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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • I was reviewing my first Moz crawler report and noticed the crawler returned a bunch of duplicate page content errors.  The recommendations to correct this issue are to either put a 301 redirect on the duplicate URL or use the rel="canonical" tag so Google knows which URL I view as the most important and the one that should appear in the search results.  However, after poking around the source code I noticed all of the pages that are returning duplicate content in the eyes of the Moz crawler already have the rel="canonical" tag. Does the Moz crawler simply not catch whether that tag is being used?  If I have that tag in place, is there anything else I need to do in order to get that error to stop showing up in the Moz crawler report?

    | shinolamoz

  • I need to find a writer that is SEO savvy yet great with 1. Hooks (like hooking the user in.  This site for instance has "Inbound marketing is complicated. Moz's software makes it easy". 2. Editing -  Someone that is again SEO savvy, and doesn't mind editing my text.  (Focused mainly on the text for the site right now, articles will be later.) 3. Explaining something complicated in a simple way that engages the user. Anyone have any suggestions?  Maybe even someone they use / used?  Or which site do you all like best for finding a writer?  I registered at but maybe need to look harder...just wasn't seeing anyone that matched that criteria. My budget isn't high, but I believe in paying for quality, so even if I have to pay a high rate for excellent work, they'll also have to be cool with me only doing a page here and a page there every few days or so, as my writing budget for my new site is only $50-$120 a week right now.

    | eugenecomputergeeks

  • Hey all, It appears the Moz crawler is misreading the number of characters in my website's page titles.  It shows 72 characters for the following page's title element: The page title for this web page is: Orange Crystal Chain Necklace with Drop | Giavan which is 48 characters.  As it stands, this page title is displayed at 48 characters in Google SERPs. I am getting "This Element is Too Long" issue on 925 pages, which is just about the entire site. These issues appeared after I added additional Shopify (Liquid) code to the page title.  If you inspect the code, you will see title element looks a bit odd with extra spacing and line breaks. What I'd like to know is whether or not it's necessary to rewrite the Shopify code, for SEM purposes.  My feeling is that it's okay because the page titles look fine in SERPs but those 925 Moz crawl errors are kind of scary. Thanks for your help!

    | RichAlbanese

  • Hi Are the Total Links To Your Site, as reported in GWT, purely external inbound links ? Since these links are usually, as far as i can tell, much higher in number than any other link reporting tool and hence, i presume, more accurate, why don't services such as Moz etc include this in reporting ? I know its just a total number and link quality is whats important not quantity, but i would have thought interesting to show in reporting in conjunction with link quality info such as is already reported. Since most backlink reporting tools do show a total but always much much lower than that reported in gwt (i think) All Best Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I just become a PRO subscriber and feel a little overwhelmed. Where do I start? Feedback would be greatly appreciated. What is sparking my interest are the items listed below on the image attached. Specific items are, Internal Equity-Passing Links Total Internal Links Total Links MOZ.png

    | TeamAguilar

  • Hi, I probably put this question in a wrong category, so I'd like to ask again. I am new in SEOmoz and writing this from Japan.
    I have couple of questions and really appriciate if you can help me to understand SEOmoz. better. First of all, what is the difference between SEOmoz Pro and Mozscape API? I signed up for 30days free trial and now continue being $99 PROmember.
    Is that correct that rate limit is one request every 2 seconds with PRO? and also want to know about free API that I found after signed up for PRO.
    Is there any restrictions on free API except for rate limit is one request every 10 seconds? The main reason I signed up for SEOmoz was to use the API link metrics, and because of the language I got really confused now.

    | flaminGoGo

  • Hi All, my Bing and Yahoo search results pretty much all say not in 50, but for Google many are in the top 10. In the past I have seen the reverse...high search on Yahoo/Bing - low on Google. Any thoughts on why this is happening? Thank you!

    | BeeCHW

  • Hey guys, I'm just starting a company and had a few questions regarding how we should structure our online store. The store is currently selling skins for consoles, phones - and we have wall decals too, as well as fridge wraps. I was wondering if anyone had advice on the best structure of things? Should I, for instance, have a single "Xbox One Wrap" product page with multiple variations as an option? Or should I have individual product pages for each different style? I feel like putting all the weight on a single Xbox One Wrap page is great, but I also feel like having more content out there for each product probably isn't terrible either? Suggestions? The site is so you can check it out - it's original photos we are taking of adult stars, but eventually will be for "Sexy" people in general. Heh.

    | JohnnyRoq

  • The website is - it's a new adult wall decals website. [editor's note: may not be safe for some workplaces] The wall decals we have are obviously a bit more niche than the bigger competitors, but I want to get into the first page to see how it helps us. I'm slowly taking over some kws like "xbox wraps" and "ps4 wraps" but those have low search volume and I feel like "wall decals" will help - though it's highly competitive. Suggestions? I just kinda want to plug in my competition and pick from their list of existing kws..... Ha.

    | JohnnyRoq

  • Hello dear. I have a client in IRAN and I want to track Persian keywords.But the MOZ tracker keywords doesn't support that country. Please help and advise me how can I use track keywords in IRAN?

    | allyunit

  • So, as the title says, I am stuck. I recently have been brought on as the SEO guru for a small-mid size company with the task of rebuilding their web presence. Their website is in pretty unfortunate condition. The more research I do, the farther and farther I am going down the rabbit hole of chaos. Essential the previous CEO was doing all SEO work. He purchased 1500 domains, all keyword specific. Installed wordpress on roughly 1,000 and then began pumping out content. Of the 1,000 roughly 300 of them have about 600-2,000 characters worth of content that is absolute fluff. From there the linking began. Now the content is different enough that Google doesn't seem to notice that its the SAME FREEKIN THING on each domain, but I am very concerned. The company has their main multi-page domain which has other links and sources of traffic, but in essence the previous owner created a micro link web. My advice is to cut those links ASAP and remove the previous work. At the same time, I also don't want them to lose rank. So I guess I am asking a whole slew of questions... Am I right in thinking that we have to build a bridge before we burn a bridge? Is it worth fixing up some of those other domains to have original content to try and bolster what we already have? Would it be better to combine everything into one website, or try and have different domains represent different things. For example is an umbrella website with 8 separate websites operating under the same roof using different domains.? Where do I begin? I feel like I have started this project numerous times. I know the keywords, I know where the duplicate content is, I know the structure of the main domain, I am getting the structure of the entire link web. Lastly, any thoughts you all have would be greatly appreciated. I realistically have minimal experience in this realm. I am a a major nub. I understand SEO in theory, sorta. So I'm getting there!

    | HashtagHustler

  • Hey friends! We're looking for any tricks and tips you have for other people using Pro. Everyone has their own way of doing things. We'd love to see if you have any hacks you've created. You can send over just a screenshot, or a blog post, or anything you've got! Here are a couple examples: [blog post] Did you know you can use OSE's anchor text export to see if you are getting setup for a penguin penalty? This is a blog post about it: [screenshot] Did you know you can get all your keyword ranking historical data by clicking this one little button? Do you have anything you'd like to add? We're hoping to help spread these to others to help people utilize the tools to their potential. Thanks!

    | jennita

  • When setting up a campaign for keywords and selected search engines. I am targeting a UK market so obviously is my main target. However when I set up the campaign i select Google as the SE but it asks me if I want United Kingdom or Great Britain. I selected United Kingdom and it has been returning 0 results for rankings even though I can physically see them in the SERPS. Does anyone know exactly what is the difference between the UK and GB options. I assume I should of specified GB but not sure. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

    | hanv

  • Our company site TW and G+ accounts are not being tracked by MOZ although they are connected with MOZ. Can someone please look into this?

    | US-Chemical-Storage

  • Example: I'm interested in crawling a regional site for Brazil to find any meta tags that are still in English with the goal being to fix any localization issues.

    | mattsolar

  • We are launching a site on a new domain that is taking the place of a group (subset) of pages in an existing domain. BUT The pages on the existing domain have really good SEO rankings in a very competitive category and we want to leverage the traffic it gets today in the best way, so.... Which of the following would be the best practice in this case (in regards to SEO)? Modify the existing pages' content so that there are prominent calls to action that lead the users to the new domain. Create permanent redirects for the existing pages for their counterparts on the new domain. This is more direct for the user but we don't know how it will affect the current ranking. Something other than the above. Many thanks for you help Gary

    | gazza1

  • After doing a crawl test i get a download report. It then downloads in csv form and when I go to view it there is a curruption error or just a load of gibberish signs Can I not see the report onsite?

    | hantaah

  • This is going for basically all my pages, but my website has 3 'duplicates' as the rest just have 2 (no index) Why are these 3 variations counting as duplicate pages?

    | W2GITeam

  • How does google react when there is a .com and a .us in the same geographic area as with the United States?  Wouldn't google prefer the .com over  Even with different content on the site, I would think google would choose one over the other.  Would you have to use a 301 redirect or would just geotargeting do it? I'm not interested in using both just to use them, there is discussion between a US corporation and it's US region.

    | CC_Dallas

  • Fresh Web Explorer finds daily about 10 articles/blog posts where I could post in comment section a relevant link to content on my own website, which I really belief may be of interest to many readers of the articles. I would like to do this for the traffic that these links are generating to my site (intention is not ranking improvement).
    Would I need to be concerned that it could affect negatively my ranking if I post so many times links to my own site in the comment sections and also considering that I would always link to the same about 5 landing pages on my site? To give some context. The site for wich I want to build links for is long established PageRank 6  site with legit links from about 1000 different root domains. I would only post to articles published within last 48h. Would I need to be concerned about the frequency of the posting and if so, any ideas what may be a reasonable frequency to post my links?

    | lcourse

  • How do I cancel my subscription to SEOmoz?

    | Nobody1610556849988

  • ​I have one question about link building. What will be right way to find quality free/non free directories to submit my web page. My web page thematic is nail-art.  Thanks and best regards

    | komir2004

  • Hi I just recently started a website and I am new to MOZ pro. What Moz pro detected on my website under high priority is that "duplicate page content" and what I realize about these duplicate page content is regarding the tags i put on my post. Because it is a wordpress blog, we are allow to add tags on the side before we publish our post. And because of these tags, it linked to the same page but different url. for example 2 and both these url direct to the same page So how do i solve this? do i just stop tagging whenever i write a post? delete all tags while it is not necessary? i seen method like 301 redirect or rel=canonical but is there anyway to solve this problem so I do not face this issue whenever i make a new post in my blog? I mean it doesnt make sense to redirect 301 to every single tags i have whenever i write a new post right? thanks guys

    | andzon

  • My home page recently dropped from page one in Google to not being ranked for my top keyword.  The page has an "A" ranking in MOZ for the keyword.  Is there a way to find out the cause.  I did have what looked like a duplicate page for a while 3 months ago when a domain was forwarding to my home page incorrectly.  Appeared with second domain name instead of primary.  Our business has been 95% through internet leads so quite an issue. Is there anyway to find out what is going on.

    | FredRoven

  • Hey everyone, I'm working on keyword research, and am at the point of going through my list and doing some competitive analysis to figure out which phrases are viable as far as competition goes. What methods are you currently using? As of now, we've been manually searching the phrase in Google, and using the Moz toolbar to check the metrics, backlinks, domain authority etc. I remember before the Adwords integration with Moz was removed, there was a more efficient way to do this using the keyword difficulty tool. Any guidance/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    | RCDesign74

  • Hi to all SEO wizards, For my Dutch blog I'm using WordPress Genesis framework 2.0 with news theme pro 2.0 responsive theme. I love the out of the box SEO friendliness and features. One of those features is that it allows for a blog post or page to be divided into several pages. This results in MOZ signaling duplicate titles for all pages after the 1st page. Now I was thinking that a canonical url set to the first page should do the trick for me as I reason that the rank will go the the first page and the rest will not be seen as duplicates. Genesis does some good stuff on it's own and places the following meta tags in the header for the first page. All looks well and my question is about the same meta tags for the 2nd page and higher that I pasted below this one for the 1st page. Meta tags page 1 of X for blog post Meta tags page 2 of X for the same blog post Would it not be better to point the canonical url for page 2 till X to always point to the first page? In this case:

    | DanielMulderNL

  • We were recently approached by a SEO agency saying that we had a bunch of very toxic links. They wanted to do the work for us but we've decided to keep costs down and keep it in-house. I've downloaded a list of the links to our site from Google Webmaster Tools and am now manually going through each link to find the links we want removed/disavowed. What is the best way to judge the links? Please note: I have limited resources. I'm using a combination of my gut and SEO Moz's Domain Authority. If the site or directory is irrelevant and has a low Domain Authority I put the link in the remove pile. If I come across a directory that doesn't seem too bad and it has a reasonable Domain Authority I leave the link. Am I doing enough?

    | Gherson

  • I'd like to know if there's any tool which would let us know who the owner of a web domain is.

    | daleseppie

  • User wise, my product menu is user friendly, but I'm concerned that it might be seen by crawlers as bad because of the TOO MANY ON-PAGE LINKS error I am getting in my moz crawl report.  Is it really counting all the links in every drop-down menu?  If so, is there are resource on how to fix it????

    | saultienut

  • I am currently going through the process of optimizing my pages for my given keywords. Most of my pages are receiving an A grading from the Moz page checker, with keywords being found in all elements expect for the H1 tag. For certain pages I have not used a H1 tag, the pages title has been incorporated into the image on the top of the page. This is difficult to explain without showing you so i will use one of my pages to explain, the page is The keyword for this page is garden gym, it is found multiple times in the content, URL and other on page elements expect for the H1 tag as I don't have one. The title resides in the image, I know how important H1 tags are but I don't know how I can incorporate into this page. Does anyone have any ideas how I can incorporate the H1 tag into this page? Kind Regards, Tom

    | Tmgale

  • After 6 months using Moz for on-page optimisation, my Google ranking didn't go up once. Should I quit Moz?

    | TechTumble

  • So, many of you know my current bizarre situation. We are getting some assistance. If you are curious my posts are on here and you have all been extremely  helpful. To my question: So in my Moz campaign I am tracking a handful of keywords and such, and then there are all the keywords that are sending results currently. Some of these I feel are pretty reasonable to transfer over to my keyword list. Some are pretty obvious that we should not use. Then there are some that seem to be luke warm. Are then worth tracking just because they are sending traffic? I guess the better question would be to look at if they are actually converting. Are people who are looking for Ice Cream upset when then end up at a place that doesn't sell Ice Cream.

    | HashtagHustler

  • is a marketplace for various things. They act as an umbrella for 8 different websites that fall underneath them and each one offers a specific thing. Is there any SEO benefit to doing this? Wouldn't it have been better off for them build all of these into i.e. as opposed to the current The only thing I can think of really is branding? Let's assume that they didn't do this because they needed space to house all of the digital data or anything like that.

    | HashtagHustler

  • My autorithy has recentrly decreased from 13 to 10..somebody knows what could be the reason and how I cna improve/correct this? tx

    | tourtravel

  • Hi How long aproximately does G take to pass authority via a 301 from an old page to its new replacement page ? Does Moz Page Authority reflect this in its score once G has passed it ? All Best

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi Moz Community, Hope you can help.  Is there any way to discover the most visited pages for a particular website, one that I do not administer?  I wouldn't need exact numbers, just a relative breakdown of the "Most Visited" pages/sections.  For example, if I was reviewing, I'd be interested in determining the 10/20/50 most visited pages/products.  And just to provide another example, I would be interested in the 10/20/50 most visited pages/stories on Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    | MountArashi

  • I really need to be able to grant login access for other people in my organisation to the pro account and importantly restrict access to individual campaigns. Can this be bumped up the dev schedule (or is it even in the pipeline)?

    | timwills

  • Does anyone else have the issue where the rank tracker is completely off? I have a few keywords that are ranked at position 18 but the tracker is showing 32...

    | Anest

  • Hello there, I have a stupid question: Why i cannot grow up, or google not do anything, when all indicators are better than a competitor. If you will see this link: samsung galaxy s4 , you will see that, they are 1st on that keyword for better than 2 month. And we have better PA / Links / DA. Thank you in advance, Shanaki

    | Shanaki

  • Hi all, Can anyone recommend a tool that will allow me to put in a list of about 200 domains that are then checked for a link back to a specific domain? I know I can do various link searches and use Google site: command on a site by site basis, but it would be much quicker if there was a tool that could take the list of domains I am expecting a link  on and then find if that link exists and if so on what page etc. Hope this makes sense  otherwise I have to spend a day doing it by hand - not fun! Thanks,

    | MrFrisbee

  • Hi, I am freshman, both, here on SEOmoz and in SEO generally and have a question concerning the assessment of KW difficulty. I did browse through the Q&A-Section (great content!!) but could not find a relevant answer to my problem. So I am currently building my initial keyword list, our website is only 2 months old, so we are still in the very early stage. Fashion is a very competitive area, so the KW Diff. Tool indicates high difficulty for a lot of words and phrases. however, I identified some with percentages <50 or even lower than that. Then I compared the results of the SEOmoz tool to Google Adwards and the Google results for competitiveness differed significantly. For example: for the  KW Personal Shopping I got KWD from Seomoz 33% (in Germany) and from Google 0,5 for broad and 0,64 for exact search. I am quite confused how to make the right choices for my KWs now. Which metrics should I consider most? What else apart from the competition factor is behind the metric KW diff.? Does it matter in any way that I search from Germany for Germany in German? Do you have any further recommendations for the process of identifying the best Kws? Thanks a lot in advance, best from Berlin Tani

    | TaniBogi

  • In the past week my website has not been doing well. How can I look at a list of domains linking to my website to identify which ones are harmful and need to be removed. Is there a checklist of criteria that a linking doamin to meet for me to remove it? Thank you for your help.

    | andrewlegal

  • Hey, The new MOZ toolbar is unable to identify the meta description on any of the pages for my doman  Is there any reason that someone can see why that would be? The tag should be correct on all pages. Thanks! -Mike

    | Stew222

  • Is anyone going to SMX Advanced, and willing to meet-up with some Mozzers? Our product & engineering team want to chat about links! We'd love to meet up before, during, or after the conference. As a token of our gratitude, we'll give you some fun Mozzy swag or a gift card 🙂 Sound interesting? Fill out this mini-survey with your availability and preferred contact information:

    | JackieRae

  • Hi there A KDS report question... My client has a keyword with a low KDS (garden hose - 28). Intuitively this seemed too low, and when I checked what ranks, it is all high quality brand sites with high DAs. Admittedly the specific pages ranking have low PAs, but I can't see my client ever being able to compete with these big boys right now. How come the KDS is so low? This seems just wrong as the metric implies it is a good keyword to target - I know there are always lots of other things to check, but this does make me less confident with KDS reporting Anyone got any thoughts on this? Many thanks

    | Chammy

  • One of my Moz campaigns tracks my main competitor. I can't get over the fact that this competitor continues to rank well despite having thousands of duplication issues while I currently have less than 10. Our websites are similar both structurally and product-wise. The two images attached include OSE comparisons for the keyword "kraft envelopes". My competitor ranks #2 for the term, while I rank #9. I don't get why! And again, looking from a top-level perspective, MOZ shows that my competitor's website is full of duplication issues and other problems while my site is healthy as a horse. All responses are greatly appreciated. QmSlfET.jpg 9CDny60.jpg

    | jampaper

  • Can someone explain how is it that most of the competitors I have online and that rank in first page of the search results almost entirely get links ( in the thousands) and still have higher or equal domain/page authority than mine? I went 1 by 1 checking all their links and they mostly come from sex pages, and non related sites. I say stop creating angry pandas and penguins and start taking out of the game people that just play dirty. Thanks.

    | AbellSEO

  • Hi, I am looking for good videos with visual examples on how to edit duplicate content issues. I am editing a law firms website, and for the most part the duplicate issues seem to show up in tag URL's on the blog. I feel like I have maybe half of the picture figured out, but I am not sure how or where to make changes. I have gone through the crawl diagnostic issues and a few articles, but I know I am a visual learner. Therefore a video might be helpful. Does anyone have any suggestions on where to get started? Thanks.

    | DigitalEnvy

  • Hello Mozzers! Say there is a website with 100 pages and a domain authority of 25. If the number of pages on this website increases to 10,000 can that decrease its domain authority or affect it in any way?

    | MozAddict

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