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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hello Everyone, We suddenly noticed that our keywords fell off the map and discovered that porn had been placed (via.htaccess redirects and masking) on our site. The porn links caused Google to drop us.We scrubbed our .htaccess file and asked Google to reindex our site 3 weeks ago.Does anyone have experience with reindexing?If so, how long were you down and did your keyword positions return eventually?Thanks,Bob

    | impressem

  • We are working on a new design for a website, which is currently on a CMS that has non-seo-friendly URLs. There is no redirection of 'www' to non-www or vice versa, or handling of homepage redirection so there is only one instance of 'home'. To move the site in the future, all of these URLs will have to be redirected to their new, and I hope, seo-friendly counterparts. Is it prudent now to redirect the four home page links so there is only one? and to redirect all non-www to 'www' so there is only one instance of each page? Or should I leave it and redirect all of them when the time comes?

    | haan_seo

  • I am trying to find out if there are any reputable directories related to health supplements and general health information.

    | DonovanHarrell


    | REMOVE56

  • Hi there Can you please help me. I did some link building and worked with website last couple of months and rank got better but all keywords are on the second page, some of them are 11th and 12th. Is there anything I did wrong and google dont allow the website on the first page? Or should I just go on. It just looks strange keywords are on the second page for 2 weeks and not going to the first page for any single day. The website is quite old, around 10 years. Anyone knows what it is or where I can read about it?

    | fleetway

  • Should i use a subdomain or a subdirectory? i was going to use a subdirectory however i have been reading a lot of articles on the use of subdomains post panda and the advantages of using them instead of using subdirectories. Thanks Ari

    | dublinbet

  • Hi Guys, Our website has some really good serps for our established keyword phrases some of which are quite competitive. We recently acquired and have begun selling some new brands through our online shop and launched new pages for these brands around 2 months ago. They are quite competitive ("merrell shoes" and "timberland boots" for example in terms. Do you think we should get some keyword rich links built into these new pages from external sites such as blogs - or is there chances of ranking well driven more off our overall site authority/link profile? In other peoples experience, what is a typical realistic timeframe to start getting meaningful serps on new pages/keyword phrases (I know that is hard to answer - but ball parks figures appreciated). Thank you everyone in advance. Kind Regards (and happy thanksgiving to our US friends)
    Conrad Cranfield

    | ConradC

  • Say you have a page and it has 4 outgoing links to the same internal page. In the original Pagerank algo if these links were links to an page outside your own domain, this would mean that the linkjuice this page is able to pass would be devided by 4. The thing is i'm not sure if this is also the case when the outgoing link, is linking to a page on your own domain. I would say that outgoing links (whatever the destination) will use some of your link juice, so it would be better to have 1 outgoing link instead of 4 to the same destination, the  the destination will profit more form that link. What are you're thoughts?

    | TjeerdvZ

  • There are under 100 pages that we are trying to rank for and we'd like to flatten our site architecture to give them more link juice. One of the methods that is currently in place now is a widget that dynamically links to these pages based on page popularity...the list of links could change day to day. We are thinking of redesigning the page to become more static, as we believe it's better for link juice to flow to those pages reliably than dynamically. Before we do so, we need a second opinion.

    | RBA

  • I know to increase rankings involves link building, but what kind of link building is worth it and what type is not? At the moment most of my link building effort is focused on guest blogging, which has worked well for me, I have seen some good movement on a range of keywords using this tactic but I cant help but think I could get a lot more movement in the serp's if I mixed it up a little. A few other link building techniques I know of are below, but I don't really use them, so my question is what ones should I be using combined with my guest blogging to give my rankings that little extra help. 1. Directory Submissions 2. Article Submissions 3. Press Release Distribution 4. Forum Signatures 5. Blog Comments 6. Social bookmarking 7. Social Sites (Squidoo, Weebly, Wordpress, blogger) If I have missed something please let me know. Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • One of the sites I work with is, which has lost a lot of ground in terms of SERPS. We were up to 12 and 13 for keywords such as uk visa and uk immigration but have since dropped down to 30-40. Has something changed recently? We know of the panda update, is it this?

    | qtasad

  • Hi, We've got some pretty strict anti-scraping logic in our website, and it seems we accidentally snared a Googlebot with it. About 100 URL requests were responded to with a 403 Forbidden error. The logic has since been updated, so this should not happen again. I was just wondering if/when Googlebot will come back and try those URLs again. They are linked from other pages on the site, and they are also in our sitemap. Thanks in advance for any assistance.

    | dbuckles

  • Hi there, one of our big competitors is ranking first for a huge key term. We were wondering how they did it, so i went through normal processes: Age of domain - reasonable. Unique content - a little but the ranking page has pretty much none - meaning panda update isn't applying here, Back-links - nothing special really, not enough to be above everyone in my opinion. Then i had a look at social media shares, over 2,000 mainly as facebook shares. So i went on their facebook profile and it does not seem like they are spamming content on there. Are these shares from users sharing the link? if so can i find out how many per post? i imagine there is a team setup to share this content when it is published on their facebook page? It just seems so very unfair they are ranking number one like this, the content in their site is poor, it's not a relevant domain either. So much for panda update eh? Any thoughts appreciated.

    | pauledwards

  • Hello all, Have multiple ecommerce projects going right now and thought I'd throw this one out there. We use follow up emails to try to encourage reviews for customers to all of our ecommerce stores, but find that many of them are pretty tedious as far as registering to write reviews and requiring a lot of information to get started. We primarily use Reseller Ratings and Trustpilot, but were interested if anyone had better luck using some different sites that Google also crawls for review data. Any input is appreciated. Thanks.

    | NetvantageMarketing

  • Hello folks The questions is, if a domain, 7 years old being sandboxed due to "notice of unnatural links to website" does it make sense to make a domain change (301 permanent redirect and make a "domain change" under google webmaster tools) to another, aged(!) domain name?
    Website being sandboxed for over 8 months already and there is no chance to do anything with those "unnatural" links to website... Any suggestions?

    | Ferray

  • Hi Mozers, Can anybody help me with this. For "keyword phrase"  SERP looks like this: 1. 2. 3. 4. ... 13. 14. Is it possible to include both to the top 4th-5th, or better merge this pages and promote only one? Thanks.

    | de4e

  • My understanding is that they are only required on the "pointing pages" however I've recently heard otherwise.

    | DPSSeomonkey

  • Hey guys, I am in need of a little help! I am currently an aspiring SEO (trying to absorb as much information as I can and implement changes to help my site organically)... Most of my experience revolves around SEM. That being said, I have a problem. My site is doing well through paid search... great quality scores, etc. However, the content on my site (and even my site as a whole) does not "appear" to rank well in Organic. To explain further... My site is and when I type in exact article names (or even federal auto loan) into Google, nothing shows up. And yes, my content is all original/unique content. I've even recently added a unique Calculator to my site. in the search bar shows results for all of my pages... but it just seems as though Google does not like my site for some reason. At least in Organic. The odd thing is, none of my other sites have this problem. Do you guys have any advice? The only thing I can think of is that somehow my 301 redirect was performed improperly. Yes, I had a permanent redirect performed on my site about 4 months back. The URL we were using prior just wasn't performing as well in Paid Search. But seeing as how that is the preferred method by Google... I'm really at a loss... Again, my site is Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Even generic SEO advice would be appreciated. Edit: Two other things to note... I have plugged my site into the SEOmoz Pro tool... the tool is not showing any issues for my site. I am also making use of Google Webmaster Tools and the only error that shows up for my site is a Soft 404 for one of my pmcs... Not sure why it is even pulling one of my pmcs... but as far as I can tell, there really shouldn't be any problems. Note on the 404 for anyone who might give a response on that issue... returns a 200 OK response. Edit2: Question presented below.

    | WPColt

  • I am working on a blog which is a very popular fashion blog. It is very well established with a 100% natural link profile and zero spammy stuff. The blog ranks #1 for random fashion terms like "kourtney kardashian cat eye sunglasses" and "emily maynard boots". The problem I am experiencing is that none of the actual titles of her posts or any of the content in the post results in her blog showing up if searched. EX: When you search "Pippa Middleton's Zip Jacket" on google her blog is nowhere to be found. Try searching allintitle:"Pippa Middleton's Zip Jacket" and she's nowhere to be found either. Even search "The other day, I met with my friend Kiran for our monthly mutual admiration society" on google and she's nowhere to be found even thoguh this is a unique snippet from her post. This post is already indexed and cached with the above mentioned details. i've also tested dozens of older posts as well. Same issue. You can actually do this to see a more clear picture: Do a google search for: allintitle:Bachelorette Fashion: Episode 2 - Ashley Hebert Brown That will bring up her blog which means google recognizes that the phrase is in her META title. Now do a google search for: allintitle:Bachelorette Fashion: Episode 2 - Ashley Hebert Brown without the site: included. She does not pop up but other people do. I did find that she had a duplicate title tag for a few weeks, but I've fixed that. Her posts used to pop up #1 when you search the title, but now obviously not. I am kind of at a loss and have tried a bunch of options with no success. Oh, one other thing is that some people do scrape her content, but only a few like maybe 10 and they've always been doing it even when she used to rank for her own post titles. Have you guys experienced this issue? Do you have any ideas of how to fix it?

    | modparent

  • We're launching a pretty large content program (in the form of a blog) and have a structure issue: Big fans of Wordpress for efficiency reasons, but our platform doesn't allow hosting of a wordpess (or other 3rd party) blog on the primary domain where we want it. Here are the options: 1. Sub-domain: We can easily put it there. Benefit is we use the efficient Wordpress tools and very fast to setup etc. Downside is that the root domain won't get benefit of any backlinks to the blog (as far as I understand). I also don't believe the primary domain will benefit from the daily fresh/unique content the blog offers. 2. Custom Rig: We could create our own manual system of pages on the site to look just like our blog would. This would allow us to have it at and benefit from any backlinks and fresh content. The downside is that it won't be as efficient to manage. 3. External Site:  Create a different site just for the blog. Same issue as the sub-domain I believe. User Experience is a top priority, and all of the above pretty much can accomplish the same UX goal, with #3 requiring a some additional strategy on positioning. Is #1 of #3 going to be a big regret down the road though, and is the backlink/content benefit clearly worth doing #2? (correct me if I'm wrong on my assumptions with #1 but at least with the backlinks I'm almost certain that's the case) Many thanks for your inputs on this.

    | SEOPA

  • We accidentally generated some pages on our site that ended up getting indexed by google. We have corrected the issue on the site and we 404 all of those pages. Should we manually delete the extra pages from Google's index or should we just let Google figure out that they are 404'd? What the best practice here?

    | dbuckles

  • I recently purchased a site which is in the same niche as my personal blog. MANY of the keywords which I want both sites to rank for, they are already ranking well for (Eg I rank #1 with one site and #5 for the other). I haven't started linking the two sites to each other yet (waiting to announce the acquisition before I do). I have 2 questions for you all... How powerful do you think linking between these sites could be? How do you think I should handle the linking between these two sites?

    | PedroAndJobu

  • I have a client with multiple locations throughout the US. They are currently using different 800 numbers on their site for their different locations. As they try to optimize their local presence but submitting to local directories, we are trying to determine two things: Does having a local number reroute to an 800 number devalue the significance of it being a local number (I've never heard of this, but someone told them it did) Locality and consistency are important. Assuming they can't remove the 800 numbers from the site, are they better off keeping the 800 numbers on their site and using local numbers every else online OR just using the 800 numbers for all of their local listings?

    | Caleone

  • Hi there Can anyone advice please on this funny/strange issue I have title on home page. When I type some of keywords the homepage appears in SERP with shortcut TITLE (just one keyword there). But when I type company name I have full TITLE. Could anybody advice please what can be a problem and how to fix it?

    | fleetway

  • I've been trying to influence branded SERPs recently by demoting certain pages from appearing in the Sitelinks feature provided in Google's Webmaster Tools. However, despite demoting various URLs, they continue to appear for the branded SERPs nearly a week after they should've been suppressed. What is your experience with Sitelinks? Do links you request to demote ever disappear or change positions in the SERPs for you?

    | eMagineSEO

  • I have been told that because of the technology this site was developed with it cannot be changed for example urls title and meta tags cannot be changed. why is that and what other types of sites also cannot be changed. For example i have been told alot of online stores cannot be optimised because the urls change every time some one goes to the page therefor you cant lionk to a certain page  is that true and what is the way around it if any.

    | duncan274

  • Has anyone had any experience with or used I'm just looking into them now. They seem to offer a 30 day free trial based on 'white hat' tactics that gives results. You can then pay to continue their services. They seem to base their services heavily around link building, so I'm dubious.

    | PeterAlexLeigh

  • Seo Site Analytics - Server Logs Vs Real Time Visitor Tracking I host with hostgator & they provide a tool Awstats to provide statistical data on site activity How does this AWSTATS type data fall short for lets for people more advanced in seo practices like seo companies ? What is the difference between real time visitor tracking and hosting companies servel logs data being provided by Awstats ? How thorough is Google Analytics so what data does google anlaytics provide that Awstats does not provide and how does it differ from google webmaster tools ?

    | helpwanted

  • Hello, is there anybody who has got some experience with 303 HTTP Status Code? Our software development would like to use 303 "See Others" instead of 301 for redirecting old product-links to the site-root, instead of showing 404 errors. What is the best practise for redirecting old product links which are gone in online-shop context? Best regards Steffen

    | steffen_

  • Hi All, Kenji Crosland here. I just joined (yesterday!) to do some of the blogger outreach and content creation/link building. Although most of the links we've gotten in the past are branded links, we've decided to actively pursue anchor text links with specific keywords. If you check, you'll see that vittana has a relatively high domain authority. At the beginning of next week we'll be conducting a blogging contest with A-list celebrity tech bloggers. I don't think we'll have time to contact influencers in other areas for this contest unfortunately. When these A-list bloggers write their posts, we want them to have a link to this page: To me, this seems a great opportunity to win on certain keywords we've discovered that should be easy to win and yet have a high volume of monthly searches. These are 5 word plus keywords that have over 300,000 searches per month. The students page, however, isn't optimized for those keywords. In the long run we want to win for the more difficult keyword "literacy". The word "literacy" is what we think will be a part of our new tagline: "Literacy is not enough". Because of time constraints, we won't be able to create landing pages to win for those "low hanging fruit" keywords in time for the blog contest. My question is: to what extent should we optimize the page for the five word plus low hanging fruit keywords that we've discovered. I imagine if the content isn't relevant our clickthrough rates will suffer even if we do win for it (Altering our meta description is a possibility here) . Should we just try for the difficult keyword from the get go and come up with other ways to win for the low hanging fruit keywords? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

    | vittana_seo

  • Hi Guys, I wanted to use this Wordpress plugin to minimize the access of spammers on my site. The plugin is called Bad Behavior. Any feedback with regards to this if its safe to use? Thanks in advance....

    | Trigun

  • I am working on a job site that only ranks well for the homepage with very low ranking internal pages. My job pages do not rank what so ever and are database driven and often times turn to 404 pages after the job has been filled. The job pages have to no content either. Anybody have any technical on-site recommendations for a job site I am working on especially regarding my internal pages? (Cross Country Any help would be much appreciated.

    | Melia

  • In "links to your site" how does Google Webmasters determine the order of the URLs? By influence? Quality?

    | nicole.healthline

  • I work for a small family insurance agency in CA and I am trying to learn how to compete in this extremely competitive industry. One of the ideas we had was to purchase all the long-tail keyword urls we could and use them as landing pages to direct traffic back to our primary site. (ex. Our thought was that we could put landing pages on each that looked almost identical to the main page and use the navigation in the landing pages as links to direct traffic to the applicable category pages on the main site. (Ex. -> My concern is that I want to make sure we don't tick off Google. Implementing this strategy would result in each of the category pages getting lots of links from the landing page navigation very quickly. I don't think the links will be worth much from an SEO perspective, but I don't want them to look like spam either. Any suggestions on if this sort of tactic would put us at risk of being penalized? If so, does anyone have any suggestions on a better way to implement a strategy like this? Thank you in advance for the help! I'm totally new to this and any advice goes a long way!

    | matthewbyers

  • I've got some crappy pages that I want to delete from a site. I've removed all the internal links to those pages and resubmitted new site maps that don't show the pages anymore, however the pages still index in search (as you would expect). My question is, what's the best practice for removing these pages? Should I just delete them and be done with it or make them 301 re-direct to a nicer generic page until they are removed from the search results?

    | PeterAlexLeigh

  • Hello and Welcome MozFriends! so I watched the WBF this morning, and I got the idea of making Keyword Tiers for a site like so. Site Products- wheelchair, Powerchairs, Hospital Beds, Lifts, Lift Chairs Specific Items- 16" wheelchairs, 4 wheel power chair, Patient lifts and such. The Keywords for the Front page would be very general not referencing the sites specific items at all. Like Medical Equipment, supplies things like that. Keywords for products would be the Manufacturers names, and the category name. Specific Items would have specific keywords to draw an audience that has a goal and is searching for that specific product. So my theory/experiment is this. Instead of making the whole site generate traffic for one type of audience, I am making certain tiers for certain audiences. The higher up in the Site Hierarchy the more global the keywords are designed for. It may just be complete and utter non sense but I would like to hear any thoughts on it if it works. Thank You Friends! Justin Smith

    | FrontlineMobility

  • Hey, I will give a thumbs up and best answer to whoever answers my question correctly. The Canonical Tag is supposed to solve Duplication which is fine. My questions are: Does the Canonical Tag make the PR / Link Juice flow differently? If I have and but put a Canonical Tag on reading then what does this do? Does it flow the Link Equity back to Can you use the Canonical Tag to change PR flow in any means? If I had and If I put a Canonical Tag on reading then would the PR from /kids-toys flow to /washing-machines or would Google just ignore this? (The pages are completely different in this example and content is completely different). Thank you.

    | AdiRste

  • If I intend to have 5 versions of an e-commerce site, one for each countries marketplace, would it be best to: a) Host each site in its own country b) Host all sites from 1 server/1 country I'm presuming that hosting in each country is better? But how quantifiable is this, and is it worth the extra hosting and management costs? Any advice gratefully received..

    | cottamg

  • Hello, is there anybody how has got some experience with 307 HTTP status code? We would like to use 307 HTTP status code (temp redirect) for disabling temporary some of our shop-categories where all products are out of stock. Generally a few days or hours later products are back in stock and category page is also back. Is it a good idea to use 307 beccause link sould be disabled temorary or should we use 301 instead? Best regards Steffen

    | steffen_

  • Hello and thank you for your attention. I am optimizing a travel website and I have a few problems. Every time I get a good rank for a particular keyword the owners take down the page because the offer is over. They also take down the category because the season is over.  That is why I loose all the rankings. What is the best option in this cases and how should I guide the whole team that putts offers and new categories on the website? Would a Static sitemap be enough - I do not know what to do as moving a category from the main menu to a sitemap - another page on the website would result in loosing authority - and SERP. Thank you!

    | A.Popoviciu

  • I created a link on my Google Plus page under the recommended links with the relevant anchor text and url. It turns out that this is a do-follow link from a webpage with a Page Rank of 8. Is this just too good to be true or have Google genuinely missed something?

    | MartinHof

  • Hi Guys I'm looking for some clarity of what I can and can't add to the custom attribute fields in a Google Places listing. From my understanding, you can add additional information about your services, but not what those services are. The issue I'm trying to resolve is that a client of mine offers far more than the 5 services/ category options Places allow. They are a home services company, covering all sorts from plumbing, painting and decorating, through to extensions etc. They have about 25 different services. At the moment I'm restricted to just getting rankings for 5 services (correlated to the categories in Places), when I'd like to rank locally for them all. As Google is showing local results for most search queries related to their services whether those searches are geographically modified or not, I'm in a position where even if I am ranking top 5 organically for the terms, I'm still on bottom of page 1, or top of page 2. Would it be wise to add these additional services to the custom attributes section of the Places listing, or would this set off the potential for a listing suspension? Any ideas how to combat this problem would be very welcome.

    | PerchDigital

  • Hi Guys and Girls, I have been studying SEO for a few years now.  I have learned quite a bit along the way.  One thing that I have had BEAT in my head is "Create Quality Content".  When I used to ask "What Should I do to get more visits?" I was told, "Create QUALITY CONTENT".  That was great advice, and I have done that.  I have created over 600 pages since then.  I went from 200 visits per month to now just over 5,000.  Even more importantly, I have increased my lead conversions. I say all of this because, about two years ago I told a competitor basically how you rise up in the search engines.  He turned around and bought a domain that was 3 years older than mine and had a main keyword in the domain.  He then just started building links with a bunch of blog comments and forum posts (The blog comments have like 2,000 comments on them).  In other words, he did what I would NOT do yet he is #5 for this keyword and I am #9.  (Although, I turned around and built another site and now I am at #13 for that and it has been up for a year now. I say all this, not to bore you but to tell ask you, DOES IT WORK IF YOU DO BLOG COMMENTING, FORUM POSTING, LINK WHEELS, ETC.  Do you obtain higher rankings? Should I be doing a bit of video marketing? I know a lot of people will say, "Why would you spend your time on things that may slightly impact your rankings, but obviously it did something for this guy.  Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

    | blake-76624

  • I am working with a client and recently discovered that they have several URLs that go to the same page. I am afraid this is happening all over the site. So, my question is: Is this hurting the SEO and how? If so what is the best way to go about fixing this problem? Thanks for your help!

    | WebMarketingandDesign

  • In Google's webmaster guidelines, they mention to view your site in a text browser to ensure all text is visible. All of our text is visible, but is very messy and is all jumbled on the page. I've noticed most sites text browser layout is clean. H How important is it to SEO that the site views cleanly in a text browser? Does anyone know of any feedback from Google engineers about this point?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hello- My company is having a very difficult time performing well for the term "locum tenens".  This term literally defines our industry and target market (temporary physician staffing, essentially) and is by far the most searched term in our industry (30k / month, give or take).  For us, “locum tenens” is like “ice cream” is to Ben & Jerry’s. Of course, there are other keywords we're concerned with, but this is by far the most important single term. We've moved up to page 3 a few times since launching our redesigned site in April, but seem to continuously settle on page 5 (we've been on page 5 for many weeks now). While I didn’t expect us to be on page 1 at this point, I having a hard time understanding why we’re not on at least 2 or 3, in light of the sites ahead of us.  We have a ton of decent, optimized content and we’ve tried not to be too spammy (every page does have locum tenens on it many times, but it describes our service – it’s hard not to use it many times). We are working on developing backlinks and are avoiding any spammy backlink schemes (I get calls every day from companies saying they can give me 400 backlinks a month, which I have a hard time believing is a good long term strategy).  It just sort of seems like our site is cursed for some reason that I can't understand. We are working with a competent SEO firm, and still have not made much progress for this term.  So, I’m hoping maybe the community here might have some helpful advice. Our site is Any insight you guys may have would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance and have a great day. Jason

    | ba_seomoz

  • Is there any value in purchasing a domain name for a search term we want to target? If there is, would it be better to have it forward directly to our site, or create a landing page that would then link to our site and our products?

    | FutureMemoriesInc

  • I just started with a client, who has an internal page (not the homepage) that gets about 70% of all total links to the site and ranks #1 for a highly competitive keyword. For some reason, the first set of links, including the first anchor text link to the homepage are nofollowed. I removed the nofollows yesterday. Today, The internal page has already been reindexed in Google showing the followed anchor text link to the homepage Should I expect a jump in link juice pointing to my homepage immediately with a corresponding rankings boost? Homepage is #8 for target term. I hope this makes sense. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    | MattAaron

  • Hi All, We are currently building a landing page that contains a bunch of funny top 10's, some that aren’t suitable for all customers, it can only be accessed from a PR source or recipient of one of our emails. The question I have is; where will the authority gained from people linking to this page go? Would it be passed to the home page, if there’s a link to it? Or would you recommend a way to control it? Any insight welcome. Cheers Neal

    | Exclaimer-286885

  • Hi, I was slightly affected by the panda update on the 14th oct generaly dropping by about 5-8 spots in the serps for my main keywords, since then I've been giving my site a good looking over. On a site I've got city listings urls for certain widget companys, the thing is many areas and thus urls will have the same company listed. What would be the best way of solving this duplicate content as google may be seeing it? I was thinking of one page per company and prominenly listing the areas they operate so still hopefully get ranked for area searches. But i'd be losing the city names in the url as I've got them now for example: Any ideas on how best to proceed? Cheers!

    | NetGeek

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