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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • I know this question is terribly general . . . but I don't even know where to start in terms of sharing info, which I would be glad to post on request. My site was recently re-designed and migrated to a new server.  I certainly expected SOME drop in traffic as google gets the snew site all figured out, but as you can see this drop has been dramatic.  It's a simple wordpress site, I have yoast ptimized on it, I don't have many obvious errors that have not already been fixed that I can see.   
    I just . ..what the heck is going on and how can I fix it?    Is it normal and takes a month or two to sort out?  Help! Screen%20Shot%2012-04-15%20at%2011.32%20AM_zpsczdmzcjt.png

    | damon1212

  • I've had three carefully written posts disappear in the past day or so.  I push the button to "post response" and get a blank screen.  Gone.

    | EGOL

  • Hello everybody, before 3 months i began seo in Its an eshop based on symfony framework. We started with on-page seo optimization and after making links in directories, forums and article directories. After 2 months we saw rankings for niche keywords (γυαλια ηλιου, γυαλια ηλιου προσφορες) at 5th and 8th page of Now, the rankings does down and i cannot unserstand the reason. I checked old backlinks with opensite explorer, and found some spam backlinks links (3/10). Is this the reason that seo not going well? I am very dissapointed and i would like to tell me you opinion about what is going wrong with that site. My customer owns one more domain, and i am thinking to move all the site that is running on to (301 redirect to all links). The ranks better in the same niche keywords without seo. Is it good idea? Will achieve better rankings or not? Thanks

    | simplewebsol

  • Are there any reports you can run on Moz that lets your view YOY analytics?

    | sderuyter

  • So the ratio is MozTrust to MozRank, but what is this good for?  What can I deduce from this and what can I use it for?

    | MarloSchneider

  • Hello Moz! I just subscribed for your Moz Pro program. Amazing stuff! On open site explorer, I found a number of links to my site from a page called with a very high page authority and high domain authority, but also a high spam score (8 or 9, one with a 10). I say multiple spam scores, because it's strange, there are what appears variations of the same url, and each one is considered a link.  For instance, there's an and, and there are about 15 of these (all with the spam scores mentioned above)! This must have been some old SEO work done I payed for back in the prehistoric SEO days. However, my fear is the following: Removing these links, and then losing some potentially strong link juice.  I don't have many high DA or PA links to my site, and these are some major ones. The domain in question "", when entered into OSE, only has a spam score of 4, and it has a domain authority of 45 and page authority of 37.  My site has a spam score of 2 and no messages from google regarding a penalty, but an overall reduction in google traffic over the years (just keeps slowly dropping... as if a weight is pulling me down?) What do you think, should I leave, or remove?  The linkstomysite page is just a LONG page full of links, with short descriptions, nothing of value, but with a an old domain age (relatively). Most important for me is keeping at least some ranking/visibility, while I personally work on building quality links and helpful content. thanks!

    | DavidC.

  • Hi everyone, I've been looking around the forum and found some similar topics but none of them have solved my problem. Anyway, I'm new to SEO and found that when I use Open Site Explorer for the www version of my site I see the links directed to my page, but none of my twitter stats show up. When I do the same for my non-www version. I see my twitter stats, but no links. Facebook seems unchanged. Also, the Page Authority is much higher for the www (I assume because of the links) It is my understanding that it doesn't matter which version of the domain is used, I just need to pick one and stick with it (on Google Webmaster Tools, etc.). And that I also need to do a 301 redirect for the version that I'm not using. The issue now is that I have a 301 redirect, and when I type in my url in any version (http, https, www, non-www) it all redirects in the browser without issue. So i know users are getting to the right page, but the Open Site Explorer still sees them as 2 different sites. My concern is that if Open Site Explorer sees it this way then Google may see it this way as well and I could be missing out on potential rankings. I'm currently doing the redirect in the .htaccess file. The redirect looks like this: RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] Any Ideas on what I need to do to properly 301 redirect the site so that my preferred version can get credited with the links,twitter, and Page Authority stats? Also, I'm using wordpress and it has the URL set to the non-www version of the site. However, I think I would like to change this to the www version because most of the links are directing to www, and I also think people are more familiar with that format. Anyway, sorry for the long post. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    | opstart

  • Hi, We are trying to outrank a competitor of ours on Google for around 100 terms that we are both clearly targetting. Our competitor currently 'wins' in the SERPS around 70% of the time, often ranking in the top 3 positions. The problem is, we are absolutely convinced that all onsite and offsite SEO metrics we are monitoring would suggest that our content should almost always place higher than theirs. Here is what I know: All pages on both websites are rated 'A' by the Moz on-page-grader tool for the phrases we are targetting, with virtually no tech issues to be addressed on either site Our domain authority is 10 points higher than theirs Neither of us have external links to the relevant pages on our sites (although we are working on some for ours) Our Page Authority is considerably higher on average - often by 10 points or more We have considerably more linking route domains, from better sites. Also many more total external links The HTML title and H1 headings of our pages contain the target phrases at the beginning - our competitors are the same. Although they often ONLY include the target phrases in their title, wheras in our title they might only take up 1/3 of the total characters We have images optimised for the target phrases on our pages. As do they. We use the target phrases roughly the same number of times in our copy text, as do they I have totally run out of ideas now for further optimising our site/pages to consistently rank better for these target phrases, although maybe these are a couple of factors that could be having an impact on the rankings: The structure of their website is perhaps optimised more for these target phrases - our site is much bigger, so perhaps our 100 pages are given less relevance on our site than their 100 pages? - but surely our stronger page authority would suggest otherwise? Perhaps Google is using page engagement statistics to determine that their site is 'betteer' than ours in terms of user appeal and engagment? Can anyone think of something that I might have missed? Is there another major ranking factor I have perhaps neglected in my research? I know link building strategies are a good way to approach this in the long run, but we are currently just concerned about why we are not already ranking better when clearly they are not undertaking any link building strategies of their own. Any help or pointers here would be enormously appreciated. Thanks Lou

    | OBG

  • Hello, We'd like to use OSE to make a disavow list. Can we just go through everything with a spam score of 5 or higher that looks like spam when we visit the site and disavow all of them? I'll be using Moz pro, are there any other free tools that I can utilize? What do I keep in mind? Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • We have roughly 800 keywords and I have created labels for the different groups of keywords. What I would like to do is have weekly or monthly reports sent to me based on the labels associated with the individual keywords. Any ideas on how I can do this? Thanks David

    | DavidRFrank

  • Hi, I recall being able to use OSE for Facebook. Take which we know as a URL would have many backlinks. It's need registering any. Has this always been the case?

    | wearehappymedia

  • Our site ( specialises in train journey planning at ticket booking, so we want to improve our ranking when people search Google for a specific journey they want to make (eg "London to Barcelona by train"). We have a set of about 400 Guide pages (eg London to Barcelona) which we want people to find when they search for those journeys. I've been trying to find out why some of those pages do better than others in search, and what our competitors are doing better. I was hoping that the SERP analysis and Keyword Reports tool could help me with this, so I ran analyses for a set of the keyword phrases we want to rank for, but I was surprised to find that most of the metrics in both the basic and full reports don't seem to relate to how high in the search result a page ranks. The screengrab attached shows the results for "Brussels to Paris train", which are fairly typical - many of the top-ranking pages have fairly low scores for most metrics, and the metrics don't seem to have much effect on how high they are in the search results. ( I assume N/A means the Page Authority is very low, or is it not calculated for some other reason?) I looked into this a bit further by downloading full reports for 11 keyword searches, and comparing the average scores for each metric with the rank, but I still couldn't see any effects of the metrics on the ranks. If anything, pages with higher Page Authority and Domain Authority were further down in search rankings. Does this mean that link metrics aren't very important for the kinds of pages we're looking at? This makes sense to me, because if I'm searching for tickets from London to Barcelona I want to find a very specific results page which is unlikely to have many links, but I keep reading that link metrics are one of the most important factors in SEO. Am I misunderstanding something? wJ9uUcG

    | MargotLoco2

  • While using Open Site Explorer from Moz I came across follow links from Instagram and Pinterest. Now my question is how can we get follow links from Pinterest and Instagram

    | rakesh1

  • Hello Moz, I am enjoying being here i just bought moz pro, and am digging for what to change in my website, Apart from that I just wanna know why my website not getting rank in search engine, if someone can do quick audit for me it will be obligation on me. querease(dot)com

    | querease

  • Huge drop in DA, anybody else seeing the same thing?

    | brunoseo

  • My site has a spam score of 7/17 and I'm not really sure how this happened - I think maybe when I changed my domain from Wordpress to Bluehost? It's very hard to get my site to rank in Google and I'm getting very few hits through search engines, wondering if the spam score is why? How do I fix this? The flags are: Low MozTrust or MozRank Score
    The site link profile is not trustworthy. ✓ Large Site with Few Links
    We found very few sites linking to this site, considering its size. ✓ Site Link Diversity is Low
    The diversity of link sources to this subdomain is low. ✓ Ratio of Followed to Nofollowed Subdomains
    The ratio of followed to nofollowed subdomains linking to this subdomain is outside the normal range of others in our index. ✓ Ratio of Followed to Nofollowed Domains
    The ratio of followed to nofollowed domains linking to this subdomain is outside the normal range of others in our index. ✓ Small Proportion of Branded Links
    Links to this subdomain have low amounts of branded anchor text. Low Number of Pages Found
    Crawl only gets a valid response to a small number of pages. What will this be doing to my site and how do I make this better? Thanks!

    | Plant-Powered

  • Hi everyone, I'm very, very pleased to announce that the latest Mozscape index has been released five days ahead of schedule, and it's back up to the quality you expect from Moz! It's no secret that we've struggled this year with our index. I can't overstate how much we appreciate everyone sticking with us—we know how hard this has been. The good news—well, apart from the early release—is that we've worked out the issue, and we expect to finally be back on track moving forward. Director of Engineering Martin York has shared a post to the Moz blog explaining just what's been going so wrong, and outlining our plan for the future. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for being such an incredible community. As for the folks who are seeing Domain Authority and Page Authority drops since the index release, please see Rand's recent post for more.

    | MattRoney

  • Hi What is the best tool out there to doing a full brand audit for company.  They've created at least 15 websites and have possibly many domain names which have been ordered by different people over many years. I need to find the quickest and best tool to do this with. Any suggestions would be great.

    | Cocoonfxmedia

  • Hi everybody, I'm not a SEO expert just an e-marketing trainee and i have to create a smart SEO report template for a real estate company. I don't know what to include in this personal monthly report : What are the key informations ?
    Should I include Google Analytics data and wich one? Sorry for my english that's not my mother tongue. Thanks for your answers

    | grafmiville

  • Hi, I recall being able to use OSE for Facebook. Take which we know as a URL would have many backlinks. It's not registering any. Has this always been the case?

    | wearehappymedia

  • I recently started working for a company and got them to use Moz and I have found that our secure site and our live sites are creating "duplicate content" according to the Crawl Diagnostics feature. On our secure site we have rel canonical tags pointing to our live site. I'm not super familiar with rel canonical tags, but our developer says we're doing the right thing. Would love any insight you guys may have if this is actually duplicate content or not. Thanks so much!

    | Chase_Cleckner

  • Our website is a dating site for adults (not porn) ( It’s been STUCK in the middle of page 2 for 1 ½ years. Moving up or down 2 ranking, that’s it. The way we determine our location is by entering the most common phrases used by people who search for our type of site.  We surveyed 50+ people and the phrases they most frequently entered when using Google were “swingers websites”  “swingers sites” and “free swingers sites”. In addition to our competitors ranking above us, they show “movement” in their rankings up & or down. Some even dropped to page 2 but they recovered – we are not seeing the same movement or recovery. Pages crawled on have remained virtually unchanged for months.  The last 1 ½ years we have hired SEO companies, and as a result a great deal of effort has been put into the site. We are not naïve and realize some were better than others.  We’ve invested a great deal of effort into content, key words, modifying tags, and throughout all of this we’ve seen no change.  We had a detailed audit suggesting improvements (no surprise), the report overall was positive stating “There are a few things to do to optimize the site but looking at the keywords, should be able to rank high.” We also implemented a blog area with over 70 blog posts. Our competitors on the other hand have only two blog posts and are continually ranking higher than us.  Additionally, our competitors do not have sites on Pinterest, G+, FB, or Twitter – we have a presence on some of these. I do know that the number and quality of links are terrible.  I’m looking for a partner to help us make strategic changes to the site that will allow us to rank higher.

    | sailor3570

  • In competitive link metrics, our client is doing very well in every metric against every competitor except in Total Links against one competitor in particular. Wondering how to improve this metric against this one competitor. Any strategies, whether MOZ-specific or other that can boost this metric? Thanks.

    | buffalonickel

  • Hey Mozzers, Looking in my Google Search Console (Webmaster Tools), I'm getting links pointing to bogus pages on my website that result in a 404.  What does one do so you can tell Google that it has been "fixed"? Do i just 301 it to another website? If I add it to my disavow list, does Google remove the error in my webmaster tools? Thank you!

    | Shawn124

  • Currently i am using MOZ pro tool under moz analyticls >> Moz Competitive Link Metrics >> history having a graph "Linking C-Blocks" Please help me understanding Linking C-Blocks, what is, How to build, how to define ...

    | shankar333

  • I just Check Crawl the status error with Duplicate Page Content.  As Mentioned Below. | Download free mp3, Hindi Music, Indian Mp3 Songs | Download free mp3, Hindi Music, Indian Mp3 Songs          and then i added these lines to my htaccess file RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301] But Still See that error again when i crawl a new test.

    | Getmp3songspk

  • Hello, I'm managing a site which shows as having duplicate page issues (in the crawl analyser) for 3 pages. Basically the site is offering 3 different options of the same product so depending on which size you select, you are directed to the relevant page. These 3 pages are basically identical apart from a slight difference in copy regarding the size (small, medium, large) Is this likely to be a big issue regarding SEO, and what would the moz community suggest re this? Thank you!

    | wearehappymedia

  • Short term. Basically helping a company train internal SEO people from round the globe. Involves time and fee to create your training plus several 4 hour sessions and possible follow up consulting. Pays well. Email me at [email protected]. Thanks Al Blanco

    | InfusionAdmin

  • Hi Friends, I am new to this community. I just checked my inbound links using Moz tool and I came to know that there are some inbound links with spammy score. So, should I remove those links using disavow tool? Awaiting for the reply.


  • Hey everybody, I'm going through all my sites and disavowing crap links. However, I'm having trouble distinguishing which high DA sites to disavow. What would you do? For example: and They both have tons of backlinks - both good and crap. The first has a DA of 72 and a Moz spam score of 4/17 and the second has a DA of 86 and a Moz spam score of 9/17

    | MEllsworth

  • The attached image shows the Keyword Ranking History with big downward spirals on Aug 27 and Sep 24th. Yet it's also showing up within the #10-#20 row. What is the official technical reason for why it's in both places? My boss is asking and I'm blanking. 🙂 Just that the URL was found in both spots? B69toK9

    | WineCellarInnovations

  • We have used the URL builder tools for building custom links that are placed on our referrer websites mainly for campaign tracking in Google Analytics, but when you use a shortened link on another website how does that impact the the link juice or equity?  Is there any negative impact on the link rankings?  Or should you provide the specific landing page url to the company that will be posting a link to your site?

    | CSobus

  • Hey MOZ peeps, iv come across something strange. The website displays a "blank" MOZ bar ?! Can anyone help me understand this Thank you in advance

    | Silverwaring

  • Can you add a user to your MOz account or to a single campaign?

    | cschwartzel

  • I have a few keyword phrases I've been trying to rank in the top 20 for (starting place). I have optimized for a few different phrases, ranging in keyword difficulty, but no matter what I do I can't seem to get in. In many cases, the exact same results show up for many different variations of the phrases I'd like to rank for. I've read about how google tries to match user intent and so if it decides those results are more relevant then it will always show them, but does that mean that no matter what I do I will always be behind them? The main question I have is: how should I proceed? Should I stop optimizing pages and focus on link acquisition? Or go through and make sure there isn't a single crawl issue? Or focus on optimizing for longer tail keyword phrases? It just feels like I've done so much of what the moz tools have recommended and I'm seeing very little movement over the past couple of months, if anything I see dips in performance after optimization. Thanks in advance!

    | Dynata_panel_marketing

  • Hi There Another obvious question to some I hope. I ran my first report using the Moz crawler and I have a bunch of pages with temporary redirects as a medium level issue showing up. Trouble is the pages don't exist so they are being redirected to my custom 404 page. So for example I have a URL in the report being called up from lord only knows where!: This doesn't exist, I have only 1 home.aspx page and it's in the root directory! but it is giving a temp redirect to my 404 page as I would expect but that then leads to a MOZ error as outlined.  So basically you could randomize any url up and it would give this error so I am trying to work out how I deal with it before Google starts to notice or before a competitor starts to throw all kinds at my site generating these errors. Any steering on this would be much appreciated!

    | Raptor-crew

  • Hey Moz Community I ran a crawl test, and there is a lot of duplicate content but I cannot work out why. It seems that when I publish a post secondary urls are being created depending on some tags and categories. Or at least, that is what it looks like. I don't know why this is happening, nor do I know if I need to do anything about it. Help? Please.

    | MobileDay

  • Hi,I ran opensite explorer of a customer site: and compared it with the most ranked competence sites. In almost all the factor has the best scores, except in Internal Equity-Passing Links.   The competence has aprox 20K Equity links and another 2K  meanwhile only have 296. Do you think that factor could be the reason that are in ranking 15th while the competence in 1st and 3rd?. How could we get Internal-Passing Links?,  we don´t have a lot of products or categories in the site. Thanks a lot.

    | ramirez_salvador

  • I have an old link request application which i have restarted. I have regenerated the api key, however i get 401 Your authentication failed on request. The test signature works and returns my account no. Here is my request: I have replaced my memberID and signature with dummy data to protect my credentials. Is my request string correct? Also where can i get the expiry parameter?

    | matth3w

  • Hi guys, I'm slowly getting to grips with all the aspects of using Moz.
    Looking at my link analysis, under the tab labelled Top Pages by Page Authority, there's an awful lot of 404 pages listed. Are these pages which are being linked to (either internally or externally), and should I put a 301 redirect on all the pages listed? I've attached a picture... moz-screen-shot.jpg

    | giddygrafix

  • Hello everyone! My website is How do you go about ranking for multiple keyword phrases? Using the Site Grade Tool, I rank really well for one keyword phrase, like "Smarty Programmer", but then rank really poorly for another phrase like "Smarty Tuner". However, if I change my titles and all my wording towards "tuner" instead of "programmer", it seems like it will make my content either be spammy sounding, or I'll starting lacking in the "programmer" department. Is it best to just create a separate page to rank for "Smarty Tuner"? Or what is the best way to go about ranking for multiple important keyword phrases? Thanks everyone for your help!

    | dieselprogrammers

  • Hi, Im have started some weeks ago with some standard linkbuilding from websites to my domain . These links don't show in Moz. Does this take some time? How long does it take? Thanks in advance for all replies! Tymen

    | Tymen

  • I noticed in our competitive link report that our number of linking c-blocks has risen and fallen in the exact same pattern as one of our competitors. Is there a reason why this would be happening?

    | ZoomInformation

  • I need to find traffic data from the start of my campaign in Moz, how do I do that?  thanks!

    | ChristieC

  • Tools necessary for a Technical Audit of website with penalties and needs remediation? I am being tested for a job interview to prove and/or disprove a website has issues. I am familiar with Moz tools but I'm not sure of the procedure for this request? I am not finding anything online.  The client will be giving a website and I will be doing this audit. What tools would you use? What exactly should I be looking for? What are some obvious fixes? WHERE CAN I LEARN MORE?

    | Joseph.Lusso

  • Episode 2 of "Damon the idiot noob" web series . . . I have like . . ..90 plus temporary redirects in my moz "medium priority diagnostics". But the majority of them have a url, but no redicret url. How can it be a temporary redirect if there is no redirect address? Some of the addresses simply don't make any sense.  Like: How on earth would a "seo_sitemap" be followed my a "/product"? This is a Magento site, so I know some of these things get created automatically . .. but what on earth is going on here? Help welcome, appreciated, and welcome. Did I mention it is welcome and appreciated?

    | damon1212

  • Is there a way to migrate multiple Google Blogger blogs together into one?  Even better, would it be better to add the content to my main site blog?  If so how can I do that without copying each article and adding to main site blog then deactivating the google blogs.

    | WeissToyota

  • I ran a moz crawl report for one of my sites. For I'm getting a 302 HTTP Status Code but for I'm getting a 200 HTTP Status Code. -Title tag "blank" - Meta Description "blank" - HTTP Status Code "302" - Referrer "blank" - Content Type Header "blank" - 301/302 target "/" - Rel-Canonical Target "blank" - Title tag "correct tag" - Meta Description "correct tag" - HTTP Status Code "200" - Referrer "" - Content Type Header "text/html" - 301/302 target "blank" - Rel-Canonical Target "" Will this cause any issues with the search engines? Is there a way to fix this? I'm on wordpress and use Yoast SEO premium plugin. I have sites ranking in many different niches and have done similar white hat SEO for all of my others. They are ranking in competitive niches but for some reason this site is in the 200-300s for basically all keywords in not a very competitive niche. It has excellent content, links and no penalties. I'm trying to find anything that could be the cause of this.  Thanks! <colgroup><col width="64"></colgroup>
    | Rel-Canonical Target |

    | cccreationsinc

  • I'm new to SEOMOZ.  I have a Pro account and have been messing with the tools available.  I ran a report in Open Site Explorer on one of my prospects.  I also entered in several of their competitors to see how they rank. I would like to show the report to my prospective client but couldn't figure out how to download the information.  Is that info available for download?  Does anyone have a recommendation for showing prospects how they rank against their competitors. Any help appreciated.

    | MedGroupMedia

  • The website has been around for several years, although did undergo a significant redesign at the end of last year. I greatly appreciate any help.

    | embracedarrenhughes

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