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Category: Algorithm Updates

Discuss algorithm updates and impacts.

  • Hello, I've got 2 questions: I've narrowed down the most important anchor text to change in this spreadsheet (note the legend) We're not ranking like we used to for a few keywords including the main keyword "NLP" (1) Should we remove the links from the 3 directories and the one sitewide footer link or should we change to branded anchor text? The names of our company are NLPCA.COM NLP and Coaching Institute of California NLP and Coaching Institute (2) Thus, I think "NLP California" will not work as branded anchor text even though some people call us that. Correct?

    | BobGW

  • I noticed this morning a drop in the SERPs for a couple of my main keywords. And even though this is a little annoying the more pressing matter is that Google is not displaying the meta title I have specified for the majority of my sites pages, despite one being specified and knowing my site has them in place. Could this sudden change to not using my specified title be the cause of the drop, and why would they be being displayed by Google in the first place, when they are there to be used. The title currently being displayed inthe SERPs is not anything that has been specified in the past or from the previous latest crawl etc. Any insight would be appreciated. Tim

    | TimHolmes

  • Our company is seeking out different avenues. Our company is seeking out new avenues for growth. We are interested in Affiliate Programs and want to know how Google views this. We do not want our SERP to decease and feel it is important to keep any negative implications away from our site and our company. Does anyone have experience in Affiliate Programs and if so did it negatively effect your site? Our company is an e-commerce site that sell aftermarket products for trucks, SUVs, Jeeps, Motorcycles, ATV, and more. Thank you

    | WebRiverGroup

  • We are completely dumbfounded by the amount of organic traffic we lost virtually instantly back on Aug 22 2012. We are spending much more money advertising as of late but took another massive plunge since rolling out our newer site redesign this past sat 04/13/13. The newer and more updated version of our site seems to all of a sudden have us dropping like a rock again! Our developers and in house SEO guy that is in house here seems to think our content is ok and that our PR and page authority is ok as well. However they have told me it isn't good per-say, but not the reason in their opinion for our sites drop in rankings instantly. We've seen tons of keywords drop 22-40+ positions in google. We've been online since 2001 and I've never seen anything even remotely close to this. Didn't seem to see such an impact with bing or yahoo though. Due to our rankings being slaughtered we decided to hired WebIMAX to come in and figure out what happened. They informed us that we must have been hit with the panda filter they collectively guessed. Said our content was fair lol. They done allot of tests without anything really indicated the real root cause of the problem and most every major change they requested we made. However we've changed the site design and layout now and changed much of the content and overall structure to be better we believe and we for the life of us cannot understand the massive unexplained penalty. I attached an image which illustrates our dramatic drop in traffic. Bare in mind that as traffic drops we spend more $$$ advertising so mere traffic numbers don't even really say it all. Our organic results are really down maybe 60-70%. We really thought WebIMAX would be a big help and give great assistance and insight. I didn't see any of that and I think our IT staff agrees. We paid big bucks for nothing in return it seems. However we are desperate and are actually considering staying with them even though they've produced zero results or maybe negative results. In fact with all that was done over weeks and weeks with WebIMAX we continued to DROP in organic results. We don't know if we should go back to them, choose another SEO company or just go on trying to fix this issue ourselves. Website is We just want someone that knows what they are looking at to say hey I see something Major Right Here. If we could get that then we would simply fix it. Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help us out with their expert knowledge and I think I would trust the community here more than WebIMAX easily! David. cruizin-traffic-image.jpg

    | David_C

  • So I just read an interesting Tweet: #SEO Tip: #Google takes into account the location of the server (the IP) when projecting the search results #web This is something I had not thought of. I suppose my question then is HOW does it factor this information into it's results? For some reason, one of our sites is hosted on a Canadian server. We are a cloud hosting company and we serve all of NA with data centers in the US and Canada... For whatever reason we've used the Canadian server farm for our web server. Could this possibly be hurting our NA google SERPs? Anyone have any thoughts on this?

    | jesse-landry

  • Has anyone else noticed their percentage of search visits from Google slipping in the last few weeks at the expense of Bing? We've seen a 4% swing in the last month. Obviously Google is still the dominant presence (acconuting for 88.4% of all organic visits to our site but still it would be interesting to know if this is just a blip or more of a trend?

    | BrettCollins

  • I just had a page/keyword that had an algorithmic penalty jump in rank significantly.  Once was ranked 3, ranked 80+ since October 2012, overnight it jumped to 31.

    | EugeneF

  • Few of my sites e.g. and doesnt get much visits from Google but these sites get top ranked in Bing and Yahoo. I have tried searching for answer to these question but i did not find anything convincing.

    | HQP

  • I am looking for some advice as to what I need to do to improve my rankings? website: Thanks Ben

    | funktiongolf

  • I have a client who's rankings dropped after switching to out site. We know that rankings can drop a little after switching, but we are concerned that hers are still low. Any suggestions? As far as I can tell, the links to her site remained the same. Thanks Holly

    | hwade

  • Even before January 17th I noticed my keyword ranking slowly going from the top 3 to around 8, 9 and 10.  Then between January 15 and January 30th, (SEO MOZ) is not showing the exact date) they all went down to the second page and worse. The rankings dropped for an e-commerce website They sell a tear stain removal product which is a pretty competitive market. After January i started to notice that Google was starting to rank blogs, forums, overal product review websites and of course amazon, better than me and my competitors. Was anyone else effected by the panda refresh or have any idea what may have gone wrong? Please help ScreenShot2013-04-10at50852PM.png?t=1365628252

    | DTOSI

  • Is it worth the time and money to invest in .co?

    | DGM

  • Since about 5 years out site was launched as "" but last June 2012, we relaunched new design but somehow went without www subdmain - "". We didn't check that time but now find duplicate pages and very confused what next.  Please answer: Do search engines penalize for the change of domain name? vs How can go back (or, should we really?) to I did redirect .htaccess rewrite from nonwww to www - but now our site is launched as without www. Confused so Please advise ASAP. Thanks a Million

    | GreenBirdMedia

  • There is a plethora of choice today for aggregating customer reviews. BBB wants to collect ratings from our customers; there a commercial options that put me in more control; yelp wants to rate me locally.  Google... Given that I have some ability to steer customers toward my preferred review site, which one should I use?  From an SEO perspective, have you noticed whether some these sites carry more weight or credibility than others? I realize it may depend on the type of business we are. In this case I represent a software company and their customers are USA/global, rather than local.

    | DarrenX

  • I have my own eCommerce website. I want to avoid duplicate category pages so which method is more useful 301 redirection or Canonical url?

    | yuvastyle

  • I'm teaching myself SEO so that I can speak more intelligently to it with my clients. I've spent a great deal of time on seomoz and love it. The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know and that brings me to my current question. I can search on a keyword and see results, however I see every URL available. I'm looking for a simple way to see the root domains for the top 100-500 resulting websites for a specific keyword. Is there an easy way to get this information  I'm sure it's right in front of me, but I can't find it. Many thanks, ahossom

    | ahossom

  • HI, Around the month of Nov I was working on the website. Due to some reasons I have to change the design of website. I saw my traffic going down and down(70 - 100/day) so roll back it on previous one. after that it improve little bit but not as on previously. (traffic 250 - 300/day). Question: All Urls, content and links are same then how that can effect on the traffic. We have removed all the errors that was shown in the seomoz report.But traffic is still the issue here. We are working on SEO area enough and try to recover from it. Your suggestion may be helpful for us.So I am looking forward for your answers. how i can over come with it. Thanks Regards

    | lucidsoftech

  • I track several niches that I am not in so I am not to biased with my own, and I noticed one site despite its rather mediocre quality, never moves.  I have seen other websites rise and fall in rank, a few with pretty good content. He writes reviews, but very obviously never touched the products he reviews.  However I see some other sites with real photos, and good advice for making a decision - they will sit on page two or three. I havent done a lot of research other than the size of the sites, and the links, and they are about equal. Sometimes the ranking site is smaller (its about 90 pages in google).  The other sites I have seen have more content on one topic as well, which is interesting google opts for his one page "once over" review over something more in depth and authentic. It got me thinking about whether some sites are white listed by google, as in hand picked to rank despite what else is out there. Is this possible?

    | PrivatePartners

  • Hi, We had a question about the effectiveness of nofollow today. Nofollowing some links on pages was to make sure pagerank flows to content which is most relevant and useful to visitors on the site. Looking at the 2009 article,, it seems that adding the meta tag nofollow would no longer help us in ensuring this goal. We had a couple of questions: 1. Do you think Google today only passes pagerank to dofollow links
    2. Are sites today using iframes/javascript to make sure googlebot passes pagerank to only relevant pages
    3. Any other best practice you would suggest Thanks

    | SEMEnthusiast

  • Here are two URLs to explain this example: **Original URL: ** **URL that points to anchor within the webpage above: ** Does Google treat these two URLs as separate entities or the same? For example, does an external link to the anchor URL pass full PageRank value to the original URL? How does Google handle this? Is there anything negative about this situation? Are there any risks associated with links to the anchor URL? Finally, is it more valuable for an external link to point to the URL without an anchor?

    | SAMarketing

  • So.. For the last several weeks (I noticed March 11th), we are having some weird ranking drops. Our keywords will drop overnight from their usual position between 2-6 to further than 200 and then be back to normal a couple days later. We use Sheerseo to track daily ranking.  I track about 15 KW everyday and noticed it happening then. Is this part of the recent changes? I am just really puzzled that we are seeing drops and then going back to normal and then drops again.  It is hard to know where you stand with such drastic differences day to day. Any ideas?

    | CassisGroup

  • Hi Guys, it's going to be a long one so thank you from advance for your patience. First i wanted you to i am new to SEO world and this world excites me In the last 30 days, i started to check my companies (i am employee not an owner) website in SEO point of view. What we do: Online grocery shopping and home delivery I will share with you some of the results: 5482 errors for duplicate page content 8850 errors for duplicate page title 37 title missing or empty some pages had 4+ H1 tags many more HTML errors. page authority 42/100 domain authority 40/100 We have no listing 163 back-links domain to our Dallas & Chicago website and much more another thing i checked was where are we for the keywords that we are interested in: "online grocery shopping Dallas" - position 1 in Google search shop for groceries online Dallas - Position 1 in Google search shop for groceries from home Dallas - Position 1 in Google search And some more and the same for Chicago I Did all the searches in new incognito window My Question - how come we build our website so bad, with no Google+, we have very few back-links(compare to our competitors) and the page and domain rank are so low and still we are in the 2 or 3 highest position in Google search One more question - Why to invest time in fixing all the SEO issues i found? You are all welcome to have a SEO view in my website Thank you vest much Ivgi

    | iivgi

  • Hi All, I wanted to get some opinions on a phenomenon that I know others are dealing with... We have a client who is an online-only business (though they do have an office/warehouse location). The on-page is great, and the site has good domain authority for its niche. The issue is that Google is localizing most of their search terms - And our client is getting squeezed down and out in the SERPs by the local listings. How is everyone dealing with this issue? It seems like we'll never get the site to out-rank the local listings in a given geo. Thanks, Lee

    | vectormedia

  • Our automobile portal is the leading in Pakistan and we are there for almost 10 years now, we already rank in top 3 keywords ( top 1 on most of them )  but our search traffic has become stagnant, we have tried to optimize for keywords  that google search tool show has more traffic and we have gained ranking in most of them but still our search traffic isnt showing any much increase. Is it possible that we have already got all the juice and there arent much people who are searching auto related keywords or what can we do to increase organic traffic? Work on long tail keywords? Whats next?

    | razasaeed

  • Hi all, I wonder I am NOT located in Dallas and i type in Google : buy groceries online dallas Is it the same like someone in Dallas that will type: buy groceries online Lets say the two persons open a new incognito window and their history no effects the resoults Thank you ivgi

    | iivgi

  • A client has two businesses out of the same address, same phone: an eat-in restaurant and a catering service. He has a separate website for each. He’s dying to optimize the catering, although long-term wants to optimize both. For the moment, Google only knows this restaurant and his only social media presence is set up as the restaurant as well -- thus the links to his social media even off of the catering site link to his restaurant accounts. I think he has two options: 1. Really do separate them. Get a different address (suite # or use his home address?) and phone. Set up new, separate social media. Register both, separately, at all the directories, etc. 2. Merge them both into the restaurant site and have the restaurant offer both eat-in and catering. Have some pages on the site optimized for lunch and others for catering, with the home page saying both. Register the one domain with all the directories, social media under the restaurant, but with a description that includes both lunch and catering as services offered. Variation on #2: Continue to have Google show the address, since it’s a restaurant, but add the “service location” area to show as well, for the catering part. My questions are: 1. If he kept the two websites separate, would hiding the address and just using a “service location” area for the catering one keep Google happy? I mean, could he keep the same address -- although I suppose he’d still have to get a new phone -- and set up the catering entry to show only the service area? And if he did that, would Google not merge them then? In directories, though, he’d still be listing both the restaurant and the catering separately but under the same address, so maybe this is a silly scenario anyway. What do you think? 2. Which option would you choose? 3. Are there any other better options? 4. In the #2 scenario, if a directory allows registry under one category, would you choose “restaurant” or “catering” -- or sometimes one and sometimes the other? Thank you for your insight!

    | rayvensoft

  • We were ranking 2nd while Google was showing only natural listings. Earlier this year, the same SERP started showing only three natural listings, followed by some business listings. We were included within the business listings, but were 3rd, so 6th overall. After a few tweaks we managed to become the 1st business listing, so 4th overall. Early last week, the SERP changed again. The business listings were removed and replaced with natural listings. Rather than return to the old rankings, though, the order of the sites was exactly the same as it was with the business listings being there. It felt almost like a bug. So we remained 4th. On Friday, the business listings returned! But the rankings are way different. The three natural listings at the top are the same as before. Then there are 7 business listings, and then more natural listings after that. We are the fifth natural listing of the second group, so have been hit rather badly. Can anyone shed any light on what's going on here? We made a major change to our site 10 days ago, but it seems there's too much going on for it to be that. If it helps, the search term is a two word name for what we do, followed by the name of our city - and we're in the UK. Coincidentally, someone from Google called earlier this week to confirm an address change I'd be trying to correct in Google Places.

    | Special

  • I don't want to be one of those whiny people always asking about rankings, but for the first time in a while, I've seen some crazy fluctuations in Google rankings. I was wondering if anyone had any similar experiences lately.

    | innovationsimple

  • Is it possible to get penalized by Google for a specific keyword and essentially disappear from the SERPs for that keyword but keep position for the brand (#1) and some other keywords (#4 and #7)? And how would you find out that this is what happened if there is no GWT message?

    | gfiedel

  • Hi all, For a bit of back ground see this question i posted recently: From the responses there and looking into  my backlinks and my competitors i can see an issue with the anchor text on my inbound links... nearly all keywords and very very few brand names etc... From what i can gather (using open site explorer) the page in question has: 1100 inbound links from 900 domains These use 90 different anchor texts 106 of these links use my brand / website name in the anchor text These 106 links are spread over 18 domains (73 from 1 directory) About 5-10% of the links are from directories, the rest are from what i would describe as "proper websites" From my very limited knowledge of this, the issue is my brand / website should have a far higher ratio of links using it as the anchor text then any keyword... which as you can see from the above is not the case... If it wasnt for that 1 directory there would only be 33 links with my brand from over 1000... I need to start fixing this, but was wondering how to start... Below are a list of options i could try, i have no idea if these would help or hinder, any advice you could give on the potential affects of below options would be very helpful: Options (the below are hypothetical, i have no idea if i will be able to get it done - Just thinking out loud here): Get as many as possible of the "directory" links removed Remove keywords from 50-60% of links and replace with branding Or Try to add branding to 50-60% of the anchor texts something like [Brand] + [keyword] Forget about whats been done previously / changing it will not help in anyway / and focus on branding in anchor text for any future link building? Thanks James

    | isntworkdull

  • Hi all, I'm fairly new to SEOmoz, i am here because i dont seem to be getting any actuall help from my SEO company, so am trying to figure this out myself. I have done a quick analysis using google analytics and have gone from 13441 google organic visitors in Sept to 4527 google organic visitors in March. (see attached image GA Sept - March) Visitor numbers seems be to fairly stable in sept, oct, nov, and perhaps a slight decline in Dec, but then on Jan17th seems a big drop, and i have never recovered... (See images GA - Oct, GA - Nov, GA - Dec and GA - Jan ) I am at a bit of a loss, i have heard about google penalties, but there are no warnings in my webmaster tools about this, the only warning i ever got was a message on Dec 24th which read : Big traffic change for top URL Search results clicks for (my site) have decreased significantly. The number of clicks that your site receives from Google can change from day to day for a variety of factors, including automatic algorithm updates. However, if you have recently made significant changes to the content or configuration of your site, this change may be an indication that there are problems. This is not a penalty notice is it? its simply google telling me i have lost a lot of traffic? Strange thing is December's traffic was pretty much fine, so do not understand why i got this message, when the drop in traffic happened a month later. I've been racking my brain for months trying to fix every little possible issue i can find with my site (its not nice, when you do not actually know what google has decided it doesn't like about your site!) but nothing seems to be helping, i've been hiring content writter's as i found loads of websites have copied a lot of content, i also decided maybe the product descriptions are being classed as duplicate so again have got in content writter's to re-write hundreds of product descriptions (all this is costing me an arm and a leg)... Nada! Then today, when doing this google analysis (see image GA Sept - March) i noticed two sites, i have renamed them on the image to: & was a test server where i could play around with code on  my website before i actually implement changes, usually i delete all the files after i use it... but it looks like i forgot to do that.... the site is a complete copy of my website (but obviously a version where you can not actually process an order) but all the pages still have canonical links back to the proper website... Just in case this was causing issues, i have 301 redirected the site back to my main site... Is this wise? or should i just delete the site? is a search company i was trialing as i wanted to improve the search functionality on my own site, however the search features are hosted on their site... I was told it has no bearing on SEO as its not indexed... however if google is seeing refferalls coming from that site, which is basically a duplicate of my search pages but with better functionality, could they be considering this a duplicate content issue? If anybody can give me any advice at all about above questions, or in general about what happened on Jan 17th (as i see from web search's many people were affected but i can not seem to find people who actually know what google did) i would be very grateful. Thanks James iNiKRDq jd6FJ3l RzaqTEy 8KCtykz 2m2OGvG

    | isntworkdull

  • We are in a position to purchase a domain, made of relevant keywords to our company with a current page ranking of 4 for their home page. However in looking at their analytics and other information they do not do well on significant keywords and have very low site traffic. In fact they do very, very poorly. With their high page ranking would it be relatively easy to conduct a successful SEO campaign on the domain if we were to take it over as our own and attempt to climb in the SERP's? I know Page Rank doesn't mean everything when it comes to your ranking, but 4 is relatively high in our field, so I don't really understand why they do so poorly when it comes to their actual rankings on key words.

    | absoauto

  • All of my Intuit site show duplicate content on the index pages.  How can I avoid this

    | onestrohm

  • So it's safe to assume keywords are no longer used by SEs in the old fashioned sense to rank sites, but should be keep them as indicators of site content? It's been suggested by some that they're detrimental for two reasons: 1. Your competitors can snoop the keywords you're targeting but mainly... 2. Over-optimisation is the enemy these days! Thanks for your input 🙂

    | underscorelive

  • If I write a press release that goes viral and is syndicated all over do each of those links to my site in the syndications of the press release count and pass page rank with Google? Or does Google only count the link in the original press release?  I heard that Google counts all the links for a time then eventually counts only one link from the original content and discounting all the other links as duplicate content. Any truth to this? Thanks mozzers! Ron10

    | Ron10

  • Hi All, I'm new here so take it easy on me.. OK, basically i have had a SEO company for about 3 years, they did a wonderful job, for the last 12 months or so i have been in top 1-3 positions for pretty much every keyword i wanted... On Jan 17th, that all changed, suddenly google doesnt like something about my site... for the sake of this questions lets focus purely on the keyword "CCTV", i use to be 1st or 2nd, it varied... Since Jan 17th i am all over the place, today alone, i was 9th this morning, then 13th, then 22nd... I am working on a lot of things my SEO company told me to do, with regards my site, obviously this is going to take time... but my big concern is that google doesnt seem to know where to rank me lol, i mean, at least if they settled on a place i.e 22nd, then i have a stable base to work from... Has anyone seen this kind of thing before, and can i expect at somepoint google decides to simply remove me? Any advice welcome. regards James

    | isntworkdull

  • I have a client that has individual pages for authorized dealers of their product (say "Car Dealers").  When you search for "brand name + location", Google returns 7 "dealership" pages from the parent company's domain as the first 7 results, but there is one that gets pushed off to the 5th page of the SERPs.  The formatting of content, geo-targeting, and meta data on the page is identical on every single one. None of them have external links and there is not one extremely distinguishable thing to assess why the one page doesn't get placed on that first SERP. Why is the one getting pushed so far down? I know this may be a bit confusing, but any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    | MichaelWeisbaum

  • We are a company with one product customized for different vertical markets. Our sites are each setup on their own unique domains: (Brand) (Auto Vertical) (Apartment Vertical) (Real Estate Vertical) We currently rank well on the respective keyword niches including:
     - auto dealer chat (exact match), automotive chat, dealer chat
     - apartment chat (exact match), property chat, multifamilly chat
     - chat for real estate (exact match), real estate chat To simplify the user experience we are considering moving to a single domain and subdomain structure: QUESTIONS:
    1. Considering current Google ranking strategies, do we stand to lose keyword related traffic by making this switch?
    2. Are there specific examples you can point to where an individual domain and subdomains each ranked high on Google across a variety of different niches? (I'm not talking about Wikipedia, Blogger, Blogspot, Wordpress, Yahoo Answers, etc. which are in their own class, but a small to mid size brand). Thank you,

    | contactatonce

  • I hope that someone can help me come up with the best option. Please forgive my ignorance on this issue. I have a hobby blog and up until now I have not wanted to associate it with my real name. It is a menswear blog about classic American style. I was afraid that it may be a hindrance if I was ever looking for a more conservative career than SEO. I am now reconsidering this and thinking that claiming it may be of more help than harm. Which brings me to Google Authorship. My dilemma and misunderstanding stems from the fact that I have mutliple Gmail accounts. I am guessing that some of the newer accounts have a G+ associated with them. So my question is do I use the email that is associated with my blog or my main gmail that I use personally? If I do use the gmail associated with the blog will it then become my default Google plus profile? Any insight would be helpful. Thanks in advance. If any of you are interested the hobby blog is Oxford Cloth Button Down.

    | JerrodDavid

  • There are a number of pages on our website where Bands upload their latest tracks so visitors can listen to them. It occurred to me that maybe I am missing a trick and should submit an audio-sitemap.xml to Google. However I can't seem to find any articles about it on Google Help, but know that video and image sitemaps are used. Does anyone know if audio sitemaps can be submitted and if they are of SEO value? Website:

    | Ubique

  • hey all, have hear conflicting information on how many characters in the header you are allowed? i've heard 60, 65, and 70?? what are your thoughts? thanks!!

    | tm4615

  • So we all know the importance of quality content for SEO; providing content for the user as opposed to the search engines. It used to be that copyrighting for SEO was treading the line between readability and keyword density, which is obviously no longer the case. So, my question is this, for a website which doesn't require a great deal of content to be successful and to fullfil the needs of the user, should we still be creating relavent content for the sake of SEO? For example, should I be creating content which is crawlable but may not actually be needed / accessed by the user, to help improve rankings? Food for thought 🙂

    | underscorelive

  • I found this page: Is there any new page with more up to date data ? Thank you i.

    | iivgi

  • Week over week our pages per visit continue to drop.  Any ideas on where to look to diagnose?

    | Aggie

  • Hi, I've just come across a website with 3 sitewide links. I was thinking of adding nofollow but then thought, well, is that the best option? From an SEO perspective is it better to actually delete those links? Thanks in advance for your feedback.

    | McTaggart

  • We have two sites, both English language. One is a .ca and the other is a .com, I am worried that they are hurting one another in the search results. I'd like to obviously direct towards the .ca domain and .com towards the .com domain and let Google know they are connected sites, non-competing.

    | absoauto

  • I wrote some articles for Ezine Articles a few years back and i still see links in the ose to my site that are from these articles that were borrowed  from the Ezine Articles bank.  Do the links in these articles still count toward my site including link juice and anchor text or does google discount them as duplicate content? I was told that Google counts these links for about 3 weeks and then discounts them as duplicate content so it's like they don't exist.  Any truth to this or should i make the articles on my site available for people to copy and paste into their blogs as long as they keep  my links intact? Thanks, Ron

    | Ron10

  • Hi fellow Mozzers, We're just in the middle of relaunching our website (a design agency), and I had a few questions re: SEO of our service keywords. The designers want the site to seem light on content, despite my advice that this would reduce the terms we can rank for. With that in mind, I was going to include advice pages that can be found via the site map, site search or text links but aren't promoted via the top level or second level nav. Another alternative I was going to explore was using pdfs for design case studies, so the site would feature a light case study, but with a more in-depth pdf available if wanted. I have located numerous articles highlighting how best to optimise pdfs, but I have a few queries aside from the technical standpoint. So: is this the best way to getting round the issue of keeping the site 'light' on content? are there stats that show CTRs on pdf pages over HTML? as well as optimising the pdf content and promoting them on our social media channel, is there a benefit from including them on the likes of Scribd, Edocr and so on (from either an SEO or simply from a promotional viewpoint, or both) Hopefully that's all clear! Nick

    | themegroup

  • Hi guys I was wondering wich keywords would fit my website How to compete with this godaddy monster and all those big firms . They will always stay on google page 1 and what are my chances to be seen in page 1 for the keyword " domain name " Thanks

    | 1name1day

  • Matt Cutts mentioned at SXSW that Google wants to take into consideration the quality of the experience ecommerce merchants provide and work this into how they rank in SERPs.  Here's what he said if you missed it: "We have a potential launch later this year, maybe a little bit sooner, looking at the quality of merchants and whether we can do a better job on that, because we don’t want low quality experience merchants to be ranking in the search results.” My question; how exactly could Google decide if a merchant provides a low and high quality experience?  I would image it would be very easy for Google to decide this with merchants in their Trusted Store program. I wonder what other data sets Google could realistically rely upon to make such a judgment.  Any ideas or thoughts are appreciated.

    | BrianSaxon

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