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Category: White Hat / Black Hat SEO

Dig into white hat and black hat SEO trends.

  • I See lots of free word press themes with links in footer like  Kids Headphones | Colombia Classifieds | Broadway Tickets Is this a valid white hat link building method? What if the theme looked like a particular industry and the links related to the industry would that be better?

    | DavidKonigsberg

  • From nowhere a backlink to our website has appeared that looks creepy and spammy to us. More astonishing is the fact that our analytics has recorded 477 visits within one day and all the visits are from different places in Vietnam. Here's the link should we do? Will Google hold us responsible for this?Thanks & Regards

    | IM_Learner

  • What is the correct way to "redirect" a domain if you have multi domain names for the same site? For example if a company has Say my website lived at this location  would I then just forward the other domains to the same place? Do search engines penilize for this? Do search engines view this as duplicated content? Is it even worth having these domains and making the active? Thanks in advance!

    | christinarule

  • Recently, I was looking over the linking profile for one of our large clients, and I noticed that a ton of spammy links were appearing. I have never purchase any links or done anything shady that would contribute to this large increase in bad links. It appears as though someone is trying to hijack the SEO of this company, and I don't know how to proceed. Currently, they have not been penalized by Google, but I would not be surprised if a penalty is on its way due to the obvious link spam. Is there any way to report this to Google to ensure that no penalties occer? Any advice on the issue is much welcomed! Thanks

    | tqinet

  • Hi, Here we go, i have a site that is is in first page but in last positon, and i got a competitor that is in first place but his is just duplicate content for every page. He just chage the keyword but still the same content. Really, what can i do, do the same thing, i dont want black hat my site. Do i have to keepping doing my on-page and link building and do not care about him?

    | Ex2

  • I have been emailed asking if I sell links on one of my sites.  The person wants to link out to slotsofvegas[dot]com or similar. Should I be concerned about linking out to this and does it reduce the link value to any of the other sites that the site links out to? Thanks, Mark

    | Markus111

  • Hello, I realize (with GAnaltytics and command "link:") this morning that my domain host (share one)  : "" under which several websites are hosted has been banned from google. Here below the websites :  : : I don't kow why, i use since end of january 2011 IBP,  only for some submissions to directories and for managing some lists of urls. I submitted about 30/40 directories never at the same time , but raher day after day, smoothly. On and which are blogs, i have installed some external rss feeds to display as articles, i decided to stop that but i don't know if it's related to such "blacklistage" from google. I don't use any nasty "blackhat" programs or else.. I'am really upset about that, i claim this morning  with the same  words as now, a new indexation but i don't know how long it will take ?Any idea ? Which are the tools which could help me to scan for maybe any malicious maleware on my hosting provider ? Many tks

    | mozllo

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