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Category: Moz Pro

Discuss the Moz Pro tools with other users.


  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Though I have only recently subscribed to Moz Pro, I have been using Moz Blog for quite some time.  I recently crossed 200 Moz Points.  As per Moz Points, it says "Removal of "nofollow" from first custom URL on profile" for crossing 200 points.  I still dont see any links from Moz when I am using OSE.  Can anyone suggest what i need to do?

    | vinodh-spintadigital

  • I've used Open Site Explorer to crawl my site for Internal Links. However I would like to see just internal links within the copy, not in the nav or footer. Is there a way of doing so that isn't manual? Or is there another tool that would do so?

    | omac

  • In the last weekly reports, the page optimization has not been working correctly. When Is Page Optimization Section Going To Be Fixed?  Please let us know. Thank you.

    | Videogamefan

  • Hello all, For the last few months, Moz has been showing us that our site has roughly 2,000 duplicate content errors. Pages that were actually duplicate content, I took care of accordingly using best practice (301 redirects, canonicalization,etc.). Still remaining after these fixes were errors showing for pages that we have never created. Our homepage is An example of pages that are being shown as duplicate content is with a referring page of Some of these are even now showing up as 403 and 404 errors. The only real page on our site within that URL strand is or Therefore, I am not sure where Moz is getting these pages from. Another issue we are having in relation to duplicate content is that moz is showing old campaign url’s tacked on to our blog page i.e. As of this morning, our duplicate content went from 2,000 to 18,000. I exported all of our crawl diagnostics data and looked to see what the referring pages were, and even they are not pages that we have created. When you click on these links, they take you to a random point in time from the homepage of our blog; some dating back to 2010. I checked our crawl stats in both Google and Bing’s Webmaster tool, and there are no duplicate content or 400 level errors being reporting from their crawl. My team is truly at a loss with trying to resolve this issue and any help with this matter would be greatly appreciated.

    | PrimePay

  • We moved our site over to HTTPS this week and I was wondering if I need to create a new Moz campaign? I'm aware you can't change a website address in an existing Moz campaign, however the website listed in the current campaign contains no http//www. and seems to only be entered as Anyone have a suggestion for this?

    | ilewis

  • I've only just started to dip my toe into the SEO pool, so please forgive me if this is a silly question. I've been working heavily in the Moz tool and the Yoast SEO plugin to clean up the meta descriptions on our site, as there were many pages without descriptions in place (we just transferred from a different CMS to Wordpress within the last month or so). Now I'm noticing on our Site Crawl that we have 60+ pages that have title elements that are considered too long. When I go in to fix these issues on our blog posts (as this is where most of the issues lie), Yoast is already giving me the green light on the title lengths. I've discovered that the reason why Moz is telling us that many of our site lengths are too long is because "| Parker Staffing Services" is added to the end of our title tags automatically. Deep breath Now that you've heard all of the backstory... Is there a way that I can prevent that site title (which is 26 characters all by itself! Talk about limiting!) from displaying on search engines when our blog posts or pages show up in search results? I've poked around in the Titles & Metas settings that come with Yoast, but I fear making too many changes will result in me screwing something up. Help an SEO beginner out? 🙂

    | giaciccone

  • I'm really questioning the legitimacy of the duplicate content flags with moz. I'm building a website that sells home decor products and a lot of the pages are similar in structure (As would be expected with a store that sells thousands of individual products). It seems a little overkill to me to flag the following pages as duplicate content. They have different urls, titles, h1, h2, and h3 tages, different meta tags, etc. Right now, it's saying that the following have duplicate page content:,-woodland,-woodland Any ideas? Also, it seems like it's not honoring the rel-canonical tag. It keeps saying that pages with a rel canonical tag are duplicates when some of the urls that it's flagging shouldn't even be indexed because of the canonical tag. The "pi" in the query string should not be indexed!

    | cp_web

  • I have site that is in staging. I have a Javascript object on one of my pages. Is there a way to test to see if google crawler will read the js object without pre-rendering in the code?

    | brianvest

  • Hello Friends, Just want to confirm that the announcement by Google officials for no more pagerank update (Oct 14) is only for the Google toolbar update but pagerank still exists and still a ranking factor for Google? Please help. Regards

    | chakraseo

  • Hi Guys, We are having some major problems with our Google Analytics and MOz account. Due to the large number of ghost/referral spam and crawler bots we have added some heavy filtering to GA. This seems to be working protecting the data from all these problems but also filtering out much needed data that is not coming through. In example, we used to get a hundred visitors a day at the least and now we are down to under ten. ANYBODY PLEASE HELP. HAVE READ THROUGH MANY ARTICLES WITH NO FIND TO PERMANENT SOLID SOLUTION (even willing to go with paid service instead of GA) Thank You so Much, S.M.

    | KristyKK

  • HI there, I am using Yoast SEO plugin on a wordpress website.  I am currently showing 70 Med priority crawl errors 'missing meta description' on my Moz pro account. This number of missing meta descriptions has increased over the last 6 weeks. But every single page / post / tag / category has both the title and meta description completed via Yoast. I requested a google bot to crawl the site a few weeks ago as thought it perhaps wasn't been crawled and updated. Any idea what the issue might be?  Could the Moz report be incorrect for some reason?  Or could something be blocking Moz / Google from seeing the Yoast plugin?

    | skehoe

  • so sorry if i offend anyone here ...but dang SEO Experts are the used car sale guy of 1999! we have a small eCommerce company in Jacksonville, FL - and we are always looking for improve our SEO - we have been members of moz for almost 10 years now!  We have learned alot with all the tools they offer, We have tried at least 5 local and national SEO consultants, agencies and consultants - NONE HAVE WORKED. The time has come for us to hire an in house SEO do you have any advise on how a small business that wants to grow our SEO can weed thru the thousands of SEO "GURU's" out there today - Everyone is an expert. On a side not if you want to move to Florida and help us grow -

    | BryanCroft

  • Hello everyone, I am fairly new to SEO (I've learning as much as possible the last 2 weeks!) and its a fun and interesting process thats already helped immensely with my website thanks to the community members for answering questions. I am a wedding photographer and videographer on Kauai, and as with most photography sites we are fairly image heavy text light (Working to change that as we speak). That being said my competitor (my site is is growing his organic results very quickly. Is this due greatly in part to this Parent directory which then leads to single pages like this of images? With how many single pages there are like this linked in the background of the site with Im assuming with descriptive and proper text, keywords, and so on of each alum like this (lots and lots of images and pages/links). If someone could help with understanding this or implementing it would be of great help as I've only gotten my feet wet with SEO and don't want to be making wrong assumptions or analysis! Many thanks for any ideas or insight everyone, -Jon

    | Jon_Gibb

  • This is a follow on to an earlier question which was well answered by Dirk Ceuppens regarding abnormal crawl issues. We are seeing that the issues relating to Duplicate Pages are coming from links from the login page which shows information about where the user was redirected from. For example, if the visitor is not logged on and wishes to wish-list an item, they will be redirected to the login page, with the item code and intended action in the url; which can then continue on to the desired page once logged on. The MOZ crawler is seeing these pages as having Duplicated Content whilst they are all the same apart from a piece of information in the URL. Should we be blocking these duplications? Are they a risk to us? What should we be doing? Many thanks, Sarah

    | Mutatio_Digital

  • Just had the experience of using OSE data to show what we call "linkrot" to a client -- only to find that GWMT / Search Analytics shows no such thing. Fortunately the client is an old friend and no face was lost, but it was dicey there for a bit as I have come to rely on and reference OSE again and again and again, OSE showed Domain Authority dropping by about 1/3 in the last 12 months, presumably due to old links getting broken, linking sites changing their architecture etc. And of course, ranking is tanking, as you would expect. But Google shows many more (and much more spammy looking!) backlinks. Has anyone had any experience benchmarking the 2 data sets of backlinks against each other?  Dr Pete?
    Does one update more frequently than another? Do you trust one more than another?? If so, why?? Thanks!

    | seo_plus

  • I'm researching my keywords trying to strategise content around keywords I can optimise. Most of the high search volume (1000 + searches per month) keywords I want to optimise are in and around 0.5-0.6, is this good? Is this score range considered highly competitive...?

    | JordanStodart1

  • I'm getting duplicate content warnings from Moz for various slideshows on my posts and pages in Wordpress. It seems when I create a slideshow it exists as its own page and as these have no text Moz sees them as duplicates. Here are some examples -
    Moz says is a duplicate of - The second of those two slideshows is on this page -  but also exists as the page above. How can i avoid these being seen as duplicate content?

    | simonatkinsphoto

  • My client has a magento site that we've recently started working on. After the site was crawled by Moz a couple of times we noticed there was an issue with title tags being too long. However, when we looked closer at the data, Moz was seemingly picking up the breadcrumbs as the title tag. The actual tag is a small part of the breadcrumbs, but Moz was reporting they were the same. For example: 
    Breadcrumbs - home>products>category A of products 
    Title Tag - category A of products I just wondered if anyone else has had this problem? Is it Moz's mistake or is the title tag auto generating from the breadcrumbs and cutting off the beginning somehow? Any information would be really helpful, thanks.

    | Stone_Junction

  • I pulled a recent report for all words I'm tracking locally and it states that a specific term ranks #4 on desktop and #3 on mobile. But in separate columns, specifically "Google en-US Mobile Friendly" that same terms shows as 'FALSE'. Any idea what this means? Thanks!

    | KristinaWitmer

  • Hi this is my first question in here I truly hope someone will be able to help. It's quite a detailed problem and I'd love to be able to fix it through your kind help. It regards htaccess files and robot.txt files and 902 errors. In October I created a WordPress website from what was previously a non-WordPress site it was quite dated. I had built the new site on a sub-domain I created on the existing site so that the live site could remain live whilst I created on the subdomain.  The site I built on the subdomain is now live but I am concerned about the existence of the old htaccess files and robots txt files and wonder if I should just delete the old ones to leave the just the new on the new site. I created new htaccess and robots.txt files on the new site and have left the old htaccess files there. Just to mention that all the old content files are still sat on the server under a folder called 'old files' so I am assuming that these aren't affecting matters. I access the htaccess and robots.txt files by clicking on 'public html' via ftp I did a Moz crawl and was astonished to 902 network error saying that it wasn't possible to crawl the site, but then I was alerted by Moz later on to say that the report was ready..I see 641 crawl errors ( 449 medium priority | 192 high priority | Zero low priority ).  Please see attached image. Each of the errors seems to have status code 200; this seems to be applying to mainly the images on each of the pages: eg . The new website is built around the 907 Theme which has some page sections on the home page, and parallax sections on the home page and throughout the site. To my knowledge the content and the images on the pages are not duplicated because I have made each page as unique and original as possible.  The report says 190 pages have been duplicated so I have no clue how this can be or how to approach fixing this. Since October when the new site was launched, approx 50% of incoming traffic has dropped off at the home page and that is still the case, but the site still continues to get new traffic according to Google Analytics statistics. However Bing Yahoo and Google show a low level of Indexing and exposure which may be indicative of the search engines having difficulty crawling the site.  In Google Analytics in Webmaster Tools, the screen text reports no crawl errors. W3TC is a WordPress caching plugin which I installed just a few days ago to speed up page speed, so I am not querying anything here about W3TC unless someone spots that this might be a problem, but like I said there have been problems re traffic dropping off when visitors arrive on the home page. The Yoast SEO plugin is being used. I have included information about the htaccess and robots.txt files below. The pages on the subdomain are pointing to the live domain as has been explained to me by the person who did the site migration. I'd like the site to be free from pages and files that shouldn't be there and I feel that the site needs a clean up as well as knowing if the robots.txt and htaccess files that are included in the old site should actually be there or if they should be deleted... ok here goes with the information in the files. Site 1) refers to the current website. Site 2) refers to the subdomain. Site 3 refers to the folder that contains all the old files from the old non-WordPress file structure. **************** 1) htaccess on the current site: ********************* BEGIN W3TC Browser Cache <ifmodule mod_deflate.c=""><ifmodule mod_headers.c="">Header append Vary User-Agent env=!dont-vary</ifmodule>
    <ifmodule mod_filter.c="">AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css text/x-component application/x-javascript application/javascript text/javascript text/x-js text/html text/richtext image/svg+xml text/plain text/xsd text/xsl text/xml image/x-icon application/json
    <ifmodule mod_mime.c=""># DEFLATE by extension
    AddOutputFilter DEFLATE js css htm html xml</ifmodule></ifmodule></ifmodule> END W3TC Browser Cache BEGIN W3TC CDN <filesmatch ".(ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|font.css)$"=""><ifmodule mod_headers.c="">Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"</ifmodule></filesmatch> END W3TC CDN BEGIN W3TC Page Cache core <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-Encoding} gzip
    RewriteRule .* - [E=W3TC_ENC:_gzip]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} w3tc_preview [NC]
    RewriteRule .* - [E=W3TC_PREVIEW:_preview]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} !=POST
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} =""
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /$
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !(comment_author|wp-postpass|w3tc_logged_out|wordpress_logged_in|wptouch_switch_toggle) [NC]
    RewriteCond "%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/wp-content/cache/page_enhanced/%{HTTP_HOST}/%{REQUEST_URI}/_index%{ENV:W3TC_PREVIEW}.html%{ENV:W3TC_ENC}" -f
    RewriteRule .* "/wp-content/cache/page_enhanced/%{HTTP_HOST}/%{REQUEST_URI}/_index%{ENV:W3TC_PREVIEW}.html%{ENV:W3TC_ENC}" [L]</ifmodule> END W3TC Page Cache core BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPress ....(((I have 7 301 redirects in place for old page url's to link to new page url's))).... #Force non-www:
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301] **************** 1) robots.txt on the current site: ********************* User-agent: *
    Sitemap: **************** 2) htaccess in the subdomain folder: ********************* Switch rewrite engine off in case this was installed under HostPay. RewriteEngine Off SetEnv DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION 53 DirectoryIndex index.cgi index.php BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /WPnewsiteDee/
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /subdomain/index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPress **************** 2) robots.txt in the subdomain folder: ********************* this robots.txt file is empty **************** 3) htaccess in the Old Site folder: ********************* Deny from all *************** 3) robots.txt in the Old Site folder: ********************* User-agent: *
    Disallow: / I have tried to be thorough so please excuse the length of my message here. I really hope one of you great people in the Moz community can help me with a solution. I have SEO knowledge I love SEO but I have not come across this before and I really don't know where to start with this one. Best Regards to you all and thank you for reading this. moz-site-crawl-report-image_zpsirfaelgm.jpg

    | SEOguy1

  • Hi,
    I'd like to offer free website health checks (basic audits) and am wondering what tools other people use for this? It would be good to use something that presents the data well. Moz is great but it gets expensive if I want to offer these to many businesses in the hope of taking on just a few as clients and doing a full manual audit for them. So far I've tried (just checks a single page though), and mysiteauditor. Thanks!

    | CamperConnect14

  • SEOmoz says their Domain / Page Authority is logarithmic, meaning that lower rankings are easier to get, higher rankings harder to get. Makes sense. But does anyone know what logarithmic equation they use? I'm using the domain and page authority as one metric in amongst other metrics in my keyword analysis. I can't have some metrics linear, others exponential and the SEOmoz one logarithmic.

    | eatyourveggies

  • Hello, I have had a look on webmaster tools and Moz and can see lots of bad links on Moz only. I am thinking whether to disavow them and was wondering if you could you let me know if it is possible to have a look at your current disavow file? I do not currently know what links were included the previous time. Is there a way to check if there are any links in the file at all? I thought I would raise this question as there is a lot of negative info about the disavow tool.

    | SEM_at_Lees

  • I have around 12 duplicate tags in the blog and the general consensus is to noindex./nofollow the tag pages which is not an awful way to do things. Should I just arrange my tags better or remove them all together? I believe it's the fact that the same page can be accessed by 3 different url's because of the tags it's under and that in the tag urls, only teaser descriptions of the posts are being display, not the full post, but the seomoz tools still consider it as duplicated content.

    | SEM_at_Lees

  • Could anyone tell me the best way to add noindex./nofollow meta tags as I have around 12 duplicate tags in a blog. I have the Yoast SEO plugin - unpaid version.

    | SEM_at_Lees

  • Hi There, 1- Does MoZ provide the data on “which keyword searchers are searching in a particular market”, so that I can make a better decision regarding my own keywords?If MoZ does not do this what other best tool is out there in market for this particular purpose? 2- Suppose I decide some keywords for my site and start doing optimization for them. "Does MoZ tell me “how much traffic my those keywords are receiving with the passage of time”. If MoZ does not do this what other best tool is out there in market for this particular purpose? 3- Does Moz give "data on competitors keyword activity also"? If MoZ does not do this what other best tool is out there in market for this particular purpose? Hope somebody with concrete knowledge and experience will enlighten me. Cheers Tanveer

    | Sequelmed

  • I'm using Google Chrome with SERP Overlay and it use to say Export to CSV... now it says Get Keyword Difficulty Report. Was this purposely removed? This is one feature that I really liked (SEOQuake does this)... basically where I can export the search results with relevant metrics.

    | WrightIMC

  • I have been asked to look at a site for a friend and was more than surprised to see 16,9k crawl issues appear in the dashboard... of this 6,238 are duplicate page content and 5878 are duplicated page titles. What on earth is going on? I have spoken to the web developer as it appears there is a dev site somewhere and this is his response [Can I stress that Google determines which site was in the index first and then removes other sites it sees as having duplicate content.  Our dev sites appearing in the search index would not affect your ranking due to duplicate content as Google would see your site as the first site with the content] As I cannot make contact with him, I am scratching my head, surely a dev site should be no-indexed, it sounds as though he is saying that its ok because Google will take the main site as the first site with the content... Very confused! Help need MOZ community. Manythanks, Sarah

    | Mutatio_Digital

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a newish website and have been monitoring the DA and PA. has a PA of just 21 has a PA of 32. Both have completely different backlinks showing up. Id really like the PA of 31 as the isn't ranking at all yet. ANy advice on this would be great thank you. And sorry if it's really basic stuff for many of you! Best, James

    | CamperConnect14

  • Following the week of Google's major algorithm update in January, we saw this graph in our Moz dashboard. (green bars are # of landing pages receiving traffic from search, blue line is traffic from search) Traffic from SEO grew slightly, but number of landing pages receiving traffic fell by more than 50%. We didn't make any changes to sitemap, rel=canonical, number of pages being published, etc. Traffic from top keywords held consistent. Number of pages/images google crawled and indexed grew per webmaster tools. Big spike in Nov/Dec is because we are in retail, seasonal not technical issues. Is anyone else experience the same thing? An algo change? Or something more specific to our site? Quality traffic is what we care about, so number of pages traffic is going to could be a positive thing (easier to optimize). But jury is out. M9bOgi8

    | Garmentory

  • I am new to the world of SEO and Google Analytics specifically.  I want to find a way to easily see top pages, search terms, and traffic.  In Moz I thought I could see this by using "traffic from search", but I only see one page that is ghost spam nothing related to any of my pages.   I made sure the right account is connected and it is. Any suggestions on how to get this data easily?

    | CRMI

  • Hello, How can I see which videos from Youtube that has my domain inserted in their description url drive traffic to my domain? I can see in GA how many visitors are coming from Youtube to my domain, but I can't see what Youtube video pages has driven traffic. Any help?

    | xeonet32

  • We are looking for talent and having a hard time finding staff with good qualification and passion. Any suggestions or feedback would be awesome. We are located in South Florida. Thanks Antoine

    | adupont65

  • Hey there, I've a problem with this domain In OSE  just saw a spam score very high and so, I tried to see backlinks' profile in order to find suspicious backlinks. But in OSE there's a bucle, I mean: I know my domain has a high spam score but I cannot see any bad backlinks, actually the only one I see it's the same that, It's a bucle. I tried to use other tools but I wasn't able to see backlinks, actually we don't have many. What Should I do in order to fix it? What does spam score mean? Thanks in advance Francesca

    | Nuvolaa

  • In the past 2 months we have been seeing a large amount of movement in our ranking reports in Moz Pro. Here is what is going on: We run reports for around 15 different clients using Moz. We also track around an average of 100-150 different keywords for each client (some more, some less). What I have seen lately is that we have a week where the sites do great, next week a large shift down. The week after a large shift up. The next week a large shift down. Rinse, repeat. It makes it very hard to spot the trouble areas on a page or keyword when there doesn't really seem to be a consistent way of knowing what the trends are. It appears to be random, and the next week they seem to recover, along with some that do not. We will see some keywords drop 30 places, only to regain the majority of that drop the following week. Some of the sites have received content updates while others have remained largely untouched. It is very confusing to see this pattern, and I have tracked it for about 2 months. Is anyone seeing a similar pattern in their reports?  Could this be related to the rollout of Google's RankBrain, the new AI learning tech from Google? Most of the keywords are tracked are not long tail, and are basic local business/service type of keywords. Plumber in St Louis, etc etc

    | David-Kley

  • Why would my sub landing pages have a higher Moz Rank than my home page

    | tonycord10

  • Hi all, Hope you are doing good and that all is well at your end. I'm a marketing team member here at Zephyr and I take care of the content side things for the team. I'm reaching out to you this morning in regards to figuring whether any Moz feature can be used for fixing broken links on our website and whether or not it can generate the broken links report which can be exported and saved in a spreadsheet. We are in the middle of cleaning up all the broken links which are currently live on our drupal site and which is why we are in need of a tool that generates the report of all the broken links onto an excel spreadsheet.Once we have the list of broken links set in a spreadsheet, we will work towards fixing those links. Meanwhile, we have also created a 404 error image for our readers who can be directed towards our homepage. Please, let me know if you can help me take care of these below-mentioned requests: 1. Suggest a tool /Moz feature which can generate the site report and list of broken links onto excel/spreadsheet 2. Once I've the list in an excel format, is there an automated way in which we can fix all the broken links which are currently live on our website, instead of manually deleting/unlinking those pages. Truly appreciate your help. Thank you! Is there an automated way in which we can fix all the broken links which are currently live on our website, instead of manually deleting/unlinking those pages.

    | LilianB

  • Hey there, when I check in search console for "Links to your site" and "your most linked content" I see incoming links pointing to the wrong (country and language) subdirectory? When I check those same backlinks with opensiteexplorer they seem to point (after redirects) to the correct subdirectory. Anyone out there with similar experiences or thoughts on this? I would be happy to give access to search console if you wanted to have a look at this. Cheers, Jochen When I check in search console for "Links to your site" and "your most linked content" I see incoming links pointing to the wrong (country and language) subdirectory? When I check those same backlinks with opensiteexplorer they seem to point (after redirects) to the correct subdirectory. Anyone out there with similar experiences or thoughts on this? I would be happy to give access to search console if you wanted to have a look at this.

    | Online-Marketing-Guy

  • Moz alerted me to two 404 errors on our website. I am now trying to place a 301 redirect on them. How would I go about accomplishing?

    | EverlastingChanges

  • Hi, I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this. I've had a followed link created from pointing to my website - but in the reports it doesn't show that there is a link coming fro this website. The link has been active for a few months now, but still no record of it. Any ideas?

    | SeoSheikh

  • I've noticed that several websites have lost DA since middle of october. I attached a picture. Could be this a MOZ internal issue like happened a time ago? Not only the DA get down, I have lost C-blocks links, too
    I check in and found this Crawl Services Outage:
    But not appear to have direct relation with my question.
    Or may be a google algoritm update? 3anVE5J.png

    | NachoRetta

  • Hi guys, I'm looking for advanced popup for WP website.
    Im looking something with advanced filters. For example: Filter the visitors by the operation system (For mobile).Will show to new visitors, but exclude to returns visitors.
    Will exclude visitors that sign up to the website.
    Filter the traffic...Popup will show only to visitors from FB, Google organic etc... Well, i believe that you understand what i need...
    Anyone know something like this ? Thank you!

    | EdmondHong87

  • Hello, I'm doing a 10-step disavow check using this article, this word document, and this corresponding spreadsheet template. Doing a disavow for a non-manual penguin penalty (paid links, doorway sites) It's taking a long time. Can you give me some pointers of how to speed things up? I want to do it right but I need to know how I can do it faster. Like tricks on domains to automatically disavow, what not to check, whatever tips you have. I'm using Cognitive SEO and manual checking. I'd like to avoid pricy tools. I'm on a mac. Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • Moz crawl test show blank report for my website test - Why??? Please suggest.

    | zoe.wilson17

  • Attached here is a screenshot of links with duplicate content. Here are some links that is also based on the screenshot The links that I have placed here have different content. So I don't why they are treated as duplicates BWWJuvQ

    | clestcruz

  • I am hoping someone could help us determine why we generally rank quite poorly compared to our competition, despite leading in every single Competitive Metric.  We get outranked on a term where the Page Grade gives us an "A", and we best the competitor on each of the metrics.  Where would those with more experience suggest we start looking? rank.jpg

    | Yardboy

  • Hello, My domain authority dropped on 17 Nov 2015 Domain name is: drop from 74 to 68 Also on another domain : Drop from 38 to 34. Very much surprised by this big drop? Would appreciate everyone's feedback? Thanks

    | SameerBhatia

  • Hi Guys, How can check location wise results in Google. Can you please help me. Thanks, Akhilesh

    | dotlineseo

  • Hi All- We're new to the MOZ community and plan to use the tools to help our site. We sell graphic design retail products globally. We're looking for a recommendation for a MOZ pro in Los Angeles (ideally) to help us build out our campaign(s) and get us started with the MOZ tools. Any of you in LA? Any of you have a rec for a great resource close to us? Thanks so much, Scott

    | freshs

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