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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • can I add more than 3 competitors? or it is the limit.  thanks.

    | awebdesign

  • Looking at a website that has a Google Toolbar rank of 2. Moz Authority is 65. Why would there be such a huge difference? Site has been around since 2000 but has not been updated. Mosst of the links are from 3000 links all owned by the same person.

    | Ebtec

  • I'm a huge fan of Followerwonk.  I was wondering if anyone could recommend a product or service similar to it, but for Facebook or G+.  I know G+ may be a stretch, but I'm hopefully there's at least one for Facebook.

    | Oren.

  • I am new to Moz (as a member), so I am not sure if Moz has a tool that I need. I don't want this post to be about self promotion, so I will keep it short. Our business helps increase conversions and sales for online businesses. Our ideal prospects belongs to some key categories of businesses like ecommerce, saas etc. However, I would like to know the estimated volume of traffic for a website before approaching them and introducing our service. So if there was a tool I could use to estimate the volume of visitors a specific website receives on average a day or month, it would be hugely beneficial.Obviously, these are prospective clients, so we do not have access to their system or their analytics. I just want to get an estimate. So for example, if I entered the domain into the system, I would hope it could tell me, that gets an average of 900 unique visitors a day. I don't need too much detail like geographic locations etc, but it would be a bonus having that additional information. I also don't mind paying for a tool that's quality. So it doesn't have to be free.

    | RyanShahed

  • I will appreciate the exact definition of the term External followed Links and the term Followed Linking Root Domain when using OpenSiteExplorer on Page level and on Sub-domain level. let's say my site is and that's my home page as well. which of the following will be consider as external link / linking root domain? Thanks a lot

    | WixSeoTeam

  • My on page reports are showing a good number of duplicate title tags, but they are all because of a url tracking parameter that tells us which link the visitor clicked on. For example, and are the same page, but are treated as to different urls in SEOMoz. This is creating "fake" number of duplicate page titles in my reports. This has not been a problem with Google, but SEOMoz is treating it like this and it's confusing my data. Is there a way to specify this as a url parameter in the Moz software? Or does anybody have another suggestion? Should I specify this in GWT and BWT?

    | InetAll

  • We are launching a new site within the next 48 hours.  We have already purchased the 30 day trial and we will continue to use this tool once the new site is launched. Just looking for some tips and/or best practices so we can compare the old data vs. the new data moving forward....thank you in advance for your response(s). PB3

    | Issuer_Direct

  • Hi Everyone, Our website uses the Magento platform which is notorious for creating duplicate content. I tried to make sure that all the duplicate content it creates should be "canonicalized" to the correct page. While looking through the moz Page Diagnostics I see that I have 1003(!) pages of duplicate content. When I downloaded the csv I saw that over 95% of them had a canonical url. Does that mean there is really no issue but moz analytics is still reading it as duplicate content and titles? Is there an issue with them being canonicals as opposed to being redirected? Thanks!

    | EcomLkwd

  • I just redesigned my website and suddenly traffic has dropped. Moz says I am missing titles, meta tag descriptions and have a lot of duplicate content. My site is and is full of unique and hand written content,. Are there any wordpress plugins that will add titles etc to my pages (some of the added ones are custom)? Any help would be much appreciated!

    | flexy

  • I realize you can click on a specific keyword and view Ranking History for approximately the most recent 12 weeks. I am wondering if you plan on offering additional options (e.g. 6 mo or 1 yr)? It would be great to show clients progress over a greater time span. I am aware of the csv download, but my clients are not interested in looking at or comprehending raw csv data. Can anyone suggest a good tutorial for transforming csv into a decent looking graph? Or, perhaps a software that is capable of doing the same - for those of us that quite simply don't have the time to crash into yet another learning curve 😉 Thanks!

    | SCW

  • Hi there, I use Codeigniter as framework and I have a question about the duplicate page. Actually, for default, the typical page in a CodeIgniter framework is something like this: where site is the controller containing the contact function that point to the contact.html view... To have a better URL I use a trick with the "routes" that redirect any to the original Of course the both are valid and the both are... crawled! So I get the duplicate page. Is this something I have to manage, maybe with .htaccess? Any idea would be very appreciated. Thanks for you precious time guys! Shella

    | CarloShellaMascella

  • my blog/website is at  My reports are showing that I'm losing links.  Is there a way to find out which links I've been losing to see if it is something that I should be concerned about?

    | jamesjd71

  • We are optimizing a french website. Most of the keywords we are targetting can be (and are used)in a plural form as well. We have noticed that the results for the plural and singular are not strictly the same (yet, very close). Similarly, one of the most important keywords we use (étudiant: student) is often times spelt without the accent. Again, the results are differnt in Google. Now, the question is: should we focus only on the "main" form (singular and with accents) and hope that search engines will always do a good job at this or should we care for all the versions, which would be quite weird, as it means we would need to have different pages for each "version" of the same word. Also, SEOMoz doesn't deal very well with this. We get an A on the singular with accent form for a given page, and a F for that same page and keyword, but without the accent and in plural.

    | jgenesto

  • I just pulled a search term report for all of 2013 from my PPC account.  What I got was 673,000 rows of terms that have garnered at least 1 impression in 2013.  This is exactly what I was looking for. My issue is that the vast majority of terms are geo-modified to include the city, the city and state or the zip code.  I am trying to remove the geographic information to get to a list of root words people are interested in based on their search query patterns. Does anyone know how to remove all city, state and zip codes quickly without having to do a find and replace for each geo-modifier in excel? for example, if i could get a list of all city and state combinations in the US and a list of all zip codes, and put that list on a separate tab and then have a macro find and remove from the original tab any instances of anything from the second tab, that would probably do the trick.  Then I could remove duplicates and have my list of root words.

    | dsinger

  • What Exactly Does "Linking Root Domains" mean?? And how does it affect your ranking for certain Keywords?? Thanks

    | Caseman

  • We are getting "Multiple meta descriptions found!" error when testing meta in the Chrome MozBar extension. We are using the Wordpress All in One SEO plugin. Thinking there may be a conflict with default meta description being blank and needing removed to not conflict with meta generated by All in One SEO. Curious if anyone has come across this and any info on eradicating the issue would be greatly appreciated. Most likely a newbie question on my part. Thanks!

    | departikan

  • We are global brand that will be migrating to a new platform in the next few months. As such, this will allow us to fix our current SEO issues. We are planning on using geo-targeted subfolders instead of country code top level domains primarily because of resource limitations. My question is - do I need to set the country in Webmaster Tools even though I am already going to tell Google that certain pages are targeted towards a specific country?

    | marshseo

  • Hey Mozzers, Are there any good Migration-SEO-QA Tools out there? Given a prioritized list of URLs and prioritized list of Keywords, is there a tool that can compare basic SEO factors, old URL vs. new URL, and identify all the specific gaps that need to be fixed? Here is a basic SEO-QA acceptance checklist, for porting any website. . . . Until the porting work is completed we cannot accept the new website. Givens: 1. A list of the Top 100 URLs from the old site, prioritized by conversion rates, landing page traffic, and inbound links. 2. A list of the planned 404 - mapped URLs, old to new site, from the porting team. 3. A list of the current Top 200 Keywords, prioritized. 4. A good amount of SEO work has already been done, by several professionals, for the current (old) site. **How to evaluate if the new site will be acceptable to Google?  Check ON-PAGE SEO Factors... ** **. . . that is, the NEW site must be AS GOOD AS (or better than) the current (old) site,
    in the eyes of Google, to preserve the On-Page SEO work already done. ** Criteria: URLs ok? :: Is the URL mapping ok, old to new, best web page? LINKS ok :: Are all internal LINKS and keyword Anchor Text ported? TEXT ok :: On-page content, TEXT and keywords ok? TITLE ok :: HTML Title and title keywords ok? DESCRIPTION ok :: HTML Meta Description ok? H1, H2 ok :: HTML H1, H2 and keywords ok? IMG kwds :: HTML IMG and ALT keywords ok? URL kwds :: URL - keywords in new URLs ok? Potential porting defects: Keywords in URL missing: Keywords in HTML Title missing: Keywords in Meta Description missing: Any internal LINKS or Link anchor text missing: Keywords in Page TEXT missing: H1, H2 missing keywords: HTML IMG alt-text, IMG file URLs, any missing keywords: Notes: Until the porting work is completed we cannot accept the new site, or set a target date for potential cutover. There are eight (8) data items per URL, and about one hundred (100) URLs to be considered for SEO-QA before going live. We were expecting to cutover before the end of February, at the latest. There is no point in doing full QA acceptance-tests until the porting work is completed. QA spot-checks have found far too many defects. About 60% of the landing-page traffic comes via the top 40 URLs. With over 100 URLs to look at, it can take more than a week or two just to do SEO-QA in detail, manually, item-by-item, page-by-page, side-by-side, old vs. new. Spot-checks indicate a business disaster would occur unless the porting defects are fixed before going live. _Any Migration-QA Tools?_Given a prioritized list of URLs and prioritized list of Keywords, is there a tool that can compare basic On-Page SEO factors, old URL vs. new URL, and identify most of the specific gaps that need to be fixed before going live with the new site? _ *** Edit: Any comments on the SEO criteria, tools, or methods will be appreciated!_

    | George.Fanucci

  • Our developer has added a 2nd canonoical link for the "print" version of our page.   I read on another post that this appears to be not be the correct way to do this.  Is there a better way ?  Here is an example of the code:

    | foodsleuth

  • Since your scale (like PageRank) is a logarithmic scale, it makes it hard to judge the distance between 2 scores.  Can you give me a rule of thumb.  For PageRank,  each jump is an exponential jump - so that a PR6 is perhaps 10 times stronger than a PR5. What is the log base that SEOMoz uses.   Should I assume that a 60 is 10 times stronger than a 50? This is important when it comes to measuring progress because growth is going to get more difficult as you move up the scale and I need to communicate the distance between our current Authority score and our goal. Thank You!

    | apo11o177

  • How do I get Fresh Web Explorer explorer to work properly. The feedback I’m getting shows that my brand, Health 2000 had over 4000 mentions on Monday the 13th of January.  However when I check out the links that supposedly  mention our brand, they bring up general terms related to Health and make no reference to our brand. How can I refine this?

    | Hardley111

  • Its getting to be 40% to 60%. Clients ask what that is and why Data Not Provided Best answers please and any advice welcome

    | BraveThinking

  • I just got the "no more than one canonical url TAG" for this page I have no idea how to Fix that. Tried google it but none for Tag in particular. PS. I have changed the Theme recently therefore so did the URL Anyone?

    | bishop23

  • I have a brand new website. It was created 10 days ago. How long would it take for it to show up in search results? I understand that since the site is new, there are no sites sending it backlinks. Also, i have optimized the page for my keyword "xyz" and it received an A grade. The site does not figure even in the top 50 results. Please help me out. It is a one page web application that needs to drive traffic to survive.

    | dl_s

  • Hi Moz users, Sometimes I get 404 crawl errors using Moz Pro and when my website has a few dozen pages it is hard for me to find the original page that links to a 404 page. Is there a way to find this automatically using Moz or do I have to look for it manually? I just need to find the original link and delete it to fix my 404 issue. Please let me know thank you for you help. -Marc

    | marcandre

  • So...we have an A+ rating with the BBB and have for some time.  We have a link from their page.  We also use sites like pricegrabber and reseller rankings and have links from those. What I can't figure out is why links from the BBB and Pricegrabber don't even show up in open site explorer but the reseller ratings links are everywhere.  The BBB one is easily the oldest and the other two are roughly the same age (i.e. at least a couple years old.)

    | Greatmats

  • Hi, is it possible to stop Moz from crawling a site at the server level? Not that I am looking to do this or anything, but here's why I'm asking. I have been crawling a site that is managed (currently by 2 parties), and I noticed that this week pages crawled went from 80 (last week) to 1 page!! I know, what? See my image attached... and the issues all went to zero "0"....! So is it possible that someone can't prevent Moz from crawling the site at the server level? I checked the robots.txt file on the site, but nothing there. I'm curious. dYNUwjd.jpg


  • inside my moz report for duplicate contentit says that the photo gallery has duplicate content. let me post and example. is saying this site-> site               photogallery   category page name its being duplicated to all these other urls : and so on! each one has it own canonical tag to its own individual page. the site structure is this: in here there are all the links pointing to the right categorypage ie: >>>> pic 1 pic 2 pic 3 pic 1 pic 2 pic 3 pic 1 pic 2 pic 3 pic 1 pic 2 pic 3 So i don't know how to interpret  Moz diagnose. how could i interpret moz reports to find out what to fix and how to fix it? Sorry for the long post! ;

    | surgeonsadvisor

  • In open site explorer the Facebook and twitter stats are very low in correlation to what we think it should be. Twitter - 129 Total tweets and retweets of this URL since March 2010, including tweets of the URL with unique parameters added. We tweet our URL and people retweet our url several times a day, why is this figure so low? Facebook - 268 shares, 133 likes. Our Facebook page has 16,767 likes · 1,373 talking about this. Surely this figure should be higher? Could it be that its not linked to our site properly some how? im unsure, can any one shed any light on this please?

    | Alexogilvie

  • What does this mean ? This page still ranks very bad at Google. So what does it mean that it recives a grade A ?Also, if this URL recives Grade A. It should clearly be optmizied very good on the Keyword. Stil its on page 9 in google. That is very very low on this keyword. Alot of bad blogs, foreign pages, pages without the keyword in heading, pages without any good content etc. rank better.Does this score have anything to do with ranking on google ?Something is clearly wrong with this page. The on-grade tool wont tell me what that it is. And probably dont understand either, since it gives A. Is there anywhere I can check this page on what is wrong with it ? and Canada Goose jakker Re-Grade Pa Good Job! This URL received an A grade

    | butikksiden

  • Hello I am a bit stuck on what to put into this section of MOZ. As you can see from the attached image I have setup to catch any mention of my business name and root url. But beyond that I am uncertain of what to use to monitor who is talking about us. I'm also uncertain of what other abilities or usefulness this function would have. aOq7wVg.png

    | infinart

  • Hi, We have a page that we have optimised in the MOZ system and got a grade A for the term "Dental Implants Wolverhampton" The page that has been optimised isn't being indexed in google However, this page Which hasn't been optimised is indexed 11. If i run this page through the MOZ "on-page checker" it receives a quality score of F. Its very confusing, would be great to hear from anyone with any ideas? Thanks

    | popcreativeltd

  • Hello, I just added a new subdomain as one of my campaigns on MOZ. The starter crawl report keeps coming back to me with just one page crawled (it should crawl up to 250 pages). I've deleted and added this subdomain three times and it continues to present me with this problem.I've even waited a week for the full crawl report but that also showed just one page crawled. Does anybody know why this is happening? Thanks!

    | jampaper

  • I have become frustrated at MOZ in the last few months, none of my backlinks have made it into the index. Old back links. Long story short, I figured out the issue and I figured out how anyone can manipulate their DA. I wrote a blog post about it here,

    | LesleyPaone

  • Is it not sufficient to submit url ( in ** **if to promote in UK or it has to be submit in Is Google not updating his info from one domain to another automatically or it has to be submitted manually in every region? If it updating automatically then how much time it is taking for replication/to reflect. One of site ( is coming in but it is not coming when checking in Kindly suggest.

    | 1akal

  • Hello, I've got about 50 404s I'm hunting down and redirecting (to the home page) on a client's site. There are no on-site links pointing towards most of them, they're just out there floating and indexed by google. I should be more specific - these URLs just pull up as a blank white page with nothing on it. I'm concerned that Google has these indexed and it is causing a problem. They're all Ecommerce category pages where the URL has been changed. is showing 9400 pages. Moz analytics is showing 4 404s Is there any faster way to track down all 50 404s than to manually go through the 9400 URLs in the SERPs after I type in Thank you.

    | BobGW

  • I resign a week ago and I'm still waiting for my campaign to run???

    | restaurantbroker

  • I have a network security company  I've searched high and low on google adwords and with ubersuggest but I can't seem to find any keywords that have traffic and aren't medium or harder.  In-fact I've found hundreds of keywords that have no searches at all and are still listed as medium by MOZ.  Can any fellow MOZers help me?! Thanks, -Nick

    | NBGnetworks

  • Hello, Just read a great post about the implications of duplicate content for sites after the most recent Panda update: In the post is an image or crawl data history that shows months, not days or weeks, worth of trending data as it relates to duplicate content. So my question is this: How do I change my view/date range on my own campaigns so that I can view the trailing months of data rather than only what seems to be the past 4 weeks or so? This would really help me identify the impact of some  on page changes we've recently made for a client. Many Thanks, Jared

    | surjm

  • Hi, I wonder how many labels we can have  to manage keywords ? Thanks a lot

    | EuropeanSEOguy

  • How do you run ranks now for clients that aren't in your local area now that Google customizes search results based on location? What tool/service have you found that gives accurate rank results? To me it seems like there is no guaranteed global #1position any more, or is this the situation for only certain types of searches? Likewise how can anyone tool give a global accurate rank score?

    | greengroup

  • I have 3 websites: (English pages) (French) (German) Webmaster Tools In Google Analytics: I created an Account called ABC and created 4 properties with relative filters ABC Default (No filter) ABC English (filter to exclude /fr, /de) ABC French (filter to include /fr) ABC German (filter to include /de) In webmaster tools, I wish to add 3 sites How do I validate each url with Google analytics, considering I just want the specific language for folder. How do I validate the domain name to always ensure the inclusion of the default english data? MOZ Do I need to create 3 campaigns (one per language) and if yes, again how do I handle which should exclude /fr and /de? Thank you

    | seo1212

  • Is there a 3rd party that can provide me with all the ips that have hit my site ? Does the MOZ API have that ability? Does anything?

    | jdcline

  • I am trying to pull the back link report for the following URL OSE shows a total of 589 back links.  When i download the report all I get in excel is 207.  Why?

    | inetteam

  • Hi there, i hope someone knows the solution to this problem. I created/ copied the "advanced Excel Keyword Analysis Report" that Dan Peskin was kind enough to share, you can find it here: Now i m looking for a solution to rank my Keywords by using an API, preferably the MOZ API. My keywords are alligned in a column "Keword List", which will be regularly updated. Next to this column i would like to have a column with the corresponding rank. Is there a automatic solution, or do i have to do it manually?

    | Juri.Rabiner

  • So, in a Moz crawl and a Screaming From crawl, I'm getting some 503 Service Unavailable responses on the some pages. So I go to the pages in question, and the Moz bar is showing a 200 OK.  The SEOBook http status checker ( also shows a 200 OK. What gives? The only reason I'm looking at this is because rankings plummeted a couple of weeks ago. Thanks! UPDATE So, I decided to use the mozbar to set the user agent as Googlebot and when I tried to access the pages in question I receive this message.  I don't think this is an issue... anyone else have much experience here? Your access to this site has been limited Your access to this service has been temporarily limited. Please try again in a few minutes. (HTTP response code 503) Reason: Fake Google crawler automatically blocked Important note for site admins: If you are the administrator of this website note that your access has been limited because you broke one of the Wordfence firewall rules. The reason you access was limited is: "Fake Google crawler automatically blocked". If this is a false positive, meaning that your access to your own site has been limited incorrectly, then you will need to regain access to your site, go to the Wordfence "options" page, go to the section for Firewall Rules and disable the rule that caused you to be blocked. For example, if you were blocked because it was detected that you are a fake Google crawler, then disable the rule that blocks fake google crawlers. Or if you were blocked because you were accessing your site too quickly, then increase the number of accesses allowed per minute. If you're still having trouble, then simply disable the Wordfence firewall and you will still benefit from the other security features that Wordfence provides. If you are a site administrator and have been accidentally locked out, please enter your email in the box below and click "Send". If the email address you enter belongs to a known site administrator or someone set to receive Wordfence alerts, we will send you an email to help you regain access. Please read our FAQ if this does not work.

    | wiredseo

  • Hi, I doing my first technical audit on my site. I am learning how to do an audit as i go and am a lost. I know some page won't be indexed but how do I: 1. Check the site for all pages, both indexed and not indexed 2. Run a report to show indexed pages only (i am presuming i can do this via screaming Frog or webmaster tool) 3. I can do a comparison between the two list and work out which pages are not being indexed. I'll then need to figure out way. I'll cross this bridge once i get to it Thanks Ben

    | benjmoz

  • I'm experiencing severe delays trying to export OSE data into CSV over the past couple of days. Relatively small reports I ran 2 days ago are still pending! Has anyone else noticed this? Also my campaign rankings have not updated since 24th April - anyone else? Logged with Moz Helpdesk but no reply as yet...

    | PeterAlexLeigh

  • When i go to the Campaigns URL , Its not allowing me to open in order to view my ranking. Why?

    | CBC1

  • When I look at the campaign for my website in MOZ it shows me my 'organic search visits' are radically different than when I look at Google analytics. In Moz I have 10 visits the week of 10/24 but using 'visits' in Google analytics I have 320 visits the same week. In Moz I have 20 visits the week of 11/1 (following the gold total line) but according to Google I have almost 500 visits that week. I just totally redid my site ( and posted a bunch of new content and looking to see what it did to my traffic and according to Google my visits have fallen dramatically but according to Moz my 'organic search visits' have multiplied by 6. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Matthew

    | Mrupp44

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