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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi According to the moz crawl on my website I have in the region of 800 pages which are considered internal duplicates. I'm a little puzzled by this, even more so as some of the pages it lists as being duplicate of another are not. For example, the moz crawler considers page B to be a duplicate of page A in the urls below: Not sure on the live link policy so ive put a space in the urls to 'unlive' them. Page A http:// Page B http:// One is a filter page for Curvety Jeans and the other a filter page for Charles Clinkard Accessories. The page titles are different, the page content is different so Ive no idea why these would be considered duplicate. Thin maybe, but not duplicate. Like wise, pages B and C are considered a duplicate of page A in the following Page A http:// Page B http:// Page C http:// Again, these are product filter pages which the crawler would have found using the site filtering system, but, again, I cannot find what makes pages B and C a duplicate of A. Page A is a filtered result for Great Plains Bags (filtered from the general bags collection). Page B is the filtered results for Chic Look Purses from the Purses section and Page C is the filtered results for Apricot Waistcoats from the Waistcoat section. I'm keen to fix the duplicate content errors on the site before it goes properly live at the end of this month - that's why anyone kind enough to check the links will see a few design issues with the site -  however in order to fix the problem I first need to work out what it is and I can't in this case. Can anyone else see how these pages could be considered a duplicate of each other please? Checking ive not gone mad!! Thanks, Carl

    | daedriccarl

  • Our website url is and redirects to Look at the Open Site Explorer results for the two and has better results. Does google have an issue with this or may it be confusing them? We have redirects in place. How would I go about fixing this? More on what strategies would improve Page Authority and Page Rank. Thanks in Advance. 79JtBKA.png lrHwsOU.png

    | revonick

  • I got a problem regarding my website called, and hope you guys are able to help. I just got my first ranking results from Moz. My question is: All my keywords are linking to the home page, and not the artist page? For examples if I were to search on Rihanna on Google, then when appears on the SERP, it only links to the home, and not This problem applies to all the given artists ranked on Googles SERP, it never shows the artist page itself, only links to home. Let me know if you need any information, and I gladly supply, this is kind of frustrating to me.. As a note: all pages besides the home has a PA of 1, and it doesn't really seem to change. UT3OBHr kVp7z38

    | Morten_Hjort

  • When people are discussing what affects their search engine rankings on this particular forum,  which has got to be one of the most read on the Internet just how much guesswork is really going on? It seems like God almighty Google works from its own criteria and the rest of us all scrap to guess! I myself in the last week of posted various topics on here and are conflicting reports by so-called experts not that I am being critical for the sake of it. If you to one website and said to all the people on this forum just exactly why is it ranking to a degree for this particular key phrase or not as the case may be would there be any truly accurate knowledgeable answers that will come through and explained the difference? If you have a top 10 of most important things that would influence your rankings that are not guesswork would that be possible to say based on knowledge and expertise? And if so spill the beans what are ? What are the movers and shakers in their particular keyword phrases doing ongoing that's getting them the great results we all want ? Or is the entire subject of how well you rank ultimately not totally understood and only the realms of guesswork based on observation. When I was young I trained as electrician which dealt in facts, it seems like this is not possible with the world of business and search engine rankings?

    | WhitbyHolidayCottages

  • Greetings! I started a new position last week and the extremely supportive director promised to give me anything I required to make my job easier. Of course, my first port of call was MOZ Pro. Having never used MOZ Pro before, I've just been getting to grips with it, fixing any pressing issues and giving the whole site a general SEO health check. A few fairly major issues have been flagged, which I'm in the process of fixing, and I'm currently putting our main landing pages through the MOZ Page Grader. After a little bit of tinkering, our iPhone 6 cases page has been graded B for the term 'iPhone 6 cases', but I have a few queries/concerns regarding some of the suggested fixes: **Avoid keyword stuffing in document **- The term 'iphone 6 cases' only appears thrice in the body, so it can't be that? The term, however, appears 23 times in the page's img alt tags. Could this be the issue? This is an ecommerce site that sells iPhone 6 cases, so the img alt tags are bound to contain that keyword. Each img alt tag is unique, so I don't really know what I can do here? "Show details for YouSave iPhone 6 0.6mm Clear Gel Case" is the example of the img alt tag of one of the products on that page, surely I can't remove the words 'iPhone 6 case'? Avoid too many internal links - MOZ suggests keeping the internal links to below 100 or, at a minimum, less than 100 links on the main navigation menu. I haven't counted, but I'd guess that page has more than 100 links, but not too many on the navigation menu. To me, this looks like a standard ecommerce page, with links to products and different pages via the top and bottom menus. Would I improve visibility if I reduced the amount of links by, say, reducing the number of products on the page? We currently have it set to 36, but can easily be reduced. Only One Canonical URL - We've put a fix in place for this issue and are just waiting for it to go live. For some reason rel=canonical tags have been duplicated on the majority of the pages. Like I say, this is being remedied, but I just wondered whether a duplicate tag negatively affect the page's visibility? The tags are identical and just point to the page they're on. I think that's about it for now! Thanks in advance and keep up the good work! Cheers, Lewis (Andrew is the name of the director) UPDATE Now I've sorted the rel=canonical issue, the pages are being graded A but still with the first two suggestions above.

    | PeaSoupDigital

  • I ran a full keyword ranking report against my competitors. My site clearly tops all KPIs with highest DA, PA, mT/mR etc. My page also get's an A for page otimisation, but is ranking lower than sites with an F. There have been no manual actions and I am at a loss to explain why the page isn't ranking. Any advice would be appreciated. Cheers

    | metacoach

  • I received an urgent error from the Moz crawler that I have duplicate content on my site due to the tags I have. For example: The real article found here: I didn't think this was a big deal, because when I looked at my GWT these pages weren't indexed (picture attached). Question: should I bother fixing this from an SEO perspective? If Google isn't indexing the pages, then am I losing link juice? 6c2kxiZ

    | Perenich

  • Hi There, I've got one campaign set up and just created another in my dashboard. I have roughly 300 keywords added and categorized in campaign 1. I want to export these exact keywords, (and to also remain categorized the same), into campaign 2. How can I do this without having to add each keyword individually and recreating the categories again? Basically, I want to export my keywords/copy/past from one campaign, to another.  I don't want to set everything up again. How can I do this? Thanks, Reena.

    | Reena81

  • I am seeking links from real estate content sites to promote a free course I have about apartment investing. The response has been good from the first five sites I approached, with three granting links. In putting the linking pages on Open Site Explorer though I noticed on had a PA of 40, but a DA of 28. Of course I am grateful for the link, but usually it is the DA that is higher. What does it mean when the PA is higher than the DA, and would a link from this page help me? Any help is much appreciated.

    | HankR

  • I am getting a list of crawl errors in Moz because I am using a 302 redirect when people click on an item using the quickview add to cart eg: will redirect them to the viewshoppingcart page. Is this wrong should this be a 301 redirect? There is no link juice to pass. Thanks

    | copyfaxes1

  • In a duplicate content situation, and assuming that both rel=canonical and a 301 redirect pass link equity (I know there is still some speculation on this), how should you choose the "best" version of the URL to establish as the redirect target or authoritative URL? For example, we have a series of duplicate pages on our site. Typically we choose the "cleanest" or shortest non-trailing-slash version of the URL as the canonical, but what if those pages are already established and have varying page authority/backlink profiles? The URLs are: - PA = 54, Inbound Links = 259 - PA = 60, Inbound Links = 302 - This is the version that currently ranks. PA = 42, Inbound Links = 3 - PA = 40, Inbound Links = 8 This might not really even matter, but in the interests of conserving as much SEO value as possible, which would you choose as either the 301 redirect target and/or the canonical version? My gut is to go with the URL that's already ranking ( but curious if PA, backlinks, and trailing slashes should be considered also. We of course would not 301 the URL with the tracking parameters. 🙂 Thanks for your help!

    | Critical_Mass

  • I'm making an effort to use more of the Moz tools, but some I really don't understand...Mozcape would be chief on that list. What does it do exactly and for what purpose? I read the API Wiki, but it sounds to me a lot like Open Site Explorer...but I assume I must be missing something or why build the thing? Also, do local businesses even use this or is this more for national e-commerce sites? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I recently designed a new website to replace an old site. We managed to hold 90% ranking and traffic by keeping the same URS's and content. Now that we have completed that we are now updating the whole site. It is an commerce website. Some of the items we were selling we are getting from a new vendor. If I move these products from one one vendor to another will this affect SEO? Here is an example. I have a product called "Green Zipper Sweater". This product is Anchored via Manufacturer and Category. The URL and Title Tag are  green-zipper-sweater. If the Sweater was made by "Nike Green Sweaters" and our new supplier is "Gap Yellow and Green Sweaters". If I change the the Manufacturer and now put it under "Gap Green and Yellow Sweaters" will this affect my ranking. We are continuing to stock products from the original supplier "Nike Green Sweaters" and we have an aggressive SEO plan and are ranking very well for "Nike Green Sweaters". We also have good product ranking so "Green Zipper Sweater" brings us a lot of traffic. I want to be sure I do not loose ranking for  the product page "Green Zipper Sweater" and the Brand "Nike Green Sweaters" Any advice would be appreciated.

    | robbieire

  • My company website is built on WordPress. It receives very few crawl errors, but it do regularly receive a few (typically 1-2 per crawl) "429 : Received HTTP status 429" errors through Moz. Based on my research, my understand is that my server is essentially telling Moz to cool it with the requests. That means it could be doing the same for search engines' bots and even visitors, right? This creates two questions for me, which I would greatly appreciate your help with: Are "429 : Received HTTP status 429" errors harmful for my SEO? I imagine the answer is "yes" because Moz flags them as high priority issues in my crawl report. What can I do to eliminate "429 : Received HTTP status 429" errors? Any insight you can offer is greatly appreciated! Thanks,

    | ryanjcormier

  • I posted a question on here yesterday about the homepage asking for advice regarding the content and then was told by two people were very helpful bbut moved over comment not on content  but to  say taht the major problem was that the coding on my website basically has too many errors which would result in me receiving lower rankings in the search engines. I realise this website is old-fashioned Dreamweaver template which was constructed several years ago which I've updated and I'm certainly not a professional, but I watch my Google analytics and there doesn't seem to be any significant change in the stats from this time last year. This is the site I realise the site is old format and has been around for several years it's just from customer feedback they seem to think it looks okay for the products old cottages but I guess technically it's not the best now. I have run a test using Silktide Nibbler - a free online service that gives you a good complete overview of your website with an overall score. And it did give my website an overall good score but did point out errors in the coding but when I checked some of my competitors near the top of Google for the short tail keywords some of them also have errors in their coding, very similar to my own error score.. I then went to Google Webmaster tools and there were no warning messages. So the big question is how important are these errors scores when it appears that most of the top competition also are in the same situation? I think it's quite possible I could do with a redesign using responsive design Best Alan

    | WhitbyHolidayCottages

  • what is relation between domain age and domain authority? Old registered domain help for domain authority higher or not? if so, but i am still in confused, this is too old domain but authority is only 33?

    | agsln

  • Hi  MOZ community, Since last week when I changed my theme in a WP installation I noticed (in WMT and MOZ tool) that I have increased number in authorization permission errors (error 403-forbidden). What happens is that I received a 403 error for almost every single URL of my site. All these URLs are not "real" ones but they all have my email in the end. i.e. I get an 403 error for the "/contact/[email protected]" whilst the real URL is just "/contact/" This happens, as I said, for almost every single page of my site. I have no other crawling or indexation issues, all URLs are correctly indexed. All new pages are correctly indexed as well. URIs ending with "[email protected]" are not indexed off course. WP and all installed plugins & theme are on the latest available release. For SEO purposes I use Yoast SEO WP plugin. The site in questions is: Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance

    | gpapatheodorou

  • I want to understand how the onpage grader works and how to fix issues it has seen. I also dont know what the ticks on the left mean. SFgI5Kx

    | aziz09

  • Hey Guys I am finding that my Moz tool isn't showing links that are definitely there like from social media etc. Also links that are there about 4-5 months are not showing either! am i doing something wrong?

    | Johnny_AppleSeed

  • I got a crawl issue that 82% of site pages have missing title tags
    All this pages are ashx files (4400 pages). 
    Should I better removed all this files from google ?

    | thlonius

  • Mozz, Some co-workers are looking into some of the of tools that Hubspot offer as part of there marketing package, I understand it is part of a bigger picture for the hubspot software and moz is much more focused on technical seo etc, But i am just wondering if anyone had spent any extensive time using the hubspot software and has any feedback on the tools? Is there anything (Just the seo section) that moz cannot ? there are alot of really great moz tools i use that i haven't seen in the hubspot software, like the crawl test, the onpage grading doesn't look at as many aspects as moz, link information and opportunities looked limited compared to moz/majestic seo , no landing page tool like the one built into moz analytics campaigns and hubspot just generally seemed to provide less information ? Any advice or feedback would be grealy appreciated ? Thanks James

    | Antony_Towle

  • Hi all, Moz is showing an F grade and 0 keywords across all URL, Title, Meta, H1, Meta and IMG ALT. My page has also dropped from 1st page rankings for numerous pages to 2nd and 3rd page. The page I am talking about is: The keywords/phrases we were previously ranking very well for are: High paying jobs in Australia High paying jobs Highest paying jobs you can get with no degree Etc Etc I have also seen reduction in rankings on other keywords/ pages as well. Does anyone know why this might have happened? And what might be happening? Thanks in advance!

    | Stubs

  • In moz crawling error this message is appears: MOST COMMON ISSUES 1Search Engine Blocked by robots.txt Error Code 612: Error response for robots.txt i asked help staff but they crawled again and nothing changed. there's only robots.XML (not TXT)  in root of my webpage it contains: User-agent: *
    Allow: /
    Allow: /sitemap.htm anyone please help me? thank you

    | nopsts

  • Hello folks! Does anyone have a suggestion for a rank tracker that can track high-profile keywords, in mobile specifically, on an hourly basis? Thanks!

    | rvseo

  • I've been noticing a growing amount of spammy directories using my title Meta-Tag to create a link back to my site.  Since my title uses competitive keywords, these external links on spammy directories look over optimized and I fear an algo penalty might get triggered.  Should I be concerned and what can I do?

    | alrockn

  • I'm working with a client that is searching Google numerous times per day for various phrases that his site may rank for. A lot of these he uses the same search phrase multiple times/day to see if there is any change. Unfortunately, these are not the phrases I have optimized his site for. Moz is now displaying some of these search phrases along with associated pages and grading them as F - because they are not optimized for these phrases. Is it possible that my client caused this by doing the searches? If I already have particular pages grading an A for the targeted term chosen, should I attempt to add elements to move the F to a better position for the new keyword phrase being suggested? (I always thought you should target one page/phrase. Thanks!!

    | JanetJ

  • Hello, Recently signed up to MOZ for the sites we operate in the UK. I wondered what folks would recommend I focus on first when starting to use MOZ for the first time for sites SEO? Cheers Stuart

    | Urban33

  • Hi There, I'm looking at my link profile and my Total External Links dropped uber dramatically back in April. Any way to figure out what the heck happened? My only idea is that this was around the time we launched a new version of the website but I'm not sure it corresponds exactly and anyway the domain didn't change. Possibly some urls did but all have been redirected. Any ideas? Thanks, site is

    | NationalPardon

  • My product's image galleries have no <title>or <meta>. Galleries are automatically generated. Moz crawl tool diagnosed this may cause problems for my SEO. These pages does not include any relevant information for the customers, including only a few images each. What should I do?<br />1) NOINDEX<br />2) insert <title> and meta tags<br /><br /><br /></p></title>

    | lema21

  • Why show different Linking Root Domain open site explorer and SERP of any websites? Open Site explorer show different linking root domain and Basic SERP Report show different linking root domain of any website url, who is the correct and why it is show  different linking root domain?

    | surabhi6

  • I have a dev version of my website, for example, The htaccess page has a noindex and nofollow request, but I got crawl issues reported from these pages in my Moz report. Does this mean that I don't have the development site hidden from search like I thought I did?

    | houstonbrooke

  • I'm still pretty new to this and I was wondering if there is a free software, one of Moz or free out on the the internet that allows you to check bad links. I've done a lot of link building with citations and directories that for my clients industry.  I just don't want to add their website and profile to a bad/risky directory and it penalizes my clients.  I've seen a few out there, but I need one that is respectable and reliable.  Any suggestions?  I found one called bad neighborhood Thanks Again, Benny

    | ACann

  • HI, Can someone tell me why 2 A pages are showing up in red in the F Grade page ? I see Page title missing from the output and just curious if I need to addrss some issue. xpOW4tY.jpg

    | ecrmeuro

  • I use Wordpress as my CMS, but I want to track click activity to my RFQ page from different products and services on my site. The easiest way to do this is through adding a string to the end of a URL (ala The downside to this, of course, is that when Moz does its crawl diagnostic every week, I get notified that I have multiple pages with the same page title and the dup content. I'm not a programming expert, but I'm pretty handy with Wordpress and know a thing or two about 'href-fing' (yeah, that's a thing). Can someone who tracks click activity in WP with URL variables please enlighten me on how to do this without creating dup pages? Appreciate your expertise. Thanks!

    | Netrepid

  • With a few recent catalog changes my client is having tons of duplicate content issues. The most peculiar is one that I cannot see visibly on the site pages. This page: shows to have several duplicate content issues with URLs such as: - where the domain is basically added to the end of the first URL. Has anyone seen this? Any fixes, plugins or thoughts? Thanks,

    | KristinaWitmer

  • Hi New to Moz, I'm finding it all very helpful and daunting at the same time. I've read heaps of Seo the Moz content and watched every Video I can find. It's all going well and I've managed to get A's on some of my pages, I was hoping some one cold tell me why this site (Link to screan grab ) is way above me in the Google search results? It appears to be under performing me in Moz but in actual fact it is greatly out performing me in Google. Any insights are more than gratefully received! Thanks Ben

    | SussexChef83

  • One of my campaigns is doing great in the sense that the website has been running fault free for a few months now. Great, of course! But... in Google Webmaster Tools errors keep coming in showing older media documents and pages. And it does not say where they are from. Probably this is more a Google question, but I thought I'd try to find some answers here first. I would appreciate any suggestions and help. Monique

    | MarketingEnergy

  • Rank Tracker tells me my page is #3 on Google (US) for a keyword phrase When I check myself, I see my page is #6 Am I missing something here?

    | brianflannery

  • Hi, I'm working on a big news website (in tourism) and, when checking my homepage with mozbar, I often get: "My Title • Untitled Document" - 69 characters With no apparent reason, If I refresh the page or simply visit it later, it could randomly switch to the "normal" title: "My Title" - 44 characters It looks like completely random to me, like something more is loaded in the first case. I've checked my source code of course, and <title>tag seems to be ok with no other <title> even when I get the "untitled document".</p> <p>I have no idea about that. I don't know if that can be a useful info, but I was trying to understand why the majority of my main keywords searches are only showing other pages (I can rarely find my homepage) even though my home looks correctly indexes and shows as first result for every site: research.<br /><br />Hope everything's is clear....any idea or suggestions?<br /><br />Thank you in advance.</p> <p> </p></title>

    | Daniele_Carollo

  • We paid for an SEO contract in addition to our new website design (same company did both) and after 12 months cancelled the SEO. I have been very suspicious ever since of our bad page rank and general lack of traffic (despite my efforts) and today found a hidden page of outbound links. Currently in shock that this happened although my own fault for lack of due diligence. The SEO consultants were very unhappy that I cancelled the contract so I am worried about the extent of bad links or negative google juice they may have created (god knows what else they may have done). So my questions are: How can I detect any other (potentially hidden) problems? How can I recover from this - any right/wrong way to approach google? What is the best way to bring this up with the SEO consultants? Thank you in advance.

    | marketing-gal

  • I recently purchases Moz pro, hoping to find out why my website isn't ranking on specific keywords. I'm done analytics on myself and my competition and it seems that I rank better than them on 95% of the categories (using OpenSiteExplorer and keyword research tools). So I purchases Moz Pro hoping I'd find the glaring error in my ways. I found a few small issues I was having, and have dealt with them. Overall however, they were small issues, and have led me to believe Google as a penalty in place for my website (SEO friend have also suspected this). In my Google Webmaster tools, nothing is marked under Manual Actions. So does anyone have a way to contact Google and have them directly look at my website to insure there is no errors in their system?

    | ZSuttonPhoto1

  • Our website domain redirects to (since it's in English). Therefore, all pages on redirects to In my Moz analytics, it says I have duplicate content, and lists all of these pages. Didn't the 301 redirects take care of the duplicate content? Or do I still have to add canonical tags?

    | Taulia

  • Hi all, I just used the Moz page grader on this page: for the keyword "pearl earrings".  It's grading it a "B" and the most important issue is "Avoid Keyword Stuffing in Document".  The keyword appears once in the title, once in the H1 tag, twice in the body and 31 times in alt image text.  We've recently been taking the time to add alt text to all product images by simply copying the product name.  So if the product name is "Pearl & Crystal Beaded Drop Earrings", that text is copied and pasted as the product image's alt text.  This seemed like the best way because it's highly descriptive and obviously, quick to implement.  But if search engines see this as keyword stuffing, I guess we should rethink it. I don't know why Google would have a problem with this - it doesn't negatively affect the user experience and clearly those alt tag are serving a specific purpose.  Still, the Moz grader doesn't seem to like it so if anyone knows the best way to handle this (or ignore it?) I'd really appreciate your help.  Thanks!

    | RichAlbanese

  • A campaign that I ran said that my client's site had some 47,000+ duplicate pages and titles. I was wondering how I can possibly set that many 301 redirects, but a Moz help engineer said it has a lot to do with session IDs. See this set of duplicate URLs: (clearly the main URL for the page) To a crawler, that looks like 4 different pages, when it's clear that they're actually all different URLs for the same page. I was wondering if some of you, maybe with experience in site architecture, would have insight into how to address this issue? Thanks Alan

    | AlanJacob

  • Hi guys! Our site appears to have been punched in the face by the latest Moz update. It's claiming our #linking root domains has dropped from 225 to 135 and has subsequently hit our DA from 38 to 35. We haven't disavowed any links and our off-site strategy has been going well the past 2 months. Search performance has increased by around 15% (around 5k sessions) and rankings have improved week on week. Any idea if this is a Moz error? That's almost a 50% drop in linking root domains. Thanks, James

    | Matt.Carwow

  • Is it possible that website DA can be increased by 10+ in one month?  I checked for it was 37 and in next update it was increased by 10. Current DA is 47 (checked on MOZ toolbar)

    | vivekrathore

  • Our site is built on Wordpress and we use a very popular SEO plugin called Yoast to generate our sitemap (as well as handle multiple other SEO functions). When MOZ's spider crawls our site, this sitemap triggers an error saying "Missing Title or Empty." My question is how can I avoid having this error hurt me in terms of my rankings. It seems strange to me that such a ubiquitous plugin would be generating something as important as a sitemap in an incorrect format.

    | ShatterBuggy

  • Hi everyone, I have been doing competitive research, but after researching several hundred keywords, I realized that they were all combined. This made it difficult and time consuming to do further research because they were all grouped together. Is there any way to create each group of keywords in their own separate group? I see that you can create campaigns, but that asks for a comparison of websites. As I do not have a website that I want to track or compare, I prefer not to do that. Thanks so muck for the help. Don

    | rcman

  • Hello, I'm fairly new to using Moz and I logged on this morning to find Issues have been found in one of the websites - 22 High Priority and 44 Medium. I know it's due to duplicate content in the blog, but i can't figure out what is duplicated? I've only recently come on board this website so I don't know if the content has been plagiarised or what? The link to the site is here: Any help would be appreciated. Thanks zFxQmmd

    | Cowbang

  • Our main competitor Royal Cases, a custom case manufacturer and designer, has some really shady links and some dummy domains with duplicate content, yet they are ranking #1 organically for some of the industry's top search terms. Let me give you some examples. First off, they have multiple dummy domains with the same exact same content as their main website. One of these is They have a couple more that are just as bad. Secondly, their link profile is so shockingly black hat, I can't figure out why/how they haven't been deindexed or hit with a filter. I'll give you some examples. I ran a link analysis through Moz, and found multiple links from many websites that have absolutely NOTHING to do with custom cases. Here are a few of the linking domains: ; ; ; These are just a few. Now here is what I don't understand, when I go to explore the individual inbound links, I can't find the links to Royal anywhere on the pages. They have dozens from different pages on these obviously completely unrelated websites, but when you go to those pages, the links themselves are nowhere to be found. Yet, they are showing up as inbound links....I am lost. Does anyone have any idea what in the world is going on here? Is there a way to report this to Google? Normally I wouldn't resort to this sort of "tattle-tailing" but this company has a history of scheming and just horrendous business practices, and they recently had to pay a large settlement for pirating software for their company.

    | Sean_Gutermuth

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