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Category: Paid Search Marketing

Examine the impact of paid search marketing and its relationship with organic search.

  • Hello, Thanks for reading,

    | chuck-layton

  • Hello How do I get the organic keywords that searchers type into organic search to find your website? I know google does not officially provide keywords for organic search now, only paid and I have seen work arounds at.. Are there any other better suggestions you would give?

    | TMS_spa

  • HI Guys, For one of my site we have been investing a less in Paid and since we have done that the Organic has gone quite up. I know there is a connection between the two but i would like to know if any of you can share their experience on this matter. I would like to know if someone has a run some experiements to understand how much each channel influences the other. It goes without saying that Paid tend to cannibalize a bit of organic but when it goes down, should i really expect an increase in organic? Any thoughts? Thanks

    | AlessioCesaro

  • Hi, Wondering if anyone can recommend how to track B2B conversions when the searcher isn't the one who transacts? I am looking at my Adwords campaigns and I don't think the conversion is 100% right. In our industry, the eventual end user (and the person who does the search) does not have the authority to purchase the product. It is usually the purchasing department who eventually get in contact and purchase the product. Sometimes it is another company on behalf of the original company who purchase the part as we might not be on the vendor list. So, in this case, the order goes from the original searcher to their purchasing department to another company who then purchase from us. Just wondering how to track this on AdWords? Thanks

    | DavidLenehan

  • Ok, So this really p*#%d me off the other day. I've built an extremely comprehensive list of Negative keywords for our trade bookbinding pages on Ad words. Amongst 100's of others, I've also included every City, Town, Village, and County in the UK so our Ads don't get triggered by local search intent. However, we're still getting clicks from searches like this one: **'binding services n worcestr' ** Question: If Google won't assume this is a misspelling of one of our Neg KW, how I can I possibly protect the account from this type of search? Is this something we just have to accept having KW's on broad match mod/ phrase match?

    | isaac663

  • After completing several months of on-page SEO for my site (one keyphrase per URL) and getting an "A" from SEOmoz on each page, now I'm venturing into PPC AdWords for the first time. From what I've read you pretty much want one landing page per keyword/ad. So if I want to target 100 PPC keywords I need 100 landing pages. And each landing page needs to be SEO'd as if you were doing it for organic search purposes so that your ad has a chance at a high Quality Score (8 to 10). I realize that an ad's QS is 2/3rds driven by its CTR but in the beginning when the ad is new the initial QS assigned seems to be driven more by landing page relevancy and some historical attributes of the AdWords account in which the ad or Campaign is located. My question is: What, if anything, do you do different on a page designed to be a PPC landing page as compared to a regular page you would SEO for organic search benefits? Also, should you do any of the off-page things (external links with relevant anchor text) for PPC landing pages? I'm envisioning landing pages that only exist to receive PPC ad clicks and that will not be linked to from my site directly. Each landing page talks a bit about the keyword the user was searching on and then directs them to the most relevant page(s) within my site. Maybe that's flawed? Thanks for any tips...

    | scanlin

  • Hi Guys, I am setting up my first Google Merchant account. As it's only a couple of products to start, I am doing this manually rather than a xml feed, and got to shipping. If it is free shipping for UK mainland but different for scottish isles, scottish highlands and Northern Ireland, how do I reflect this? What values do i use to suggest free shipping for UK Mainland and give different values for the others? Regards Neil

    | nezona

  • Hi Mozzers, this may be more of a web development/analytics question than SEO, but hopefully someone has the experience to help me out. My company is currently conducting an Adwords campaign targeting B2B clients for products and services across Canada. Ideally each customer is registered as a client in our system when they make purchases, but this limits our customer base to those willing to create an account with us and wastes our Adwords budget. Now we are moving towards a "walk-up" e-commerce platform which would allow non-members to make purchases without setting up an account first. However, pricing for our products and services differs based on province (different taxes, transportation costs, etc.) and the system currently requires a user to login in using their postal code (zip code) to help the platform generate products, services and pricing specific to their area. This has caused an enormous bounce rate and I am looking for a way to generate said product/service/pricing lists based on some form of automated system which identifies their location and reacts accordingly. In other words, I want our system to recognize where a user is searching from and provide them with the relevant information without them having to input any data (in this case, their postal code). I had thought that using a Google Geolocator API might do the trick, but I'm unsure as to whether it is useful for what I have in mind. Has anyone had this experience before and if so, what solutions did you come up with? Looking forward to any insights and suggestions! Rob

    | RobCairns

  • I was wondering feedback and input on creating long tail keywords associated with a question.  With addition a  landing page that addresses that problem with a few products. Using PPC to bid on long tail keywords,  I would set a campaign for long tail keywords and have multiple ad groups with a close knit and similar sentences like "Top 10 highest rated summer dresses" and "Popular dresses for the summer weather." My landing page would address the question with a list of products like a buzz feed article format. 1. As it is on a subdomain blog with an add to cart feature, would interlink building be helpful in exchanging link juice. 2. Bidding on a long tail keyword is cheaper, but will they result in higher conversions since its hyper-specific question?  And since it is a long tail keyword sentence. 2-3 smaller keywords between the sentence would also pick up on to Google search?

    | petmkt

  • Hi, I have  few keywords in my Adwords search campaign with quality score 8/10. When I checked everything is above average like 1>Ad relevance 2> Landing Page Experience 3> Expected click through If everything is above average what to improve to get quality score 10/10?? I'm using most of the ad extension Thanks

    | Alick300

  • Has anyone received and responded to a notice of class action settlement from Google Adwords? The sender (and the website it directs to) is I see that there was such a thing, I am just not sure whether that domain is the official one to respond to?

    | Linda-Vassily

  • If not what tools do you recommend to use to get an accurate cpc $ for estimating budget?

    | lina_digital

  • We are starting to get ads disapproved. One yesterday, one today. The reason - banned supplement 'glutamine'. Neither of these ads were for glutamine so I assume it's because l-glutamine is sold on the site. The actual ad for l-glutamine landing on the l-glutamine page has not been disapproved? In 2012 Google informed us the glutamine was no longer on the banned list so I'm not sure what's going on here? Has anyone had a similar experience? Is there a solution apart from removing the product entirely?

    | jbk365

  • I currently don't use a landing page model. From either Adwords or Organic you reach our site, find the event product that appeals to you, and then fill out the form. I need a way to determine which of those form submissions came from Organic Vs Paid so I can calculate my cost of customer acquisition (COA). Via Google Analytics I can see that X amount of Organic were submitted and X of Paid. If I get 5 submissions in one day there isn't an efficient way to correlate the form submissions to the medium. Any suggestions on an attribute method that would help me sort out COA?

    | fireflyevents

  • We're running a Facebook news feed ad that is pointing at our homepage. Facebook says that for yesterday there were 47 website clicks. Google analytics shows 15 total visitors from facebook with 3 of them landing on the homepage. I understand that there is likely going to be some discrepancy with users accidentally clicking and clicking back before the page loads, but this seems a little insane. I tested the ad using a page that pulls the Analytics cookie data using php and it is working properly so I don't understand what's happening. The url isn't tagged with utm parameters, which is going to be fixed.  Anyone experience this or have any insight as to what could be this issue? Is this click fraud? Edit: For more clarification I was checking on my completely unfiltered google analytics profile/view.

    | spencerhjustice

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm building a new campaign for a business start-up, and search volumes with the industry are HUGE! I want to target high commercial intent keywords, to maximise the number of conversions / sales from my paid search campaigns. Using the forecasting tool in Adwords, it looks like I can [exact match] these high commercial intent keywords and still get the click volume I'm aiming for. Would you, therefore, use this approach - where you only match at an exact level to control the quality of traffic coming through from the paid search campaigns? I plan to achieve relevance by having ad groups broken down into clear themes with around 10 - 15 exact match keywords per ad group. Let me know your thoughts... Thanks!

    | Zoope

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a lot of ad groups - hundreds! Without negative keywords, multiple ad groups in my campaign could trigger for the same keyword. For example, a search for crm software could trigger the following ad groups: Ad group 1 (the ad group I want to trigger) - CRM Software
    Ad group 2 - Best CRM Software
    Ad group 3 - CRM Software Solutions
    Ad group 4 - CRM Software for Small Business
    etc. So I handle this situation by negative keyword matching the words 'CRM Software' in ad groups 2, 3 and 4. However, this is a very manual and laborious activity when I have 900+ keywords in my campaign, with 150+ ad groups. Does anybody know of any tools that might automate this process, or any techniques for making the process easier and more accurate? Thanks!

    | Zoope

  • Hi Mozzers, We are currently running FB ads and I am wondering if I should rely on the facebook lead conversion metric I tend to rely heavily on Google Analytics for this kind of data(by adding goals). Of course GA doesn't not show as much conversions as Facebook does. So which platform should I be relying on for conversion metrics? Thanks for letting me know!

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Hey Mozzers, I'm trying to find an average CTR by position in the SERPs for paid search ads, but I can't find a reliable source. Does anybody have this information, or can anybody share their own thoughts based on experience? Thanks!

    | Zoope

  • HI We've seen a huge drop in impressions for brand terms in Adwords. YOY - 37,140 vs. 792. Our impression share is still high. An agency manage this for us and can't seem to find a reason, but the drop is huge - it seems like it's just people not searching but we haven't seen this in organic and the drop is so huge we wondered what else it could be? Paid is fairly new to me, so just doing some fact finding 🙂

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm seeing more and more companies improving their quality score by including information about their competitors on their website, when driving traffic from competitor brand terms. For example, for 'Yahoo Mail' related terms, Zoho drive traffic via an ad to this page: I'm planning a new campaign targeting competitor keywords and wondered what people think about this approach, and the legalities around talking about and comparing yourself to competitors on your own website?

    | Zoope

  • i saw advice that even if you are already top in the serp you should anyways buy the google ads for it. it doesnt seem to make any sense to me can anyone explain it to me??? thanx

    | Ruchy

  • HI We've seen a huge drop paid campaigns for impressions on brand terms YOY - 37,140 vs. 792. Our impression share is still high. Organic is higher this year for impressions also. An agency manage created the campaigns for us and can't seem to find a reason, but the drop is huge - it seems like it's just people not searching but we haven't seen this in organic - could it be organic showing instead of paid ads for brand terms? Paid is fairly new to me, so just doing some fact finding Thanks!

    | BeckyKey

  • I am moving my site from Volusion to Shopify.  The domain remains the same but the URL paths are different.  With respect to my Google Shopping feed, is it best to send old URLs (with 301 redirects) or to send the new URLs?

    | vgusvg

  • Hey all, I've just started at a new company. We spend quite a bit on Adwords and I'm tasked with seeing how that is going and assessing that spend. The problem is, Adwords and Youtube ads have been given to a third-party advertising agency. They are only willing to share the number of clicks, cost and conversions, stuff like that. They refuse to give us access to the account. Is this legal? I mostly want to get in there to look at keyword history, see what we have bid on, how often it was searched, stuff like that. But they won't let us in and I'm wondering if they are required to let us look at our account as I would think they are. Please help!

    | DanDeceuster

  • Happy Holidays Mozzers! Does anyone know how to view 'Average Session Duration' for AdWords campaigns? I can't seem to be able to add it within the AdWords platform and when i try and view it on Analytics, the #/visits isn't matching the #/visits I see when I try and review the campaign via AdWords. Any help on this issue would be great! Thanks for reading!

    | maxcarnage

  • Howdy. The question is pretty much in the subject. I know I can exclude the campaign or ad group from shwoing on mobile devices. How can i do that per keyword though? Thanks

    | DmitriiK

  • Since yesterday, I am receiving thousands of visits from India and Ireland. Both of those are not our target audience. When looking at those visitors, they are mostly users on Chrome OS, with Chrome. Google Analytics shows me this traffic as organic traffic with the respective URL as keyword. My first thought was that it might be connected to me having set up an automatic ad campaign on AdWords three days ago, but I am having doubts, since google probably won't be testing all the links manually. My concern now is that our content is being scraped. Also, I am wondering why the traffic is shown as organic search.

    | FelixHe

  • Hi, I run shops in several languages out of London. One of our key revenue drivers is google shopping. It is important for me to look the the shopping search results for example in germany. Recently Google changed something so when I want to look at the german shopping results from here, eg. it always shows me the english ones with prices in pounds. Is there a trick to still get the foreign results? Thanks in advance Dieter

    | Storesco

  • Hi All, Many times I want to check actual page of competitors they are targeting in google adwords. Like when I search for any keywords and my competitors page comes on top ads in google, then I copy url from search result and paste in any other browser will it be consider as click and google will charge to my competitor? Example url - Thanks!

    | pragnesh9639

  • I have a visibilty of 1.17% andanother raknking of #7 keyword how good are these marks?

    | prostene1359

  • Hey Everyone, I am looking for some recommendations on the best Facebook Advertising guides that are available. I have been advertising on facebook for some time but want to hone my skills to get better value and I am looking for the best guide. Hope some of you can throw me some recommendations. Thanks

    | TTGDavid

  • HI MOZ! A client has asked us to set up their campaigns to help serve ads at the most relevant times of the day based on analytical data. Is there a tool that shows show queries based on time of day? Thanks!

    | wearehappymedia

  • Can anyone suggest best way to find all PPC keywords of a competitor. Any tool recommendation ?

    | singhmahendra

  • We recently re-launched our website on a new platform, PrestaShop.  Up until that launch,our website, based on the DNN platform, received several thousand clicks per month from what Google Analytics classified as 'Google/referral', and several thousand more clicks collectively from international Google/referrals, i.e. Canada, Germany, UK and France.  When the re-launched site went live, these clicks all went to zero on Google Analytics. My question is:  Did we actually lose this Referral traffic through an improper setting on our new platform, or is this Referral simply being re-categorized in some other Source category like Organic Search?

    | bmayer09

  • I think it would be nice to get a consensus from more people. The day expanded text ads came out last week, I immediately jumped on it and created them for all my campaigns. I still left some of the old ads running in each ad group so that I could compare. Looking at the conversion data from the last week, the conversion rates are between 2-7x lower on the expanded text ads, and as a result, the cost per conversion is 2-5x higher as well. Basically, they're performing horribly. The click-through rate is mildly higher, but who cares if they're not converting? I know it's only a week's worth of data, but it seems the difference is enough to be statistically significant. I'm wording what everyone else's experience has been.

    | UnderRugSwept

  • Hi, I hope you can help. And if this has been answered before, I apologise. Just spent two hours searching but couldnt find much at all. So I have this website, and it ranks in the top 10 for around 150 keywords. Its fairly niche market for targeting the UK market, but subject is for a local area, its got a good optimised site, no link issues, works well, good UI etc. Problem I have is this. It used to get a fair amount of organic traffic a few years ago to generate around 30 leads a day, and back then that was from just one keyword. Today, we may get one a lead a day from organic even though we rank for a lot more keywords and our exposure all round is good. However, we also pay for adwords to make up for the lost leads, the same keywords we are ranking for organically! So we bid on adwords and get our 30 leads with the same keywords and monthly search volume as we have organically, yet we dont get any leads for those keywords organically. So Adwords produces leads, organic doesn't, but they are the same keywords and rank next to each other. How does that work? So my question is, why do our organic keywords that rank just under the adwords that we bid for, with the same monthly searches, only give us 1 lead a day (when they used to give us 30) and adwords now give us 30 leads a day? Thanks James

    | jaimo693

  • We recently launched a new version of our website on the PrestaShop platform.  On our old DNN platform, we would typically see several thousand clicks a month from Google Referral (domestic) and several thousand more collectively from Google Referral international traffic (i.e. UK, Canada, Germany, France). This was the data being reported in Google Analytics. Once the new site went live however, Google Referral traffic, both domestic and international, all dropped to 0.   My question is:  Did we lose this traffic due to some improper setting on our new platform, or is this Google Referral traffic simply being re-categorized into another category, i.e. Organic Search?

    | bmayer09

  • Howdy, folks 🙂 Here is a question - is there way to have an AdWords matching rule, which would cover both "&" and "and"? Here is an example - rule to match both "B & B" and "B and B". Any help appreciated 🙂

    | DmitriiK

  • What's to stop a company from buying a service to click on competitors' adwords thereby frivolously spending companies' ad budgets?

    | Edward_Sturm

  • Yesterday Wordstream announced that AdWords rolled out device-level bid adjustments for tablet for everyone, but when I go into my campaign settings, it's the way it's always been, with no ability to adjust for tablet. I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing this, or is there perhaps some kind of setting I have to turn on? I am so excited about this change, seeing as our cost-per-conversion on tablets is always twice what it is on desktop, and not having control over it was maddening.

    | UnderRugSwept

  • Audits Audits Audits! I am overhauling my AdWords Audit Process and the Documentation and I was wondering if any generous souls our there mind sharing a few ideas or learnings that they have had along the way? I aim to make it as thorough but as quick and automated (think scripts) as possible. I'm also 14 pages into the documentation that I will use for some audits that include explanations, recommendations & definitions. I'd love to hear your opinions on what to Audit, how to audit and how to report on it 🙂

    | Singularitie

  • Hello Moz World, I am running a Google Adwords campaign utilizing Google Search and Search Partners only. These are traditional text ads. When I look at the analytics through Google Adwords, I am seeing 60 clicks. Great! However, when I look through the keywords in the ad groups, none of my keywords are registering clicks. I also checked search terms under the keyword tab, and no keywords are populating. Where are my ads being clicked, and how can I view information on these clicks. This is a relatively new campaign, and I am still trying to figure out if I am targeting the right keywords. Thanks ahead of time for all the great responses! B/R Will H.

    | MarketingChimp10

  • Hello everyone. Here is my question: Until 4 weeks ago we used to have just around 2,000 product/pages on Google shopping of our product pages, then we added over 40,000 more items/pages to it, and our Google natural search rankings dropped on most of our long-tail keywords pointing to the same product pages. Do you think that's just coincidence or could the number of products/pages on Google shopping affect natural search results?

    | fablau

  • Hello, all! I like to create a Google Account for my smaller clients, so that I can associate Analytics, AdWords, GMB, etc. all with the same account. Problem: I've used my phone number too many times, so I can't get the new account verified. I've also used all three of the other phones in our family. 🙂  I tried using the "Burner" iPhone app to create a new number, but apparently the all-knowing Google even has info on phone numbers, as it returned "This phone number cannot be used for verification." I'm sure that there's an obvious solution out there - who among you has found it, and is willing to share?! 🙂

    | measurableROI

  • I have read through the AdWords advertising policies, but there isn't an extremely clear answer to my question: does it break AdWords policy to include a remarketing pixel on a partner website? Example - I own and run, my acquaintance who owns has agreed to put my remarketing pixel on his website, and I plan to show remarketing ads to his website visitors advertising my services at Is anyone aware of any documentation that explicitly allows or disallows this type of "partner" remarketing tracking?

    | marymerritt

  • Hi Everyone, I am looking to optimize my adwords campaigns and have been pondering how to handle the checkbox for "Mobile" on the standard Text Ads. (My ecommerce website is fully responsive.) If i want to create 1 Ad for each ad group and have that ad displayed on desktops as well as mobile devices, should i be checking the "Mobile" checkbox? Is it best practice to create 2 ads per ad group that are identical except have 1 with Mobile checked and 1 without? Please let me know how you guys typically set this up. Thanks

    | Prime85

  • From time to time I see an ad pop up in search results for blog content and have often wondered how much success these ads have had in promoting the specific post. Does anyone have experience with this? What results did you see?

    | unikey

  • I've got a decent understanding of Adwords however want to now take it to another level. Is there a course anyone can recommend that enables me to understand Adwords thoroughly to an expert level? I would classify myself as an intermediate at this point with a good foundational understanding, but far short of comprehensive. I'm looking for a video course and allow me to understanding everything to a deep level and how to execute strategies that can be effective.

    | Gavo

  • Hey everyone.. I hope you can help! I have optimised my product landing pages for SEO keywords based on volumes. I've been doing PPC for 3 months now and I can see that a lot of the keywords which drive clicks are not showing as high volume in the SEO volumes. My Adwords quality scores for these PPC keywords are low, 6&7 /10... So this leaves me with a predicament - do I 1. Re-optimise my LP's for PPC instead of SEO keywords?
    2. Create new LP's just for PPC and no index them? (I could use DKI to good effect here I think thus reducing the necessity to have multiple LP's targeting numerous PPC keywords) But my concern was this... will Google frown on me having lots of similar LPs but only 1 indexed? Or maybe I'm going about this in the wrong manner? Really appreciate any advice anybody can provide on this!? Rick

    | Woav

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