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Category: Competitive Research

Uncover new and exciting ways to conduct competitive analysis

  • Do you think that if your website is from your home country. You will rank better for some keyword even when you dont have much page authority when compared to other websites having much higher page authorities from other countries.

    | ksbnok

  • I've been using SEOMOZ for several months now. I've been working on cleaning up my onpage SEO for a while now. I have much less errors then my competition and my competitive link analysis is better than the #1 and the same as the #2 google result for "Kayak Fishing" in Google US. Can anyone offer any more advice on how I can get rank better? My site is currently ranked #52 on Google US. My SEO Report overview: One of the competition overview: Looking at the link analysis will the difference in links make that much of a difference?

    | mr_w

  • Do websites which draw a large number of visitors get higher rankings (or "points") than websites which get less visitors?

    | Inyankara

  • Hey everyone, I work for a local jeweler who only has one store and wants to rank for geo-targeted and local results. We want to rank for "jewelry Minneapolis", "Minnesota engagement rings" and terms like that, since we're not an e-tailer we don't need to rank nationally... just in the MSP metro. I've been trying to find a service that has accurate search volume information for local search. I want to see how many searches are being conducted for various terms so I know where to focus our time and effort to rank for these terms. Does such a service exist? Or something that is more geared toward a strictly local strategy such as ours? Thanks in advance for all of your assistance! Jayme

    | jpretz

  • I was wondering if anyone could suggest any resources on how to use GA and webmaster tools? I just sort of look and see my stats, etc...but I'd like to learn how to find my low hanging fruit, and try to help it rank better. I don't really use those tools as well as I should. I know there various spreadsheet's you can use, etc, but I haven't found a good (and easy to understand) resource that helps you learn how to use those tools together well. Thanks

    | NoahsDad

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm using Advanced Web Rankings (AWR) to track my site and a number of competitors in Google - seeing how rankings and brand visibility change from week to week. I didn't set this up from scratch and I'm worrying with all of the recent algorithm changes that I might well be tracking the wrong competitors. Is there a tool or methodology I can use to find the biggest players in the market? I'm in the travel market so there's lots of choice and I track the large sites but want to be sure I'm aware of smaller/mid-sized sites gaining visibility without me tracking them via a platform like AWR. Many thanks!

    | panini

  • Hi Guys, I'm looking to purchase 1 of the above services and I'm just wondering which one you guys think is best? Looking a ahrefs they seem to update there index more often. Thanks, Scott

    | ScottBaxterWW

  • Is there anything out there similar to the's competitor research that can tell you a web sites total amount of appearances on Google that includes the phrases for which the domain ranks?

    | thebaldman3

  • I saw a question posted by someone a while back asking how a certain (in their opinion crappy) site was ranking in the top then. It happened that there were some good reasons for that site ranking. Well.... I have stumbled on a site that seems to be ranking for (almost) no reason at all: relatively low DA/PA very few inbound links (none seem to be that special) thin content The only thing I can think of, is that the site has the keyword in the domain name. But looking at the search results, there are other domains with exact match keyword in URL and somewhat stronger metrics that don't rank.

    | inhouseseo

  • Is there a rater of Content Delivery Network services?

    | casper434

  • From the video, I understand I should be looking for unique opportunities.  But is there a baseline for product qualification, ie., a min. PA,LRD, Inbound LInks, social shares, etc.  I guess I'm asking what I should be looking for in the data provided on each competing site? What determines THE most popular and unique product?

    | AhmadS

  • I was using Open Site Explorer to compare some of my site's links to a competitor and I noticed that my Twitter page is not counting as an incoming link, whereas theirs are.  From what I can tell, we have the same kind of setup on my twitter page, listing the domain in the company information... but no luck.  Any suggestions on what I may be able to change? For reference: ... I know I need to work on the twitter presence... one thing at a time 🙂

    | Ask_MMM

  • Just trying to understand the video I watched on Link Building w/ Open Site Explorer.  I'm not seeing the dmT metric in the live version.  Has it been replaced by something else. Or is there someplace else I need to look for it?

    | AhmadS

  • Hi, the website I'm working for is loosing rankings for one specific keyword and since there haven't been any bigger onsite changes I assume it's the back links. The company bought some exact anchor text links in the past, so I went through those. One specific one attracted my attention: It's a site wide link which creates over 80% of the back link profile to the specific website. There was only one catch: part of this bought anchor text campaign is another highly targeted anchor text which is not negatively affected by the rankings. Still I didn't like the feel of this so I ran the seomoz keyword difficulty report. And there I discovered an interesting pattern: For keyword A we are the only ones in the top10 with such a high percentage of exact keyword usage. But for keyword B, which didn't loose rankings our top10 competitor have an even more over-optimized keyword usage or much weaker back link profile. So now I wonder if it could actually be the case, that we loose rankings for keyword A since our competitors have a more natural profile, but for Keyword B it has no negative effect due to the worse competition. Thanks in advance for your help!

    | RomiSverige

  • I understand that different markets have different levels of competition and on site SEO plays a role. But, has anyone seen a general rule of thumb as to the number of citations needed to rank well?

    | Dave_Whitty

  • I am looking for a tool that not only accurately tells me how many links are being built by a competitor, I want to know the specific URLs for specific periods. If I can filter/search by time periods, i.e which links were added for the month of August, 2012, that would be great. Thanks for the help.

    | inhouseseo

  • Hi all, The .com for my domain name has become available (I am currently a so I am looking to move over my website to this but first would like double check if this would have any affect on my SEO at all? As a company we mainly target the middle east (Although based in the UK) but at the time of registering years ago the .com was not available. Do I have a 'history' logged with the current domain or is my website solely dominated by the content? Also, if I do transfer what would be the easiest way of doing this just changing the DNS to a different location (will there be a duplicate content issue on both domain names?). Thanks in advance!!

    | starydynamo

  • In your opinion, Which are the main reasons of this difference?

    | BorjaUrreta91

  • what's your favorite guide to keyword research? in lieu of having a favorite, what is the most comprehensive guide you've come across?

    | Mozzin

  • Hi there, Wondering if anyone can help me with understanding the advanced reports in Open Explorer. I'm looking to create a list of competitors links to go after but don't want to create loads of links from the same c blocks for blog posts, articles etc. In open explorer it says my competitor has 451 linking C Blocks but when i download csv's using advanced reports with the filter of 'links that come from the same C block', the csv only has 26 links. The same happened with the filter 'from the same ip address'. How can i download and analyse the links so I can see all the linking C blocks and know which sites I want to use and which ones I want to avoid? Thanks, Ross

    | Will_Craig

  • Latttteee last night I asked this question Just like the question says, I would have thought that Google would reward a site with more traffic that clearly has a growing level of user engagement. I can't imagine that there are other sites in my niche that are having a longer rate of user engagement... Well, since I can't guarentee that, let's not debate what we don't know.. But shouldn't SOME benefits be seen for a 110% increase? I mean shit, if I could replicate those results with sales, I would really be able to afford higher rankings... Maybe that's how they feel? If I get longer duration, I should get more sales, which means I should be able to afford to pay a professional more to get me to rank higher....? A nice guy Marcus Miller( answered by saying Hey Tyler Google analytics data is not used in anyway in the search ranking algorithm. It's a great thing that your user engagement is up, but it will not benefit you with a better rank on the back of that. That said, if people are enjoying your site more, it should be easier to generate more links and sharing to get more traffic and hopefully boost your standing in search. This is worth a watch: Hope this helps. Marcus I was still a little unsure though, so I said Solid answer man, I really appriciate the youtube link too, gotta love when an answer is chizzled in stone. I was thinking though.. Google does track data for bouncing back to search for similar queries, and some types of time on site, etc, right? Do you, or does anyone else know the specifics about the data that Google tracks, in relation to how a user interacts with your site?

    | TylerAbernethy

  • I have had a site for 10+ years and recently decided to really put a lot of effort into boosting its page rank.  In the last 2 months, I have 1.  participated in forums 2.  gotten a number of reasonably high ranking websites in my industry to link to my page i.e. creating 100's of external, do-follow back-links 3.  created some external websites which are subject matter specific to my industry that are pointing back to my website.  At this point, these sites do not have much in the way of page authority So far, my sites Alexa ranking has increased considerably from a rank of ~20M to ~1.7M worldwide.  How do I go about increasing my page rank / mozRank equally as quickly? Having done a campaign of the competition, I noticed that most of their links are internal i.e. 750k+ which is nothing more than noise because they are not offering anymore information/products that we're offering.  Moreover, we have duplicated all of their external links and then some.  Finally, they have created a number of 'feeder' sites that all point back to them each with a page rank of 4.  This is were they are obtaining the bulk of their 20k+ external links. What do you suggest that I do that I have not done already?

    | thelearningman

  • So, I'm about 2-3 weeks into my subscription and see a renewal coming.  I love the information I'm getting - but I really want to maximize my capabilities with these tools. Any article/blogs or forum post suggestions that I should read would be awesome,  right now I'm still in that phase where i see lots of cool things -  but have no idea to fully use them to really give me that even bigger boost. My First Question is - There are some keywords, that I climb and sometimes slip.  But overall a competitor and i flip flop between 15-22 range for it.  What would be a good way for me to really add that extra push to throw me down into the top ten and leave them in the dust?.. Also on the Keyword topic - There are a lot of keywords they probably rank for that I don't, what is the best way to go about identifying keywords they may targeting/have a good presence in that I'm not aware of. I do have a site that is on multiple newspapers, and .gov sites.  Among other things... This has already proven to be very good for me.  But I'm 99% sure I have a few/lot of leaks, that if they were plugged - We would see a lot of good things come from those results.

    | choiceenergy

  • Hi, After months of targeting, promoting etc... I have now reached rank position 1 for my phrase "creative recreation trainers" and I stand at rank 3 on I am happy with these results as this is the phrase I targeted and this is the brand I wanted to rank first for. But were do I go from here? I am thinking I change brand and try work some magic on that, but still continuing to add backlinks etc... to the Creative keyword phrase? What would people advise? Also can anyone do an analysis of any sort on that keyword phrase and/or the url and tell me some good points, bad points, what to do next and so on? Any help would be great. Thanks

    | YNWA

  • When I click on the "Link Analysis" tab it says my website has a domain authority of 1 and has 0's for every other category. When I run it in Open Site Explorer - it says I have a page authority of 51 with over 4600 links. My website also seems to be at a stand still over the past several weeks. Anyone know why the two Link Analysis is not showing anything? Thank you

    | tyler756

  • Hi! I'm SEOMOZ PRO user and I want to know which pages of other website are ranking on top on Google, Yahoo, Bing, ecc... with relative position (rank). Is there a features of SEOMOZ for it? Regards

    | jadlib

  • Hi guys, I am having a little trouble with one of my sites. I am trying to rank for a particular keyword, which is the same as my domain name. I have the and my competitor has the Please see the screenshot below to show our back link comparisions. I don't understand how the mozrank and moz trust are calculated as I am getting beat here. They rank first in Google UK and I rank 10th. Both of our sites are well seo'd by professional companies so I am baffled how, with this profile and a diverse set of anchor text links, I am getting beat. I would really appreciate any help and advice on this guys... Thank you backlinkcomparison.jpg

    | MirandaP

  • Hi /I've just created an account on SEOmoz, I have a domain http;// with pages like http;// on it. I used as my root domain and I only get reports for my home page http;// and not the other pages on the domain. How do I fix this???

    | diginerds

  • I purchased a site which was making decent revenue without much work (all via PPC or CPM) but then afterwards started looking at the SERPs and realized I was being outranked for the main term, 'starcraft 2 guide/s' by crappy ClickBank sites like and many others. Researching specifically in SEOMoz/Rush/Majestic shows as being quite superior in everyway, not to mention it has quite a social following for a small gaming site, yet Google seems to care not. Can someone please explain what's going on here? It seems like the site was penalized, but there was never any link building done for it aside from word of mouth on forums (this was mentioned beforehand). Thank you everyone.

    | Neyzio

  • hi, can i use abbreviations for domain, if i want to purchase a long keyword domain like 29 characters? abbreviations are good for SEO or GOOGLE appreciate it or not? and use that keyword in description of the site or title of the site need your help..

    | parallelseo

  • Dear, From the linkexplorer tool, you can see: Total links Linking Root Domains Is it possible to see which domain(s) have the MOST links pointing to the website you are exploring (the URL typed in)? Thanks.

    | waidohuy

  • Hello, I've been asked to identify what keywords a group of blogs/communities might target so that we might gain some insight for our own SEM purposes. It's been several years since I used SEOmoz's tools, so they have changed a lot. I couldn't remember if you had such a tool, but it appears you do not--or at least not that I am finding. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of such a tool where I can input a subdomain, and have a report stating which keywords are the ones the domain rates highly for. To be clear: I'm not looking for a traffic estimation or anything; simply a breakdown of what keywords a specific page or domain support most. P.S. I did a search on here for certain terms like "competitive keyword targets" and so forth, and saw no matching QA. I'm sorry if there is a duplicate! Thanks,

    | krisgosser

  • hi, i want to know if Page Linking Root Domains is less and Root Domain Linking Root Domains is higher in number, at that time your keyword is highly competitive or less competitive? for example if a keyword having this information:- Page Authority is:-83 Page Linking Root Domains:- 295 Domain Authority is :- 94 Root Domain Linking Root Domains:- 42,399 which point is more important to consider? if you want to bring your keyword on the first page of the Google ?

    | parallelseo

  • If my site is not in the first 50 results and the keywords are medium to highly competitive? I have just started adding to directories, planning out a blog, fixing seo mistakes, updating sitemaps etc. The 1st ranking competitor has external links in the tens of thousands whereas I have maybe a few hundred. I see a light at the end of the tunnel as competing sites in between me and the 1st place ranking competitor have external links only in the 1000-2000 level. We are an ecommerce site and want to be ready for our high season which is Nov-Jan.

    | ribandhull

  • Is there a tool that I can use that will show me a list of my competition's links that I don't have?

    | ballhogjoni

  • My results as they actually appear on (I physically check weekly) have dropped back over the last 2-3 weeks. How can I tell if this is as a result of Penguin? I have checked webmaster to look into my Avg Position and webmaster is telling me for the last month it has improved which from physical checks I can confirm it hasn't. Is there anywhere I could definitevely check if I have been marked down by google as a result of penguin OR whether my rankings have shifted down because Penguin has promoted other sites? Thanks,

    | girlie

  • Trying to understand the sporadic search results from Google I have been searching for answers to my situation for two
    months now with little results. I have had numerous answers and various
    solutions to the issue, and I have followed through with them trying to solve
    this problem but the results are the same. Beginning in late April our SERP went down drastically. I
    have checked and cleaned the website of any errors and issues that I can find with
    no change in the results. I have submitted a request to Google to be
    reconsidered and have been told now three times that we are not being manually
    penalized.  The last request I asked for
    any specific reason that we were seeing these very unusual SERP results and got
    no answer. The best way that I can explain the issues is with a specific example. These results are similar with other pages throughout the website: If you search for a specific page Title you get some really strange results: Search for: Gallery Wrap vs Museum Wrap Photos on Canvas The results vary from day to day but for the most part remain very similar: ·**  Black and White Photos on Canvas make Amazing
    Wall Art** Mar 20, 2012 – ... shots to Black and White. What a great way to display your photos on canvas. ... Gallery Wrap vs. Museum Wrap · Before & Afters
    That WOW! #53 | PR: ·**  Sitemap - Get Your Photos on Canvas** Use our Sitemap to help locate exactly what you are looking for and navigate directly to that ... FREE Enhancements · MORE Enhancements · Gallery Wrap vs. #54 | PR: ·**  Like Get Your Photos on Canvas on Facebook** Like Us on Facebook and keep in touch with Special Offers and information about Get Your **...**FREE Enhancements · MORE Enhancements · Gallery Wrap vs. #56 | PR: ·**  [Help Get Your Photos on Canvas](** Our Help Pages have information about Get Your Photos on Canvas, our Gift Cards, What our ... FREE Enhancements · MORE Enhancements · Gallery Wrap vs. #62 | PR: ·**  Free Convert to Black and White for Your Photo on
    Canvas Prints.** ... OF CHARGE. We produce the very best quality Black and White Photos on Canvas in the business. ... Wrap vs. Museum Wrap · Before & Afters That WOW! #67 | PR ·**  Large Format Photographic Canvas Wall Displays - Get Your Photos ...** Photo on Canvas Wall Displays or Wall Groupings can be produced in a wide variety of Layouts including ... Wrap vs. Museum Wrap · Before & Afters That WOW! #73 | PR The target page does not show up in the top 350 search results yet all of the above pages are listed in the top 100. It is important to note that most of these pages do not even contain the keywords allery Wrap vs Museum Wrap or any variation of those keywords. Yet, they appear in the displayed results? If you search just Gallery Wrap vs Museum Wrap our title page appears as #2 on Google? ·**  Gallery Wrap vs Museum Wrap Photos on Canvas** Gallery Wrap vs Museum Wrap Canvas, two options for your photo on canvas prints. Find out the difference between Gallery Wrap and Museum Wrap. #2 | PR Just as a point of interest, both keyword phrases score A in on page results. I would be grateful for any ideas or assistance on what might be causing these results and of course guidance on what I need to do to correct the problem. Thank You.

    | rdominey

  • Hi, I had been in SEO for around 2 to 3 years, I am looking for your suggestion if there is any best keyword research tool. I tried almost most of the keyword research tool (both paid or free) but I found the following problem: -Worktracker:  I think it is too difficult to use and understand as a non technical person.  I always wonder the data accuracy because when the same keyword appear in Google for few thousand traffic, it only appear in Wordtracker for few dozen or hundred of search.  Also I don't think they suggest any long trail keywords in my view.  The long trail keyword you can also find in free keyword search tool. -Google Keywords Tool- Good, but it can only show 100 results.  I cannot get a better pictures of related or niches keywords.  I always find some competitive keywords can rank easily but some non competitive keywords usually very difficult to rank in some case.  It will depend on how you interpret the data results. -Keyword Discovery and Wordstream-Although I really want to subscribe, but they are a way too expensive (you have to subscribe for 12 months).  I check with their free keywords tool but only shown very limited results. Although there are some other like or keywords spy...... Is there any one can suggest me which is the best tool to start with keyword search for the long trail and niche keywords ?  or is there any way or trick to find the best keywords ? Thank you. Tom

    | Stevejobs2011

  • When you're working for a manufacturer it's not exactly the same as working for a company that is flat-out informing people with content and links and revealing a lot of information (relatively speaking). Please tell me what you do when you're working with a client that is not willing to reveal too much because competition = fear of the unknown (like if you take a chance and post something online that your competition may use against you). I would appreciate less speculative and more informed answers from people who have actually done this kind of work - as opposed to those who think theoretically they may know the best way to go because they work for other types of businesses that are not as proprietary as manufacturing is. Thank you.

    | karlseidel

  • I am trying to figure out who the real competitors are for the domain that I have been recently handed. Other than the client's references, which I don't think are the real competition (they are his benchmarks), how do I go about discovering the true competition? What the simplest, most effective way to go about discovering my business and search competitors? Given that this is a web portal, aren't both of the latter the same?

    | amit2076

  • A recently acquired client keeps insisting that his major competitors are online fashion magazines, fashion news sites and insider bloggers but the site he owns is basically a fashion encyclopedia. It contains facts and catalogues and even a dictionary of fashion concepts. According to me, these latter are his benchmarks and not his competition His major competitors, according to me. are people competing on the first SERP pages for terms like "fashion history", "fashion icons", "fashion biographies", etc. Am I right? How do I convince him that these are his real competition. This is really going to determine the direction of my keyword research.

    | amit2076

  • Wondering if I could get some opinions from the fellow moz users' I have a website which I which to rank for the term 'evening dress'.As you can imagine it is a pretty difficult term with a score of 62% (the term gets 301,000 broad matches and 27,000 exact matches a month). As much as I would like to target this term I feel that my domain is not strong enough (DA 39) to match the competition. Therefore, would a better strategy be to target long tail keywords which also contain the primary keyword, ie black evening dress evening dress hire cheap evening dress buy evening dress online please note that these were just examples, I haven't researched a comprehensive long tail list. Would targeting these long tail keywords mean that a) I should be able to rank for them faster and thus receive more traffic, sooner, and b) build up links to the page which I ultimately want to rank for evening dresses with numerous backlinks containing the keyword evening dress. The trade off with doing this is that I would need to seo one page for all the long tail keywords to gain the maximum benefit for the 'money' keyword. Does this sound like a sensible approach to both ranking for big money term and also getting traffic sooner rather than later? Thanks Carl

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • Hello Everyone I would like to launch an ecommerce website. Most of the competitors in the same market are using some duplicate content for their product description What should I do? Use the same duplicate content knowing that everyone else is doing the same or rewrite it. Will I get penalized by Google if I use duplicate content? If I don’t will I get a better ranking that my competitors? Thanks for your help Joel

    | slv_link

  • I need help to solve an ongoing problem. I have been working to try to figure this out now for weeks. When you search a
    specific page title that has a low competition and all of the SEO checks indicate
    that the page should rank in the top 10 if not #1 yet it is nowhere to be found
    (not in top 200). I have looked at all of the suggested possible caused from
    this and other forums. I have been told by Google that we are not being
    manually penalized. I have taken action to correct all of the issues that have
    been mentioned in forums; speed, links, SEOmoz crawl results are good, No major
    problems for the site, page rank for the search keywords is A yet; Still the problem persists please let me explain with this simple test result: Search Google, Yahoo and Bing for; Gallery Wrap vs Museum Wrap Canvas Looking for this page: Google = not in top 200 Yahoo = 2 Bing = 2 On the Google search if you drop the work Canvas the result is #2 With the exact title phrase; Gallery Wrap vs Museum Wrap Canvas We find the following pages, but not the correct page: Free Digital Proof from Get Your Photos on Canvas <cite></cite> FREE Digital Proofs offered by Get Your Photos on Canvas before you ... form the Gallery Wrap or what the Museum Wrap will look like and much, much more! Rank 76 on search for Gallery Wrap vs Museum Wrap Canvas Photos on Canvas Online Gallery Photographs by Ray Dominey <cite></cite> Photographs
    on Canvas by renowned St. Augustine Photographer
    Ray Dominey. Photographs ... Gallery Wrap vs. Museum Wrap · Before & Afters
    That WOW! Rank 107 on search for Gallery Wrap vs Museum Wrap Canvas Photo on Canvas Triptych, Three Panel Canvas Split Wall Display <cite> 21, 2012 – Photo on Canvas Triptych Split Panels are very popular today but the origin of ...
    Gallery Wrap vs. Museum Wrap · Before & Afters That WOW!</cite>Feb Rank 128 and 132 on search for Gallery Wrap vs Museum Wrap Canvas I need help can anyone please help me figure this out?

    | rdominey

  • Does the starter crawl work in the first 30 days? Mine has been going 2 days and still no results, has finished yet??

    | WalterW

  • Hello friends, Im new here... I just create a campaign for my site , but when I try to use open site explorer to see anything there... I receive a message saying that my site is not crawled... What can I do? I have a few links coming to my site.. but these links does not appears on my campaigns details.. for these links my site is PR3, but i can not see any of this links on the general view of my campaign. Sorry for my english....

    | lans2787

  • When comparing traffic data for my own sites and others, I see very large discrepancies between Google Analytics, Google AdPlanner, Compete, - used to be a great way to get data on other websites' traffic, but now they don't seem to show data for international sites, and the data matches very closely to other sources for some sites and not close at all for others (200% differences). Does anybody have experience with the accuracy of Does anybody have experience with the accuracy of Google AdPlanner traffic data?

    | sr2303

  • What is the best way to improve this in reference to my competition?  My site(s) are formatted well, returning no errors or warnings.  I have removed my keyword meta-tag and tested my sites against the keywords that we want to appear under.  Now I need to close the gap on the competition.

    | bobbabuoy

  • With the only content a list of links to realaudio files, how is the website, otr ranking?

    | newmon

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