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Category: Branding

Explore the topics of branding and brand awareness and why they’re important for any business.

  • I am working with a company that is launching a brand new website (for a new business they are creating).  I am wondering what things people have done to try to start building traffic and/or awareness for the site.

    | TopFloor

  • I have a domain name in mind for my web development company, but unforunatly the .com is already taken. Fortunatly for me though I live in Canada, and the .ca is available. What I want to know is should I go ahead and register my desired .ca or should I continue to look and find a domain name that I can aquire the .ca and the .com ?

    | VebianWebandMobileDevelopment

  • Hello, fellow Mozzers!  Been racking my brain. Thanks for your help on this one! I am in the process of putting together several microsites for our marketing agency.  The sites feature similar theme and design elements, but are focused on delivering a customized industry-specific visitor experience with unique navigation, brand messaging, services, case studies, etc. I am struggling with whether I should host as entirely separate websites, as subdomains of the parent site, or as separate WP installs in subfolders of the main domain. I have been leaning toward the sub-folder option to share domain authority and keep our SEO efforts consolidated.  But I am also concerned that the microsite "home pages" will underperform as sub-folder pages, versus being an actual home page of a unique domain or sub-domain. Is this a six-of-one or half-dozen of the other situation, or are there some important considerations I'm missing here? Thank you for your help here!

    | Alaniz

  • I had a Google places/local account with several different businesses listed at the same address--they are separate businesses. I recently received an email from Google saying this violated their terms of use. I am not allowed to have several businesses listed in Google local with the same address. Google decided which of the businesses to keep and which to neglect, despite my request. So essentially they are putting us out of business by not including our money-maker in local results. Recently my company moved and now we have different suite numbers for each business. A customer can come into any of those and purchase in person, or they can purchase online. In trying to clean up my Google local account, I deleted the least important businesses, trying to get the "money maker" on local results. But now I cannot have a local account because I do not have 10 businesses listed, but I cannot have 10 businesses because they all have the same address (now different suite #'s). My Google+ pages have been deleted due to the Local business deletion. When I search for our main keyword, companies come up from all over the US but none in Arizona where we are located. Is there any way to get my Google plus pages back? Is there any way to get my main site back on Google local? Can I assign a Google + page with a company?

    | RoxBrock

  • I have multiple subdomain based news website. Each subdomain is in the format, etc. These are not mere translation of one site into another but giving content tailored for the language and culture of the audience it serves. In essence they are related but different. When it comes to "english" I have two options. Option1. Create using the same format and use the main as a launching pad (navigation site) which allows the user to choose language and goto appropriate site. This gives the advantage of creating a common brand of for all languages. There won't be any other content on this Option2. Use for english content and only allow the list of other sites as footer or part of menu. This gives the advantage of having main domain with content (and links and other benefits) but makes it a bit difficult for users who do not speak english, to find their destination. Any thoughts which is better or worse?

    | Maayboli

  • I work in an industry where companies are often being bought up by other larger companies. When this happens, there is often a change in the company name to incorporate the parent company name as well.  My company is a distributor of these products and I'm wondering if there are best practices for marketing both the original brand name and the new brand name for the same product?  We're trying to avoid any duplicate product detail pages, so dynamically generating the same page for two different names is not ideal. Anyone have any tips? Thanks!

    | GalcoIndustrial

  • Greetings fellow Mozers! How Do Major Companies Promote Their New Sub-Brands I'm curious to see everyone's thoughts on how and what is the best process to promoting your companies new brand.  I see companies like promoting their sub-brand "All Modern" and "Wayfair supply" (maybe "sub-brand" isn't the best term) in the top left of the page as a link.  I believe this is only a SEO play because they are only outbound links to the brand website.  If you go to "All Modern" there are no links back to Wayfair.  I then looked at a company like and notice that all of their other brands are promoted on the website and are also interchangeably linked to one another. Does anyone have any thoughts on the best way to link and or promote your smaller brand that could potentially turn it into a Major Brand.  Do you think this is just a SEO linking play.  I'm curious to see everyone's thoughts

    | rpaiva

  • Hi there Moz experts, We're launching a new brand and product offering for a completely different audience than we've worked with before. We're expected a significant amount of business to come from inbound marketing, so we're wondering whether we should launch the new brand as a subdomain of the parent company or as a completely separate domain. The parent company's website has thousands of inbound links and is over 10 years old, so I'm thinking in the short term it would be easier to get new content ranked there. However, in the long term I think it would be better for the new brand to have a separate TLD. Thoughts or other things I should consider? Thanks!

    | EveryActionHQ

  • Hi Mozzers, My manager has asked me this question and I'm not quite sure how to answer it. "Is there any value in trying to add a page about our company to wikipedia" I would have thought it's very difficult to get a page to stick in wikipedia if it's about a company that isn't huge (like Apple or Google). Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Personally I think it's potentially quite risky and unlikely to bring much traffic (because I can't imagine anyone would visit a page on wiki about my company - not that my company isn't great, because it is, it's just not HUGE or global...) I think a wiki page could be a bit spammy! Would welcome your input, and I am happy to be proven wrong! Thanks, Amelia

    | CommT

  • Hi Everyone, First off thanks for taking the time to looking at my question. I was wondering about rebranding and URL structure changes. Right now my company is planning on changing their domain and doing a massive change to their site which includes a url structure change. The idea is in September they will be changing the site to be a combination of wordpress and ruby on rails (currently the site is ruby on rails). The homepage and design on the site will be completely different and parts of the site will be in php and other parts will be in ruby. The URL structure will also be changing completely at the same time. Each page will be completely different in structure, including the homepage (currently now it redirects you to a subfolder page that is your local page [i.e. nyc if you are in new york]). Then, the following month, they will be changing their domain name to a different domain. I have asked them to do this in stages. First the domain, second the rebrand, and third the URL restructuring or we could lose SEO traffic but they asked a freelancer his opinion and the freelancer said that you could do the rebrand change with the URL restructure and then domain later and while you're SEO may disappear, it'll definitely return in 3 to 4 months. Could you tell me who is right and what the correct method is to make this change?

    | MattJD

  • I have a client that wants to get highly specific with their digital marketing (SEO, Paid, and Social). In their business each sale is big enough that we've even been talked about creating specific targeting campaigns around one decision maker within a company. I can't share too much more information, so I'm hoping that makes sense. My question is this: What are some ideas for getting hyper focused with digital marketing? Most of my ideas for this utilize paid advertising but we've come up with a few social and organic ideas as well. I just wanted to open a discussion to see what my Moz friends thought on the topic. Thanks in advance.

    | HashtagJeff

  • Hi Mozzers, I've been trying desperately for months to get my domain to rank #1 for its brand name in Google. This is made hard by the fact that the brand name is also a combination of two keywords, one of them being "Hire". I've actioned everything I can think of, setting up and maintaining social networks (including g+), adding the site to lots of high quality business directories, internal and external linking. I even asked right here. The site continuously rises in the ranks until it hits top of page 2 and then starts falling again. When searching [Brand name] +[Town of HQ] we get the open graph info displayed, and the g+ pin, but still only rank 3rd! My Question: Is there a markup for brand names? and would it make any difference adding this? I feel like I'm clutching at straws now... Oh were in the UK if that helps. I'd also be happy to share the domain via PM if anyone is willing to help!

    | Silkstream

  • Hello, I have been struggling to handle and recommend social media work from my clients to help with their rankings and online presence. Often, it is ignored; however, as everyone knows only so much benefit can be gained through directory listings and stellar on-page optimization. I am wondering if someone could lend a hand on how they take over the social media tweeting/blogging/content etc for a third party so that it is still authentic both to their clients, and also seemingly to Google? Any insight would be helpful! Thanks in advance!!!! 🙂

    | lfrazer

  • I'm trying to apply schematic markup to our client's website to help influence the knowledge graph.  Can anybody give me the exact schematic markup for business CEO, founder and founding date?   I've visited and know the markup exists...but I want to make sure I'm applying them properly. Thanks!

    | VanguardCommunications

  • Hi, Some may have seen me around the forum recently asking a few questions about my website which was being re-vamped. Well its now live. Would love some actionable advice / constructive criticism. Website background: It started life as a website displaying dates for UK bank holidays, noticed some good traffic/sharing so decided to open it up to UK occasions. This resulted in more traffic and social sharing so over the last month I have re-built the whole website to be responsive and 'I hope' professional / interesting to visitors. I also opened it up further into other UK dates such as sporting events and festivals - these categories will gain more pages as well as new categories to come. I'm hoping to turn it into a little UK resource for this type of content. Thank you.

    | followuk

  • Can anyone help me figure out what is happening to a site I recently set up? The site is and it completely fell off for an exact match brand name search of "Interval Management Group". It had been climbing to the top spot on page one shortly after launch and has now disappeared from Google while Bing and Yahoo seem to have no problem with it. . . Any insight is much appreciated!

    | TroyAIE

  • I'm an SEO manager for a company in Los Angeles. You can see our website here: I've been at the company for about 3 months, and in that time we've almost had our website re-done twice. It is badly in need of an overhaul in terms of design and navigation, but at the same time we can't afford to lose the organic traffic that we currently have. Does anyone have recommendations for web development firms that can take on a BIG project and work with me to preserve the SE traffic that we currently have? Thanks

    | Waismann

  • I keep getting "The Page name you entered does not meet our guidelines. Please review our Page name policies." My name change is well within policy. The page has about 400 fans. I am literally changing a minor aspect. Getting rid of a plural word. Any work around since facebook's site is not working for this?

    | Atomicx

  • Hi there, my company is an online publisher of Theater news and reviews. We also sell theater tickets. We presently don't have a Wikipedia page. Would creating one generally help our search rankings?

    | TheaterMania

  • I am working on launching a few industry specific sub-brands for our marketing agency and am trying to figure out the best way to deliver a tailored user experience using subfolders instead of subdomains, if this is indeed the best option... Since I am trying to provide separate experiences, I looking at housing microsites in sub-folders - say /technology or /medical.  Each with its own navigation, home page, and industry specific content/blog/portfolio.  A couple things I am considering: Will my microsite "home pages" and site pages rank as well in a sub-folder versus if they were actually the primary pages on their own sub-domain? Will separate Wordpress and theme installs and separate primary navigations have any affect on SEO if they are in sub-folders of the same site? Thanks in advance for any input.  I really appreciate it!

    | Alaniz

  • I'm in the process of developing a new product and brand name and would like to create all the social media accounts (FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc), including G+ and want it to have it's own Gmail ID like [email protected], so I can set up all accounts using this Gmail ID and if needed down the road, have someone else help manage the accounts so they have that login and my my main Gmail login. My question is, does Google frown upon setting up new Gmail IDs under the same name "Patrick McCoy" as I have my name tied to my personal Gmail account and my company's Gmail account "whiteboardcreations@gmail" both with G+ pages and URLs of /+PatrickMcCoy1 and /+PatrickMcCoy2 respectively. I'd like to have Authorship associated with the new product website and also want the new product to have it's own G+ Business Page to post updates, info, etc., which is why I'm getting a little confused on how I'd do it the right way, What would you do or does it really matter... can my new Gmail account of ABCXYZ@gmail just be /+PatrickMcCoy3 which is associated to my new product/brand name? Thank you and look forward to the feedback!

    | WhiteboardCreations

  • In the past month, we won a "Small Business of the Year" Award and the managing partner is up for "BusinessWoman of the Year Award" for the greater Tampa area. I would like to send out two press releases, because I think these are appropriate uses of press releases. However, I'm nervous because I don't really know what all the implications of using press releases are. I don't want us to get hurt or flagged as doing something spammy. I also don't know which company to go through if they are still a good idea. PRWeb looks good to me, but then again, I don't really know. Any thoughts on either aspect of this question would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi I am trying to working on a kitchen remodeling site and want to build up my pinterest but most of the pictures  on the site are flash or not recognized by pinterest. Any ideas how I can pin the images short of changing the whole image system (don't know if the company still have the images used - only have access to wordpress not the ftp files)

    | henya

  • hi, its me again. I bought 2 domains for my new site I want to build. My keyword is: "BabyHazelGames" ( for me it sounded like "the land of baby hazel" etc )             ( short .com domain, still says what the sites about ) If u check first page for this keyword u see most of the sites are EMD-s or filler partial EMD ( on .com-s)Someone told me to buy a EMD since I fight with EMD-s on first page, and its the only way I have a chance! I bought The games license, theme license and all of these. That was alot of money, and I dont want to put all my money and work on the wrong domain name. Please help me decide between these 2; Thanks!

    | Catinas97

  • I want to build an authoritive site on the keyword: "baby hazel games" since I want it to be authoritive and easy to brand and to remember. I dont plan to use EMD-s. I like these 2 domains: 1. 2. Help me decide between them. what sounds better, and have greater chance in ur opinion. Feel free to ad domain names ideas, if u have them. Thank you!

    | Catinas97

  • So, my company is sinking a ton of money into creating flash banners to distribute across multiple media buys in the months to come.  I was wondering if Flash was still a good platform to create banners in 2014/2015.  My understanding is that more and more devices, such as tablets and smartphones are moving away from supporting flash and more and more people are moving to a mobile/tablet preferrence. If so, this would probably diminish our ability to find optimal success? any advice or opinions are welcome!

    | dsinger

  • Hi Mozzers, Using the strategies I learned here, my website has really started to take off :). is less than a year old and we are starting to get some serious traffic. Hundreds of thousands of people are visiting this month for videogame tips. We cover FIFA, NHL, Watch Dogs, etc... The problem is... we have YET to build a community. There are so many visitors but 80% of them just view the tips and never come back. My goal is to build a community and connect users who are struggling to win. Offering a support system to help people get better together. I love the community and gamification of Moz. Which is why I am here asking for help. Does anyone have actionable advice for building community? Or solutions that would work well with Wordpress? Play hard! Joey


  • Hi We are a UK based company who sell in the US, DE, FR and AU. We have been selling in the USA for a few years now, mainly through Amazon and few key retailers we have a website for direct sales but we are finding extremely difficult to convert our traffic. we are looking ta conversion rates of 0.19% We have over 2000 email subscriber list which we are emailing on regular basis, from a  first person perspective, telling them the befits of products, competitions etc using soft sell tactics. We have a large Facebook, pinterest and twitter following The site functions well there's room for improvement but in the UK the sales are a lot higher. I'm looking for a way to test our site on an american audience tos ee if we are conveying the right messages. Although we speak pretty much the same language what our customers in UK like could be completely different? Our american site is any suggestion on how to continue would be great thanks

    | tidybooks

  • Hi I am trying to put together a case study with big brands that have changed their domain names over the last 2 years. So far I have: -> -> Are there any others you could think of? It'd be much appreciated! Thanks, C

    | Carlos-R

  • Hi. Do you recommend that a company's Facebook Page be just the Brand Name, or should it include some keywords in the title?

    | JonsonSwartz

  • We are an Outdoor Clothing Company that designs our own range.  We primarily sell through Retailers & distribution networks, but around 2 years ago went online. We update our collections twice a year, and we really struggle to get attention and awareness of our new designs. Can anyone recommend the best practice for getting newly launched products successfully "marketed"?

    | Target-Dry

  • I am working for a business and I would like my Google+ posts to show the business picture/information and not my own.  Does this mean I would leave authorship blank and use a rel=publisher tag instead?  Or is it bette rto do both? I don't really know much about the subject so feel free to let the schooling begin!

    | Stew222

  • In March, my team in Shanghai launched a site redesign of our English language website (targeted at expats in China) which: Changed the URL's to be more SEO friendly (keyword based, shorter, etc) Implemented endless scrolling to replace previous pagination Changed some front end layouts Changed page title and meta description tags to use keywords, be unique, use correct lengths Since then, we see in Google Analytics, traffic form Google organic branded search terms has been steadily dropping (between 5 - 20% depending on the term). Not provided is down 2%. We do not rank for many non-branded terms, so have no statistical significance there. However in Google Webmaster Tools, impressions of branded queries are also down, along with non-branded search terms (including those we tried to optimise for). We see similar traffic drops from other search engines as well (Bing, Baidu) but not at as high a level (only 3% or so). We have not changed any other marketing strategy online or offline. We have tested / done: 1. Changing title tags 2. Reverting to old pagination (as we say in GWT a drop in indexed pages) 3. Checked the tracking code is working 4. Checked our rankings (we still rank position 1 for our branded queries and even some non branded) 5. Submitted new XML site map The only large issue we could find is that from that day there were over 300,000 page not found 404 errors (which we are now redirecting by 301s as Google shows them to us, and have been doing so for 2 weeks). Nothing is helping us so far, organic traffic continues to drop week on week, so I am reaching out to the Moz community. Can anybody think of a reason for such a dramatic drop? Please help!

    | RingierOneAfricaMedia

  • Hi Mozzers, I have recently began the SEO on a website which is a few years old, with little SEO done beforehand.
    I really want to get this domain ranking #1 for its brand name, however the brand name also happens to be a combination of two highly competitive keywords - one of them being "hire". I have done everything I can think of as a recommended step to signal Google, but it still sits between position #20 and position #15 (on a good day). So far I have:
    Set up G+
    Linked the website
    Added Rel=publisher
    Submitted site to and a couple of other business directories
    Added branded links from every the bio of each article on the blog pointing to the homepage.
    Built a handful of branded links from related niche websites.
    Set up social pages. Question:
    What else can I do to improve on its position in the SERPS? More info:
    The site ranks number 2 in Bing for the brand name. The domain is an exact match of two keywords without a hyphen between them - the site ranks position #1 for that search on Google. Question:
    Would a hyphenated domain make any difference at all? Thanks everyone!

    | Silkstream

  • Would a sponsored tweet from a high authority twitter account help with rankings? Thanks

    | webguru2014

  • I was looking at the title tags/keywords of the top ranking sites for my most important keyword phrase, and I noticed all the pages that were beating us were homepages. Our homepage is not optimized at all. It's very generic, because 1, my boss wanted it that way, (but she's not married to it) and 2, I built out landing pages for all our keywords. For the really, really competitive keywords, I can't get my landing pages high enough. My homepage however, according to OSE, is on par with the other sites, especially the page. I included the screenshots of it, just in case, my analysis was way off. But, those are the top 4 sites and I'm on page 3. Here's my questions: Should I optimize my homepage for the keyword phrase, if it's our most important one? If I do that, what should I do with the landing pages? Lastly, if you look at the screenshots, is my analysis correct that we aren't woefully behind all four of these people (we're I know I'm asking on a lot on this one, but it's a pretty big decision for us. I could really use the help making sure it's the right one. Your time is much appreciated, Ruben voVxURN fwoVUBE aKWJQ4E

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi Everyone, I have just joined the Moz community and have been reading through a lot of content. I have a question and I would like to put it out to all of the professional digital marketers here to hear their take on it. Basically I work for a construction company that has developed a way to build extensions to houses which is environmentally friendly and cost effective. Obviously the house extensions market is pretty competitive and I need to work out how I can make headway into the market for the digital marketing side of things. The website is still under construction and I am having it built in order to will viewers to enter their contact details for more information as well as provide lots of useful content that show why the product will be more cost effective than say a standard timer frame constructed house extension. We are having some professional videos made as well so we can set up a YouTube channel and this will be clearly visible on the website as well. What I would like advice on is how would you start to build quality links to a site like this. We are not going for just local trade but more national (UK). The main thing is that we have longevity and I know it wont happen very quickly but I want to ensure that we do things the right way. Thanks Barry

    | newbiebarry

  • This is a hard one, I'm sure. In regards to search, I've read that Facebook pays close attention to verbs and that Google takes into account related words close to anchor text and search terms. Now I have the unique opportunity to work as the internet sales and marketing consultant for a company in serious need of brand reputation repair. The company has experienced a terrible fallout from a recent product recall. Unfortunately in this case, the company site has really strong reach, which means that our blog posts, product descriptions, and twitter comments can be found copied on hundreds of websites hours after they are posted. The most recent incident has associated our brand name with words like cheaters, scam, phoney, copycat, and other words that will certainly get filtered here. All my attempts to assure unconditional refunds and offer phone support get labeled as a desperate attempt to save the brand. No doubt, the company has issues but will surely overcome them in time. SEO Question: Should I close the Facebook page and set strong filters on a new page to delete the onslaught of negative comments or should we spend the time to clean up the current page? This is a difficult decision, as I know many companies like Hubspot, Mailchimp, and Rackspace actually look at Facebook pages to qualify business leads (no fans, go home). Damage control suggestions also welcome, but the crux of this issue here is how our brand name and product names will be associated with cuss words or negative terms and how this will affect our ranking in SERPs.

    | kwoolf

  • Google is currently showing an old version of our company logo (sourced from a different website) in the righthand-side knowledge graph box on SERPs. I would like to try and get our current version of the logo there instead, ideally linking back to our official site. I've been looking into's organization markup as a way to specify our preferred logo to Google. However, our obstacle is that we don't have a version of our logo image sourced directly on our homepage; it's part of a global navigation CSS stylesheet. Two questions: Is it okay to upload a new, high-res version of our logo image file to the server and apply the markup code to that version of the logo instead? This might mean that it's a non-visible element, since the new image file wouldn't technically be part of the page layout. Alternatively, should we try applying the markup via meta tags, as outlined in this article: Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!

    | Critical_Mass

  • Hi, One of my clients has company Facebook pages in several languages. The page in Arabic, which was targeted at Saudi Arabia, used to rank 5th place on the search for the brand name. The page has a steady growth of followers and a high engagement rate. for the past week it suddenly completely fell off ranking and instead the English page ranks #5 in the results for the brand name in Saudi Arabia. What could have caused this change and what can we do to bring the target language page back to its ranking?

    | JonsonSwartz

  • Hi Mozzers! What is the process for getting this Wikipedia Branded name appearing next to your organic results (image)? Thanks mozzers! cPH75uP.png

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • We are looking to hire an SEO/reputation manager or firm to complement our existing marketing efforts. The goal is to take up the front page of Google on 3 branded keywords. We will create the content but need someone to come up with the strategy on what content to create, where to post it and how to link to get it moved to the front page of Google. We went through MOZ's recommended list of service providers but would rather work with an individual freelancer than a large SEO company. Please advice where we can find such consultant or email [email protected] to apply. Include your experience and some samples of projects you have worked on. ################## UPDATE ################# Here's the keywords' difficulty based on MOZ's serp analysis tool and top 10 ranking pages for the first term

    | vmotuz

  • Hi, I am trying to decide between two different options that can affect branding and seo, I would like to hear opinions about the different options I have. Suppose that I want to open an ecommerce site for sports goods, but I want to have an specialized store for running goods. My example company name is MAZ and the country I am targetting is UK, for my general sports store I will use, the question I have is what should I do for my "running" specialized store, every store will have a diffferent design, its own blog, its own items and its own link build campaigns. These are really different sites, but the ecommerce platform will be the same, the shopping cart could be shared and the same people working on the same warehouse will send the shipments. With this example data I see two options: Use different domains, for example for the running one,, using maz like the shared brand part on the domain and use a site like listing the different specializations. Use subdomains for the different specializations, We will work hard to position every site, we will manage every store in its own google webmaster and analytics site, after the two initial sites (one general and one specialization) we will create a few more, maybe 5 or 6 specialized sites. In my sector people search for the specific specializations more than in general so I would not like that Google sees the of the example like part of the ecommerce store, I would like that if someone is searching for running material the site that will be shown to them is the specialized one. What should i do in this case? Thanks!

    | tcruces

  • Hello,
    My website is about cultural exploration - foreign cultures. (the people, their art, food, music, places, etc.)
    By volume, the word culture is referred to other kind of cultures: company culture, city culture, etc. Also, the people who are actually interested in exploring other cultures - be it food, art, music, travel diaries,
    etc. usually do not actually type in "Cultural Exploration". How should I target my keyword? Do a bunch of secondary targets that cover specific? Or just use the word and keyword that are naturally related to the content and hope that google figures out who the right people to direct there?

    | IamKovacs

  • I have a client who changed from a Branded Domain (301 redirected this domain) to a Partial Match Domain, using the city in the domain for rich keyword. I take care of their Social Media platforms (i.e., Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc.). These social networks used the Branded Domain (with the company name in the domain) for years, now the new web designer is asking that we change Username and Domain to the new Partial Match Domain, which is very "generic" not mentioning the company name. I am reluctant to change for branding mention purposes. Does anyone have any advice?

    | Artistic

  • Hi, I was just wondering if anyone can help. Is there any way to change the image displayed for a brand image in Google SERPs? See screenshot below. The image of the BBQs and iPod links to an old blog post. We'd like this changed ideally. Thanks! iGjZzl8

    | oneserve

  • Hello moz community, We have 3 website that are e-commerce based that go as follow : 1.0 (  french ) 2.0 ( for the canada english ) 3.0 ( for the usa market in english again ) Those 3 website are configured inside WPML ( wordpress ) and are build with woocommerce. Most of the pages beetween and are identical or close to be. We want to have a good indexation and to absolutely avoid duplicate content. Any help would be appreciated ! CHeers,

    | ydesjardins200

  • Hi all, Just wanted to get a modern-day perspective on this tactic as a method of obtaining back links. We've recently (legitimately) polled our customer base both on social media and through our email database (40,000+ people) to rank a bunch of different locations / attractions and put together Top 10 lists based on the results. I was intending to put together "awards" badges and provide them to the operators who won along with a back link from the badge to the main article page with the finalists. I thought I'd ask here though to see what public opinion is on this as a link building tactic in 2014 as all the resources I could find were a couple of years old. Bear in mind we aren't paying them anything at all, but it is still an obvious attempt to both give them their recognition as well as add to our link profile. Do you think in this day and age that this kind of action would invoke any Google penalties? And if not, is there any indication why they wouldn't pass as much juice as regular text links? Thanks for any and all feedback.

    | ExperienceOz

  • I am a programmer, not a marketing or social media genius.  It also takes A LOT of time to market your website properly.  Are there services that people can recommend that can help get my site out there and known to people more.  I am always working on the SEO part and that takes time to improve.  Just looking for suggestions. Thank you!

    | BrickPicker

  • I am looking for a service that handles clients who want to purchase domains that are owned and in use and someone wants to purchase them incognito. Does anyone know of (preferably have experience with) a service that will handle this type of domain purchase activity. An example would be if I knew of but wanted to buy it because I had invented a Moz machine that was worth zillions. I only want the .com and I do not want the owner to know who is purchasing. 
    Thanks for any assist you can provide. Robert

    | RobertFisher

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