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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • After the AMP update on 8/1/16, the number of AMP pages indexed suddenly dropped by about 50% and it's crushing our search traffic- I haven't been able to find any documentation on any changes to look out for and why we are getting a penalty- any advice or something I should look out for?

    | nystromandy

  • One of the things Inseem to leave undone is failure to do 302 redirects or rel="canonicals" on my site Please help .

    | Gain4

  • Overnight the domain authority dropped from 11 to 1 and the page authority dropped from 21 to 1 with out any changes being made to the website.

    | dkyle

  • Hi I am working on a website (usarrestsearch org) for 6 months. I wrote about 100 pages full of good content. for some reason I see only 75% of the pages indexed in GWT. and Im having problems with SERP positions not rising. I suspect that it might be connected to the structure of the site. will appreciate any help thanks

    | holdportals

  • Hello, My total external links dropped from 900 to zero on a site that I've had running for about 10 years.  What could possibly cause this? Thanks, Joe

    | Joe2013

  • What can I tell my developer so I pass this test? What will they need to develop A web mockup? Is there an easy code to implement?

    | pmull

  • For example, we have 3 different subsites with the same pages. We will put canonicals so they reference the main pages. Do the meta descriptions have to be different for each of the three pages? How does Google handle meta data when using canonicals?

    | Shirley.Fenlason

  • We received the above message, which I'm see may also  have. Before I go making hours of edits can someone give me an opinion on what may need fixed? Here's a link to one of our products: products are uniquely marked upIt may be the $ dollar sign, but I'm not certain.Looking at WMT > Search Appearance > Structured Data, I see no errors for Schema Markup. TY in advance :)KJr

    | KevnJr

  • Hi, I'm working on a site that is currently using canonical tags to deal with www and non-www variations. My recommendation is to setup 301 redirects to deal with this issue instead. However, is it ok to leave the existing canonical tags in place alongside the new 301 redirects or should they be removed? My thoughts are that this is not a canonical issue and therefore they should be removed? If 301 redirects are not possible it would be better have them that nothing at all but I don't think we need both, right? Any feedback much appreciated!

    | MVIreland

  • Hi, I was wondering: i have 2 domains. One is the name of the company the other one is an exact match domain. There is only one website. If I use both domains for this website which one will rank? How google react to website configured like that? Regards

    | LeszekNowakowski

  • Hello, i would like to ask which is the best redirect to use in a website now i have all my links to go to Which is the best between: thanks in advance

    | anavasis

  • Good Afternoon We've been helping out on a site which for instance offers Hotel Breaks in Birmingham. There is a page on the site birmingham-hotel-breaks and the most popular package that people book is actually Hotel Breaks with a Transfer package. The Birmingham Hotel page focuses mainly on the Hotel and Transfer packages but it's been suggested that we build out a separate page birmingham-hotel-and-transfer to be more keyword targeted and change the original page to focus solely on the Hotel side. I wasn't sure whether it would be better to build out the content on the existing page as people are already linking to us for the packages

    | Ham1979

  • I'm trying to get to the bottom of a problem I have with the Google ranking for - it's far below what I would hope for. My research so far has uncovered the following, and any advice on where to go from here would be appreciated. _Edit:_No problems with Bing or Yahoo - the site is #1 for primary key word 'maui activities' 1. Running a site: search in Google reveals that the homepage doesn't rank. At all. I looked through the 17 pages of results and can't spot it. Edit: I have now, after fresh checks after submitting the homepage through Search Console, found it at #1 - still, the following applies ... 2. I've found that the domain (before it was purchased by my client in 2011) had some bad inbound links, specifically from (no longer active). The links where white, on a white background. This web archive snapshot will reveal all. 3. Those bad links were 'cleaned up' (i.e. they don't show in the web archive) from 2014, and as mentioned above, the website is now 'down'. 4. Search Console doesn't have a manual penalty. 5. When I search for 'tropical divers maui' in Google I find is the 4th result. To me, this indicates a current relationship with the dead site (Tropical Divers Maui). No other term comes close to ranking to high for the homepage. So, to summarise - can the old, dead Tropical Divers Maui website still be affecting the Google ranking, and what would you suggest I do next?

    | jsherwin

  • i have some static webpages in root and wordpress installed in subdirectory , Canonical tag for the whole website was with trailing slash , i stripped the HTML extensions for static webpages but i can't force to add trailing slash to the static webpages so i changed the canonical for html webpages  from to but the Wordpress" " still with trailing slash , when i've checked my google webmasters i found that my indexed pages dropped down 100 page ! what should i put in the canonical for the static pages? i tried to strip the slash from wordpress but i failed , so my static webpages canonical  with no trailing slash and wordpress with trailing slash .

    | NeatIT

  • We have a lot of photos on our website. Unfortunately most of them don't seem to be indexed by Google. We run a party website. One of the things we do, is take pictures at events and put them on the site. An event page with a photo album, can have anywhere between 100 and 750 photo's. For each foto's there is a thumbnail on the page. The thumbnails are lazy loaded by showing a placeholder and loading the picture right before it comes onscreen. There is no pagination of infinite scrolling. Thumbnails don't have an alt text. Each thumbnail links to a picture page. This page only shows the base HTML structure (menu, etc), the image and a close button. The image has a src attribute with full size image, a srcset with several sizes for responsive design and an alt text. There is no real textual content on an image page. (Note that when a user clicks on the thumbnail, the large image is loaded using JavaScript and we mimic the page change. I think it doesn't matter, but am unsure.) I'd like that full size images should be indexed by Google and found with Google image search. Thumbnails should not be indexed (or ignored). Unfortunately most pictures aren't found or their thumbnail is shown. Moz is giving telling me that all the picture pages are duplicate content (19,521 issues), as they are all the same with the exception of the image. The page title isn't the same but similar for all images of an album. Example: On the "A day at the park" event page, we have 136 pictures. A site search on "a day at the park" foto, only reveals two photo's of the albums. 3QolbbI.png QTQVxqY.jpg mwEG90S.jpg

    | jasny

  • Got a message that we have spammy structured data on our site via webmaster tools and have no idea what they are referring to. We do not use any structured data using mark up. Could they be referring to something else? The message was: To: Webmaster of <a></a>, Google has detected structured markup on some of your pages that violates our structured data quality guidelines. In order to ensure quality search results for users, we display rich search results only for content that uses markup that conforms to our quality guidelines. This manual action has been applied to . We suggest that you fix your markup and file a reconsideration request. Once we determine that the markup on the pages is compliant with our guidelines, we will remove this manual action. What could we be showing them that would be interpreted as structured data, and or spammy structured data?

    | KentH

  • MOZ crawler is telling me we have loads of duplicate content issues. We use a Job Board plugin on our Wordpress site and we have allot of duplicate or very similar jobs (usually just a different location), but the plugin doesn't allow us to add any rel canonical tags to the individual jobs. Should I disallow the /jobs/ url in the robots.txt file? This will solve the duplicate content issue but then Google wont be able to crawl any of the individual job listings Has anyone had any experience working with a job board plugin on Wordpress and had a similar issue, or can advise on how best to solve our duplicate content?? Thanks 🙂

    | O2C

  • Hi all, I recently took over SEO efforts for a large e-commerce site (I would prefer not to disclose). About a month ago, I began to notice a significant drop in traffic from Bing and uncovered in Bing Webmaster Tools that three different versions of the sitemap were submitted and Bing was crawling all three. I removed the two out of date sitemaps and re-submitted the up to date version. Since then, I have yet to see Bing traffic rebound and the amount of pages indexed by Bing is still dropping daily. During this time there has been no issue with traffic from Google. Currently I have 1.3 million pages indexed by Google while Bing has dropped to 715K (it was at 755K last week and was on par with Google several months ago). I know that no major changes have been made to the site in the past year so I can't point to anything other than the sitemap issue to explain this. If this is indeed the only issue, how long should I expect to wait for Bing to re-index the pages? In the interim I have been manually submitting important pages that aren't currently in the index. Any insights or suggestions would be very much appreciated!

    | tdawson09

  • Please look at my website, 404 Pages suddenly increasing in number. I have looked at the google webmaster tool and found it showing all my URLs in wrong format. This page is also not working I attached webmaster screenshot as well

    | Michael.Leonard

  • My website is non www ,it has wordpress in subdirectory and some static webpages in the root and other subdirectory 1. i want to remove .html extention from the webpages in the root and
    the others static webpages in subdirectory.
    2. add slash at the end.
    3. 301 redirect from non slash to url with slash. so it should be to and to the below code 1. working with non slash at the end **2. **redirect 301 url with slash to non here's my .htaccess <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /</ifmodule> #removing trailing slash
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d     
    RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ $1 [R=301,L] #www to non
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.(([a-z0-9_]+.)?$ [NC]
    RewriteRule .? http://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L] #html
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.html [NC,L] #index redirect
    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /index.html\ HTTP/
    RewriteRule ^index.html$ [R=301,L]
    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} .html
    RewriteRule ^(.*).html$ /$1 [R=301,L] PS everything is ok with the wordpress , the problems with static pages only. Thanks in advanced

    | Uber_

  • Hey Mozzers! I'm battling a few questions about the sitemap for my ecommerce store. Could you help me out? Is it necessary to include your product attributes in the sitemap? I'm not sure why it would matter to have a sitemap that lists everything in the color cherry. Also, if the attributes were included in the sitemap, would that count as duplicate content for the same products to show up in multiple attributes? Is there any benefit to submitting the sitemaps individually? For example, submitting /product-sitemap.xml, /product_brand-sitemap.xml versus just /sitemap.xml? Any other best practices for managing my ecommerce sitemap, or great resources, would be very helpful. Thank you! a1vUz

    | localwork

  • Hi all, On our site, due to the fact we only have some 120 or so products split across 5 different categories we have a dropdown menu that displays all of the products in the menu. Forgetting usability for a moment, my question is whether by having links to all of products appear on each and every page (because they are in the main menu), are we diluting the content on the page. For example, if I take a particular product - the main phrase I want that page to be discovered for is "perspex sheet". This phrase does appear in the H1, H2 and within the main description of the product - but, as mentioned, each of our pages has some 120+ internal links due to the menu which contain all sorts of product names that arent relevant to "perspex sheet". The Moz report does flag a Medium issue on every page due to the number of internal links. I don't know whether I'm making a fuss about nothing, or whether this does have some serious side effects. It's an eCommerce site so of course im nervous of making changes that could have an adverse affect on our rankings. I thought there used to be a tool on Moz that showed what phrases a page was optimised for but i can no longer find that tool. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Regards,

    | SimplyPlastic

  • Hi, I am just starting with MOZ PRO and trying to handle the high priority issues, starting with pages with 4XX Client Error. I am wondering what we should do with pages with no traffic and no external links. For instance: So time ago we change the URL structure of our blog to a flatter one, and so eg we moved a page: from: domain-name/dla-rodzicow/poradniki/poradniki-po-markach/vilac/vilac-zabawki-z-dusza to: domain-name/dla-rodzicow/poradniki/marka-vilac/vilac-zabawki-z-dusza/ Still not very flat but this is not the point. MOZ PRO shows we are having internal links to the old url. According to MOZ PRO, we don't have external links. According to Analytics we have no traffic on the old page. So now we changed the internal link, and I am wondering whether we should 301 redirect the old page to the new one, or whether a sitemap update is enough for this kind of pages ? Thanks in advance for your help.

    | isabelledylag

  • Look at the image in the link. I want my company to look like the "pluralsight" website in Google. I want it to show the sitemap. I have already submitted the sitemap to Google few days back, what am I doing wrong? search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=pluralsight&oq=pluralsight&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.11024j0j8

    | Deein

  • Hi everyone, I'm working with a client who recently had their site redesigned. I'm just going through to do an initial audit to make sure everything looks good. Part of my initial indexation audit goes through questions about how the site functions when you disable, javascript, cookies, and/or css. I use the Web Developer extension for Chrome to do this. I know, more recently, people have said that content loaded by Javascript will be indexed. I just want to make sure it's not hurting my clients SEO. Is it as simple as looking at Google's Cached URL? The URL is definitely being indexed and when looking at the text-only version everything appears to be in order. This may be an outdated question, but I just want to be sure! Thank you so much!

    | ccox1

  • In the Search Console of our Google Webmaster account we see 3 "no return tags" errors. The attached screenshot shows the detail of one of these errors. I know that annotations must be confirmed from the pages they are pointing to. If page A links to page B, page B must link back to page A, otherwise the annotations may not be interpreted correctly. However, the originating URL (/#!/public/tutorial/website/joomla) doesn't exist anymore. How could these errors still show up? Screenshot%202016-07-11%2017.36.27.png?dl=0

    | Maximuxxx

  • Hi everyone, I hope you are having a good week? My website has several subdomains that I had shut down some time back and pages on these subdomains are still appearing in the Google search result pages. I want all the URLs from these subdomains to stop appearing in the Google search result pages and I was hoping to see if anyone can help me with this. The subdomains are no longer under my control as I don't have web hosting for these sites (so these subdomain sites just show a default hosting server page). Because of this, I cannot verify these in search console and submit a url/site removal request to Google. In total, there are about 70 pages from these subdomains showing up in Google at the moment and I'm concerned in case these pages have any negative impacts on my SEO. Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

    | QuantumWeb62

  • We work with an automotive industry platform provider and whenever a vehicle is removed from inventory, a 404 error is returned. Being that inventory moves so quickly, we have a host of 404 errors in search console. The fix that the platform provider proposed was to return a 422 status code vs a 404. I'm not familiar with how a 422 may impact our optimization efforts. Is this a good approach, since there is no scalable way to 301 redirect all of those dead inventory pages.

    | AfroSEO

  • I'm using Yoast SEO and have images (attachments) excluded from sitemaps, which is the recommended method (but could this be wrong?). Most of my images are in my posts; here's the sitemap for posts: I also appear on p1 for some good keywords, and my site is getting organic traffic, so I'm not sure why the images aren't being indexed. Here's an example of a well performing article: Thanks!

    | Edward_Sturm

  • Going through the crawl of my site, there were around 100 medium priority issues, such as title element too short, and duplicate page title, and around 80 high priority issues relating to duplicate page content - However every page listed with these issues was the site's wordpress login / captcha page. Does anyone know how to resolve this?

    | ZenyaS

  • Hello to all, I'm Silvia. I am writing to ask if any of you know this site: It is a domains broker. They contacted my client and would like to sell the .com business domain (my client currently has the .it). Does anyone know them? Thanks you for your help.

    | advmedialab

  • These, for example: | | 1 | 2 | 29 | 2 | 200 |
    | | 1 | 1 | 25 | 2 | 200 |
    | | 1 | 119 | 40 | 4 | 200 |
    | | 1 | 119 | 40 | 4 | 200 |
    | | 1 | 119 | 40 | 4 | 200 |
    | | 1 | 5 | 31 | 2 | 200 |
    | | Any suggestions/directions for fixing or should I just disregard this "High Priority" moz issue?  Thank you!

    | writezach

  • We are in the midst of exploring the best options for developing a "microsite" experience for a client and how we manage the site - subdomain vs. subdirectory... Netscaler redirect vs DNS change. We understand that a subdirectory is best for SEO purposes; however, we anticipate technical limitations when integrating the different hosting platforms and capabilities into the existing site. The proposed solutions that were provided are a netscaler redirect and/or dns changes. Any experience with these solutions?

    | jgrammer

  • Hello, I have a client who is waivering between switching to an open source shopping platform such as Magento, or choosing a "more SEO Friendly" cart such as BigCommerce.I would love to get an opinion. They would like to control the data (open source) but existing platforms dont necessarily support some SEO efforts, opinions and wisdom welcome. Thanks!

    | Giggy

  • Hello Moz Friends I just wanted to make sure I'm doing things correctly. On google my business your given the option to list your service area. I serve the entire state of Colorado with my internet marketing services. So I listed Colorado as my service area. but Moz Friends, is this the wrong idea? Like should I list the major cities and call it good? So instead of service area Colorado, I should put Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo etc Thank you for your friendly help Chris

    | asbchris

  • We are using a tag inside our H1 tag to display a second line of text, usually for extra information and making the tag appeal like a intro text for the visitor and not just a optimized SEO tag. Example: Does this technique affect SEO? Should we consider removing it? Natuursteen grafsteengraniet grafmonument voorbeelden

    | stepsstones

  • Hello, We have SSL certificate for our domain only for *, And now, we have few subdomains, as you know, we have two choices: 1. Using HTTPS for subdomain, while it has problem with (SSL error) 2. Using HTTP for subdomain, which has www and non-www with redirects. Which one is good for us?

    | Anetwork

  • Hello, we recently received some really good reviews about a range of products  we sell (there are normally 8 products in a range).  Due to the industry we are in it made no sense to try and get reviews on each individual product within the range as they differ only ever so slightly. So my question is we want to add these reviews to each of the 8 products that lie within each range, but by adding them it would mean that each page has around 600 words of unique product description followed by approx 600 words of reviews that are the same on each of the products within that range. Is this ok?  my only other option would be to screenshot the reviews and upload them as images below each product description. If anyone could offer advice here that would be much appreciated. Thanks

    | livs2013

  • Hello Moz Community, New to Moz and looking forward to beginning my journey towards SEO education and improving our clients' sites. Our client's website is a Shopify store. Our first Moz reports show 686 duplicate content issues. I will show the first 4 as examples. As you can see, URL titles are unique. But I know that the content in each of those products have very similar product descriptions but not exactly. But since they have been flagged as a site issue by Moz, I am guessing that the content is 95% duplicate. So can a rel=canonical be the right solution for this type of duplicate content? Or should I be considering adding new content to each of 686 products to drop below the 95% threshold? Or another solution that I may not be aware of. Thanks in advance for your assistance and expertise! Sean

    | TheUpdateCompany

  • Hello, This is a simple question regarding how URLs should be managed for proper results with the hreflang tags. Right now, we have a website in English and German. The hreflang tag is working properly. This is how we currently have it: But we will soon change the way we localize our web, moving out of the sub-domain structure. There is this possibility of localizing the URLs path, but I was wondering if the hreflang tag would work in such case. The new structure would look something like: So my question is: If we localize the keyword in the path of the URL, will the tag still work? Or do they need to be in the same language than the English version. Thanks!

    | Kilgray

  • What is the average organic traffic loss one can expect after switching to a new domain? We went from .com to .org and are seeing 50% decline in organic traffic and 25% in Google news traffic. 301s were implemented from to and change site was completed in WMT. This traffic drop seems excessive...

    | SoulSurfer8

  • A client has a Wordpress blog to sit alongside their company website. They kept it hidden whilst they were developing what it looked like, keeping it un-searchable by Search Engines. It was still live, but Wordpress put a robots.txt in place. When they were ready they removed the robots.txt by clicking the "allow Search Engines to crawl this site" button. It took a month and a half for their blog to show in Search Engines once the robot.txt was removed. Google is now recognising the site (as a "site:" test has shown) however, it doesn't rank well for anything. This is despite the fact they are targeting keywords with very little organic competition. My question is - could the fact that they developed the site behind a robot.txt (rather than offline) mean the site is permanently affected by the robot.txt in the eyes of the Search Engines, even after that robot.txt has been removed? Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on the situation.

    | Driver72

  • Hello Webmasters, My site has incurred a sudden dip in rankings across sections. We conducted an analysis and have observed the following two major issues: Unnatural Links Penalty: Our site was issued an Unnatural Links Penalty on May 23. Basically, we have both 'http' and 'https' versions of our website registered on Webmaster tools. Initially, the warning showed up on the 'http' version and thus we started a cleanup by extracting the linking domains and have also filed a reconsideration request once all the spammy domains were removed and rightly disavowed. Recently, we got another manual action warning on the 'https' version regarding the unnatural links. So we have started with the cleanup activity right away. While analyzing this issue, we came across another major problem regarding the two versions which is our next concern and is mentioned below. https Canonical Issue: For more insights, we went through our site’s content and found that our website is following the below pattern Our 'http' version of the webpages get 301 redirected to the 'https' version. This 'https' version again has a canonical pointing to the 'http' version thus creating a loop. To conclude, I request your valuable learnings and thoughts on the following: Which of these issues are likely to have affected our website’s ranking Which version is likely to be preferred by Google (https or http) in our case

    | Starcom_Search

  • Hi All, I have a few questions about the right type of hosting that I should be using. I understand that many people say we should be using the best hosting that we can afford. However, when I have a website with just 650 pages / posts is it really worth worrying too much about where I am hosting. I am UK based so at the moment I am using a UK host along with a CDN. I have a unique IP address and on a server that has a limited amount of websites on it.  The main question is there really any need to be looking at anything else. The truth is I have used cloud hosting before and the website loaded slower around the world with that than it does with my current setup. Thanks

    | TTGUK

  • Any search result including our website is displaying our search result title like this: "Brand Name: Partial Page Title" instead of what it should be "Page Title" (as an example). Where is the "Brand Name:" coming from? We've verified we don't have any code that could cause this, and we're blocking in robots.txt directory listings being used for our search result title/meta. This isn't happening for our competitors. Any ideas on why this is, and if it's something we can control?

    | Closetstogo

  • I tried using some of the moz tools like the "on page grader" and it was not able to read any of the writing on my webpage because wix uses javascript. Will this impact my rankings on google compared to my competitors? The New Wix websites allow you to build a website in HTML. Should I switch to this? Thanks, Jonathan

    | H1_Marketing_Solutions

  • Hello Moz'ers, More questions about my Shopify seems that I'm not getting indexed very quickly (it's been over a month since I completed the migration) - I have done the following: used an Seo app to find and complete redirects (right away) used the same app to straighten out title tags, metas and alt tags submitted the sitemap re-submitted my main product URL's via Fetch checked the Console - no reported blocks or crawl errors I will mention that I had to assign my blog to a sub-domain because Shopify's blog platform is awful.  I had a lot of 404's on the blog, but fixed those.  The blog was not a big source of traffic (I'm an ecomm business)  Also, I didn't have a lot of backlinks, and most of those came along anyway. I did have a number of 8XX and 9XX errors, but I spoke to Shopify about them and they found no issues.  In the meantime, those issues pretty much disappeared in the MOZ reporting. Any duplicate page issues now have a 200 code since I straightened out the title tags. So what am I missing here? Thanks in advance, Sharon

    | Sharon2016

  • Hi Guy's, For our webshop we're considering a new URL structure because longtail keywords to rank so well. Now we have /category (main focus keywords)
    /product/the-product345897345123/  (nice to rank on, not that much volume) We have over 500 categories and every one of them is placed after our domain. Because i think it's better to work with a good structure and managed a way to make categories and sub-categories. The 500 categories may be the case why not every one of them is ranking so well, so that was also the choice of thinking about a new structure. So the new URL structure will be: /category (main focus keywords)
    /category/subcat/ (also main focus keywords) Everything will be redirect (301, good way), so i think there won't be to much problems. I'm thinking about what to do with the /product/ URL. Because now it will be on the same level as the subcategories, and i'm affraid that when it's on that level, Google will give the same value to both of them. My options that i'm considering are: **Old way **
    /product/the-product-345897345123/ .html (seen this on big webshops)
    /product/the-product-345897345123.html/ Level deeper SKU /product/the-product/345897345123/ What would you suggest? The new structure would be 20 categories 500+ sub's devided under main categories 5000+ products Thanks!

    | Happy-SEO

  • Hi, a hypothetical question: let's say there is a fresh domain (of course there is already domain like that, I am using it just as a example) Will it rank first on googe  for "travel norway" query on google?( I mean in situation where 30 other companies are trying to rank for the same phrase) Thanks!

    | LeszekNowakowski

  • is a domain acquired by our client. Previously this website was on With the old domain they were ranking top 30 on 'buitenspeelgoed' in Now with the new exact match domain they aren't ranking any more (for months). However, the website is indexed, as you can see on I don't know what to do anymore. Need some advise. What we allready have done the last months: made adjustments to the 301-redirects (this was originaly setup wrong by the webdesigner (de) optimized the homepage on 'buitenspeelgoed' (strange is the fact that the Moz robot can't access the site). Checked the robots.txt to see if the website was blocked for Google Checked the meta robots to see if the website was blocked for Google Disavowed some spammy (old) links which linked to the old domain Checked Search console > Fetch as Google if there isn't any Malware of some kind (and to see if Google can access the site) Checked Search consol to see if there manual spam actions (isn't the case) Checked for duplicate content by copy/paste some texts in Google and see if any other results are showing up (isn't the case for most of the texts) Please let me know what we can do.

    | InventusOnline

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