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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • HI all, I have some questions about multilang sitemap.xml. So, we use the same domain subdirectories with gTLDs How should I do the sitemap.xml in this case? I thought of three alternatives: Should I do a sitemap_index.xml to each lang and make categories for these sitemaps? Examples: Should I do only one sitemap_index.xml covering all categories of all languages ​​? Examples: Should I do a sitemap setting all multilang? <url><loc></loc>
    <xhtml:link <br="">rel="alternate"
    <xhtml:link <br="">rel="alternate"
    <xhtml:link <br="">rel="alternate"
    /></xhtml:link></xhtml:link></xhtml:link></url> Thanks for any advice.

    | mobic

  • Hello All! Looking at my campaign I noticed that I have a large number of 'duplicate page titles' showing up but all they are the various pages at the end of the URL. Such as, as a duplicate of Any suggestions on how to address this? Thanks!

    | Rich-DC

  • I've run a crawl on a popular amphibian based tool, just wanted to confirm... should http://www.homepage be at crawl depth 0 or 1? The audit shows http://homepage at level 0 and http://www.homepage at level 1 through a redirect. Thanks

    | Focus-Online-Management

  • Our client is a recruitment agency and their website used to contain a substantial amount of duplicate content as many of the listed job descriptions were repeated and recycled. As a result, their rankings rarely progress beyond page 2 on Google. Although they have started using more unique content for each listing, it appears that old job listings pages are still indexed so our assumption is that Google is holding down the ranking due to the amount of duplicate content present (one software returned a score of 43% duplicate content across the website). Looking at other recruitment websites, it appears that they block the actual job listings via the robots.txt file. Would blocking the job listings page from being indexed either by robots.txt or by a noindex tag reduce the negative impact of the duplicate content, but also remove any link juice coming to those pages? In addition, expired job listing URLs stay live which is likely to be increasing the overall duplicate content. Would it be worth removing these pages and setting up 404s, given that any links to these pages would be lost? If these pages are removed, is it possible to permanently deindex these URLs? Any help is greatly appreciated!

    | ClickHub-Harry

  • Hi, I was wondering does this matter at all for google? Thanks

    | LeszekNowakowski

  • Hello fellow SEOs, I am having a few issues with one of the sites I manage. The site in question has dropped for a number of terms in the last 7 days, including: logo design - dropped 2 places, now 19th logo design uk - dropped 2 places, now 8th logo designer - dropped 3 places, now 20th bespoke logo design - dropped 3 places, now 10th I'm worry that the site might drop for more terms if I just leave it alone. I haven't made any changes to the site but I have noticed that our number of inbound links has increased by 58% in the last 7 days. I have put the site through OSE and used the spam analysis tool. There's only one domain linking to my client that has an orange spam flag but this link isn't newly acquired. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    | UE-Web

  • Hello, I read that Google can "read" in all directions a while ago. Does this mean that keyword quires "Santa Monica appliance repair" and "appliance repair Santa Monica" are the same? Would you track both of them, or tracking only one would be enough? Thank you!

    | kirupa

  • I have done the research and have compiled a list of a little over 100 keywords that are highly connected to our industry. I have used the metrics to rank those keywords and have given the top 50 of them a ranking. My intention is to use them on my site and make sure that all of my pages have a keyword focus. In doing this, I am running into some challenges. Any insight would be helpful. 1. There are numerous keywords that have simple variations in them. I am trying to figure out if each variation needs it's own page. I have read articles (here on moz) that say that one page can rank for several keywords, and other articles that say that a simple variation can need it's own page. Not sure what to do here. Below is an example of what I mean. (examples: "my long tail keyword" , "my long tail" , "my long" , "long tail" , "long tail keyword" , "keyword long tail") 2. Will it help to create a page for each one of the 50 or even the full 100? I have the opportunity to use blogs and FAQ's to assist with content creation. 3. Since my brand ranks well and is obviously tied highly into my site, do I worry about including brand terms in my keyword focus or should I just focus on those search terms?

    | Smart_Start

  • Hello, We've found that a website we manage has a list of not-found URLS in Google webmaster tools which are  "soft 404's " according to Google. I went to the hosting company GoDaddy to explain and to see what they could do. As far as I can see GoDaddy's server are responding with a 200 HTTP error code - meaning that the page exists and was served properly. They have sort of disowned this as their problem. Their server is not serving up a true 404 response. This is a WordPress site. 1) Has anyone seen this problem before with GoDaddy?Is it a GoDaddy problem?2) Do you know a way to sort this issue? When I use the command the number of URLs indexed is about right except for 2 or 3 "soft URLs" . So I wonder why webmaster tools report so many yet I can't see them all in the index?

    | AL123al

  • Hi, I was wondering on this issue: There is a website for guesthouse. It has all information on one page (it is a valid page, with legitimate content). How google treats those pages? Would it treat it as Doorway Page? Or give some other penalties? What about a bounce rate? Because it will be pretty high, as there is no option to go somewhere else? What is your opinion on single page websites - SEO wise? Is it a shot in the foot? Thanks!

    | LeszekNowakowski

  • Hi all, i am helping a frind with his page, he is very shot on money and cannot spend a dime on programers or learn how to create a 404 page.
    His web is in php laravel, also i dont know how to create one. My options are: Leave the 404 page to be just like that. Redirect, via .htaccess to homepage. What should recommend him to do? Thanks!

    | Gaston Riera

  • Hi, I was wondering... Let's say there is a company in Norway and It sell tours in Norway. Website is only in english, content stays exactly the same for each country (as the website is for people looking for tours in Norway). The domain is registered with .no ccTLD. Main target is USA, Canada and Uk and couple of other countries in Europe. Would the website benefit from having .com instead of .no? Thanks!

    | LeszekNowakowski

  • My website ranks at the top for my keywords, but my images barely show up on Google Images.  I'm renaming them, tagging them, I'm not sure what else I can possibly do.  Any suggestions?  Thanks!

    | Leah777

  • Hi, I have a problem with a website, that never compe up with before. The website is: It has a bunch of excellent articles, good enough on-page SEO and a medium backlink profile. However, it is ranking just for very very few keywords. The major problem is that there are original articles that searched by their title won't appear in top100 results but they will appear in other websites that scapre them (even if they give a backlink to our original article!) Also, the website has good rankings in Bing and Yahoo but not in Google. There are keywords ranking in #1 in Bing but nowhere in top10 pages in Google.... I am guessing for 3 issues: 1. Majestic shows a very low trust score (just 13). However, the website has not got any kind of penalty in the last 3 years. 2. There are many scarpers. The odd is that scarpers with no real value outrank our content. (Scarpers with almost zero backlink profile) 3. We ran Sucuri on website as there were a large bots attack. Is there a correlation between it bots attack and Google results? (but why not in Bing and Yahoo too?) It seems like Google underestimates the website when indexing websites for some reason. Moreover, some of the articles are really the best around but the keywords they are targeted are not either within the 30 first pages... Any help?? Thanks..

    | alex33andros

  • Dear Friends I received an unnatural outbound links penalty on 4th of June 2016. I immediately acted on it, and analysed a lot of outbound links and removed most of them. I had to file reconsideration 2 times, but on 26th of June my penalty was revoked.However, traffic drop was even worse 27th June onwards and it is still dropping. Now, i dont know why the traffic is dropping. Any idea how much time it takes to come back from an unnatural outbound link penalty? PHd8BzX.png

    | marketing91

  • Search console is showing quite a lot of soft 404 pages on my site, but when I click on the links, the pages are all there. Is there a reason for this? It's a pretty big site - I'm getting 141 soft 404s from about 20,000 pages

    | abisti2

  • Hi everyone, I'm trying to optimize our website and I'm not sure what's ideal for our URL structure. We have two products: one of them is focused on B2C & the other one on B2B. 
    Our homepage is focused on the B2C product. For our B2B product, I'm not sure what's ideal. The URL for our 'homepage' of the B2B product is We have different target groups for our B2B software, and therefore different pages on our website. Which URL would be best to use for the keyword personal trainer software?

    | Klouwers

  • I'm looking for a solution to implement schema markup for our webinars. We have an events page that has a list of upcoming events, as well as a list of the webinars we've done with a link to YouTube to watch the webinar. The webinars on our events page have the title and date. What kind of schema markup can we implement for these past events? It is not really an event, but it's not a video either (unless we embed the video on our site). Any tips? (**Also, I would like to use JSON-LD instead of HTML to implement the schema). Thanks!

    | laurenpritchett

  • Hello Everybody My website is giving me 2 results for my page ...
    if i search in by "" it shows results without current pagetitles and if i search in using keyword phrase "", then it shows me all my website pages with current meta titles . why i am facing these 2 results and how to solve these . Why This happens, I have correctly redirectd URL to to, but Still it same, please Suggest me, what should i do With,

    | falguniwpi

  • I have a client that uses a CDN to fill images, from a sub domain ( We've made sure that the sub domain itself is not blocked. We've added a robots.txt file, we're creating an image sitemap file & we've verified ownership of the domain within GWT. Yet, any crawler that I use only see's the first page of the sub domain (which is .html) but none of the subsequent URL's which are all .jpeg. Is there something simple I'm missing here?

    | TammyWood

  • Hi everyone A question about using product reviews on a website - I completely understand genuine product reviews can be great for creating totally unique content and for seo in general. But my understanding is also that it is great only when it's accessible by google. So the question I have is that by using aggregate review services - i.e. reviews(dot)co(dot)uk widgets,  are they always easily accessible by Google? Examples I've seen that use the widget are: So when you view the page source for these pages, the actual content of the reviews are nowhere to be seen. I was wondering if anyone has experience of using any of these thrid party widgets, and if these come as issues, what you would do to make sure these reviews content are seen by Google? Thank you

    | MH-UK

  • - would it hurt link juice to host a blog on a different server to the rest of your website? I have a web host saying they can't run Wordpress as they won't support PHP for "security reasons" - one solution would be to set up Wordpress on a different server and redirect there (I presume this is do-able?). But I don't know if that affects the SEO adversely?

    | abisti2

  • Hello. My blog is 9 years old and i just got serious with regards to earnings. I have observed that whenever i showed published date traffic drops immediately. For years i stopped showing dates. But now, i feel dates are an important factor in Rich snippets because most of competitors who are shown in rich snippets are also showing dates. So i started showing "UPDATED ON" in the Genesis theme framework. Traffic drop is the same as before. Why is traffic dropping whenever i show dates? Even when i show updated dates, wherein all articles show dates of just 1-2 years and none of them are showing how old the site is. And yes, quality is high, content is high. URL is

    | marketing91

  • So this might sounds like a silly question... A client of mine has a duplicate content issue which will be fixed using canonical tags. We are also providing them with an updated URL structure meaning rwe will be having to do lots of 301 redirects. The URL structure is a much larger task that than the duplicate content so i planned to set up the canonicals first. Then it occurred to me id be updating the canonical tags with the urls from the old structure which brings me to my question. Will the canonical tags with the old urls redirect credit to the new urls with the 301? Or should i just wait until we have the new url structure in place and use these new urls in the canonicals? Thanks!

    | NickG-123

  • Hi all, here is the situation. A website I'm working on has a small percentage of almost empty pages. Those pages are filled "dynamically" and could have new content in the future, so, instead of 404ing them, we automatically noindex them when they're empty and remove the noindex once they have content again. The problem is that, due to technical issues we can't solve at the moment, some internal links (and URLs listed in sitemaps) to almost empty pages remain live also when pages are noindexed. In order not to waste Google crawler's time, sending it to noindexed pages through those links, someone suggested us to redirect those pages to our homepage with a 302 (not a 301 since they could become indexable again, so it can't be a permanent redirect). We did that, but after some weeks Search Console reported an increase in soft 404s: we checked it and it is 100% related to the 302 implementation. The questions are: is this a correct use of 302 redirects? Is there a better solution we haven't thought about? Maybe is it better to remove 302s and go back to the past situation, since linking to noindexed pages isn't such a big problem? Thank you so much!

    | GabrieleToninelli

  • I am having an issue with Structured Data. I have added the structured data to angular pages of my site but when I run the test from the testing tool it doesn't detect the same. Although when I cut and paste the code (from inspect element) it detects the structured data. But in my webmaster tools, those pages don't show up under structured data. I am unsure if my structured data is being picked up by google. What should be done here? Should I provide pre-rendered pages to google?

    | Lybrate0606

  • I am doing some house cleaning on the site and made some minor updates to product titles and a rule was written in and it auto updated the URL to what the product title was with a redirect put in place from the old URL. If this a bad thing and should i leave the URL alone and just update the product title? Then for the ones i did change the Product title and the URL was updated is this a bad thing and should i have just left the URL alone? These are all high ranking popular products so dont want to mess with any rankings going into busy season?

    | isle_surf

  • in the site crawl area is says "missing title tag" and im not sure how to put it in does it go on my website? if so how because i already have a tracking code in the google analytics area

    | raheemah

  • We just recently signed up to Moz with hopes of fixing our Moz Ranking. We have an old domain - and a new domain - We have set up 301 (Permanent) redirects from all pages on the old site to the new, but aren't getting the ranking or aren't getting recognized from external links to the old sites. I've read the moz article on 'Link Juice' and followed those practices, but it doesn't seem to help. Does anyone have advice on doing this? Thanks in advance,

    | greg.lanier

  • Hello, A client recently did a redesign a few months ago, resulting in 700 pages being reduced to 60, mostly due to panda penalty and just low interest in products on those pages. Now google is still indexing a good number of them ( around 650 ) when we only have 70 on our sitemap. Thing is google indexes our site on average now for 115 urls when we only have 60 urls that need indexing and only 70 on our sitemap. I would of thought these urls would be crawled and not found, but is taking a very long period of time. Our rankings haven't recovered as much as we'd hope, and we believe that the indexed older pages are causes this. Would you agree and also would you think removing those old urls via the remover tool would be best option? It would mean using the url remover tool for 650 pages. Thank you in advance

    | Deacyde

  • We just completed a conclusive a/b test on a client's landing page. The new page saw a 30% bump in conversions, yay! Now what? Option 1: Change the url of the new page to that of the old page, retire the old page. Option 2: Redirect the old page and anything that was pointing to it to the new page, make the new page the canonical. I'm afraid of option 1 because I think Google's WTF penalty will be a bit harsher than option 2, but I wanted to sanity check that here. Any thoughts or experienced advice would be very appreciated!

    | LindsayDayton

  • We have a site (domain y) that we'd like to integrate a blog into but our team doesn't have the bandwidth to do this. So, we've been exploring the option of building the blog in WP and hosting on a separate domain (domain x) and redirecting from domain y to it. My concern is how this affects or undermines rank value on domain y (effectively all the value from the blog resides on the blog domain x). How might we go about integrating an offsite blog into the core domain while maintaining search value? Is there a way? Thanks!

    | J-Me

  • Hi I'm managing an in-house link building campaign in order to help in our key search term 'Location Holidays'. We were historically number 1 for this term until a recent re-design in May where our web design agency butchered our SEO. All of the main issued fixed, we're now fluctuating between 3rd & 4th on a daily basis. I'm putting together a social share comp to promote through the press in order to boost our backlink profile. We're nesting the competition within the body of the page we want to improve the rankings for. I will be including a #page jump link to quickly access it as it will be further down the page. My question is that if we get press to link to will receive the link juice or will be looked upon as a whole new page? Thanks in advance!

    | MattHolidays

  • Hi People, would really appreciate your advice as we are debating best practice and advice seems very subjective depending if we are talking to our dev or SEO team. We are developing a website aimed at the South American market with content entirely in Spanish.  This is our first international site so our experience is limited.  Should we be using Spanish characters (such asáctanos) in URLs or should we use ASCII character replacements? What are the pros and cons for SEO and usability? Would really be great to get advice from the Moz community and make me look good at the same time as it was my suggestion  🙂 Nick

    | nickspiteri

  • Hi All, Very new to SEO but trying to make small meaningful changes to wordpress site. My question is whether it would be better for me to bypass this category page ( (website is in Portuguese) and go straight to the underlying product pages by creating individual categories for each product. I think this will increase SEO efficiency and clarity on the site with regard to these 3 products but I am worried about having a Woo-commerce category page with just one product page. I know that the plugin goes straight to the product page but is there a risk of duplicate content regarding the unused category page? Also long Urls! The Casamento (Wedding) category is already set up this way and same question applies. Any help or guidence wold be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    | Eoinfitz

  • Hi Everyone, Request some advice on the following situation please: If a client wishes to start a new business (advertising agency) using a domain name that they previously used for a completely different business function (selling hats & t-shirts) Is there anything you can do to "clean" the domain so that the previous indexing of the domain does not effect the new business and give the client a fresh start. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Regards and thanks.

    | Republica

  • We have an e-commerce single page app hosted at and part of this site is our search results page ( To narrow down products on the results we make heavy use of query parameters. From an SEO perspective we are telling GoogleBot to not index pages that include these query parameters to prevent duplicate content issues and to not index pages where the combination of query parameters has resulted in no results being returned. The only exception to this is the page parameter. We are posting here to check our homework so to speak. Does the above sound sensible? Although we have told GoogleBot to not index these pages, Moz will still crawl them (to the best of my knowledge), so we will continue to see crawl errors within our Moz reports where in fact these issues don't exist. Is this true? Is there anyway to make Moz ignore pages with certain query parameters? Any other suggestions to improve the SEO of our results pages is most appreciated. Thanks

    | TrueluxGroup

  • Hi All, We have a partially internationalized site, some pages are translated while others have yet to be translated. Right now, when a page has not yet been translated we add an English-language page at the url https://our-website/:language/page-name and add a bar for users to the top of the page that simply says "Sorry, this page has not yet been translated". This is best for our users, but unfortunately it creates duplicate content, as we re-publish our English-language content a second time under a different url. When we have untranslated (i.e. duplicate) content I believe the best thing we can do is add which points to the English page. However here's my concern: someday we _will_translate/localize these pages, and therefore someday these links will _not _have duplicate content. I'm concerned that a long time of having rel='canonical' on these urls, if we suddenly change this, that these "recently translated, no longer pointing to cannonical='english' pages" will not be indexed properly. Is this a valid concern?

    | VectrLabs

  • Hi I'm trying to crawl this website ( with Screaming Frog but because of some technical issue with their site (i can't find what is causing it) i'm able to crawl only the first page of each category (ex. and then it will go to crawl each page of their archive (hundreds of thousands of pages) but it won't crawl the links inside these pages. Thanks a lot!

    | gjergjshala

  • Why does my Google Webcache appears in a short period of time and then automatically redirects to my homepage? Is there something wrong with my robots.txt? The only files that I have blocked is below: User-agent: * Disallow: /bin/ Disallow: /common/ Disallow: /css/ Disallow: /download/ Disallow: /images/ Disallow: /medias/ Disallow: /ClientInfo.aspx Disallow: /*affiliateId* Disallow: /*referral*

    | Francis.Magos

  • One of the sites I manage was migrated to secure 2 months ago. XML sitemaps have been updated, canonical tags all have https:, and a redirect rule was applied. Despite all this, I'm still seeing non-secure URLs in Google's index. The weird thing is, when I click those links, they go to the secure version. Has anyone else seen weird things with Google not properly indexing secure versions of URLs?

    | LoganRay

  • Hi All, So we have employees who can own their own domains for business, however, one employee has a domain that links back to our main site, but when it does, the URL and Page title of our main site, still say his own domain. IE: links to except the url and itle still say What are the implications of this? Thank you

    | PeteEllard

  • If it is e-commerce site and a product listing page there is always a conflict how to show the content? As per my understanding we can show content in two different ways. 1. To show little content and use **Read more. (**In this case there is a direct message to the google: Here is the content visible and rest content is hidden but available for visitors to read more 2. Can use** Scroll bar**. So here is the message to Google and visitors that my full content is available here. So just scroll down to read further. So I  want to know that which method of showing content is best and it's impact of SEO where there is UI constraint or both the method is ok without any SEO impact. Please share your suggestions. DCdRJpH

    | kathiravan

  • I had 2 websites. I decided not to maintain one of them and set it to 301 to my main website. However, i see people getting 404 errors when they land on my main website but with a page name from the old site. How can I set things so that anyone who tries to go to the old site goes to my homepage of my main site? sends them to = 404  - I want them to go directly to homepage on siteA.

    | bhsiao

  • So, I'm getting ready to start a campaign to get some backlinks.  Pretty sure this is a silly NOOB question, but what is better: To get backlinks directed to my home page To get backlinks directed to she specific product/topic being discussed in the backlink. Thanks in advance for any help.  My GUESS on the whole topic is that linking to a specific product page from a backlink with anchor text is best practice.   It will boost the Page Authority of that page while boosting the overall Domain Authority . . . a win win.

    | damon1212

  • Can I use javascript code to redirect(301) a webpage?

    | Alick300

  • Hi I need to redirect many urls in a website and I was wondering if instead of doing it one by one there is a way to get it the other way round.... Redirect all pages but a few. I get a feeling this is not possible, but prefer asking just in case. Thanks for any feedback

    | turismodevino1

  • One of Wordpress sites was hacked (for about 10 hours), and Google picked up 4000+ urls in the index. The site is fixed, but I'm stuck with all those urls in the index. All the urls of of the form: The only bulk removal option I could find was to remove an entire folder, but I can't do that, as it would only leave the homepage and kill off everything else. For some crazy reason, the removal tools doesn't support wildcards, so that obvious solution is right out. So, how do it get rid of 4000 results? And no, waiting around for them to 404 out of the index isn't an option.

    | MichaelGregory

  • I have been working on a wordpress ecommerce website and want to check that I am doing something correctly so hope someone can help.  The Wordpress theme did not allow for an introductory content so the developer built a content page Instead to work as a front end category page so there was more flexibility.  I have set the product categories to follow- no index and set the content page as the canonical version and optimised the content page..  question is - is that the right thing to do?

    | musthavemarketing

  • Hi team, We've recently redesigned our website. Originally we had separate product listings for every product. Even if there was one design in two colours, each colour had its own listing. With the redesign we merged all of these identical products to help with duplicate content. Customers can now browse the different stone colours available in that design from a single product listing (bottom left of screen under 'select a stone' on a product page) When the customer changes the stone colour, the product images change to the new colour and its product code is appended to the end of the existing URL. eg: (original listing) (black selected) We have the following self referencing canonicals on all product pages [current-page:url:absolute], yet MOZ is telling me I have alot of duplicate content on pages with the above example. Have I implemented the canonicals correctly? Is this why Moz is flagging the listings as duplicate?

    | Jacobsheehan

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