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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi moz help, I found out that in our Facebook likes counts zero, while my facebook account actually counts more than 600 likes. How is this possible? Did I not couple my facebook account correctly to my website? The address is and the Facebook page is

    | Seeders

  • Since my Google+ account is attached to my business page, MOZ is tracking the actual user page. I want to track the business page. It won't let me add another user. How do I fix this? Thanks.

    | kcampbell99

  • seomoz and site explorer completely different results on own site and competitors on moz i am ahead in all aspects in site explorer i am way off par...why

    | lordmoose8545

  • This isn't a question.  It's a simple suggestion that I'm hoping will inspire a change at Seomoz. I love what this site does.  What it helps us do as community.  What it helps us achieve collectively.  This suggestion is based on that love... I think we all can agree that the rankings between local reviews and organic reviews are very different beasts entirely.  They should then be treated this way within the Seomoz data with separate reports. The vast majority of reputable small businesses don't care about national rankings, but would rather get to the top of the local charts with their 5-star reviews.  Can you imagine the power of a report that is dedicated to helping you shape your client's results to achieve this? I like seeing the results of local in the keyword report, but we need a report dedicated to local search to make a difference in our rankings.  With all of the recent chatter on local search, I'm surprised this isn't already available.

    | TheCTC

  • Hi All, I have Moz Pro and I am beginning to explore Moz Analytics. I currently use Google Analytics for pretty much everything and I am almost at expert level at using the GA interface so I'm ready to learn a new tool and have a second source of data! My question is: what's the best way to get the most of Moz Analytics and GA congruently? Off hand I know that Moz's keyword, rank, and link data, including competitive insights, is more comprehensive than GA. But how else can I use Moz and get the most out of the Moz Analytics? Looking to really dive in and discuss how we can make use of both! Thanks - Vee

    | Symmetri

  • On safari, when I click on "login" from, I quickly get a message saying safari can't open the page because of too many redirects. Firefox works fine. What gives?

    | Multiverse-Media-Group

  • After complete the jobs of keywords, it may worth to spend more time for building up more backlinks to enhance the SEO, so do you have any suggestion about which kind of backlink is best to build? as I know now, the backlinks are classified to be: 1. profile article,  2. book mark, 3. signature, 4. wiki article,  5. blog comment etc.  I am very new for SEO, so it's welcome to give me any suggestion or comment for my opinion as above. Thanks a lot! -John.

    | Steplead

  • Title Tag Question Short title tag is more useful so if we just use our targeted keyword in home page title then is it useful.? for example my website: i am targeting lawsuit loans keyword so if i use <title>TNF - Lawsuit Loans | Lawsuit Funding</title> is batter to use for main page or <title>Lawsuit Loans | Lawsuit Funding | As Low As 1% | PreSettlement Funding</title> can we have to use main targeting keyword on all webpage title tag ? my website have 200+ page and i have to use different title tag for that pages including targated keyword so if i am targeting lawsuit loans in that title, what is best to divide title pipe, hyphen or comma ? does capitalization in title tag wrong effect ? Lawsuit Loans - As low as 1% Lawsuit Loans | As low as 1% Lawsuit Loans, As low as 1% (or i have to use smaller cash in title) for all different page i want to place this kind of title is it best for SEO purpose Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Fargo Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Escondido Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Erie Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Flint Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Fort Wayne Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Fresno Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Gainesville Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Grand Rapids Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Gilbert Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Gresham Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans High Point Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Hialeah Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Huntsville if i am using this kind of different title for all page then it can effective for SEO or it will be come in keyword stuffing Meta Tag Description can we add meta tag description like this i mean targeted keyword before the description start, is it useful or not? important Meta tags please visit my and inform me what are the important meta tags, so i can remove other tags Link Building Question i want to get rank in google for so have to build backlinks with lawsuit loans alt tag but main question is this have to build or gain backlinks for this domain only or one of my website sub domain‎ on page #6 so have to build backlink for this URL ??? what are the effective strategy to gain backlinks for main page or all sub pages have to build backlinks ?? how many backlink per keyword & page is good for website. URL i have to use targeted keyword on all sub page domain or not for example now i am using url like this format fundingtype.html litigation-funding.html legal-funding.html financingservices.html process.html and if i re-write all url with targated keyword like this format lawsuit-loans-fundingtype.html lawsuit-loans-litigation-funding.html lawsuit-loans-legal-funding.html lawsuit-loans-financingservices.html lawsuit-loans-process.html so which type URL are more effective for best SEO ??

    | JulieWhite

  • Hi, I've got quite few 404 error links on my site and I manually redirected all of them one by one with 301. They are redirecting successfully. But when I check my MOZ analysis, it still shows me as 404 error. I've done this about 4 days ago and MOZ crawled to my site couple times after that if it's not everyday. Do you know what the issue could be? And how can I fix it? PS: I've used Wordpress Redirection tool for it first and redirection did not work. Then I had to install the Simple 301 Redirects plugin to get it done.

    | nunobaronio

  • Hi The company i work for are in the middle of relaunching our product, so during this time we have not been generating much traffic to the site. We are still getting about 800 SEO visits a month, however, as we aren't doing email marketing our site traffic overall has dropped. I have noticed that since October or MozTrust and Domain Authority seems to be dropping. Our DA was at 18 then in the space of a few weeks has dropped to 10. Our Moztrust was at about 3 and now is at 0. Our links to the site seems to be disappearing to according to Moz, however other back linking website are saying they are still there. Could someone maybe shed some light on what i may have done wrong to lose these two things and so quickly. This all happened mid to late October. During the Hummingbird release we were fine! We have also just updated out website with lots of new content. In fact increased it 4x. There are great internal links throughout the site. Thank you

    | Smartloan

  • Hi I have two sites under one account in GA. The two sites have the same UA code but with different suffixes (-1 and -2). I want SEOMoz to only track the -2 site but I am unable to enter the UA code directly. Is there a way to do this, or do I need to set-up a new account in GA? Any help appreciated. Chris

    | chris.elevate

  • Hello, Since last tuesday there has been no data in Moz anymore. The error code for the homepage says: '608 : Page not decodable as specified Content-Encoding:' I checked this list but it doesn't tell me more.
    Hopefully anyone can help me. Thanks, Marcel

    | MarcelMoz

  • I want to brainstorm different keywords, look for high search volumes, and low competition. Then I want to create landing page, rank them using seo techniques, and collect optin email addresses so I can communicate with interested users and build helpful products. With all the moz tools available to us, how can I accomplish the above mentioned goal? Have you done some thing similar? What are your experiences? Am I talking pie in the sky? Are there any practical examples where all these steps were executed? Thanks

    | zsyed

  • Once I have run my report and the duplicate content pages come up, is there a way to find out which pages have the duplicate content on them? I have one URL but where can I find the duplicate content that corresponds to it? Thanks Barry

    | MrBarrytg

  • Hi Guys My website's domain authority is 1 no matter i try www or non www.. why is that? can you guys please help? Thanks a lot in advance. Jazz

    | JazzJack

  • Hi Guys, Im a Web developer (Front end and back end). Ive been learning SEO tips and tricks for the last 2 years but didn't have courage to apply them to any of my clients because of lack of confidence. I say lack of confidence because I never had a SEO Guru teaching me the "Proper" way to do SEO and see ranks change OR how to really take the first step when it comes to a SEO Project, so I didnt know how to even see if my work is paying off. Now I got this client who is a Vehicle Importer in Melbourne, and he imports cars from Japan. Im charging him $200/month for 12 months to improve SEO and cut down his competition and get his site on Google. But I have no idea where to start. His site has a blog setup already and its pretty good structure wise. I have done the On page optimizations and sitemaps etc etc, but not sure what to do next like to build links ?? or do off page optimizations,  or do keyword research or really get the site on Google without any bull****?? Can you guys please please show me how to start a SEO project and how to actually use the new Moz to his best use? Thanks a lot for helping me. Regards

    | JazzJack

  • Is there a way to check my Yandex ranking with SEOMoz? If not, is there another tool you can recommend? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • I want to create effective backlinks and promote websites with having only 8-15 pages with very poor/basic content. Where client is unable to provide content, increase number of pages etc. So kindly suggest..

    | 1akal

  • I want the authoritative  Local(US) directories, articles, classified submission list in which we can submit my clients website.

    | 1akal

  • Is there another metric (or metrics) that is similar to the Moz Domain Authority that doesn't fluctuate as much? I've been reporting it on a monthly basis for about a year, but lately it seems like it's been going up and down every few weeks.

    | pbhatt

  • Hi, I don't get it...
    I've encountered the following infographic that seemed to do well: As you can see, the page has thousands of social shares from Tweets to Facebook and obviously Pinterest. However, when I placed this page on Open Site Explorer (click to view) I see only 9 external links and page authority of 28/100. And this seems to me like a successful infographic. Any explanations? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • I want to audit websites in few minutes/ hours (tools/ free tools, technics). Reports should be authentic and provide full site health report i.e.404 errors, duplicate page content/title, missing meta tags etc.  Kindly suggest.

    | 1akal

  • Hi, looking at the "Open Site Explorer" I see : | Times Shared on Facebook: | 12 | 25 | 7 | 8 | -- |
    | Facebook Likes | 0 | 4 | 5 | 9 | -- | But what is the differencebetween Times Shared on Facebook and Facebook Likes??

    | KJMM

  • So, I see that Moz is using Highcharts as it's charting display engine. What made you decide to use them instead of some of the other solutions out there, like FusionCharts or Google Charts, even creating your own home-made creation? 
    Our company is starting over from scratch with reports/charts and are looking at other solutions than what we currently are using (fusioncharts/fusion widgets). And I wanted to get feedback on why you chose this route over any other. Thanks!!

    | MrSchadow

  • Beta version has been out for awhile. Curious to know what people think of Moz Analytics. Personally, I'm having a hard time making the switch from Pro to Moz Analytics because I'm so used to the navigation and layout of Pro. What does everyone else think of the new Moz Analytics? Advantages? Disadvantages?

    | EEE3

  • Hi! Newbie here... 🙂 On my Moz report and I have been told that my social sites are not lining up with my webpage.  Any tips on getting this done? Also on my Moz Analytic report, I've added my social sites but only facebook is coming up... Any tips would be appreciated!!! Thanks!

    | fullerton

  • Last Friday (Penguin 5/2.1) my website shot way off the grid and I noticed in my MOZ PRO Campaign dashboard that all of the following just doubled in numbers on my website: duplicate page content, Google indexing, and rel canonicals. I also noticed that some of my pages, images, tags and categories now added a /page/2/ or a -2. I just changed noindex for tags, but indexing for media, pages, posts, and categories. I'm currently using All In One SEO for a plugin. Any advice would be much appreciated as I'm stuck on the issue. relconical.png Duplicate-Page-Content.png [Duplicate Content II](Duplicate Content II) index1.png

    | CelebrityPersonalTrainer

  • I try to download a historic ranking report and it only comes up with "in progress". I left the window open all day, but no ranking report is generated or sent. How can we download this report? Many thanks, Pete

    | PeteW

  • I'm enjoying seeing my reports filter in for my campaigns.  One of the things that I am noticing is that there are many keywords that I have top ten rankings for, but 3rd or 4th page on Bing and Yahoo. I know most traffic comes from Google, but I'm wondering if I should put some effort into optimizing for Bing and Yahoo.  Any tips on how to make my site more attractive to these search engines?

    | MarieHaynes

  • I got eight 404 errors with the Seomoz crawl, but the report does not says where the 404 page is linked from (like it does for dup content), or I'm I missing something? Thanks

    | PaddyDisplays

  • Hi Mozzers, One of my clients have suffered from a sudden ranking loss that started beginning of August. A little background: My client is a big cleaning company that has many franchises nationwide and had very good rankings for the past few months. Generally the busiest time of the year is summer and the 4th quarter is the slowest. Organic Traffic generally drops by 5 to 10% between Q3 and Q4 of each year. 2 things have caught my attention while investigating these ranking losses The latest recent Update from the moz index evaluated the website's DA of 48 when in the summer we had a DA of 56. Never seen such a drop before!! My first question is how accurate is the moz index? How can I make sure this data is accurate? I am very surprised because we have been working hard on getting good quality links for the past year and a half. If the DA is accurate then that could explain the ranking loss Google updating its search engine to the Hummingbird version. Do you guys think this has anything to do with the drop in rankings? The content on the website is not the best but is fairly decent. I am still not sure how the ranking drop could be related to Hummingbird? I have also checked webmaster tools to see if I got hit somehow by penguin and it seems fine. Thanks mozzers

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • I like SEO ultimate and use the rel=canonicalizer has anyone come into problems with it... ps I still cant get my head around canonical tags!

    | Agentmorris

  • Is there any free tool to get site audit report of website in few minutes?

    | 1akal

  • Every time the moz logs me out from the account and then I can not log in. It shows on the left side my name like I am logged in and then when I want go to community suddenly I am not logged in. It offen shows 502 error. It was first doing on firefox, then I manage to log in chrome and now I had to log in private browsing.

    | Rebeca1

  • Here's the deal. I keep track of my keyword rankings with the help of Rank Tracker from for the most part. I ran it on a daily basis and my keyword was not in top 100 for a few months. panel shows pretty much the same (not in top 50) for the same months. That said, if I check that keyword ranking in my Google Webmaster Tools (avg. position) it says that its position (ranking?) was on average: 49, 7, 7, 8 (for the last four months). So, I'm not sure how it's even possible? How come Rank Tracker and Moz don't see any rankings and Google gives me sorta decent avg. positions at the same time. I assume that avg. postion means that same as avg. ranking, right? I'm not sure what I'm missing here.

    | VinceWicks

  • Our most recent MOZ crawl campaign is reporting 931 duplicate page title errors, most of which are "Product Review" pages like the following. Although there is only one review on this page,, MOZ is reporting 15 duplicate page title, four of which I present below. Why is MOZ reporting these "pages" as duplicate page title errors? Are these errors hurting our SEO? How to fix?

    | lbohen

  • Good afternoon, I relay hope someone can help me out with this report In link analysis I have viewed inbound links where I see many links linking to our site but among them I see also many times our site listed with various anchor text. How is this possible. Our site is linking to our site or what? It realy does not make sense to me. Can somebody explain me this please?

    | Rebeca1

  • We have recently upgraded our Wordpress site to detect your local city and redirect to the proper location.  Previously we had independent sites - for example, is now We've setup 301 redirects on all of the old site home pages.  Now we have two issues: Moz will no longer crawl our domain.  For two weeks now our campaign shows only four pages crawled None of our home pages show up in Google any longer for organic searches.  We previously always ranked #1 for "styleblueprint" or "style blueprint" Does our new auto redirect mess things up?  Or is this just a function of time until Google "learns" how to index our new site? All thoughts appreciated.  Thanks in advance, Jay

    | SSBCI

  • Hi, I am new in moz. I just wonder why on pro it shows that our domain is rank no 9 on google US. but when I check myself on, it shows on page 2. No 4. What should I do to increase my real rank so that I can go to page 1 Top 3? Thanks,

    | laysander

  • Hi At the moment I am doing this manually through Moz by going to the keyword and seeing what urls are ranking for it. I was just wondering whether I am missing a trick on moz or any other programs that would send me an alert every time a page that is ranking suddenly drops out? Thanks in advance.

    | RedAntSolutions

  • After crawl I saw that dup content came from and I was going to redirect one of them but im curious which way to go.  The /index.php has domain auth of 19, the other 17, so not big difference. has 2 external linking domains and index.php has 1. The big difference is in the internal link counts where index.php has 76 and the other only 4.  So should I direct index.php to / or the other way around?

    | satoridesign

  • For the SEOMoz campaign tool, how do you manage / delete / export keywords in bulk?  We have several hundred keywords and need to delete some efficiently from a campaign. I see how you can delete words from one page of the list, but is there a way to combine the keywords with ranking or traffic data to stack-rank, and than delete the "least valuable"?  Tough to manage in bulk

    | sftravel

  • I am in search of a tool that provides me links generating from my site to another site. Is there a software or tool that can scan the whole site and provide me what are the links of other sites in my site.

    | csfarnsworth

  • I can't find the old pro perks section. Seems like a lot of the site is still in transition, including the partners page. Thanks

    | CAndrew14.

  • I want to delete a website/campaign and add another site how can i do this?

    | IsaacWendt

  • Hi, can I use SEO research techniques to identify what kind of services businesses are searching for? Is it possible to find out pain points? I have been using tool like MicroNicheFinder to do such a research but I am not getting any where. Is SEO only used to outrank my competition? Do I need to first know what business I need to be in and then use SEO techniques to research the demand? Do I make sense? You can tell that I am very new at the internet marketing thing. Please let me know. Thanks.

    | zsyed

  • In crawl report from moz I have noticed in link analysis report that one of the links has http status 1. There are also links which has 9 and there is also a link which has no number but -- Can somebody please enplane what it stand for? Thank you very much Iris

    | Rebeca1

  • Hello, I am new to the forum. Can anyone tell me if the recent Hummingbird Changes have effected the accuracy of MOZ? Specifically, keyword comparison of competition. Thanks, Derek

    | Chris8198

  • Hey Guys! What is an 'email outreach program' and where can i go to find steps to create one myself? Thanks 😉

    | StoryScout

  • I am in the process of doing a redesign for one of my sites. I need an interlinking report for my site. Is there a report in Moz or another application that tell me how all of my pages are linked to other pages on my site?

    | seoflorida

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