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Category: Paid Search Marketing

Examine the impact of paid search marketing and its relationship with organic search.

  • I have thousands of products in my feed to Google Shopping (Google Merchant Center). I have also set utm source, medium and campaign in URL. I have integrated my Google Adwords(With Auto Tagging) with my Google Merchant Center. My Question is, I can see campaign in google analytics but inside campaign i am not able to see keywords (From which those click are being received) I wonder to know that does anyone can help me to track Product Listing Ads keywords in Google Analytics. Thanks,

    | CommercePundit

  • I thought this would be pretty straightforward, but I'm trying to put together my first PPC ROI spreadsheet and it's turning out to be much more complicated than I had anticipated. Would anyone be willing to tell me what you look at to determine the return you're getting on PPC -- and if you're using AdWords and Analytics, what screens/reports you rely on? It seems to be more complex than simply comparing Paid Search Revenue to spend ... but I could be overcomplicating things.

    | CMC-SD

  • Dear experts, I've setup my Branded & Non-Branded keywords in my website campaign for But I feel that this is not enough, I need SEOMOZ to extract the powerful and most important keywords for me then analyze it. How this can be done then? Regards, Kanary

    | kanary

  • I'm looking at keyword rankings, and specifically at the number under "Keyword Traffic" for one of my keywords, which is described as "how many visits this keyword has generated for your website". We run adword campaigns for some of these keywords. I'm wondering if this number is tracking visits from adwords or is this only organic?

    | mboynton

  • Hi guys, Looking at an account that has historically used broad matching, and i'd now like to take some of the better performing keywords and duplicate as phrase and/or exact match to increase the quality of traffic to the landing pages. I know I can add red shoes, "red shoes" and [red shoes] to the same ad group, however I've also read that people are creating separate groups for each match type. Other than easy of management (same group), or more granular targeting of ads (separate groups), should I go with either approach, or a blend of the two? My key objective in this restructure is to drop the currently high bounce rate on the landing pages by improving the relevance of the incoming traffic. Cheers, Jez

    | jez000

  • Is the code snippet for a Google Remarketing Tag specific to one domain, or will it collect the audience list for any webpage(s) of any domain? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Hi, I don't know about you but I have been comparing our Facebook posts in the last three months. Sometimes we use promoted posts and sometime we go with traditional posts. In the last few weeks, it has come to my attention that Facebook is barely showing regular posts to anyone. If they go like this, I'm afraid regular posts will be almost like private posts for your eyes only. Examples: Regular post: 103 views after 3 days Promoted post ($10] : 10206 views after 3 days

    | Gamer07

  • Dear experts, We are in the process of completely revamping our website code and design to a new version of prestashop. Having mentioned that, please note that we are not changing the URL links. So, the same products links will be the same and intact. Only the content is changing. So, how this is affecting my website SEO or SERP? Regards,

    | kanary

  • Hello Mozers, I have 2 small companies in 2 different fields (tourism and IT). Do I have to create 2 different accounts for my Adwords campaigns? Is it the good way of proceeding? Thank you for yours answers guys, Jonathan

    | JonathanLeplang

  • Google has various rules surrounding bidding on and using other businesses' trademarked keywords in ads.  My understanding is that you can bid on the trademarked key phrases but you cannot use the in your ads.  Is that correct?

    | TheOceanAgency

  • I am the CEO of a small company ( 33 employees in Jacksonville, FL ) We have a family of websites that sell office products - we are the manufacture we have a staff of 3 in the website dept - but with 10 active sites its alot of work. We are launching a new site this week and need to do some SEO for the site .. Since this new site has no sales - i want to see if there is someone that will work based on a % of sales - say 10% of sales for 18 months - Here are my thoughts : Option A: - go out and get a "package" for say $5000 and have SEO done and hope it proves results Option B: - partner with someone and give them 10% of sales the site produces - so if we can grow it to $1M in sales - that person could make $100K off the site - ( our competition is a $20M + site) Some would say that im crazy and it might cost me $100K -i like it because we are all on the same page and i pay for results - not promises. Thoughts?

    | BryanCroft

  • Hi Guys I have a problem with my Google Adwords conversion tracking. Basically whenever I check to see which page it is recording, it shows me the incorrect one. Now I probably checked a thousand time now and the conversion tracking code is not on this specific page, but is on the one that I really want to track. I have also checked that the code is correct and that there is nothing missing. But strangely enough when I look at historical data, it does show that is was tracking conversions on the correct page, but for some reason the past couple of weeks it's reporting conversions from another page, which is the incorrect one. If somebody could please give me some insight as to what could maybe be the cause of this, I would appreciate it. Thank You Dave

    | DavidZA1

  • I've been trialing WordWatch for about a month. I'll admit I've been skeptical from the start. I don't quite understand the results they're delivering or how it works. So I did a search for "Wordwatch review" hoping someone out there could shed some light or help me decide whether this software was worth keeping. But all I can find are two suspicious and badly written posts, immediately raising red flags. (Penuguin should have eliminated crap sites using the Flesch-Kincaid reading level, but I digress.) **Wordwatch premise: **They take over keyword bidding to maximize budgets and clicks. They monitor the Adwords campaign to find an "optimal" bid price. Two questions about this premise: How is it different than using the Google settings for optimize for clicks or conversions? Since Google Adwords is based on a Vickery auction, wouldn't lowering my bid only lower my position? Bearing everyone has the same QS, then lowering my bids to the range between 2 positions does not increase my actual cost. I have Wordwatch enabled for a few of my campaigns. Their interface leaves a lot to be desired. They don't report the activity or the changes they make to the campaigns from the dashboard. I had to go into my Adwords Change History to track what they were doing. And lo and behold they're also adding long tail keywords to my ad groups. Bottom line I didn't notice any huge impact, and I don't see how it's better than Google's own version of campaign settings. I don't know that they're really legit. But their marketing was so convincing, and they raised $1.4M that I need other opinions. Any one with some pro/cons, or yay/nays?

    | flowsimple

  • Doe anyone have an email address I can use to contact Google Ireland? One of my competitors posts ads in Australia and I want to see if they would let us also (I work in one of those industries where Google doesn't normally allow PPC) Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • I'm looking to outsource my PPC management and would love some feedback on which companies are worth paying for this service? I'm worried as there are so many cold calling scam artists out there and I want to choose the best company for the job. I have been considering "Adrac" as they only charge when they save you money! Sounds too good to be true so I'm automatically sceptical. Can anyone vouch for Adrac or suggest a better/different company?

    | niallfred

  • I was having a discussion with a SEO manager on a LinkedIn group about page speed (she pretends that page speed is not taken into account by Google for SERPs at all and claims that all of what Matt Cutts says is BS) ; and she explained that she is using bots to click on her client's competitors AdWords and "kill their daily budget" So my question is, if you run/manage AdWords campaigns, have you ever met noticed such a behaviour, past the few usual click fraud rate ? What is your average fraud rate ?

    | iung

  • Hi guys, I'm seeing multiple visits via an Adwords campaign from domain I've found that this domain is related to Google's safe browsing feature, and thought perhaps it's Google checking that my landing page is not a phishing site, but multiple visits in the one day? I've updated my destination url a couple times, but certainly not 10+ times. These visits are showing up as a bounce - they come in to my landing page, do nothing, then exit. Interestingly, when I break down the visit by originating country, they come from the US, whereas my paid search campaign is limited to Australia only. Would appreciate any thoughts 🙂 Cheers, Jez

    | jez000

  • Dear all, I was submitting my site to Yahoo Directory on 08/26/2012 and at this time the order remain in status "Pending" and the site wasn't included into the directory. Any idea or suggestion how to deal with it. Thank you Claudio

    | SharewarePros

  • Today I was pausing a bunch of low quality score keywords for a client, the thing is, once I paused the keywords, the quality score would immediately change. For example, a number of keywords that had a QS of 3 while they were running, immediately changed to 1 once paused. Out of curiosity I un-paused one of them and it remained at 1. Has anyone else experienced this and/or have an explanation? Cheers

    | David_ODonnell

  • Hi, I have been reading with interest that many SEOmoz forum members still believe that a link in BOTW, Yahoo Directory and Joeant can still add value to a linking strategy. It's my understanding that the Penguin update was designed to stop unnatural linking and link buying but Google does still seem to place some kind of value (although potentially diminished) in these directories despite them being pretty much exclusively paid for links. What am I missing here and in a money no object world would you guys still consider them part of a good linking strategy? Many thanks

    | ChrisHolgate

  • A site i am working on,  currently optimising for sea kayaking wishes to target alternative keywords such as - canoeing, canoe trips etc. more importantly rank higher than a dedicated local canoeing center site. The issue is he provides kayaking trips and courses and not canoeing but believes a a large percent of his targeted market actual mistakenly searches for canoeing when they actually mean kayaking or simply have no preference - i.e kayaks are often confused with canoes especially with people who have no preference but  are more inclined to search using terms related to canoeing, canoe  day trip etc. As his site is geared to what he actually provides, I have advised that he would struggle to target such terms as he has no content relating to canoeing and risks the overall  ranking positions and SEO efforts for sea kayaking terms.( As these would have to be diluted and would no longer relate to the actual page content.) What method could he deploy without sacrificing the sea kayaking optimisation? I realise he could optimise the site and content for both but question just how successful this would be when compared with the loss of dedicated sea kayaking audience. Is it really worth targeting keywords for service he doesn't provide? On a separate note the site is doing reasonably well since  optmisation for localised serch terms but would like to target a wider UK audience as well i.e. tourism to the area. thanks

    | Bristolweb

  • a client is getting adwords campaign url's showing up high in the SERPs, like 2 spots under the original page. The actual unique page is number one, and number three is the same page except the url is pulled from and adwords click My guess is that yahoo is crawling adsense and mistakenly following it as a link. It's crazy that it ranks on the 3rd page though... At the same time I have recently seen 25 pages deindexed in Google! How could this happen - could these two be related. I read this forum post about similar things happening in yahoo to their site Could this be a duplicate content issue (copyscape is showing no duplicate content) or are my pages getting indexed for some other reason?

    | imageworks-261290

  • So I was browsing and realized that they have a pop-up floating AdSense ad when you scroll halfway down the page....check it out: How are they allowed to do this? As I understand, this is not allowed. In order to ensure a good experience for users and advertisers, publishers participating in the AdSense program may not: Compensate users for viewing ads or performing searches, or promise compensation to a third party for such behavior. Encourage users to click the Google ads using phrases such as "click the ads", "support us", "visit these links" or other similar language. Direct user attention to the ads using arrows or other graphical gimmicks. Place misleading images alongside individual ads. Place ads in a floating box script. Format ads so that they become indistinguishable from other content on that page. Format site content so that it is difficult to distinguish it from ads. Place misleading labels above Google ad units. For instance, ads may be labelled "Sponsored Links" or "Advertisements", but not "Favourite Sites" or "Today's Top Offers".

    | wattssw

  • I was listening to a podcast on site visibility's website and they were discussing which is a piece of software which analyzes lists your
    visitor stream in real-time and provides actionable list of precisely which
    keywords the website should be targeting to dramatically grow your organic
    search traffic using long tail key words. The say they can come up with a list of long tail keywords which the
    website could easily rank for hopefully straightaway in the top five positions
    on Google and other search engines by creating a blog post are some relevant
    content. Or you could use the information to form some anchor text links etc They say it's possible to produce up to 80% more traffic organically
    once you are aware of which keywords are being overlooked by the website and
    then produce the relevant content. The theory is that most people focus on the high traffic short tail
    keywords and overlook the long tail keywords and I got to admit I actually fall
    into that category unfortunately. Anybody uses particular website? And what is your experience of targeting the
    longtail keywords have they produce good results ?

    | whitbycottages

  • Hi, Can anyone tell me why I get a bounce rate of over 90%. Targeted keywords bring in traffic which is very relevant to someone wishing to make a personal injury claim, so I'm dumbfounded. I have had conversions over the last few weeks, but they now seemed to have stopped, which could only be an impact of the high bounce rate. I test the form everyday and it works fine. My site address Any ideas? Thanks David

    | dt1807

  • Hello There. I was doing research on getting keywords that are likely to generate leads and later to customers for a new website design and website development company in India. The search volume for india wasnt pleasing for me i couldnt find the keywords that felt they would be a great choice for the client. Additionally when i tried to target the location specific keywords like website design company in ahmedabad - It felt more like people are searching for job and stuff through google instead of hiring them. So i need a little help here guys. What do you think is a great keyword strategy for a new starter company which has target audience in 100 radius of their location and provides these services. website design/development iphone/ipad application development android application development

    | hardik_hrc

  • We are starting out with PPC for our site. I wanted to know what the best starting point is for our site. First, some basic info: We sell thousands of products from a large number of manufacturers We can offer the same prices as competitors, but we can't beat their prices Here are my questions: What would be my USP if my prices are the same, and we have the same store policies as competitors? Is it best to start with product pages (as opposed to keywords)? Meaning, setting up a feed via MC and connecting to our adwords account. Any advice is appreciated 🙂

    | inhouseseo

  • Hi Guys, This question has been asked several times before but after doing some research, I haven't really found the right solution and/or explanation. I'm currently seeing a 30-50% discrepancy in Adwords Clicks and Analytics Visits, where there are more clicks than visits in most situations. E.g. 74,127 clicks v.s. 46,845 visits (34 add-to-carts, 67 initiated orders, and a revenue of $12,000). Can anybody in the forum help explain this? Thank you, Jurgen P.S. I've also looked at all the tracking codes and everything seems to be alright, I've checked if any internal redirects are stripping off parameters but to no avail. Lastly, I'm not sure if this is a behavioral issue here in SEA--will first click (Adwords) and last click attribution (Analytics) be the only explanation? P.S.S. I'm seeing the same discrepancies with Facebook ads and Analytics.

    | JurgenEstanislao

  • something like: and, of course: but for ppc? :]

    | Mozzin

  • Hi We have a client who has a poor performing adwords account and has suggested starting a new account with a different gmail account, different card details and a different subdomain. More specifically we will be using unbounce to create landing pages. I was wondering the following: Will Google be able to relate the new account to the old account? If so will they then use the old accounts history with regards to quality score etc...? The keywords being targeted are in and around "email marketing" which is highly competitive - would a new account struggle at first and need to bid excessively high because of lack of history? They have a high budget - does this affect how quickly and how Google looks at an account - will they get priority? Would it be better to scrap this idea and pause the old campaign and start new campaigns in the same adwords account? Would it be better to scrap this idea and repair the existing campaigns/ad groups? Keen to get people's thought's on this one as I can't seem to find a clear cut answer from the web. Thanks Anthony

    | Tone_Agency

  • Is it me or is Google Adwords quality score a load of bull. I use part numbers as my keywords and have virtually the same landing page for each one. The only difference is the order of the paragraphs in my descriptions, the product attributes and the SKU. so why does one part get an 7 and the other a 5? Surely they should be the same?

    | DavidLenehan

  • I'm still relatively new to SEO, so this site has been super helpful but I've hit a wall. My predecessor at my new(ish) job left me with a site that has been hit pretty hard by Penguin. I've been working at establishing all the bad links, and there are a lot. One of the things that I have found is that at some point a Social Bookmarking scheme has been run and there are a huge number of links (all with spun content) on low quality sites. I don't think there is any value in them and at the moment they are ranking so badly that I really don't care if a couple of them do have value, I'd rather start again - changing the urls etc is not an option 😛 I can't remove these links so about the best that I can do is to 'bury' them but of course this doesn't mean they disappear. Is this worth doing? Does anybody have any better suggestions?

    | lemonz

  • When it comes to SEO, I can do that. When it comes to adwords I tend to scratch my head. No idea why, I just do. Anyways I want to get some ideas of how I can setup a killer campaign and structure it and target relevant keywords. Here is my description of my business We are a private christian school providing preschool, elementary and highschool. We are located in Henderson, NV but service Las Vegas, NV as well. We have some of the highest scores and accolades in Nevada so we pride ourselves with those and feel we should target that. So far when it comes to structure I have come up with this setup Campaigns Henderson adgroups Preschool Top Keywords preschool Example Keywords preschools in henderson, nv preschools in henderson nevada preschool henderson nv preschool henderson nevada top rated Example Keywords top rated preschools in henderson nv top rates preschools in henderson nevada best Example Keywords best preschool in henderson nv best preschool in henderson nevada Elementary Top Keywords private school Example Keywords Elementary private schools in henderson nv Elementary private schools in henderson nevada Elementary private school in henderson nv Elementary private school in henderson nevada top rated Example Keywords top rated elementary private school in henderson nv top rated elementary private school in henderson nevada best Example Keywords best elementary private school in henderson nv High School Top Keywords private school top rated best Las Vegas adgroups Preschool Elementary High School I didn't finish the rest because you should get the point. I don't know if these are exact keywords, I just know that private school, top rated and best tend to be what people type. Then each adgroup will get a relevant ad pertaining to those keywords. Am I going overbaord? or is this a good start?

    | cbielich

  • Simply put, are consumers clicking on ppc in lieu of organic search. In the past, people use to say that ppc accounted between 30-40% of traffic with organic accounting for majority of activity. My question is whether those numbers have changed, and if so, where are we now? A friend in Boston in does SEO, remarked that many of her 'sophisticated' friends didn't know the difference between ppc and organic.  Seems odd, but with the move to place ppc results  from the right hand sidebar to the top left hand column, certainly gives it more presence and makes the separation between ppc vs. organic less distinct. I certainly understand the value of doing both, but depending on the answer, it begs the question... is the expense of moving up a position or two in organic worth the effort and monies, if ppc is becoming the dominant raffic tdriver? Anybody have any recent statistics on ppc vs. organic? Thanks.

    | ahw

  • Hi guys, I have an 85% bounce rate on a ppc term and ad, vs a 51% bounce rate for the same term via organic. Same term, same landing page. Any thoughts why? Cheers, Jez

    | jez000

  • Hi The site I'd been following over the years last updated in May, so it's clearly not the authority it once was, I know there's a PPC post here about once a month but I was wondering where do the PPC brigade spend most of their time? My work is 50/50 atm but was once much more PPC focused, is there an SEOMOZ equiv. in the Paid Search world?

    | xoffie

  • Hi guys, I'm currently using duplicates of the same keyword with different match types, and I'd like to pass the keyword match type through the query, the same way I can pass the keyword and creative. ie.{keyword}&kwmt={matchtype}&aid={creative} As far as I can tell, Google allows you to pass the keyword, creative (ad id), network and a mobile flag. Microsoft allows you to pass the match type and and ad id, and I want to be able to do the same in my Adwords. Is this is possible, or is the only way to create different ad groups for each match type and pass a custom query? Cheers, Jez

    | jez000

  • Maybe it was the penguin, or maybe it was Panda, but around about the time of the three updates close together and the rumoured 'parked domain' update that went wrong, I used a free adwords voucher. The site in question used to rank for practically every search term relevant to the niche. Now, I can search back to 60 pages in Google results and nothing. Now, I know its not been de-indexed, it still there when I search for It also has 6 site links when searching for the url alone. Each and every page is hand written original content built up over many years and also edited and updated regularly. On linkdetective, I have a very nice rainbow type graph regarding the type of links and also a very very good spread of anchors. 118 different phrases pointing in and aside from one site that linked to me sitewide (16000+ but since removed and now down to 3300 and dropping almost daily). Even with that, the highest percentage of anchor text was 20%. Basically, gone through practically everything that is available on the web about combating penguin and panda, yet the site kept dropping and has disappeared completely for keyword phrases. Might sound a bit paranoid, but could Google have done this on purpose to try to make me carry on with adwords?

    | NinJaSkrtel

  • Hi Google Adwords experts, We own the trademarks to some keywords. When you search for these keywords, only our ads will ever appear but they don't appear every time a search is made. They're hardly ever appearing now that we've dropped our bid from $1+ to the minimum first page bid (1 cent in some cases). My question is; are the ads showing less because our bid has dropped so low? If so, why is this? If we own the trademark to the keyword and no one else can display ads, any bid that we submit should be accepted by Google, shouldn't it? If you can include a link to any articles that will give me more info, i'll vote for your answer. Thanks!

    | HamiltonIsland

  • So, I know that you can't simply transfer a coupon credit in Google AdWords to another account.  My question, if anyone knows, is there a way to do this using My Client Center? We manage multiple accounts, and have another coming on board that has a pre-existing coupon credit.  We were going to set up a new account (which we would handle billing for and just invoice) for the client.  But, that would leave them unable to use a coupon code.  If it's managed under MCC, is there a way to work around this?

    | DeliaAssociates

  • Hi Im seeing our competitors use sites like to release rather uninteresting and dubious press releases and it seems to be, looking at their link profiles, the lions share of all links to these particular landing pages. Yet since I've joined SEOMOZ all i've seen is that PR sites don't work and arent worth it. So far, I've resisted doing any PR stuff and have just kept on creating and promoting content which is severely time heavy work. Is there really 0 value in these? If i have 0 PR currently and add just a couple is that worth it? The co. we compete against are at it every week with this site and similar paid sites. Are they making a mistake?

    | xoffie

  • Hi, i run a small company and provide SEO services to clients. is it worthy to buy paid directory submission?


  • I feel it's a best practice (from a user experience POV) to create a 301redirect when using a fictitious display URL in your PPC ads. And according to the AdWords help page ( Google doesn't have an issue using a redirect. "Redirects used for tracking purposes are fine as long as the final landing page has the same domain as the display URL." I'm curious if there is ad score penalty if one does not ionclude a redirect - i.e. the user types in your display URL and gets a 404. Has anyone seen an evidence of this?

    | legalseo

  • Many high authority sites are doing paid text linking and linking sites through 'Sponosred linking' sections, But, Google does not seem to be bothered. Just because they are already ruling the industry. Sponsored links are obviously not natural, they are absolutely paid, still Google is giving them priority that is why only people are paying huge for them. Please go through the website and see "Sponored link" section So, What actually Google considers as paid link? nNolr nNolr

    | koamit

  • I just googled the term "Mobile Lead Gen" and found this ad: Sweet! It has the subscription form signup directly within the Google Ad. Looks like Chrome even pre-populated my email address in the form. Does anyone know how to set this up within Adwords? I've never seen that option before. wXOGJ

    | shawn81

  • Had a few calls recently from agencies offering bulk discount on Google Adwords spends if we pass management over to them and spend more than £5,000 ($7,500) a month, they claim they can offer a 5% discount over what we're currently paying... Can't find anything about this, does Google offer such a deal to agencies?

    | digitalarts

  • hey guys, I had a quick question about my back links that might be coming from adsense. I am trying to help my father our on his site and help him recover from penguin. unfortunately his company hired some shady SEOers to do "SEO". little did my dad know the BLs he were getting might be spammy, thats what I am checking now. When I ran a BL report on him ( i use two tools, SEO spyglass and OSE ) i found that there were many "sitewide" links, but i dont think there were placed there by the webmaster, i think they come from adsense. I know he has a PPC campaign where the daily spend is 3k/ day so I know its very possible that this might be the case. If my tool is picking up BLs from these sites ( which are niche related ) does google count these links for ranking purposes? and might this hurt my rankings if google just sees these as "sitewide links"

    | david305

  • I have a client who wants to buy a lot of long domains with keywords in them, for example, (this is fictional) and then set up a PPC landing page for each. They think that when someone types in "san diego pet store" that their domain will be listed high and then they will get a lot of traffic. My concern is that they will own a lot of domains for their company and I thought Google is getting pretty adamant about companies not having a lot of domains, and I thought that keyword domains are not as effective as they used to be -- that branding is more important now. Also, I think the domains they've picked target very competitive keywords and that perhaps they will get a lot unqualified traffic and will still have to pay for the clicks. What do you think? What is the best way to set up PPC landing pages?

    | klkirby

  • Why the Google Adwords Keywords tool says there are 0 local monthly searches for a keyword or shows a dash, but in spite of this there's competition for those keywords (up to 0.42 in some cases) ? Thanks!!

    | gerardoH

  • Hi, all. I am having issues with a clients website. They have their website developed by a company my clients website is the google adwords conversion tracking code has been added to their site. It measures all details as far as ads clicked on, etc.. the only part that is not been measured is the conversions of the adwords campaign. So I cannot see if the ads are successful or what their conversion % is. I have looked at the code on the thank you page and the google adwords conversion code is present on the thank you page after the sale. I am not a coder and so not sure what to look at if all the details on the checkout page exist in the code to measure the adwords conversion ecommerce transactions correctly. I have provided a link to the source code of the competed order page. If someone could look at the code and provide any assistance I would appreciate it. may adwords flawless flowers.txt I am also happy to provide you access to the google analytics account if required just give me your email address to set it up. Thanks for all your help Regards Arthur

    | VivaArturo

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