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Category: Web Design

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  • What are the best wordpress theme for getting a good page rank

    | maestrosonrisas

  • Hi All, I need some help on the following: Are the following commands the same? User-agent: * Disallow: or User-agent: * Allow: / I'm a bit confused. I take it that the first one allows all the bots but the second one blocks all the bots. Is that correct? Many thanks, Aidan

    | Presenter

  • It appears that core Drupal includes a CSS style that automatically generates an tag for any* or > ## Main menu This uses the CSS to create a 1px1px header with that text that is absolutely positioned in the top left hand corner. Essentially, hidden and unreadable to humans and presumably also useless to even screen readers. There is some discussion of the reasoning for including this functionality as standard here: []( "") I'm not convinced of its use/validity/helpfulness from an SEO perspective so there's a few questions that arise out of this. 1. Is there a valid non-SEO reason for leaving this as the default rather than giving ourselves full control over our ## tags? 2. Could this be seen as cloaking by creating hidden/invisible elements that are used by the search engines as ranking factors? Update: Google's latest patent appears to deal with this topic. The patent document even makes explicit reference to the practice of hiding text in ## tags that are invisible to users and are not proper headings. Anyone have any thoughts on what SEOs using Drupal should be doing about this?

    | Tinhat

  • I run WordPress on many of my sites and a site crawl has found MANY duplicate content pages on the latest domain I started a campaign for. I expected to see quite a lot on the tag pages that only had one post but even tag pages with multiple posts and author and category pages with many posts are showing as duplicate content. Is this normal for a WordPress site to have so much duplicate content warnings from the taxonomy pages? I have the option to bulk noindex, follow the category and tag pages but should I do it? I get some traffic directly to the tag pages so removing the pages from search results would dent the traffic of the site a little (generally high bounce rate, low engagement traffic anyway) but could removing the apparent duplicate content actually improve the article pages themselves? Or does anyone have any WordPress specific advice for making the pages not duplicate content? I've toyed with the idea of just displaying excerpts but creating manual excerpts for the 4 years worth of posts, some of which I have no personal knowledge of the subject matter so other suggestions are welcome.

    | williampatton

  • Hello All! My website is due for a big update soon, my current site is doing ok, however I want to update all of the content, structure, style and look of my whole site. I feel that with the way it's been going lately that it's time for an upgrade, my question is, will this affect my ranking? Will my page ranking's be affected? Will my DA be affected? I intend to optimize this new website perfectly too with all the things I've learnt since joining this forum. All the best, Paul

    | Paul_Tovey

  • What pluggin translator is the newest and the best to install on wordpress. Thank you very much

    | maestrosonrisas

  • Hi Guys, I wonder if any of you have used / are using WPengine. I am had thought about using them before and was really impressed by there load speeds. They are pretty expensive though when compared to others. Now, I already have ok hosting but everything is run through a cdn and S3 for streaming HD Videos. Is it worthwhile shelling out for WP engine (pro) or is it better to just stick with an OK host and cdn. Opinions are greatly appreciated. Thanks Jenson

    | jensonseo

  • Is URL length really that important? I have many articles that would lose meaning if the URL was shortened and for most, they would have to be under the root domain instead of under the category in order to fit. Has anyone tested if they were negatively impacted by URL's that are too long?

    | HMCOE

  • I'm trying to promote the SEO perspective during a site redesign so I'm researching the impact of design requests: Embedding text in graphic headers and applying to the graphics to get the SEO value Reducing view-able text on a page for design reasons and by using JavaScript to hide text in accordions or tabs. SEOmoz uses these techniques on their ranking report and most of what I read in teh forums says it is OK to hide text if your motives are pure and the text displays in a text-only browser. But I do SEO, not SEOK. I want to optimize, not just avoid penalties.  And I try to make decisions based on data, not just anecdotes. Are there any studies out there on the effects these hidden-text topics? How much difference DOES it make to have the text exposed? Since there is potential for spam with these techniques, why would Google give the same rank to pages with and without hidden text? When I'm balancing UX and SEO, I want to clearly define the trade-off. What have you done when faced with this dilemma?

    | integra-telecom

  • I have seen some kind of free online software that lets you create product catalog layouts based on your ecommerce product database but I can't remember the name of company or the url of their site? Anyone heard of this?

    | larahill

  • Wanted to get everyone's thoughts on this. One of my clients was asking me what they thought of a certain website design company. They wanted to use this company because their designs were very beautiful but wanted to be sure that contracting them would be the right decision. After I made my formal review and recommendation I thought this might be a great topic of discussion for the amazing SEOMOZ community. So, what factors do you look at when determining which design firms are worth their weight?

    | JusinDuff

  • hey all, we just did a site redesign and have less pages on the new site than the old.  is it bad to redirect multiple pages from the old site to the same page on the new? for example redirect and point them all thanks!

    | jaychow

  • Hi everyone, I have a client whose website is doing the strangest thing.  When I search the branded keyword (the company name), Google doesn't show any site links under the result. However, when I search for the company name plus Inc., I do get site links. Now, the website is ranking first in both searches, so that's not the issue.  And, as near as I can tell, the site only contains one or two uses of the company name plus the word "inc." Most of the text on the page and all of the meta data only uses the company name, and most of the links that connect to the site use only the company name as well. Even the Who Is for the site doesn't use the term "inc." And ideas what might be going on?  I know Google says that the process is still automated but for the life of me I can't figure out what kind of automated process would result in these results. Thanks! Megan (Rebecca's minion)

    | RebeccaRalston

  • I am building a website with the category "water damage repair" and in the menu of the website I want a drop-down menu that contains the keyword + geolocation for example "water damage detroit" "water damage chicago" "water damage New York" and they will all be drop downs so that I can have the exact match keywords in the menu and on the page but I want them all to link to the same page so that I don't have to build out 5 different pages that all have the same general information on them, I would rather just have the categories with the keyword rich words then them all point to the same area. Is this a good idea to have a drop down menu for a category "Water Damage Repair" and then have 5 different Exact match keywords like "water damage detroit" and then have all of those exact match keywords link to the same page or should they all have individual content for each exact patch keyword even though they are all the same topic?

    | SEOWizards

  • So I got a whole lot of help these past two weeks and my rankings have been skyrocketing. Then I decided to start working on the on-page SEO in the lowest category of meaning, specifically on long-tail URLs. So I shortened a few of my best keyword pages so they can be fully indexed... Let's just say that I neglected to remember I had built over 2 years some 30+ PR4-6 links to these pages. Rankings for these keywords dropped from 1-2 US listings to non-existent. Lesson Learned. But I'm still smirking 🙂 What was your big lesson/mistake in the past week?

    | HMCOE

  • Hey folks, I've got a question about h1 coding. Our H1 tags are currently coded like this: [](<a href=)" class=" current">MF Doom Do you think this would be better? [](<a href=)" class=" current"> MF Doom My guess is that the second example would be better, and even if not better we know it's not worse. Thoughts? Thanks!

    | irvingw

  • I've heard a lot of conflicting views on this. Some SEO gurus consult to use _ (underscore) whenever you need to use words like "for" "and" "to" when defining keywords in URL structure. Others say to use - (hyphen) in everything Others say not to use the connecting words (to, for, and) at all What would you recommend?

    | HMCOE

  • What are the best ways to geo-target for a specific city? (Please share your top 5 ways to do so)

    | HMCOE

  • Hi, I hope someone can help me with this, we have been working on creating a mobile version of our website, but does anyone know of a way of ensuring that mobile traffic is redirect to our mobile version, ie Thanks Rich

    | mos_rich

  • My Duplicate Content list starts off with this URL: Then it lists the five below as Duplicate Content: I do notice that most of these pages have images and/or little or no content outside of our sites template. Is this causing SEOmoz to see it as duplicate? Should I use noindex, follows to fix this? This error is happening with branding pages so noindex is an option. What should I do if that's not an option? Should I change our mega menus to be ajax driven to so the links aren't showing up in the code of every page?

    | Patrick_at_Nebraska_Medicine

  • Hi, Does using the tag on a line of text in the products description help with SEO for that keyword phrase? **See here: I have bolded the Passarella Death Squad T-Shirt line. Would this help in any way? Cheers Will**

    | YNWA

  • **Can somebody please help me to implement microdata/microformats codes for our ecommerce product pages? **
    Please guide me if you have some CSS example for the same. Thanks.

    | EastEssence22

  • Recently I switched my from Joomla to WordPress. I did 301 re-directs ...and promptly fell from Google results after 5 YEARS at no. 1-3 Still ranking 1 in Bing and 3 in Yahoo...but nowhere near the traffic I previously had. Here is my site: Any suggestions? TIA

    | tvegas

  • hi all, noticed my crawl report is showing a ton of 404 errors.  my site is running on wordpress, and i believe this is related to a change in my permalink structure (all of the pages do exist, but the url is slightly different). how does the crawl report find these 404s?  When navigating around my site, the correct pages are accessible, but the report is seeing the old URL structure for some reason.  Do these live in the sitemap?  How can this be corrected? thanks so much for your help!

    | lsat

  • Hi there, We are thinking to redevelope our ecommerce websites and thinking responsive design. Due to responsive design when the screen gets smaller to fit iphone and ipad we need to hide some content to make it more user friendly. My question is, how Google will treat hiding content with the smaller screens? Will this effect our rankings in a negative way? We really don't want to get punished by Google 🙂 Thank You

    | Jvalops

  • Hi mightyful SEOMoz community. We just launched a redesign of our commercial website from to All URLs from previous website were 301 permanent redirect to the appropriate page in the new website, and the root domains ( /, /v2/ ) send the users to their own language content /v2/en/, /v2/fr/, /v2/zh/ Up to here everything is fine. But then I setup the usual "Share" buttons, only to find that they were displaying a "0" count. Then I realized that it was because of the root URL change from / to /v2/ My question is the following: 1. Is using /v2/ a good practice? 2. If yes, then should I link the Social tool to ( only ) instead of linking it to the actual page in the address bar? Thanks for your answers.

    | NicolasE

  • Is submitting to sites like ezine articles a good way to build links?

    | uofmiamiguy

  • What are the best and simplest programs to minimize HTTP Requests? for JS Images CSS My site is built on a Bitrix CMS

    | HMCOE

  • I want to move my existing online store, ( osCommerce) to a new SEO friendly Multilingual shopping cart. Does anybody use one of the following and tell what is there appreciation on it. Americommerce CoreCommerce Pinnacle Cart Ashop Thank you for your help, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • Hey Mozzers I am having some problems with joomla. I have tried many support forums and since everyone is in the same field as me, i thought this would be a great place to ask this question. I am working with joomla 2.5 and After i have turn on my search engine friendly configuration, you can override the ( alias ) of the page by providing page display options for title tag.  so i turned on the SEF in global config and turn on the mod-rewrite and made sure my htaccess file was not txt. But i am having some problems with this.
    On some pages the page display option for the _browser page title _works and on some it does. On the pages it doesnt it is pulling the information of the Alias. ( which is common with most site ) 
    Why is it doing this You can check out the pages yourself Here is a page with it not working and here is a page with it working Also for my homepage when i didnt have my Apach rewrite it show the index.php and i was able to ad an alias to it. Now the Alias for the home page is not working

    | BizDetox

  • Hi, i have a question that i have seen some other have also had. The question is what is the best practice to serve the location specific page to the user (based on their location)? This post ( suggests against automatically redirecting the user based on IP address. I guess the primary concern is that Google bot will also be redirected in this case... I see a number of well known sites use automatic redirect based on location. Take Urbanspoon for example (, they use a 302 redirect to redirect to location specific page. Do they not redirect Google bot? Is there any way to test this? Can creating a rule to exclude crawlers from redirect cause SEO problems? How? Another example that i am somewhat confused as to how it works effectively is It selects my closest city (i assume using IP), however the URL stays as the root URL. For example, i typed in and it stays as with the city chosen as "Melbourne". The canonical url for this page is the root URL (ie If you then select "change city" and click the same city (ie Melbourne), it redirects to Canonical URL of this page is How is this not duplicate content? Can you please advise on the best way to redirect (ideally automatically), to provide the best user experience, while still having Google bot able to crawl the site effectively? Thanks

    | blackrails

  • Hi all, My website has a Login and Join Us option on every page in the site. Each Login and Join Us window pops up as a modal window. In other words, the user must interact with it before they are taken somewhere else (whether they close it or fill it in). It has come to my attention that this is being counted as duplicate content. Is there any way around this? It's calling duplicate content on practically the whole website. Thanks in advance!

    | Info1234

  • So, let's say that my company is called John's Business Consulting and I offer outsourced HR work (recruiting, evaluating, personality assessments, background checks). So for my home page I want "Business Consulting" to be my keyword that I want to rank for. But "recruiting services", "talent development" are all words that describe a service that I offer and could potential be keywords, how do I get Google to not dilute my authority for "business consulting"?

    | wlw2009

  • Hi there, I am setting up a website, where i believe it would substantially benefit users experience if i setup a database of information on artists. I am torn because to feasibly do this correctly, i would have content that is built from multiple sources, but has no real unique content. It would have parts from Wikipedia, parts from other websites etc. All would be sourced of-course. My concern is that if i do this, am i risking in devaluing my website because of this. Is there a way i can handle this without taking a hit?

    | BorisD

  • I have a standard blog index page with entries formatted as such: Blog title Blog excerpt read more link The blog title is linked to the blog post (duh). The "read more" link is also linked to the same blog post, but I put a rel="nofollow" tag on that link because I don't want the SE's thinking "read more" is relevant anchor text. Now, is what I'm doing right? Won't having the read more link as nofollow result in some sort of conflict considering the blog title link is set to follow? Will a nofollow link have a cascading effect on any matching "follow" link? I've frequently read that "read more" should be nofollowed, but I've never once seen anyone address the conflict of having a follow and nofollow link on the same page pointing to the same link. Which one wins? Thanks.

    | bluekite77

  • Hi Moz fans, I have a site thats uses wordpress multisite. we have a number of sites set as subfolders i.e /en/    /de/    /us/   /fr/   ect. I need to force trailing slashes on each site as I currently have the pages being spidered as /about/ and /about   and /iso-9001/ and /iso-9001. I have tried numerous things I have found online in the .htaccess and nothing is working. Can anyone HELP!!

    | imsmlouis

  • Hi everyone, so I am working on a project with a friend of mine, without getting into too much detail, here's the problem. We need users to sign in, then for instance, click a button, and then have that action record a value of 1 in a database on our server (preferably accessible through the wordpress admin interface, and in .csv format so that we can make it easy to work with) Any help with databasing, or if wordpress is already built with SOME database technology, etc, etc For instance, SEOmoz's "mozpoint" system.. Wordpress comes built with the ability for users to log in and have profiles with special access, etc, but does it have the ability to log points and values to a specific user as well? Where should I look? What should I google to figure out options? Who could I call / hire?

    | TylerAbernethy

  • Hi all, I am currently doing a marketing internship for a B2B company that does all sorts of out-sourced recruiting work. I have some experience with SEO, but not completely confident. My first question is, I know Google sees websites that load up on keywords as "spammy", so what is the appropriate number of keywords per page? Currently, I was thinking about this setup: 1 keyword for the URL 1 keyword per alt tag (1 per page, at most) 2 keywords per each title tag (approximately 4 pages that I am going to follow internally, not following the "about us" page). After that, I was thinking of adding 2-3 more keywords in each meta description and 2-3 in the body copy. That would equate to 6-8 keywords on each page, is this too many and should keywords be repeated (on the same page or across multiple pages)? Since this website is brand new (zero links), would it make sense to nofollow all of the internal links so that they homepage can gain ranking as quickly as possible within Google?

    | wlw2009

  • I recently discovered the Google Tag Manager and I am in the process of updating many of my websites with this feature.  I am using Tag Manager to mange Google Analytics, Google Remarketing, Alive Chat, Woopra, etc.  I have one question about how Tag Manager actually works. As best I can tell, the Tag Manager code snippet that I insert into my web pages is the same for all my websites and does not include a unique ID.  If that is the case, then Tag Manager must search all the URLs in the TM database to find a match.  What is to stop someone else from adding some rules for my URLs to their containers?  I expect Google has a method to ensure proper matching, but I'm not clear on how that is enforced. Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Hi on my homepage i h ave multiple images They have the appropriate alt text for each image, but the text which the image displays is not written into the page and styled using CSS rather than placing text within an image. Is this a issue worth correcting, or is it sufficient to have just alt text for each image. Any major pros from having putting the text in the image into the CMS using appropriate CSS styling to achieve the same effect.

    | monster99

  • We recently completely started over with our website. I didn't mind not ranking for these keywords for a while because through extensive TV commercials our branded keywords perform the best for us anyway. However, a month and a half later, all but one keyword is ranking in the top 3 pages on Google. We are using Joomla! CMS and I first suspected that it may be a problem, but all of my crawl results are good. I think Joomla sites look good and are really easy for clients to edit on their own. I would really like to keep offering Joomla sites, but if this is the cause, I may need to reconsider. I have a few links to the page and I do know that I need more, but I have pages and keywords with fewer backlinks and harder keywords that are ranking. I have been busy with clients and unable to spend a lot of time on MY site ( My grandma always told me, " The Shoemaker's kids go barefoot"). I'm wondering if anyone can take a peek and help me over this hump? It's probably something stupid, and the rest of my sites are performing on the 1st page for their keywords, so I must be doing something right 😉  . I'm just not sure what I'm not seeing. The page in question is and keyword I'm going for is: web design greenville sc Thank you all so much in advance. Also, I should add that with our past sites, we've ranked very well with this keyword.

    | NatalieWooten

  • This is just a hypothetical, but would Google use information from email server blacklists to determine the quality of a website? The reason is that we're planning to code in an e-mail queuing system for our next CMS, and we would put SPF and DKIM in place. We wouldn't be sending any bulk e-mails (we use Constant Contact for this), but we might be sending personalised follow up e-mails, unpaid order emails and that sort of thing. There's no reason to think we'll be blacklisted, but from experience I know that these email blacklist directories quite often give false positives when an e-mail server is incorrectly configured. So the risk is that we might get blacklisted by mistake when we start using this new feature. Would Google take this into account as part of the algorithm? And if so, would the damage be permanent? (I.e. does getting removed from the blacklist mean Google will stop thinking we're a low quality / spammy site)

    | OptiBacUK

  • I am receiving the following error message through webmaster tools Googlebot can't access your site Oct 26, 2012
    Over the last 24 hours, Googlebot encountered 35 errors while attempting to access your robots.txt. To ensure that we didn't crawl any pages listed in that file, we postponed our crawl. Your site's overall robots.txt error rate is 100.0%. The site has dropped out of Google search.

    | skehoe

  • Hey Moz gang, I have a question that I believe I know how I'm going to handle, but just wanted some feedback from the Moz community on best practices. At my company, we're going through a site redesign. At the moment, our site is deeper than it should be with many one-off feature pages. For example, we have a Features page that then links to individual pages for each specific feature. One goal we have set for the redesign is a condensing of the pages in order to make the site more user-friendly, easy to manage and content rich. My question is this. We have a lot of these individual pages that I want to essentially kill and merge into one page. It is okay (best practice) to 301 all of those individual feature specific pages to the single Features page since that is now where all of that content lives?? I want to retain the link juice that those pages have gained over time, but I don't want to get penalized for too many 301's to a single page. Any advice or previous experience would be awesome 🙂 Thanks, Lance

    | RobinBryant1

  • Hello, I am facing a problem in twitter count. when I search site on the following link i.e. It shows Your site has 342 tweets, But when i go on site's home page and check or see the twitter button counter , it shows me a count number i.e 4. Anyone can give me suggestions on this. Notice that I am using the Add This code for this. Thanks in advance.

    | KLLC

  • Hi, I hope someone can help me with this. I am working on a site for a client who works at a video production company. They want to have a fair few HD videos on there site but also for the site and videos to be viewable on mobile devices. I have got a responsive wordpress theme and the site is beginning to take shape. I am wondering however how I can best get the videos to display on mobile devices while maintaining a good load speed. Until now I have been using amazon S3 which stores and feeds the videos and I use Easyvideoplayer to embed the videos. The problem is they do not appear to show up from mobile devices when using wordpress. can anyone suggest the best way for me to still feed the videos from S3 but get them to display on mobile devices. oh, they are private videos so they cannot be placed on youtube.

    | jensonseo

  • Hello people, I know that majority of SEO gurus (?) claim that H1 tag should only be used once per page. In the landing page design I'm working with, we actually need to repeat our core message stated in H1 & H2 - at the bottom of the page. Now the question is: Can that in any way cause any ranking penalty from big G? In my eyes that is not attempt to over optimize page as it contains SAME info as the H1 & H2 at the top of the page. Confusing, so I'm hope that some SEO gurus here will share some light on this. Thanks in advance!

    | RetroOnline

  • Who would you recommend based on your experience as the best speed hosting company who loads fast for an ecommerce siteI am looking for a big Speedy company that loads fast who you would recommend ? thanks Morris Rose

    | PrintEZ

  • I would like to receive some recommendations for a managed hosting company that offers dedicated servers For a long time now we have not been happy with our hosting company but they were the only ones we could find and now after the latest news that a site of ours has vanished and they do not know what has happened to it, we have now decided we need to find a UK managed hosting company that offers dedicated servers if you know of any then i would like to hear of your suggestions

    | ClaireH-184886

  • We recently moved to shopify but seem to have multiple home page variants still in google index. I am concerned that these will be causing duplicate content. I have redirected the offending URLs below to and have set up a canonical URL but need an expect to tell me if I have taken the current steps and if not, exactly what I need to do.

    | devoted2vintage

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