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Category: Conversion Rate Optimization

Chat through best practices for conversion rate optimization.

  • Hi everyone, Thanks to what seems to be a recent(ish) algo change in Google, some of our more targeted deeper pages are ranking for search terms where before only our homepage would rank. This is of course great however I am a little worried that some of the page titles of our internal pages are a little short, for example our main departments (we are an ecommerce store) are titles 'Department Name | Liberty Games' so for example 'Pool Tables | Liberty Games'. I have heard varying reports on what to do with the title tag, I have heard to keep the most relevant keywords to the left of the tag, which we have done, I have also heard that shorter is better. I am just a bit concerned that our tags are looking a little stumpy in the serps alongside other results which are longer (although admittedly a bit keyword stuffed). So (eventually) my question is, will short titles harm my click-through rate ? but are shorter titles better for SEO ? If longer is better are there any recommendations about what I could add to these titles that could potentially help click-throughs and natural rankings ? Many thanks, Stuart

    | stukerr

  • I have a hotel directory. I am thinking of adding a feed that takes reviews of hotels from Tripadvisor and puts them on my site. I know that Google are cracking down on duplicate content with the Panda update. Would these reviews be seen as duplicate content and could it harm my site if I do this?

    | mascotmike

  • Hi SEOmoz-ers, I was wondering if anyone has data regarding product page abandonment rate (% of potential customers that leave the site after seeing product pages) for websites like Overstock, REI or Zappos? As you may know the above mentioned sites do an exceptional job with product pages. It would be helpful to know what some of the leaders in this space are achieving in terms of conversion rate. What is your personal opinion about this? Thanks,

    | Kush_VMI

  • I have been debating this with a few others within my office and we would like an outside opinion on this issue. This screenshot is of a new product grid I have been designing. I have decided to try something new for SEO that I have seen elsewhere. (see attached image) The page-content below the last products on the page, now have a small paragraph that contains all the products "titles" that are visible on the page. The intention is to capitalize on multiple search terms by using modifiers to replace special character sets within the title. For example: 46" 3 Seat Perforated Square Picnic Table = 46 Inch 3 Seat Perforated Square Picnic Table Not only does this give a secondary search term that could convert but increases the number if instances of "Table" within the page. Suggestions or Thoughts? Thanks! GviGn.jpg

    | Highland

  • I had a client claiming his industry (replacement home windows) conversion rate was around 15% based on his research. In my research i could find nothing of the sort, and really couldn't find a single place that provided this type of information. Anyone out there have some advice on where to research industry conversion rates (averages) or tools/thought processes to explore? Thanks! (these stats would primarily be used for goal setting and competitive analysis)

    | kchandler

  • I have a client who serves a local market and who has had trouble in the past with people out of her service area clicking on ads. She asked how accurate the geo-targeting option is.  I know it's not possible to be completely accurate resolving the location of IP addresses, but was wondering if there are any recent statistics out there regarding how accurate or inaccurate geo-targeting is.  I did some quick searches but did not see any current numbers. Many Thanks!

    | JKuly

  • Hi, Not your standard SEO question, but I need expert advice all the same! I am looking to set up an adwords campaign to track several things. I need to track the initial page the click lands on from the PPC advert I then need to track this click to see if they click to  register on the site I then need to track if they fill out the registration form and complete The aim of this is to measure just how many people click the PPC advert, then drop off the site as they go through the sign up process. Can this be done on adwords PPC tracking with the code adwords generates? and if not has anyone done something similar? many thanks all!

    | theconstructioncentre10_gmail.

  • Hey guys! I'm curious if anyone knows of any research or has any experience with using the word "buy" vs "shop for" as a call to action in meta descriptions, and what has better click through rates? A quick search of Google trends shows that they're both pretty close in terms of search, but im curious as to the psycological reaction that people have to those terms and what one they respond to better. I look forward to your response. Thanks!

    | markwrightseo

  • I'm running purely CPA campaigns at the moment and I'm wondering if my Quality Score is at all relevant. My understanding is that Quality Score is closely tied to clicks, so if I'm not targetting that (but conversions instead) then the Quality Score is not something I need to pay any attention too. In fact, it seems kind of irrelevant. Do any experts out there agree or disagree? I would love some clarity! I've never seen Google refer to conversions or CPA when it talks about Quality Score.

    | rfjc

  • Hi, I'm having a few issues with my landing page conversion. I have followed several guides found on this site (especially the ones) but what'ever I try my landing page CRO doesn't seem to increase. the landing page in question is I'm getting traffic to my landing page solely through PPC traffic from Google. My stats are rough as follows: Arrive at landing page - 100% (obviously)
    Click through to buy now page - 15-20%
    Actually complete the buy now process - 1% Conversion from organic traffic landing directly on the homepage at is having a conversion rate of about 5%. It seems odd to me that my highly targeted ad campaign and landing page are convertign so badly compared to the less atrgeted organic search traffic and homepage. Have you got any ideas why this might be occurring and also any tips on how I can improve the conversion rate for my product? Gary...

    | perfectweb

  • Many websites - especially those done in foreign countries by non-native English speakers - have many grammatical and idiomatic errors in the English copy. How important is that to conversions (actually convincing the customer to buy, etc.)  Is the poor English a turn-off, a cause for distrust or discomfort - or do people not care? I'd be interested to hear people's personal opinions (the more the merrier) and if anyone has a more global perspective backed by research, testing, etc - that would be great, Thanks in advance!

    | debi_zyx

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