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Category: Branding

Explore the topics of branding and brand awareness and why they’re important for any business.

  • Hi, We are the leading home cleaning and maintenance company in Singapore. We are trying our best to go online to expand our business. The thing is we are weak in internet marketing and we need to get some traffic to our website. Can expert advice us on how we can improve on our Google ranking? Our site:

    | chanel27

  • Has anyone used or know of a plugin for setting up authorship and/or publisher-ship? I have noticed that there are some plugins but I'm not sure if they are reliable.  Would love to know if there's an easy way to set this up. We use All in One SEO pack, not Yoast, btw. Thanks for your suggestions!

    | gfiedel

  • Since earlier this week I've noticed that Google has started to re-write several of our page titles and I'm not entirely sure why - does anyone have any info? We are a UK business and currently have top spot for the keyword 'toilet cubicles' - however, our index.html page title has changed as follows: FROM: Toilet Cubicles | WC Panel Systems for Washrooms | Cubicle Centre TO: Cubicle Centre: Toilet Cubicles | WC Panel Systems for Washrooms Is this Google favouring a more brand-led approach to search?  Be interesting to hear everyone's thoughts... Cheers, Craig.

    | cubicle_Craig

  • Let's have a real discussion about content marketing for B2B and B2C e-commerce sites. As an SEO/inbound marketer (these days, I'm not sure what to call myself other than my first name), it's part of my job to keep a pulse on what's going on in the online marketing community. My daily routine starts with checking several sites for news/discussion (Moz,, SearchEngineLand, etc). Anyone actively involved in the community knows the word "content" appears in more articles than any other word (ok, maybe there a few others). Want to increase brand awareness? Generate content. Want to drive more traffic to your site? Generate content. Want to build quality links? Generate content. Want to discover the Higgs particle before the physicists? Generate content (and distribute to the right audience, so not to the chemists - ok maybe to the chemists, they're a related audience). Content, content, content, we're told! Yes I did see the Rand's WBF from a couple months back about content-less marketing, but frankly his suggestions fall under the traditional model of advertising and word-of-mouth. We're online marketers baby, we're expanding and changing the traditional model - with content! Enough of content marketing about content marketing. Let's see some content marketing for the small B2C, mom n' pop client who sells gardening tools. Let's see the amazing infographic you made for your local pizzeria client that drove traffic to their site. Let's see the Q+A discussion thread you identified and contributed to as means to display 'market leadership' in your niche of home air purifiers. Look, I love the idea of content marketing to increase brand awareness and drive traffic. Displaying market leadership by answering questions and offering something beneficial to your target audience should be the way to grow business (along with having a good product/service, I guess). But it's much easier said than done. And to be clear, I never expected otherwise. The motivation for this post was to start a discussion about real-world, applied content marketing, not content marketing about content marketing. Let the conversation begin.

    | b4004040

  • Dear mates, I was trying to list our site for years with no success, at this time I'm not sure if I trying the correct category or if our site has any issue. The category is: Our site is: freesharewaredepot (dot) com Can anybody give us any advice. Thank you Claudio

    | SharewarePros

  • Hi, When I Google a restaurant name here in the UK - try "fat duck bray" I see the photo of the restaurant on the right hand side, the Zagat review score and then right at the bottom of this section there is "More Reviews" with links to Urbanspoon,com,, and (often TripAdvisor will appear here too.) To one of the sites I work with these are all the competition so the natural question is how would one appear here? I've never seen anything covering this before so interested if anyone else has read anything on this or has any experience on this. Thanks in advance for any answers.

    | ianmcintosh

  • Can anyone recommend a great PR firm for an online consumer product business? Thanks so much!


  • I am very frustrated. I have achieved page one rankings on Google, Bing and Yahoo for highly relevant keywords and phrases. The keywords I am ranking on page one for are the same ones competitors are targeting and working well for them. I am interested in any feedback as to what could possibly be the cause for not receiving much traffic? I mean I am getting page 1, everyone I talk to says the sites are beautiful....Very confused. Now in the various keyword tools the do show that the various keywords receive anywhere from 25-250 searches per month, but those tools i find highly innacurate when performing a local campaign...oh yeah, these are all local campaigns i am talking about. Do I need to pursue paid marketing, PPC, or something. I always thought organic rankings were the way to go. Also, unfortunatly i am not able to divulge the URLs or concern due to client confidentiality issues. Thank you very much in advance for any insight:) I will send the URL's privately to anyone that is willing to take a look at things

    | WebbyNabler

  • Hello everyone, I have a client that is a GmbH (private company), however, when a user does a branded search, in the title tag of the first result appears a AG (publicly traded company) instead of a GmbH. What is curious in this situation is that there is a maps entry and in this case it shows the GmbH but only after the user clicks through. Question: Where is Google taking the AG from? (FYI AG isn't mentioned on the website, No odp tag, external links are also not influencing) Thank you for your answer Best Regards and a wonderful weekend Daniel Vareta

    | DanielVareta

  • Hi there What are the pitfalls of putting a forum on an already busy ecommerce website from an SEO perspective?
    I wouldn't use a sub domain, I would add the forum on the primary domain in an attempt to help build my inbound link portfolio. Some pro's and cons that come to mind... Pros - Lots of (hopefully) great user generated and relevant content - Lots of potential landing pages off the back of the above Targeted community Cons - Dealing with potential negative forum posts Constant moderation Possible issues with potentially 1000's of (what Google may consider) low quality pages on a domain name / site which currently fairs well in the SERPs The last con would be my primary concern.
    Anyone have any experiences with this? Or any advice at all. Many thanks

    | bfrl

  • I'm about to change the name of a popular site to The reason for the name change is mainly because of the negative report on classyauto from years past. We've decided to rename the company to National Vehicle for that reason and other reasons. With that, the current site does not currently rank high for many of the natural organic niche keywords we want to target. But, it does have a good amount of links and traffic. I would like recommendations on the best method to rename the site including any ideas on what to do with existing directories, links, etc. efficiently and effectively. I would also like input on what NOT TO DO. Thanks in advance and any tools, tricks, or additional resources you can point me to would be greatly appreciated.

    | JosephFrost

  • Greetings Mozers! I'm looking for a specific Twitter tool. Here's what I want the tool to do : Save a list of hashtags I want to keep up with. Keep me updated twice a day (or more) on the popularity of those tags. That's really all I need. Do you know any tools that can perform this? I was unable to find out. Thanks!

    | Akeif

  • Hi, I have a 6 year old domain which has been the basis for my main business website operation. Im in the process of cleaning up some messy sitewide footer kinks that come to the  notice of Penguin update. I think I can clear up a lot of links but obviously need to add some better links for the future to improve. Ive gone from #1 to #60. I was thinking of a rebrand as the EMD isnt doing much good anymore in benefits plus the drop in rankings and also Google definately favouring brand links over concentrated anchor texts. So maybe the time is ideal. The design needs a refresh anyway.... I have found a 1999 domain which has some non keyword related 1999 links to it...nice. Its a very reasonable price. Its not going to have inbounds from my related markets, not ideal but it has no negative stuff either. Also its a very simple but rememberable name like Google or Yahoo. Great for branding. Its parked but Waybackmachine shows indexing back to `99 and google cache has some content on it. However OSE shows low domain / page authority. Im thinking of redirecting my current domain to the new one, passing some of the positives of age and titles...and replicating the site through 301`s. Is this worth doing in anyones opinion? Only thing with my domain isany branding words are anchor text words too. I cant win.

    | xtopher66

  • Hello I'm looking for feedback on the impact of search rankings, overall SEO efforts and how Google will view changing to All URLs/content under and would be 301 redirected to, essentially making the primary domain. Thank you!!

    | msmcsearch

  • There is a lot of online 'noise' regarding the changes / merging and making the best out of Googles' Places / Local & Google Plus.  Any tips, ideas, experiences or just plain revelations regarding all or any of the above services and how they will work & come together in the future?

    | ScotSEO

  • I am looking at starting a brand new website and purchasing a domain to see my hair product.  My question is that domain i am wanting to purchase if a 2 word .com domain but it is not being currently used and it is up for auction for 10K. I am looking a purchasing a domain name that is the same 2 words but a has a hyphen between the 2 works. My assumption is that if I start building content, concentrating on seo (keywords, link building, etc) and brand building that I should not have any problems with my hyphen in the domain. I am looking for feedback and insight from the SEO professionals!  Thank you guys in advance. UPDATED 1-29-13 Here is the scenario and I am looking on how you would handle it. **name = my brand name I am looking to purchase a domain within the year: I currently am using: I have purchased: My concern is if I began my SEO efforts and the brand grows extensively then the person who owns "" will raise the price even more than the current price of 10k.  I plan on purchasing that domain name within the next 18 months or so and then direct the traffic to the domain "". If I put all my efforts into "" and then submit to Google that I have changed domains - will I get my butt kicked by Google?  Thank you guys - you are really helpful!

    | dsmolinski

  • We are just now starting to work on our site optimization. There are a lot of old ripoff reports and other complaints that surface, specifically around our name search. Our competitors use this commonly and our clients come accross regularly. We have made management changes, and real changes in the business since then, but we don't know the best way to get our positive news to replace old negative news. Any ideas? Specifics would be great. Thanks,

    | JosephFrost

  • Hi Is it possible within Twitter or Hootsuite to locate users who for example have announced they have recently become engaged or mention Valentines within a certain geographic area such as London that I could use to target them with tweets which would be of interest to them

    | ocelot

  • I have a client with a business.... normal business and he has a .org address. .com and are taken buy sites trying to sell those for £100000 each. So.... What would you do... Original - OR You get the point... Suggestions greatly received on what to recommend to the client...

    | JohnW-UK

  • Greetings, I had a quick question that i was unable to find an answer for so i wanted to see what you guys think. I am currently working on getting our business situated on sites like Yelp, Hotfrog, Bing business portal, etc., and on a lot of these sites i have to add each of our three store locations individually. I wonder when i put in the name, if it makes more sense to just put the business name as "Business Name" or wether i should identify each location separately in the name as "Business Name + City". I was just curious if there is a reason i should do one or the other, or since we plan to make sure it's listed the same way everywhere, does it not really matter?

    | semaas

  • I have ran across a very good .CO domain and am thinking about making it into one of our main websites.  I have no experience with them.  I have used/bought just about every other domain type out there, but I have never used a .CO yet. The domain I was able to purchase was  for $5.00 - regardless if I am able to use it for our main brand if they don't rank up the same, I will use it for something else.  The site isn't up yet btw, so  no need visiting it... The keyword gets 1600 exact hits a month give or take a few of course - thats just the Google tool estimate. Matt Cutts says that they can rank up the same, but I am looking for more than this. Does anyone have some proof that .co's can rank up?  I hate to put 2-3 months of solid work into this to rank it up for SEO business and it doesn't want to rank due to the .co. Thanks in advance for your time.

    | MarketingOfAmerica

  • I wanted to know the best practice for SEO when it comes to press releases. If I publish a press release through a site like PRWeb or PRNewswire, can I also add the same press release to my site in the "news" section or will that create duplicate content issues? Would it make sense to include a summary of the press release on my site and then add a link to the press release hosted on the PR service's site? I don't necessarily want to take people away from my site, but I'm not sure if putting the whole release in both places makes sense. Thanks!

    | pbhatt

  • I have found conflicting reports online whether or not dashes in domain names hurt/help ranking.  Example vs I found Rand's write up on how to select a domain and he suggests staying away from hyphens but mainly because its hard to remember or people my enter it in wrong.  Here's his comment. "Reject Hyphens and Numbers
    Both hyphens and numbers make it hard to give your domain name verbally and falls down on being easy to remember or type. I'd suggest not using spelled-out or roman numerals in domains, as both can be confusing and mistaken for the other." Aside from people possibly struggling to get there directly because of the domain name, are they OK to use?  Or, are domains with hyphens considered spammy? Thanks in advance.

    | JoshKimber

  • Hello There, I plan to launch my online store with products soon via one of the saas hosted based platforms like shopify &  bigcommerce. The issue is am trying out to see how this works for us. But then simultaneously we would work towards seo efforts to bring in relevant traffic too. Later once we grow and I decide to change the entire website based on custom design etc so that means again all the seo work has to be re-done? How can I avoid this since I have already invested capital and time in building the current saas hosted website and its almost ready to roll out. Can someone advice the best way forward and possibly a relevant solution Thanks Aditya

    | shanky1

  • I have 3 sites which has been running for 3-5 years. I've limited knowledge on SEO and some handholding is needed.

    | FrankLaw

  • Hey Mozzers - happy 2013 to one and all, I hope everyone had a great festive season! Now we're all back into the swing of things, we're in the process of getting our new website up and running. We're a web and graphic design agency, and I'm putting together checklists to ensure we get new projects some coverage where deserved. There will be a different checklist for the different disciplines - brand design, packaging, web design and so on. For many of these disciplines, there are multiple news sites that we can reach out to when we have relevant stories - Dieline for packaging, for example. But for web design, any searches I do either show up CSS Galleries / portfolios (which I already have on the checklist under another section) or web tutorial sites. I don't seem to be able to find decent, trustworthy sites that exclusively feature web news. I'm sure they exist and it's just a case of 'can't see for looking', but does anyone know of decent sites that carry news stories about new websites going live? Obviously we know not every new site will be newsworthy - and indeed we wouldn't try to submit every new site we have go live for that very reason - but it would be good to have a clutch of high authority, well visited sites to turn to when we do have something of note. Any help is much appreciated! Thanks Mozzers!

    | themegroup

  • Hi there, I have a keyword "finao montreal" that used to rank 8 or 9 in Google serp. All of a sudden it dropped under the top 50 results, I was wondering why and I found out that Google now auto-corrects "finao montreal" to "final montreal". Finao is a well know brand of custom high-end photo albums and I find it strange that Google corrects it. Anyone has an idea on what to do with this situation? Is there a way to provide Google some feedback about the autocorrect?

    | valadas

  • Just started the social scene. We have a FaceBook page Only about  a year old, and until two weeks ago, we had about 8-10 likes. Then I started working on getting likes (please like this page if you can). Question: How many Likes do I need for Google to start counting this as significant? Would also appreciate any comments on FaceBook page to help.

    | manintights28

  • Can we publish two guest posts on one domain with same pen name but different linking website? Actually I have been doing guest posts with pen name “Jane Andrew” for “”(bit old and well performing website). Now I need to post for a new website “” on some old domains (where I have already published my articles) so the situation is that I want domains and pen name to remain same but linking website would be different. I had few questions in my mind regarding that and I would be grateful if you help me getting the required information. Is it right from SEO, branding and marketing point of view? How Google interprets this? Is there any harm for the old well performing website or for the new one? And also both websites are owned and managed by the same owner.

    | shaz_lhr

  • I was asked by a friend if there was anyway I could help promote the watch brand that they are responsible for. The brand has only one page on the corporate site. My first reaction is that this is impossible to do without creating a stand alone web site and then doing some super cool marketing to get your brand noticed out of the sea of watch manufacturers.  My second gut reaction is to stand clear of this request and not get myself tangled in something that will require a lot of resources for someone on a low budget. Any suggestions?

    | irvingw

  • I have an auto upholstery client that wants a new website and some SEO work done here locally. I take to Google to check out the competition in some other states to get a feel for whats other sites are doing and I just spent 30 minutes looking at 53 different websites and I swear not a one of them is worth $20 Have you run into any industries that historically have terrible websites? Have a great Christmas everybody! Matthew

    | Mrupp44

  • I've been thinking about personalisation and PPC.. If you have a PPC campaign and a vistor comes to your site and has a look around, if that user doesn't clear there cache etc then that visit via PPC will start to effect their personalisation search results? It would almost be worth maintaining a high level of PPC spend and counting on personalization bias in SERPs in the longer term.. What do you think about this? Are there any safe guards in place to make sure this bias doesn't happen?

    | robertrRSwalters

  • Hi everybody, I'm having a 'heated' discussion with a collegae about .org domains. Originally .org domains were created for non-profit organizations and it was fairly difficult to get a .org domain ( like .gov and .edu still are). Nowadays it's easy to register a .org domain and i see plenty of commercial .org emd's ranking well. We are planning on launching a new white label in the Netherlands (.nl) and have several domains in our portfolio that we  can us for this. I recommend using an exact match .org domain (.nl and .com are already taken) for the new white label **My collegae says don't use, because we aren't a non-profit organizaton and we can't garantuee we won't lose our rankings over the next 3 to 4 years. He would recommend going with the available ** Who right and who's wrong and why? Can i garantuee no risk with .org for a commercial organization?

    | PrizeWize

  • Hello, I am working on a clients social networking campaign and have found a Google+ page for their company. It looks like it was created approx a year ago. The client doesn't know who created it or what account has control of it in their network. I need to make a Google+ page for them so I can use it in their marketing that I can actually access. I was wondering if anyone has any insight on how I can either: Find the owner/email that is associated with the Google+ Page? or Have it removed so I can create a fresh one? which I know I can report the page as compromised but will that work in a timely manner? Please any thoughts or feedback would be greatly appreciated, and thanks!! 🙂 Jeff

    | allstatetransmission

  • "Hello Moz Fans!" I've been writing blogs for our new site ( an e-commerce,website design company)  and posting links on our social media pages, however as we're in our infancy and so there's limited traffic that comes from social media so I want to know what the best practices and avenues to take in leveraging these blogs? I've heard a lot about article sites such as Ezine holding little weight and there's a lot of forums out there that don't seem to offer much at all in terms of traffic and credibility. Could anyone suggest some sites please?

    | SimonDixon

  • I need to expand our service offering to another city and focus our SEO efforts to that new location. Would it be best to purchase a new domain name and make a new website very similar to the existing website so we can better target the search engines?  Same look and feel as the existing website. Or would it be better to create a landing page for the new location on the existing website to help stengthen the current domain name?  If so, how do i focus the SERPs to the new location when the existing website is so focused around my current location?

    | clearmotive

  • Greetings, Nearly 6 years ago, our company switched its entire business model from providing customized vitamins to a women's health publisher that offers medical advice, news and health tips. We have actively developed a decent link profile for our new brand around women's health and specific health conditions. Nonetheless the old vitamin-related keyword profile is still very prevalent. We have many hundreds of links with old vitamin-related anchor text scattered across the web linking to our main site and to many vitamin mini-sites that we own. What is the best way to rebrand ourselves and basically eliminate this old link profile? My first thought is to immediately park / take down all our vitamin-related domains, and eventually these links will no longer carry any weight in the eyes of Google. The other strategy is to attempt to contact all the sites with the old anchor text and ask them to take the links down. This is not an exciting option to me as I know that this is tedious and a slow process with many dead-ends. Thanks in advance for any advice. Kind regards, Eric Darby

    | Eric_Lifescript

  • Are there any companies out there that can do Search Retargeting on a local level? I'd like to target a Metro area, or even a large city. I'm talking Search Retargeting, not Site Retargeting.

    | mustang787

  • Below is an email from a former client. He is a personal trainer and his wife is a personal trainer and therapist. They used to operate out of their home. But now they have another location for their business. My questions: Will the address change work? How long will it take ? Is there anything more they can do? We've come across an interesting problem in the last couple of weeks. It took a while to figure out what was going on, but I think I've found the source. When one searches 'xxxx Athletic' on google maps (a very common way to find businesses as you know), the address that comes up is xxxxxxxxx  (our home). Clients are coming to our house rather than the gym. Luckily we're only a few mins away by car, so they aren't late once they figure out what has happened. We need to change it to our new business address. I have tried to do this via Google Places, and thought I was successful this morning, but alas the listing is still our house. Perhaps it will take a few days to update, but in the meantime I have added a page to my personal Google+ profile with the proper address info. If you happen to know anyway to help us that would be great.

    | DanielFreedman

  • An interesting question arises out of a conversation with one of my team. We were talking about FB pages in particular regarding a client and I am for icons that allow for trust without leaving the client's site page (I am from a direct marketing background originally and am against sending them somewhere else). She was pointing out that we had a client who has a FB page and we were not sending them to that page. I explained how I do not like to gain a bit of trust by sending them off site because it is the opportunity to lose a conversion by them becoming distracted. I also thought of a client who has over 100,000 likes, shares, etc. and who still is in the direct sales business at the end of the day; were they better off with a prospective client/customer to send them to their FB page/Twitter page, etc. or should they stay on the commercial site? I still believe that in the bricks and mortar world, I would not have a customer who came in to buy/look at a TV first go down the street to a social club for people who liked my company and then hope they come back and buy. Also, is there an opportunity to close a sale that would not have been closed by virtue of sending them away or to increase the size of the sale (remember, this must be such a sale increase or probability of sale increase as to outweigh the risk of loss of a client who would have bought)? I look forward to your assistance.

    | RobertFisher

  • We've got an opportunity to create video content for one of the highest authority news sites in our region. It's a great opportunity for links - PR8, DMR 7.84, DMT 8.86 and also to build our brand. However the site is also one of our main competitors in the SERPs, and we would be providing content to them that serves some of our most important seasonal and year-round keyphrase targets. So my dilemma is whether it is better to create the content and get the links, keep the content for ourselves and aim to make our site the authority for those keyphrases, or place the content with another (less authoritative) site that doesn't compete in our space?

    | GBC

  • Hey there, So I'm sure this question must of been asked before but I was curious of whether or not it truly does carry some weight when it comes to SEO. As an example, lets say my domain name was "" if I left comments (non-spam comments) on articles that were related to the some-what the same niche. And as the comment name I left it as Kokkle would that seem like your commenting just for SEO purposes? I want to leave actually good comments that will carry on discussions within various sites/blogs but I'm afraid to put my domain name on the comments. What do you think? Is blog commenting a good form of building backlinks? If so, how should one go about it? Thanks

    | utesters

  • Hi, We have a fairly successful YouTube Channel where we create unique and helpful videos that are related to our core business activity. When we create these videos would you consider it a bad thing to not only post them on YouTube but also a couple of the smaller sites such as Metacafe and Dailymotion?  Sending to multiple sites would possibly achieve more total views but would this kind of duplication potentially be harmful to the overall success of the video and have a knock on effect when it comes to how it ranks in Google? Thanks for your help.

    | ChrisHolgate

  • Its been suggested my holiday cottage letting website maybe could do with a professional polish up and maybe restructure and navigation and if it would improve bookings I wouldn't hesitate. My only thought pattern is that this particular website is certainly not high-tech (this website was designed by me in Dreamweaver) I have a great guy working for me which is much better web design than me and technically more capable of producing a professional standard website, but with this new sideline I'm presently a small home-based company currently only letting eight old cottages. My thinking was keep the website simple, personal and homely for the moment.  The website tends to be competing against large agencies which have often hundreds of properties on their books and you have to go through their filtering system to find the small number of properties that might be of interest. I can see that if I was selling large quantities of electrical equipment or something similar you just in a very polished well-designed website. The feedback I get from customers is that like the website and they like to know they can get hold of the person behind it. Which direction would you go? polished professional company styled WordPress website or simple design website with lots of pictures and descriptions. If I ever hit the big time and have hundreds of cottages I would have to join the design and more complicated navigation of the other agencies websites but whilst I’m small maybe not? Thanks for reading Alan

    | whitbycottages

  • I'm working on the rebranding of an ecommerce site We're going to do a domain migration and since half of the current traffic is coming from organic searches I'd like to estimate possible fluctuations on this channel. **Do you have any rebranding experience? or can suggest good case studies on this? ** (Technically speaking we know the protocol and also on the communication/strategy side we're covered.. we just need an estimate of the organic drop.. in the worst case scenario)

    | homeonline

  • I am about to launch an eCom project for a new company. The client has three URL's available. I recognize keyword density is slowly becoming less and less of a factor, but still has significant relevance. I haven't had much experience working on .NET URL's and would like to know anything related to the effects of .NET url's vs. .COM url's.  Also, just what you would go with and why? Option 1 "" (17 total characters) Option 2 "" (21 total characters, with company) Option 3 "" -AB represents the company's initials/logo. (19 total characters) USEFUL POINTS 1. 95% of purchases will be one time purchases (so I'm not focused as much on company branding as usual). 2. The company name is actually "exact matching keyword Company" 3. We will be targeting 100's of terms, but the "exact match keyword" represents 1/4 of total search volumes and thus is extremely important.

    | mgordon

  • Hi guys, I just wanted to know what your take is on this and whether anyone knows if google has published any info on this. I am wanting to analyse a fairly large backlink profile. The idea is to discover how far it correlates alongside recent SERPS ranking data (based on anchor text distribution) information that has been published across the web. There is so much data to categorise and segment. This is due to overlaps in categorisation, (which is possibly a good thing as it appears more natural) though I often it difficult to decide which goes where. My question today relates to brand anchor text - in determining the % of overall brand distribution for a backlink profile - Which out of the below do you think rings true? 1.) Should I be considering the homepage url anchor text as a branded link anchor? 2.) Should the brand % just be 'pure brand' anchor text? 3.) Should it contain partial brand + KWD data? 4.) Should it comprise of all of the above elements? 5.) Should I divvy up / segment partial brand, pure brand, brand + kwd, citations etc into new sub categories and see how this individual data correlates to current ranking factors in the SERPS? (Not sure if there is any recent published data in this amount of detail) Anyway, I just wondered what you guys thought about this in the eyes of Google., and also to find out how you go about classifying and segmenting backlink profile data. Thanks for now

    | Turkey

  • First i just want to say the 301s, change of address and nearly all outer links are changed to the new url since early september. Let me give you an example... Query: Custom Sweatbands Ranking URL: **Correct URL that it is 301'd to for over 2 months now: ** More... new sitemap has been submitted since the beginning.  The old website doesn't even exist anymore, in fact at the beginning of this month I got pretty angry and blocked search engines via the robots txt for the old domain. Any way I can get Google to catch on? Thanks in advance!

    | Hyrule

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