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Category: Competitive Research

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  • The site in question is The site is perfectly optimized (or even over optimized) for keyword "Bikin Website Murah" (in Indonesia it means "develop an affordable website") currently if you search on both AND, it ranked on #10 (on and it ranked on #7 (on, and both term only return 1.3 million results I have A LOT OF pages that started with 'bikin website' , or 'website murah' ... there are a lot of them, and i have had a lot of backlinks on those pages too (have been manually building a lot of links, starting from creating a tutorial article and blog submission and many other way) .. the site has been perfectly optimized for that keyword For example we have (for newest promotion) (for discount 40% promo that lasted untill 31 juli 2011) AND YET, if you search on for keyword "2000 likes facebook" , our lone page that i created when our facebook likes reached that amount, RANKED #1!! , and please let me tell you this term return 400 million results++ (on this keyword ranked #19, on 500 million results++). And let me tell you it take that SINGLE page (which has absolutely 0 backlinks) 2 days to ranked #1 .... and her brother if you searched "1000 likes facebook" also show similar result (though not better then the sister) How ?!? and Why ?!? , i dont understand this at all.... my domain does not contain any keyword, they uses the same engine and yet that lone pages which have absolutely no backlink ranked so well on a very competitive keyword, while my Target Keyword ranked poorly.... And what is even more bizzare? "Bikin website murah" might not rank good, but "bikin website" ranked better x_x ... arghh i dont get it... why my site ranked poorly on easy keywords and ranked high on difficult keywords :(( .... Why I am not smiling because those easy keyword is actually my primary keywords 😞

    | IKT

  • This website is pretty nice, well done. The few links they do have are nice and clean, from his brothers website, very much white hat. However, it appears that they aren't doing much of anything from an SEO standpoint. This site, is PA31 DA21 is also doing unusually well. In both cases, these guy are outranking the best know, most famous, and most trusted company in the industry who is PA84 DA81. This is a HUGE company that wins the most awards and gets tons of media coverage both in print and on televisiton shows. I'm also noticing that the websites that are ranking well in my niche (every keyword) all have the name of their company at the beginning of the title tag, those with the name of the company at the end of the title tag are consistantly a few ranks lower. This seems to be consistant across all search terms. My niche is highly competitive for a very low amount of traffic. Adwords is crazy expensive for some of these keywords! That said, one valid sale generates a significant amount of money. Would love to hear your thoughts. I'm thinking the first company is being treated so well becase G considers them to be virgins, the purist of white?

    | dmac

  • Hi Everyone, I'm trying to rank in Google for 'Hid xenon' in the netherlands, but there is one site above all results: As you can see the site almost has no backlinks, and has not a single word in it's content, all images. it's a keyword only domain, and that's probably the only reason why it's ranking that high, but that means then that i can never get higher then him in Google because of it's domainname? Even when it's such a shitty site? Thank you, regards yannick

    | iwebdevnl

  • I'm looking into for competitive backlink analysis. Already have SEOmoz (obviously) and Majestic. Anyone have any experience with the toolset? If so, what does it do well, what do you like, and where does it fall down? Cheers

    | BedeFahey

  • For example take these two websites. is a site that Iam working on and have had some success with yet seems to be poorly optimised with little backlinks and still gets place higher.  is it due to the key word in the domian name? The key search word is sniffer dogs New at this so any help would be appreciated regards Dave

    | ThePod

  • Hi Guys, Hope you can answer this question. Our website is currently on the first page in position 6 for a competitive keyword, domain is 11years old and currently has a PR of 4. At the moment there are 4 competitors above us one of which as two listings, they have managed to do this by creating a page dedicated to the keyword. E.g Do you think we would achieve a good ranking if we built the same page but with fresh content and links pointing to that page? Cheers.

    | ScottBaxterWW

  • G'Day All, Almost all of my clients are geo-based small service-based businesses. I've noticed during my research that the google places for our competitors in 3 separate niches (3 different clients) seem to be the dominating results for almost all relevant keyword terms. I'm curious to see if anyone has actively tried to increase the ranking of a google place by building links into it. Is this something that anyone else sees value to for a local small business? I would love to get some thoughts. And for that matter I'm also curious to see if anyone thinks there might be value to optimizing a Facebook Fan Page or Yelp Business page. They all seem to be key drivers of traffic our client websites so I'm wondering how difficult it is to make them rank as opposed to a website. Thanks!

    | blahblahblah2015

  • So I was doing some research in OSE and come across links in different articles on the There are more than three but I have included three below. Do a find for "blinds" on the articles. What I find interesting is that each article has a different author. Which probably rules out a friend doing a favour. As far as I can see, of all the many different types of advertising programmes the Independent has, this is not one of them. Which begs the question, how are they getting these links? What do you think?

    | KevinHenney98

  • For example, I want to search for every link to my site from stumbleupon. Is there a way to do this? Much thanks in advance!

    | TrevorMcKendrick

  • For example, If I have a domain: , and I want to focus in the bellow keywords: dvd umwandeln , dvd in avi umwandeln , and so on... I develop a IA like this: . Here the domain will give any value to the keyword dvd in avi umwandeln ( if we have the domain )? I hope I did explain it well... If I do it, its a good SEO pratice, is this going to really boost my keywords? Thanks for trying to understand my explaination

    | augustos

  • I have been link building for a couple months now. I am having a hard time trying to figure out which sites are even worthy of getting links from. Obviously, those that are clearly link farming, or have lots of ads throughout their site are not valuable.  I use OSE, but don't know what is a good P.A or D.A. and what it means when one is much higher than the other (and if that is a bad thing). I also use to give me a general idea of the unique visitors going into a site. Any tools I can use to help evaluate the strength of specific incoming links/ specific websites? Any ideas or thoughts would be helpful. Thanks So Much, Melissa

    | SEOneophyte

  • Hello, I would like to know if there is a tool or a way to find all the backlinks of a website in order to understand how this site does get traffic? Thanks, JD

    | sarenausa

  • I have just compared my domain authority with competitors and I can see that they are outscoring me on links from YouTube etc. Even though I have same set-up with regard YouTube and Squidoo etc and am also featured on Dmoz... these are not being added to my domain authority. Any ideas?

    | manedog

  • Anyone have any estimate of how many Page Rank 8 sites are out there? Best, Steve

    | Aggie

  • When using the SEO tool: We can see the top 10 competition on a lot of parameters but i think you are missing the research on PAGE TEXT CONTENT. What do you say ?

    | idoravivo

  • How to do when all of our keywords are highly competitive ( more than 60% seomoz tool ), and the monthly searchs are very few. One example: flv converter - 63% - 18k search/month Is there any advice? For US, all the keywords are very competitive....

    | augustos

  • So in looking at my first campaign with 3 of my top competitors, I have a domain authority of 65, and my competitors are 31, 43, and 38 and yet all of them outrank me by quite a bit. How can I take this research and make some sense of it to beat them in rankings? Thanks!

    | azguy

  • One of our competitors has over 100,000 links on Yahoo site explorer, most of them are from pages on their site with duplicate content and they don't seem to have a focus on gaining backlinks, but the site still ranks really well. Can anyone think of a reason why this duplicate content hasn't been penalised by Google?

    | RobertHill

  • Hi, I know this must be a repeated question but I would like to have an SEO company that would take care of getting my site on the top three pages of google and I would like some advice over my website. I have been investing in link building for a month now but I think my meta tag might not be the most appropriate, i should probably have various and came across your website. I have found zero negative feed back on your company, I run other business but this is my first online experience and don't have the time to give it the SEO so with that in mind I would like to know what SEO packages would you recommend for my business and in what time would I be seeing page ranks in google bing and yahoo. I hope you can help me out, I'm a newbie at this and my online business is interesting and want to see it already operating my website is sheep, concept is people can sell for free, not just post an item like a classified site but actually sell for free through paypal and we don't charge a fee, so would really want some insight. Hope you can help me out. Beat regards Jerry

    | Jerrysb

  • If you want to get conversion rate up what is the best method to do so?

    | blackrino

  • I'm trying to expedite my research by using the concatenate function. How should the search URL be modified to trigger a google places search as opposed to a normal search. Thanks!

    | BlueFountainMedia

  • Howdy, Me and my co-workers had a discussion at lunch time. We wonder if we should allow /image in our robot.txt. We arent sure what rank best. Image whit keyword in it or simply had a Alt at each image and hide the /image in the robot.txt... or have a allow /image AND a alt source. P.S. At this point, we didnt work on any sitemap or link it anywhere. Ty.

    | Promoteam

  • Getting a site listed on the first page for most keywords is fairly easy but pushing for the final 3 positions can be difficult. Have you ever experienced a point where you feel you have given all you can for a campaign and are left scratching your head as to why your not taking over the competitors site ? From experience SEO only tends to count once you reach those top positions. When you reach burnout with a keyword with link building etc Where do you turn ?

    | onlinemediadirect

  • Will someone give me a good definition of "Link Landscape", or a great article on it.

    | Trupanion

  • I did a quick search in SEOmoz keyword difficuilty tool and found out most of the keyword I pick with some nice traffic are all 70%. Keyword list: How "difficult" is 70%? If someone ask you to optimize and rank a (very) new website for a keyword with 70% difficulty: Will you take the challedge or you think mission impossible? Why? How do you relate this reletively abstract "number" to the real world? Thank you!

    | johnzhel

  • Hi everyone, I am new to SEO basically learning as I go and trying to catch up on all of the information needed to successfully move a website up the search engine ranks. The website I am trying to optimize is Right now I have determined which keywords I want to use, I have saturated them into the website in an organic way and have submitted the sites to various engines, also I have created a Facebook fan page which has 606 active monthly users in it's first month ( I don't know if that's a great number), as well as started writing a blog where I am putting links to the page in each relevant blog. My question has 3 parts 1. what else should I be doing to improve my ranking? 2. how do I find quality relevant websites that want to link exchange? 3. What is the best way to really get volume/ quality links to a relatively unknown site?Any advice or Ideas help and are very appreciated. Thanks

    | Future13

  • Hi All, i am pretty new to this world of SEO, we are looking for an individual that is true and honest in the work they carry out. Maybe a university student who knows alot about SEO/keywords and will get our sites where they need to be. So if you want to earn some extra money to help pay for your uni fees in your time and can provide a good SEO service, please get in touch. my email is [email protected], we have already had companies with the WE CAN DO IT!! we just want an individual that can do the work and be true to their word. There must be some honest people still out there. look forward to the email Regards Gina

    | ginag

  • Hi there, really new to seo and loving being able to research everything on seo moz. I have a question about the ip address of my site: I use a company that sells templated real estate websites (I'm a realtor) and I'm noticing all of their websites show as having the same ip address. There are probably 100's of sites on their server targeting the same keywords as I am, would this affect my ranking at all? I'm just considering switching to a Wordpress site with a unique IP address, so I'm curious to find out how the seomoz members would answer this question. Cheers, Adrian

    | adrianaldous

  • I have been trying to find the tool that provides the campaign data the linking C-block data.  Does anyone know which tool it is?  Or is that just part of the campaigns?

    | purch

  • We currently rate #10 on on Modern Cloth Nappies and the #4 site is a dead link to a page who's total content is: Index of / <address>Apache Server at Port 80</address> <address></address> <address>They have been at that rank for a quiet a while and even the cached version is full of broken links.</address> <address></address> <address>It seems Google is quick to jump on low value sites or ones with duplicate content, but what about stale links and sites? Has anyone else had similar experiences of being out ranked by domant or dead sites?</address>

    | oznappies

  • I am watching a SEOmoz webinar: Future of Link Building.At 13 minutes into the move an example search is shown where the search term is -seomoz. Rand explains this search will show the results of all pages which mention but do not offer a followed link. I tried that search for one of my sites: -terapvp. It doesn't work at all. It shows a list of sites discussing "tera pvp", none of which have links to me at all. That leads to two questions: how does the linkdomain: query work? how would I ask Google to show a results page of sites with nofollow links and/or citations to my site?

    | RyanKent

  • In the keyword difficulty screen how do I recreate your beutiful color coded spreadsheet in the exported excel file based on the advanced reports.

    | bmcfarlane

  • for the exact search 'how to get a girlfriend' in google? and are taken, so I just wanted to see if this was close enough to help google.

    | insitegoogle

  • In my link research today I found something interesting. I thought I would share and perhaps get some perspective on it. The term I'm looking into is the moderately competative "cinnamon bread". Not surprisingly, the first page of results is mostly recipes. The first few All Recipes, Pioneer Woman and Joy the Baker are not all that surprising - all pretty big names in the world of online baking. But when I got the the 4th result I thought it was odd - (more specifically with a DA of 38, respectable but not up there with the "big boys". Her on page elements are standard, not really optimized for much. She has a few hundred Facebook Fans and Google Connect followers. Now even more curious, I looked into her backlinks and discovered a ton of different no follows. She obviously does a lot of commenting on other baking/recipe blogs. Could these no follows be helping her rankings? I was always under the impression blog commenting was more to build a community and get yourself in front of influencers...could these no follows actually be counting towards ranking? Curious to hear some thoughts on this.

    | EssEEmily

  • I can get a link from this site, but it has a DA=39, Dmr=3.37, Dmt=3.39 and a Page Rank=0

    | b4tv

  • Is it possible to see backlinks to a particular site with the parameters: only .edu backlinks page updated in the last 3 months I've tried using the yahoo advanced search at but it just redirects me to yahoo site explorer and doesn't give the results I ask for. Cheers, Peter

    | PeterM22

  • I was using OSE and noticed all the backlinks to one of our competitors is there other domain name, which is the EXACT SAME website. You can enter both url's and they display the same content. They are not useing any canonical tags either. Why are they not penalized for duplicate content? And for using there own website for backlinks ? We try to do everything right, but still cannot beat them. Any thoughts on this?

    | hfranz

  • Q : can i have chance to rank higher than official website in google local domains ? for example : rank higher than microsoft,kaspersky,nokia etc... in google italy or google germany or any other local domain for google

    | activeacts

  • "Domain mozRank is a link popularity score based on how the domains, rather than just pages, link to each other. It is an indicator of a how popular is among domains" 5.12 out of 10 Just how exactly are the domains supposed to link to each other to obtain the highest possible mozrank?  Thanks

    | joemas99

  • Trying to use the saturation report suggestion with no luck for,and looking for away to benchmark either Pagerank or page authority to figure out how many links are required to overr take competitors from diversified sources. What is the process to do this to get the best results for the client.

    | bmcfarlane

  • The first result "Bankruptcy on IRS" is the search term. Why does the first url rank higher in google. The second one, the page beats them in PA, DA root domains links. The title meta has bankruptcy near the front. unclefed does have the IRS keyword in the title, but an I missing something here? What are the other factors, that are most obvious. Sure one can have bad links, and other negative criteria, but these are pretty decent sites that probably don't engage in much in seo, let alone bad SEO. Sure link text and mix of links can help, but am I missing something here? Actually what I think I really need IS A CHECKLIST OF WHAT TO CHECK IN WHAT ORDER WHEN COMPARING WHY ONE PAGE RANKS BETTER THAN ANOTHER. Appreciate all discussions. Thanks in advance.,,id=98701,00.html

    | joemas99

  • We want to rank higher on the keyword VCA. Our direct competitor VCAnederland ranks one place higher and we want that place. If we look at some statics from the Open site explorer, we score better. PA: VCAdirect = 53 VS competitor = 46 DA: VCAdirect = 43 VS competitor = 39 Total links = VCAdirect = 8415 VS competitor = 3051 External followed links = VCAdirect = 8178 VS competitor = 1059 Linking root domains = VCAdirect = 146 VS competitor = 105 SEOmoz competitive Domain Analysis (gives other numbers) DA: VCAdirect = 44 VS competitor = 40 DMozrank: VCAdirect = 4.30  VS competitor = 4.50 DMozTrust: VCAdirect = 4.00 VS competitor = 4.18 when I analyze the site with the SEOmoz tool. We see  this figures: VCAdirect: PA: 53 / MozR: 5.89 / MozT: 5.89 / Tot links 8415 VCAnederland: PA: 46 / MozR: 6.95 / MozT: 6.16 / Tot links 3051 On the on page Report card we score both an A. Where should we focus on to win the position?

    | PlusPort

  • If a keyword get 50% difficulty on the keyword tool what would it be if it was an exact match domain. Would it go down to 30% What if it was just one character off an exact match or one word? Thank you in advance!

    | OxzenMedia

  • One of my clients has a pretty decent website that ranks 1st place for most major keywords in their line of business. EXCEPT one keyword that i've been struggling to get 1st position on Google (currently 2nd). My problem is: let's say "tennis shoes" as a keyword the home page of course has several other shoes listed but I've seen that Google took my home page and made it 2nd position (on 1st page). Where the section  is on 2nd page of Google. My question is should i rel cannonical from the /tennis-shoes section to the home page so it focuses more on the specific keyword that i need to get the home 1st? Or should i leave the home page generic and focus more on /tennis-shoes to get that 1st position? What do you Moz'ers Think?

    | mosaicpro

  • I have been using SEO Spyglass lately but it can be very slow at times. Wondering if there are any other accurate/robust tools out there.

    | rmteamseo

  • We are currently building a brand new site that should launch in the next 6 to 8 months. Obviously we have zero backlinks, zero mentions anywhere, etc. My plan is to set up a landing page with contact info, links to social network, mailing list signup, the usual. I'll be doing keyword research and gathering leads for potential links but should i start and active linkbuilding campaign? What kind of SEO work would you recommend while the site is in development?

    | AaronParrish

  • I am trying to rank in the number on position for Part Time CFO. Currently we are in 2nd and 3rd. We have way more quality inbound links then the site in first position, more content etc. How would you go about investigating why they are ahead of us?

    | b2bcfo

  • Hey Mozers, I was conducting competitive research for a client of mine and I discovered one of their competitors has over 50,000 backlinks! After removing my heart from my stomach I realized that 99.9% of the links came from a single website that doesn't have nearly that many pages. Has anyone experienced this in the past? And if so what exactly is going on? C

    | calindaniel

  • You sell a great selection of books but your site always ranks in the SERPs at Position #2 - right below  You will probably never rank higher than their PR8 domain. But you can still beat them..... How?  With a value proposition that you SHOUT in your title tag. ================================== <title>Mysteries of Atlantis only $(kickass price)</p> <p>You will take all of their sales because they sell everything at MSRP.</p> <p>==================================</p> <p><title>Mysteries of Atlantis | Download or Immediate Shipping</p> <p>Everybody wants fast service</p> <p>==================================</p> <p><title>Mysteries of Atlantis | Free Shipping</p> <p>Everybody loves free shipping</p> <p>==================================</p> <p>The examples above will help you deal with a stodgy retail company.  But what if you are stuck at #2 below a site like Wikipedia or WebMD?  You don't have price or shipping to use as a weapon.   Now you have to get clever at eliciting the click.  Here are a few title tag samples for eliciting the click..... </p> <p>Wikipedia has a sleepy title tag that reads <em>"Atlantis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"</em></p> <p>You can beat that!  Here are some ideas....</p> <p><title>Atlantis:  Why the Mystery is a Pile of Baloney</p> <p><title>Atlantis:  The Evidence that Convinced PhD Skeptics</p> <p><title>Secrets of Atlantis Discovered in the Ruins of Pompei</p> <p>==================================</p> <p>Next time you are stuck at #2 decide how you can put up a fight!</p> <p>Think about your value proposition, a catchy question, an easy solution, something seductive or even provocative....</p> <p><title>Brass Widgets | Best Selection on the Web!</p> <p><title>Brass Widgets | Lowest Prices that We Have Seen!</p> <p><title>Brass Widgets ! Every Size and Shape Imaginable!</p> <p><title>Brass Widgets | Free Beer with Every Purchase!  :)</p> <p>===================================</p> <p>OK... you probably can't deliver on the Free Beer... but you are probably getting the idea.  Those are some of the tricks that I have used.</p> <p>Remember to test and watch your analytics!</p> <p>What ideas do you have?  How have you kicked ass from Position #2?</p> <p>Actually, these methods can work from any position in the SERPs... but the #2 probably pulled in your click.  ;)</p></title>

    | EGOL

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