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Category: Algorithm Updates

Discuss algorithm updates and impacts.

  • Unfortunately my website is not mobile friendly. As it is based on clickable links within an image there is no way to adapt it either. Now, I have heard Google is getting serious about mobile friendly design, how will this impact my ratings? My current analytics show 57% desktop, 24% mobile and 19% tablet. I really like the design of my site with the clickable images and would hate to have to change it because Google says so :-(. My website is

    | ijb

  • Anyone have any insight into how shortened URLs affect SEO? I use Bitly occasionally for shortened links and was curious if this matters for any reason at all?? I basically use it so I can fit the links in places where long URLs look absurd...mostly social media platforms. I know there's some debate over whether the domain name affects ranking or not. Frankly, that all just goes over my head. Any thoughts welcomed!

    | adamxj2

  • I think it's good for the user experience and speeds up websites, especially if your site has a lot of requests. But i'm not sure if there are other side effects, and if there's an impact on SEO or technical configuration. Most of my websites are built with Wordpress, some with Joomla.

    | Croco_Web_Solutions

  • I have a main site, and a niche site that has products for a particular category. For example, is the main site, is the niche site. The niche site has about 70K product pages that have the same content (except for navigation links which are similar, but not dupliated). I have been considering shutting down the niche site, and doing a 301 to the category of the main site. Here are some more details: The niche sites ranks fairly well on Yahoo and Bing. Much better than the main site for keywords relevant to that category. The niche site was hit with Penguin, but doesn't seem to have been effected much by Panda. When I analyze a product page on the main site using copyscape, 1-2 pages of the niche site do show, but NOT that exact product page on the niche site. Questions: Given the information above, how can I gauge the impact the duplicate content is having if any? Is it a bad idea to do a canonical tag on the product pages of the niche site, citing the main site as the original source? Any other considerations aside from duplicate content or Penguin issue when deciding to 301? Would you 301 if this was your site? Thanks in advance.

    | inhouseseo

  • If people are linking to your site, it would seem natural that the vast majority of those links would point to the homepage, product page, or a article/content page. Let's say you have 100 links pointing to your site, and 40 of them are pointing to category pages. Would this seem unnatural? Does Google or other search engines have a way of determining this as a factor in ascertaining whether the links are natural or not? Is there a rule of thumb when it comes to the pages that are linked to on your site?

    | inhouseseo

  • I had a downward slide in Google organic traffic at the beginning of April (around 8-10th). It doesn't coincide with any of the algo updates, and I can't figure out what the cause it. Has anyone else experienced such a drop? Any suggestions as to finding the source/cause? TIA

    | inhouseseo

  • Hey Mozers, What are your thoughts of this situation i'm stuck in all inputs welcome 🙂 I am in the middle of this massive domain migration to a new server.  Also we are going to be having a very clean SEO friendly url structure.  While I was doing some parsing and cleaning up some old urls I stumbled upon a strange situation on my website. I have a bunch of "dead pages" and they are 302'd to a "page not found" probably a old mistake of one of the past developers.  (To clarify the HTTP Status code is not 404) Should I try to fight to get all these "dead pages" a 404 error code or could I just leave the temp redirect 302 > "page not found" ( even though I know for a fact theses pages are not going to turn on again)

    | rpaiva

  • Why would google favour results from overseas retailers for queries in the UK? It's weird since most won't ship to the UK and the same products are found at dozens of UK retailers. It's not the case that the overseas sites are necessarily bigger brands or better SEO optimised, so having asked the leading agencies in the UK and them being stumped I was curious if this was something anyone else had seen? Our theory is that this can only be a poorly disguised attempt to drive Adwords.

    | predatornutrition

  • Hello, when I type this: in Google search The result is in the photo , please see. My question is: Is this good or bad ? And if is bad how can I remove it from Google search? CMS is Wordpress and I use Yoast SEO.... my site is: Thank you 🙂 Ul13Ku2.png

    | ivek1987

  • Hi Moz, Recently Google started showed new snippets in searches as seen in the attached below (1) but the problem I'm finding is I'm sure its showing me different results to "normal" searches especially when compared to a logged out or alternative account (2). Now I've got a solution to this but wanted to know if anyone else had solutions to removing this or at least gaining a more normal result with it on. Seems to almost personalize the search results which isn't ideal so if anyone knows how to get this to stop I would love to hear it You can also see some more info here - thanks helping me with the mild irritant NNX9J8p.jpg Ntj7WbX.jpg

    | GPainter

  • Hi, I don't know if this is strange or just normal thing for some keywords to rank one position up for around 24 hours and get back to its original position. Making it clear to understand, i have these 3 keywords kw1, kw2, kw3 on first page of google on position #3,#3 and #4 respectively. The content  of the site is almost static so adding new contents to the site is out of question for now. I noticed that at least 2 times a week those keywords rises to one position above  and then gets back to their  own normal position. I noticed the serp position change takes place for around 24 hours only.

    | MindlessWizard

  • Has anyone seen any evidence of Google penalizing for Medical Marijuana related keywords in states where that is legal? Thanks in advance.

    | eocreative

  • We have a secondary site for our online magazine, how do I code the SEO so I don't steal links from the main site?

    | gacwebteam

  • Hi, We are a PR agency based in Dubai and we produce a lot of web content. The website is build on ruby on rails and we have implemented keywords and SEO strategies but sadly the traffic pattern has not changed since the past three years. What surprised us today that we created a page 2-3 days ago for a client who is participating in Arab Health (a very prestigious healthcare event) and suddenly our page comes on top 3 on as well as We are kind of convinced that there is something wrong with our code.. Do you think this could be a possibility? and the lack of change in the traffic pattern might not be an SEO issue but a code issue? What could be the possible reasons for this pattern? In such a scenario what would experts like you recommend we do? Do a SEO Audit? Web audit? code audit? hire a seo/ web / code consultant? Thanks - helpful answers are really appreciated and just btw if anyone feels they could professionally help us out of this mess, we are willing to work with him/her. Thanks in advance

    | LaythDajani

  • I am in the process of moving all of my client's websites to HTTPS. I have a client with an SSL certificate through GoDaddy for an e-commerce site, and my host WP Engine offers them for $50/year each. This has been fine, but now I am trying to move about a dozen sites over and I'm just trying to figure out the best, most ideal way possible to do this. I could just go through WP Engine and pay them for the certificates, but after doing research on different SSL providers, I've totally confused myself. I have seen a wide range of prices for certificates, but I can't tell if it's just BS or there is actual value. I'm talking about a $10 certificate vs a $250 certificate through Symantec. Aside from that, I have found a few different types of certificates: single domain certificates, wild-card certificates for subdomains, and a multi-domain certificate. I would love to buy one multi-domain certificate that covers all of my websites - but I'm not sure what the pros and cons are of doing this, specifically in regards to SEO. Can anyone explain what the pros and cons are for these in my specific situation? I'd love to hear any recommendations for my situation, and if there is something else I am missing that is important, please share!

    | Millermore

  • I"m looking for specific breakdowns of search volume in google by: #1 Vertical (Shopping/restaurants/Services etc). For example, how many people are searching in google for information pertaining to restaurants per month? Search volume for all of 2012, 2013, 2014? #2 More granular categories within verticals, people searching for: books,apartment rentals,cellphones) Is there a breakdown of google search somewhere online that gives this type of information? Thank you MOZ community, really appreciate it!

    | AppleSauceRules

  • This morning, I wrote a breaking news story about a "Wolf of Wall Street" It was published at 12:05:49 Googlebot, which used to be on my site within a minute or less, didn't bother to visit for 53 minutes. And now, 32 minutes later, even though it has been crawled, this story doesn't even show up in google search. Except that it is in the top 10 stories today, at #2, so the headline appears in every page on the site, so every page that has been crawled today, around 10 minutes after it was published, contains that text, so they show up. EINnews, which also crawls our pages is listed for the headline text. Finally, the page turns up in search results 4 hours later, and says that it is 4 hours old. Does anyone else see this slow motion mode? If you do see this, what is wrong with the site that causes this recalcitrant behavior? The headline of the story is "A 'Wolf of Wall Street' Raided By FBI In Florida" and the link is

    | loopyal

  • A client sent over an article about how Google's Autocomplete eliminates your chance for clicks. Saying that if your competitor is higher than you, the user will bypass the page one organic rank and click on a specific business from the autocomplete which in turn presents an entire page one result for that business. So in a sense they are wondering why they're doing organic SEO if potential customers are just going to bypass the page one organic results. I would love to hear thoughts from like minded people on this as I have to start proving my case with articles, facts, data, and research.

    | MERGE-Chicago

  • We have a medium/large ecommerce site that imports manufacturer products every year (or when new products come in/out)  We are trying to decide what to do with the discontinued product pages. As we are using shopify we do not have an option of custom404 error pages so we cannot use this. We also cannot do a 30 redirect with a custom message as to why they are being redirected so dont like that idea. What we were thinking of doing was leaving the page with its content and adding a message that the  item has been discontinued and a few similar products listed below with an option of clicking on a link to go up a level to the category/subcategory of that products brand. My question is: Should we noindex/follow these pages when they go out of stock so search engines don't continue to index them. Should we add the tag: (we do not have advance warning so it would be at the time that we update the listing to say item is no longer available) My concern with doing the above and leaving it to be indexed is that google may regard these pages as soft 404 if the bounce rate gets very high - as users will not be staying very long on the page. Any advice would be very much appreciated!

    | henya

  • Hello , I have a question Regarding the Permalink structure form Wordpress ,I am trying to figure out what would be the best structure of the blog post link ,for the moment I am using the structure and I changed the structure to ,redirected with 301 the old links to the new links and I thought about it and wanted to ask , I would really appreciate if you could tell me what is best form SEO point of view to do. Regards,

    | anitawapa

  • Hi, Google has implemented the sitelinksearchbox. On one of my sites i have the results now when you search on brand name. Now i see at if you use the searchlink box you directly go to the website of Amazon. I can't figure out how they did this. Can someone help me out? Thanx, Leonie

    | Leonie-Kramer

  • I have never seen it before in the search: an icon in the title. Do you guys know how to get this icon in the title? See here: e7BiI.jpg

    | Emilija

  • Hey guys, Just want to know if you have any experience with this. Is it worthwhile blocking search engines from following the link masking directory.. (what i mean by this is the directory that holds the link redirectors to an affiliate site: example: goes to I want to know if blocking the 'go' directory from getting crawled in robots.txt is a good idea or a bad idea? I am not using wordpress but rather a custom built php site where i need to manually decide on these things. i want to specifically know if this in any way violates guidelines for google. it doesn't change the custom experience because they know exactly where they will end up if they click on the link. any advice would be much appreciated.

    | irdeto

  • Hello until recently I was ranking quite well for a certain keyword and now week by week I am dropping in ranking. How do I fix this or find out how my competitors are getting higher than me Thanks Linda

    | invitationsforless

  • Has anyone else noticed that sites that seem to have gone through a positive penguin recovery after 3.0 had results jumping around? It seems to be happening with the biggest keywords that were damaged by Penguin 2.1 but we are seeing jumps from Page 2 in the morning to Page 12 in the afternoon.  It seems very unstable at the moment and I was wondering if anyone else is seeing something similar?

    | MarkGadala-Maria

  • We've all seen the news recently that Google will be closing its engineering offices in Russia due to new data protection laws coming into place in January 2015. The same law has also led to Adobe pulling out of Russia earlier in the year. I was wondering how you think this will impact SEOers and small/medium businesses that market _to _Russia, but are based outside of the country? Personal data has been defined in the new legislation as: Personal data means any information directly or indirectly related to any identified or potentially identifiable person. It includes, among other things, first name and family name, date and place of birth, address, information about family status, education, profession, income Source For those businesses which don't process personal data (affiliates etc), will there be any foreseeable impact? On the flipside, are there any benefits here for affiliate businesses inside of Russia? I'm using affiliates as an example to get the ball rolling, but I'm sure there's numerous more. Personally, I'd be interested to hear if you think this may impact corporate websites which don't process personal data, but operate outside of Russia.

    | ecommercebc

  • Hi all- Lately on Google I've seen a few results where there is something stuck between the ads and the organic listings that I can only describe as as mini knowledge graph of sorts. (picture attached). Can anyone point me to more information on this and how Google may be choosing these. Thanks Ken blue-candy.jpg

    | CandymanKen

  • How normal is it to have a bit of traffic loss for a relaunch? What percentage? For how long?

    | MichaelEka

  • It seems Google's Panda update is targetting low quality sites with little unique content (I know there's more to it than that).  It makes sense that they may want to do this but what about classified sites.  They may use some scraped content as well as unique ads, and the ads may lack content as they rely on the users writing the ads.  However, they are helpful to the people that use classifieds. Because of these factors, these sites are suffering with the release of the latest Panda update. Any advice for classified sites and how they can combat the rankings drops???

    | Sayers

  • hi all, I have added the suggested code to my homepage as follows: This was added 10 days ago. I continue to see on Google SERPs a search box sitelink, but it produces a page of results on a secondary SERP page for my site instead of bringing people directly into my site to the search result page relative to their query. Is there a time lag from the time the code was implemented to when it is functional on Google?  Is there any way to QA the code to ensure it works correctly and if Google has yet to include it in their latest cache?

    | dsinger

  • What's the latest from Google (and others) when using all caps in part of a page title, for example, "Custom-engineered Valves | MOGAS". This is how we've presented titles the past 7 years, but since we're updating the site and touching everything we'd prefer to keep consistent branding... the owner's name is Mogas, but we brand the company as MOGAS. Thoughts?

    | SteveMauldin

  • So I've been running since 1997 (!) as a hobby project. I lost about 75% of my organic search traffic on the 25th of October, literally overnight. I've been doing a lot of research but I still don't know why I was penalized. Image attached. I naturally thought this was because of Penguin (Oct 17, my drop was Oct 25). However, after checking backlinks I only discovered 11 domains with about 100-400 links each, the major ones were forum signatures and blog sidebars, 6 domains were spam sites / directories. They almost exclusively used the same anchor text (domain name or similar), so this doesn't seem like a black hat attack. Some of the directories used keywords in their urls however (like "funny quotes").
    1. Is this really enough for such a heavy penalty?
    I added these domains to be disavowed today, I'm aware this might take weeks or months to change. I've automated so that pictures gets uploaded to my Facebook page with a link to my page. This started in early 2014.
    2. Can Facebook links be considered link spam?
    They don't even show up in webmaster tools.
    Example: I analyzed keywords and the major ones dropped between 2 and 6 positions. Notable exception: I seem to still rank nr 1 for "cool movie quotes" even though page is not optimized for that keyword. Moz warned about over 5000 pages with duplicate content. It was a single page that used a querystring url parameter I have excluded in webmaster tools. I have now entered a canonical link on these pages. Example:
    3. Could the Google algo penalize this even though I have excluded the "url" parameter? I have a lot of internal links in the page navigation. Can this cause problems? See the absolute bottom of this page where I have 94 links for example:
    4. Could a lot of internal links (navigation to page numbers) be the problem? Some more facts: Site is Domain is 14 years old. The web site launched in Sep 1997, a year before Google! (Not relevant but you might understand why this is important to me). I haven't done any SEO work for at least 12 months, probably closer to two years. The only SEO work I've done is to optimize the pages, no link building at all, no black hat stuff. I'm automatically building a sitemap that contains all pages, see here: I've used webmaster tools for years, haven't gotten any warnings. I checked backlinks there, also here from moz and ahrefs. I'm annoyed that a quality content site can be penalized so hard (75% drop) when there are no, or just smaller issues. I'm just lucky this is not my business site, if so I would have gone out of business. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated! z3yFNdb.png Cci7vfI.png

    | Sire

  • I own a paiting website with a lot of searchable paintings. The "search paintings" feature creates tons of dublicate pages and titles. See here: I guess the problem is, that the URL can actually be different and still return the same content. First time you click the "Search paintings" the URL will shown as above. But as soon as users
    begin to definere they search to the left and use the "Search button" the top URL changes. So, depending on how the top URL looks different results are shown. This is pretty standard in searches. But it returns tons of dublicate pages and titles. How, do you guys cope with that? Is there a clever way to use ref="cannonical" or some other smart way to avoid this? /Kasper

    | KasperGJ

  • I Have a website when i use command in Google to see the cached status of page like date & time, is not showing. So, please help me to know the reason behind this.

    | 1akal

  • I am doing work for a landscaping company and having trouble with finding the best keywords.  Most of keywords are so expensive on adwords to use, so obviously we want to optimize as best possible.  How do I find what keywords competitors are using for campaigns and/or optimized for?  thx.

    | SexyLeggings

  • Hi - We have been trying to remove bad links for about 12 months. QUESTION: How can be eliminate backlinks from sites are not possible to contact? Background: Contacted as many domain administrators as we could.  Not a big change.  Some want $$$ Submitted 3 disavow lists (3 months apart from each other).  Last list was to remove all links. We still have a large number of Japanese and Chines links directories pointing to us that we cannot contact or don't know how to ask to be removal. One key thing to keep in mind, is that we don't want to change the URL. Thanks, for the help.

    | highlandadventures

  • Hello everyone!, I would love to have your opinion on this matter. I am working on a company e-commerce site; these guys would like to change their domain name AND their company name, so the most logical thing that came to mind was to name the domain after the company name. However, they also bought in the past a domain that have the exact keyword they would like to rank for. I know that keywords in the URL are not as important as they used to be in the past, but nonetheless when I do a Google search for those keywords, 3 domains out of 10 on the first page are slight variations of those same keywords, meaning that they might have a really good domain name (also the other result are government, medical stuff and so on). And, no matter how many times I have read that keywords in the URL are not so important anymore, I still see a lot of sites ranking also because of their domain name (well at least outside the US) So, my question here is: would it be better for them to use the exact match keyword-domain name or should they use their company name for their new site? Or some sort combination of the two? (the keyword-domain that in some way points also to the brand domain). Thanks for your opinions on this; really appreciate it! Cheers

    | Eyah

  • What is the word on Meta Keyword Tags? Are they good to have, or bad? Our biggest competitor seems to have them.

    | Essential-Pest

  • Hi All My client's site took a bit of a knock around 24th October 2014. Google organic traffic down by ~32%. I am trying to understand if site has been hit by a Penguin refresh (3.0) - and if so why?
    If it was, it would appear to be a false negative as the site and backlink profile is clean. The content is perhaps the only area in question... as it's more of a brochure site, therefore content is relatively thin and promotional rather than in-depth/editorial. For example, the gallery pages are very similar in structure, with the images and specification text being the only variation, click on any of the vehicle interiors to see what I mean - You will see the specification text is unique per vehicle interior, but not hugely; Then how could it be? The interiors all contain the same elements just a variation in seating, leather colour, stiching, wood finish etc. Question: Do you think... a.) This IS NOT a Penguin issue but something else (please ellaborate)
    b.) This IS a Penguin issue but a false-negative, so do nothing, this will bounce back with next Penguin refresh
    c.) This IS a Penguin issue related to content. Merge all gallery pages into one page per vehicle (i.e. one Mercedes Viano Interior page, with all 19 interior galleries as part of the page - thus building one stronger page with more intro text and simple bulleted specification per gallery)
    d.) This IS a Penguin issue related to something else (please ellaborate) Thanks,

    | seowoody

  • Im noticing a huge % of pages on my sites and those picked at random from Google searches, high traffic pages from big sites like have not been cached since 22nd Oct by Google. Anyone else noticed this or got insight on it? Andy

    | AndyMacLean

  • We are redesigning a preschool website which has over 100 pages. We are looking at 2 options and want to make sure we meet the best user experience and SEO.  Option 1 is to condense the site into perhaps 10 pages and window shade the content.  For instance, on the curriculum page there would be an overview and each age group program would open via window shade.  Option 2 is to have an overview and then each age program links to its own page.  Do we lose out on SEO if there are not unique URLS?  Or is there a way using metatags or other programming to have the same effect?

    | jgodwin

  • Hi, I'm currently working with a developer who is trying to tell me that validation errors and warnings are of little to no importance in a website's SERP. In the past, whenever I've had a site that was experiencing problems ranking for a keyword terms, this was one of the first places we'd look. Is this still a relatively important component in getting a site to rank?

    | maxcarnage

  • It seems like Google confirmed this week in a G+ hangout that content in click to expand content e.g. 'read more' dropdown and tabbed content scenarios will be discounted.  The suggestion was if you have content it needs to be visible on page load. Here's more on it and the actual hangout, circa 11 mins in From a UX and usability point of view having a lot of content that was otherwise tabbed or in click to expand divs can be terrible, especially on mobile. Does anyone have workable solutions or can think of examples of really great landing pages (i'm mostly thinking ecommerce) that also has a lot of visible content? Thanks Andy

    | AndyMacLean

  • My Dear friends of MOZ, I´ve got you a case that has been driving me crazy for 2 weeks, Im doing an SEO audit for big brand that sells electronics. Since they sell all kind of electronics, and are very popular the site is quite big and has several categories. Now...Im working particularly in a kind of micro-site that sells two kind of products that are very similar but not the same. Lets say in this site they are selling super-light-weight-Laptops and tablets, so if you look the site its a Laptop/Tablet site. But the site is not under a laptop/tablet directory, some pages are under laptop and others in Tablet directory . For example : Home page URL: /light-laptops/home.asp ; Products general page page URL is light-pads/products.asp ; and each single product page is under laptops or pads according the type of product. From my point of view, they should create a new directory called /light-laptops-pads/ and single directories for products, and case studies, etc.. Since they want to show both products together when you click in products (off course they will be creating sub-directories for the two types of products). At the begining I thought they were really mistaken, but now that I see that all light-pad content is in one folder  and light-laptops content is in another, and the site jumps from one category to the other I am a little bit confused. PLEASE HELP ME PD: I want to make clear that general categories like products, case studies , contact us, solutions pages are in some cases under /light-pad/ directory and in other cases under /light-laptops / directory PLEASE PARDON MY ENGLISH!

    | facupp1

  • I was ranked for the keyword 'airbnb clone' in 3rd page, my url is But today it was not found in the search results...i dont understand...i checked with google webmaster tools, there is no errors in on page optimization....Please help...

    | claydip

  • Hi SEO experts! We are currently in the midst of reducing our amount of duplicate titles in order to optimize our SEO efforts. A lot of the "duplicate titles" come from having several language versions of our site. Therefore, I am wondering: 1. If we start using "" to make Google (and others) aware of alternative language versions of a given site/URL, how big a problem will "duplicate titles" then be across our domains/site versions? 2. Is it a problem that we in our sitemap include (many) URL's to pages that are marked with noindex? 3. Are there any problems with having a sitemap that includes pages that includes canonical URL's to other pages? Thanks in advance!


  • So I have a question for the community that hopefully someone can help me with. Previously, whenever I created/worked on a website, when I would create or edit the content, I would bold the keywords, italicize certain items, add internal/external links and generally mark-up the content. More recently, however, I've noticed that both my client and many of their leading competitors have abandoned this practice. Now, it appears that all the text appears as plain text, there are rarely bold or italicized items and there does not seem to be as much emphasis on inserting internal/external links. While I understand the ladder to still be an effective/holistic approach to SEO, I'm wondering why the former (the bold, italicized, text variation) has gone by the wayside. So with that, is adding bold/italicized text still a worthwhile SEO technique and is it something I should continue applying to sites I work on? Please advise.

    | maxcarnage

  • I have someone who's come to me and said that they have lost all of their organic keyword rankings.  They did launch a site redesign a few months back so that could be a reason as to why.  But after looking at the site, link profile, etc.  It doesn't look like they could have been ranking for the terms they say they were.  They have never implemented any SEO on their sites btw.  I did not build this site and have not done any SEO, they are coming to me to solve the problem.  I did notice in SEM rush that a couple months ago they were ranking organically for more terms (20 in July vs. 5 now), so they did lose some.  Is there any way to see what terms they WERE ranking for?

    | MichaelWeisbaum

  • Is there any software that exists to help provide an indication of the search volumes or trends behind keywords? Currently we use google trends for a YOY and WOW view for some select KW's but the reality is are search volumes are effected by 1,000's of KW's and trying to get an accurate view of overall trends and theme with our product sector is difficult. I'm interested to find out if there is software which is an alternative to google trends or if there is 3rd party software available that lets us process google trends data in bulk?

    | SEO-SMB

  • Hey Mozers! I'm reaching out to you today because I'm trying to find out more information about Atom & RSS Feed.  I'm not sure which my Retail company should use for the sitemap. Atom? RSS? XML?. Why would you choose one more so than the other what are the benifits?

    | rpaiva

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