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Category: Web Design

Talk through the latest in web design and development trends.

  • Hi, I am building a website that is very similar to : means it is one page site with entire content loaded (however are commented in html) and by clicking on sections it modify the DOM to make specific section visible. It is very interesting from UX point of view but as far as I know, since this way most of my content is always commented and hidden from crawlers, I will loose points regarding SEO. Is there any workaround you can recommend or you think sites like are doomed to loose SEO points by nature? Best regards,

    | Ashkan1

  • There's been speculation about Google totally not ranking sites that are not mobile, but as far as I can see many sites rank THE SAME on mobile devices as on regular stationary PCs/lap-tops. I had hoped for a radically improved ranking once a mobile site was built. Or is it just that it takes a TON of time for it to go through and then it gets better or is it like with regular sites that a new mobile site on a sub-domain is parked in some form of mobile-sand-box? Also, does putting a mobile site on a ranking domain, as subdomain help, e.g. instead of ? Thanks.

    | yvonneq

  • Hi all. I'm new to SEOMoz and not sure where to start... is there a guide on how to use it? Also, I'm not sure how the link part of works... when I ran a search on some competition websites, all I got was internal links which obviously is useless. Please advise? Rgds

    | bigojuk

  • How does really old school HTML (with inline CSS and a boat load of markup errors) affect modern SEO? I'm talking purely rankings, not conversions or bounce rate etc.

    | DavidWilsonSEO

  • Hello everyone! I have a question about whether we should be using sub-domains. We are currently in the process of redesigning our site so this would be the time to do it. We are a reseller of brand name IT equipment (servers, storage, etc...) should we create a sub-domain for each brand for example: or should we just use folders instead like: does one have any more SEO value than the other? Thank you!

    | igor.pinchevskiy

  • In the menu bar and footer the main page is called Home.  Would it confuse people to rename it to Business Name Home or Business Name? How do you handle this?

    | CFSSEO

  • I'd like to outsource the cross-browser testing and get complete functionality testing across browsers too.  I work for an online travel tour operator, so we take a lot of reservations online.  I don't totally trust my internal resources using tools like Selenium because we're adding a lot of new functionality to our new site - saved itineraries, wish list, some upselling and cross selling functionality, selling insurance, etc.  So, while of course I want to be sure everything renders properly across browsers, I also feel like the investment in having someone check booking process in all browsers/technologies is critical especially since many of our customers are accessing our sites using older browsers. Thoughts??

    | CityWonders

  • Our websites do not have the home page as the first page in the search engines.  It's something benign like the privacy policy page or the directions page! I've thought of adding no index to the privacy page, but then the directions or contact page would show up instead of the home page. One odd thing I've noticed, is that on our link to the home page on our menu and footer, the link is /default.aspx?mb=rte.  But that shouldn't make a difference and default.aspx should rank first, right? What can we do to fix this?

    | CFSSEO

  • Hello everyone, Wanted to  know if anyone has any information, if a dedicated IP address for a website or having your site hosted on a virtual dedicated/dedicated server would have any impact on search engine rankings versus hosting a site on a shared hosting account or shared IP? Thank you all!!!

    | igor.pinchevskiy

  • Hi all, Thanks for taking time to view my first question. I've noticed quite a change in our domain analysis figures in the last month (we have dropped two points whilst a competitor has jumped up 7 points for domain authority) and wondered if this was unusual or not as I've only been a member for a couple of months and it seems to quite a leap for them!? Cubicle Centre Ltd ( from 35 to 33 and Venesta ( from 27 to 34 The main changes I can see are that our number of links for External Followed (EFL) / Total External (TEL) and Total Links (TL) has dropped considerably whilst their's have remained fairly constant: EFL from 439 to 242 TEL from 466 to 263 TL from 3686 to 2980 We have managed to hold a top three spot in Google for the search term 'toilet cubicles' (UK!) for quite a number of years now and I am concerned these figures may be the start of a fall / reduction in our search engine performance. If anybody could give me some feedback or maybe even take a peep at our website ( and see if there are any major SEO issues which I need to address to improve on the stats above, it would be very much appreciated. Remember this is my first question so please go easy on me! Thanks in advance.

    | cubicle_Craig

  • I'm currently working on a website that has a video, image and media gallery with over 9,000 items. The gallery can be found here: Every image has a page of its own.  Therefore, essentially 9,000 pages of very thin content, especially the image pages with no UGC comments. Does anyone here have any tips to "panda-proof" these pages?  The images still need to be indexed.  What can we do here? The site also hosts videos, which of course the page the video resides on needs to stay in the index too (like youtube).  Example of the video page here: Really want to hear your thoughts. Thanks in advance!

    | Peter264

  • Wistia has a feature that allows you to have them create a transcript for your video that highlights the words as the video progress, kind of like Karaoke. I am just playing with implementing this feature, but am not sure whether Google can index the transcript within the Wistia player (see code in link below).  Currently I have the Wistia transcript for auto-highlighting functionality AND my manually typed static transcript at the bottom of the page. Should I incorporate both or will Google see the Wistia transcript?

    | TheDude

  • Hi Just wondering if anyone knew how long it usually takes for a brand new site to get indexed and ranked?  I launched a new site about 5 weeks ago. So far I have had 96,000 pages indexed but the majority haven't ranked particularly well or appeared. The ones that have ranked aren't ranking high even though they have better content than competitors sites... And my old domain.  Do I just need to hang tight and wait till my domain authority improves? Is there anything I can do to speed up this process? cheers

    | DavidLenehan

  • Hello Mozers, What is the best page size ( or the max page size ie KB ) for a home page or a 2nd level page. Thank you - I appreciate you looking at this question. Vijay

    | vijayvasu

  • I am working with their web designer and need to figure out a way to rebuild their site which is currently all in flash. I was wondering if there was a way to do this without spending a ton of time in completely re-doing the site from scratch.

    | awalker84

  • If you do a Google search for the following term it brings up 6 results are these considered duplicate content by Google? Also if so how do I prevent this but still offer other stories to readers of other articles? Google Search Term: Okuma helios

    | mr_w

  • Hello Mozzers, Most Ecommerce websites I've come across have four main link sections - Main Nav - About, Contact etc Side Nav - List of Categories + Products Footer - Useful links etc Promotional Area - Promoting Best sellers / Latest products This ends up totalling anything from 200 to 500 links. I was wondering is there a reasonable solution to hide some of the links? Or should I just ignore the warning? Thanks, Dan

    | Sparkstone

  • Hi Everybody. I have a large site that is made up of the main site then a large support site. The support site has a lot of overlapping content and similar titles. Would it be beneficial to separate the two? Thank you. All answers appreciated.

    | arithon

  • Hello Everyone! I have a few simple questions about picking/using the best keywords for my website. Just to give a little background on the company, we sell branded servers (IBM, HP, DELL) workstations, storage, and related hardware and software (memory, processors, hard drives, operating systems, management software, etc...) I'm trying to pick the keywords to use on the home page but have these questions: 1. This question is a little hard for me to explain, but we would like to show up in the search results whether a user types in: Dell server(s) or IBM server(s) or HP Workstation so for the title tag can we use: DELL, IBM, HP Servers, Workstations, Storage or we need to use DELL Servers, IBM Servers, Dell Workstations, IBM Workstations, etc... Basically what I'm asking is can we combine keywords in the title tag or we need to write them out (hope this make sense) if not let me know and I'll try provide a little more detail and few more examples. 2. This question might not fall under this category of topics and might have to start a new thread but here it goes. We are re-designing our site on a new eCommerce platform using x-cart shopping cart, its a very configurable and inexpensive shopping cart however one of the drawbacks is its speed. Most users of the x-cart shopping cart software report on average of 2-4 seconds page loads, which is kind of slow. even with some heavy optimization you get about 1.5 - 2.5 seconds page load. I've heard that if you want to be higher in Google's search results speed is a big plus, being in the 0.5 second range is a huge plus. I was thinking of creating a static html home page that would include some company info, content with relevant keywords, some links to main categories... (basically kind of copy the page but with a little more text) Would that be a good idea to implement? Hope this question makes sense as well or stick with the default shopping cart home page and try to optimize it as best as possible? 3. We probably have about 10 - 15 short keyword phrases that we want to concentrate on, again they would be:
    DELL Servers, HP Servers, IBM, Servers
    DELL Workstations, HP Workstations, IBM Workstations,
    DELL Memory, HP Memory, IBM Memory
    DELL Hard Drives, HP Hard Drives, IBM Hard Drives What is the maximum or recommended quantity of keyword phrases to try to include on the home page? Is it also recommended to maybe create a separate page for each keyword phrase? Does a home page get better ranking then another page on the server just because its a home page? Hope my questions aren't too dumb and make sense. I appreciate everyone who takes their time to read through and answer my questions or guide me in the right path. Thank you,
    Igor Pinchevskiy

    | igor.pinchevskiy

  • Hi Guys, We redesigned the website and somehow our canonical extension decided to add a trailing slash to all URLs. Previously our canonical URLs didn't have a trailing slash. During the redesign we haven't changed the URLs. They remained same but we have now two versions indexed. One with trailing slash one without. I've now fixed the issue and removed the the trailing slash from canonical URLs. Is this the correct way of fixing it? Will our rankings be effected in a negative way? Is there anything else I need to do. The website went live last Tuesday. Thanks

    | Jvalops

  • We're working on a re-design and want to start with SEO rather than leave it until the end. Of course, saving time and money on a custom template would be great. Ultimento found at boasts great SEO features. Has anybody used it? Please comment. Thanks in advance! Kevin

    | kwoolf

  • Just spotted bigger H1s and small H2s on a website, in the newsroom.  The smaller H2 = section heading (Newsroom), the larger H1 is a news headline. Might that cause me any search engine problems?

    | McTaggart

  • We are considering taking a candidate for office on as a client. The run would be for a state office in the U.S. by someone who is involved in politics/government but not currently an elected official. The candidacy would not be for a couple of years and the exploratory committee approached us asking if we would take on. Sooo, decision time. First, yes I like the candidate (as much as I like business I could not do it otherwise). Next, candidate has no real public persona other than FB, LinkedIn, etc. Our approach is to shut all down all social first - to prevent anything that is harmless from being manipulated - and then revise to a political run. Also to create a site for candidate that is not necessarily a political one that could gain some DA, PA over time as the candidate begins to put out opinion pieces, etc. around their beliefs in what is workable/needed. We would maintain the site utilizing SEO until the announcement to run is made and then have a full political candidacy site go live with 301's from old site. Obviously, I am not at liberty to say names, etc. and some of our strategy specifics must be kept confidential as well. I would be interested in your opinions and thoughts on the approach and also if someone has handled SEO/SEM politically and has insight as to whether I should act like I am in the movies and ... RUN FORREST RUN!!! 😉 Thanks,

    | RobertFisher

  • Hi, A question from our developer. We have an issue in Google Webmaster Tools. A few months ago we killed off one of our e-commerce sites and set up another to replace it. The new site uses different software on a different domain. I set up a mass 301 redirect that would redirect any URLs to the new domain, so would redirect to As it turns out, the new site doesn’t use the same URLs for products as the old one did, so I deleted the mass 301 redirect. We’re getting a lot of URLs showing up as 404 not found in Webmaster tools. These URLs used to exist on the old site and be linked to from the old sitemap. Even URLs that are showing up as 404 recently say that they are linked to in the old sitemap. The old sitemap no longer exists and has been returning a 404 error for some time now. Normally I would set up 301 redirects for each one and mark them as fixed, but there are almost quarter of a million URLs that are returning 404 errors, and rising. I’m sure there are some genuine problems that need sorting out in that list, but I just can’t see them under the mass of errors for pages that have been redirected from the old site. Because of this, I’m reluctant to set up a robots file that disallows all of the 404 URLs. The old site is no longer in the index. Searching google for returns no results. Ideally, I’d like anything that was linked from the old sitemap to be removed from webmaster tools and for Google to stop attempting to crawl those pages. Thanks in advance.

    | PASSLtd

  • I am looking into hiring a company to redesign my website. What tips can someone give me about how to judge whether a company is good or not? I am most interested in the website being designed to work well with SEO and crawls. Do I compare the rankings of the websites they have in their portfolio? I'm so petrified that I'm going to make the wrong choice.

    | CapitolShine

  • What's the difference between SEO while designing/developing a website (ie, setting up a website so it is crawled by search engines) and the SEO that people talk about that needs to be viewed analyzed and changed all the time? I don't have a ton of money to spend on SEO right now but I do want to make sure my website is set up by an SEO expert (if possible) so when I do have money to spend on SEOthe website is set up properly to work with more advanced forms of SEO. I guess I don't understand where you can draw the line (if forced due to money constraints) between SEO in the beginning and continued SEO. What do I need to look for with SEO and the design of my website. How do I get some type of SEO without breaking the bank??

    | CapitolShine

  • Which website gets better SEO results? I was told that HTML is crawled better than WordPress. Which is a more expensive website to design? What are the pros and cons of each?

    | CapitolShine

  • I want to redesign my website to work better with SEO and crawls. I need to make sure I hire a good designer/developer but I don't have a ton of money to spend. What are the top 5 questions I should ask a web designer/developer to ensure they are good designers and have successfully implemented SEO??...or at least a site that is crawled well and has some SEO built in.

    | CapitolShine

  • Hello, I added a blog to my website, which is hosted at weebly. I was told this would drive traffic but I have actually fallen way, way down in Alexa rankings. When I ran a campaign here, the results show over a 100 errors, all to do with the website blog. It states they are duplicate pages and titles. I dont see a way to rename the pages. Am I better off getting rid of the blog? Thanks

    | Gardengirl

  • Hi Folks, We're currently trying to change our website search results to render in HTML in the first instance then switch off to AJAX when our user clicks on filters. But we came across an issue that diminishes the user experience, so we used this method below: We have moved the search grid offscreen in the initial rendering because we execute a lot of Javascript that modifies the DOM within the grid.  Also when a user has performed a search from within the page, the hash is updated to identify the new search terms.  Because this is not sent to the server, a user who has done a search and refreshes would see incorrect search results initially and the correct search results would then replace them. For example, on initial search a user reaches a URL akin to  When they perform a search from on that page, the hash gets updated  If the user refreshes the page, the server only receives the request for chicken and then serves up the page with those results rendered on it.  The Javascript then checks the hash and determines that it needs to run a different search and fires off an AJAX call to get the new results. If we did not render the results offscreen the user would see the results for chicken (confusingly) and be able to briefly interact with them until the AJAX call returns and the results are replaced with the correct monkey results.  By rendering offscreen, the initial results are not visible and the Javascript can move them immediately onscreen if there is no hash, or wait until the AJAX call returns and then rebuild the grid and move it onscreen. Now I know that rendering text indent to -9999 is a black hat SEO tactic. But, would it be the same in this case? We're only doing this avoid bad UI. Please advise. Also, we came across these two articles that may serve alternative options. These article state that each tactic is SEO-friendly, but I'd like to run it my the community and see if you guys agree. Thank you for your help!

    | CorbisVeer

  • Hi guys, Just thought I'd ask for opinions about an ecommerce catalog I'm working on. I don't know if it's even worth worrying about, but here's the scenario. Let's say I'm linking to a category called 'Sale' using an image, I have the title tag of the link as 'Sale', the image title is also 'Sale' as well as the alt tag. The HTML looks like this: Sale The page itself is: So my question is, do you think I'm stuffing the keyword in too many times there? It's CMS driven so I could have the alt tag as 'Sale Products' or one of the titles as 'Sale Catalog' perhaps, do you think there would be a benefit in doing that? Maybe it's microoptimisation and I should be looking at other low hanging fruit, but I'm just trying to come up with the best scenario. Would love to hear what you think. Cheers, Bruce p.s. Looking forward to meeting as many people as possible at MozCon next week 🙂

    | bruce_werdschinski

  • Hello community! I have a quick question for you regarding preserving my SERPs once I switch a development site to replace the current production site. Basically, we are switching to a new CMS and will be featuring the same content, architectural layout, URL structure, etc. Again, the only difference is that it's going to be on a new CMS. Upon switching to the new version of the  site, what would be the best strategy for making sure we preserve our rankings for content already ranking highly within the search engines? Likewise, is there anything additional we may be able to do right-off-the-bat in order to assist content that may not be ranking highly in the SERPs, rank more highly?

    | NiallSmith

  • I've noticed some folks buying keyword rich domain names and pointing them to one site to try to rank for those keywords.  An example of this is a  plumbing business that buys domains like,, and then pointing these domains to their main website.  Does this help the site rank for these key phrases?  How does google see this? Thanks mozzers! Ron

    | Ron10

  • We're working on a news site that has a mix of news wires such as Reuters and original opinion articles.  Currently the site is setup with /world /sports etc categories with the news wire content.  Now we want to add the original opinion content. Would it be better to start a new top /Opinion category and then have sub-categories for each Opinion/world, Opinion/sports subject?  Or would it be better to simply add an opinion sub-category under the existing news categories, ie /world/opinion? I know Google requests that original content be in a separate directory to be considered for inclusion in Google news.  Which would be better for that? Regarding link building, if the opinion sub-categories were under the top news categories, would the link juice be passed more directly than if we had a separate Opinion top category?

    | ScottDavis

  • Does anyone have any suggestions on the best wordpress themes to use? Here is one that has been recommended to me before:

    | webestate

  • I want to use Wistia for my video CDN for it's obvious SEO/analytics benefits.  However, I want to be able to display my videos in the best fashion for usability. I believe the NY Times did an excellent job in doing this:  They have a section for recommended videos, a list of most viewed, etc. I see that Wistia allows you to create categories, which they call "Projects", but I don't see anything in regards to displaying lists of most viewed or related videos. I don't want to recreate the wheel and am assuming someone must have coded this already.  Is there an open source or perhaps paid license I can obtain to display Wistia videos with the layout I described above?

    | TheDude

  • Curious for your thoughts on this - are there any SEO downsides to not having any substantive content on the home page (big background design)? We would obviously have appropriate page titles and link structure, etc. Our guess is that if the home page doesn't have much copy, that odds are that other specific pages will tend to perform better for non-brand search terms, which seems OK.  If people DO find the homepage, it would likely be a brand search or an ad referral, in which case the minimalist, non-copy design would be conversion-friendly. Does that theory hold any water? I suppose a middle ground might be a single H1 line unobtrusively on the page. Thanks in advance for any insight, guys! Sincerely, Stephen

    | PerfectPitchConcepts

  • I want to make some changes to my personal website and need a little help. I originally hired someone to create this site for me several years ago. Most of the site (including the home page) is html, but the blog part (/blog) is wordpress. The main site hasn't been updated in a few years (although the blog has been updated more often.) I'm not really targeting any keywords on my site (other than just my name) so I'm not really concerned about loosing any rank or anything. I"m just curious what the best route to go should be. Would you suggest keeping the site's format "as is" so to speak? (make the front page a landing page so to speak that links to my various sites, a little bio, etc; keep an about page, contact, /blog, etc...? ) Or should I go the more traditional route and make the blog the front page? Another route is to someone keep the most recent (1,2,or 3) posts on the home page (landing page) and sort of make it a landing page / recent post page. It's sort of like that now, only the main page just links to the most recent post instead of actually adding the post, if that makes sense. There maybe some themes out there that would work well, so feel free to suggest one if you know one that would work. I think the pages look pretty nice and will let you use a custom domain, but I'm not sure. (And it's not a complete theme, so not sure that's the best option.) Thanks!

    | NoahsDad

  • I'm hoping that to someone experienced this is a quick fix, but it may be a pain and a rat's nest of code. Five or so years ago, I designed my brother's website at I built it off of the Mollio theme (, and used templates in Dreamweaver, so it's not in a CMS. It's not a work of art, and there are some issues with it, but it's served him fairly well. Longer-term it needs a redesign, but right now I'm asking about just one aspect of the existing design. There are two parts to the site - the plain HTML site, and the osCommerce store that's under the purchase tab. If you go to you'll see that the osCommerce store is full width, while the navigation header copied over from the main site is 1200 pixels wide and centered. If you're on a wide monitor, it looks weird. What he'd like to do: Make the main site align to the left, both the content and navigation, and make the navigation left aligned for the osCommerce portion. He figures this is the easier way to do things, rather than try to muck with osCommerce CSS (that also has some merged CSS from the Mollio theme) and get it to center. Does anyone have a fairly simple solution that can make the navigation bar look good on osCommerce? Either the above of making everything left aligned, or some other solution simple we haven't thought of? Thanks!

    | KeriMorgret

  • Few questions: 1. When do you know if you have out grown shared hosting? 2. Who do you suggest for shared hosting for a med sized blog? (At least I think I'd define our stie as. Any ideas what sort of traffic qualifies as small-traffic / med-traffic blog? ) 🙂

    | NoahsDad

  • I was wondering if someone had a few minutes to talk a look at our site and see how to speed it up. I've ran some of the speed tests and I get different results, so I'm not sure if my site would be considered "slow" or not. Also if there any other things that jump out at you (usability, side bar, things I should change / add / take away to make a users experience better, etc.) please let me know. Any feedback is good feedback to me. 🙂 I'm using WP Super Cache as well. Thanks!

    | NoahsDad

  • Currently working on a project for a  talented photographer  and retoucher from Europe who specializes in glamour, fashion, editorial.  I'm a very analytical person and I want this website to have a highly visual impact and a good SEO implementation. My question is: Is it recommended to  display the portfolio section on the frontpage or on a separate page. There is also the possibility to include some files on frontpage and have a separate Portfolio page with more projects. Which path are you recommending? Thanks

    | clotairedamy

  • Good Morning, I have an existing site ( running on a slow server. We decided to create a new site ( with the intention of de-commissioning the first one. Both sites are on the same WMT account.  What is the best way to permanently redirect any backlinks/traffic (all levels, from home page to product pages) from the old site to the new site (prior to shutting down the first one). Thanks a lot!

    | Prime85

  • I noticed that SEOmoz does not have a "root" sitemap called sitemap.xml.  On the other hand, there do appear to be sitemaps for various sections of the such as I was planning on having a root level sitemap that referenced difference sections of my site (blog, support, etc.) but I'm a little concerned that this site itself doesn't seem to be following that practice. Presumably this website is submitting the individual section maps to Google directly since they aren't linkable through sitemap.xml?

    | schof

  • Hi all!
    We are about to launch a new geotargetting feature on our site. Basically, nowadays we have a normal Homepage (example: Next week, the homepage will depend on your localization (checked through IP): For example, for Texans there will be a (automatically redirected), for New Yorkers a My question is, how can this affect SEO? Where will the bot go? Hopefully the answer is not "depending on where the bot is hosted"... because this can be dangerous. Also, I don't think that "telling the bot to go to a generic Homepage" is a good idea, as Google dislikes when you show them something different from the human users. Thanks

    | lhernandezBum

  • Within the last week we have had a handful of our rankings drop dramatically down the SERPS. About 15% but this an estimate and has not been fully investigated yet. Whilst looking into possible scenarios that could be causing this i wanted to check what the SERPS looked like for the terms that we are still holding position on. Typing "extending dining tables" into Google UK today i was amazed at what i found... Ranking in position 1 and 2 is a massive UK furniture store.
    But isnt that the same landing page being returned for both positions?? It appears to be a navigation problem within the site category tags causing duplicate content. However they have been rewarded with the top two positons subsequently pushing our website onto page two. I find it so frustrating that we listen to Googles best practices when it comes to pagination issues yet this is how our hard work is rewarded! Anyone else have any thoughts about this? SERPS.jpg

    | Silkstream

  • I'm using a few different plug ins to give me various Facebook functions on my site. I'm curious there are any developers out there would could take a look at my source code and see if it looks there is some code being duplicated that's slowing down my site. Thanks so much!

    | NoahsDad

  • I'm trying to figure out why I'm having speed issues with my site, and using google speed test to help me knock out some of the issues. One of issues deals with image resizing. I have a responsive design and so even though on the home page the normal width is 580 of the blog area, the full post can go up to 1170. So I size all of my images to 1170 wide and let CSS resize them depending on the size of the browser. (The images on the most recent post are a little bigger than this because I was testing something.) I was wondering what the best practice was in regard to what I'm trying to do. Also feel free to check out my site and let me know of any other feedback / advice you have. Thanks !:)

    | NoahsDad

  • Hi, I've been trying to find the answer to this in google but having no luck.  In the current era, is it damaging to have products ordered randomly in an ecommerce website? Also, how long would you suggest is a good length of time to establish your natural rank?  Ive launched and still work on several succesful ecommerce sites, but have recently launched a completely new venture - brand new url, brand new site and it has been live for around 5 weeks now, and although it is being found in search, it isnt doing as well as i'd like using the moz pro tools ive picked up some issues and have in the last few days tweaked page titles, added 'nofollow' to all my filters, added content etc, so I feel as though ive reset the clock. the site (it's an adult site by the way) is - would appreciate some feedback from the pro's

    | tom.dollar

  • Hi Guys, Does anybody have an idea when the next Google index is due roughly and if there is anyway I can tell approx when these are due to happen and how would I know? Thanks In advance, Craig Fenton IT

    | craigyboy

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