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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Hi Everyone, I have a client who has 2 Facebook pages for the same business. One of the pages has 300 likes and the other 1200. They do not want to look the likes. Is there a way to merge to pages so that the likes are not lost? Thanks

    | Carla_Dawson

  • Hi, I want to add rel=publisher to my website.  According to Google support I should use the following tag - Add to homepage - [rel="publisher">Find us on Google+]( page]) A few questions: Is this in addition to my social media button linking to my page to direct users there or should it be used instead? Where does "find us on Google +" appear on the page - or is this a hidden instruction only meant for Google? Could I add the code without the "find us on Google +" so that it would read Can this be added anywhere on the homepage (as implied by Google) or should it be on the meta head? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • Hi guys, I've Googled the heck out of this query and I seem to run into very top level answers (and I do apologize if my ignorance is to blame), but is Google able to index content from within Facebook applications such as Photos, Events, and possibly a custom app? If Google is able to better index both Javascript and AJAX, I would assume that the simple answer would be "yes", but since many of these applications don't provide outbound links, tracking traffic and conducting follow up experiments appears to be quite difficult. Since many of us use Facebook as a destination, if we take the time to optimize deeper content by adding detailed captions in pictures or unique descriptions for events, how can we determine that 1. the content is being crawled by search engines and 2. how is that content crawled and disseminated for user consumption on search engines? I appreciate your time and thank you for your insights.
    -Vero T.

    | millennium-marketing

  • I've been trying to help a local chapter of a non-profit organisation set up a Facebook page (for free!) but the idea has been refused at the national level. I think from a lack of understanding of what good Facebook can do for their communication because even the page created for the whole NPO is very low on fans and hardly ever updated. I've got plenty of examples of NGOs doing well on Facebook. But what I'd love to find an example of an NGOs doing good work on Facebook through local chapters and (in my dreams) get my hands on guideline document that explains to local chapters how they should go about creating the page in accordance with the NGOs. Anyone out there have good examples ? Thanks Neil

    | NeilInFrance

  • Hey, So I think the title of my question says it all really. I've written an article which is now 3k words. Should I : a.) publish as one article and reap the benefits of a very authoritative page on the subject, social shares, etc, but secondary keywords will be formatted as sub-headings (H2 tags) within the article. or, b.) break article down into 3 logical steps, resulting in 4 pages (intro, part 1, part 2, part 3) and reap the benefits of 3 highly optimized pages where secondary keywords become primary keywords (URL, Meta Title, H1, etc) Thoughts welcome? Cheers,
    Woody 🙂

    | seowoody

  • We have a website with a large member base where users share content a lot.  But the SEO problem I have, is that every share needs to reflect a "referral link" so that if a new user signs up, the original sharer receives "referral" credit for that sign up. I really want to be able to take advantage of our huge member base and their sharing, but I'm finding it difficult to do so because each user shares a link that has their referral in it. Can anyone think of an SEO friendly method of sharing that both gives our site SEO benefits, as well as providing the referral credit back to the user?

    | JDatSB

  • I am wondering how effective rss feed submission (to RSS aggregators) is in terms of getting traffic and backlinks? Also, how about getting listed in blog directories? Do these tactics work anymore post Panda update ? Thanks, Supriya.

    | Amjath

  • Dear community, I've tried to find the answer in the Q&A but without any succes. is our facebook page for our webshop. We have 563 likes, but in opensiteexplorer we only have 1 FB like. It is most likely an easy question, but i couldn't find the answer. My question is how the opensiteexplorer only found 1 like? How does this work exactly? Best regards, Martin

    | Onlinedesignmeubel

  • Couldn't find anything in their guidelines about it, I noticed a good way to get people to follow you is to favorite their tweets. Can there be to many according to twitter?

    | cbielich

  • We are a member based company. Membership is by business not individual. So for instance if your widget business is a member anyone with a [email protected] email address can sign up and use all our content, portals, etc. I want to take emails and figure out if they are on Twitter. I know Twitter allows you to search your contact list but this wouldn't be that. It would be a list of emails I create. Are there any tools or suggestions to do this in a efficient way besides searching each individual name on Twitter? Thanks for the help.

    | inhouseninja

  • I am working on an adult dating review website. I want to build a presence on social networks so have set up twitter, google plus, and a facebook page. As I understand it retweets, like, shares etc... Play a significant part in seo. Therefore I want to get as many shares etc as possible. My initial idea was to create a fan page on facebook and pay to promote it on facebook gaining likes on the fan page. Will likes on the fan page impact the main site? I would imagine not? However I can see how someone visiting the main site and liking a post would have a positive effect on rankings. The problem I've come into is facebook won't run the ads as the page is adult so they won't accept paid ads. If I add a post to the facebook page how can I get it in front of people to share or like it? Equally how can I get google plus shares? I'm new to social and am unsure of how I should proceed? Especially as facebook considers the page adult. Finally how important is social. I've read it can get short term wins and optimised posts can appear at the top of search results but don't stay there long. Link building is still the long term strategy?

    | SamCUK

  • Disclaimer - it's us that's built this, as a fix to Twitter's recent API issues.  We're not looking to sell/spam the masses here (no, really honest), just looking for some good old honest feedback from the Moz community please, i.e. what do you think, any bugs/does it work for you, do you find it useful etc? Cheers all, James

    | Creatomatic

  • Do you know of any sites that allow a way to analyse historical tweets to find out the global reach of a single tweet? Thanks,

    | PhilYarrow

  • I wasnt able to find any good answers on this.  I have two separate ecommerce websites, one with a top level blog.  ( and different website with a subdomain blog (***note on the subdomain blog, although it links to our website.  You cannot directly shop from it.  Until i can make some sort of scraper, its what I have to work with. For quite some time now I have been copying the blog posts and re-creating them on facebook as a Note.  Using the same anchor text/links on facebook as my blog post. Part of the issue is that I want the facebook pages to have some content and not just links.  Both get 2-3 updates per week, 1 of those being a blog re-post. Does anyone know if google or bing considers this duplicate content?  Should I simply link directly to the blog everytime, as a best practice? Any insight on this would be great.  Thanks!

    | Southbay_Carnivorous_Plants

  • I'm trying to find a guide or how to for using instagram for social media marketing. While there are many guides and articles out there talking about strategy I haven't found any that talk about the 'nuts and bolts' of how companies and brands use it. For instance, I manage social media for a $2B corporation, Instagram appears to only really work as a mobile app. My company's social media policies prohibit me from creating an official corporate account on my personal phone, and there do not appear to be any practical desktop or cloud based solutions to using Instagram. So how do big brands like Frito Lay and Starbucks manage these accounts on a day to day level?

    | edu-SEO

  • Just wondering should part of my regular activities include sharing certain URL's to these social networks? Presumably it requires constantly mentioning random pages as part of an ongoing nature... Any pointers? thanks

    | bjs2010

  • Hi Mozzers, Do shortened URLs, such as bitly and owly help out my website in terms of SEO? I know they will help in terms of referral traffic from people clicking on the URLs, but how about increasing DA, PA, etc.? Thanks!

    | Travis-W

  • I just changed the domains on one of my largest and oldest sites for branding reasons. I have the 301 set to keep the page structures and all. My question is will the "likes" and shares and etc be kept via the 301 or will they have to be reacquired?

    | Atomicx

  • Haven't been able to see them for the last few Mozscapes. Any ideas? I did email MOZ and it was suggested I try here. Cheers! George

    | Theskimonster

  • I am looking to write regular good quality blog posts about the niche subject my business is in. Should these blog posts come from a Google Plus page or my personal Google Plus profile? These blog posts will feature on our company website. How does that effect Google Authorship etc... Thanks

    | roberthseo

  • Which social media plugin does Moz use?

    | lbohen

  • Hi all Just wondering, what service do you use to manage multiple social profiles ( in excess of 50). Curious as we have used for twitter accounts, but gets tedious as we need to log in on several different accounts, although great service Also use Hootsuite but reporting is terrible ... Really looking for some platform that offers lots of account management, building networks while offers decent reporting. And preferably some platform that expands beyond Twitter and FB only Thanks in advance John

    | Johnny4B

  • We are soon to launch 25 short videos on one of our websites. They are a little bit different and I think they have a particularly good chance of going viral. The videos will be scattered over the website on our actual sales pages (not tucked away on our blog). We are hoping (expecting) that customers will click on them and subsequently share them mainly due to the surprise / fun factor. I've got a lot of experience promoting our (linkbait) blog posts which usually get between 10,000 and 100,000 hits via social media blogs, however, I have no experience promoting video. We will do the offsite social blog promotions as normal, however, my two main concerns are: 1. I'm unsure how best to use the social buttons (facebook like/share tweet and G+). As I understand it (I could very much be wrong), I can either embed the social buttons on the videos so that they are easily shared across facebook etc... or I can make the the social button make the user 'Like' / 'Share' the page that the video is on. I assume that the latter option is better for website promotion but maybe not good for people sharing the video on Facebook etc. some of the videos do not have pride of place on our pages. An explanation or examples on the best option would be appreciated. 2. Should we hold off from putting the videos on YouTube until the website has earned some of the juice first? Or are we missing out on and opportunity by not offering all avenues at once? Any other tips would be greatly appreciated too! They will hopefully be up and running by the end of the month so I'll come back and let you know how it went. Thank you for your time guys and gals! Richard (Moz Customer 2391745) PS. If it is of interest we are using JW Player

    | trickshotric

  • Buongiorno from 19 Degrees C wetherby UK 🙂 Ok here goes... is it possible to umbed a twitter feed on a web page that only shows specific hash tag group(s) eg #commercial property. Grazie tanto,

    | Nightwing

  • Buongiorno from 17 Degrees C mostly cloudy wetherby UK 🙂
    When did twitter start adding ads in to tweets? Mouse action here: Grazie tanto,

    | Nightwing

  • Guest blogging is one of the activities I’ve never undertaken only because I went down the avenue of thinking if you go to the time and effort of producing great content why would you want it to be on someone else’s site when it could be on yours. The only reason I’m thinking about undertaking guest blogging now is because with social media becoming more prominent and indeed I found it to be very useful, I can see the logic that if you have got a niche of expertise to write about and you find good quality websites that will accept your guest blogs maybe that is a productive thing to do by attracting relevant traffic and also producing quality links to your website Have you got any experience of Guest blogging recently? Would you spend your precious time writing for your own website or spend some of that time guest blogging on good quality related websites? And if so what you see the main advantage is being?

    | whitbycottages

  • I am not certain if my authorship is working or not.  If I go into google incognito, and search for my exact  title of a new article, or any of them that are over a week old, then I will see my image and 'by My Name' which tells me its working. When I go to structured data testing tool and I enter the URL, I will get: Authorship Testing Result****Page does not contain authorship markupNow on my webpage NEWS section, it has a 'by My Name' at the top, and if the user clicks it it will bring me to my G+ account.  When you go further into an actual article that link no longer works. you can see here.So is my authorship working or not? Seems to me it is or I wouldnt find myself when using chrome incognito, but I find it wierd that googles tool is telling me authorship is not working

    | DemiGR

  • A marketing firm set up my google + profile for my company a year ago. They no longer have the access to the account, and i need to either shut it down, or be able to access it and make some changes. Does anyone know how to delete a google + business profile or gain access to it somehow. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks

    | JesusD

  • Greetings, I've been tasked with investigating how to change our Facebook pagename and username. Problem is we have a huge number of followers - over 1,000,000. From my research it appears you have to submit a change request to FB and hope they accept it as you can only make these changes once. In addition, the change appears to be more challenging if you have more than 200 likes. And there is no guarantee that FB will accommodate your change request. I have been unable to contact a human being at FB. SEOMoz Staff  😉 - May I ask how you effectively changed your page name and username? What was your process? Kind regards, Eric Darby

    | Eric_Lifescript

  • Hey everything, how is it going? I am fully convinced of the importance of Social Media. I already witnessed the power of social with my facebook fan page. I am fully implementing facebook, twitter, youtube, and pinterest. I am starting to use Google +. Is there any other social "must" for companies in order to include them on my social media profile? such as Linked In, Scribd, SlideShare. etc.. I forgot to mention we are specialized B2B Ecommerce company.

    | JesusD

  • I run a blog: It's been going for 2.5 years and some of the old content is, frankly, dated! What do you recommend I do about it? 1. Update old articles with new, more relevant content and change the date? 2. Write new articles with the relevant content and forward the URLs from old articles to the new ones? 3. Do nothing. 4. Just add links to new content from old posts? I don't want to lose link juice!

    | HeatherBakerTopLine

  • In a comparison of Twitter accounts, FollowerWonk shows something called Engagement % Rate.  I've looked but I cannot find any information about how this score is calculated or what it is based on.  Does anyone know?

    | KNect365

  • I try to use the Followmonk Pro version from, it brought me to the page, then I sign up for the free trial to the Pro version. After I login, then I go to the "Research Tools" page and click "Followmonk" link under the "Social Analytic" section, it brought me back to the Followmonk web site. So there is no way you can access to the Followmonk Pro feature. I am now in a dead loop, what's up Moz? I am very disappointed with your tool. I have heard many good things about you guys but never try before. However, my experience with you is very disappointed it.

    | David_Lin

  • Can Pinterest help me obtain quality backlinks? How does it help in the process of search engine optimization?

    | pulseseo

  • Any one knows how to delete a post on G+ business profile?  There is something called ''mute'' , i don't know what that is but there is no 'delete' option.. Any ideas? Thank you, PS: I loved the new look and design on new Moz but it took me a while to find ''Ask a Question'' button. I wonder why it is that far away

    | Rubix

  • Does anyone know how to go about getting a page name on Facebook of less than 5 characters?  I saw Moz was able to claim (BTW, congrats on the redesign!), and many other brands also have claimed page names under 5 characters.  Has anyone else had success claiming a short page name?  Do you have to know the right person at Facebook, or are there other requirements?  We have around 35K likes on our page, and our site gets a pretty good amount of traffic.  My boss doesn't like any of my ideas that are 5+ characters... she really wants the short URL. If anyone has any insights on what I need to do (or who I need to talk to at Facebook), I'd really appreciate it!

    | john4math

  • I am looking to set up a google + page for a decorating ideas website, should I create a business page or a community and where do circles fit in to this. Many thanks for your help I have seen how to set up but not sure where communities and circles fit in for business sites. thanks

    | Pday

  • I'm an SEO at a Web Design Agency and we are just about to start work on a new site. We have a complete blank slate to work with and the designers / developers will honor any requests I make. I'm not asking you guys to do my job for me, I've been doing a lot of research and I have a large feature set ready. However I am interested in what you guys would go for in this situation. What cool new SEO features can we use? Any examples of websites that you like? The creatives are very keen on HTML5, parallex scrolling and very minimalist design. I need to make sure we can achieve these things whilst also have a super optimised site. Any suggestions / examples? Thanks

    | SimpsonGareth

  • Hi, sorry for the 'simple' question, but I have one client who has a Pintrest link which shows up on the Open site Explorer (Page Authority 60, Domain Authority 100) and a second client who also uses Pintrest but their link doesn't show up on Open Site Explorer. I didn't set either of the clients' Pintrest pages up myself, but I can't see why the 2nd client's page isn't showing up in Open site explorer:-
     as it looks to me like it points to the main site as it should do. What am I misunderstanding here? thanks, Ben

    | bendyman

  • Hi, I wondering how can I track and analyze on all my shared links in my facebook business page without using short url redirect service like: “Tiny” url or “bitly”? Thanks in advance.

    | JonsonSwartz

  • I am trying to optimize my funny pictures website off-page. These are the things I have done so far, please add your suggestion ... 1. Added the website to high ranked website directories. 2. Created a twitter account. 3. Facebook fan page. 4. Google plus fan page. 5. Add social sharing buttons. I would like to get relevant links, but it seems impossible,
    please check out my website and write your suggestion ... Regards

    | FarrisFahad

  • I know this is a silly question. But i cant find good advice on the topic anywhere. I have a company fan page with 3,500 fans. However, there were some serious changes to the company name, and i dont want to start a new fan page, because of the current fans. Any ideas on this topic? Regards!

    | JesusD

  • By a mistake, Google have added on of our employeers gmail as the primary mail, that are attached to our YouTube channel. We want to delete that gmail, but without loosing our data, and all the information we have on our channel. We also want to connect to G+ with a new gmail, but now it seems that Google have created a G+ profile related to the "wrong" gmail. Have anyone got experience with this problem, and have a solution for this?

    | Petersen11

  • Hi, I'm just moving a business listing from Google Places to Google+ I have a couple of problems. (1) The verification postcard has turned up with the wrong address on it (different to the address on Google Places!) - can I alter this once I've verified Google+ page or would I need to go through postcard verification again? (2) I see the categories in Google+ are far less flexible (and appropriate) for the business I work for, so I'm thinking that may cause problems. Has anybody else experienced this same problem? Thanks in advance for your help 🙂

    | McTaggart

  • I've come across and would lot know if anyone uses this and to what benefit?

    | Aikijeff

  • Afternoon all, I know there is a question about Pinterest that was asked in February but I guess it was a fairly new beast then and people were still unsure about its use for marketing/SEO etc. I run an events business and on our Pinterest profile I tend to pin random stuff I find on the net, themes we are running (directly from our website) and other Pinterest users. I have received several 're-pins' and people are really starting to follow us now. What I am keen to know is whether or not having lots of followers/re-pins on Pinterest has the same effectiveness from an SEO perspective as having lots of Facebook/Twitter/Google+ followers and whether or not these re-pins are 'do follow' links or have any SEO benefit whatsoever? Many thanks Rob ps: Pinterest page is , if anyone has any tips on how to better utilize this then that would also be greatly appreciated 🙂

    | RobertHill

  • I've got 14 affiliate websites with plenty of original content on each. When I set up Google + last year I of course had the page in my name and then went on to set up separate pages for each site. Actually one page is related to 8 different sites related to golf but broken down by club type. I also have a Wordpress plugin which presents my author bio on my about page for each site. I've filled out all the pertinent information on each Google + page with unique data. OK, when I write a review or blog topic and post it to Google + am I getting the rel = author juice from the sub pages as if I post it to my main profile page? Posting to my Don Bistrow page vs. my golf page?

    | NicheGuy

  • Multiple Links from One Site. Does it hurt Your SEO? I have multiple links coming from BlogTalkRadio I show I do 5 times week and my blog. Does it help or hurt your SEO when the a lot of links coming from one location.

    | AppleCapitalGroup

  • A client of mine has the opportunity to purchase a google plus profile from a now defunct competitor. Essentially the profile is in tens of thousands of circles, so it may be a decent idea just from a marketing standpoint. When it comes to SEO I am wondering about a few things Is this against Googles rules? Has there been any proof of authorship playing a role in SERP rankings? So if there was an article where the author was in 50 circles compared to the same article where the author was in 50,000 circles would it effect the rankings at all? Have there been any studies done that show that the +1 (from Google Plus users) effects SERP rankings? Sorry for all the questions, but this is an interesting opportunity. Thanks in advance!

    | Mjstout

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