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Category: Algorithm Updates

Discuss algorithm updates and impacts.

  • Hi. I was wondering whether anyone knew if it is possible to compare search volumes for keywords year on year for absolute figures (so not using Insight). For example: How many people searched for computer mouses from 1.1.11 - 1.4.11 Compared to How many people searched for computer mouses from 1.1.12 - 1.4.12

    | SEOclient12

  • Surprised I wasn't able to find an existing answer given that SinglePlatform apparently serves 500,000 SMBs with menus that appear on over 150 publisher websites. Given Panda's razor-sharp intolerance for duplicate content, am I safe to assume that any claim of SinglePlatform's menu on a local restaurant being beneficial to your SEO is now spurious?  If so, what's best way to handle this as a potential SEO liability while still having one of their nicely formatted restaurant menus on your site? For reference: Update May 7, 2012 Connected directly with the folks at SinglePlatform, and the answer here is a lot simpler than my over-thinking of it.  The menu usually sits within an iFrame or widget so that's that.  But the ability to truthfully show an up-to-date menu for any given establishment is a legit way to address the healthy amount of local search intent  that seems to be directed at exactly that. Overall a pretty slick platform, looking forward to seeing how they grow into the SMB, local & mobile in the coming months, I think the space is ripe to benefit from products/services that take advantage of these sorts of economies of scale.

    | mgalica

  • Anyone have insight into what specific factors penguin is targeting and how it works? Matt Cutts seemed to infer that the site was targeting things such as spun content, keyword stuffing, etc. but most of the sites that have been hit that I've seen aren't doing any obvious content spamming like that. For example: Is penguin looking primarily at onsite or backlink factors? Does Penguin just discount spammy backlinks, or does it apply an additional penalty to sites that have poor quality backlinks? Anyone noticing specific onsite or offsite factors that correlate with whether a site has been hit or not?

    | AdamThompson

  • Hello, I have a client that has a blog with a domain of and a website I told him that instead of trying to promote and rank with two different sites for the same thing that he should have his blog on so that any links, notices, visits, social mentions, etc. all point to one domain name and he was in agreement. But he uses a CMS (content management system) for his website and his hosting/design companey said it would be easier to set up his blog as a sub-domain of his site. My question is will the blog on a sub domain ( help out link juice, ranking, etc. for the domain name just as must as a blog at would help out the domain name I know that Google used to treat links form sub domains as external but recently changed the treatment of these links to internal. P.S. The current blog at holds very little value currently.

    | Michael_Rock

  • We were hit hard on both of our sites yesterday and can't afford to wait for the dust to settle, as some folks are advising. We have been attempting to work off a penalty on one of our sites by undergoing a massive (and expensive) link removal project over the last four months.  We are on our third reconsideration request and, hopefully, this last round of link removal will have done the job.  I'm hesitant to go in and "de-optmize" the site by changing title tags and changing the anchor text until the penalty is removed, but I'm not sure if that's the right plan of action.  I am, however, going to dig into the non-penalized site and change some title tags and anchor text. Any thoughts on this strategy would be greatly appreciated.

    | rdreich49

  • I've been doing some research trying to figure out how the Google algorithm works. The one thing that is constant is that nothing is constant. This makes me believe that Google takes a variable that all sites have and divides it by that number. One example would be taking the load time in MS and dividing it by the total number or points the website scored. This would give all of the websites a random appearance since there that variable would throw off all the other constants. I'm going to continue doing research but I was wondering what you guys think matters in the Google Algorithm. -Shane

    | Seoperior

  • I recently came across a type of rich snippet in a Google search result that I can't find information about. I attached a screen shot and circled in red.. Has anyone seen these rich snippets before? If so, what are they called and how do you get them for your site? Thanks! mWgj9.png


  • Greetings, Im a new SEO and really knew nothing until signing up to SEOMoz. After reading the SEO101 and gathering as much information in a short period of time things started  to become a little clearer. So I started my first campaign used my new SEO knowledge and input all of my meta information. Then I waited a few days to see what happened with my search result. We had never ranked for a single keyword before mind you. So a couple/few of days go by and I started punching in my keywords and looking through the pages. There I was page three. I was SO happy. I read the entire SEO101 again, realized a little more about what I had to do. So I started changing everything up, adding pictures, I found out what a IMG ALT Attributes were in the HTML editor, bolded text and all the other things I missed the first time around. Three days go by and I move up again. I start to notice my traffic is increasing and I am actually getting organic hits through search traffic. This has never happened before. I am over the moon. But I realize that I have my main focus keyword as the second key word in my title tag. So I switch the two words around, wait a few more days. Here's why I ask my question. The original title tag was still showing up and I was on the first page for both keywords, and I could see both title tags when searching for either keyword. So; Is changing your meta titles frequently good SEO Practice ? Warmest regards, Michael S&M Warning: adult site, NSFW

    | Sexandmetal

  • First of all, sorry for my english but i'm an Italian girl seo. Before Panda update seo was clear and easy: good quality, good natural backlink and so on... Now there is an update fast every week and it's a mess! I work as seo for a big italian e-commerce and (more or less) one month's ago in google webmaster tool I tried a message frome Google who told me the site: is penalty for innatural backlink. But I ve do noting against Google politicy: no pay backlink, no fam and so on.. There are some streing link but I can't delete it because I don't do it. I ask the riconsideretion of website but google still tell me it faund innatural link. What shoud I do? The pr of the site is the same but all keyword has lose ranking: from 1 page to 3 and from 1 to 6 page... What can I do? I risk to lose my work sob.

    | giordanoshop

  • In  the past, it was always a good thing to put your most important keyword or phrase at the beginning of the Title Tag with the company name at the end.  Now according to the over optimization penalty in the Whiteboard Friday video, it seems to be better to be more human and put the company name at the beginning with the keyword or phrase following. Am I understanding this correctly?

    | hfranz

  • Hi, I've just checked the number of keywords appearing on my website's pages. On some of them the keyword density was way too high (7-10%) if you included the meta tags, but all under 3.5% if I didn't include the keywords and description meta tags. So my question is - when looking at number of keywords used per page, do I have to worry about what's in those meta tags? Do the keywords in there count towards keyword density / number of keywords per page? Thanks, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • One of our sites that has been around for a couple of years has about 60,000 pages showing on google, however, bing only shows 90 pages for the site. This same phenomenon has been happening across the board for our sites. Any ideas to improve our indexing results for bing?

    | atuomala

  • With the recent deindexing of blog/link networks, I was hoping to get the Q&A's take on what defines a link network.  Are all link building services using link networks? Would you consider something like: To use link networks?  They generate links for you, but most of the time they will do it with "decent" content, on sites like Wordpress, Blogger, Squidoo and other similar sites.  I don't think that most of their link sources are owned internally, but I could be wrong.  Some of them use profile links to send links to their articles, which is garbage. Would you suggest staying away from services like this all together?  I'd say that 90% of the services offered on submitedge might be junk, but a few look useful.  I've seen a few people at my company have success with them, but fully understand that it could be short term, and potentially inevitable that those links get deindexed. I'd like to potentially find a good link building service that could bridge the gaps between when I have time to write content and do link building, as I know the engines like to see a steady stream of both. Any thoughts?  Any other services you guys have used with some success?  I am not looking for sites like fiverr or anything quick/cheap.  I'd be willing to spend the appropriate money occasionally when I think I could use a few extra links, but don't think I need a regular link builder (as that's something I like to do).  I also don't want to go the route of outright buying links from other websites. Cheers, Vinnie

    | vforvinnie

  • I'm trying to track page load time of the visits on my site and GA only says to me that it's equal to zero and page load sample is aways zero too. I've made a research, and I found that GA is used to track page load time automatically, isn't it?

    | ivan.precisodisso

  • Am I just unlucky or are others seeing this too? I have several google alerts. For the past 6 months, google keeps sending crap along with good stuff. its a bit like their search results. There are three types of Alerts they send that I'm not impressed with. 1. Alerts that are from unintelligible splogs that take real news stories and rewrite them with unintelligible garbage that makes no sense at all. Sometimes, they serve up new alerts from the same splogs I saw several months ago, that I felt sure they would have zapped by now. 2. Old stories, that have been around for months. I just received one that was from January, from TechDirt, a big site that must get a huge amount of attention from google. 3. Irrelevant stories because they love to show how smart they are by splitting my alert keyword text into multiple words, but it gives useless results. This is the kind of stuff that crappy search engines like AltaVista used to do. Is google reverting to the childhood of search with all these changes?

    | loopyal

  • Hi all Had a look for info on this one but couldn't find much. I know these days that if you have a decent domain good will often automatically put site links on for your home if someone searches for your company name, however has anyone seen these links appear for sub pages? For example, lets say I had a .com domain with /en /fr /de sub folders, each seoed for their location. If I were to then have as no1 in Google for my company in the UK would I be able to get site links under this or does it only work on the 'proper' homepage A client of mine wants to reorganise their website so they have different location sections ranking in different markets but they also want to keep having sitewide links as they like the look of it Thanks Carl

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • We have come in this morning to find our site ( has suddenly disappeared from their SERPs, we have consistently been ranking in the top 5 for a wide range of search terms but now do not even appear for our brand name of Payday UK where we have been first for many months. Our site is still indexed and we have made no changes for a while as any SEO work is waiting on completion of a CMS system. Looking in!categories/webmasters/crawling-indexing--ranking and there seem to be a lot of people having the same issues but as of yet no answers. I'd also like to add we don’t use black hat techniques so we really don’t understand why we have been penalised. Can anyone help please?

    | Sarbs

  • Hi Guys We have recentley done work for a client where they ended up position 1 for their chosen keyword, which was great. Since then there rank has changed and they are now first in google places rank but not on organic search at all, where as before they were on both? Any suggestions on why this may have happened? Not to sure at why google would have replaced the organic rank with the places rank? Cheers Chris

    | MiracleCreative

  • My hcg domain doesn't show up in google search. Shows up in new sand image search. If I wrap the domain name in quotes it shows up

    | noork

  • I have some duplicate content issues on my blog I'm trying to fix. I've read lots of different opinions online about the best way to correct it, but they all contradict each other. I was hoping I could ask this community and see what the consensus was. It looks like my category and page numbers are showing duplicate content. For instance when I run the report I see things like this: I'm assuming that is just the categories that are being duplicated, since the page numbers only show on the report at the end of a category. What is the best way to correct this? I don't use tags at all on my blog, using categories instead. I also use the Yoast SEO plug in. I have a check mark in the box that disables tags. However it says, "If you're using categories as your only way of structure on your site, you would probably be better off when you prevent your tags from being indexed." There is a box that allows you to disable categories also, but the description above makes it seem like I don't want to block both tags and categories. Any ideas what I should do? Thanks.

    | NoahsDad

  • One strategy I was considering for a new site was developing a WordPress plugin that would have the side-effect of generating lots of back links. Given Google's recent over optimization update, this sounds like it could be a really bad idea. The nature of the plugin would be such that it would probably be used on very new blogs with low quality.

    | JonDiPietro

  • Until a couple of months ago the predicted SEO Moz ranking for a specific keyword was fairly close to what I actually experienced with my website. However, since then the correlation has not been good. For example, according to SEO Moz I am ranked #1 for a specific keyword with and yet my site actually shows up consistently at #3 for that keyword. Has anyone else noticed this divergence?

    | casper434

  • Hi, Since January, the Google rankings for one of our sites has been jumping around. Sometimes it's on page 1, then it disappears and comes back around 1 month later. It's strange because it's only a small section of the site that it's happening to. Every other section of the site is doing really well. Just wondered if anyone else is having this problem, or has had it and can suggest any fixes. There are no technical issues, no changes have been made to the site, all I can think is it's Google messing around with their algorithm? Any help or advice would be much appreciated. Karen

    | Digirank

  • Please see the attached image. My question : How can I have such results showing for my own website? I mean what should I do to make this happen? 3ZQfr.jpg

    | KS__

  • We have recently (yesterday 12<sup>th</sup> April) taken a hit for our main keywords it seems that there is no constant fall but it seems to be the most competitive words as anything that ranked purely on content still seems to rank which makes me assume that we have just lost a lot of power from links (are SEO did build quite a few links from article sites he also built a few blog network links which we did not know till we got the webmaster message 3 weeks ago  (24<sup>th</sup> may) and we have made him remove them all but some still show which a) he can’t contact or b) were scrapers). But on the other hand we still have decent on site content and some good links from graphic design blogs (review articles) which would suggest a penalty as some sites with poor links and poor on site content are outranking us for a couple of our good keywords. I cannot decide if this is a penalty, keyword anchor text penalty (this is wiping more power out than the bad links) or just devaluation of links (but as said before our good links are still much more powerful than the competitors out ranking us and with our content we should easily not have lost many places). If I was going to come up with an idea it would be like the bad links have taken twice there power away from the site, so our on site content is still good but compared to medium on site and crap links they are out ranking us. (we did use a lot of anchor text with keywords in) If this is the case if we build gooad quality review links, press releases and make them more natural not go for normal link building – articles ect would this help and has anyone ever dealt with this before and have any idea how to know what is happing and how long it might take to recover.

    | BobAnderson

  • Hi There, My website is number 1 for Google places for my area, however I'm not on page 1 of google organically. Is it possible to do this, or does Google not let you have a places and organic links? Any opinions welcome! Ant

    | Ant71

  • I have noticed that the sites in my niche that were at the top of the SERP's are still at the top of the SERP's after panda. I have also heard people theorizing that links are no longer important, its now all about bounce rates, time on site, etc. Is there any consensus about how important links are after Panda? thx Paul

    | diogenes

  • Hi Everybody, I ve been dealing with this issue for a while now. i have a multilingual website: When a search for Vallnord in Google it always shows the result in Catalan, but it does not show what I specified in the meta description, it displays what it crawls from the home page. I have 2 problems here: It is not showing my meta description. What can I do? It is not showing the language from which the search was made. Example: if you search from and your default language is english it should been displayed the result from the english HTML. but it is not like this. It is always the catalan (default language of the site) the one that is displayed. I have tried several things already: Inserting the Hreflang function Changing the descriptions Resubmitting the sitemap via Google Webmaster I can not figure out what is going on because if you search: "Vallnord Castellano" it will display the spanish URL but still not the proper description. Moreover if you search: "" on google , it will display the proper URL and description. FYI, I am using 301 redirects for the languages: it is the sames as In addition to this, If using Yahoo search engine there is no problem. it will show the proper language. from the first result is in english and from the first result Spanish. So any idea what would be the problem?And furthermore, any Idea which would be the solution? Thanks in advance, Guido.

    | SilbertAd

  • Hi there, I have a strange problem concerning how the search results for my site appears in Google. The site is and for some strange reason that name is appended at the end of the page title when I search for it in Google. The site name is not added to the page titles on the site. If I search in (the relevant search engine for the country I am targeting) for "Unibet Fast Poker" I get the following page title displayed in the search results: Unibet Fast Poker starter i dag - få €10 og prøv ... - If you visit the actual page you can see that there is no site name added to the page title: It looks like it is only being appended to the pages that contains rich snippets markup and not he forum threads where the rich snippets for some reason doesn't work. If I do a search for "Afstemning: Foretrukne TOPS Events" the title appears as it should without the site name being added: Afstemning: Foretrukne TOPS Events Anybody have any experience regarding this or an idea to why this is happening? Maybe the rich snippets are automatically pulling the publisher name from my Google+ account... edited: It doesn't seem to have anything to do with rich snippets, if I search for "Billeder og stuff v.2" the site name is also appended and if I search for "bedste poker bonus" the site name is not.

    | MPO

  • I have been telling myself and clients for a while that you do not need to specially SEO things for different search engines. While I stand by this (staunchly) I can't help but notice how SLOW yahoo is to pick up my SEO updates and rank them as compared to google. Sometimes I see Rank increases within a day or two (or sooner) But Yahoo is still well behind in their caching and calculations.

    | TheGrid

  • In which way is calculated the percentage of Keyword Difficulty? What are the parameters you consider? Thank you very much Francesco

    | seomoznicchia

  • I am trying to choose between two domains:- Lets call them While 1 is shorter than 2, people don't search for 'Example Deals' but they do search for 'Example Discounts' is quite large numbers, therefore 2 containts all the keywords. How much does including the keywords which you are targetting in the domain affect ranking these day?

    | easymatt

  • Can anyone shad som light on on page optimization for HTML5? Does google already taking the new section tag in consideration? How about heading? I read somewhere that now Google can digest multiple H1 heading. Is that true and is that recomended? Thanks a lot

    | dadaseo

  • Hi Team, For our client, Forum thread was created some where in Feb 2011 on a US based Forum site, but on to that forum; client has been abused through comments and now in 2012 same link is on top for some important keyword. So we approached to the forum owner to delete the thread or the comments but we got negative response from owner. So do we have anyway to remove that link completely from Google search result apart from creating new links and bringing them on top so that targeted link is moved to later pages. We need some solution/ trick through which we can completely remove the thread link. Awaiting your reply.

    | NevilRohinton34

  • There has been a fair deal of broad speculation that "rich snippets improve CTR".  The recent rich snippet infographic that SEO Moz came out with mentioned this.    However the only solid examples I could find was from an example on Search Engine Land. Does anybody know of any other success examples with solid data of improved search share CTR rates when rich snippets were implemented?

    | southernresearch

  • We have dynamically updated xml sitemaps which we feed to Google et al. Our xml sitemap is updated constantly, and takes minimal hands on management to maintain. However we still have an html version (which we link to from our homepage), a legacy from back in the pre-xml days. As this html version is static we're finding it contains a lot of broken links and is not of much use to anyone. So my question is this - does Google (or any other search engine) still need both, or are xml sitemaps enough?

    | linklater

  • I was pretty impressed by the amount of data they can present to you and how quickly the site gets it to you. Hit your GA account click the Home tab then click the Real Time (Beta) link in the navigation. It is pretty impressive. GoogleAnalytics.jpg

    | donford

  • Does the time a person stays on a website affect Search Rankings? If so, could the lower time from Adwords Visitors be effecting organic rankings? And the same for bounce rate. If Non-Paid Search Traffic Avg. Visit Duration time is 3:55 and Paid Search Traffic Avg. Visit Duration is 1:59 Could the low duration time be affecting our website rankings?

    | hfranz

  • Does anyone use this service? Does it produce any duplicate content issues?

    | MangoMan16

  • I have a large content site that's 8-9 yrs old, a PR4, DA of 66, and has many thousands of backlinks.  It has ranked well for it's primary keywords for quite some time. This morning I noticed rankings dropped significantly. My #2 keyword went from 1 to 150. I started trying to figure out what was up and when I signed into GWT I had the notice from Google on 2/25 that they noticed un-natural linking tactics. Hmm....weird...I dont use un-natural linking methods. So I pulled open a couple back link analyzing tools and when looking at Majestic SEO I noticed that about mid February I had a spike of about 2500-3000 links coming from roughly 350 unique domains.  Hmm..weird..We hadn't been doing any major content marketing or link building during that time or for probably a month to month and half before that. Upon analyzing some of those links it appears that a vast majority of them are from some type of blog network. Not sure which but you know the kind I'm talking about. ALN or something similar. What appears to have happened is someone pointed a bunch of spammy links at my site and this has caused Google to penalize me.  I know this isn't suppose to be possible but just recently on a forum I visit I noticed a thread where someone was able to successfully do this to his competitor who has held the number one spot for over a year.  He used the same technique of a couple hundred blog network links with varied anchor text and his competitor dropped about a hundred spots. So curious if anyone else has seen this or has any advice on my next step. I have filed a re-inclusion request and outlined what I think happened. I am also attempting to figure out which blog network it is so that I can request they remove those links but if I can't I'm not sure what I should do next.

    | jmacek07

  • Google is now encouraging webmasters to attribute content to authors with rel="author".  You can read what google has to say about it here and here. A quote from one of google's articles.... When Google has information about who wrote a piece of content on the web, we may look at it as a signal to help us determine the relevance of that page to a user’s query. This is just one of many signals Google may use to determine a page’s relevance and ranking, though, and we’re constantly tweaking and improving our algorithm to improve overall search quality. I am guessing that google might use it like this.....  If you have several highly successful articles about "widgets", your author link on each of them will let google know that you are a widget expert.  Then when you write future articles about widgets, google will rank them much higher than normal - because google knows you are an authority on that topic. If it works this way the rel="author" attribute could be the equivalent of a big load of backlinks for highly qualified authors. What do you think about this? Valuable? Also, do you think that there is any way that google could be using this as a "content registry" that will foil some attempts at content theft and content spinning? Any ideas welcome!  Thanks!

    | EGOL

  • Google pushed the local search results in a prominent spot on a ton of search results. That means (for me) that all first page rankings (including a lot of 1st place rankings) have completely disappeared. Subfolders still rank and homepage still ranks where local search is not included. This is weird. Is this a glitch or is there something we can do about this?

    | Discountvc

  • Hi there, I just noticed that some of my best performing keywords have taken a drop down the ranking by maybe 10 positions, some of them being ranked no.1 for quite sometime. My link building activities are such things as guest posting on relevant and topical websites and always have original content. Is it a coincidence? For many months now I have been using the keyword analysis tool in SEOMOZ checking my own page authority & linking root domains, nothing changed on any of these keywords except for improvement on SERPs, however today I have noticed at the same time some of my best performing keywords have dropped is that the page authority & linking root domains for those keywords changed also, and for the better but dropped in SERPs. Any idea on what's going on? anyone experienced this? Kind Regards

    | Paul78

  • Hi I operate in a rather competitive market (IT and project management related training), and my focus is the UK market. I've recently started focussing on SEO. I have been creating content, albeit slowly. I have completed writing a book on my target subject, which is due to go out in a couple of weeks (I've received very positive feedback so far). And I have a decent PPC campaign. To get to decent ranking on Google etc., my plan is 1. Focussing on quality content and publishing on my site (I have about 15-20 articles in the pipeline). Reaching out for guess posts is next, but creating this much content is hard. 2. Get external SEO help for link building and off-page SEO. This is somewhat confusing for me, as I've got offers ranging from blog posts, BMR etc. I have some budget for this, but don't exactly know what to target. 3. Gradual focus on on-page optimisation. I haven't done anything on social front, on FB, Twritter. I do have a solid LinkedIn profile (personal). I have one full time resource available to help me out. What should I focus on? What am I missing? Cheers.

    | feneris

  • Hi I have recently put a wordpress blog on my site and have employed a few blog writers, each putting 2 or 3 posts per week up. There brief so far has been to write interesting, humorous and topical articles. Stupid as it may seem I have done this only because the general consensus seemed to be "you must have a blog for SEO" Does it help? Assuming it does: Should I post the same articles to my facebook page and or anywhere else? Should the articles have anchor text linking back to my site? What should I do to make it work well? Thanks in advance Andy

    | First-VehicleLeasing

  • Hi Guys, I have an interesting question and think Google is being a bit strange.. Can anyone tell me why when I input the term design agency in it shows one page, but when i tyupe in the same search term in (worldwide search) it shows another page.. Any ideas guys? Is this not bit strange?? Any help here be much appreciated.. Thanks Gareth

    | GAZ09

  • Anyone aware of any algo updates/refreshes today? Been seeing some serp movements on

    | PeterAlexLeigh

  • Hello, I currently have two domains showing up in google search: These domains are currently ranked in the #2 and #3 spot, however my page is much more trafficked than the current #1 ranking.  I am wondering if the fact that I have two domains competing for the #1 spot is hurting my search ranking.  If so, what is the best way to remedy this issue and get back my #1 spot? I'm rather new to SEO and teaching myself as I go, so I appreciate the feedback!

    | shwoodshop

  • For our business we are building a collection of videos ranging including product info, how-to's, and some funny content. My understanding is that if you embed these onto my site from youtube you don't get any credit for these videos on the web site even if submitting a video sitemap. My thinking is to post these videos to youtube and to host them on our own site and submit a video sitemap including the videos on our site. We would change the name, description, etc. on youtube vs. what's o our web site. Question is - is this the best strategy? Do I get penalized for duplicate content? They are important for both the social aspects of youtube and the content vaue of our web site.

    | uwaim2012

  • I have a main domain name and 20+ related alias domains pointing to it. Is there a danger, penalty or concern that I should be aware of related to alias domains? I saw something on Google "Apps Administration" under "What is a domain alias" saying  "you can add up to 20 domian aliases" but I don't use Google Apps.  Please advise... Thank you, Chris

    | caliboyz

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