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Category: Web Design

Talk through the latest in web design and development trends.

  • Hey Guys, I am trying to choose which is the best platform to use to build my website. I have had a look at the following: studiopress thesis headway woothemes I've just spent a month building a website using the WIX platform only to find out that it's not SEO friendly, so before I start a new site, I just want to make sure I choose the BEST SEO FRIENDLY theme. If someone could please assist that would be greatly appreciated. Also, I already have paid for theme subscriptions to the following sites (before I joined SEOMOZ) are the following SEO friendly? Thanks so much in advance

    | Giorgio68

  • Hi everyone! Could a few of you brilliant people take a look at the architecture of this site, and let me know if you see any obvious problems? I have run the site through XENU, and all of our most important pages, including categories and products, are no deeper than level 3. Everything deeper than that is, in most cases, an image, a pdf or an orphaned page (of which we have thousands). Could having thousands upon thousands of orphaned pages be having a more hurtful effect on our rankings than our site architecture? I have made loud noises and suggested that duplicate content, site speed and dilution of page authority due to all those orphaned pages are some of the primary reasons we don't rank as well as we could. But, I think those suggestions just aren't sexy or dramatic enough, so there is much shaking of heads and discussion that it must be something fundamentally wrong with site architecture. I know re-arranging the furniture is more fun than scrubbing the floors, but I think our problems are more about fundamental cleanup than moving things around What do you think?

    | danatanseo

  • I have a site that is currently set up geo-targeted in sub-domains.  So each geo is  Each site has the same code, design, but the events listed are different.  There are about 30 subdomains and they are  looking to expand nationally. After the Panda update, I am seeing that it looks like they should stay as sub-domains rather than redirecting everything or setting up new domains. Any thoughts on if the sub domains should stay and expand exponentially? SEO strategy, etc.? I'm also worried about the possibility of duplicate content. Thanks!

    | PPI

  • Hi, I am wondering if the way I have set up our website site is creating more harm than good ? All our SEO efforts and content is located @ however our portfolio is located at Questions ? Will Analytic bounce rates effect my SERP, as most people click on the portfolio link in the first 5-15 sec of landing on our page ?? Is there a better way of setting it up ? the reason I set it up like this in the first place was because we wanted a different look/theme for the portfolio. (using WP) Is there any other issues that this setup might have in the SEO / SERP department ?? Is there any benefits and how can I maximize on them (silver lining) Your help and experience is greatly appreciated. Regards Ed

    | EdsonGroupMedia

  • Hi, I recently started a very much "learn on the job" SEO position, transitioning from  a copywriting background. We currently have a wordpress blog up and running (and producing some decent quality content too I hope!) at and a sign up page located at (sorry, can't put the address right now) for a site that is being custom built as it's got some nifty software linking to back end systems. My question is whether the content on the blog will bring SEO benefits to the main domain or whether it'll just be for the blog itself? If the latter, should we navigate the blog onto the a separate page of the main site? Thanks so much! I'm learning as much as I can as quickly as I can, but somethings still get me in a little bit of a tizzy.

    | LeahHutcheon

  • Hello Just got my seomoz report and decided I better start takiling things. Got a lot of 'too many links' on the report. I don't have control over website design and before I talk to designer I thought I should have a bit of an handle on what I am talking about. I've taken one page that has 483 links. Is this caused by the tags box and would it be a good idea to have it removed? Regards Niamh

    | Niamh2

  • I have a client who has a site in Drupal and, for reasons too complicated to go iinto, wants to host part of the site in Wordpress from a different server. So it would be like being in Drupal and the new and everything below /marketing being in wordpress on a different server, obviously with a different IP address. Are there SEO considerations in this? The existing has a lot of authority/rank/traffic and don't want to inadvertently risk that. Thanks... Darcy

    | 94501

  • Hi all, We are currently rebuilding a site using responsive design, however i have just had a thought. On another site where we have a mobile site under a sub-directory we utilise mobile tracking codes as we found that this was far more accurate for recording visits. On a responsive design site evidently all pages, desktop and mobile, will be under the same URL, yet the content will adjust to the screen size of the device. Should we also change the tracking code to be mobile code on the lower resolutions or would the same code be sufficient?

    | Sarbs

  • I was preparing to use Diqus plugin to show related posts, but our site has already used another comment solution which is developed ourselves, and I don't think it's a good idea to replace all the comments of the entire site. So is there another free service to show visitors related posts? We are not a WP site, so I can only accepts HTML&JS codes, not WP plugins, etc. And I also don't want it contain external links even if I can benefit from them, because we are in a pretty specific niche, the recommendations to posts on other sites may take our orders away. Thanks

    | JonnyGreenwood

  • We are combining the images in our header and footer into sprites. We noticed that when we include our header logo in the sprite, we lose the "alt" text associated with the header logo. Is this undesirable? Would it be better to leave the logo in our header as an image with "alt" text? Here's the link:

    | danatanseo

  • Our blog ( has recently been given topic categories so we can utilize our old blogs.  Otherwise, users would only see what's new and never look back (our blogs are organized by the month they were published) and all that hard work would kind of be a waste after a while. So we came up with a few topics (i.e. social media, internet marketing, etc.) and adding those as tags to blogs.  Now, users can click the topics and get a results page on our blog of all the previously published blogs related to that topic.  Sounds great. BUT, it's hurting our SEO crawl report.  If the list goes beyond one page of search results, the 2nd and subsequent pages get dinged as "duplicate title" b/c they share the same title (i.e. "Social Media").  How can I fix this? I'm not the web designer but something tells me maybe some sort of tag that says "Page 2" or something would do the trick.  We use Drupal which is good for customization. I assume tons of bloggers and websites have dealt with this problem. Please help.  Want to give the web guy some solutions. Thank you.

    | JCunningham

  • Question....    A recent change was made to our page by a marketing person.  So now when you type in it actually redirects to a different page This is a really bad idea  isn't it?   I do not know enough about SEO to know a lot, and just joined SEOmoz but do I need to tell the admin to change it back?

    | nongard1

  • What I understand as of now: Google does crawl iframes, but attributes the SEO value of the content within them to their original site. (Let me know if I'm mistaken.) What I need to know: If I were to iframe a section of a site into a site, does this beta3 attribute any SEO value to the site? Essentially - Does good content on a from a (which is mainly just a naked piece of content) bring any benefit to the version of the site when it is iframed into the site?

    | SmokewagonKen

  • Hey ya'll! We are looking to re-build our backoffice website. It's a dynamically generated site that pulls information from a DB. The DB is populated by the quote form. The DB contains the customers' info, shipping, email templates, and everything to process orders. The backoffice website is custom made in JAVA, but the owner is not happy with the programmer. I told the owner we may want to go to a PHP Framework. My question is which PHP framework would you recommend and why? Zend CakePHP Symfony CodeIgniter

    | Francisco_Meza

  • In the past, I have had very good SEO rankings but have recently slipped.  I am trying everything I can.  Only my home page has domain/index.htm while all other pages have .html suffixes.  I have been reluctant to change the home page worrying that it could further hurt my SEO. QUESTION Does it even matter?  If so, will changing home page to .html have any adverse effects for SEO?

    | Kurtyj

  • So redirects to page) if you are not registered with us and logged in.  This means that the search engines are not logged in, so they see only our landing page. It used to be that there was no portal/home, on, that was just the landing page, but that changed about 6 months ago.  We do rank for our brand terms, but my company would like to rank for terms like "sweepstakes." They DO understand why we don't, thankfully. They don't think SEO is magic voodoo. They get it. But they asked for options, as I have said that the portal on really is a good page to optimize for non-brand, core terms like sweepstakes....but only if the search engines can see it. I gave them these options, and they asked me to seek out more. So any thoughts would be good: 1. Best case scenario would be to abandon the landing page, just have the keyword rich portal page be the actual home page with no re-direct. (this won't happen, but I decided it needed to be first on my list). 2. Turn the portal into the home page (remove the redirect), but have the landing page overlay in a light box. This should, if I am not mistaken, be a best of both worlds situation, where the light box landing page would still have all of the value of the actual keyword rich portal page behind it. 3. If the landing page has to remain as it does now with the non-logged in redirect to it, change the URLs so that the landing page is and the portal becomes or something like that. Any other thoughts? Thanks! Kenn Gold Publishers Clearing House

    | Kenn_Gold

  • Hi all, Have any of you used  to combine images into sprites after your site has already been designed? I can see how it would be easy if you were doing this work as you were building and designing a site. But, on a custom coded site (that is not running on any well-know platform or CMS), is it really going to be a piece of cake? Interested to hear about your experiences with this tool. Thanks! Dana

    | danatanseo

  • Hello all! This question is about mobile websites. Any suggestions are welcomed. The facts: We have recently built a mobile website for our business using the separate mobile urls (parallel mobile website on a m. sub-domain). We are in the service industry and while our customers are most of the time on the go, it is important for them to find the price and order the service as fast and easy as possible. The redirect from desktop to mobile happens when customers are accessing the website with a mobile devices and it's done automatically. The mobile version does not have any content and serves only as a search and order function. The SEO has been made for the desktop website only and we are ranking really well for all competitive keywords in our niche. We want to keep the mobile website simple and clean so we are not planning to add any content on it.The questions: Since we are not planning to have much content on the mobile website, do we need to do any SEO for it? If yes, why? What are the benefits? Should we add content on the mobile website and why? Is there any down-side from an SEO perspective due to the fact that the website redirects to the mobile version? How are the inbound links going to behave in this case? Do we need to link these two websites although there is no risk about duplicate content? (links, canonical tags, sitemaps) Will the mobile website take advantage of the link building made for the desktop version? Should we allow the mobile website to be indexed having the fact that this is just a search & book tool? (at the moment it is blocked via robots.txt) Thanks for reading, looking forward to your answers.

    | echo1

  • I'm sure there's a ton of people in this community running Wordpress, any Genesis developers/users out there? For anybody who doesn't know, Genesis is a parent framework for building wordpress child themes.  It saves a ton of time for people that aren't too handy w/ php (like me). I'm working on a few sites locally with it right now, and it's really impressive.  I'm seriously never planning on using another WP framework.  It also integrates perfectly with Yoast SEO, which is something not all frameworks do. So I thought I'd try to get some input from the community here, anybody have another framework they like? Or have an opinion on the SEO benefit of genesis?  Would love to hear...

    | SVmedia

  • I always thought that the link colour has to be different from text colour? I have come across a site and it has made me question this belief, they seem to only have bolded the link which would be very nice if this is  fine.

    | BobAnderson

  • Friends, Even though we get organic leads related to Web Design and Development we are looking for other sources to buy real time leads related to Web Design and Development. Any pointers are much appreciated. Thank you

    | INN

  • Good morning SEOmoz community. I have a question which I am pretty sure I already know the answer to, however i thought I would reach out to my fellow experts to see if anyone had some great advice. I would really like to give my website a makeover.  i have two thoughts on this, one is to scrap the site completely and start fresh, the other would be to only change it visually, but keep all the content and on-page optimization. I am terrified of losing my rankings. I am ranked position 1 and 2 for highly competitive terms and have another 15 - 20 keywords on page 1. Any advice would be tremendously appreciated!!!

    | WebbyNabler

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm new here and am looking forward to learning from this awesome group of SEOs As my company's Web Optimization Manager, I'm in charge of just about anything SEO related. We are an education company and we are looking to build a new forum so students (both new and old) and continue interacting within our community. We also want to use this as a tool for new users and potential new customers through search (obviously). We are in an internal debate as to how we should make the forums and the implications on search it may have. Some managers want the content available only to members, others want the content read-only to the public, and the tech team building the forum says that "it'll be an issue making the content available to the public without a log-in." So my questions are: (1) Will we still be searchable if we make our content "read-only" for non-members? Members will have the ability to log-in and comment and post etc (similar to this forum). (2) Will be searchable if we make the content completely private and available only to members. What I mean by private is perhaps, we'll make the title of the forum thread public but not the actual responses. Along these lines, what would happen if we made everything private (including the tite). Will Google still pick up on our content in a search result and a potential user only not be able to see anything? (3) What would you all suggest to make this flow the right way? Hope to hear from you all soon. Thanks

    | Pedram_SEO

  • Hi, I have a website created on a WordPress Platform.  My site is in  the "Service" industry and we perform the same service for many different "cities." My question pertains to the Navigation Bar and SEO. Is it better to have a "Service" tab on the navigation bar - that has sub navigation that lists all the cities on a drop down menu.  When this happens the URL string looks like The other choice would be to create individual TABS on the NAV bar, by doing this the URL string would look - . I could be wrong, but I am assuming the is better than for SEO purposes, ....if I am correct is there a way to make SUB Menu URLS appear as ? Any input as always would be appreciated best regards, Jimmy

    | jimmy0225

  • A client of ours has a vacation rental business with rental locations all over the country. Their old sites were a messy assembly of black hat, broken links and htaccess files that were used over and over on each site. We are redoing everything for them, in one site, with multiple subdirectories for individual locations, like Aspen, Fort Meyers, etc. Anyhow, I'm putting together the SEO plan for the site and I have a problem. The individual rental properties have great SEO value (lots of text, indexable pictures, can create google/bing location pages), and are great for linking in social media (Look at this wonderful property, rental price just reduced!). However, I don't want individual properties, which will have very similar keywords, links, descriptions, etc, competing with each other when indexed. Truth be told, I don't really want search engines linking directly to the individual property pages at all.  The intended browsing experience should allow a user to "narrow down" exactly what they're seeking using the site until the perfect rental appears. What I want is for searchers to be directed to the property listing index that most closely matches what they're seeking (Ft. Meyers Rental Condos or Breckenridge Rental Homes), and then allow them to narrow it down from there. This is ideal for the users, because it allows them to see all available properties that match what they want, and ideal for the customer, because it applies dozens of pages of SEO mojo to a single index, rather than dozens of pages. So I can't "noindex" or "nofollow", because I want all that good SEO mojo. I can't REL=CANONICAL, because the property pages aren't similar enough to the index. I can't 301 Redirect because I want the users to be able to see the property pages at some point. I'm stymied.

    | SpokeHQ

  • Hi all, I have an ecommerce website with approx 400 products, these are quite technical products and i use to have helpful information about the products on the product pages... My SEO company told me to remove all this, as i had lots of duplicate content issues... I have since had content writers re-write all product descriptions (about 250 words per product)... and now i am trying to figure out a way of getting the "helpful" information back on but in some kind of dynamic way... There is basically about 5 or 6 blocks of information, that can be added to each product page, these overlap hundreds of products. i was thinking of perhaps creating a separate static page for each block of useful information, and putting links on the product pages to this... however, ideally i would prefer to not keep sending customers to other pages... so wanted to see if others had come across similar issues themselves and how they went about having this "content" available to the user but in such a way it was not duplicate content... Please note using images would not be any good here, as the content varies in size but most of it is text based... regards James

    | isntworkdull

  • So I've inherited quite a messy website. It was in drupal and the owner wants it in wordpress. One of the problems is the link paths. Should I try to recreate them exactly? i.e. something/somethingelse/page/ or use redirects (which I'm not confident in doing). Also, some of the pages end in .html, others in a back slash and others without slahes, there's no consistency. Do you have any tips in general? I remember an older seomoz blogpost about successful website relaunches (with press releases and mass emails and stuff being sent out on launch to boot). Thanks!

    | seonubblet

  • Hi there, ISSUE: I have a client who wishes to use a "doorway" page, but not in a spammy way. He would like to have a nice crisp URL for use in ads/brochures. The page is strictly a landing page (just with a separate URL). DOORWAY/LANDING PAGE WILL BE: Non-spammy -- There will be no attempt to optimize the landing page/no attempt to get the page to rank. Strictly a vanity URL -- he likes the way a separate website looks in ads as opposed to a landing page on the existing website (i.e., page) WHAT I'M TRYING TO DO: I'm basically trying to figure out what the best things to do to protect his other sites (which are very high quality valuable sites which rank well) from getting punished. STEPS I'M CONSIDERING: Robots no follow Separate hosting server Different person's name on a private domain registration Adding additional pages, so it's not a 1-page "doorway" Many thanks in advance to anyone who would share their experience and help me protect my client in the best way possible. I've told him there are risks, but he still wants to go ahead. MC

    | marketingcupcake

  • Our website uses section ID's as its navigation so all the content is on one page.  When you click About Us, the page scrolls down to About Us.  Products, the page scrolls to Products section, and etc. I am getting crawl errors for meta descriptions but will this go away once the main domain has this info?  We just added the meta keywords and description to the header and since the navigation sections use the same page, I assume it will correct the errors. Any other advice on optimizing for site designs like ours would be great. is the site. Thanks,

    | bangbang

  • Hi all, I have been testing different configurations for my on-site SEO for a while now and I think I am pretty much there. However it is always nice to know what other SEO's think about my keyword density and usage. My site is I am curious as to what you think regarding landing page content, whether you need lots or text or little text? I have just removed links in the text as I feel I want to keep as much juice on my landing page as possible. Thanks all!

    | TomLondon

  • We have a few sites in Google Sites - and they are ugly! We have a majority (40+) of websites in Wordpress. But we have a few websites just stuck on Google Sites, and since Google won't let you fully edit the HTML, add scripts, or implement any technology since 2000, we want to move. The sad problem - the Google sites are ranking well. We rank well in Manhattan, Atlanta, Dallas, and Philadelphia. The problem is - the sites do not give much room for growth - and the bounce rate is high because they are so ugly. Has Anyone moved from Google sites to Wordpress? Should we just stay with Google and bite the ugly bullet? My fear is that these sites will not allow for growth. It is hard to update them and even harder to make them look nice. To get a sample - beware: Even another reason to leave: The slider is non-semantic and terrible SEO. Google won't allow a slider script with tags and a hrefs, so the only way to implement a slider is through a Google Docs Presentation that keeps sliding. I know - terrible SEO (#donthate) but we needed something. Any advice and thoughts would help! Thanks Mozzers!

    | _Thriveworks

  • I was looking into raising my firm's Domain Authority and I had a thought. I was wondering if our very low PA pages are bringing the overall DA down? Our homepage is at 43 currently and the DA is 32. We have quite a few pages and I am trimming a little fat in the deep pages currently. I was wondering what would be the result in terms of DA I am also starting an aggressive initiative to blog more and try to attract links through guest posting and HARO (Hep A Reporter Out). I understand that many people will say DA is not a metric your should necessarily build around. But, while I am fighting for rankings in a very competitive vertical, I assume a higher DA is better, no? From everything I have read on Moz over the years, they say that the DA metric is the one that tries to encompass a multitude of factors, similar to the way something more complex like the Google algorithm does. So, I assumed finding small gains in DA could be beneficial to the site's rankings and traffic I tried to go into detail and get specific here because I know how many bad questions are asked daily. Thanks anyone and everyone for the help, I do thoroughly appreciate the Moz community

    | BossArrighi

  • Hi All, I'm new to SEOmoz, I'm head of marketing for Coastdale Parks. I would like some feedback on the companies websites. I have designed all five websites and I am self-taught I really like the tools on this site and after a day I feel I am more in-tune with my SEO and what I have to do to increase our online presence. I know how advanced you all our but I have to ask this question; 'On google it give you the preference of having a www. or non www and to create a 301 redirect. I chose the non www. however when I did this I have seen a drop in visitors at first I thought it might be due to the weather being really cold and therefore customers were looking to fly out of Britain, not looking on our websites'. This might be a freak change in customer behaviour, or me changing and not placing the 301 properly'.

    | coastdaleparks

  • Hello, My question today is regarding sitemaps. I'm often confused by this and because I am a bit obsessive I believe I may be giving myself more work than needed.. Basically my question is, do I need to update and/or re-generate my sitemap every time I make a change to the site? I mean, I must have to if I add a page, correct? And so in Google's Webmaster Tools, do I just delete the current sitemap and re-upload a new one for Google to crawl? Is it possible to overdo this? Any sitemap suggestions would be fantastic. I feel like there's been a few weeks where I've updated the sitemap daily and re-submitted it and I worry that might be hurting my site. Thanks!

    | jesse-landry

  • I'm about to migrate to Magento and wanted to ask about the optimal URL structure for the following page: Knowledge Centre |-Videos |-Customer Testimonials |-Customer X Would it be better to use: Domain/knowledge-centre/videos/customer-testimonials/customer-x or Domain/customer-x Thanks in advance for any replies.

    | ssoneil

  • How does a Responsive Site poentially kill SEO? I've seen a few feeds on twitter how a website took a rankings dive after implementing a Responsive theme; yet, it's not clear to me what is actually going on within a Responsive site that would cause the SEO rank to tank?  I can only speculate that it introduces a bunch of 404 errors, or that it changes all of the URLs into gibberish, so you loose all of the links coming into your website if not 301'ed? Can someone clarify, what are the actual mechanical issues on a Responsive website that becomes a concern to SEO?  Thanks.

    | ExploreConsulting

  • Hello everyone, with the launch of our new responsive design, the bounce rate for our fashion blog has increased to almost 80% (that's a 50% increase). Does anyone notice any really bad don'ts on the new site? All comments and feedback appreciated. Bests,

    | karlheinz.toni

  • Has any one seen credible evidence about impact of font size widgets?  Do/did people use them?  Are they moot in the world of full-page zoom functions?

    | sprynewmedia

  • If you rank well for a broad keyword is it any easier to rank if you make a variation of the keyword? Like in general all articles and content some where include my location Miami and I rank well for the keyword beer bottles, Top 5. If I did beer bottles Miami does that automatically or help any way for that word to rank well? Or also variation beer bottle vendor.

    | topclass

  • Hey guys, sorry for the really long question, but it appears that I am losing between 50 and 75 % of my link juice to my internal pages. In OSE all main category links (left sidebar) are being indexed from the URL that includes default.asp, even though NONE of my external links include that: If you check the PA for You see that it is practically double the PA of **Also, non of my internal menu links are being indexed. ** Look at the menu on this page: and then look at the OSE information here for the "invisible thread" item from the menu on the page above^^^: Thanks SOOO much! Pre-thumbs and thanks to anyone that can lend me a seconds worth of advice! Thanks again for your time, Tyler A.

    | TylerAbernethy

  • Is it worth it to do this to your site if it has a local focus? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Thanks! ~Ricky

    | RickyShockley

  • Can someone help me and tell me why Google picks up and shows the title tag as for example: SEOmoz**: SEO Software. Simplified.** Then if you click through and look at the cache version of the page it shows the title tags as just SEO Software. Simplified. So without the SEOmoz: at the start. Its probably something really easy and I'm going to kick myself when someone tells me but I can't figure out why?

    | i3MEDIA

  • Hi! We recently launched our new website after MONTHS of work. Now that it is live, we are looking to fine tune the design and SEO efforts. This is our new website. And for reference, this is our old website. Any and all comments on design and SEO would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help! Mike

    | Mike.Goracke

  • Hello, We are very close to launching five new websites, all in the same business sector. Because we would like to keep our brand intact, we are looking to use the same design on all five websites. My question is, will Google penalize the sites if they have the same design? Thank you! Best regards,

    | Tiberiu

  • One of the sites I work for has some massive on-page link problems. We've been trying to come up with workarounds to lower the amount of links without making drastic changes to the page design and trying to stay within SEO best practices. We had originally considered the NoFollow route a few months back but that's not viable. We changed around some image and text links so they were wrapped together as one link instead of being two links to the same place. We're currently running tests on some pages to see how else to handle the issue. What has me stumped now though is that the damned Pinterest Pin Button counts as an external link and we've added it to every image in our galleries. Originally we found that having a single Pin It button on a page was pulling incorrect images and not listing every possible image on the page... so to make sure that a visitor can pin the exact picture they want, we added the button to everything. We've been seeing a huge uptick in Pinterest traffic so we're definitely happy with that and don't want to get rid of the button. But if we have 300 pictures (which are all links) on a page with Pin It buttons (yet more links) we then have 600+ links on the page. Here's an example page: When talking with one of my coders, he suggested some form of javascript might be capable of making the button into an event instead of a link and that could be a way to keep the Pin It button while lowering on-page links. I'm honestly not sure how that would work, whether Google would still count it as a link, or whether that is some form of blackhat cloaking technique we should be wary of. Do any of you have experience with similar issues/tactics that you could help me with here? Thanks. TL;DR Too many on page links. Coder suggests javascript "alchemy" to turn lead into gold button links into events. Would this lower links? Or is it bad? Form of Cloaking?

    | MikeRoberts

  • Hi, just wondering which is the best format for linking to pages. In my navigation at the moment i have links like; Car Repair Services Is this the recommended format or should it be; Car Repair Services Many thanks for any answers. Alex

    | SeoSheikh

  • I have a web design firm located in India, At this moment we are focusing on local clients as the current competition in local market is very low. But in few months we will shift our focus to outsourcing. So I wanted to know if we should make a google plus local page and connect it with my google places account and website or should I make a google plus business page and connect it to website? Our major focus is on seo. Thanks

    | hard

  • I have two questions regarding Domain Authority: 1. Is it possible that a drop in Domain Authority may have been caused by adding a blog and blog posts? In other words, would adding pages/posts dilute the site's authority? And will it catch back up with itself or will that require inbound links to those new pages? (oops! that was 3 questions in one) 2. Would it be detrimental to have internal links coming from blog posts without authority to my Home page and could that have contributed to a drop in Domain Authority? Thanks!

    | gfiedel

  • Hello, The organization is selling a cms system in a niche market across the country. It has the normal SEO challenges, in addition he is using purchased stock images. This seemed ok, while he was smaller but now we are growing rapidly and these images are VERY STOCK- and well used ( I have checked with Tiny Eye). I remember a few years ago this was a flag to the search engines who went through manual review, is this still true? It seems to me that the theme's that come with the images, are duplicated ( including navigation & footers), so having the duplicated images would be another negative. Thank you for your suggestions!

    | TammyWood

  • We have a website that has a whole heap of internal links. After re-structuring the footer links to the main categories we are now looking at the best way to display the internal links from each category (approx 20-50 links from each). At present they are simply listed on the corresponding category page, however this doesnt look great so we want to display them in a way that is user friendly and also seo friendly. Any suggestions and examples appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    | Silkstream

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