirect non-WWW to WWW...
         RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
         RewriteRule ^(.)$$1 [L,R=301] # Handle Front Controller...
         RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
         RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
         RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]</ifmodule>

    | ecrmeuro

  • Does anyone know definitively if the format of the canonical tag matters? Silly question I know. vs

    | Healio

  • I can't figure the answer to this issue, on my blog I have a number of pages which each show snippets and an image for each blog entry,  these are called /recent-weddings/page/1 /2 /3 and so on. I'm getting duplicate page titles for these but can't find anywhere on Wordpress to set a unique title for them. So…/2/ has the same title as…/3/

    | simonatkinsphoto

  • Is it very important not to share the same IP address for SEO reasons?

    | EcomLkwd

  • Hi guys, We have a glossary on our website. All terms are accessible via a 'view all' URL, however we also have each letter on their own URL, e.g /a. Currently the rel=canonical tag for all the individual letter pages points to the view all URL. I'm just wondering whether that is best practice or not, as currently not all the individual letter pages are being indexed. Thanks 🙂

    | brian-madden

  • Hi, We were thinking of adding markup language to our site. We have been reading about it to understand the actual benefits of doing so (we have seen many brands are not using it, including So I have two questions: 1- Would you recommend using it for our site? 2- If yes, would it be better to create a snippet of code for our home page as an "organization" and then different snippets for our product pages as "products". Looking forward to your comments,

    | Kilgray

  • Hi all, Google is indexing a URL on my site that doesn't exist, and never existed in the past. The URL is completely made up. Anyone know why this is happening and more importantly how to get rid of it. Thanks 🙂

    | brian-madden

  • Hello. I am thinking of changing the hyphens to underscores. The problem is that i have a magento extension for improved navigation and if you choose to use hyphens for special characters it will not let you choose this also for separating attributes. It will allow you only bouble hyphen. So when i go to sub-category and filter two brands (victoria's secret and frais monde) it returns the url instead of the iniital url with undescore which was So it is "victoria-s-secret--frais-monde" vs "victoria_s_secret-frais_monde". Any suggestions? Thank you in advance.

    | iShopOnline

  • Hey folks Hoping to get some more eyes on a specific problem I am seeing with a clients site. Site:  We have checked everything we can think of and the usual suspects here are not present: Canonical URL is in place Site is shown as indexed in search console No Crawl, DNS, Connectivity or server errors No robots.txt blocking - verified in search console No robots meta tags or directives Fetch as Google works Fetch & render works site command returns all other pages info command does not return the homepage homepage is cached and cache has been updated since this issue started: homepage is indexed in yahoo and Bing all variations redirect to the domain (, .com, www, sans www etc) The only issue I found after some extensive digging was some issues with the HTTP and HTTPS versions of the site both being available and both specifying the canonical version as themselves. So, http site used canonicals with http and https site used canonicals with https. So, a conflict there with the canonical exacerbating the problem it is there to solve. The HTTPS site is not indexed though and we have set this up in webmaster tools and now the web developer has set redirects to ensure all versions even the https now 301 redirect to the page so these canonical issues have been ironed out. But... it's still not indexing the homepage. The practical implications of this are quite scary - the site used to be somewhere between 1st and 4th for keywords like 'juicers', 'juicer' etc. Now they are bottom of page 1 or top of page 2 with an internal page. They were jostling with the big boys (amazon, argos, john lewis etc) but now they are right at the bottom of the second page. It's a strange one - i have seen all manor of technical problems over the years but this one seems to defy sensible explanation. The next step is to do a full technical SEO audit of the site but I am always of the opinion that with many eyes all bugs are shallow so if anyone has any input or experience with odd indexation problems like this would love to get your input. Cheers

    | Marcus_Miller

  • Dear Moz community, I have a multilingual site and there are pages with content that is supposed to be translated but for now is English only. The structure of the site is such that different languages have their virtual subdirs: for English, for French and so on. Obviously, if the page1.html is not translated, the URLs point to the same content and I get warnings about duplicate content. I see two ways to handle this situation: Break the naming scheme and link to original English pages, i.e. instead of linking to link to Leave the naming scheme intact and set up a 301 redirect so that /fr/page1.html redirects to /en/page1.html Is there any difference for the two methods from the SEO standpoint? Thanks.

    | Lomar

  • We just added tags to our pages with thin content. Should we include or exclude those urls from our sitemap.xml file? I've read conflicting recommendations.

    | vcj

  • Hello All, What is going on with Sitemap Index Status in Google Search Console :- Webpages Submitted - 35000 index showing 21000 whereas previously approx 34500 were index. Images Submitted - 85000 index showing - 11000 whereas previously approx 80000 were index. Whereas when I search in google is it showing approx 27000 index for webpages. No message from google for penalty or warning etc.Please help.

    | wright335

  • I submitted the image sitemap in GWT and only few of them get indexed in google, but now the indexed images are also getting de-index. Any solution for it? See the attached E4hPDQE

    | tigersohelll

  • Hello, A subdirectory consolidates domain authority vs a ccTLD approach. However, for example, if a domain has been well established in the UK i.e, is that domains authority diluted if a subdirectory is created i.e Will some of the link juice attained on be shared throughout and therefore initially impact search visibility for I understand it works both ways as well, as any links attained on will benefit the domain. Thanks

    | SEONOW123

  • Does Google differentiate between keyphrase structures such as Mens Sunglasses & Men**'**s Sunglasses? I.e. does the inclusion/exclusion of an apostrophe make any difference when optimising your main keyword/phrase for a page? Keyword explorer appears to give different results..... I.e. no data for Men's Sunglasses, but data appears for Mens sunglasses. So if I optimise my page to include the apostrophe, will it screw the potential success for that page? Thanks 🙂 Bob

    | SushiUK

  • I hired an indian company to do some work on three sites that I own. I used a freelancing platform and they have been banned and now when i check in my wordpress sites, the admin user will not delete. Everytime i try and delete them it comes back. I change the password and the email address, but when i check a couple of hours later it comes back again, giving them full control over my sites which they are playing around with. any help would be great. I have tried going into the cpanel but it still will not delete. my hosting company has tried to delete them but it is not working

    | in2townpublicrelations

  • I have an established site with low keyword ranking and the keyword I am wanting to rank for it rated below 10 on Moz. It has been a few days since I published the article.

    | Begbie2006

  • Hi, we re-branded and launched a new website in February 2016. In June we saw a steep drop in the number of URLs indexed, and there have continued to be smaller dips since. We started an account with Moz and found several thousand high priority crawl errors for duplicate pages and have since fixed those with canonical tags. However, we are still seeing the number of URLs indexed drop. Do URLs with canonical tags get indexed by Google? I can't seem to find a definitive answer on this. A good portion of our URLs have canonical tags because they are just events with different dates, but otherwise the content of the page is the same.

    | zasite

  • We have a good sub domain like**** which currently sells custom canvas art. We have owned the domain since 2013 but it has only been live for the past few weeks. We want to redesign & repurpose the page to continue to sell custom canvas art but will eventually include other merchandise like mugs, tshirts, etc which wouldn't be custom. Would it be best to keep since is a shorter/more memorible & older sub domain or would it be best to update the name to something that encompasses our new products? Our marketing team has suggested

    | sb1030

  • Hello, I'm new in the seo word, but I have worked hard the last year and get good feedback on the rankings. Now I just wondering what to do? Need some help from seo experts, please give me feedback and tips to the next steps for my webstore. I want to rank higher in google, like everyone. Please check it out: Thank you Preben


  • A bit of a strange one, a client's .com site has recently been losing rankings on a daily basis, but traffic has barely budged. After some investigation, I found that the domain (which has been 301 redirected for some years) has recently been indexed by Google. According to Ahrefs the domain started gaining some rankings in early September, which has increased daily. All of these rankings are effectively being stolen from the .com site (but due to the 301 redirect, the site loses no traffic), so as one keyword disappears from the .com's ranking, it reappears on the's ranking report. Even searching for the brand name now brings up the version of the domain whereas less than a week ago the brand name brought up the .com domain. The redirects are all working fine. There's no instance of any URLs on the site or in the sitemaps leading to the domain. The domain does not have any backlinks except for a single results page on The site hasn't recently had any design or development done, the last changes being made in June. Has anyone encountered this before? I'm not entirely sure how or why Google would start indexing 301'd URLs after several years of not indexing these.

    | lyuda55

  • Hey Guys, I recently noticed that our Christmas Gifts landing page was ranking twice in the Google serps for the query "Christmas Gifts." One of these pages is an old url that has already been 301 redirected to the new url page which is also showing up in the search results. In the results, the following shows up in position 2 & 3 for the Christmas Gifts query: <cite class="_Rm"></cite> <cite class="_Rm"></cite>The url with "occasions" in it has already been 301 redirected to the url above it. Not sure why this is still showing up. I know it takes Google some time to index 301s and sometimes they show old urls, but it's been a few months since the old "occasions" url was redirected.The title tags for these pages are different but they are actually the same page. The new "gifts" version of the url was made live in the Navigation of our site just last week and before that it was hidden from our Navigation. Would this be the reason it's now showing up in search?Any ideas on why this might be happening? ThanksExplanations?

    | znotes

  • Hello everyone! 
    I'm new in the field of SEO. I'm looking for submitting XML web site guideline or tutorial. But there is no proper guideline. All of the tutorials are about the wordpress website. What should I do for my PHP website? Can I submit XML site map without help of developer? Please help me.

    | SEObd

  • Our site checks whether visitors are resident in the same country or live abroad. If it recognises that the visitor comes from abroad, the content is made more appropriate for them. Basically, instead of encouraging the visitor to come and visit a showroom, it tells them that we export worldwide. It does this by IP checking. So far so good! But I noticed that if I look at cached pages in Google's results, that the cached pages are all export pages. I've also used Google Webmaster Tools (Search Console) and rendered pages as Google - and they also render export pages. Does anybody have a solution to this?
    Is it a problem?
    Can Google see the properly (local - as in UK) version of the site?

    | pulcinella2uk

  • Hi there, A while ago we took over the domain and forwarded it to our website If you perform a search for the keyword 'hoesjes' in Google then we ( show up on an organic number 1 position. The problem is that the page title isn't correct. Google shows the page title of the website we took over and (correctly?) redirected to our domain Does anybody have any idea how to get rid of this wrong page title in Google?
    Here you can find a screenshot of what I mean. Thanks! Marcel

    | MarcelMoz

  • Hi Everyone, I'm currently running a job classified ad site, and having some problems with my brand site links. So in short, when I type my brand some sitelinks appear which is OK, but there is one that has the anchor text as "1", yep just a number one, as far as I know, Google takes the anchor text from internal linking, and since this the landing page for my search I don't want to demote it. Now I started checking why the number "1" is actually showing and I figured it out it might be due to pagination, since the search results (?=page2, ?=page3, etc) were all linking from the bottom numbers to with the almighty number 1, I took a decision on changing that link to and adding a canonical tag to the landing page to avoid duplicated content. The solution worked for a few days for private sessions only (anchor text was Search for jobs in Peru), but after that number 1 came back and I can't figure it out how to change it, tried to update the cache on search console on most pages that still had the previous version but to no avail. My boss and I are trying to fix this issue but no luck yet, should I update all of my pages' cache?, any help would be much appreciated.

    | JoaoCJ

  • Anybody seen this too? We have a webpage with tiny different title tag and H1.  If you search for let's say "Renovatie", you get to see the title tag "De kostprijs van je renovatie". However, when you search with the search term "Wat kost een renovatie", we see the H1 title in the SERP, which is "Wat kost een renovatie". So that's normal when you search a term that's exact the same as the H1 tag, Google ignores the title tag? N.

    | nans

  • Hello, We are optimizing our mobile (responsive) website at this moment and we want to change some elements on the productpage of our webshop in order of rank. This is the outcome of a data analysis which proves a change in rank of order will result in a higher conversion rate. No doubt. By technical limitations there is no other option but duplicating the element 'product description' in the source of the page to be able to show in on the spot on the product page we like to. Because our webshop is responsive we can not just move the element to the right spot for mobile because the tablet and desktop version then will change as well. My question is: will it be a problem for Google if we hide the original element of the product description on mobile pages by using the bootstrap class "hidden-xs" and duplicate it on another spot in the page to show it with the "visible-xs" class? My concern is that this will create duplicate content and hiding content for Google is not particularly good. On the other hand, I think Google is smart enough to understand that this is not to manipulate visitors or rankings, but this is only for a different look of the mobile website. I hope you guys can give me some good advice.
    Thanks in advance.

    | MarcelMoz

  • In Yoast seo plugin, under the general settings is Sitewide meta settings,under which there is an option to either check or leave unchecked Noindex subpages of archives which says: If you want to prevent /page/2/ and further of any archive to show up in the search results, enable this. I am very confuse if to check or not. What is the best seo practice? Most of our posts are in categories which have 2-4 pages.

    | VillasDiani

  • Moz is alerting me that there's about 60 duplicate pages on my Shopify ecommerce site. Most of them are products. I'm not sure how to fix this since the coding for my site is in liquid. I'm not sure if this is something I even need to be worried about. Most of these duplicate pages are a result of product tags shopify sites use to group products you tag with characteristics that the user can select in the product view. here are a couple URLS:

    | Mamadoux

  • I have a site that is based in the US but each page has several different versions for different regions. These versions live in folders (/en-us for the US English version, /en-gb for the UK English version, /fr-fr for the French version, etc.). Obviously, the French pages are in French. However, there are two versions of the site that are in English with little variation of the content. The pages all have a tag to indicate the language the page is in. However, there are no <hreflang>tags to indicate that the pages are the same page in two different languages.</hreflang> My question is, do I need to go through and add the <hreflang>tags to each page to reference each other and identify to Google that these are duplicate content issues, but different language versions of the same content? Or, will Google figure that our from the tag?</hreflang>

    | InterCall

  • Our xml sitemap is divided up in to many smaller xml sitemaps so we have fewer products per sitemap, in order to easily identify errors. A couple of weeks ago, we changed our xml sitemap by reordering some of the products. However, this has left some old xml sitemaps without any data, and they are no longer appearing in our xml sitemap. But, Google is still identifying these sitemaps since they once existed, and they are giving errors since they can't locate them. Should we 404 those xml sitemaps, or is there a better way to handle this?

    | ang

  • Hello, I've been ranking a site for the last 5 months with good success, ranking on the first page for a high traffic keyword. In the beginning of September however, my site completely dropped out of the SERPs for several of those keywords yet my site was still indexed and there was no penalty applied to my site via search console. I would assume this maybe because of the update during the time.My site came back again a week later and it was ranking much higher on the first page (#2). Today, I just checked the SERPs and my site is now gone again. It was there this morning but now as of two hours ago it is gone, as well as one of my main competitors. My site is still indexed and no penalties via search console. Does anyone know what causes these types of issues? Im assuming my site will come back in a week or so with hopefully the same or better ranking, but when I have disruptions like this it really hurts my organic traffic. Any input is appreciated. Thanks!

    | KathleenDC

  • Hi Moz Community, We've been implementing new canonical tags for our category pages but I have a question about pages that are found via search and our filtering options. Would we still need a canonical tag for pages that show up in search + a filter option if it only lists one page of items? Example below. Thanks!

    | znotes

  • Hey Mozzers, I'm just analysing a website's back link profile, and there are around 15 sites that link with a Moz spam score of 8 and above. I'm inclined to just go straight in and disavow these websites, even though some are industry relevant. But before I do, what are your thoughts around the reliability of Moz's spam score, and disavowing a site if above a particular score (8 and above). Thanks!

    | A_Q

  • Hello Moz community, We have a blog where we post what we believe is very valuable, unique content for our niche. The content frequently stays very relevant for our visitor for many many years. In terms of both user engagement and SEO, should we keep the dates in our blog posts? Should we remove them? Should we go through every blog post and edit it slightly every week even if there is no meaningful information we can add? Should employ some kind of plugin that does update the blog post date automatically?

    | SirMax

  • Hello. I have a lot of pages that I'm optimising. The ones I'm focusing on right now is already ranking, but the URLs could be better (they don't include the keywords right now). However I'm worried that if I change the URLs they will drop in rankings or have to start over. I would of course set up 301 redirect, but is there more I need to do? What is the best way to change URL for already ranking pages?

    | GoMentor

  • Hello All, I have implemented schema on product page. On My product page at left section there is one section i.e. "Popular Products" in that 5 Popular products are listed. Now when I visit ABCD product page then in "Popular Product" section also out of 5 products this ABCD product also listed. Finally when I check structured data testing tool in that following details are available for products - @type, @id, image, name, url, sku, category, description, offers & offers all details, Brand & brands all details after that there in "Is Related To" in that five products following details are there - @type, @id, image, name, url & offers that's it. So my query is, is this consider as duplicate? or no issue at all with google? Thanks! 6dHvQ

    | wright335

  • Hello Experts, I want to do A/B testing for my page. In google analytic experiment we have to create two pages 1) Original Page 2) Variant 1 but I don't want to go in this method that is I donot want to create two pages is it possible only via one page but two different events or something else ? If yes then which is the best tool? Thanks! Wrigths!

    | wright335

  • Hi Everyone, I found an out-of-date event in the clients' crawl report that returns a 404 not found Status Code.  I remember to have read an article advising webmasters to don't ever remove a single landing page, but instead to advise that the sale/event it's expired and some information about the upcoming event. Does anyone have had this experience before ? Could you provide me with a real case scenario. Thank You

    | Ariadna-US

  • I've got a .htaccess file set up on a site to redirect specific old pages to specific new pages on a different site: eg Redirect 301 /oldpage.html Redirect 301 /oldpage2.html I have two questions: 1. Is that all the file needs? Or does it need any "rewrite engine on" type code? 2. I would also like to include code to "mop up" any other URLs and redirect them to the root, so that /anyotherpage.html redirects to Is there a way to do this?

    | abisti2

  • I'm considering the move to TLS/SSL obviously will be setting up the version in Search Console, do I need to re-upload the disavowal file previously generated before the move? Look forward to your response.

    | seoman10

  • Hello, I've just crawled our website to find we have a duplicate content issue. Every places to stay listing page has identical content (over 1,500 places) due to the fact it's based on user searches or selections. If we hide this pages using canonical tags, will we lose our visibility for each country and/or region we promote hotels? Any help on this would be hugely appreciated! Thanks so much Clair

    | iescape

  • Hey Mozzers, Have a quick question for you hospitality folks. We have a hotel property that has amenities being pulled into the meta description that aren't correct. We do have a custom meta description in the CMS but it is only pulling a portion of our meta description and is then including what appears to be a dynamic list of hotel amenities: "free covered parking; full service catering; complimentary airport shuttle". The airport shuttle is no longer free and the property is charging a small fee. All copy on the page (and across the site) has been updated to reflect this change. My main questions are: 1.) Are these amenities just pulled by Google? Do we have any control over this? 2.) Is there anything we can do to correct this error? Or do we just need to wait for it to hopefully update automatically? Thanks for the help!

    | mbochic

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