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Category: Web Design

Talk through the latest in web design and development trends.

  • Hey Everyone, This query may be more for a Joomla developer or someone that has had a similar issue. I'm not really looking for answers like, "check Google Search Console" or anything like that. We have a client who recently had all of their core pages delisted in Google but the blog is still being displayed in search results. For example, if you search "company name" they have a blog post that ranks #13 or so organically. I tested Google Search Console and Google is saying that the site is temporarily unavailable. We haven't made any changes or updates to Joomla's core structure so I'm unsure as to where this change is coming from. Here are some items we've checked: 1. Site searches within Google, resulted in seeing core pages are not indexed but blog pages are 2. Google Search Console - looked for manual actions (none found), looked at sitemap errors (nothing mentioned), looked at robots.txt (no issues here), attempted to fetch the site as Google (temporarily unavailable). 3. Called the hosting company (Rackspace) to discuss potential issues. They were extremely helpful but we were unable to find anything. The blog is actually a Module that was added so I'm thinking something has changed to block Google bots from the core Joomla structure but it hasn't blocked them from the blog structure. Without putting the company name or url on blast, has anyone heard of or experienced anything like this? Any help or insights would be much appreciated!

    | Leadhub

  • We currently have 3 sites built on WordPress that have little to no blogging capabilities. Currently, all published posts show up on a /category page which does not resemble the traditional blog format and is not aesthetically pleasing. We would like to have a more traditional blog and are considering installing a second wordpress theme on the site which will strictly be used for /blog and all the posts. My question is will having the second WordPress installation on the sites hurt us in any way on the SEO front and if we go this way should we place the install in a subfolder or on a subdomain? Is there anything else we need to worry about with making this transition? Thank you in advance for the advice! Patrick

    | PlanetDISH

  • Right now my client has a wordpress website with over 300 pages (mostly blog posts).  Their average TTFB (time to first byte) is 3017 ms.  They have a SSL and their current hosting company is Site 5. Does anybody have any recommendations for a better hosting company?  We are willing to up the budget for better performance.

    | RosemaryB

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a question about a multilingual website for a client for us in Belgium. As you guys know in Belgium we speak French and Dutch. The situation:
    At the moment we have for the Dutch version of the website and for the French version. All tagged with href lang tags and webmaster tools. The client wants to build a new website. There are three possibilities: 1. We keep using subfolders (same configuration as the current situation). In my head this would be my first choice. 2. We just let them build two separate domains. & 3. We use subdomains. As the development company is not sure that it is technically possible to use subdomains, I need to know which option is the next best one and which option you would give priority and why? Should we just push through with the subfolder? Thank you for your thoughts!

    | WeAreDigital_BE

  • hi all Wondering if I could get some options on the pros and cons of using one domain for two stores targeting different regions. My website is a fashion retailer, targted at the female market. In addition to the stores the site has a number of blogs, articles etc on. At present we have a domain and a .com which targets the US market. The trouble with this split approach is having seo two sites at once, in addition to adding content to two sites etc. we are considering combining the stores into one domain and the having the U.S. Shop at /us and UK store at /UK - in wmt we will specifiy the directories as targeted to a specific location, the hotel language etc will be showing UK and U.S. English to further help geo targeting. we are thinking that, in theory, managing just one site will mean it's easier to build the authority and brand name. Pretty much all of the blog and article content is non region specific so it is relevant to both markets, it will also reduce the need to generate unique content for two sites at once. Is there any major downside to merging the sites like this. At present the UK site is da 4 and U.S. site da 0 - they are both pretty new and one of the problems we have at the moment is building up two sites at once. i welcome any opinions. thanks. Carl

    | WonkyDog

  • Hi, Will numbers & data be considered as user generated content by Google OR naturally written text sentences only refer to user generated content. Regards

    | vivekrathore

  • any body can help me to make my web site seo freindly? i have not big budget please email me [email protected]

    | fabric-fabric

  • Hello Everyone, I manage a fairly large educational website that we are looking to completely redesign to improve the overall site user experience and usability.  In the past I, a non-designer, business person, would just roughly draw how I thought the site should look and our developer (who is good, but not a web designer) would just try his best to make everything look profession.  Over the years, it has become painfully obvious that we need to invest in more design expertise and move towards a modern, smartly designed website. So my question: Where are the best places to find good freelance designers? I have of course conducted web searches, browsed elance, and asked my network for referrals.  However, I am finding that most of the really good ones, ones who have to ability to take charge and lead us through this entire process, and who have at least a basic understanding of SEO principles, work for larger integrated development shops who also expect their people to develop the new site as well.  We already have a developer and are primarily looking for the design expertise.  Does anyone in the Moz community have any suggestions or even referrals? Thanks! Eric

    | Eric_R

  • Hi Guys, So I am back asking more questions, but I am slowly learning 🙂 This next one, I have looked everywhere and I can't get my head around h tags on ecomm sites. I have looked at competitors and non competitors and still am not sure which is the right or wrong thing to do, specifically in this instance, category pages. Our I.T. dept is somewhat under resourced and I don't want to waste their time with test and trial on this particular issue. Category landing pages... There are shed loads of category listing pages on our site, at the moment the h1 tag for each sub-category is listed in the end path of the breadcrumb, there is no other spaces on the page accept the left hand navigation. Which is the better to use, breadcrumb or nav? We would have to totally recode our left hand nav which is pretty set up for the whole site. The reason I ask this question to you is because an SEO agency recommended that we... Add the H1 to the left hand navigation and make it customisable so that it is not the same as the breadcrumb keywords. I have attached an image of a competitor of ours that so the same thing currently, to show what I mean... Right now I am not sure what to tell the agency and what the right thing to do is. I read a post saying that we are actually doing the right thing under the circumstances. Does anyone have a best practise good example of generally what we should do for category pages? Your help is always muchly appreciated Kindest, Kay new

    | eLab_London

  • Hello everyone, wonder if I can pick your brains about our company's website. We are a tea company - Canton Tea Co. We have been advised that it is really important to get more text onto the category pages on our website, as otherwise the page just consists of a list of products, and therefore provides Google with a ton of headers, tiny descriptions, and not enough text to allow the page to being easily indexed, therefore hurting our Google ranking for key search terms like 'Green Tea' which should lead to the Green Tea category page. So we decided to add some text to the category page. The only place for this text to go was laid over the category header image. However, it looks pretty awful and unsophisticated having this text on top of the image - please see an example, our Green Tea category page, via this link: So I have three questions: How significant is the text on a category page such as this to that page's Google ranking? If we moved the text to an area that was hidden until clicked on, for example the 'Filter by' section that opens up when you click on it (see via URL above), would that negate the SEO benefit? Do you have any other ideas or opinions on how to resolve this? Thank you! Louise, Canton Tea Co.

    | Cantonteaco

  • Hi, So for some reason I have this unexplained issues in webmaster tools. Check them out: See that How to remove it? Is it just disallow: Or should I disallow the search to be crawled? Regards,

    | Kokolo

  • Once I switch a site to a new domain (with links to corresponding/relative pages), will I have to keep the old site live forever for those links to work, or how long should I wait before I inactivate the old site on our server?

    | jwanner

  • Hello, I am a web designer who predominantly works with WordPress at the moment but I have the ability to work on any platform. Now locally I rank high for terms like Wordpress designer nj but my broad keyword web design nj has been on the decrease. From page 1 to 5 or 6 now. I would like to rank on page1 for this term regularly as it provides the best chance at new leads. I currently do not have a page on my site dedicated to web design alone my focus has all been Wordpress. is it recommended to create a separate page to rank for web design keywords as well even though the majority of business I do is with Wordpress?

    | donsilvernail

  • I have noticed a significant drop in rankings since late April. It is about a 30% drop in organic from Google. This is despite the fact that we launched a mobile site before the update. What gives? Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

    | inhouseseo

  • We are looking to implement a Spanish version of our websites and are torn between either doing it in a sub-domain or by using a sub-folder in our current site of Just wondering which method would have a better impact on SEO and if the sitemap.xml files should be kept separate between the two language pages. We were planning on using the geo targeting in webmaster tools to direct users in a certain region to a specific language although after some research it appears you can only geo target a specific country and not a region or language so also not sure what approach to take there as well to target all countries/regions with the Spanish language. Should we even geo target or just serve english versions of our page with a selection to select a different language? Any guidance or suggestions would be much appreciated.

    | bradpts

  • Hey Guys, I am fairly new to 'technical' SEO as I was lucky enough in my old role to have technical expertise in the team for things like this, now I am learning myself and it is a slow and painful process, so your expertise is soooo much appreciated! My I.T. dept say that I have 3 instances on my website where the Hybris platform is creating a 302 redirect automatically - the first: URL doesn't exist - Hybris creates a temp 302 - the system does not create case sensitive url's | | URL doesn't exist | TRUE | 302 | | | URL doesn't exist | TRUE | 302 |
    | | URL doesn't exist | TRUE | 302 | I believe these are being redirected due to the fact that capital letters are being created in the url. Multi-lingual redirects I have a German and French version of my site and whenever any switches from one URL to the other using our language selector a 302 is created. Dynamic URL elements Dynamic url elements and special characters are being created in the URL, I am not sure where this is happening, but my I.T. department would like me to go and see whether this is something that can be created by a browser. If anyone has any similar problems or have any advice or insights even, I would love to hear from you! Thanks 🙂

    | eLab_London

  • So, interestingly enough, the Moz crawler picked up my index.html file (homepage) and reported duplicate content, of course. But, Google hasn't seemed to index the version of my homepage, just the version. However, it looks like I do have links going specifically to and I want to make sure those are getting counted towards my overall domain strength. Is it necessary to 301 redirect in the scenario described above?

    | Small_Business_SEO

  • Note : For the background of this question please read the preface below. Ive been researching responsive image options the main issue i can see with them is that they are not semantic html so bots may not index them correctly. For instance many of the responsive image plugins use data-src for an image rather than src. Does any one have any experience with this and if it impacts on SEO ? Does any one know of a client side responsive image soltion that uses a normal img tag with the image stored in the src and with the option to set an alt attribute ? **Preface : ** Ive got a site we are currently developing, the site has a large full width responsive image slider. To serve images that wont be pixilated we are making the width of the images 1800px wide (which should cover most screens, but isn't actually big enough if the site was viewed on a 27" imac) these 1800px wide images weight about 350kb - 500kb per image and our image slider has about 20 of them. As you can see this would be a problem for anyone with a connection slower than c.10 mbps. This is especially true for mobile devices that will be downloading an image 1800px wide although only require a much smaller one, this coupled with a 3g connection will make the site really slow.

    | Sam-P

  • In mobile search results, many of my inner pages show the title tag, but the link is removed. And instead of showing the meta description, there is the following: May open the site's homepage
    Try anyway | Learn more Both "Try Anyway" and "Learn more" are links. Try anyway used to link to the homepage, but after we removed a redirect plugin and got rid of all the html mobile pages (now we're just using the Wordpress responsive layout), the link is now going to the correct page. So, it in fact, does NOT "open the site's homepage" any longer. But, we're still seeing this on mobile searches for our inner pages. It's been almost 3 weeks now. Any ideas on how to get this back to normal?

    | Dino64

  • Hi all , I would just like to have an expert Opinion on SEO for Affiliate Website . Basically if I list all Third party products (Amazon/Affilate Window etc ) on my website and then the customer will be redirected to the Affiliates website to make a Purchase will there be an issue with SEO (Lots of Outgoing Url's)  and Will the website not rank for Important keywords or will it be hit by any penalty ? I heard it's not good for SEO ,  any work around this ? If this is case How come cashback Sites rank well with no issues , although the concept is basically the same ? Any Tips or Advice appreciated as how to get this done safe . My Preferred Option would  be with Magento Shopping Cart or second option would be with Wordpress Cart only in case this provides some SEO benefits over Magento by some plugins  .

    | Aus007

  • Hi All! Working with an established manufacturer, been around for many years, it's an internationally known brand, and their products are sold by thousands on distributors.  They recently started a new website (separate from their old established B2B manufacturer site) which will be used to sell direct to customer.  The new site is great, with a nice responsive design, clean look, flexible, etc.  The problem is, it's a new site with low Domain Authority. The manufacturer's B2B site has been around a while, very high Domain Authority.  So, I'd like to be able to harness all the link equity they've build instead of trying to optimize a brand new site.  The problem with this old established site is that it IS in fact old.  The design is terrible, it's not responsive, old code, bad look and feel, etc. We could incorporate the new B2C site (which has its own CMS) into a sub-domain, like  But, I'd worry that's crapiness will limit growth potential for the new pages at  Same issue were we to add the new site into a sub-folder, like On the other side, we could just keep the new site, with it's own domain,, and have product pages and/or category pages from the manufacturer's B2B site link to the relevant pages on the new B2C site. Thanks!

    | fiberglass

  • My current site is on wordpress. We are currently designing a new wordpress site, with the same URLs. Our current approach is to go into the server, delete the current website files and ad the new website files. My current site has old urls which are 301 redirected to current urls. Here is my question.  In the current redesign process, do i need to create pages for old the 301 redirected urls so that we do not lose them in the launch of the new site? or is the 301 command currently existing outside of our server so this does not matter? Thank you in advance.

    | CamiloSC

  • Hello All, It is to my understanding that it is a best practice to have a single H1 headline that corresponds to your title tag at the top of your page, above your content for the best On-Site Optimization. We are developing a site that uses a big slideshow with text on each slide, and are concerned that placing the H1 Headline below this will be a bad practice. Would a better option be to have the slide show text on the image and place no alt tags on the slides, so that the crawlers accessing the page overlook this and see the H1 below the slider first? We need to maintain the slider for design purposes, but would like the site to optimized. A similar example to what the slider will look like is as follows: However, we look to have optimized, "10x" content below the slider with a solid H1 headline as well. Thank You!

    | Armen-SEO

  • We're looking into creating a forum for our visitors. I've identified that our target market is very active on online forums, and that this is the best way of encouraging user participation amongst our audience (I know forums as such are a bit old-fashioned, but so is our audience!) I have never set a forum up before... I was wondering if there was anything your collective brains could come up with in terms of a 'wish list' the forum should have... For example, I want to limit spam (LOL, I know, losing battle) - what measures would you put in place to do this? I was thinking that users would have to create a login to participate, and that they would only be allowed to post links after a certain number of posts - is there anything else I've missed? We will be looking to promote the forum via email marketing to our customers, and will set up logins for them each, and invite them to join individually. There are about 10,000 people we could invite in this way (list is growing every day, so it could very well be a lot more by the time we launch!) What else would you suggest? I was thinking of display advertising (maybe via adwords remarketing), and obviously we'll be looking to list organically (but I don't think this can happen instantly, I kind of feel it's a chicken/egg thing - we need the participation before we get ranked, but to get participation we probably need to be ranked!) I was also wondering if we should set it up on a subdomain or not? I'm in two minds about which is best for us! Anyway, any input from you would be enormously beneficial. Thank you!

    | CommT

  • We have recently launched a new responsive website for a client and have noticed 2 "Not Found" errors within Google Search Console for /mobile and /m Both these URLs are not linked from anywhere within the site. However Google is reporting them as being linked from the homepage. This is not the first site we have seen in which Google has reported this error, however the other site was not a mobile friendly site. My thoughts are to 301 them back to the Homepage. Anybody else have any thoughts on this? or have recently received the same errors?

    | JustinTaylor88

  • This one is for the WordPress optimization crowd! Portfolios are used to display work. I have a question about best seo optimization techniques. 1. Portfolios can be used to display many different types of work, for me it either original web designs from scratch, WordPress redesigns, or importing a current website into WordPress. What is the best practice for keywords for  multiple portfolios that are in one category. for instance WordPress Redesign. If I have 5 WordPress redesign portfolio posts is it good practice to use WordPress redesign for all 5 portfolios or should they use variations? Yoast gets angry when the same focus keyword is used multiple times. 2. Should portfolios even be indexed? Since this is how I attract new customers I would think yes but am I giving too much exposure to my client and not enough to my business. I guess this will depend on titles and meta descriptions. A discussion on best practices here is what I am really looking for. What is your advice and opinion on the matter.

    | donsilvernail

  • If we have a pop up on our site and new customers have subscribed to get 5% off (which i believe shows intent) and they do not purchase would you contact them and find out why they have not purchased to get a better understanding of issues with the website, If so I believe it needs to be more than the standard email of further discount (for example receive an extra 10% discount) or standard do you need help email (we need to either talk direct with them or offer something for there help such as 50% off) Any help would be appreciate in finding our pain points on the site

    | BobAnderson

  • Hi Guys, Since our company does a lot of web development jobs next to our SEO work, we came across the topic of the “Design by” or “Webdesign by” links that our competitors are placing in the footer of clients websites. When I did some backlink analysis of our competitors these links make up the biggest part of their backlink profile. That way, I think they are important for the promotion and SEO of web development companies. I would love to have your opinion about how to use these links for SEO 1. Side wide vs homepage I think there are two ways here, going for a link at the bottom of every page or just one link at the bottom of the homepage. When you look at exposure the most ideal situation would be a side wide link (more eyeballs). From a SEO standpoint this might cause trouble. 2. Follow vs nofollow I think this is a very interesting one since there seems to be a lot of different opinions about if this is advertisement or not. A normal banner in a sidebar would get the nofollow tag to match Google’s guidelines but what about this “designed by” link? I know  few designers and “putting a stamp” on their work is pretty common and more likely viewed as something that they deserve then an act of commerce. Besides this discussion adding the nofollow tag could prevent any issues with side wide links but reduces any SEO benefits to zero. Another option is adding the nofollow tag to all the links expect the one on the homepage. 3. Anchor text and descriptive text Since anchor texts play a big role in SEO (and in detecting spam) I’m interested in your opinion about the use of anchor texts with such links. Just the company name or the web address sounds like a safe choice (especially with side wide links) but it’s pretty attempting to link words like “Webdesign” instead of the company name. Do you think it’s safe to use this, or any other keywords in 0,5,10,15,20,25% of the times? And do you think the descriptive text “Webdesign and SEO by” got any value (or causes potential risks) when added before the link? 4. Alternatives or extra link opportunities Here are some other options I found and thought about considering getting links from client websites. Asking, or earning a link in their first blogpost. Yjpiieee our website is online, thanks guys of company X. Links in the disclaimer or legal parts of the website. Link in the main content of the about us. Most likely in the bottom a little section about the credits of the design etc. Links on partner / friend / links pages of the website. I saw all of these links in the backlink profiles of our competitors. Last but not least, my current standpoint: At this moment we ask our clients if we may place a small text and link in the footer of their website next to the copyright claim. We use texts like “Webdesign and SEO by Web Whales”. With only our brand name as anchor text (to avoid penalties). It’s a side wide follow link. Side wide because we want the exposure and follow because we want the SEO benefit. We considered just making the homepage link follow, but this kind of feels like manipulation so we just went for all follow since this is pretty normal on the web. Beside that we celebrate new websites with our clients to increase the change getting mentioned on the first blog or partner page. Occasionally we ask them for links on these pages. What’s your opinion about this topic?

    | Bob_van_Biezen

  • Hi, I have medical service website but my parent service is Plastic Surgery I need to add my various services in Plastic Surgery category like hair transplant, Rhinoplasty, Gynecomastia . how to create schema for this. Is  a good way to define my service like this? Hair transplantation

    | Aman_123

  • Magento is fantastic for e-commerce although the blog capabilities are limited and our web development fees are just ongoing. I have great experience with wordpress sites and I don't have a bad word to say about the CMS, there are plugins available for everything you possibly need to develop the blog. Would it be a good idea to integrate a wordpress blog for our e-commerce store? To keep both the transactional website and the blog on the same domain, but have a different style for the blog so we're not trying to 'sell' to people looking for home improvement advice and DIY guides, our main priority with the blog is to grow the website authority.

    | Jseddon92

  • We have 30,000 pictures on our site. Moz will return 404's on some occasionally, but Google seems to ignore those. Should I 301 redirect all those images when we move to a new site lay-out? Appreciate your views!

    | Discountvc

  • Hello, My site owner has been having calls that our old HTML site needs to switch to HTML5. Is it really worth the ubgrade from an archaic HTML site? Please explain. Bob

    | BobGW

  • We have an e-commerce website and we are looking to get the markup on our site, especially for our products to increase CTR and help with rankings as this will help Google understand our pages better. We have had two quotes from separate companies, one £100.00 and the other almost £600.00 I'm just curious how much work is involved as we don't want to get scammed for something that takes less than an hour to implement.

    | Jseddon92

  • Hi Guys,
    I just did a webpage speed test on to see how our site is performing.
    I noticed that an exteral URL called has a "huge" impact on our sites loading time. See a screen here:
    An overview can be seen here: All our scores are green and A (finally!) but I was a bit concerned when I saw the outcome of the pagespeedtest regarding the fonts.
    When I load a page on my pc I indeed notice that the text content is usally quite slow in showing up, pops up afer a few seconds. Is this a know problem and Is this something I need to fix? If so what is the best approach? Looking forward on your thoughts!

    | jeeyer

  • Hi Guys, We have a bit of situation here. We have a website (let's say it is where we had more than 2000 posts. There arose a need whereby we had to move some 60-70 posts from this to another domain of ours ( So, here is what we did: Move those 60-70 posts manually from to Did a 301 redirect of each of those 60-70 posts from to Google has now started to rank the posts from the for this. That's all good till now. Now, here comes the situation. We also want to move the comments from some of those posts of (some 10-12 posts out of those 60-70) to the respective posts of How do we do that? Do note that we are pretty comfortable with databases and to some extent PHP. Please help.

    | seocuppa

  • I hired a contractor to configure a WP plugin to syndicate FB, G+, Twitter and standard WP posts.  He is using NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster.  He came back to me saying that FB is now only allowing direct owners (not admins) of FB pages to create keys.  This means I have to give my client's personal FB access to a third party contractor. I'm not comfortable asking my client to do this.  Does anybody know of a way around this?  Is there a way to create a FB key with just admin access? Thanks

    | RosemaryB

  • Hi Moz Experts I would like to know what does it the best practice for multilanguage website for the default language ? There are several PHP features to help users to get the right language when they come from SEO and direct; present the default language by browser language, by gelolocalisation, etc. However, which one is the most appropriate for Quebec company that try to get outside Canada ? PRO and CONS. Thank you in advance.

    | johncurlee

  • Hi, We have a thematic footer which shows similar pages links relevant to the search criteria made on a page. We want to fetch those footer similar links through ajax when users search on site but the links will be shown without using ajax when Google fetches those pages. We want to do this to improve our page load time. The links content & count will be exactly same in both cases whether Google fetches the search pages or user fetches those pages. Will this be treated as negative by Google, Can this have any negative affect on our rankings or traffic. Regards,

    | vivekrathore

  • Hi All, We are building a new website and would take it live in next few weeks. I want help to understand what all should we consider.. The site structure would be same with additional features but the URL path and site name is same...Should i take any precausions before shutting down the old site and getting the new one live? Thanks

    | jomin74

  • Hi Guys, I am getting Self-Referrals in my Google analytics, how can I get rid of These?

    | Johnny_AppleSeed

  • Hi all, Looking for some kind of solution for a responsive update for a site and I am wondering if there are any templates (not Wordpress) that are both great SEO wise and would also pass muster with the impending Google update for responsiveness? I was looking at things like Canvas and Porto ( ) but can't find any discussion on whether or not these things have been addressed with any of these templates. If any of you have suggestions or other places to look for something that could possibly fit the bill (even if temporarily) I would be very appreciative. Thank you so much in advance!

    | Pixelwik

  • Hi, We want to move a couple of dozen articles from one of our self-hosted wordpress website to another self-hosted Wordpress website. Is there a way to this such that the following content is also included in the migration:
    1. Post content (including images and meta if possible)
    2. Comments Do note the older site from which we want to move out the content has more than 2000 posts and we just want to move 60-70 posts. Thanks.

    | seocuppa

  • We installed the Magento 'Aheadworks' extension for our blog but it's quite limited as to what blogging capabilities it has. We are now considering integrating Wordpress for our new blog, but keeping both on the same domain to increase the domain authority. My question is, should we keep the same theme throughout? The blog should be informative and not sales based, so we was thinking of ditching the whole theme for the blog and not having our category navigation bar. Yes we can still have internal linking which may drive traffic from the blog to the web store. We have been recommended the Wordpress Integration by Fishpig but I understand this carries through the Magento theme so I'm not sure exactly how it works. Could Wordpress plugins cause issues with our Magento store or shouldn't we be worried about this?

    | Jseddon92

  • I just setup Cloudfront CDN through W3 Total Cache. Everything looks good but there is one problem that I have encountered: After activating the CDN none of the images are available at the older image URLs and they are throwing a 404 error. Let me give you an example for this: 1. Before I setup the CDN, let's say an image was available at 2. After I setup the CDN, the image is available at and the good part is the URLs in the blog posts where this image was attached is updated to reflect the above mentioned URL. But the problem is that when visit the older URL of the image (which is what Google has crawled earlier, I get a 404 error). Can you help me how to avoid this problem? Ravi C

    | stj

  • Hi all, You've all been so helpful so far, I'm hoping you can help me with our trickiest SEO question yet. Last year we migrated 7 sites into one, going from flat html to Joomla. This went fine and although we saw a slight drop in traffic, it wasn't too bad. Now however traffic has started to drop and we've been able to hone it down into a certain area of our website. Each of the 7 sites had their own page with some php code that was fed products. These products were updated everyday and were are second most popular page on the sites aprt from the home page. These pages were found in Google no problem and were an essential resource for our site. What we have found is these pages cannot be found at all, unless you type the full business name and product. If you just type the product and the location our customer is based in, we're no where, using the Moz tools it says we're not in the top 50 results. This is a bit of a shock since we used to be at least on the first page, usually quite high up. I'm a little stumped as SEO wise these pages are technically better. They offer the same functionality but in a much more SEO friendly way. I've asked our developer to check: Nothing is being blocked in robots.txt
    The pages are being indexed
    There's no strange code errors Essentially the pages can't be found even if we type the full title, for example 'customer's products in their town' to be found we have to type 'customer's products in their town and their full business name'. The top third of the page is just html text, the bottom like I mentioned is PHP and is fed data from a database which is refreshed each morning. I know our developer did some rel conical work but has assured me that's all working fine. While I know it's a new website, we've owned the domain for a while so our domain authority isn't brand new and 0, we also have pages with worse page authority that show up on page 1 no problem, so I'm leaning towards something else might not be right. Can anyone help me figure out why these pages are being indexed but not even found? Thanks!

    | HB17

  • HI All We are cosmetic surgery clinic. A lot of our business is dependent on Before After results of patients. But We want to tell add structured data for it but didnt find any. There are options of portfolio but that is strictly not what it is. Suggestions please

    | Aman_123

  • Hi All, We had a WIX website and now moved to Wordpress. I m having issue while doing redirecting from old URL  to new URL. Example: Old Url:!traffic-management/ccfn New Url: I tried different wordpress plugin but nothing works. I m thinking its due to the # . But How can I to redirection for URL like this . Thanks

    | emarketexperts

  • This might be a silly questions as I may be missing something completely obvious here, but we are completely new to A/B testing. Our site doesn't receive a phenomenal amount of traffic although we are looking to set up some A/B testing for our popular products. Is there a way to split organic traffic for a specific product page. I'm aware that we need to experiment which one performs better in Analytics but I'm unsure how to redirect 50% of the organic traffic.

    | Jseddon92

  • We've been caught a bit off guard with the upcoming Google mobile compliance issue and received the warnings in webmasters about fixing mobile usability issues. It will still be some time before we can have the site re-coded as responsive. I have stumbled upon a converter tool (which turns any site into one that's mobile friendly) called bMobilized, which essentially turns your site into one that's mobile friendly. Have you used bMobilized? Is it a safe idea to use this service temporarily until our new responsive site is ready in a few months? Do you have any suggestions for temporarily getting around the mobile compliance issue while our new responsive site is being built? Thanks

    | Martin_S

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