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Category: Algorithm Updates

Discuss algorithm updates and impacts.

  • What is the frequency at which your homepage (for example) would have to update and what percentage of the page's content would need to be updated to get cached every day? What are your opinions on other factors.

    | bozzie311

  • Hi mozzers, I have been using moz tools for a long while now for assessing SEO metrics with great success, but since recent Google algorithm updates I am seeing more and more SERPS that just simply don't make sense to me what so ever. The most startling recently was an assessment of one of the keywords my own site competes for "Link Building Services" The current No 1 position in is held by I invite all you seo experts out there to take a look at this site, look at it metrics in OSE compared with the "lower" competition and explain to me why it is No1. I would really like to know what ranking factors this site has that makes it "higher quality" and offer "better value" than the competition. I thought I understood what Google was trying to do with recent updates - get rid of non-value adding spammers and improve the quality of the search results. But now I am becoming more sceptical. Are they just making it impossible for us to make a difference by following good SEO practices so we all resort to paying for Adwords? I hope you guys out there can help me with this one and restore my faith. Thanks

    | websearchseo

  • Hello - In the past, doing "Blog awards" and subsequently offering winners' badges with links and anchor text embedded has been something that worked very well for a client. However, we are now noticing that the badging strategy does not seem to be producing the same results for us. We are only reaching out to quality blogs in particular niches - e.g., Top Fashion Blogs, Top Health Blogs, Top Design Blogs, etc. Most blogs that post the badges are in the PageRank 3-5 range. Has anyone else engaged in badging strategy and noticed that the success rates are declining? Could it be that in-text, contextual links are given much more weight than sidebar links? (The badges are most typically posted in bloggers' sidebars). Any insight would be appreciated, thanks!

    | brmckenna

  • Beginning around November 1st, I began to notice a continual, gradual drop in impressions and traffic.  During the holiday season we typically see a decline in business so I initially passed it off as that, but there has been no rebound and I'm really confused on where to begin looking to figure this out. Daily impressions have now dropped from 20,000 all the way down to 5,000 and it has taken a major toll on the business (see attachment for graph of this). Some Background Information: My Site has been very static for the past 8 month's (since April '12).  Admittedly Overly static with very little other than a blog post here and there added.  However, during these 8 month's traffic jumped 30% so we were riding that wave and feeling confident that our past efforts built a great foundation. I'm not aware of anything even remotely black hat that has ever been done.  Everything is very much on the up and up and done with the user in mind. I'm unable to track anything to a Panda update due to the consistent, gradual nature of the decline.  However, with some important search queries completely falling off the map, it feels to me like we are being penalized or affected by a permanent algo change. In GWMT that are a variety of important search queries that show a change of -100%.  These terms do show an average position, but when I manually search for them they are no where to be found in Google search results.  This is very strange to me. It feels like we've been blacklisted for some of our more important keywords. We had a major site relaunch on January 20th (a week ago).  However the downward trend was in place well before this. The site is To sum it up, I'm extremely confused and very concerned with what this drop is doing to the company.  I've never been in this position as we've worked very hard to lay a solid foundation and have always seen a continual, positive traffic increase.  It then seemed to just start turning downward one day and won't stop. If anybody has some suggestions of how to try to get to the bottom of this and learn what is really taking place it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, -J Wdab7Sk

    | cre8

  • Hi I've been playing around with ecommerce sites for a few years now and although I am no expert I'm not a complete novice. We used to do quite well in google but recent changes have halved our number of hits. I have noticed that over the last year google has given priority to large brand names as opposed to relevancy. For example, if you search for the term 'bridal jewellery' (google UK) you will see that apart from one or two the majority of placements are taken by big compnies who offer very little bridal jewellery.  One or two pages at most. My question is, is it still possible to rank well against these brand names or has google made it impossible for small companies. PS we only practice ethical seo as suggested by seomoz. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks

    | Dill

  • Can anyone clarify why my list of queries from google webmaster tools varies so much from the keywords that have resulted in clicks? I have a site that, according to Google analytics, has had clicks from 125 key phrases where as in webmaster tools (via analytics) allegedly only 17 queries have resulted in clicks. Is it becuase GA can't handle less than 5 clicks from the webmaster data or is it something else I am missing? The site I am researching for has very little traffic from other search engines.

    | SoundinTheory

  • Hey guys, Can anyone shed some light on these bizarre and confusing SERPs which Google seems to be producing following their latest update?? For example, we have a client who targets "payday loans" with another targeting "IT services". However, since the update, the former keyword brings back a host of spammy domain results while the latter seems to have given all focus to educational institutions like universities. This just seems utterly ludicrous considering that if I'm searching for "IT services" I don't want the help desk of a local university - that's completely irrelevant, right? Can anyone provide some information on what seems to be going on? Thanks

    | Webrevolve

  • Hello I am looking for an updated report regarding the CTR % by position for Google search results.  I have the report which Gives the 1st organic position a 53% CTR but I have not be able to duplicate that number with any other report or research. I am just trying to validate this report before I suggest any recommendations to my company regarding our search efforts. Thank you Ben

    | bhalverson3

  • I have been using Google Analytics and SEOMoz tools for a while now. I know which are my top landing pages and some of the keywords which bring me traffic. But I don't know which are the top searched keywords for my website as these are "not provided" by Google Analytics. More importantly, I want to know which keywords are directing traffic to a particular page on my website. Can anyone help ?

    | EricMoore

  • I was reading this q and a and found some video that Rand had made about this and how using influence to change the auto completes in Google. Is there any chance Google is also dividing the lists from a Geographical location. So users on the East Coast might see something different than the West Coast. I also wonder if Google takes local search over regional. That could also make the auto completes different based on location. Just curious...

    | cbielich

  • Hi Guys, I've been SEOing two sites for just over 6 months, making very little headway in the process. All the tactics I have employed work on the many other sites that we do SEO work for. I have written pages of rich, useful content, metas, built links from various sources, re-built both sites on a better platform, alt tags are optimised etc etc. This seems to have brought me some success but nothing to write home about. The only major difference I can see between these two sites and my others is bounce rate. The SEO pages I have produced have a fairly healthy bounce rate (20-30%) which isn't a problem, but, both sites have blogs which draw (a lot of) visitors from various social networks and the bounce rate is through the roof (80-90%) obviously increasing the average for the whole site. Now, I know there has been various discussions around this with no real outcome but I cannot see what else it can be. Am I missing something? I should add that both sites are in competitive sectors but not that competitive to stop me seeing at least top 100 results....

    | SEOBirmingham81

  • Hey guys We think we have been seeing some over-optimisation penalties outside of Penguin updates. One possible penalty seems for over-optimisation on page and one penalty for a page with an over-optimised exact match link profile. Does anyone else suspect, or have seen word elsewhere, that Google's main ongoing algorithm now has Penguin like capabilities and is able to bring over-optimisation penalties without a separate refresh being run?

    | QubaSEO

  • For example, if 20,000 people searched for "seomoz toasters," do you think a page on that mentioned toasters would begin to rank well for the query "toasters"?

    | tatermarketing

  • Hi, I was wondering: we work in an extremely competitive market. There are 6 companies, offering the same service in my country: price comparison in a niche market. The competitors have hundreds of different websites, using iframe-techniques. Would it be helpful for me to link to those 6 competitors, in a piece of content about our company strategies, USP's and overview of the market? From a transparency point of view, i would prefer telling my visitors there are other competitors, which are undoubtedly performing very well, but we perform better on several aspects of the price comparison. On the other hand, my competitors benefit from the backlinks as well. Is my gain bigger than the gain of my competitors do you think? Has anyone tested this once?

    | Beekhuizen

  • Is Google plus taking over from Google Places? I have our company and website registered on Google places and Google Plus. Now we have a new website ( same company different product) Should I  register  a new listing on Google places? And what about Google Plus?

    | Realtor101

  • One of our sites - - appears to drop in rank after we update it. The client notified us of this today and I've verified that it did indeed drop in Google -- four spots since last week. He says this happens every time we make changes to the site, but then a week later it will go back up and is usually higher than where it was before. I have not verified this, but I'm very worried it may not rise again In the past week, we've posted a new blog entry to their site and we've changed some of the content -- specifically, added their locations to the header, added a contact page and put two testimonials in their sidebar. We've also had someone submitting their site to directories and local business sites like Angie's List and so forth. There are about 16 new backlinks established in the past 2-3 weeks. Also, I should note, traffic is higher than it's ever been, but the client doesn't look at traffic. They only look at their Google results. Can anyone offer any insight into what's going on here and if I need to be worried the site won't rise again in the rankings?

    | aloley

  • Do a google search for "sober college" and tell me you don't see the entire page filled with one domain. (except the last result)

    | EmarketedTeam

  • Hi everyone. I have a client who has a lot of sponsorships etc and therefore a lot of inbound image links (many of them sitewide). Unfortunately most of these don't have alt text, and [img no alt-text] links now make up over 50% of their link profile. Should I be trying to correct this and requesting updates from the people who are linking? Obviously I wouldn't want loads of keyword stuffed alt texts, but maybe I should request alt texts on the brand name or URL instead. Do you think this would make a significant difference and be worth the time it will take to contact all these webmasters? Thanks in advance.

    | QubaSEO

  • My company has had one primary website for a number of years, a few years back we created a second website separate and apart from the first one to generate more business in a niche market that we cater to. Since then we ended up adding 3 more websites to help increase our footprint with more content. Each of the new websites deal with a major aspect of our business and the content generated on those websites are related to those areas of our business. My question is - is it bad idea to have a network of 5 websites for SEO-purposes? What are the pros and cons and why? Any supporting resources to back up your position would be greatly appreciated. Note there is no "duplicate content" problem here, all content we create is unique to the site it is hosted on.

    | goldbergweismancairo

  • Today, I noticed for a website I have ( the homepage dropped out of the rankings for only one keyword. This site was previously number 3 for s specific keyword, 'Savannah Ghost Tours'.  This keyword is also the keyword most customers search for, by far. Hence my mini-panic. All other keywords (roughly 200 of them) I was previously ranked for are still, pretty much, in the same location rank-wise that they were before. This is for Google by the way. The other thing I noticed is that for many keywords I am all of a sudden the (A) Local Result. I wasn't even on the map previously. Now, the keyword for which my homepage dropped from the rankings, 'Savannah Ghost Tours' is also the 'name' of my company according to Google Local. I haven't had this happen before and am quite confused by it. If anyone can help me understand why this happened and if there is anything I can do to get my organic ranking back, I would appreciate it. The only change I made wasn't even to the site. I did go out and use GetListed to add my company to a number of sites, that is all I have done in the past month. Also, These two things happened the same day, the drop in rank and the promotion to number one position for local. google-rankings.png

    | TimNealon

  • In June our domain authority was at a 41. In July we were 38 and ever since then our domain authority is gradually getting worse and worse. We went from a 33 to a 29 in one week! Possible explanations include: Maybe the SEO we hired (for a few months in late 2011) added our domain to some less-than-awesome directories The 301 redirects on our home page are hurting us somehow Duplicate content for URL's with different capitalization (IE: /pages/aboutus and /Pages/AboutUs) Can someone please point me in the right direction? Which of the above possibilities would likely impact domain/page authority? Any other ideas as to why this might be happening? Any suggestions for improving our domain or page authority? Thanks for the help!

    | MichaelBrown55

  • Hi guys I am looking for some help in regards to using canonical tags in other domains that have similar content to our main site. Would this be the right way to go about it? For example is the website i would like to achieve best ranking with, but i also have other websites, and which have similar content and all link back to So in order to make sure the google bot knows these other pages are a reference to the page can i put a canonical tag in that goes like this: rel="canonical" href="" /> and put that same tag in Would i achieve a better ranking for doing so on or am i on the wrong track and will doing so not change a thing? I hope I'm making sense 😉 Best regards, Manny

    | Manny2000

  • On SEOMoz, I can see that when people type in X keyword, my website comes up at Y place. For example, if someone googles "Mobile Productivity", a page on my website comes up at #10.  How is that #10 ranking calculated? I would've guessed it's based on some combination of linking root domain and page authority, but I see sites that rank below mine that have higher scores on both. For example, on the aforementioned 'Mobile Productivity' search, my site comes up #10 with a Linking Root Domain score of 2, and a Page Authority of 29. But Honeywell Products and Services comes up #13 on the same "Mobile Productivity" search (ie, BELOW my site), even though they have a Linking Root Domain score of 40 and a Page Authority of 72. Similarly, comes in at #1 for that search with scores of 7 and 31 respectively, but comes in at #2 with scores of 61 and 47 respectively. How are the search engine rankings calculated? Thanks in advance, Julian

    | MobileDay

  • My client's traffic started to significantly decrease around Nov 21 (Panda update 22).  This includes traffic from all sources - search engines (G, B, & Y!), direct, AND referral. At first we thought it was a G penalty but G answered our reconsideration request by stating that no manual penalty had occured.  It could be algo penalty, but again, the site has been hit across all sources. Client has done zero backlinking - it is all natural.  No Spam, etc.. All of his on-site SEO is perfect (700+ pages indexed, all unique content, unique title and desc). On Oct 16, he switched from his old URL to a new URL and did proper redirects.  (Last year - Dec 2011 - he switched his CMS to Drupal and although there was a temporary decrease in traffic, it showed recovery within a month or so.) He does zero social on his site and he has many ads above the fold. Nevertheless, the traffic decrease is not source specific.  In other words, all sources have decreased since Nov 21, 2012 and have not recovered. What is going on?  What can be the explanation for decrease in traffic across all sources?  This would be easy to answer if it was only Google Organic decrease but since direct and referral have also been hit, we cannot locate the problem. Please share your personal experiences as well as advice on where we should look. Could this be negative SEO?  Where would we look? ANY ADVICE IS WELCOME  !!!! Every bit counts Thanks!!

    | GreenPush

  • Hi All, I have a client who is looking heavily at Google+ Local. He has a main business, with a number of locational franchises. He has created a local listing for each of these franchise pages. The question he has asked is 'How do I improve my rankings for these local listings?' Now some of them seem to rank well without any work performed to improve them, but some are not. My question is, What can we do to improve the rankings of Google+ Local listings? This has changed greatly since I last looked into it, so anyone who can say 'right, this is what you need to do to improve Google+Local listings' would be greatly appreciated!!!! Many thanks Guys!!

    | Webrevolve

  • Hi Guys, I just had a quick question, is it truly possible to rank number one worldwide/nationally for a keyword phrase these days such as, Computer repair services. I'm not too concerned with the local serps that come up above the fold. I'm just more concerned, if Google is looking to serve more local results into the regular serps listing? I hope that makes sense thanks. Best, Peter

    | PeterRota

  • I have heard that Google favors specific .m sites overs responsive designs in it's rankings. Does anyone know if this is true? And, if there is any supporting information. I have been in contact with our account team at Google but haven't had a response on this as yet. I appreciate any help on this. Cheers!

    | Fasthosts

  • Hi, As the title says, looked at MozCast metrics and it's showing some pretty big movement for yesterday. Anyone see any SERP movement? Or have an idea what happened?

    | activitysuper

  • I'm wondering if the social widgets on my blog should create a share/like referencing the page or should the social widget create a follower to my brands page on a particular social network? Any ideas?

    | salesduke

  • Hello, What good or bad could happen if someone put the same keyword in all site's URL's? (i.e. I would be selling cars and my domain isn't included any word cars, so i put all of my pages in one folder like

    | komeksimas

  • Hello, For a two word search does order of the two words matter to get the exact match seo bonus? For example, would get the same SEO bonus as I Googled many two word searches reversing the word order and I got the exact same search results suggesting order does not matter (yes I am assuming people are just doing a broad search) Thoughts? Thanks!

    | max2012

  • Hi, Can anyone tell me please when a new website starts receiving traffic from the search engines? Regards

    | kywebsol

  • I'd like to see google start a new search engine.  They  might call it (Vanilla Google). This search engine would not be stinked up with social data, freshness inclusions,   crap from my last query, skewed based upon my IP, warped because of my browser, targeted because of my cookies, no personalization, no image results, product results, none of that stuff. Ads are OK if labeled. I just want a plain vanilla search.  Something that I know is "clean". Just like the good olde days. Millions of people will start using it right away.  🙂 Would you use

    | EGOL

  • Google is changing my title. How can I fight back?

    | KrisPhoto

  • At the beginning of Dec we ranked consistently in the top 3 for the keyword 'Suffolk' for the site (apge rank 4, thousands of quality inboud links, site age 5 years +). Since then we've been falling off a cliff and today aren't even in the top 50 for this search term, but most of our othr search terms are unaffected. Our SEOMoz grade remains A for 'Suffolk' and we haven't changed anything in that time that could have had such a material effect (knowingly at least). A similar issue happened to my other site back in April and it hasn't recovered despite grade A's on the homepage and key pages. We've checked internal broken links, page download times, external links (used the disavow tool and reconsideration request and got back 'We reviewed your site and found no manual actions by the webspam team that might affect your site's ranking in Google'); etc etc Any thoughts on what I can try next? All suggestions appreciated as I am completely stuck (& have spent a fortune on 'SEO experts' to no effect).

    | SarahinSuffolk

  • Hi, Someone I know has just been offered a domain name by Is anyone familiar with this company? They're offering the non-hyphenated domain name (the person I know has the same domain name except with a hyphen) for a one-time fee of $49, payable through paypal or a credit card. When we contacted customer support by email (they did respond quickly), the email came from a different domain - Has anyone had any experience with this? If it's legit, it seems like it could be a good opportunity to get the non-hyphenated URL but I'm concerned that it might be a scam. Thanks in advance! Carolina

    | csmm

  • For example: Raven stopped use of scraped Google, SEMRush data on Jan. 2 Raven stopped offering unauthorized Google SERP rankings and keyword data (a.k.a. scraped Google data) on Jan. 2, 2013. The change included the retirement of the SERP Tracker and the elimination of SEMRush data from the Raven platform. Raven has released new SEO performance reports that make it easy to show clients the impact of campaigns to improve organic traffic. Raven will continue to upgrade reports through the year. We thank the many customers who continue their business with Raven. More details about the SEO performance reports and other recent releases are available Is SEOMoz protected in some way?  Or will you have to give up rankings reports too?

    | MSWD

  • Happy New Year Moz'ers! Our agency has recently had  a number of new clients who were hit by the Penguin updates. These sites came to us over the last two months so they've been dealing with Penguin for months. Looking at Google Analytics for each client, I'm seeing a lot of the same patterns - mostly a large first drop in traffic after the update and then a long, steady decline in organic traffic over the months that follow. I have seasonal factors for traffic dips for each client but I'm curious as to what other Moz'ers are finding long term. Do you see a large traffic drop followed by a sustained plateau? Do you see a large traffic drop followed by a long, slow decrease over the weeks or months that follow? Do you see something else? Thanks! <jason @sonray=""></jason>

    | DragonSearch

  • I am curious if any other SEO's are still seeing success with exact matching domains. I am not seeing ANY changes to any of my clients rankings since the "Exact Match Domain" filter came about in September. Also while I have conducted SERP audits in my neck of the woods I am noticing EMD's are still doing very well. What are you seeing?

    | clarktbell

  • My meta tag description is the same on a lot of my pages It was done by the original designer. Should all of the meta descriptions and keywords be unique for each page?

    | Realtor101

  • Hello All, I have seen few websites who have alternatively bought other domain names which relate to their industry or business and have redirected those names to their main domain name. Is this practice good and legible? Does it hurt ones seo strategies or has anything to do with it?

    | shanky1

  • I deleted about 100 pages of stale content 6 months ago and they are currently returning 404's. The crawl diagnostics have pointed out 77 duplicate pages because of this. Should I redirect these as 301's to get rid of the error or keep them as 404's? Most of the pages still have some page authority but I don't want to get penalized. Just looking for the best solution. Thanks!

    | braunna

  • I have a page ranking on position 1 for a key phrase. The key phrase is the title of the page as well. I'll use a mock key phrase to aid my question  - "Teeth and Gums" So the page is ranking number 1 for "Teeth and Gums" and "Teeth and Gums" is the meta title. However, I went ahead and did a new search adding an additional keyword to the original search. When I did a new search adding an additional keyword to the original search, Google has done something weird.. Let's say the search is "Dentistry - Teeth and Gums", Google has ranked my page again as number 1 but changed the title. The title in the search result is now "Dentistry - Teeth and Gums" How and why? It's kinda like Google PPC's keyword insertion but the title hasn't got anything weird like {KeyWord: Dentistry}. It's just "Teeth and Gums" Has this happened to you guys? Any ideas?

    | Bio-RadAbs

  • These few days I've been seeing great movement of my sites growing by 70-100% in traffic spikes. Some how I think this has something to do with AuthorRank maybe kicking in now as more of a factor in rankings? Anyone have an idea whats going on ?

    | NikolasNikolaou

  • As an SEO (in-house, freelance, consultant, agency, entrepreneur) what was the biggest challenge you faced in 2012? Please be as specific as you can, and let us all know what you are doing to overcome this challenge in 2013. For me personally I would have to say the biggest challenge I had to deal with was Google+ Local. Obviously Google is putting a lot into G+L, but it has been so messy and at times I have just thrown my arms up in the air. Especially when it comes to multi-state locations and losing reviews.

    | clarktbell

  • Hello Moz Members, I just want to clarify that, We do directory submission in 50 of sites. For Example: I have to target 10 keyword's, and i am doing directory submission. I have 10 Unique titles and 10 unique description. I just need to submit these 10 keywords in 50 directory's 10 keywords * 50 directory = 500 submission. I will just submit the same 10 Unique titles and 10 unique description to these 500 directory. So it wont be count as duplicate content and duplicate title in every directory. Or Every time i do directory submission i have to submit unique description and unique title. Please help me with these question, I am really confused how shall i proceed to directory submission. If any one have fast approval directory sites list then please share the information with me. Regards & Thanks, Chhatarpal Singh

    | chhatarpal

  • After having one of my sites trashed by penguin, I rebuilt it on a new domain. Pretty much everything was the same except for the look of the site plus I decreased the keyword density and did a few other things to avoid future Penguin penalties.  I created a small number of directory links. My site is now maybe 6 months old, doesn't get much traffic, however I wa suprised to see that my main keyword " uncontested divorce lawyer" is now ranking number 1 in google in US ! This despite the EMD update. The domain name is .  Like I said I still don't get a lot of traffic on this site. I have another site which until recently was driving over 500 visitors a month, since November it has declined to 350 a month. This site is over 4 years old and was unaffected by all the updates, until recently. It too is an EMD but has more links. Not co complain but can anyone explain the #1 rating? Also it would appear that links are practically irrelevant. I have read and heard that practically no one is linking to content, instead they are sharing, liking, etc. Any comments

    | diogenes

  • Even though we have constant traffic our alexa is flickering between 9000 to 10000 Please let me know what should i do to get 7000 rank. Here is the link to our website. saikiran

    | saikiranvijay

  • Hey guys! I know it sounds like a novice question, but I have checked ALL THE BOXES THAT TELL GOOGLE TO INDEX MY GOOGLE+ PROFILE. It is Visible for search - 100%. It's been 3 weeks since I opened a Google+ profile and it still hasn't been indexed for its name. Any guesses what's going on? (It's not this name so don't try to google me)

    | Yoav_Vilner

  • Hello, Two weeks ago we got message from Google which said about our reconsideration request has been sucesfuly processed after few months of fight. So, manual action has been revoked but our problem is more complex. Here are flow: 1. 1-01-2012 we got filtered (manual filter - buy link) Here are 100k vistors per day... 2. 7-05-2012 we have problem with budget, hosting, etc.. Before that (after get filter) we get 20k vistors per day.. 3. 12-07-2012 we back Our statistics at this moment: 10-12k vistors per day, so we make 301 from country domain to global *.com 4.12.07-2012 - 1-09-2012 We try make a good reconsideration request without any positive result... Our statistics after 301 redirect are 5k vistors per day, not more. Every day is : 5 000 (+/- 5 %) 5.14-12-2012 Our reconsideration request has been procesed positive, manual action has been revoked but... after two weks from this message we have the same statistics (still are the same traffic source precentages). So whats going on? When will be back to SERP? Thanks! It's very important for us, before we got filter our statistics are permanent good. At this moment we don't see result for "keyword domainame" in TOP 10, only positions > 50 sometimes are normal (1-2 % of queries). Our competition have good statistics all time, their pages are above our results for phrases like: "keyword domainame"

    | thenaturat

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