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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi there Ive managed to get my site ranking in top5 of Organic search for a 2 word keyword "keywordname australia" for example or "buy keywordname" - however finding it a lot slower process improving rankings for just the actual 'keywordname' Any suggestions  as to what might be the best thing to focus on to improve a more competitive term?

    | IsaCleanse

  • Good morning Mozzers from the London, England. This may be a silly question to many of the community, but here goes "How do I know which keywords to track in my MOZ campaigns?" I work in the gyms section in the UK and am tracking keywords like "Gyms in Liverpool" or "Manchester gyms" which send me some traffic. I can see search terms like the above do send me traffic from Google's Webmaster Tools, but obviously this tool won't highlight the keyword opportunities I am missing out on because I currently don't rank. Any guidance on this dilemma would be hugely appreciated, Kindest regards Ben

    | Bendall

  • How can I tell (using Moz tools) which links are okay or not?  Looking at them, some are clearly just for rank, but are they worth my effort in removing them?  And, if I remove a bunch of links suddenly, will Google penalize me?  And how do I know if my link profile is to blame? My site was ranking pretty well in June and has steadily fallen around 4-5 spots across all of my keywords. Some of my competitors without as good of DA, PA and links are outranking me.

    | CalicoKitty2000

  • Over the past couple of months I have seen a couple of my campaigns have key phrases that change from week to week from being in the top 3 to being >51.  I worked pretty hard on the sites to get them mostly #1 for their preferred key phrases, and haven't been working that hard lately, but not sure what to make of it.  It looks as though those keyphrases that dropped this week to >51 will probably be back in the top 3.  Makes it diffuclt when you are trying to prepare a report for your client. Any suggestions are welcomed, and Happy New Year!

    | chill986

  • For the last week we have hosted Live Chat on desktop and tablet. The latest MOZ ranking reports shows 4 increase, 86 decrease and 170 unchanged keywords. Could Live Chat have anything to do with this?

    | henandstag

  • A search term in MOZ shows the monthly search volume to be 49K. In Google, the same term shows the search volume at only 1300 monthly searches. Which do I trust? Thanks, Don

    | rcman

  • What are the limitations or restrictions to running SEO/Adwords campaigns in countries such as China, South Korea, Japan, Brazil, Portugal, Spain, and Mexico?

    | ThomasCenterInc

  • I use Internet Officer tool to see the 302 redirect but I check the redirects in the CPanel and there are none. In the .htaccess there are none either. I don't know where else to look 😞 The url is Can you guys help me? I can't set up a campaign because Google can't crawl the website. I can't setup the Facebook OpenGraph because of the redirect. error.jpg

    | vanessacolina

  • I am trying to put a value to all the work I do and want to put a very specific value to the number of pages of unique content I have. I know everyone says its about quality, and sure it is but quantity is still a factor and looked at. (Can't argue with if you prefer  100 semi-optimized pages versus 1 optimized page- and is unfair for a tool to rate the website the 1 optimized page higher) I use a ton of tools but yet to find something that puts a value on quantity of CONTENT ONLY (Please don't respond with PA or DA because that encompasses all the inherit value)

    | SEOEnthusiast

  • I'm perplexed about a couple of things. Google says that scraping keyword rankings is against their policy from what I've read. Bummer. We comprise a lot of reports and manual finding and entry was a pain. Enter Moz! We still manually check and compare, but it's nice having that tool. I'm confused now though about practices and getting SERPs in an automated way. Here are my questions Is it against policy to get SERPs from an automated method? If that is the case, isn't Moz breaking this policy with it's awesome keyword tracker? If it's not, and we wanted to grab that kind of data, how would we do it? Right now, Moz's API doesn't offer this data. I thought Raven Tools at one point offered this, but they don't now from what I've read. Are there any APIs out there that we can grab this data and do what we want with it? (let's day build our own dashboard)? Thanks for any clarification and input!

    | Boogily

  • Hi, Just a quick question. I am looking for a Rankings Report tool that allows a user to not only provide a list of Keywords, but also a list of Locations for which to check Google UK's ranking results. In practice, I would like to be able to enter 6 names of Towns next to my keyword list and get "localised results". Many thanks in advance, Cheers Greg
    PS: first Q within the Q&A, so please apologise for any potential "stupid questions"

    | GregoryTK

  • This discussion is strictly theoretical... I won't hold anyone to their answer. If I have 2 websites that are identical in every way and let's say the domain authority for both is 40, and I 301 redirect one site to the other, what would the DA become? Same question for single pages, both with a PA of 40. If I 301 redirect one page to the other, what does the PA become for the remaining page?

    | AMHC

  • I'm managing a project for a local fence contractor in Wisconsin. During Fall, his site was getting a fair amount of traffic. (We only track traffic from the State of Wisconsin and exclude office IPs.) For November, traffic tanked and keywords fell. Is there a way to check the search volume by month to see if the recent extreme cold and early snow are the culprit, (people not searching for fences), or should I be looking elsewhere for a problem? I know I have to get more pages optimized for ideal keywords but time is extremely tight on this project. (But, that's another problem and story all of itself!) Thanks!

    | JanetJ

  • I'm tring to figure it out that by using seo moz how can i find all website who are using our content.

    | Showhow2

  • It seems that there is no way to set a parameter for location. In Places, I'm able to define my targeted region. How does SEOmoz mimic that localization? Thank for any help! -- Chris

    | ChrisPalle

  • Is location-based rank tracking going to be a feature in SEOmoz any time soon? I've seen in a few other company's tools that I can select a city in which to center the search around, for example... if I track the keyword "pizza" and set it to check rankings for "Seattle", it would give me different results than I've I selected "Milwaukee". The reason for the variation in results is due to maps listings in the results sometimes. So, my question is, will location-based rank tracking be coming to SEOmoz soon? Scott

    | OrionGroup

  • When I track a keyword ranking with the Ranking Tool, are the results for my geographic area? So, how would I track a keyword in another location? As in, another state? Thanks,

    | marshalllj

  • I have a new client who says they have disavowed all their bad links, but I still see a bunch of spammy backlinks in my external links report. I understand that disavow does not mean links are actually removed so will they continue to show in Google Webmaster Tools and in my Moz reports? If so, how do I know which ones have been disavowed and which have not? Regards, Dino

    | Dino64

  • Can you tell me about formula to calculate percentage of Organic visits, Social Visits , Direct Visits , Referring Visits ,Other Visits in the dashboard page ?.

    | IH_Digital

  • Hi, I would like to say thank you in advance to all who help me with my question. MOZ crawl test showed duplicate content for a site that i just finished. I have, and site.index.html( all are the home page) So i have decided to 301 redirect all pages to And I also learned that when you do a 301 redirect all link juice is passed to the page that i redirect to. Here is my question: If someone links to my site using instead of in the future, will the 301 redirect still pass the pr to the page?( Or it only does,  at the time of redirect and not in the future. I know this might be a stupid question but i am really new to this and couldn't find an answer for that. Thanks guys

    | Davit1985

  • I was recently hired at a company with 30 brands, and many information portal sites. I'm having trouble figuring out how to squeeze 50+ sites into the 5 site limit of our Moz plan, and how to aggragate/organize all the sites into a system for the CEO. Imagine you wake up one day, and you now have 50 clients, all with heavy demands... And they all have the same CEO, who doesn't understand SEO, and expects you to explain everything to him in basic terms. The CEO wants more micromanagement, more analysis, more organization... Not quite sure how to go about it. I have woorank for some good data to act on. I setup a whole slew of google docs to track my workers and their SEO off-site tasks. I have buzzbundle and have setup nearly 100 accounts with my Social Media employee... It seems the CEO always feels that I'm not organized enough, not on top of enough etc... But its a massive job, and I was hired to literally start the entire department myself! They may be hiring an 'assistant' for me... But I'm worried the CEO feels that I'm just not on the ball enough... And with Moz, having only 5 'campaigns'/websites I can have going at a time... I'm short by at least 45 'campaigns'. Order another 10 Moz accounts?? There must be some solutions.. Thanks guys

    | iDingo

  • I get a lot of duplicate page errors on my crawl diagnostics reports from 'categories' and 'tags' on my wordpress sites. The post is 1x link and then the content is 'duplicated' on the 'category' or 'tag' that is added to the page.  Should I exclude the tags and categories from my sitemap or are these issues not that important? Thanks for your help Stacey

    | skehoe

  • Hi All, I posted previously about this, and had some good advice (thanks!)... but not quite sure my problem has been fixed. About a month ago we changed our hosting over, and our dev didn't coordinate to have both versions of our homepage redirected to the same URL. Our crawl showed up with every single page as duplicate content, and our organic traffic has since dropped by over 60%. They have told me that it is fixed as of last Monday, and a redundant error that was appearing in my Google Analytics now says that it has been fixed, but Moz crawled my site 2 days ago and still says everything is duplicate content, and my organic traffic is stressing me out! Any advice on how I can check this is done for myself, rather than trusting these guys haven't messed it up any further? Or is it possible the Moz crawl is a bit slower? Thanks in advance.

    | b4cab

  • So I'm not sure if what I'm seeing is a problem or not. As of about two weeks ago the Moz crawler has only been able to see, and none of the links, content, title, ect associated with the page. Essentially the report has one line, what should be the homepage, but it's not able to pull any information from the page but does show a 200 http status code. The report shows nothing blocked by robots or any errors. When I use screaming frog to crawl the site about 75% of the time it just reports one line with a 200 status code, but again the crawler is not able to actually see the html. The other 25% of the time it works perfectly fine, crawls all pages and sees all meta info and content. There are no errors in Google WMT and everything looks ok there. We have seen a traffic drop the last two weeks but I don't know if this is the reason for it. I can't publicly post the page but if someone has an idea of what might be going on I'd be happy to PM them. Thanks

    | CJ5

  • Hello Mozzers, Where can I analyze where people go after they exit a website in GA. Are there any other free tools/ paid tools that will help me see which site people go to when they bounce of a website. I am specifically in need of help to know where visitor go "outside" of my site without clicking and out bound links that are on the website. Thank you for helping, Grateful to the community as usual, Vijay

    | vijayvasu

  • Hi, It shows that there are thousands of Pages with Temporary Redirect in the moz report on our site as medium priority. How hard do they affect the site's seo performance? Thanks for any advice

    | LauraHT

  • Hi guys and girls After reading all the content It became apparent that our website is a bit of a dog. I'm about to update our site with a new theme and content on I've found myself becoming so much more confident at all this. I've read all the material I can on Moz re: Site migration but still have one question. How do I find out all the links that I need to 301 before I make the new site live? Please don't worry about patronizing me! I'm really new at this! Ben

    | SussexChef83

  • dear moz: my english is so poor!!haha!! my user id si heroiamhero,my email is [email protected]. 2weeks ago i made a free on but i found it is not very useful for me ,so i want to quit free use ,please tell me how to quit moz 30days free,thankyou very much.

    | heroiamhero

  • Hi there, Moz has reported that I have a lot of missing meta description in the Pop Up Image Gallery. There are over 150 of these that are missing. The issue is that in our CMS I cannot add meta description to images. I am also not entirely sure why the images I am loading up are generating their own URL like the one below. Possibly that is why Moz is saying it needs a meta description when it is only an image?. An example of the link that has missing meta description that I can't add would be something like this: When clicking these links it is purely an image with no text. So basically I am asking how do you add a meta description to a Pop Up image Gallery photo URL and/or possibly why would an image create a custom URL so I have to put in a Meta Description? Hopefully that makes sense, thank you in advance for your help  - much appreciated!

    | marketing-gal

  • Hi there, I have about 50k Moz medium priority errors in my Crawl Diagnostic report. The bulk of them are classified as "Temporary Redirect" problems. Then if you drill into those further, I can see that the problem urls all kinda are center around: Is this something I should disallow in my Robstxt file? And if so how specific do I get with it.. Disallow /catalogsearch/result/?q= Will listing the /catalogsearch be enough to cover anything after it? thanks

    | Shop-Sq

  • I'd like to crawl our ecommerce site to see how deep (clicks from home page) pages are. I want to verify that every category, sub-category, and product detail page is within three clicks of the home page for googlebot. Suggestions? Thanks!

    | Garmentory

  • Hi there, I wish that Moz would show local (city/town) results in their Keyword Difficulty Tool. But they don't, so here's my question: I'm trying to rank for keywords "interior design" in a local geographic area in the US. When using Google KWP, I'm selecting all the towns I want to rank in, and searching against the keywords INTERIOR DESIGN. The search volume appears to be approx. 370 a month. What I'm not sure about is whether I should instead (or in addition to), be searching for INTERIOR DESIGN (CITY), and leaving the geographic selection as US. What is most accurate? OR...should I search for INTERIOR DESIGN (CITY) in Moz's Keyword tool? How do you guys do it?

    | lulu71

  • Hello, Friend
                           Any expert help me plz When i who in moz Open site explorer for my site  only see    442 and other record show 1079 What is right  ? Regards

    | Poojath

  • I've noticed recently that within the Moz Crawl Report I keep seeing duplicate content for one of our pages that pulls from a default document.  The pages are product pages, one ending in releases/ and the other ending in releases/index and are both identical pages.  Normally in these situations I would prefer to make sure that every link is being sent to the releases/ page, however according to Moz, the releases/index page is actually ranking better and has a higher internal link count.  Can someone advise me on the best way to deal with this situation? Hopefully I've explained myself well enough! Thanks Sam

    | BlueLinkERP

  • Hi, I am looking to run an On-Site audit for a website and I'm wondering if there are any tools available online that take the existing Meta Tags on ALL pages of a website and downloads them to a .CSV or .XLS. Would need Meta Title and Meta Description for all pages at the very least. Any suggestions are appreciated - looking for Free or Paid options. Thanks.

    | SEO5Team

  • I've tried to do this in the advanced reports are of Moz, but to no avail. I just want to be able to see all the links (and anchor text would be nice too) for each CBlock.

    | DeluxeCorp

  • Hi Moz'ers! I am looking for some help and possibly a referral. My organization has a massive newsletter, 180k subscribers but the performance of the newsletter has been decreasing over the past couple of years with a really poor CTR. I am looking for someone to help optimize and provide recommendation on how we can better the newsletter performance again. We are in the international education and travel business, primary audience is college students within the US/UK/AUS. If anyone has a recommendation of an agency or consultant specializing in newsletters optimization, that would be amaze-balls!

    | GoAbroadKP

  • Hey There, I have an e-commerce site that is showing 7,608 High Priorities to fix - 7,536 are duplicate content. What's the most effective process to start with? I'm open to outsourcing some of the work to an expert - email me on [email protected] Thanks for your time, Dave

    | emanbee

  • Hi, Our DA has dropped 4 points overnight, looking at our competitors they all seem to have dropped though none as significantly as us? Has anyone else noticed a DA drop? Kind regards,

    | Jaiveer89

  • Hi All! Our webshop is  We operate it for about a year now and it is not ranking on our most important pages. Basically we have 3 types of pages:  Category pages, Product pages and 'Splash' pages.  The 2nd and the 3rd rank OK. But the 1st, the category pages not at all.  While the category pages have the best (hand written, unique) and the most content. For example is not ranking on keyword 'hondenvoer' (position 140...) We have investigated quite thoroughly and did most common (moz) tests and can't find a reason why the category pages don't rank. (could it have something to do with the filters...?) If anybody can shed some light on it, we would be much obliged! Thanks, Sander

    | Canome79

  • Hello to all, new member here from Houston. I'm learning a lot!  I've brought my site up some but my chief competitor is still at #1 position. I ran a full SERP report for my top keyword. My site appears to rank better on: Page Authority…Domain Authority…MozRank…MozTrust...DmT/DmR… Additionally, his on-page grade is F, mine is B! So, it appears sheer bulk incoming links are really where it's at. He beats me, somewhat, at URL Link Counts, also on Followed External Links. The real difference appears to be External Links to This Domain: I have 65, he has somehow managed to get 3500…I think his webmaster has a local directory where everybody links to each other…I can't imagine how a small biz like this, in a fairly non-competitive industry, could get that many. Anyway, thought I'd bring this up for comments/clarifications, if anyone has any---Also, is there a resource to understand these various parameters. Thanks--- John in Houston

    | vondoba

  • Hello! I have a site that serves three English-speaking countries, and is using subfolders for each country version: United Kingdom: Canada: United States & other English-speaking countries: The site displayed is dependent on where the user is located, and users can also change the country version by using a drop-down flag navigation element in the navigation bar. If a user switches versions using the flag, the first URL of the new language version includes a language parameter in the URL, like: In the Moz crawl diagnostics report, this site is getting dinged for lots of duplicate content because the crawler is finding both versions of each country's site, with and without the language parameter. However, the site has rel="canonical" tags set up on both URL versions and none of the URLs containing the "?language=" parameter are getting indexed. questions: 1. Are the Duplicate Title and Content errors found by the Moz crawl diagnostic really an issue? 2. If they are, how can I best clean this up? Additional notes: the site currently has no sitemaps (XML or HTML), and is not yet using the hreflang tag. I intend to create sitemaps for each country version, like: .com/en/sitemap.xml .com/ca/sitemap.xml .com/uk/sitemap.xml I thought about putting a 'nofollow' tag on the flag navigation element, but since no sitemaps are in place I didn't want to accidentally cut off crawler access to alternate versions. Thanks for your help!

    | Allie_Williams

  • Hi.  I have a Yahoo store that seems to have many errors.  We built the site for utility knowing NOTHING about SEO.  We just started with MOZ and would love to PAY someone to help get us past the beginning stages.  Is there someone familiar with the Yahoo! Store format that can charge us perhaps in hourly blocks to walk us through possible solutions to issues? One issue we are having... seems to be that our subsections which contain items that are the endpoints... I know of no way to label the sections anything but an "item".  I'm wondering if this might be causing the "duplicate" error because a specific item is listed both in the section and on it's own page. please help! Thom 888-567-5194


  • I am using the Magento shopping cart, and 99% of my duplicate content errors come from the login page.  The URL looks like: Or, the same url but with the long string different from the one above.  This link is available at the top of every page in my site, but I have made sure to add "rel=nofollow" as an attribute to the link in every case (it is done easily by modifying the header links template). Is there something else I should be doing?  Do I need to try to add canonical to the login page?  If so, does anyone know how to do it using XML?

    | kdl0

  • Ok, this should hopefully be a simple one. Not sure if this is a Moz crawl issue of redirect issue. Moz is reporting duplicate title for , and is this a canonical change or a moz setting I need to get this number lower.

    | smartcow

  • Has there been an update re DA since there has been signifanct drops the lat 24 hours?


  • I used the crawl tool and it return a 404 error for several pages that I no longer have published in Wordpress. They must still be on the server somewhere? Do you know how to remove them? I think they are not a file on the server like an html file since Wordpress uses databases? I figure that getting rid of the 404 errors will improve SEO is this correct? Thanks, David

    | DJDavid

  • Hi guys, Did someone notice a DA drop these days? My website just drop 1 DA point. Regards, G

    | megasource

  • Hi Everyone! My name's Ross, and I work at I worked with Luke, who has asked quite a few questions here, but he has since moved on to a new adventure. So I am trying to step into his role. I am very much a beginner in SEO, so I'm trying to learn a lot of this on the fly, and bear with me if this is something simple. In our latest MOZ Crawl, over 28K high priority issues were detected, and they are all Duplicate Page Content issues. However, when looking at the issues laid out, the examples that it gives for "Duplicate URLs" under each individual issue appear to be completely different pages. They have different page titles, different descriptions, etc. Here's an example. For "LPGA Tickets", it is giving 19 Duplicate URLs. Here are a couple it lists when you expand those: Internally, one reason we thought this might be happening is that even though the pages themselves are different, the structure is completely similar, especially if there are no events listed or if there isn't any content in the News/About sections. We are going to try and noindex pages that don't have events/new content on them as a temporary fix, but is there possibly a different underlying issue somewhere that would cause all of these duplicate page content issues to begin appearing? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    | keL.A.xT.o

  • We have recently migrated from Network Solutions to Big Commerce. The Crawl data we are receiving from MOZ is stating (missing meta description) for product categories. However, the meta description is there. On WMT ( HTML improvements) we are receiving 1000s of (Pages with duplicate meta descriptions). However, when you click on older URL it correctly redirect to new. On WMT ( HTML improvements) we are also receiving 1000s of ( pages with duplicate title tags) We would greatly appreciate any help here. Regards, Tony

    | OCFurniture

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