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Category: Conversion Rate Optimization

Chat through best practices for conversion rate optimization.

  • I have an e-commerce site and I'm trying to set up goals and funnels in Google Analytics. I've set the goal URL to my thank you page and am now setting up the funnel steps from home page through category page - product page - shopping cart - checkout. I seem to have set it up wrong though because according to the funnel 100% of the of the people coming in to the home page exists from there too, even though I can see that they have moved on to a category page. I have obviously several categories and product pages. Is there a way to set it up to include all category pages in one funnel step and all product pages in another? The way the website is set up is like this: Categories: Products: How would you guys recommend i set up my goals and funnel steps in Google Analytics?

    | Livet

  • Time for the weekly "help me improve this page" post 🙂 I'd appreciate it if you all would take a look at this page and give me some tips to improve it from a user - point - of - view.  The URL is My main goal is conversions and I'm trying to make this page as good and helpful and easy as possible for potential buyers and visitors.  I'd appreciate any tips or suggestions that you think may help. Thanks!

    | Prime85

  • I am looking for tips and ways to increase facebook and twitter numbers particularly for seomoz ranking purposes?

    | odegi

  • hi, This is my first question in the forums and I'm looking forward to be part of a great SEO community. I was wondering ow to track full path of website visitors until conversion, not just landing page? I've been using Wordpress jetpack site stats for while, which shows great data like keywords used in google, landing page etc. But I would like to have access to the full path for each separate visitors (including their IP address and country is possible) to improve my website and conversions. Example: step 1: Visitor X types "seo" on Google step 2: visitor lands on my homepage step 3: visitor visits to order page and buys Is there such tool available as a Wordpress plugin? Or do I have to use Google analytics for this? thank you for your help, Marc

    | marcandre

  • Hello, I optimize for a fashion, eCommerce site which has catalogue pages and product pages. We're currently working on a large "blog" which tons of great content designed to attract readers, links and tons of long tail traffic. We'll be doing how-to videos, celeb interviews, top-tens, etc. etc. We'll even have a UGC community section eventually. Really great. Now, I want to use the links generated by this section to rank for generics like this: For example: I want to rank for "Lingerie" and I have this page set up as the target: I create some amazing content that generates lots of links containing the word "lingerie" . That awesome content lives in:(hypothetical URL:) I want to (and this is where you come in 😉 get people linking to my catalogue page ( where they can find a banner or something alluding to that piece of link bait (the /fashion/magazine/ url). Perhaps similar to the Wordpress style  <read more="">page break on posts?</read> Reason is, I want my "Money-Page" to get the links with "Lingerie" in it. Problem is, it'll be another click to the thing they want to find. Also, say I decide a few months later that I want to do another piece, like "lingerie in films" and do the same. My 'banner' idea would get very crowded or, it would mean that I bump the 50-years piece, which then makes for bad UX for readers clicking through looking for the old piece. Or perhaps this can all be solved with good design? Here's a WBF talking about mixing content: Does anyone have an example of someone doing this well? PS. Was also thinking that on my "archive'' url, in between the content, I'll query for the top products that, that piece speaks to and make it possible for people to add to cart as they're reading the link bait content that is relevant to the product. Cheers Paul.

    | RocketZando

  • We recently installed a new SSL certificate on an ecommerce site. Our IT Director is insisting that all pages on the site must be coded in such a way so that the address bar maintains a green background when a visitor is navigating the site after navigating to a secure page or logging in. I have worked on many ecommerce sites and never has this been an issue. Amazon does not use the green bar....but they are Amazon. In order for this to work, he is insisting that all internal URLs be coded as relative instead of absolute. How bad is this for SEO or does it really not matter that much? How crucial is it for trust and security? Opinions welcome!

    | danatanseo

  • Hi We are based in the UK and the new merchant rules have recently been applied here. We offer free shipping but now most of our click throughs come from the images at the top of the SERPS that simply give an image and a price. The prices do not include shipping and there's no indication to the user that shipping is included. Hence our conversion rate from PPC is way down. Is there any way to counter this or do we just need to go back to charging for shipping? Thanks!

    | Jonnygeeuk

  • Late last year we did an overhaul of our website. We didn't change we did or what we sell just the format and overall look. What used to work for Adwords and Adcenter conversions doesn't seem to work as well on the new site. Any suggestions on where I should start to turn this around?

    | EcommerceSite

  • I am looking at my Adwords data from a segment of last year. It shows my total for all ad groups in this campaign at 18. I only have one ad and it shows 7 conversions. Where are the other 11 coming from?

    | EcommerceSite

  • We are having our website redesigned by an SEO company to increase CTR and for a better user experience and I was wondering what to look for and what key questions to ask. At the moment we rank very well for a few strong keywords and I m afraid that by rewriting the content and changing the website layout we might put at risk some of the rankings even for a brief period of time. This company seems to be very good so I need to know what to ask them to make sure everything goes according to plan. Your thoughts are appreciated.

    | echo1

  • Happy Friday Everyone, I have a quick question: I am in the process of crunching some numbers to try and figure out an organic traffic forecast for a client. One of the crucial metrics I can't seem to figure out is traffic rate of growth over the next year or so. The reason this is complicated for me is that I have only ever done this sort of thing for an established business before, and had plenty of past organic traffic data to work with. What I am looking for is a source that could give me a reasonable idea of what kind of growth rates I might expect for a startup with practically no data; I would be perfectly happy with a national average for online retail startups. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    | G2W

  • Just opening this up really - looking for inpiration besides the obvious posts that you see ranking online... What is the best mid-level link bait case study that you know about which gained 300+ links?

    | Turkey

  • I am working on a website which sells eBooks softwares, most of posts on the site are teaching people how to solve eBook-reading problems and will lead visitors to download and try the software. But some posts are not related to the software, we just write it for traffic, for example: link-bait post such as top xxx romantic eBooks, free eBooks tools review, etc. These posts have got a pretty considerable traffic, but visitors just come here, read, like/share/comment, then leave. Is there any way I can make use of these pages to convert? Thanks

    | JonnyGreenwood

  • I am trying to decide whether or not to renew a plan with McAfee Secure.  My initial thought was that displaying the logo was not worth the cost, and that I would be able to establish the same consumer confidence with a seal from Does anyone have an opinion on display the McAfee Secure seal and/or being listed in the McAfee directory.

    | djlittman

  • I am not an adwords expert but this is is the strategy I am following: 1. I create an adgroup for each set of keywords that will target the same ad. 2, I set the bid high to appear first. 3. After 3 to 5 days I remove the ones with low CTR over the impressions, anything below 1%. For example: for this url: I created an AD, and initially I put 10 keywords,  after one week I had wasted a lot of money, after 4 days I deleted 7 keywords, and after 8 days, I left only one keyword with a very good CTR of almost 3% and conversion rate of 4%. The question is: how much is  enough time to test and remove keywords? is one day of data good enough?  Should I make this test with the highest bid possible? Should I keep the high bid forever??  11 dollars for one click seems pretty expensive for one printer of 200 dollars when converted.  Does position 1 guarantee more conversions?  Maybe as long as it appears on the first 5 or 6 then its enough so I can decrease bid?

    | levalencia1

  • In google adwords the highest bid apparently gets more impressions, but always more clicks? I wonder if I can save money by not targeting the 1st position, but from example 3-6, the ad will still be visible once the search results come in. how do you guys usually set the bid?

    | levalencia1

  • I'm working with a rather large eCommerce customer who needs to be able to track their Adwords conversions for the purpose of determining the ROI of their Adwords campaigns. I've installed code from Google Adwords Conversions on their eCommerce page, but it doesn't seem to be calculating values correctly. Also, where would setting goals in Analytics come in to play if I'm trying to track the conversions of specific Adwords conversions?

    | SmokewagonKen

  • How much would you pay for a Pay Per Click Campaign Optimization? Our monthly budget is around $2k  a month for Adwords. Any advice in choosing the right company to run our Adwords campaign?

    | echo1

  • About a week ago, I added a google checkout button (which wasn't really positioned well) & option to add a note on my checkout page for my site.  Over the next three days, my cart abandonment was 100%!!!!!   16 customers got to checkout, but all of them dropped out... I was starting to freak out and finally took the google button & note option down. Since then, I'm back up to about 50% abandonment. Is the ecosystem of a checkout page really this sensitive?  If so, holy S#$%! Just wondering if anyone has any general advice or links for me to study up on checkout abandonment. Maybe we can get a Whiteboard Friday discussing this?

    | PedroAndJobu

  • I wanted to start a thread to share some of the really cool marketing tactics I've seen on the web that I think few folks are using, AND ask the community here what you've seen, too! Some of my favorite undiscovered or less-used tactics include: Making smart use of bios for conferences, events, interviews, etc. where folks ask you or your team members for a "bio" and you get to control the links, link targets, and anchor text. This is super powerful in my experience, so long as you have a moderately strong profile or regular participation in this type of stuff. Price anchoring on conversion pages, e.g. - note how they start with the highest price to help "anchor" the audience to bigger numbers. A great principle of psychology in action. Using re-marketing to draw people to content rather than just purchase/conversion pages. The effectiveness of these is, I've heard, dramatically higher than the usual re-marketing campaigns that take you to a squeeze or purchase page. I can't share the example I'm thinking of, unfortunately, but I'd urge you to try it! Get more social shares and clicks by SHARING MORE THAN ONCE! A lot of folks feel like they are burdening their audience on Twitter/Facebook/G+ or frustrating them if they post multiple times, when in fact, very, very few of your followers are online at any given time. I've tested this myself and I get almost no negative feedback but can triple or more the number of shares/+1s/likes/visits/etc I get just by sharing 2-3X! The key is not to be too repetitive or annoying, and to acknowledge past shares (at least for me). e.g. I'll say "my blog post from last night on XYZ" and get a ton more clicks. What are your favorites? Please share!

    | randfish

  • I just started with a company a few weeks back, working on-site doing SEO work. I've been using SEOmoz as well as Google Adwords' Keywords tool. I just got a message from one of our reps saying that people at the office (and this is a huge office) have reported tons of CAPTCHAs being thrown up frequently. I told them I had been running searches with Google Keywords tool and SEOmoz, but would that really cause that much of a problem? Is there anything I can do in order to fix this, some keyword finders that won't get me in trouble, etc.?

    | SmokewagonKen

  • Hi all- I am currently making videos to put on our site about some of our products. The same video will appear on a few different product pages as they will be about the category of products (i.e. how many gumballs fit in a few different size jars). My questions are: Should I worry about duplicate content issues if the rest of the page is unique? and for hosting the videos/SEO: Should I put the videos on youtube or use another hosting service. I don't think any of these are going to go viral, it's mostly about more content on the page to increase conversions. Any thoughts would be appreciated Thanks Ken.

    | CandymanKen

  • This is a usability question more than SEO but I thought this community would be the one to ask. Are completed conversion rates generally higher for contact forms or email enquiries? I try to encourage our clients to have short contact forms where possible to ensure the first contact (ask questions later). Personally an email seems like a giant daunting and potentially irrelevant enquiry that could get lost in the plethora of spam emails flying around. Also half the time I start the email and then give up.

    | SoundinTheory

  • Does anyone  have a list of suggestions for lower cost companies to do conversions. I am a new business and just wanted my "Cart" check out with maybe some suggestions for improvement and a little testing to see if it is done correctly. Thank you, Boo

    | Boodreaux

  • Hello All, I'm looking for an SEO contractor/agency who can start the SEO process here and has worked with wine and spirtis, foodie sites, or luxury. I'm having trouble finding this experience ion SEO. We're looking for a company that is willing to be tranparent in methods and show us the process. If anyone has referrals or input, I would love to hear it. We are considered a start-up in the wine-industry and cannot devote 20 hours a month on this myself. Please chime in on your perpsective, advice.

    | Airbutoh

  • We started a Youtube ad campaign. Over 2 days we got 60 clicks. However on our site we only measured 19 clicks. We used Kissmetrics to do the measurement. We're trying to figure out if the problem is on our end, or whether people are clicking but then closing the tab before the Kissmetrics JS loads. We're going to implement adwords conversion tracking to get a second measurement. But I was wondering if anyone else has experienced big gaps in how many people click a Youtube ad and how many actually visit the site. We got about 40 people who viewed the video 100%. I'm hoping bots aren't an issue with Youtube ads.

    | lighttable

  • What is the best solution to track conversions on our local plumbing site? 95% of leads coming from phone calls, the rest – from the contact form we have on every page. Is there a reliable solutions to track conversion rate for non-mobile local site? As a side note, we have 6 different phone numbers on our site that users can call in order to reach us.

    | dinok_ya

  • Hey I am looking for some quality examples of B2B websites that have been optimised well and have good usability. Does anyone have any suggestions? Cheers Shaun

    | Hughescov

  • Hi guys! I'm a complete newbie to the Adwords/PPC world.  Right now I've been put into the situation where I'm in charge of my company's adwords account, but I'm trying to figure out the baselines and KPI's. I'm currently going through PPC Hero's resources, but I just wanted to reach out to the SEOMoz community for those people who are doing paid search in-house for their own companies. Right now, I haven't done much to our account other than add/delete a few keywords,  and pause few campaigns that weren't relevant anymore, as well as some light reporting. What have you done in terms of an action plan to start moving the meter for your own respective companies whilst inheriting accounts? Would appreciate any resources that have helped you get a stellar ROI for your own companies! Thanks!

    | will_lam

  • Hey, I have Google Analytics on my website, like most people, but I was looking at some other analytics and testing tools like heat maps, click maps, A/B, etc. I was hoping that some of you could recommend a few that you use to see where pages are going wrong, track user behaviour and to how improve conversion rate. I have had a look at a few websites like: It would also be interesting to know how acurate these tools actually are, they seem quite legit. Cheers

    | JonathanRolande

  • With GA's Real Time view of visitors to our Web store I see how many are "shopping" at our site. It's a bit frustrating to watch and then NOT get very many orders. I am wondering about the value of shopping cart recovery services and which one is the best. I would also like to know what the best ecommerce converting sites are.

    | lbohen

  • One of our two prime goals is to increase visitor --> shopping cart --> order conversions. I would appreciate any advice on how we could improve our conversions from product pages like this one: All our product pages are presented in the same format.

    | lbohen

  • Question about rich snippets.. I want to showcase reviews of the SERVICE's offered  but I am not sure if I should include them on the service page, a review page or both.  For example, we offer snow plowing and lawn care services and each service has its own page.  I have reviews for both services under the my "testimonials" page.   So, a couple questions. 1 - Should I pace a single review marked up on each service page? 2 - Does the review need to be a google review or can I use reviews from other sites?  If not, do I need to notate that somehow using the schema vocabulary?  Example, I have a 5 star review from thumbtrackDOTcom, is it ok to mark up the review and include a nofollow link? (No follow because thumbtrack is actually a competitor.) 3 - When I looked into creating an aggregate rich snippet I got confused / concerned.  Is it ok to list multiple services as a product?  Example: <div< span="">itemscope itemtype=""> <span< span="">itemprop="name">Lawn Care and Snow Removal</span<> <div< span="">itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscopeitemtype="">
    Rated <span< span=""> itemprop="ratingValue">4.5</span<>/5 
    based on <span< span=""> itemprop="reviewCount">4</span<> customer reviews</div></div<></div<> 4 - When I tested the code above, no stars showed up in the preview.  Do I need to mark up products as well?  Am I doing it completely wrong 🙂 Thanks for any advice!!

    | dwallner

  • Hey everyone, I have a retargetting campaign with a 0.09% CTR, a 1.04% conversion rate, and a fairly high Cost per conversion. I was wondering if anyone has any tips, resources, ideas, etc. as to how to improve our campaign? Links to external resources would be great. Thank you!

    | jhinchcliffe

  • Hey everyone, we are planning a redesign on our website (we have been planning it since Fall last year, but got very busy in the Winter), and some new content / design questions have arisen. Right now, we are a "digital media" agency, and we offer video, design, and marketing services.  So we do web videos, motion graphics, websites, seo, really a little bit of everything except for 3d modeling.  What we are really trying to sell is the combination of these services (we may create a web video and redesign a groups website, then manage their adwords and marketing campaigns) and become our audiences "Go To" digital media agency. We were toying with the idea of giving visitors the option of picking from one target audience or another when they arrived at the home page, and their experience would be customized to best fit the needs of that particular audience from there on out.  For example, on our homepage we were thinking of display our overview and value proposition (which would be the same, no matter which target audience group you were a member of), then asking if the visitor was a "Small Business Owner looking for guidance" or a "Marketing Director looking for outsourcing partners", then based on what option they chose, they'd be directed to a corresponding landing page optimized for converting this audience. We were worrying this may drop our domain or page authority for our home page, since these aren't really keywords that we'd normally be trying to rank for. We understand that it is ideal to have 1 "niche" target audience, but we found that we heavily service both audiences. Any help or suggestions are appreciated, thanks!

    | RenderPerfect

  • Hi, I work in the airline industry and we are trying to implement Google analytics on our site. We are at the stage of getting e-commerce tracking setup. The problem we face is that we have multiple receipt pages (booking confirmation pages in our case) instead of just one as most carts would have. These are completely independent of each other. My question is can I use the same e-commerce tracking code on each page or do I need to setup multiple trackers. I reviewed the documentation here: however I'm unsure if multiple trackers are needed when using it on multiple pages or is this just for multiple trackers on the same booking confirmation page. any help on this would be greatly appreciated

    | aerlingus

  • Hi All, This is more of an open discussion to gather some advice /  strategy tips for a large spending client - so looking for some experts tips here. Potentially, there is a large client on the horizon, with a budget for 'SEO'  starting at the 15k PM region. My question is- in what way would you personally begin to utilise this budget in absolute benefit of the client. What would you propose strategy-wise to begin with, what else would you incorporate along the line? How would you generate results not just from SEO, but from additional channels? PS - They have a separate budget for PPC. An open discussion and plenty of ideas would be fantastic.

    | Webrevolve

  • some doubts about implementing rel=author: I have no google+ account so far and I have no intention to start activities in google+. Shall I still add rel=author and create a new empty google+ account (without google+ activity but using gmail) or would you recommend rather not to add rel=author in this case? I have 2 sites ranking in top10 SERP for my targeted keyword. One online shop and on another domain a non-commercial site with information on the topic. Would you rather associate same or different google+ accounts (from different people) with these two sites for both rel=author and rel=publisher? thanks.

    | lcourse

  • Hello, I would like to add reviews on some pages of my website, so it could eventually show up in the google search results with some nice stars. The problem is that the same review will be shown on multiple pages: Example: Reviews about France Reviews about French Riviera Reviews about Monaco (The review is about Monaco but as it's a town on the French riviera and in France i would like to use it to calculate an "Aggregate Rating" for the parent destinations...) Do you think that the use of the same review (with microdata) across multiple pages could be interpreted as a spammy way to get stars in the SERP and eventualy result in lower positions ? Or should I just use the Aggregate Rating without the reviews ? Many thanks for your answers, BR from France Evgueni

    | 3vgueni

  • I finally bought the seo moz pro version. I consider myself pretty knowledgeable in seo, content/social media marketing, but I am a rookie at conversion optimization. HELP PLEASE! I am trying to convert traffic into phone calls and/or contact forms.

    | SwanJob

  • Redoing my site at the moment and placing a few call's to action around it. The calls to action are pretty basic, along the lines of 'click here to get a quote', when you click you get taken to an anchor towards the bottom of the same page that takes you to a contact form. I've based the Calls to action on just a brightly coloured gif image that has text written on to it (not in code but added via photoshop)? This the right way to go, or should I be putting the text actually on my page and using a background coloured element to do it? The same image is used across several pages (got a couple of these images which I use across the site) and thinking it's easier to do it this way rather than code? Adding alt text to images 'Click here to get quote on X' (X being product) and also using img title tag for when mouse i hovering over - Click here to get a quote! Don't want to get hit by any dupe content issue for using the same image on multiple pages etc (I could always no index the folder where the call to action images are stored if this helps?) This sound ok to you pros?

    | Jon-C

  • Hi All, Hoping somebody can help me out with this...I am getting a lot of slack from my boss over this. So we use Marketo for landing page creation. I create unique landing pages for PPC so that people who come in via ppc are the only people that see these landing pages. I put the google adwords conversion code on the thank you pages of these pages. So User sees PPC add > clicks add and gets sent to a registration page > fills out reg page and gets sent to thank you page that contains conversion code. When I look in adwords, I am seeing that for this specific campaign that I had 15 conversions marketo I am seeing 0 conversions. I do not know which one to believe. Anyone have any ideas? Pat

    | PatBausemer

  • I moved our site to a wordpress theme over the christmas break. All content is pretty much the same word for word, and I think the new site looks much, much better than the old one. Why then, has our overall bounce rate gone from 7-8%, up to 74%? Bounce rates for some KW focused internal pages have gone from 2-3% to similar 70+% in some cases. Just to confuse things further, I have also changed the name and branding for the site to differentiate us from a competitor and stop the confusion we've experienced at times. But, I can't see how the new logo would cause and extra 65% of visitors to leave straight off! I really don't want to go back to the old name and don't think that's the answer anyhow, but I may have to test it out of sheer desperation. There's only a static holding page for the old site now as a reference point for people searching the old name (not many). So I've attached a screenshot of how it looked below. Also at The new site is at I have just noticed that by placing the previous 'more information' links a secondary menu in the left widget area rather than on the page, they are less noticeable especially if you scroll down to the bottom of a page, where the only links are in the footer? Again though, if 75% of people are put off this easily something else must be at play! Any advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Danny. aM5o9.png?1

    | Biota

  • We are in the process of having an agency take over an adwords account. Will we lose our seller ratings? The website we are advertising will not change, just the adwords account. Based on what I've read google pulls data from display URL. We were concerned with losing them as we've had a CTR% since they started showing up in our search ads. They will NOT be using our account, but they will be adding us to their MCC & granting us access. Thank You!!

    | TP_Marketing

  • Hi I am planning on setting up a lead generation website in a sector I know well and have a domain registered although its only a few weeks old. I am looking for some insight and advice please to see it its worth doing.  For example there are lots of payday loan (not my niche btw) lead gen sites in the UK at the moment but what do all of these sites do with all the leads they generate - who buys them and for what cost per lead? I have done affiliate marketing in the past, but how does the lead gen process work. Do you sign up with a lead gen affiliate style network that buys the leads generated off your website. Or do you have to sell these leads on yourself?  If so where do you sell them.  I plan tobe operating in the UK

    | ocelot

  • I recently gave ReachLocal control to manage my Adwords campagne. I didnt want "Reverse Proxy" on so I decided to go with the Remote Conversion Tracking. So they track my website in every stap of the way. Therefor I had to place a Javascript on each page. But what worries me are these kind of URL's I see appearing in my Analytics account: /webpaginaname.html?scid+29903&cid=12343&tc+13012316371028544&rl_key=32850e0a2d4499e02a711d0b969044d2&kw+8307565&pub_cr_id=16701148613&dynamic_proxy=1& Could this be seen as duplicate content by Google? Or could it break any other rule you know of? Should I be worried? Thanks a lot!

    | wellnesswooz

  • Hi, With Adwords conversion tracking is it worth allow Analytics data in as well? Does that confuse the adwords tracking data? Does it only include Analytics data that has been set up for conversion tracking? I hope i am asking the right questions 🙂

    | wood1e1968

  • Should the addition of well scripted and produced video to my divorce lawyer website increase my conversions and, if so, to what extent?

    | hildebrandlaw

  • Whether putting a (category or brand) word next to domain is better than on the end of an URL? (i.e. or Which one would get higher result on SERP "tv" or "sony" in both cases? Or maybe they both serves the same?

    | komeksimas

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