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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi, Last year Google announced that it will treat links from a sub-domain as internal links and not external - Does it means that now there is no difference between a sub-domain and a sub-directory and anyone of them can be used? Regards

    | IM_Learner

  • Dear SEOmozzers, I just have a quick question. Can you please tell me how I can find out how many DoFollow links I have on the page of a site? I did a link exchange with a person who claims that she found 50+ DoFollow links on my homepage. How did she do that? What tool did she use to find out the number of DoFollow links on my homepage? Thank you. Sal

    | salvyy

  • Beginners doubt: When one website has its content inside Iframe's, google will read it and consider for the pagerank?

    | Naghirniac

  • A company who spells their name in all lower case, uses their name spelled exactly this way in titles & meta descriptions & throughout all of their site's content pages - will it affect rankings (particularly since the company name isn't a recognised word)? For example, let's say the company is called "twintrest" Which <title>would be better:</p> <ul> <li><span style="background-color: initial;">A) </span><span style="background-color: initial;">Twintrest - It's Like a Twitter & Pinterest Cocktail or</span></li> <li><span style="background-color: initial;">B) twintrest - It's Like a Twitter & Pinterest Cocktail</span></li> </ul> <p><span style="background-color: initial;">I am leaning towards "A" because the crawler would recognise "Twintrest" at least as a noun, where as in B it could be misconstrued as a spelling mistake.</span></p> <p>Also, in content it would need to be italicised right? <span style="background-color: initial;">So both these would be ok:</span></p> <ul> <li><span style="background-color: initial;">You should use Twintrest because it rocks. or</span></li> <li><span style="background-color: initial;">You should use </span><em style="background-color: initial;">twintrest </em><span style="background-color: initial;">because it rocks.</span></li> </ul> <p>But not:</p> <ul> <li><span style="background-color: initial;">You should use twintrest because it rocks</span><span style="background-color: initial;">.</span></li> </ul> <p>Is it worth pointing out?</p> <p>I've noticed that jcpenny spell their name in lowercase and use this format in their meta tags, however, they are a well established brand. Is there any evidence to suggest that lowercase may even be advantageous since a lot of searches are carried out in lowercase?</p></title>

    | wojkwasi

  • Marking up an attorney bio. Using: Hierarchy for Attorney is: Thing > Organization > LocalBusiness > ProfessionalService > Attorney Hierarchy for Person is: Thing > Person So, should I use: Larry Lawyer Firm: Law Firm Name Address: 742 Evergreen Terrace Or should Attorney be the top itemtype? Does it even really matter?

    | Gyi

  • Hi there, I am quite confused about how to get a good rankings on Google Places? It will be much appreciated to get an answers from PROs on following questions: On which websites I need to submit my details in order to rank well? Are there any rules which my website need to follow in order to rank well in GP? **Which techniques are you implementing in order to find proper websites influencing on Google Places? ** If there any 3rd party websites which helps to do so? Could Google Adwords have an impact on my presence in Google Places? Any major mistakes I should to avoid?**** Your detailed answers will help a lot, I am really upset about my knowledge about GP. Cheers, Russel

    | smokin_ace

  • I am pretty new to SEO and I have been creating new pages for our website for niche terms. Should I include ALL pages on our website in the sitemap.xml or should I only have our "main" pages listed on the sitemap.xml file? Thanks

    | threebiz

  • I have a website which perform very well for some keywords and much less for other keywords. I would like to try to optimize the keywords with less performance. Let's say our website offers 2 main services: KEYWORD A and KEYWORD Z. KEYWORD Z is a very important keyword for us in terms of revenue. KEYWORD A gives us position Nr 1 on our local Google and redirect properly the visitors to KEYWORD Z perform badly and gives us position Nr 7 on local Google search. 90% Google traffic is sent to and the other 10% is sent to the home page of the website. The Homepage is a "soup" of all the services our company offers, some are important (KEYWORD Z) and other much less important. In order to optimize the keyword KEYWORD Z we were thinking to make a permanent redirect for to and optimize the content of the Homepage to ONLY describe our KEYWORD Z. I am not sure if Google gives more importance in the content of the homepage or not. Of course links on the homepage to other pages like will still exists. The point for us is maybe to optimize better the homepage and give more importance to the KEYWORD Z. Does it make sense or not?

    | netbuilder

  • We are a web design company and SEO has never been our main thing but we can do it for clients quite well.  We were ranking under web design and our location quite well up until 3 months ago.  We didn't really have much on our page for web design but targetted website design instead.  Our SEO guy who has proved himself for getting some of our clients to the top of Google under very generic search terms recommended we focus on Web Design, so I changed the site accordingly.  2 days later Google has seen our changes and now we've changed our H1 and copy.  However, our ranking has dropped 1 place yet again.  Obviously I've now panicked and am stressing (even feeling sick) about what to do.  He is away until next week so I can't ask him. Could it be that Google has seen we're targetting the word and pushed us down? Shall I wait for the link building he's doing?  My own link building lately seems to knock us down a place with every new link I'm doing (and I'm only adding the odd link - not spamming at all).  What's odd is that we're still doing extremely well for keywords that aren't even mentioned in our copy at all really. If you could help or offer advice I'd be very grateful.

    | sanchez1960

  • Which metrics would be more attractive for receiving a linkback from, at least in theory, from the examples below? Gettting a link from a high PA page on a low DA site or gettting a link from a low PA page but on a high DA site, or something in the middle with both (assuming all other factors similar). For example which of these page metrics would be more preferable to be listed on? site 1: PA:19, DA:75 site 2: PA:1, DA:80 site 3: PA:39, DA:55 Thanks!

    | emerald

  • William Rock ran a Xenu site scan on nlpca(dot)com and mentioned the following: ...ran a test with Xenu site scan and it found a lot of broken links with 403, 301, 302, 404 Errors. Other items found: Broken page-local links (also named 'anchors', 'fragmentidentifiers'):  anchor occurs multiple times  not found Could somone give us an output of that list, and which ones of these errors do we need to clean up for SEO purposes? Thank you.

    | BobGW

  • I have a guest blog prepared and several sites I can submit it to, would it be considered duplicate content if I submitted one guest blog post to multipul blogs? and if so this content is not on my site but is linking to it. What will google do? Lets say 5 blogs except the same content and post it up, I understand that the first blog to have it up will not be punished, what about the rest of the blogs? can they get punished for this duplicate content? can I get punished for having duplicate content linking to me?

    | SEODinosaur

  • Hi there! My client's domain name is his name, let's say (www, because he is well-known in his industry. He is a physician with a very specific specialty and organic competition is fierce for the most relevant keyword to his specialty.  A domain has just become available that includes the keyword. If we bought the domain, how could we use it to our advantage? I'm confused about redirecting, etc., with this type of situation. Am i making any sense here? Help! Thanks. 🙂

    | Mills

  • Hello everyone, We’re changing our URL structure from something like this: To something like this:**/english/**index.php The change is implemented with mod_rewrite so all the old URLs can still work We have hundreds of thousands of pages that are currently indexed with the old URL structure What’s the best way to get Google to rapidly update its index and to maintain as much ranking as possible? 301 redirect all the old URLs to the new equivalent format? If we detect that the URL is in an old format, render the page with a canonical tag pointing to the new equivalent format as well as adding a noindex, nofollow tag? Something else? Thanks for your input!

    | anthematic

  • Hi Guys, I have been tasked with conducting a change of domain for our company website. The website will be exactly the same, just  change from to This was attempted before but my boss got cold feet and switched back after he saw a drop in rankings. (He put in the redirects and went through the change of domain procedure with google). I have told him that I think its possible with minimal disruption and we have agreed even with some disruption it will better in the long run for the company. Here is the process I intend to follow: 1. Copy and upload site to new domain 2. Redirect all pages with a wildcard or individually - possibly drop the www also 3. Follow the change of domain procedure in webmaster tools 4. Change the href of as many as possible back links to point at the new domain Please let me know your thoughts on my plan and if there is anything else I can do to ensure we maintain our rankings. Any help is appreciated as this is my suggestion and my neck is on the line! Thanks guys! Gareth

    | SimpsonGareth

  • We run a service website and basically users of the site post their request to get certain items fixed/serviced. Through Google Analytics we have found that we got lots of traffic to these request pages from people searching for those particular items. E.g. A member's request page: "Cost to fix large Victorian oven" has got many visits from searchers searching for "large Victorian oven". The traffic to these pages is about 40% of our Google organic traffic but didn't covert to more users/requests well and has roughly 67% bounce rate. So my question is: should we keep these pages indexed and if yes what can we do to improve the conversion rate/reduce bounce rate? Many thanks guys. David

    | sssrpm

  • HELP!!! after implementing some changes suggested by SEOMoz Pro the only changed is that i lost some very very very dear positions. I had expected that my website would raise in position due to the changes but in fact it lost some. I live in the netherlands so i use Google NL and Bing NL for rank tracking. For some specific keywords like: kamperen bij de boer, boerderijcampings, boerencampings, Vekabo Campings, minicampings, kampeerartikelen, boerencamping frankrijk i only lost positions and thus visitors. Some of the keywords lost about 9 positions. What am i doing wrong? I do everything SEOMoz suggested including changing 301 titles on my website due to titletags with more then 70 characters and the only thing that happens is losing positions? Duplicate content is no longer an issue. No errors were found what so ever and still in stead of improving the rankings the declined. Who can help me because this is not what i expected from this program.

    | JarnoNijzing

  • Some local SEO key phrases are difficult to use naturally in a sentence - consider "dry cleaners Birmingam". Do you have any ideas about how to use this type of phrase in a natutral-sounding way when writing content?

    | pauldthewlis

  • I'm considering changing my permalinks from: to: etc... (these are example pages and don't actually exist) as I want to optimise pages for specific cities. This will create a load of 404 errors which I will have to 301 redirect (I presume that's the best way of doing it?).  Does having the keyword in the url help and is the added SEO value (if their is any) worth it?

    | SamCUK

  • When i do link building for my website, how can i let the search engines know about that. is there any way of pinging?

    | raybiswa

  • Hi, I would be very grateful if you could answer a short question I have related to a project I am working on - I am trying to build up a bit of market research as to where the market lies with regard to the market rate for blog posting. The answers are pretty subjective as there are other factors in involved but for the purposes of this question, it would be helpful to have simple answers that assume: ASSUMPTIONS:
    a/. The blogs/websites are of AVERAGE quality for the domain authority given, and are genuine niche website (with their own full domains) and not sites which are haunted by spammers (ie NOT anyone can post anything sites such as article directories and Squidoo like sites etc, )
    b/. The articles are of AVERAGE quality you would associate with a domain of that authority IE the articles would be better as you go up the DA scale as you would expect. Each article contains a couple of links to your target website. **QUESTION:** In $ how much would you pay for an article both **written AND posted** on a website with the following domain authorities? 1/ DA 20 2/. DA 30 4/. DA 40 5/. DA 50 6/. DA 60 7/. DA 70 8/. DA 80 9/. DA 90+  I'll start off with my answers as follows: 1/ DA 20 - $15
    2/. DA 30 - $30
    4/. DA 40 - $50
    5/. DA 50 - $80
    6/. DA 60 - $120
    7/. DA 70 - $200
    8/. DA 80 - $350
    9/. DA 90+  - $600 What would you pay?

    | James77

  • Hey, One quick question. Lets say im fighting for keyword "british airways" and i want to appear straight after first result in number 2 position. Is it possible to compete with stroked results. (See image attached) Thanks Stxct.png

    | Marteen

  • In creating a regular brochure website such as one for a dentist or doctor, do you see any SEO benefit to having it based in a Wordpress blog? I do see the SEO benefit of having an actual blog on the site and continually updating that, but simply using the Wordpress platform as a CMS - does that give the site any benefit? If there is a benefit, is there a way to duplicate that advantage without going through the trouble of creating a Wordpress template for the site? Maybe just publishing a sitemap.xml, and feed, etc? Thanks! Tom

    | TomBristol

  • I operate a web application.  It consists of two sites, and  As you might imagine, www is used for marketing purposes, and it's our main organic search entry point. The domain is where our application portal is for customers, and it is also where our login and registration pages are located. Currently, is experiencing a catastrophic outage and is returning 504 errors, but is on a totally separate system with a lot redundancy, and is doing just fine. If we get traffic from referrals or search, we want that traffic to be able to login and register, so we've replaced the 504 error with a 302 redirect to until the situation is resolved.  This provides the best possible experience for users (nothing's worse than a 504).  How will this affect SEO?  Is there something other than a 302 that I should be doing with the broken domain?

    | Ehren

  • Hey everyone i just came across SEOMOZ today, i have been building websites for 3 years now but SEO is something which has always been a scary topic to consider trying to master. I have made a decision to do this in 2012 and i have been looking for a software package which can stear me and teach me. I have been reading the site help today and i feel totally swamped! i have created my campaign but a lot of the results dont make much sense to me and i am unsure of how to fix the errors they found. For instance the crawl diagnostics shows i have 5 4xx client errors. They show me a link to the page where the error is but when i go to see what this is i just find an error 404 not found page.How do i go about removing this error if i have no idea where the problem is? I have started reading SEO User guide and beginers guide and i know it is going to take me a long time to get use to this all, but i am struggling to find the starting point and hope someone can possible help me find the first few steps. Thanks

    | buntrosgali

  • Keyword : speed reading classes URL : hhtp:// Earlier the keyword position was # 4 in Did a 301 to this from a different PR4 site. I was expecting position 2 or 3 but it went to 9 on last Wednesday. On Thursday It went to # 10 and today it is not even in the SERP. What might have gone wrong? Is there any way to know about this? Please help. Regards Ray

    | raybiswa

  • Hi, I have a question about one of my sites whose PR does not want to increase. It's more of a curiosity, actually. the site has been online since 2007. I had developed a link building campaign dedicated to it, so I have many links directing toward it. I just don't understand why the PR is stil 1. Also, at one point the PR had raised to 2, but it went back to 1 after less than a week. Can someone explain why this happened? Thank you very much. Sal

    | salvyy

  • Hi Folks Noticed something strange just now pages that were ranking on position 10 on Google for searches such as 'ufc trainer kinect best price' at the start of this week are no longer ranking? Is what has happened to the site the famous google dance or sandbox effect as the site only officially went live on Monday If this is the case what is the recommended course of action to get back ranking competitively again?  as I have no idea on what has gone wrong as I has always tried to follow best practice from these forums and the SEOMOZ and YOUMOZ articles My site is Many Thanks Ian

    | ocelot

  • Im currently setting up a large network and my original thought was to target keywords via the city and then setting up a website with the domain name being that keyword.  Now im thinking that in the long run thats going to be a massive pain in my ass.  Im thinking what i should do is something along these lines... "" any thoughts?  Thanks for the help

    | dcstover1

  • I'm rebuilding a real estate website with 4 subdomains that have Page Authorities between 45 and 50. Since it's a real estate website it has 20,000+ pages of unique (listing) content PER sub-domain. The subdomains are structured like: and The root domain has a ~50 Page Authority. The site is about 7 years old. My preference is to focus all of my efforts on the primary domain going forward, but I don't want to waste the power of the subdomains. I'm considering: 1. Putting blogs or community/city pages on the subdomains 2. 301 redirecting all of the existing pages to matching pages on the new root domain. 3. Any other ideas??

    | jonathanwashburn

  • Hi, I just noticed that a top keyword for our industry is available as a domain, but for around $2,500.00 USD. For example, If we already have a pretty well established online identity as, let's say,, would it be worth buying the new domain and making it our primary? Thanks for your feedback! -Will

    | WillWatrous

  • I just got a duplicate URL error on by SEOMOZ report - and I wonder if I should worry about it Assume my site is named I'm getting duplicate url from & Do the search engines really see this as different on the home page? The general drift on the web is that You site should look like Home page = And subpages Of course it seems as though the IIS7 slash tool will rewrite everything Including the home page to a slash.

    | ThomasErb

  • Hello, I have a wealth coaching website bobweikel(dot)com Will you look at it and tell me how I can improve traffic and conversions. I want to gain several clients a week just from the web. Possible areas of help: On-site SEO & keywords link building: I don't see how to link build here Content Creation Adwords Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • I am looking to sign up for 20-50 links per month. Does anyone have an opinion negatively or positively on this service? Thanks in advance for your help!

    | newcitymoving

  • We've got about 1,700 products and 6,600 pages on our site. I recently finished up adding similar product links and popular category links to our product and category pages in an effort to juice up the pages that sell and make us money. I also added a category html sitemap in the footer. A couple of the targeted category rankings are moving down. Am I possible accruing a penalty for overusing anchor text? Is this internal linking strategy poor form? Thanks.

    | AWCthreads

  • Hi, I am targeting a brand called Creative Recreation, who are a trainers brand. We currently rank ok-ish for certain terms for Creative Recreation Trainers, Footwear and Creative Recreation [INSERT STYLE NAME HERE]. Our main search term I think we would like to improve on is "creative recreation trainers" as we are 6th for this. Our domain name points to the brands page as Now what I want to know is, would it be worthwhile or would it affect my current rank/index if I changed the end of that url to read /creative-recreation-trainers/ thus getting the keyword phrase in the url? Creative-Recreation is a hard one to crack as you have a lot of competition from the brands site etc.. Any ideas on this? Cheers Will

    | YNWA

  • Hi, I only now found out that and are different. Most of my external links are directed to 
    Which I understand is considered the subdomain and not the domain. Should I redirect? (and if so how?)
    Should I post new links only to my domain?

    | BeytzNet

  • Hi, I'm thinking of rebranding my website and moving it to a new domain. Of course I would implement 301 redirects page to page from to I wonder if you have any real figure based on your experiments on how much link juice I could lose in the process and if it will take time for Google to re-crawl correctly the new page. I could get some of the backlinks changed as well, so they would point to the new domain. Cutts says it would get changed at least the more important, but how many? which are the more important? Also, what about if I move just a part of the website that has no backlinks? Supposedly it won't have any link juice to pass through but of course all the pages will be hosted on a brand new domain that won't pass domain-power to those internal pages, so will I lose rankings for these pages? Thanks for any help, Best regards

    | SandraMoZ

  • Hi, We are working as a middle man between our client (website A) and another website (website B) where, website B is going to host a section around websites A products etc. The deal is that Website A (our client) will pay Website B based on the number of unique visitors they send them. As the middle man we are in charge of monitoring the number of Unique visitors sent though and are going to do this by monitoring Website A's analytics account and checking the number of Unique visitors sent. The deal is worth quite a lot of money, and as the middle man we are responsible for making sure that no funny business goes on (IE false visitors etc). So to make sure we have things covered - What I would like to know is 1/. Is it actually possible to fool analytics into reporting falsely high unique visitors from Webpage A to Site B (And if so how could they do it). 2/. What could we do to spot any potential abuse (IE is there an easy way to spot that these are spoofed visitors). Many thanks in advance

    | James77

  • vs with the search term "speakers" why does BC speakers show up in around #50-60 and PSB is not in the top #1000? From all metrics on seomoz PSB kicks BC in every area by a large margine! can anyone see why BC is listed for that keyword and PSB is not?

    | kevin4803

  • I have 2 subdamains intented for 2 different countries (Colombia and Venezuela) and The site it's an e-commerce with over a million products available so they have the same page with the same content on both sub-domains....the only differences are the prices a payment options. Does google take that as duplicate content? Thanks

    | daniel.alvarez

  • Hi, I ran a full Ranking analysis report for "empresa diseño web" for Google Mexico. From what I could see, my site has better metrics in most items than many of the top 10 sites for those keywords. What other reports should I run in order to gain some insights on how to improve on my site and improve my position? Thanks and regards, Rosario

    | prointernacional

  • I believe we may be seeing the initial stages of a penalty for over-using internal anchor text on our ecommerce site. Per Rand and other training, we added related product links and popular category links to our product and category pages. At the time, we did not have an html sitemap in the footer. We're a small to medium sized site with 1,700+ products. We have since added an html sitemap of our categories to our footer. Now we have category links in the sitemap and category pages and product pages with targeted anchor text. I'm beginning to see downward movement on some of those targeted categories. If I have an html sitemap in the footer (category index) should I get rid of the popular category links throughout the rest of the site? Also, with more frequency, I'm seeing a "product index" and "category index" in footers. Is this a best practice? Thanks.

    | AWCthreads

  • We use DNN and we have case studies ran from our CMS. This is so we can have them in lists by category on service/market pages and show specific ones when needed. Then there is the case study detail page, (this is where the problem exists)to where you read out the case study in full detail and see the images and story. We enter our Case Studies into the CMS and this determines which website they show, and it creates URLs from the titles. However, on the detail page, the case studies all share the same page, Case Study.aspx, and they resolve to that page with their respected URLs in place. As seen here, Because they all share the same page they are being pulled as duplicate pages. They do show in the SERPS with the right title and URL and it all looks great, but they get errors for having duplicate page content and titles. Is there a way to solve this, or is this something I should even worry about?

    | KJ-Rodgers

  • So I just bought a couple of days ago, ignore the fact it's not set up yet and generally just a mess, and something kept bugging me about why the domain authority kept showing as 25 in the SEOmoz toolbar. Now initially I'd set it up as www. and with the trailing slash so the PA was 1, however after a bit of exploration it seems that someone has been building links to the non-www version of the domain for at least a year! The site has never been owned before so I've now made the non-www version the default and have a 5 day old site with PA 35 and DA 25! SEOmoz shows PA - 45 links, 20 domains and DA - 341 links, 113 domains. Majestic Historic - 8598 links, 236 domains and Fresh - 160 links, 62 domains. Brilliant! Except they're all spamtastic. What do you think this will do for my future attempts at ranking? Should I create pages that have links to them or just 301 them?

    | StalkerB

  • Hello, I'm selling unique products - only one of a kind of each product.
    This means that whenever a product is sold, it is removed from display. In order  not to upset Google by keep removing indexed pages I created a "sold items" page which links to all of the removed products. The problem is (or maybe it's not a problem) is that I got to the point where I have more "sold items" then existing items (and the list keeps adding up). What should I do with the non-existing items?
    Was I correct? ---------------------------------------- ADDED INFO --------- The way the site is built is that I have main category pages and each of them is showing a large amount of products. Most of these products got indexed by Google. Each product has its own unique URL (Products do not return...) Once a product is sold it does not come up in the product categories - I only have a general "sold items" in the footer that shows all of them (with a lot of pagination). Since the products are rapidly changing, i thought it would upset Google to have a hundred 301 redirects in each week or two. Since the products are very similar to one another (only different measurements / colors etc.), I thought of having a link from a sold Item to a similar available item so if Google will direct someone it will probably be to the available product. The problem is that the sold items are now 4 times more than the number of available items... I don't think that a store should display 2008's t-shirts on 2012... Another problem that may rise with so many products is that I'm afraid that the one type of product that is being sold much more often will take charge at the end on the entire site since I will end up with 8,000 sold items of this product, 1000 sold items of other products and 1000 available misc products... this might also start causing duplication problems as the products are quite similar. Should I stop with the "Sold" products and use 301's? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • When creating a brand new website, will setting it up as a subdomain provide ranking benefits? I understand that if it's an existing domain, it's better to use a subfolder because a subdomain is treated as a different domain. But is there any reason not to start a website with the keyword in the subdomain? For example: The SERP's are dominated by websites which contain some variation of the head term, but the disadvantage of doing a similar this is your website looks very similar. Thanks!

    | JonDavies54

  • Hi, We have a bit of a problem where on a website we are managing, there are thousands of "Dynamically" re-sized images. These are stressing out the server as on any page there could be upto 100 dynamically re-sized images. Google alone is indexing 50,000 pages a day, so multiply that by the number of images and it is a huge drag on the server. I was wondering if it maybe an idea to blog Robots (in robots.txt) from indexing all the images in the image file, to reduce the server load until we have a proper fix in place. We don't get any real value from having our website images in "Google Images" so I am wondering if this could be a safe way of reducing server load? Are there any other potential SEO issues this could cause?? Thanks

    | James77

  • Lets say I have a really long article that begins with links to <a name="something">anchors on the same page.</a> <a name="something"></a> <a name="something">E.g.,</a> Chapter 1, Chapter 2, etc, allowing the user to scroll down to different content. There are also other links on this page that link to other pages. A few questions: Googlebot arrives on the page. Does it crawl links that point to anchors on the same page? When link juice is divided among all the links on the page, do these links count and page rank is then lost? Thanks!

    | anthematic

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