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Category: Web Design

Talk through the latest in web design and development trends.

  • SOS SEOMozzers hello all. I woke up this morning to find out our rankings for two main keywords: 1. internet marketing firm
    2. marketing firm dropped from being #8 on google to not being invthe top 50. last week we upgraded the site to HTML5 . We checked the on page via pro tools and everthing seemed fine. We checked Google  analytics ( traffic was beginning to fall) and we checked webmaster tools - ( there were not critical issues etc) So now i am bewildered as to what possible happened to wipe us of the search. Please can you help  - the site is

    | vijayvasu

  • Our agency is working with an outside developer that has designed a beautiful site. The possible problem is that they used Cufon to change a large amount of the text on the page to an image of the text in a nicer font. On some pages all of the text is replaced and on others its about 20%. The text that is replaced is identical to what is shown to the user. I realize that Google has stated that sIFR (similar to Cufon) is okay, in a limited way years ago, but I am stil a little leery of the large amount of image replacement that is happening. I am also worried about user experience, should flash not be enabled or it is slower to load.  So I have a couple questions. 1. Would this amount of image replacment raise a flag to Google, especially since it is the heading tags and large chunks of the body content both? 2. I know about 2% of the site's users do not have javascript enabled. Do you have an idea of what percentage of people have issues, like slow connection speeds or slow computers, using javascript even if it is enabled?

    | DirectiveGroup

  • I'm checking out a dentist website I was referred by a friend so just taking a little peek at it. When you click on the menu items, the url at the top doesn't change. When you view source, the page titles are all the same. when I do site:  none of his pages are indexed by google. What can be done with his site so that google sees his pages? Maybe submit sitemap?

    | Czubmeister

  • My main web development company is linked to many of our clients and our clients link back to us using footer links back.  We obviously have a high volume of c-block relations. If I change my main site's location to a different server will it make any difference or is it too late?

    | sanchez1960

  • I am looking to add a static page to my site to allow people to add their site to a 'master directory". I'd like to make this as SEO friendly as possible.  Here's it what I would really like to be able to do. 1. Someone visits the page and can either browse the blog directory on that page, or 2. Fill out a short from that has their blog name, url, short description of their blog, their state, country, and maybe the option to upload an image as well. This way people can search by the state / country to find people near by. 3. I'd like the links to be no-follow. 4. I'm not sure if there is an easy way to do this (I think I've seen some plug in's that may be able to do it.) 5.  I'm also not sure if there is anything  I'm missing here that could make this better. What I don't want is just a long list of links like everyone has on their side bar. I'd like to make it better, more user friendly, more seo friendly, and more helpful than that. Any creative input on how I might do this is appreciated. Thanks. 🙂

    | NoahsDad

  • I was curious to know what everyone thinks about CSS positioning so that the spiders will read a optimal bulk of content first - before it reads the others. Say I have some Tab's set up for navigational purposes, where the content in the last tab is actually what I want the bots to see first. What would be the best practices for accomplishing something like this?

    | imageworks-261290

  • The amount of time I hear people say write good content and people will naturally link to you.  I appreciate this must be valid for large websites that a driven by content. However, it doesn't really hold much hope for smaller businesses with just service information etc. I work for a small business that does web design in the UK.  However, I'm finding it difficult to do any sort of link building. In my opinion nobody is going to link to any of our content naturally or if it is, its going to be small time. Our rankings have dropped slightly (only to 4th in our local county).  I've done the following thinks to try get it back up there but its having little or no results. Adding us to local business directories External Articles on site Cleaned up some duplicate title tags. What link building can I do? Is link building the home page sometimes not always the way to go? What content can I write that google will like? See what I mean? My rankings did climb a little bit but then dropped straight back down to their original places 2 weeks later. Help would be appreciated.

    | sanchez1960

  • Our office has a number of people performing analysis and research on keyword positions, volume, competition etc. We have 1 external static IP address. We installed the static IP so we can filter out our visits in Google Analytics. However by 10 AM we get impssible CAPTCHA's or even get blocked in Google. Do you have any experience with such an issue? Any solutions you can recommend? Any help would be appreciated! SXI5A.png

    | Partouter

  • Hi Guys We are launching a mobile webshop later this year and have decided to use a subdomain for this. (m.domainname.xx). The content will be more or less identical with the one on the standard desktop site (domainname.xx), but im struggeling to find out if this will create dipplicate content between the mobile and desktop site. Does anyone have a solid answer for this one?

    | AndersDK

  • I link back to my website via my company name on the footers of sites I develop.  Lately I've been changing this to my keyword and mixing and matching.  This has been done for new sites I create and old sites I've not seen any benefit so far after a couple of months. Most my clients are hosted on the same server as my main site that it links back to. 1. Is this a bad idea to link back on the same IP?
    2. Is footer backlinks to the main developer going to annoy Google?
    3. Should I change my main site's server, will it help? All my competitors seem to do it and as far as I can tell they seem to get better results than I do.  Because I'm now changing them the reason I see no benefit? Thanks

    | sanchez1960

  • Hello, I'm trying to put my finger on what exactly is causing my duplicate page content problem... For example, SEOMoz is picking up these four pages as having the same content: As you can tell, they really aren't serving the same content in the body of the page. Anybody have an idea what might be causing these pages to show up as Duplicate Page Content? At first I thought it was the photo gallery module that might be causing it, but that only exists on two of the pages... Thanks in advance!

    | BGroup

  • I don't have a homepage built yet, and I suspect that my blog will be my primary SEO draw in the long term, so I'd like to do a 301 redirect (for the techies, I'm doing it in Django with http.HttpResponsePermanentRedirect ) I just wanted to confirm that this wouldn't cause any problems as Google gets used to my page (it's only been up for a few days) Thanks! -matt

    | 49wetnoodles

  • Hi, I have noticed recently that for my highest ranking keyword on Google United Kingdom, the meta description (that has not changed for several months and always used to be displayed when someone searched for this keyword) now only shows the first couple of words. Also, instead of the rest of the Meta Description there is a list of items that I offer for sale all squashed together with their individual prices. I am the only company on page one of Google who's impression looks like this and I think it looks really unprofessional. Why has this happened and how do I change it? Any help is much appreciated

    | g3mmab

  • We are a very stable, time tested domain (over 15 yrs old) with thousands of stable, time tested inbound links. We are a large catalog/e commerce business and our web team has over a decade's experience with coding, seo etc. We do not engage in link exchanges, buying links etc and adhere strictly to best white hat seo practices. Our SERPs have generally been very stable for years and years. We continually update content, leverage user generated content etc, and stay abreast of important algorithm and policy changes on Google's end. On Wednesday Jan 18th, we noticed dramatic, disturbing changes to our SERPs. Our formerly very stable positions for thousands of core keywords dropped. In addition, there is no snippet in the SERPs and no cached page for these results. Webmaster tools shows our sitemap most recently successfully downloaded by Google on Jan 14th. Over the weekend and monday the 16th, our cloud hosted site experienced some downtime here and there. I suspect that the sudden issues we are seeing are being caused by one of three possibilities: 1. Google came to crawl when the site was unavailable.
    However, there are no messages in the account or crawl issues otherwise noted to indicate this. 2. There is a malicious link spam or other attack on our site. 3. The last week of December 2011, we went live with rich tagging on product level pages. The testing tool validates all but the breadcrumb, which it says is not supported by Schema. Could Google be hating our microtagging and penalizing us? I sort of doubt bc category/subcategory pages that have no such tags are among those suffering. Whats odd is that ever since we went live with, Google has started preferring very thin content pages like video pages and articles over our product pages. This never happened in the past. the site is: Any help or ideas are greatly, greatly appreciated. Thank You DMG

    | jamestown

  • Hello, I am at building a travel web site where I want to add a 'cool' way for the user to display the pictures (instead of simply listing the picture and scrolling). But when I look on the web for methods to create a pictures gallery, I can see that there is many ways to do that. From an SEO stand point, which method would be the best? JQuery, AJAX, etc. Or what I should not use if it is easier. As for the link, beside the loading page issue, Is there a limit of images I should include in a page? Any advice on what should I use or not use to create an SEO oriented images gallery. Thanks !

    | EnigmaSolution

  • I have a big client who is looking to have some design work done on their websites. Really just redoing them essentially. They were asking me who the top web design companies in the country are. Anyone have any suggestions? Who are the most renown agencies?

    | DanDeceuster

  • Hi there I am doing a mobile website for a client and they asked me what the dieal word count would be per page. They are SEO conciosu but we are not doing SEO on this site. I would just like to know a general rule of thumb. Regards Stef

    | stefanok

  • Hello all, Can any recommend a Map Search tool that i can integrate into my accommodation website. Ideally I want to be able to pin my clients on the map search with links back to their listing page on my website and provide an alternative search facility for clients looking for accommodation. Am covering the South Africa region specifically. Am assuming that i could go down the Google Maps route but would really like to know what alternatives there are on offer. Also what SEO considerations do i need to think about when adding this to my website. Thanks in advance for any help.

    | SamanthaRiggien

  • Hi Mozland, We are going to have a new Nav Bar for our site built from the horror that we currently have to up with. We want to make it a simple affair, similar to The Guardian two-tier Nav Bar - main menu which will drop down to the 2nd tier according to what you clicked on in tier one. Regular stuff, I think. Any suggestions, from your experience, about how best to implement this, what to include, what not to do, what can be included and done to make it as best it can be to get people to peruse our site as easily as possible? Thanks

    | Martin_S

  • As Rand says on the Whiteboards, "Howdy SEOmoz fans", I am obsessed with Wordpress, but wanted to spread my wings a bit and have been playing around with Drupal.  I really like it. I had the idea for a new site that would have a Drupal set up (in the front end for pages and training) with a Wordpress blog on the subdomain or a directory for the Social Media integration I like to do with Wordpress. I'm just brainstorming a couple questions: 1. Would you guys and gals recommend sticking to just one or the other for SEO or does this not really matter as long as they are deep linked well? 2. Also, would you recommend subdomain or directory for WP? Have a good one, Jared

    | JaredBroker

  • A colleague and I were discussing whether or not iPads should be considered mobile devices.  Obviously, developing for a mobile phone is different than developing for an iPad so we're trying to determine if mobile is the correct umbrella to put both of these devices under.

    | TheOceanAgency

  • Hi Guys I have a very good client with whom we have been working with for over 2 years. When we 1st arrived, their website was built in Wordpress. During our SEO, the dleted the site and changed it to Drupal over night. Youc an imagin i went balistic and its been a horrid year in getting all the rrors down and redirects etc. Finally done I have just been informed that they will be deleting the website from Drupal to Joomla again! This is crazy as we have finally fix all the rrors and are driving quality traffic to the site. Now its back to square one... What do i do? ps the change from Drupal to Joomla is due to MYSQL issues

    | stefanok

  • What is the final opinion about how (and if) cufon affects keywords in H1 tags?

    | Court_LOQUA

  • Hello all: You probably noticed Google showing product prices in SERP snippets and this did not do us well because there was a noticable drop off in click throughs to the site with the price displaying in snippet. So we're replacing them with graphic prices instead. Does anyone see a problem with that in as far as how Google ranks our pages? Thanks!

    | holdtheonion

  • I'm currently hosting with Hostgstor and was pleased with the service untl my site started to get big enough to run into problems. The unlimited bandwidth and unlimited disk space sounds attractive but they don't tell you that they throttle your database connections. Now that I have grown my site to the point where I am getting a few thousand visitors per day I am starting to have issues. I had an article get really popular and the server couldn't handle it. I'm looking for a host that will tolerate some spikes in traffic. (it's ok if I get charged more). I've heard good things about Pair hosting and I'll likely go with them but I thought I'd ask for a few more opinions first. Thanks!

    | MarieHaynes

  • We had our developers install Wordpress in the directory. Our site is .NET based. Now we asked them to customize the blog's appearance to look like our main site. Here is the proposal from our developers to avoid lots of PHP coding: "In this approach we will create a custom page which will contain an iFrame in the body section. This iFrame will be solely responsible for showing all the blog pages. The template for Blog Pages will be designed in php (except the Header and Footer section). In Short, We will run the wordpress site (Blog) in our [main] Site" My Questions 1. Do the URLs have to stay the same for every page on the blog when using an iframe? (we want unique URLs for every page/post) 2. What are the SEO implications of this method? Will internal linking in the blog help pass all of the link juice throughout the main site and the blog? 3. How difficult is it to match the header, footer, and CSS (font/style/colors) of our main site in the Wordpress installation given that the site is .Net and Wordpress is PHP? Does spending some more time/money now to build everything in PHP without an iframe make sense in the long run? Thanks!

    | pbhatt

  • Some of our competitors use an overlay window on all their pages to sign a customer up for an email list (usually offering a coupon).  Our questions is related to the impact on SEO the overlay might have. Does anyone have experience doing this and is this a "safe" thing to do related to SEO? Thanks...

    | onlineinitiatives

  • I'm confused by the number of links that we should put on a page. Our site has a high domain authority but SEOmoz tool and others, plus Google WMT suggests much much less than other sites have - look at or the Huff post site for example. our site is and I'm thinking specifically about the /destinations and each continent like /europe Our site has thousands of pages, trying to create an effective internal linking structure with the limitation of 150 or so links is nearly impossible and ends up with too many navigational pages. We were hit hard by Panda (even though all our content is original, professionally written frequently updated) in favour of bigger brands and considering Google suggests that sites should be designed for users and not SEO these two ideals conflict. Does anyone have any data on what the link limit is? Any other tips or observations would be gratefully received. Thanks, John

    | JohnFinlayson

  • Anyone have a good example of CSS-based multi-level nav bar that is semantic (including link level subordination) and is ux positive? Or am I gonna have to actually make one? Anyone have a good example of CSS-based multi-level nav bar that is semantic (including link level subordination) and is ux positive? Or am I gonna have to actually make one?

    | anns

  • I have had a yahoo site for a couple of years. I want to start blogging so I had a worpress site built. After the site was build I noticed the urls from the previous site were not the same. For example is now The company working on the site told me that that yahoo did not support permalinks and they could not make them match exactly. This is a problem because several of my pages rank differently for different terms: /about_us, /employees, /clients, /contact_us, etc, all rank differently. When they came up in the search results and were clicked on you were taken to the old site so it was like we had two sites. The company has now set that to send you to a page that says this page under routine maintenence. They are basically telling me they cannot make the urls for those pages stay the same. I am very frustrated and don't really know what to do at this point. Are they right? Can it really not be done? Can those pages alternatively be set to redirect to the new page urls or will that negatively affect the rank for those pages and how? Should I have them put the old site back up and swith hosting companies? Any advice on what to do in this situation is greatly appreciated.

    | AndreB

  • If you could build your website from scratch and have your developers do anything you want (within reason), what list of SEO requirements would you send them? Does anyone know of any good articles on the perfect SEO wish list? Happy Holidays!

    | MirandaP

  • my blog is  The domain name has the OC letters in it.  When los angeles internet users land on my blog, they don't click through to the contact page or pick up the phone to call me. Should i start a new blog with a LA focus then link to this new LA patent blog from my main OC blog?  I'm hoping that the LA internet users who land on my OC blog will click through to the LA blog and feel as if I'm in their neighborhood. Should I leave my domain name the same but change the blog to something neutral such as XYZ patent attorney? The basic thing that I want to do is to convert the LA users from my oc blog.  I'm unsure how to do it.

    | jamesjd7

  • I have two websites that generate hundreds of organic hits each day. I want to switch both of them to WordPress. What is the best way to go about developing these sites then making them live while still keeping the current ones up?

    | C-Style

  • We have a competitor whose home page rocketed up to number one, page one, on our key search term after they did a website redesign.  They even beat out the original retailer for that position, as they are resellers of the product (not affiliate sales, resale in the secondary market.) They are the first to knock the original seller out of the #1 position. In the past couple of years that I have been doing in-house SEO, they have never ranked on page one for the term.  I ran their site through the SEOmoz page grader for the specific search term, loading their page that is ranking, and found that they grade a “B,” but have some alerts for keyword stuffing, (the search term is on the home page 30+ times,) and they have eleven tags on said page. Aside from the two things listed above, they have pretty good site architecture on this new site, and are pretty well branded, etc.  Should I expect Google to catch the keyword stuffing and eleven tags, and possibly adjust their rank?  Will their keyword stuffing come back to bite them?

    | Ticket_King

  • How do I make the address text on the site a clickable link for mobile devices?

    | bozzie311

  • Hi everyone, I know its not really an SEO question, but I'd thought i'd ask here to see if anyone can help. Does anyone know any awesome wordpress template designers? I've been looking for a while, but i've not been able to find anyone awesome. I know it's going to cost, to get someone good.

    | PeterM22

  • Hi guys, My name is Rob, and I work at Burst! Creative Group in Vancouver BC. We are having issues with the 5XX(server Error)'s. We have 57 of them, and can't figure out why! We have never had this problem before, but have recently added a blog to our website, and figure that this addition may have caused some problems. I'm hoping that I can get some helpful information from you MOZers to eliminate these crawl errors. You can take a look at our website at . Thank you in advance for all of your input! Rob

    | burst

  • I am working on a site redesign and re evaluating concepts I haven't thought about for a few years. I generally see site navigation that is either "top-down" or "left bar". Top down navigation normally uses the left nav. for search refinements. The benefit of top nav. is that it clears up the center of the page for non navigation content. The drawback is that you can't fit as many categories in a top nav. Left side nav. can hold a long list of categories, but subcategories are often in the center of the page. In the past, I have preferred to use left nav. with a multi level scroll over search refinement.  I believe this allowed users to get to their destination page with fewer clicks.  (I have always believed that every required additional click causes lost customers).  I also believe that this has caused me to get more juice flowing to deeper pages on sites and better long-tail conversion.  This means I have had pages with a LOT of links. With this method, I have tightly controlled my categories.  What on other sites are often dynamic search refinements, are on my sites additional categories. I am considering making a site with a top down navigation system.  I like the additional screen space in the center I get to work with.  Is my assumption about pages created by search refinement wrong?  Is it ok for SEO to have a left nav that has a bunch of search refinements that are dynamically created?

    | EugeneF

  • We are having a developer design our website with Magento. I noticed the main pages such as About Us have no file extention in the URL. But the product pages have a .html file extention. I was once told to remove the file extentions. Are there benefits to removing the .html file extension and if so, is there a way we can do this using Magento?

    | hfranz

  • I'm not a programmer and our 200+ person company isn't going to change their CMS just because I asked them nicely. Do you know of any SEO plugin I can use on SharePoint 2007? I just don't want to have to keep going into each of 110 websites time after time.

    | DaveGerecht

  • I'm in the midst of converting a fairly large website (500+ pages) into WordPress as a content management system. I know that there are two schools of thought regarding site architecture: Those who believe that everything should be categorized, I.E.- People who believe that the less clicks it takes from the homepage the better. As it stands, our current site has a completely flat architecture, with landing pages being added randomly to the root, I.E.- I'm beginning to think that there is a gray area with this. I spoke to someone who says that you should never have a page more than 2 categories/subfolders deep. But if we plan on adding a lot of content doesn't it make sense to set the site up into many categories so we can set a good foundation for adding massive amounts of content. Also, will 301 redirecting to the new structure cause us to lose rankings for certain terms? Any help here is appreciated.

    | C-Style

  • A client of mine wants to include drop caps at the start of the first paragraph on the page because they think it looks nice. I found some css techniques for implementing this using a span on the first character to enlarge the size of just that character. First word of the first paragraph. Are there any seo concerns I should have for adding drop caps?

    | fivelinesmedia

  • We have an issue with our recently introduced ‘mega-menu’, which has increased our link count on all pages (as it is a global menu across the entire website). Is it acceptable to load our mega-menu drop-down content onto the page via AJAX in order to reduce the number of on-page links, leaving only the department headings as on-page links (in order to keep the user experience the same/similar)? Or is dynamic loading of link content frowned upon by Google? We would still have the ‘AJAX'd’ links available as on-page/crawlable links in the left menu of the department landing pages, by navigating via the department headings. Any help/advice that could be offered is welcomed. Thanks

    | DVCrawler

  • I had zero experience with design, seo, etc..prior to joining seomoz last year, but have been tweaking my  site to get better ranking and leads. I'm at the point now where I have to move my existing 8 year old static html website ( to a CMS system but am concerned about the impact this will have on my rankings, and money I currently make from my site selling the leads i generate. I generate leads for life insurance industry, have 150+/- existing pages, and it takes me forever to add new pages, make changes, not to mention the look is worn. What is the best way to make this move? Secondly, what SEO friendly CMS systems do you recommend? Thanks Mike Horbal Thank you all for the quick response and great info...I'm going to put my wishlist together before i make a move..thanks again.

    | mjhorbal

  • When you redo your website, I assume that sometimes it might turn out worse.  For example, users might just like your prior design better and thus your prior design might actually have better stats. My blog doesn't receive a lot of hits.  I have about 1500 hits per months.  I don't think that i have enough traffic for A/B testing.  Is there a work around to see if my new blog design does better or worse?

    | jamesjd7

  • I am taking over a new project that offers high price large products.  I am trying to decide on the best way to do some SEO on the product titles, etc. for best practices what do ya'll recommend right now we're doing: 10' H x 10' W x 12' D product name blah blah blah and other thoughts on how to be more efficient in this?

    | malachiii

  • Hello All: Google snippets now include prices. We feel it's causing less click throughs from search results. Someone suggested to replace the textual prices with graphical prices. I worry Google will expect some sites to do this and penalize them for doing so. Any thoughts or evidence in this regard?

    | holdtheonion

  • Hello everyone... Question: I have 7-8 generic keywords that I would like to rank for, is it possible for one site to rank highly for all these different keywords, or would this be best achieved by making 2 or 3 websites in total targeting different keywords (product sectors)? More info: We are in a niche industry & would like to know if it would be beneficial to have several websites made for specific product types rather than one main site? Although these sub classifications of products are nice, they are competitive as they have a high search volume Would it be better to build specific websites that only do that one type of product and have related keyword in domain, content & blogs on the site to that effect to increase relevance and positions as a result? Thanks

    | Ray_UK

  • I read through this 2008 Moz post and comments: but a few years have passed since the discussion. I am looking to completely revamp my site which is primarily static and built on WordPress, and create a rich community environment that is highly interactive and serves the visitor well. The question continues to come up why I'm using WP vs DotNet vs Drupal vs Juumla. The honest answer is: 1) it's easy for a non-tech like me to update, 2) seems like a lot of plugins are available for use, 3) has a high adoption rate (stable) But also, I kind of don't know what I don't know. I wanted to open up the conversation to see why others favor a specific platform as it relates to the following needs: Must be non-tech EASY to use (no high learning curve Lots of plugins and interoperability - can add and remove as needed/times change Must support forum/community needs and conversations Must be able to create granular authentication / permissions for different audiences to see "permissioned" content BONUS if it can interoperate with MS Dynamics CRM (unfortunately, sigh) I've been burned in the past by using teams that had a predilection for a platform simply because they were comfortable with it - not because it was right for my needs. I have a hard time understanding pro/con conversations if the technologies are too focused on the tech and not enough of what the technology delivers, and I'm naturally resistant to technologies that require a techie, rather than a marketing expert to use them.Thoughts anyone? Would love to hear Mozer opinions - thanks in advance 🙂

    | JeanieWalker

  • I'm putting together an article about Web Designers and SEO. The basic crux is that most designers will at most (if you are lucky) add in title tags, maybe pretty URL's and HTML links and call it SEO friendly. (lot's who don't probably but also lot's who are even worse) Of course I want it to be a bit controversial so please feel free to let rip. My argument is clients who have previously had site's that have had "SEO on them", know think that all SEO is a waste of time as their previous experience didn't produce the traffic and sales they were expecting. I don't know many designers who independently consider a site marketing strategy and how a site is going to generate links in the long term. I'm sure most of us have read this post on SEO responsiblities but becasue the first port of call for most business owners are the web designers, our offering is undermined by their misunderstandings and in some cases mis-sellings. So under the working title, "Why Web Designers Are Bad For SEO", any care to share some imput.

    | FDC

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